1*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/*
3*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot * Device Tree for the ARM Integrator/AP platform
4*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot */
5*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
6*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/dts-v1/;
7*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot#include "integrator.dtsi"
8*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
9*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
10*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
11*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/ {
12*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	model = "ARM Integrator/AP";
13*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	compatible = "arm,integrator-ap";
14*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
15*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	cpus {
16*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#address-cells = <1>;
17*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#size-cells = <0>;
18*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
19*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		cpu@0 {
20*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			device_type = "cpu";
21*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/*
22*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * Since the board has pluggable CPU modules, we
23*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * cannot define a proper compatible here. Let the
24*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * boot loader fill in the apropriate compatible
25*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * string if necessary.
26*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 */
27*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/* compatible = "arm,arm926ej-s"; */
28*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0>;
29*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/*
30*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * The documentation in ARM DUI 0138E page 3-12 states
31*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * that the maximum frequency for this clock is 200 MHz
32*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * but painful trial-and-error has proved to me that it
33*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * is actually just hanging the system above 71 MHz.
34*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * Sad but true.
35*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 */
36*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					 /* kHz     uV   */
37*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			operating-points = <71000  0
38*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    66000  0
39*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    60000  0
40*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    48000  0
41*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    36000  0
42*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    24000  0
43*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					    12000  0>;
44*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&cmosc>;
45*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "cpu";
46*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-latency = <1000000>; /* 1 ms */
47*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
48*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
49*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
50*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	aliases {
51*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		arm,timer-primary = &timer2;
52*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		arm,timer-secondary = &timer1;
53*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
54*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
55*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	chosen {
56*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		bootargs = "root=/dev/ram0 console=ttyAM0,38400n8 earlyprintk";
57*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
58*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
59*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	/* 24 MHz chrystal on the Integrator/AP development board */
60*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	xtal24mhz: xtal24mhz@24M {
61*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#clock-cells = <0>;
62*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "fixed-clock";
63*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clock-frequency = <24000000>;
64*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
65*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
66*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	pclk: pclk@0 {
67*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#clock-cells = <0>;
68*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "fixed-factor-clock";
69*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clock-div = <1>;
70*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clock-mult = <1>;
71*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
72*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
73*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
74*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	/* The UART clock is 14.74 MHz divided by an ICS525 */
75*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	uartclk: uartclk@14.74M {
76*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#clock-cells = <0>;
77*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "fixed-clock";
78*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clock-frequency = <14745600>;
79*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
80*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
81*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
82*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	core-module@10000000 {
83*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* 24 MHz chrystal on the core module */
84*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		cm24mhz: cm24mhz@24M {
85*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#clock-cells = <0>;
86*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "fixed-clock";
87*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-frequency = <24000000>;
88*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
89*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
90*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* Oscillator on the core module, clocks the CPU core */
91*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		cmosc: clock-controller@8 {
92*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,syscon-icst525-integratorap-cm";
93*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0x08 0x04>;
94*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#clock-cells = <0>;
95*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			lock-offset = <0x14>;
96*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			vco-offset = <0x08>;
97*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&cm24mhz>;
98*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
99*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
100*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* Auxilary oscillator on the core module, 32.369MHz at boot */
101*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		auxosc: clock-controller@1c {
102*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,syscon-icst525";
103*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0x1c 0x04>;
104*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#clock-cells = <0>;
105*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			lock-offset = <0x14>;
106*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			vco-offset = <0x1c>;
107*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&cm24mhz>;
108*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
109*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
110*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
111*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	syscon {
112*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-ap-syscon", "syscon";
113*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		reg = <0x11000000 0x100>;
114*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		ranges = <0x0 0x11000000 0x100>;
115*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#size-cells = <1>;
116*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#address-cells = <1>;
117*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
118*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/*
119*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 * SYSCLK clocks PCIv3 bridge, system controller and the
120*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 * logic modules.
