xref: /freebsd/libexec/bootpd/getether.c (revision e08ac58b)
1 /*
2  * getether.c : get the ethernet address of an interface
3  *
4  * All of this code is quite system-specific.  As you may well
5  * guess, it took a good bit of detective work to figure out!
6  *
7  * If you figure out how to do this on another system,
8  * please let me know.  <gwr@mc.com>
9  */
11 #include <sys/types.h>
12 #include <sys/socket.h>
14 #ifndef	NO_UNISTD
15 #include <unistd.h>
16 #endif
18 #include <ctype.h>
19 #include <syslog.h>
21 #include "getether.h"
22 #include "report.h"
23 #define EALEN 6
25 #if defined(ultrix) || (defined(__osf__) && defined(__alpha))
26 /*
27  * This is really easy on Ultrix!  Thanks to
28  * Harald Lundberg <hl@tekla.fi> for this code.
29  *
30  * The code here is not specific to the Alpha, but that was the
31  * only symbol we could find to identify DEC's version of OSF.
32  * (Perhaps we should just define DEC in the Makefile... -gwr)
33  */
35 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
36 #include <net/if.h>				/* struct ifdevea */
38 getether(ifname, eap)
39 	char *ifname, *eap;
40 {
41 	int rc = -1;
42 	int fd;
43 	struct ifdevea phys;
44 	bzero(&phys, sizeof(phys));
45 	strcpy(phys.ifr_name, ifname);
46 	if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
47 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: socket(INET,DGRAM) failed");
48 		return -1;
49 	}
50 	if (ioctl(fd, SIOCRPHYSADDR, &phys) < 0) {
51 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: ioctl SIOCRPHYSADDR failed");
52 	} else {
53 		bcopy(&phys.current_pa[0], eap, EALEN);
54 		rc = 0;
55 	}
56 	close(fd);
57 	return rc;
58 }
60 #define	GETETHER
61 #endif /* ultrix|osf1 */
64 #ifdef	SUNOS
66 #include <sys/sockio.h>
67 #include <sys/time.h>			/* needed by net_if.h */
68 #include <net/nit_if.h>			/* for NIOCBIND */
69 #include <net/if.h>				/* for struct ifreq */
71 getether(ifname, eap)
72 	char *ifname;				/* interface name from ifconfig structure */
73 	char *eap;					/* Ether address (output) */
74 {
75 	int rc = -1;
77 	struct ifreq ifrnit;
78 	int nit;
80 	bzero((char *) &ifrnit, sizeof(ifrnit));
81 	strncpy(&ifrnit.ifr_name[0], ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
83 	nit = open("/dev/nit", 0);
84 	if (nit < 0) {
85 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: open /dev/nit: %s",
86 			   get_errmsg());
87 		return rc;
88 	}
89 	do {
90 		if (ioctl(nit, NIOCBIND, &ifrnit) < 0) {
91 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: NIOCBIND on nit");
92 			break;
93 		}
94 		if (ioctl(nit, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifrnit) < 0) {
95 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: SIOCGIFADDR on nit");
96 			break;
97 		}
98 		bcopy(&ifrnit.ifr_addr.sa_data[0], eap, EALEN);
99 		rc = 0;
100 	} while (0);
101 	close(nit);
102 	return rc;
103 }
105 #define	GETETHER
106 #endif /* SUNOS */
109 #if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
110 /* Thanks to John Brezak <brezak@ch.hp.com> for this code. */
111 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
112 #include <net/if.h>
113 #include <net/if_dl.h>
114 #include <net/if_types.h>
116 getether(ifname, eap)
117 	char *ifname;				/* interface name from ifconfig structure */
118 	char *eap;					/* Ether address (output) */
119 {
120 	int fd, rc = -1;
121 	register int n;
122 	struct ifreq ibuf[16], ifr;
123 	struct ifconf ifc;
124 	register struct ifreq *ifrp, *ifend;
126 	/* Fetch the interface configuration */
127 	fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
128 	if (fd < 0) {
129 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: socket %s: %s", ifname, get_errmsg());
130 		return (fd);
131 	}
132 	ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(ibuf);
133 	ifc.ifc_buf = (caddr_t) ibuf;
134 	if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *) &ifc) < 0 ||
135 		ifc.ifc_len < sizeof(struct ifreq)) {
136 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: SIOCGIFCONF: %s", get_errmsg);
137 		goto out;
138 	}
139 	/* Search interface configuration list for link layer address. */
140 	ifrp = ibuf;
141 	ifend = (struct ifreq *) ((char *) ibuf + ifc.ifc_len);
142 	while (ifrp < ifend) {
143 		/* Look for interface */
144 		if (strcmp(ifname, ifrp->ifr_name) == 0 &&
145 			ifrp->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_LINK &&
146 		((struct sockaddr_dl *) &ifrp->ifr_addr)->sdl_type == IFT_ETHER) {
147 			bcopy(LLADDR((struct sockaddr_dl *) &ifrp->ifr_addr), eap, EALEN);
148 			rc = 0;
149 			break;
150 		}
151 		/* Bump interface config pointer */
152 		n = ifrp->ifr_addr.sa_len + sizeof(ifrp->ifr_name);
153 		if (n < sizeof(*ifrp))
154 			n = sizeof(*ifrp);
155 		ifrp = (struct ifreq *) ((char *) ifrp + n);
156 	}
158   out:
159 	close(fd);
160 	return (rc);
161 }
163 #define	GETETHER
164 #endif /* __NetBSD__ */
167 #ifdef	SVR4
168 /*
169  * This is for "Streams TCP/IP" by Lachman Associates.
