xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h (revision ef545fe7)
1592ffb21SWarner Losh /**
2592ffb21SWarner Losh  * \file drm_os_freebsd.h
3592ffb21SWarner Losh  * OS abstraction macros.
4592ffb21SWarner Losh  */
5592ffb21SWarner Losh 
6592ffb21SWarner Losh #include <sys/cdefs.h>
7592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef _DRM_OS_FREEBSD_H_
8592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	_DRM_OS_FREEBSD_H_
9592ffb21SWarner Losh 
10592ffb21SWarner Losh #include <sys/fbio.h>
11592ffb21SWarner Losh #include <sys/smp.h>
12592ffb21SWarner Losh 
13592ffb21SWarner Losh #if _BYTE_ORDER == _BIG_ENDIAN
14592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__BIG_ENDIAN 4321
15592ffb21SWarner Losh #else
16592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
17592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
18592ffb21SWarner Losh 
19592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifdef __LP64__
20592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BITS_PER_LONG	64
21592ffb21SWarner Losh #else
22592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BITS_PER_LONG	32
23592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
24592ffb21SWarner Losh 
25592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __user
26592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__user
27592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
28592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __iomem
29592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__iomem
30592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
31592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __always_unused
32592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__always_unused
33592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
34592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __must_check
35592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__must_check
36592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
37592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __force
38592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__force
39592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
40592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef uninitialized_var
41592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	uninitialized_var(x) x
42592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
43592ffb21SWarner Losh 
44592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	cpu_to_le16(x)	htole16(x)
45592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	le16_to_cpu(x)	le16toh(x)
46592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	cpu_to_le32(x)	htole32(x)
47592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	le32_to_cpu(x)	le32toh(x)
48592ffb21SWarner Losh 
49592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	cpu_to_be16(x)	htobe16(x)
50592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	be16_to_cpu(x)	be16toh(x)
51592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	cpu_to_be32(x)	htobe32(x)
52592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	be32_to_cpu(x)	be32toh(x)
53592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	be32_to_cpup(x)	be32toh(*x)
54592ffb21SWarner Losh 
55592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef vm_paddr_t dma_addr_t;
56592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef vm_paddr_t resource_size_t;
57592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	wait_queue_head_t atomic_t
58592ffb21SWarner Losh 
59592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint64_t u64;
60592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint32_t u32;
61592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint16_t u16;
62592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint8_t  u8;
63592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef int64_t s64;
64592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef int32_t s32;
65592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef int16_t s16;
66592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef int8_t  s8;
67592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint16_t __le16;
68592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint32_t __le32;
69592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint64_t __le64;
70592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint16_t __be16;
71592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint32_t __be32;
72592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef uint64_t __be64;
73592ffb21SWarner Losh 
74592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_IRQ_ARGS		void *arg
75592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef void			irqreturn_t;
76592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	IRQ_HANDLED		/* nothing */
77592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	IRQ_NONE		/* nothing */
78592ffb21SWarner Losh 
79592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__init
80592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__exit
81592ffb21SWarner Losh 
82592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BUILD_BUG_ON(x)		CTASSERT(!(x))
83592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BUILD_BUG_ON_NOT_POWER_OF_2(x)
84592ffb21SWarner Losh 
85592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef WARN
86592ffb21SWarner Losh #define WARN(condition, format, ...) ({				\
87592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int __ret_warn_on = !!(condition);			\
88592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (unlikely(__ret_warn_on))				\
89592ffb21SWarner Losh 	DRM_ERROR(format, ##__VA_ARGS__);			\
90592ffb21SWarner Losh 	unlikely(__ret_warn_on);				\
91592ffb21SWarner Losh })
92592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