121*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 */
122*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		sysclk: clock-controller@4 {
123*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,syscon-icst525-integratorap-sys";
124*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0x04 0x04>;
125*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#clock-cells = <0>;
126*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			lock-offset = <0x1c>;
127*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			vco-offset = <0x04>;
128*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
129*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
130*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
131*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* One-bit control for the PCI bus clock (33 or 25 MHz) */
132*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		pciclk: clock-controller@4,8 {
133*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,syscon-icst525-integratorap-pci";
134*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0x04 0x04>;
135*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#clock-cells = <0>;
136*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			lock-offset = <0x1c>;
137*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			vco-offset = <0x04>;
138*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
139*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
140*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
141*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
142*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	timer0: timer@13000000 {
143*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-timer";
144*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
145*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
146*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
147*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	timer1: timer@13000100 {
148*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-timer";
149*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
150*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
151*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
152*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	timer2: timer@13000200 {
153*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-timer";
154*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&xtal24mhz>;
155*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
156*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
157*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	pic: pic@14000000 {
158*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		valid-mask = <0x003fffff>;
159*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
160*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
161*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	pci: pci@62000000 {
162*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-ap-pci", "v3,v360epc-pci";
163*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		device_type = "pci";
164*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#interrupt-cells = <1>;
165*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#size-cells = <2>;
166*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#address-cells = <3>;
167*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* Bridge registers and config access space */
168*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		reg = <0x62000000 0x10000>, <0x61000000 0x01000000>;
169*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		interrupt-parent = <&pic>;
170*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		interrupts = <17>; /* Bus error IRQ */
171*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		clocks = <&pciclk>;
172*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		bus-range = <0x00 0xff>;
173*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		ranges = <0x01000000 0 0x0000000 /* I/O space @00000000 */
174*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x60000000 0 0x00010000 /* 64 KB @ LB 60000000 */
175*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x02000000 0 0x40000000 /* non-prefectable memory @40000000 */
176*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x40000000 0 0x10000000 /* 256 MiB @ LB 40000000 1:1 */
177*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x42000000 0 0x50000000 /* prefetchable memory @50000000 */
178*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x50000000 0 0x10000000>; /* 256 MiB @ LB 50000000 1:1 */
179*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		dma-ranges = <0x02000000 0 0x20000000 /* EBI memory space */
180*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x20000000 0 0x20000000 /* 512 MB @ LB 20000000 1:1 */
181*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x02000000 0 0x80000000 /* Core module alias memory */
182*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			0x80000000 0 0x40000000>; /* 1GB @ LB 80000000 */
183*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		interrupt-map-mask = <0xf800 0 0 0x7>;
184*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		interrupt-map = <
185*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* IDSEL 9 */
186*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x4800 0 0 1 &pic 13 /* INT A on slot 9 is irq 13 */
187*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x4800 0 0 2 &pic 14 /* INT B on slot 9 is irq 14 */
188*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x4800 0 0 3 &pic 15 /* INT C on slot 9 is irq 15 */
189*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x4800 0 0 4 &pic 16 /* INT D on slot 9 is irq 16 */
190*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* IDSEL 10 */
191*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5000 0 0 1 &pic 14 /* INT A on slot 10 is irq 14 */
192*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5000 0 0 2 &pic 15 /* INT B on slot 10 is irq 15 */
193*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5000 0 0 3 &pic 16 /* INT C on slot 10 is irq 16 */
194*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5000 0 0 4 &pic 13 /* INT D on slot 10 is irq 13 */
195*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* IDSEL 11 */
196*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5800 0 0 1 &pic 15 /* INT A on slot 11 is irq 15 */
197*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5800 0 0 2 &pic 16 /* INT B on slot 11 is irq 16 */
198*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5800 0 0 3 &pic 13 /* INT C on slot 11 is irq 13 */
199*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x5800 0 0 4 &pic 14 /* INT D on slot 11 is irq 14 */
200*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* IDSEL 12 */
201*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x6000 0 0 1 &pic 16 /* INT A on slot 12 is irq 16 */
202*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x6000 0 0 2 &pic 13 /* INT B on slot 12 is irq 13 */
203*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x6000 0 0 3 &pic 14 /* INT C on slot 12 is irq 14 */
204*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		0x6000 0 0 4 &pic 15 /* INT D on slot 12 is irq 15 */
205*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		>;
206*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
207*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
208*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	fpga {
209*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/*
210*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 * The Integator/AP predates the idea to have magic numbers
211*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 * identifying the PrimeCell in hardware, thus we have to
212*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 * supply these from the device tree.