170  * They sure made this cumbersome!  -gwr
171  */
173 #include <sys/sockio.h>
174 #include <sys/dlpi.h>
175 #include <stropts.h>
176 #include <string.h>
177 #ifndef NULL
178 #define NULL 0
179 #endif
181 int
182 getether(ifname, eap)
183 	char *ifname;				/* interface name from ifconfig structure */
184 	char *eap;					/* Ether address (output) */
185 {
186 	int rc = -1;
187 	char devname[32];
188 	char tmpbuf[sizeof(union DL_primitives) + 16];
189 	struct strbuf cbuf;
190 	int fd, flags;
191 	union DL_primitives *dlp;
192 	char *enaddr;
193 	int unit = -1;				/* which unit to attach */
195 	sprintf(devname, "/dev/%s", ifname);
196 	fd = open(devname, 2);
197 	if (fd < 0) {
198 		/* Try without the trailing digit. */
199 		char *p = devname + 5;
200 		while (isalpha(*p))
201 			p++;
202 		if (isdigit(*p)) {
203 			unit = *p - '0';
204 			*p = '\0';
205 		}
206 		fd = open(devname, 2);
207 		if (fd < 0) {
208 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: open %s: %s",
209 				   devname, get_errmsg());
210 			return rc;
211 		}
212 	}
213 #ifdef	DL_ATTACH_REQ
214 	/*
215 	 * If this is a "Style 2" DLPI, then we must "attach" first
216 	 * to tell the driver which unit (board, port) we want.
217 	 * For now, decide this based on the device name.
218 	 * (Should do "info_req" and check dl_provider_style ...)
219 	 */
220 	if (unit >= 0) {
221 		memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf));
222 		dlp = (union DL_primitives *) tmpbuf;
223 		dlp->dl_primitive = DL_ATTACH_REQ;
224 		dlp->attach_req.dl_ppa = unit;
225 		cbuf.buf = tmpbuf;
226 		cbuf.len = DL_ATTACH_REQ_SIZE;
227 		if (putmsg(fd, &cbuf, NULL, 0) < 0) {
228 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: attach: putmsg: %s", get_errmsg());
229 			goto out;
230 		}
231 		/* Recv the ack. */
232 		cbuf.buf = tmpbuf;
233 		cbuf.maxlen = sizeof(tmpbuf);
234 		flags = 0;
235 		if (getmsg(fd, &cbuf, NULL, &flags) < 0) {
236 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: attach: getmsg: %s", get_errmsg());
237 			goto out;
238 		}
239 		/*
240 		 * Check the type, etc.
241 		 */
242 		if (dlp->dl_primitive == DL_ERROR_ACK) {
243 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: attach: dlpi_errno=%d, unix_errno=%d",
244 				   dlp->error_ack.dl_errno,
245 				   dlp->error_ack.dl_unix_errno);
246 			goto out;
247 		}
248 		if (dlp->dl_primitive != DL_OK_ACK) {
249 			report(LOG_ERR, "getether: attach: not OK or ERROR");
250 			goto out;
251 		}
252 	} /* unit >= 0 */
253 #endif	/* DL_ATTACH_REQ */
255 	/*
256 	 * Get the Ethernet address the same way the ARP module
257 	 * does when it is pushed onto a new stream (bind).