93592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	WARN_ONCE(condition, format, ...)			\
94592ffb21SWarner Losh 	WARN(condition, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
95592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	WARN_ON(cond)		WARN(cond, "WARN ON: " #cond)
96592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	WARN_ON_SMP(cond)	WARN_ON(cond)
97592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BUG()			panic("BUG")
98592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	BUG_ON(cond)		KASSERT(!(cond), ("BUG ON: " #cond " -> 0x%jx", (uintmax_t)(cond)))
99592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	unlikely(x)            __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
100592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	likely(x)              __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
101592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	container_of(ptr, type, member) ({			\
102592ffb21SWarner Losh 	__typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);	\
103592ffb21SWarner Losh 	(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
104592ffb21SWarner Losh 
105592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	KHZ2PICOS(a)	(1000000000UL/(a))
106592ffb21SWarner Losh 
107592ffb21SWarner Losh #define ARRAY_SIZE(x)		(sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
108592ffb21SWarner Losh 
109592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	HZ			hz
110592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_HZ			hz
111592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_CURRENTPID		curthread->td_proc->p_pid
112592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_SUSER(p)		(priv_check(p, PRIV_DRIVER) == 0)
113592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	udelay(usecs)		DELAY(usecs)
114592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	mdelay(msecs)		do { int loops = (msecs);		\
115592ffb21SWarner Losh 				  while (loops--) DELAY(1000);		\
116592ffb21SWarner Losh 				} while (0)
117592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_UDELAY(udelay)	DELAY(udelay)
118592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	drm_msleep(x, msg)	pause((msg), ((int64_t)(x)) * hz / 1000)
119592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_MSLEEP(msecs)	drm_msleep((msecs), "drm_msleep")
120592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	get_seconds()		time_second
121592ffb21SWarner Losh 
122592ffb21SWarner Losh #define ioread8(addr)		*(volatile uint8_t *)((char *)addr)
123592ffb21SWarner Losh #define ioread16(addr)		*(volatile uint16_t *)((char *)addr)
124592ffb21SWarner Losh #define ioread32(addr)		*(volatile uint32_t *)((char *)addr)
125592ffb21SWarner Losh 
126592ffb21SWarner Losh #define iowrite8(data, addr)	*(volatile uint8_t *)((char *)addr) = data;
127592ffb21SWarner Losh #define iowrite16(data, addr)	*(volatile uint16_t *)((char *)addr) = data;
128592ffb21SWarner Losh #define iowrite32(data, addr)	*(volatile uint32_t *)((char *)addr) = data;
129592ffb21SWarner Losh 
130592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_READ8(map, offset)						\
131592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*(volatile u_int8_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +		\
132592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset))
133592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_READ16(map, offset)						\
134592ffb21SWarner Losh 	le16toh(*(volatile u_int16_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +	\
135592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)))
136592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_READ32(map, offset)						\
137592ffb21SWarner Losh 	le32toh(*(volatile u_int32_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +	\
138592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)))
139592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_READ64(map, offset)						\
140592ffb21SWarner Losh 	le64toh(*(volatile u_int64_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +	\
141592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)))
142592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_WRITE8(map, offset, val)					\
143592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*(volatile u_int8_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +		\
144592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)) = val
145592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_WRITE16(map, offset, val)					\
146592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*(volatile u_int16_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +		\
147592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)) = htole16(val)
148592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_WRITE32(map, offset, val)					\
149592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*(volatile u_int32_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +		\
150592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)) = htole32(val)
151592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_WRITE64(map, offset, val)					\
152592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*(volatile u_int64_t *)(((vm_offset_t)(map)->handle) +		\
153592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    (vm_offset_t)(offset)) = htole64(val)
154592ffb21SWarner Losh 
155662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #if !defined(__arm__)
156662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__aarch64__)
157662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #define DRM_MSG "This code is deprecated.  Install the graphics/drm-kmod pkg\n"
158662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #else
159662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #define DRM_MSG "This code is deprecated."
