xref: /freebsd/sys/contrib/zstd/lib/common/threading.c (revision 0c16b537)
10c16b537SWarner Losh /**
20c16b537SWarner Losh  * Copyright (c) 2016 Tino Reichardt
30c16b537SWarner Losh  * All rights reserved.
40c16b537SWarner Losh  *
50c16b537SWarner Losh  * You can contact the author at:
60c16b537SWarner Losh  * - zstdmt source repository: https://github.com/mcmilk/zstdmt
70c16b537SWarner Losh  *
80c16b537SWarner Losh  * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
90c16b537SWarner Losh  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
100c16b537SWarner Losh  * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
110c16b537SWarner Losh  * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
120c16b537SWarner Losh  */
130c16b537SWarner Losh 
140c16b537SWarner Losh /**
150c16b537SWarner Losh  * This file will hold wrapper for systems, which do not support pthreads
160c16b537SWarner Losh  */
170c16b537SWarner Losh 
180c16b537SWarner Losh #include "threading.h"
190c16b537SWarner Losh 
200c16b537SWarner Losh /* create fake symbol to avoid empty translation unit warning */
210c16b537SWarner Losh int g_ZSTD_threading_useless_symbol;
220c16b537SWarner Losh 
230c16b537SWarner Losh #if defined(ZSTD_MULTITHREAD) && defined(_WIN32)
240c16b537SWarner Losh 
250c16b537SWarner Losh /**
260c16b537SWarner Losh  * Windows minimalist Pthread Wrapper, based on :
270c16b537SWarner Losh  * http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~schmidt/win32-cv-1.html
280c16b537SWarner Losh  */
290c16b537SWarner Losh 
300c16b537SWarner Losh 
310c16b537SWarner Losh /* ===  Dependencies  === */
320c16b537SWarner Losh #include <process.h>
330c16b537SWarner Losh #include <errno.h>
340c16b537SWarner Losh 
350c16b537SWarner Losh 
360c16b537SWarner Losh /* ===  Implementation  === */
370c16b537SWarner Losh 
worker(void * arg)380c16b537SWarner Losh static unsigned __stdcall worker(void *arg)
390c16b537SWarner Losh {
400c16b537SWarner Losh     ZSTD_pthread_t* const thread = (ZSTD_pthread_t*) arg;
410c16b537SWarner Losh     thread->arg = thread->start_routine(thread->arg);
420c16b537SWarner Losh     return 0;
430c16b537SWarner Losh }
440c16b537SWarner Losh 
ZSTD_pthread_create(ZSTD_pthread_t * thread,const void * unused,void * (* start_routine)(void *),void * arg)450c16b537SWarner Losh int ZSTD_pthread_create(ZSTD_pthread_t* thread, const void* unused,
460c16b537SWarner Losh             void* (*start_routine) (void*), void* arg)
470c16b537SWarner Losh {
480c16b537SWarner Losh     (void)unused;
490c16b537SWarner Losh     thread->arg = arg;
500c16b537SWarner Losh     thread->start_routine = start_routine;
510c16b537SWarner Losh     thread->handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, worker, thread, 0, NULL);
520c16b537SWarner Losh 
530c16b537SWarner Losh     if (!thread->handle)
540c16b537SWarner Losh         return errno;
550c16b537SWarner Losh     else
560c16b537SWarner Losh         return 0;
570c16b537SWarner Losh }
580c16b537SWarner Losh 
ZSTD_pthread_join(ZSTD_pthread_t thread,void ** value_ptr)590c16b537SWarner Losh int ZSTD_pthread_join(ZSTD_pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr)
600c16b537SWarner Losh {
610c16b537SWarner Losh     DWORD result;
620c16b537SWarner Losh 
630c16b537SWarner Losh     if (!thread.handle) return 0;
640c16b537SWarner Losh 
650c16b537SWarner Losh     result = WaitForSingleObject(thread.handle, INFINITE);
660c16b537SWarner Losh     switch (result) {
670c16b537SWarner Losh     case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
680c16b537SWarner Losh         if (value_ptr) *value_ptr = thread.arg;
690c16b537SWarner Losh         return 0;
700c16b537SWarner Losh     case WAIT_ABANDONED:
710c16b537SWarner Losh         return EINVAL;
720c16b537SWarner Losh     default:
730c16b537SWarner Losh         return GetLastError();
740c16b537SWarner Losh     }
750c16b537SWarner Losh }
77 #endif   /* ZSTD_MULTITHREAD */
79 #if defined(ZSTD_MULTITHREAD) && DEBUGLEVEL >= 1 && !defined(_WIN32)
82 #include "zstd_deps.h"
ZSTD_pthread_mutex_init(ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t * mutex,pthread_mutexattr_t const * attr)84 int ZSTD_pthread_mutex_init(ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t* mutex, pthread_mutexattr_t const* attr)
85 {
86     *mutex = (pthread_mutex_t*)ZSTD_malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
87     if (!*mutex)
88         return 1;
89     return pthread_mutex_init(*mutex, attr);
90 }
ZSTD_pthread_mutex_destroy(ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t * mutex)92 int ZSTD_pthread_mutex_destroy(ZSTD_pthread_mutex_t* mutex)
93 {
94     if (!*mutex)
95         return 0;
96     {
97         int const ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(*mutex);
98         ZSTD_free(*mutex);
99         return ret;
100     }
101 }
ZSTD_pthread_cond_init(ZSTD_pthread_cond_t * cond,pthread_condattr_t const * attr)103 int ZSTD_pthread_cond_init(ZSTD_pthread_cond_t* cond, pthread_condattr_t const* attr)
104 {
105     *cond = (pthread_cond_t*)ZSTD_malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
106     if (!*cond)
107         return 1;
108     return pthread_cond_init(*cond, attr);
109 }
ZSTD_pthread_cond_destroy(ZSTD_pthread_cond_t * cond)111 int ZSTD_pthread_cond_destroy(ZSTD_pthread_cond_t* cond)
112 {
113     if (!*cond)
114         return 0;
115     {
116         int const ret = pthread_cond_destroy(*cond);
117         ZSTD_free(*cond);
118         return ret;
119     }
120 }
122 #endif