1 //===-- SequenceToOffsetTable.h - Compress similar sequences ----*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // SequenceToOffsetTable can be used to emit a number of null-terminated
10 // sequences as one big array.  Use the same memory when a sequence is a suffix
11 // of another.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <cctype>
23 #include <functional>
24 #include <map>
26 namespace llvm {
27 extern llvm::cl::opt<bool> EmitLongStrLiterals;
29 // Helper function for SequenceToOffsetTable<string>.
30 static inline void printStrLitEscChar(raw_ostream &OS, char C) {
31   const char *Escapes[] = {
32       "\\000", "\\001", "\\002", "\\003", "\\004", "\\005", "\\006", "\\007",
33       "\\010", "\\t",   "\\n",   "\\013", "\\014", "\\r",   "\\016", "\\017",
34       "\\020", "\\021", "\\022", "\\023", "\\024", "\\025", "\\026", "\\027",
35       "\\030", "\\031", "\\032", "\\033", "\\034", "\\035", "\\036", "\\037",
36       " ",     "!",     "\\\"",  "#",     "$",     "%",     "&",     "'",
37       "(",     ")",     "*",     "+",     ",",     "-",     ".",     "/",
38       "0",     "1",     "2",     "3",     "4",     "5",     "6",     "7",
39       "8",     "9",     ":",     ";",     "<",     "=",     ">",     "?",
40       "@",     "A",     "B",     "C",     "D",     "E",     "F",     "G",
41       "H",     "I",     "J",     "K",     "L",     "M",     "N",     "O",
42       "P",     "Q",     "R",     "S",     "T",     "U",     "V",     "W",
43       "X",     "Y",     "Z",     "[",     "\\\\",  "]",     "^",     "_",
44       "`",     "a",     "b",     "c",     "d",     "e",     "f",     "g",
45       "h",     "i",     "j",     "k",     "l",     "m",     "n",     "o",
46       "p",     "q",     "r",     "s",     "t",     "u",     "v",     "w",
47       "x",     "y",     "z",     "{",     "|",     "}",     "~",     "\\177",
48       "\\200", "\\201", "\\202", "\\203", "\\204", "\\205", "\\206", "\\207",
49       "\\210", "\\211", "\\212", "\\213", "\\214", "\\215", "\\216", "\\217",
50       "\\220", "\\221", "\\222", "\\223", "\\224", "\\225", "\\226", "\\227",
51       "\\230", "\\231", "\\232", "\\233", "\\234", "\\235", "\\236", "\\237",
52       "\\240", "\\241", "\\242", "\\243", "\\244", "\\245", "\\246", "\\247",
53       "\\250", "\\251", "\\252", "\\253", "\\254", "\\255", "\\256", "\\257",
54       "\\260", "\\261", "\\262", "\\263", "\\264", "\\265", "\\266", "\\267",
55       "\\270", "\\271", "\\272", "\\273", "\\274", "\\275", "\\276", "\\277",
56       "\\300", "\\301", "\\302", "\\303", "\\304", "\\305", "\\306", "\\307",
57       "\\310", "\\311", "\\312", "\\313", "\\314", "\\315", "\\316", "\\317",
58       "\\320", "\\321", "\\322", "\\323", "\\324", "\\325", "\\326", "\\327",
59       "\\330", "\\331", "\\332", "\\333", "\\334", "\\335", "\\336", "\\337",
60       "\\340", "\\341", "\\342", "\\343", "\\344", "\\345", "\\346", "\\347",
61       "\\350", "\\351", "\\352", "\\353", "\\354", "\\355", "\\356", "\\357",
62       "\\360", "\\361", "\\362", "\\363", "\\364", "\\365", "\\366", "\\367",
63       "\\370", "\\371", "\\372", "\\373", "\\374", "\\375", "\\376", "\\377"};
65   static_assert(sizeof Escapes / sizeof Escapes[0] ==
66                     std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max() + 1,
67                 "unsupported character type");
68   OS << Escapes[static_cast<unsigned char>(C)];
69 }
71 static inline void printChar(raw_ostream &OS, char C) {
72   unsigned char UC(C);
73   if (isalnum(UC) || ispunct(UC)) {
74     OS << '\'';
75     if (C == '\\' || C == '\'')
76       OS << '\\';
77     OS << C << '\'';
78   } else {
79     OS << unsigned(UC);
80   }
81 }
83 /// SequenceToOffsetTable - Collect a number of terminated sequences of T.
84 /// Compute the layout of a table that contains all the sequences, possibly by
85 /// reusing entries.
86 ///
87 /// @tparam SeqT The sequence container. (vector or string).
88 /// @tparam Less A stable comparator for SeqT elements.
89 template<typename SeqT, typename Less = std::less<typename SeqT::value_type> >
90 class SequenceToOffsetTable {
91   typedef typename SeqT::value_type ElemT;
93   // Define a comparator for SeqT that sorts a suffix immediately before a
94   // sequence with that suffix.