160662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #endif
161264d4ffdSWarner Losh 
162264d4ffdSWarner Losh #define DRM_OBSOLETE(dev)							\
163264d4ffdSWarner Losh     do {									\
164264d4ffdSWarner Losh 	device_printf(dev, "=======================================================\n"); \
165662c3e20SNiclas Zeising 	device_printf(dev, DRM_MSG);						\
166264d4ffdSWarner Losh 	device_printf(dev, "=======================================================\n"); \
167264d4ffdSWarner Losh 	gone_in_dev(dev, 13, "drm2 drivers");					\
168264d4ffdSWarner Losh     } while (0)
169662c3e20SNiclas Zeising #endif /* __arm__ */
170264d4ffdSWarner Losh 
171592ffb21SWarner Losh /* DRM_READMEMORYBARRIER() prevents reordering of reads.
172592ffb21SWarner Losh  * DRM_WRITEMEMORYBARRIER() prevents reordering of writes.
173592ffb21SWarner Losh  * DRM_MEMORYBARRIER() prevents reordering of reads and writes.
174592ffb21SWarner Losh  */
175592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_READMEMORYBARRIER()		rmb()
176592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_WRITEMEMORYBARRIER()	wmb()
177592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_MEMORYBARRIER()		mb()
178592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	smp_rmb()			rmb()
179592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	smp_wmb()			wmb()
180592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	smp_mb__before_atomic_inc()	mb()
181592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	smp_mb__after_atomic_inc()	mb()
182592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	barrier()			__compiler_membar()
183592ffb21SWarner Losh 
184592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	do_div(a, b)		((a) /= (b))
185592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	div64_u64(a, b)		((a) / (b))
186592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	lower_32_bits(n)	((u32)(n))
187592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	upper_32_bits(n)	((u32)(((n) >> 16) >> 16))
188592ffb21SWarner Losh 
189592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__set_bit(n, s)		set_bit((n), (s))
190592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__clear_bit(n, s)	clear_bit((n), (s))
191592ffb21SWarner Losh 
192592ffb21SWarner Losh #define min_t(type, x, y) ({			\
193592ffb21SWarner Losh 	type __min1 = (x);			\
194592ffb21SWarner Losh 	type __min2 = (y);			\
195592ffb21SWarner Losh 	__min1 < __min2 ? __min1 : __min2; })
196592ffb21SWarner Losh 
197592ffb21SWarner Losh #define max_t(type, x, y) ({			\
198592ffb21SWarner Losh 	type __max1 = (x);			\
199592ffb21SWarner Losh 	type __max2 = (y);			\
200592ffb21SWarner Losh 	__max1 > __max2 ? __max1 : __max2; })
201592ffb21SWarner Losh 
202592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	memset_io(a, b, c)	memset((a), (b), (c))
203592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	memcpy_fromio(a, b, c)	memcpy((a), (b), (c))
204592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	memcpy_toio(a, b, c)	memcpy((a), (b), (c))
205592ffb21SWarner Losh 
206592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	VERIFY_READ	VM_PROT_READ
207592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	VERIFY_WRITE	VM_PROT_WRITE
208592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	access_ok(prot, p, l)	useracc((p), (l), (prot))
209592ffb21SWarner Losh 
210592ffb21SWarner Losh /* XXXKIB what is the right code for the FreeBSD ? */
211592ffb21SWarner Losh /* kib@ used ENXIO here -- dumbbell@ */
212592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	EREMOTEIO	EIO
213592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	ERESTARTSYS	512 /* Same value as Linux. */
214592ffb21SWarner Losh 
215592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	KTR_DRM		KTR_DEV
216592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	KTR_DRM_REG	KTR_SPARE3
217592ffb21SWarner Losh 
218592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_AGP_KERN	struct agp_info
219592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DRM_AGP_MEM	void
220592ffb21SWarner Losh 
221592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_APPLE		0x106b
222592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_ASUSTEK		0x1043
223592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_ATI		0x1002
224592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_DELL		0x1028
225592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_HP		0x103c
226592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_IBM		0x1014
227592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL		0x8086
228592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_SERVERWORKS	0x1166