213*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		 */
214*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		rtc: rtc@15000000 {
215*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,pl030", "arm,primecell";
216*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			arm,primecell-periphid = <0x00041030>;
217*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&pclk>;
218*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "apb_pclk";
219*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
220*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
221*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		uart0: serial@16000000 {
222*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,pl010", "arm,primecell";
223*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			arm,primecell-periphid = <0x00041010>;
224*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&uartclk>, <&pclk>;
225*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "uartclk", "apb_pclk";
226*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
227*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
228*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		uart1: serial@17000000 {
229*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,pl010", "arm,primecell";
230*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			arm,primecell-periphid = <0x00041010>;
231*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&uartclk>, <&pclk>;
232*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "uartclk", "apb_pclk";
233*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
234*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
235*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		kmi0: kmi@18000000 {
236*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,pl050", "arm,primecell";
237*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			arm,primecell-periphid = <0x00041050>;
238*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&xtal24mhz>, <&pclk>;
239*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "KMIREFCLK", "apb_pclk";
240*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
241*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
242*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		kmi1: kmi@19000000 {
243*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "arm,pl050", "arm,primecell";
244*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			arm,primecell-periphid = <0x00041050>;
245*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clocks = <&xtal24mhz>, <&pclk>;
246*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			clock-names = "KMIREFCLK", "apb_pclk";
247*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
248*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
249*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
250*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	/*
251*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	 * Logic module bus, we support up to 4 logical modules
252*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	 * They appear at 0xc0000000, 0xd0000000, 0xe0000000 and 0xf0000000
253*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	 * and use interrupts 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively.
254*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	 */
255*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	bus@c0000000 {
256*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "arm,integrator-ap-lm";
257*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#address-cells = <1>;
258*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#size-cells = <1>;
259*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		ranges = <0xc0000000 0xc0000000 0x40000000>;
260*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		dma-ranges;
261*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
262*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		lm0: bus@c0000000 {
263*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "simple-bus";
264*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			ranges = <0x00000000 0xc0000000 0x10000000>;
265*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			dma-ranges = <0x00000000 0xc0000000 0x10000000>;
266*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0xc0000000 0x10000000>;
267*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#address-cells = <1>;
268*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#size-cells = <1>;
269*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
270*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		lm1: bus@d0000000 {
271*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "simple-bus";
272*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			ranges = <0x00000000 0xd0000000 0x10000000>;
273*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			dma-ranges = <0x00000000 0xd0000000 0x10000000>;
274*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0xd0000000 0x10000000>;
275*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#address-cells = <1>;
276*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#size-cells = <1>;
277*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
278*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		lm2: bus@e0000000 {
279*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "simple-bus";
280*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			ranges = <0x00000000 0xe0000000 0x10000000>;
281*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			dma-ranges = <0x00000000 0xe0000000 0x10000000>;
282*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0xe0000000 0x10000000>;
283*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#address-cells = <1>;
284*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#size-cells = <1>;
285*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
286*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		lm3: bus@f0000000 {
287*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "simple-bus";
288*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			ranges = <0x00000000 0xf0000000 0x10000000>;
289*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			dma-ranges = <0x00000000 0xf0000000 0x10000000>;
290*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0xf0000000 0x10000000>;
291*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#address-cells = <1>;
292*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#size-cells = <1>;
293*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
294*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
295*f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot};