xref: /freebsd/contrib/one-true-awk/testdir/T.func (revision 23f24377)
1*23f24377SWarner Loshecho T.func: test user-defined functions
2*23f24377SWarner Losh
3*23f24377SWarner Loshawk=${awk-../a.out}
4*23f24377SWarner Losh
5*23f24377SWarner Loshecho '10 2
6*23f24377SWarner Losh2 10
7*23f24377SWarner Losh10 10
8*23f24377SWarner Losh10 1e1
9*23f24377SWarner Losh1e1 9' | $awk '
10*23f24377SWarner Losh# tests whether function returns sensible type bits
11*23f24377SWarner Losh
12*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction assert(cond) { # assertion
13*23f24377SWarner Losh    if (cond) print 1; else print 0
14*23f24377SWarner Losh}
15*23f24377SWarner Losh
16*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction i(x) { return x }
17*23f24377SWarner Losh
18*23f24377SWarner Losh{ m=$1; n=i($2); assert(m>n) }
19*23f24377SWarner Losh' >foo1
20*23f24377SWarner Loshecho '1
21*23f24377SWarner Losh0
22*23f24377SWarner Losh0
23*23f24377SWarner Losh0
24*23f24377SWarner Losh1' >foo2
25*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (function return type)'
26*23f24377SWarner Losh
27*23f24377SWarner Loshecho 'data: data' >foo1
28*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
29*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction test1(array) { array["test"] = "data" }
30*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction test2(array) { return(array["test"]) }
31*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN { test1(foo); print "data: " test2(foo) }
32*23f24377SWarner Losh' >foo2
33*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (array type)'
34*23f24377SWarner Losh
35*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
36*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN	{ code() }
37*23f24377SWarner LoshEND	{ codeout("x") }
38*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction code() { ; }
39*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction codeout(ex) { print ex }
40*23f24377SWarner Losh' /dev/null >foo1
41*23f24377SWarner Loshecho x >foo2
42*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (argument passing)'
43*23f24377SWarner Losh
44*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
45*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN { unireghf() }
46*23f24377SWarner Losh
47*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction unireghf(hfeed) {
48*23f24377SWarner Losh	hfeed[1]=0
49*23f24377SWarner Losh	rcell("foo",hfeed)
50*23f24377SWarner Losh	hfeed[1]=0
51*23f24377SWarner Losh	rcell("bar",hfeed)
52*23f24377SWarner Losh}
53*23f24377SWarner Losh
54*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction rcell(cellname,hfeed) {
55*23f24377SWarner Losh	print cellname
56*23f24377SWarner Losh}
57*23f24377SWarner Losh' >foo1
58*23f24377SWarner Loshecho "foo
59*23f24377SWarner Loshbar" >foo2
60*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (convert arg to array)'
61*23f24377SWarner Losh
62*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
63*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction f(n) {
64*23f24377SWarner Losh	if (n <= 1)
65*23f24377SWarner Losh		return 1
66*23f24377SWarner Losh	else
67*23f24377SWarner Losh		return n * f(n-1)
68*23f24377SWarner Losh}
69*23f24377SWarner Losh{ print f($1) }
70*23f24377SWarner Losh' <<! >foo2
71*23f24377SWarner Losh0
72*23f24377SWarner Losh1
73*23f24377SWarner Losh2
74*23f24377SWarner Losh3
75*23f24377SWarner Losh4
76*23f24377SWarner Losh5
77*23f24377SWarner Losh6
78*23f24377SWarner Losh7
79*23f24377SWarner Losh8
80*23f24377SWarner Losh9
81*23f24377SWarner Losh!
82*23f24377SWarner Loshcat <<! >foo1
83*23f24377SWarner Losh1
84*23f24377SWarner Losh1
85*23f24377SWarner Losh2
86*23f24377SWarner Losh6
87*23f24377SWarner Losh24
88*23f24377SWarner Losh120
89*23f24377SWarner Losh720
90*23f24377SWarner Losh5040
91*23f24377SWarner Losh40320
92*23f24377SWarner Losh362880
93*23f24377SWarner Losh!
94*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (factorial)'
95*23f24377SWarner Losh
96*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
97*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction ack(m,n) {
98*23f24377SWarner Losh	k = k+1
99*23f24377SWarner Losh	if (m == 0) return n+1
100*23f24377SWarner Losh	if (n == 0) return ack(m-1, 1)
101*23f24377SWarner Losh	return ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))
102*23f24377SWarner Losh}
103*23f24377SWarner Losh{ k = 0; print ack($1,$2), "(" k " calls)" }
104*23f24377SWarner Losh' <<! >foo2
105*23f24377SWarner Losh0 0
106*23f24377SWarner Losh1 1
107*23f24377SWarner Losh2 2
108*23f24377SWarner Losh3 3
109*23f24377SWarner Losh3 4
110*23f24377SWarner Losh3 5
111*23f24377SWarner Losh!