229592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_SONY		0x104d
230592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PCI_VENDOR_ID_VIA		0x1106
231592ffb21SWarner Losh 
232592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DIV_ROUND_UP(n,d) 	(((n) + (d) - 1) / (d))
233592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(n,d)	(((n) + (d) / 2) / (d))
234592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	div_u64(n, d)		((n) / (d))
235592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	hweight32(i)		bitcount32(i)
236592ffb21SWarner Losh 
237592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline unsigned long
roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)238592ffb21SWarner Losh roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
239592ffb21SWarner Losh {
240592ffb21SWarner Losh 
241592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (1UL << flsl(x - 1));
242592ffb21SWarner Losh }
243592ffb21SWarner Losh 
244592ffb21SWarner Losh /**
245592ffb21SWarner Losh  * ror32 - rotate a 32-bit value right
246592ffb21SWarner Losh  * @word: value to rotate
247592ffb21SWarner Losh  * @shift: bits to roll
248592ffb21SWarner Losh  *
249592ffb21SWarner Losh  * Source: include/linux/bitops.h
250592ffb21SWarner Losh  */
251592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline uint32_t
ror32(uint32_t word,unsigned int shift)252592ffb21SWarner Losh ror32(uint32_t word, unsigned int shift)
253592ffb21SWarner Losh {
254592ffb21SWarner Losh 
255592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (word >> shift) | (word << (32 - shift));
256592ffb21SWarner Losh }
257592ffb21SWarner Losh 
258592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	IS_ALIGNED(x, y)	(((x) & ((y) - 1)) == 0)
259592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	round_down(x, y)	rounddown2((x), (y))
260592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	round_up(x, y)		roundup2((x), (y))
261592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	get_unaligned(ptr)                                              \
262592ffb21SWarner Losh 	({ __typeof__(*(ptr)) __tmp;                                    \
263592ffb21SWarner Losh 	  memcpy(&__tmp, (ptr), sizeof(*(ptr))); __tmp; })
264592ffb21SWarner Losh 
265592ffb21SWarner Losh #if _BYTE_ORDER == _LITTLE_ENDIAN
266592ffb21SWarner Losh /* Taken from linux/include/linux/unaligned/le_struct.h. */
267592ffb21SWarner Losh struct __una_u32 { u32 x; } __packed;
268592ffb21SWarner Losh 
269592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline u32
__get_unaligned_cpu32(const void * p)270592ffb21SWarner Losh __get_unaligned_cpu32(const void *p)
271592ffb21SWarner Losh {
272592ffb21SWarner Losh 	const struct __una_u32 *ptr = (const struct __una_u32 *)p;
273592ffb21SWarner Losh 
274592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (ptr->x);
275592ffb21SWarner Losh }
276592ffb21SWarner Losh 
277592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline u32
get_unaligned_le32(const void * p)278592ffb21SWarner Losh get_unaligned_le32(const void *p)
279592ffb21SWarner Losh {
280592ffb21SWarner Losh 
281592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (__get_unaligned_cpu32((const u8 *)p));
282592ffb21SWarner Losh }
283592ffb21SWarner Losh #else
284592ffb21SWarner Losh /* Taken from linux/include/linux/unaligned/le_byteshift.h. */
285592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline u32
__get_unaligned_le32(const u8 * p)286592ffb21SWarner Losh __get_unaligned_le32(const u8 *p)
287592ffb21SWarner Losh {
288592ffb21SWarner Losh 
289592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (p[0] | p[1] << 8 | p[2] << 16 | p[3] << 24);
290592ffb21SWarner Losh }
291592ffb21SWarner Losh 
292592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline u32
get_unaligned_le32(const void * p)293592ffb21SWarner Losh get_unaligned_le32(const void *p)
294592ffb21SWarner Losh {
295592ffb21SWarner Losh 
296592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (__get_unaligned_le32((const u8 *)p));
297592ffb21SWarner Losh }
298592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
299592ffb21SWarner Losh 
300592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline unsigned long
ilog2(unsigned long x)301592ffb21SWarner Losh ilog2(unsigned long x)
302592ffb21SWarner Losh {
303592ffb21SWarner Losh 
304592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (flsl(x) - 1);
305592ffb21SWarner Losh }
306592ffb21SWarner Losh 
307592ffb21SWarner Losh int64_t		timeval_to_ns(const struct timeval *tv);
308592ffb21SWarner Losh struct timeval	ns_to_timeval(const int64_t nsec);
309592ffb21SWarner Losh 
