1*e0c4386eSCy Schubert## -*- mode: perl; -*-
2*e0c4386eSCy Schubert
3*e0c4386eSCy Schubert# OpenVMS cross compilation of x86_64 binaries on Itanium.  This doesn't
4*e0c4386eSCy Schubert# fit the usual cross compilation parameters that are used on Unixly machines
5*e0c4386eSCy Schubert
6*e0c4386eSCy Schubert(
7*e0c4386eSCy Schubert 'vms-x86_64-cross-ia64' => {
8*e0c4386eSCy Schubert     inherit_from   => [ 'vms-generic' ],
9*e0c4386eSCy Schubert     CC             => 'XCC',
10*e0c4386eSCy Schubert     bn_ops         => 'SIXTY_FOUR_BIT',
11*e0c4386eSCy Schubert     pointer_size   => '',
12*e0c4386eSCy Schubert     setup_commands => [ '@SYS$MANAGER:X86_XTOOLS$SYLOGIN.COM' ],
13*e0c4386eSCy Schubert }
14*e0c4386eSCy Schubert);