95   struct SeqLess {
96     Less L;
97     bool operator()(const SeqT &A, const SeqT &B) const {
98       return std::lexicographical_compare(A.rbegin(), A.rend(),
99                                           B.rbegin(), B.rend(), L);
100     }
101   };
103   // Keep sequences ordered according to SeqLess so suffixes are easy to find.
104   // Map each sequence to its offset in the table.
105   typedef std::map<SeqT, unsigned, SeqLess> SeqMap;
107   // Sequences added so far, with suffixes removed.
108   SeqMap Seqs;
110   // Entries in the final table, or 0 before layout was called.
111   unsigned Entries;
113   // isSuffix - Returns true if A is a suffix of B.
114   static bool isSuffix(const SeqT &A, const SeqT &B) {
115     return A.size() <= B.size() && std::equal(A.rbegin(), A.rend(), B.rbegin());
116   }
118 public:
119   SequenceToOffsetTable() : Entries(0) {}
121   /// add - Add a sequence to the table.
122   /// This must be called before layout().
123   void add(const SeqT &Seq) {
124     assert(Entries == 0 && "Cannot call add() after layout()");
125     typename SeqMap::iterator I = Seqs.lower_bound(Seq);
127     // If SeqMap contains a sequence that has Seq as a suffix, I will be
128     // pointing to it.
129     if (I != Seqs.end() && isSuffix(Seq, I->first))
130       return;
132     I = Seqs.insert(I, std::make_pair(Seq, 0u));
134     // The entry before I may be a suffix of Seq that can now be erased.
135     if (I != Seqs.begin() && isSuffix((--I)->first, Seq))
136       Seqs.erase(I);
137   }
139   bool empty() const { return Seqs.empty(); }
141   unsigned size() const {
142     assert((empty() || Entries) && "Call layout() before size()");
143     return Entries;
144   }
146   /// layout - Computes the final table layout.
147   void layout() {
148     assert(Entries == 0 && "Can only call layout() once");
149     // Lay out the table in Seqs iteration order.
150     for (typename SeqMap::iterator I = Seqs.begin(), E = Seqs.end(); I != E;
151          ++I) {
152       I->second = Entries;
153       // Include space for a terminator.
154       Entries += I->first.size() + 1;
155     }
156   }
158   /// get - Returns the offset of Seq in the final table.
159   unsigned get(const SeqT &Seq) const {
160     assert(Entries && "Call layout() before get()");
161     typename SeqMap::const_iterator I = Seqs.lower_bound(Seq);
162     assert(I != Seqs.end() && isSuffix(Seq, I->first) &&
163            "get() called with sequence that wasn't added first");
164     return I->second + (I->first.size() - Seq.size());
165   }
167   /// `emitStringLiteralDef` - Print out the table as the body of an array
168   /// initializer, where each element is a C string literal terminated by
169   /// `\0`. Falls back to emitting a comma-separated integer list if
170   /// `EmitLongStrLiterals` is false
171   void emitStringLiteralDef(raw_ostream &OS, const llvm::Twine &Decl) const {
172     assert(Entries && "Call layout() before emitStringLiteralDef()");
173     if (EmitLongStrLiterals) {
174       OS << "\n#ifdef __GNUC__\n"
175          << "#pragma GCC diagnostic push\n"
176          << "#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Woverlength-strings\"\n"
177          << "#endif\n"
178          << Decl << " = {\n";
179     } else {
180       OS << Decl << " = {\n";
181       emit(OS, printChar, "0");
182       OS << "\n};\n\n";
183       return;
184     }
185     for (auto I : Seqs) {
186       OS << "  /* " << I.second << " */ \"";
187       for (auto C : I.first) {
188         printStrLitEscChar(OS, C);
189       }
190       OS << "\\0\"\n";
191     }
192     OS << "};\n"
193        << "#ifdef __GNUC__\n"
194        << "#pragma GCC diagnostic pop\n"
195        << "#endif\n\n";
196   }
198   /// emit - Print out the table as the body of an array initializer.
199   /// Use the Print function to print elements.
200   void emit(raw_ostream &OS,
201             void (*Print)(raw_ostream&, ElemT),
202             const char *Term = "0") const {
203     assert((empty() || Entries) && "Call layout() before emit()");
204     for (typename SeqMap::const_iterator I = Seqs.begin(), E = Seqs.end();
205          I != E; ++I) {
206       OS << "  /* " << I->second << " */ ";
207       for (typename SeqT::const_iterator SI = I->first.begin(),
208              SE = I->first.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {
209         Print(OS, *SI);
210         OS << ", ";
211       }
212       OS << Term << ",\n";
213     }
214   }
215 };
217 } // end namespace llvm
219 #endif