310592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PAGE_ALIGN(addr) round_page(addr)
311592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	page_to_phys(x) VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(x)
312592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	offset_in_page(x) ((x) & PAGE_MASK)
313592ffb21SWarner Losh 
314592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	drm_get_device_from_kdev(_kdev)	(((struct drm_minor *)(_kdev)->si_drv1)->dev)
315592ffb21SWarner Losh 
316592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_IOC_VOID		IOC_VOID
317592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_IOC_READ		IOC_OUT
318592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_IOC_WRITE		IOC_IN
319592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_IOC_READWRITE	IOC_INOUT
320592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_IOC(dir, group, nr, size) _IOC(dir, group, nr, size)
321592ffb21SWarner Losh 
322592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline long
__copy_to_user(void __user * to,const void * from,unsigned long n)323592ffb21SWarner Losh __copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
324592ffb21SWarner Losh {
325592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (copyout(from, to, n) != 0 ? n : 0);
326592ffb21SWarner Losh }
327592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	copy_to_user(to, from, n) __copy_to_user((to), (from), (n))
328592ffb21SWarner Losh 
329592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
__put_user(size_t size,void * ptr,void * x)330592ffb21SWarner Losh __put_user(size_t size, void *ptr, void *x)
331592ffb21SWarner Losh {
332592ffb21SWarner Losh 
333592ffb21SWarner Losh 	size = copy_to_user(ptr, x, size);
334592ffb21SWarner Losh 
335592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (size ? -EFAULT : size);
336592ffb21SWarner Losh }
337592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	put_user(x, ptr) __put_user(sizeof(*ptr), (ptr), &(x))
338592ffb21SWarner Losh 
339592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline unsigned long
__copy_from_user(void * to,const void __user * from,unsigned long n)340592ffb21SWarner Losh __copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
341592ffb21SWarner Losh {
342592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return ((copyin(__DECONST(void *, from), to, n) != 0 ? n : 0));
343592ffb21SWarner Losh }
344592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	copy_from_user(to, from, n) __copy_from_user((to), (from), (n))
345592ffb21SWarner Losh 
346592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
__get_user(size_t size,const void * ptr,void * x)347592ffb21SWarner Losh __get_user(size_t size, const void *ptr, void *x)
348592ffb21SWarner Losh {
349592ffb21SWarner Losh 
350592ffb21SWarner Losh 	size = copy_from_user(x, ptr, size);
351592ffb21SWarner Losh 
352592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (size ? -EFAULT : size);
353592ffb21SWarner Losh }
354592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	get_user(x, ptr) __get_user(sizeof(*ptr), (ptr), &(x))
355592ffb21SWarner Losh 
356592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
__copy_to_user_inatomic(void __user * to,const void * from,unsigned n)357592ffb21SWarner Losh __copy_to_user_inatomic(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned n)
358592ffb21SWarner Losh {
359592ffb21SWarner Losh 
360592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (copyout_nofault(from, to, n) != 0 ? n : 0);
361592ffb21SWarner Losh }
362592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__copy_to_user_inatomic_nocache(to, from, n) \
363592ffb21SWarner Losh     __copy_to_user_inatomic((to), (from), (n))
364592ffb21SWarner Losh 
365592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline unsigned long
__copy_from_user_inatomic(void * to,const void __user * from,unsigned long n)366592ffb21SWarner Losh __copy_from_user_inatomic(void *to, const void __user *from,
367592ffb21SWarner Losh     unsigned long n)
368592ffb21SWarner Losh {
369592ffb21SWarner Losh 
370592ffb21SWarner Losh 	/*
371592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * XXXKIB.  Equivalent Linux function is implemented using
372592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * MOVNTI for aligned moves.  For unaligned head and tail,
373592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * normal move is performed.  As such, it is not incorrect, if
374592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * only somewhat slower, to use normal copyin.  All uses
375592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * except shmem_pwrite_fast() have the destination mapped WC.
