1f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
2f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/*
3f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot * Device Tree file for Linksys NSLU2
4f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot */
5f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
6f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/dts-v1/;
7f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
8f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot#include "intel-ixp42x.dtsi"
9f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
10f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
11f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot/ {
12f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	model = "Linksys NSLU2 (Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives)";
13f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	compatible = "linksys,nslu2", "intel,ixp42x";
14f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	#address-cells = <1>;
15f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	#size-cells = <1>;
16f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
17f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	memory@0 {
18f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		/* 32 MB SDRAM */
19f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		device_type = "memory";
20f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		reg = <0x00000000 0x2000000>;
21f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
22f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
23f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	chosen {
24f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		bootargs = "console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 rootwait";
25f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		stdout-path = "uart0:115200n8";
26f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
27f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
28f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	aliases {
29f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		serial0 = &uart0;
30f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
31f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
32f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	leds {
33f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "gpio-leds";
34f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		led-status {
35f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "nslu2:red:status";
36f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
37f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			default-state = "on";
38f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
39f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
40f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		led-ready {
41f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "nslu2:green:ready";
42f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
43f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			default-state = "on";
44f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
45f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		led-disk-1 {
46f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "nslu2:green:disk-1";
47f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
48f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			default-state = "off";
49f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
50f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		led-disk-2 {
51f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "nslu2:green:disk-2";
52f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
53f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			default-state = "off";
54f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
55f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
56f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
57f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	gpio_keys {
58f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "gpio-keys";
59f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
60f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		button-power {
61f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			wakeup-source;
62f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			linux,code = <KEY_POWER>;
63f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "power";
64f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
65f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
66f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		button-reset {
67f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			wakeup-source;
68*84943d6fSEmmanuel Vadot			linux,code = <KEY_RESTART>;
69f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			label = "reset";
70f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			gpios = <&gpio0 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
71f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
72f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
73f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
74f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	i2c {
75f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "i2c-gpio";
76f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		sda-gpios = <&gpio0 7 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH|GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN)>;
77f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		scl-gpios = <&gpio0 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH|GPIO_OPEN_DRAIN)>;
78f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#address-cells = <1>;
79f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		#size-cells = <0>;
80f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
81f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		rtc@6f {
82f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			compatible = "xicor,x1205";
83f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			reg = <0x6f>;
84f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
85f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
86f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
87f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	gpio-poweroff {
88f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "gpio-poweroff";
89f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		gpios = <&gpio0 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
90f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		timeout-ms = <5000>;
91f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
92f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
93f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	gpio-beeper {
94f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		compatible = "gpio-beeper";
95f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		gpios = <&gpio0 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
96f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
97f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
98f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	soc {
99f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		bus@c4000000 {
100f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/* The first 16MB region at CS0 on the expansion bus */
101f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			flash@0,0 {
102f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				compatible = "intel,ixp4xx-flash", "cfi-flash";
103f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				bank-width = <2>;
104*84943d6fSEmmanuel Vadot				/* Enable writes on the expansion bus */
105*84943d6fSEmmanuel Vadot				intel,ixp4xx-eb-write-enable = <1>;
106f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				/*
107f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				 * 8 MB of Flash in 0x20000 byte blocks
108f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				 * mapped in at CS0.
109f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				 */
110f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				reg = <0 0x00000000 0x800000>;
111f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
112f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				partitions {
113f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					compatible = "redboot-fis";
114f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					/* Eraseblock at 0x7e0000 */
115f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					fis-index-block = <0x3f>;
116f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				};
117f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			};
118f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
119f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
120f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		pci@c0000000 {
121f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			status = "okay";
122f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
123f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/*
124f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * Taken from NSLU2 PCI boardfile, INT A, B, C swizzled D constant
125f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 * We have slots (IDSEL) 1, 2 and 3.
126f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			 */
127f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
128f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			interrupt-map-mask = <0xf800 0 0 7>;
129f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			interrupt-map =
130f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/* IDSEL 1 */
131f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x0800 0 0 1 &gpio0 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT A on slot 1 is irq 11 */
132f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x0800 0 0 2 &gpio0 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT B on slot 1 is irq 10 */
133f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x0800 0 0 3 &gpio0 9  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT C on slot 1 is irq 9 */
134f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x0800 0 0 4 &gpio0 8  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT D on slot 1 is irq 8 */
135f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/* IDSEL 2 */
136f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1000 0 0 1 &gpio0 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT A on slot 2 is irq 10 */
137f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1000 0 0 2 &gpio0 9  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT B on slot 2 is irq 9 */
138f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1000 0 0 3 &gpio0 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT C on slot 2 is irq 11 */
139f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1000 0 0 4 &gpio0 8  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT D on slot 2 is irq 8 */
140f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			/* IDSEL 3 */
141f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1800 0 0 1 &gpio0 9  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT A on slot 3 is irq 9 */
142f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1800 0 0 2 &gpio0 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT B on slot 3 is irq 11 */
143f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1800 0 0 3 &gpio0 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>, /* INT C on slot 3 is irq 10 */
144f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			<0x1800 0 0 4 &gpio0 8  IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>; /* INT D on slot 3 is irq 8 */
145f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
146f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
147f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		ethernet@c8009000 {
148f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			status = "okay";
149f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			queue-rx = <&qmgr 3>;
150f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			queue-txready = <&qmgr 20>;
151f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			phy-mode = "rgmii";
152f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			phy-handle = <&phy1>;
153f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
154f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			mdio {
155f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				#address-cells = <1>;
156f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				#size-cells = <0>;
157f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot
158f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				phy1: ethernet-phy@1 {
159f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot					reg = <1>;
160f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot				};
161f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot			};
162f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot		};
163f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot	};
164f126890aSEmmanuel Vadot};