258 	 * One should instead be able just do an dl_info_req
259 	 * but many drivers do not supply the hardware address
260 	 * in the response to dl_info_req (they MUST supply it
261 	 * for dl_bind_ack because the ARP module requires it).
262 	 */
263 	memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf));
264 	dlp = (union DL_primitives *) tmpbuf;
265 	dlp->dl_primitive = DL_BIND_REQ;
266 	dlp->bind_req.dl_sap = 0x8FF;	/* XXX - Unused SAP */
267 	cbuf.buf = tmpbuf;
268 	cbuf.len = DL_BIND_REQ_SIZE;
269 	if (putmsg(fd, &cbuf, NULL, 0) < 0) {
270 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: putmsg: %s", get_errmsg());
271 		goto out;
272 	}
273 	/* Recv the ack. */
274 	cbuf.buf = tmpbuf;
275 	cbuf.maxlen = sizeof(tmpbuf);
276 	flags = 0;
277 	if (getmsg(fd, &cbuf, NULL, &flags) < 0) {
278 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: getmsg: %s", get_errmsg());
279 		goto out;
280 	}
281 	/*
282 	 * Check the type, etc.
283 	 */
284 	if (dlp->dl_primitive == DL_ERROR_ACK) {
285 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: dlpi_errno=%d, unix_errno=%d",
286 			   dlp->error_ack.dl_errno,
287 			   dlp->error_ack.dl_unix_errno);
288 		goto out;
289 	}
290 	if (dlp->dl_primitive != DL_BIND_ACK) {
291 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: not OK or ERROR");
292 		goto out;
293 	}
294 	if (dlp->bind_ack.dl_addr_offset == 0) {
295 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: ack has no address");
296 		goto out;
297 	}
298 	if (dlp->bind_ack.dl_addr_length < EALEN) {
299 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: bind: ack address truncated");
300 		goto out;
301 	}
302 	/*
303 	 * Copy the Ethernet address out of the message.
304 	 */
305 	enaddr = tmpbuf + dlp->bind_ack.dl_addr_offset;
306 	memcpy(eap, enaddr, EALEN);
307 	rc = 0;
309   out:
310 	close(fd);
311 	return rc;
312 }
314 #define	GETETHER
315 #endif /* SVR4 */
318 #ifdef	__linux__
319 /*
320  * This is really easy on Linux!  This version (for linux)
321  * written by Nigel Metheringham <nigelm@ohm.york.ac.uk> and
322  * updated by Pauline Middelink <middelin@polyware.iaf.nl>
323  *
324  * The code is almost identical to the Ultrix code - however
325  * the names are different to confuse the innocent :-)
326  * Most of this code was stolen from the Ultrix bit above.
327  */
329 #include <memory.h>
330 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
331 #include <net/if.h>	       	/* struct ifreq */
332 #include <sys/socketio.h>	/* Needed for IOCTL defs */
334 int
335 getether(ifname, eap)
336 	char *ifname, *eap;
337 {
338 	int rc = -1;
339 	int fd;
340 	struct ifreq phys;
342 	memset(&phys, 0, sizeof(phys));
343 	strcpy(phys.ifr_name, ifname);
344 	if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
345 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: socket(INET,DGRAM) failed");
346 		return -1;
347 	}
348 	if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &phys) < 0) {
349 		report(LOG_ERR, "getether: ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR failed");
350 	} else {
351 		memcpy(eap, &phys.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, EALEN);
352 		rc = 0;
353 	}
354 	close(fd);
355 	return rc;
356 }
358 #define	GETETHER
359 #endif	/* __linux__ */
362 /* If we don't know how on this system, just return an error. */
363 #ifndef	GETETHER
364 int
365 getether(ifname, eap)
366 	char *ifname, *eap;
367 {
368 	return -1;
369 }
371 #endif /* !GETETHER */
373 /*
374  * Local Variables:
375  * tab-width: 4
376  * c-indent-level: 4
377  * c-argdecl-indent: 4
378  * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
379  * c-continued-brace-offset: -4
380  * c-label-offset: -4
381  * c-brace-offset: 0
382  * End:
383  */