376592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 */
377592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return ((copyin_nofault(__DECONST(void *, from), to, n) != 0 ? n : 0));
378592ffb21SWarner Losh }
379592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	__copy_from_user_inatomic_nocache(to, from, n) \
380592ffb21SWarner Losh     __copy_from_user_inatomic((to), (from), (n))
381592ffb21SWarner Losh 
382592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
fault_in_multipages_readable(const char __user * uaddr,int size)383592ffb21SWarner Losh fault_in_multipages_readable(const char __user *uaddr, int size)
384592ffb21SWarner Losh {
385592ffb21SWarner Losh 	char c;
386592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int ret = 0;
387592ffb21SWarner Losh 	const char __user *end = uaddr + size - 1;
388592ffb21SWarner Losh 
389592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (unlikely(size == 0))
390592ffb21SWarner Losh 		return ret;
391592ffb21SWarner Losh 
392592ffb21SWarner Losh 	while (uaddr <= end) {
393592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = -copyin(uaddr, &c, 1);
394592ffb21SWarner Losh 		if (ret != 0)
395592ffb21SWarner Losh 			return -EFAULT;
396592ffb21SWarner Losh 		uaddr += PAGE_SIZE;
397592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
398592ffb21SWarner Losh 
399592ffb21SWarner Losh 	/* Check whether the range spilled into the next page. */
400592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (((unsigned long)uaddr & ~PAGE_MASK) ==
401592ffb21SWarner Losh 			((unsigned long)end & ~PAGE_MASK)) {
402592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = -copyin(end, &c, 1);
403592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
404592ffb21SWarner Losh 
405592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return ret;
406592ffb21SWarner Losh }
407592ffb21SWarner Losh 
408592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
fault_in_multipages_writeable(char __user * uaddr,int size)409592ffb21SWarner Losh fault_in_multipages_writeable(char __user *uaddr, int size)
410592ffb21SWarner Losh {
411592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int ret = 0;
412592ffb21SWarner Losh 	char __user *end = uaddr + size - 1;
413592ffb21SWarner Losh 
414592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (unlikely(size == 0))
415592ffb21SWarner Losh 		return ret;
416592ffb21SWarner Losh 
417592ffb21SWarner Losh 	/*
418592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * Writing zeroes into userspace here is OK, because we know that if
419592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 * the zero gets there, we'll be overwriting it.