112*23f24377SWarner Loshcat <<! >foo1
113*23f24377SWarner Losh1 (1 calls)
114*23f24377SWarner Losh3 (4 calls)
115*23f24377SWarner Losh7 (27 calls)
116*23f24377SWarner Losh61 (2432 calls)
117*23f24377SWarner Losh125 (10307 calls)
118*23f24377SWarner Losh253 (42438 calls)
119*23f24377SWarner Losh!
120*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (ackermann)'
121*23f24377SWarner Losh
122*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
123*23f24377SWarner LoshEND { print "end" }
124*23f24377SWarner Losh{ print fib($1) }
125*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction fib(n) {
126*23f24377SWarner Losh	if (n <= 1) return 1
127*23f24377SWarner Losh	else return add(fib(n-1), fib(n-2))
128*23f24377SWarner Losh}
129*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction add(m,n) { return m+n }
130*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN { print "begin" }
131*23f24377SWarner Losh' <<! >foo2
132*23f24377SWarner Losh1
133*23f24377SWarner Losh3
134*23f24377SWarner Losh5
135*23f24377SWarner Losh10
136*23f24377SWarner Losh!
137*23f24377SWarner Loshcat <<! >foo1
138*23f24377SWarner Loshbegin
139*23f24377SWarner Losh1
140*23f24377SWarner Losh3
141*23f24377SWarner Losh8
142*23f24377SWarner Losh89
143*23f24377SWarner Loshend
144*23f24377SWarner Losh!
145*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (fib)'
146*23f24377SWarner Losh
147*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
148*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction foo() {
149*23f24377SWarner Losh	for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
150*23f24377SWarner Losh		return 3
151*23f24377SWarner Losh	print "should not see this"
152*23f24377SWarner Losh}
153*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN { foo(); exit }
154*23f24377SWarner Losh' >foo1
155*23f24377SWarner Loshgrep 'should not' foo1 && echo 'BAD: T.func (return)'
156*23f24377SWarner Losh
157*23f24377SWarner Losh# this exercises multiple free of temp cells
158*23f24377SWarner Loshecho 'eqn
159*23f24377SWarner Losheqn2' >foo1
160*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk 'BEGIN 	{ eprocess("eqn", "x", contig)
161*23f24377SWarner Losh	  process("tbl" )
162*23f24377SWarner Losh	  eprocess("eqn" "2", "x", contig)
163*23f24377SWarner Losh	}
164*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction eprocess(file, first, contig) {
165*23f24377SWarner Losh	print file
166*23f24377SWarner Losh}
167*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction process(file) {
168*23f24377SWarner Losh	close(file)
169*23f24377SWarner Losh}' >foo2
170*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (eqn)'
171*23f24377SWarner Losh
172*23f24377SWarner Loshecho 1 >foo1
173*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk 'function f() { n = 1; exit }
174*23f24377SWarner Losh	BEGIN { n = 0; f(); n = 2 }; END { print n}' >foo2
175*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (exit in function)'
176*23f24377SWarner Losh
177*23f24377SWarner Loshecho 1 >foo1
178*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
179*23f24377SWarner LoshBEGIN {	n = 10
180*23f24377SWarner Losh	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
181*23f24377SWarner Losh	for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
182*23f24377SWarner Losh		x[i,j] = n * i + j
183*23f24377SWarner Losh	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
184*23f24377SWarner Losh	for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
185*23f24377SWarner Losh		if ((i,j) in x)
186*23f24377SWarner Losh			k++
187*23f24377SWarner Losh	print (k == n^2)
188*23f24377SWarner Losh      }
189*23f24377SWarner Losh' >foo2
190*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (multi-dim subscript)'
191*23f24377SWarner Losh
192*23f24377SWarner Loshecho '<> 0' >foo1
193*23f24377SWarner Losh$awk '
194*23f24377SWarner Loshfunction foo() { i = 0 }
195*23f24377SWarner Losh        BEGIN { x = foo(); printf "<%s> %d\n", x, x }' >foo2
196*23f24377SWarner Loshdiff foo1 foo2 || echo 'BAD: T.func (fall off end)'