1c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot%YAML 1.2
3c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot---
4c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/mmc/synopsys-dw-mshc-common.yaml#
5c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
6c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
7c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadottitle: Synopsys Designware Mobile Storage Host Controller Common Properties
8c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
9c66ec88fSEmmanuel VadotallOf:
10*cb7aa33aSEmmanuel Vadot  - $ref: mmc-controller.yaml#
11c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
12c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotmaintainers:
13c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  - Ulf Hansson <ulf.hansson@linaro.org>
14c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
15c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot# Everything else is described in the common file
16c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadotproperties:
17c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  resets:
18c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    maxItems: 1
19c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
20c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  reset-names:
21c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    const: reset
22c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
23c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  clock-frequency:
24c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    description:
25c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      Should be the frequency (in Hz) of the ciu clock.  If this
26c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      is specified and the ciu clock is specified then we'll try to set the ciu
27c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      clock to this at probe time.
28c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
29c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  fifo-depth:
30c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    description:
31c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      The maximum size of the tx/rx fifo's. If this property is not
32c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      specified, the default value of the fifo size is determined from the
33c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      controller registers.
34c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
35c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
36c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  card-detect-delay:
37c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    description:
38c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      Delay in milli-seconds before detecting card after card
39c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      insert event. The default value is 0.
40c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
41c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    default: 0
42c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
43c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  data-addr:
44c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    description:
45c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      Override fifo address with value provided by DT. The default FIFO reg
46c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      offset is assumed as 0x100 (version < 0x240A) and 0x200(version >= 0x240A)
47c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      by driver. If the controller does not follow this rule, please use
48c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      this property to set fifo address in device tree.
49c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
50c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
51c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  fifo-watermark-aligned:
52c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    description:
53c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      Data done irq is expected if data length is less than
54c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      watermark in PIO mode. But fifo watermark is requested to be aligned
55c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      with data length in some SoC so that TX/RX irq can be generated with
56c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      data done irq. Add this watermark quirk to mark this requirement and
57c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot      force fifo watermark setting accordingly.
58c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/flag
59c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
60c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  dmas:
61c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    maxItems: 1
62c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot
63c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot  dma-names:
64c66ec88fSEmmanuel Vadot    const: rx-tx
656be33864SEmmanuel Vadot
666be33864SEmmanuel VadotadditionalProperties: true