420592ffb21SWarner Losh 	 */
421592ffb21SWarner Losh 	while (uaddr <= end) {
422592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = subyte(uaddr, 0);
423592ffb21SWarner Losh 		if (ret != 0)
424592ffb21SWarner Losh 			return -EFAULT;
425592ffb21SWarner Losh 		uaddr += PAGE_SIZE;
426592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
427592ffb21SWarner Losh 
428592ffb21SWarner Losh 	/* Check whether the range spilled into the next page. */
429592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (((unsigned long)uaddr & ~PAGE_MASK) ==
430592ffb21SWarner Losh 			((unsigned long)end & ~PAGE_MASK))
431592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = subyte(end, 0);
432592ffb21SWarner Losh 
433592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return ret;
434592ffb21SWarner Losh }
435592ffb21SWarner Losh 
436592ffb21SWarner Losh enum __drm_capabilities {
437592ffb21SWarner Losh 	CAP_SYS_ADMIN
438592ffb21SWarner Losh };
439592ffb21SWarner Losh 
440592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline bool
capable(enum __drm_capabilities cap)441592ffb21SWarner Losh capable(enum __drm_capabilities cap)
442592ffb21SWarner Losh {
443592ffb21SWarner Losh 
444592ffb21SWarner Losh 	switch (cap) {
445592ffb21SWarner Losh 	case CAP_SYS_ADMIN:
446592ffb21SWarner Losh 		return DRM_SUSER(curthread);
447592ffb21SWarner Losh 	default:
448592ffb21SWarner Losh 		panic("%s: unhandled capability: %0x", __func__, cap);
449592ffb21SWarner Losh 		return (false);
450592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
451592ffb21SWarner Losh }
452592ffb21SWarner Losh 
453592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	to_user_ptr(x)		((void *)(uintptr_t)(x))
454592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	sigemptyset(set)	SIGEMPTYSET(set)
455592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	sigaddset(set, sig)	SIGADDSET(set, sig)
456592ffb21SWarner Losh 
457592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_LOCK(dev)		sx_xlock(&(dev)->dev_struct_lock)
458592ffb21SWarner Losh #define DRM_UNLOCK(dev) 	sx_xunlock(&(dev)->dev_struct_lock)
459592ffb21SWarner Losh 
460592ffb21SWarner Losh extern unsigned long drm_linux_timer_hz_mask;
461592ffb21SWarner Losh #define jiffies			ticks
462592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	jiffies_to_msecs(x)	(((int64_t)(x)) * 1000 / hz)
463592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	msecs_to_jiffies(x)	(((int64_t)(x)) * hz / 1000)
464592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	timespec_to_jiffies(x)	(((x)->tv_sec * 1000000 + (x)->tv_nsec) * hz / 1000000)
465592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	time_after(a,b)		((long)(b) - (long)(a) < 0)
466592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	time_after_eq(a,b)	((long)(b) - (long)(a) <= 0)
467592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	round_jiffies(j)	((unsigned long)(((j) + drm_linux_timer_hz_mask) & ~drm_linux_timer_hz_mask))
468592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	round_jiffies_up(j)		round_jiffies(j) /* TODO */
469592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	round_jiffies_up_relative(j)	round_jiffies_up(j) /* TODO */
470592ffb21SWarner Losh 
471592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	getrawmonotonic(ts)	getnanouptime(ts)
472592ffb21SWarner Losh 
473592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	wake_up(queue)				wakeup_one((void *)queue)
474592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	wake_up_interruptible(queue)		wakeup_one((void *)queue)
475592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	wake_up_all(queue)			wakeup((void *)queue)
476592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	wake_up_interruptible_all(queue)	wakeup((void *)queue)
477592ffb21SWarner Losh 
478592ffb21SWarner Losh struct completion {
479592ffb21SWarner Losh 	unsigned int done;
480592ffb21SWarner Losh 	struct mtx lock;
481592ffb21SWarner Losh };
482592ffb21SWarner Losh 
483592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	INIT_COMPLETION(c) ((c).done = 0);
484592ffb21SWarner Losh 
485592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline void
init_completion(struct completion * c)486592ffb21SWarner Losh init_completion(struct completion *c)
487592ffb21SWarner Losh {
488592ffb21SWarner Losh 
489592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_init(&c->lock, "drmcompl", NULL, MTX_DEF);
490592ffb21SWarner Losh 	c->done = 0;
491592ffb21SWarner Losh }
492592ffb21SWarner Losh 
493592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline void
free_completion(struct completion * c)494592ffb21SWarner Losh free_completion(struct completion *c)
495592ffb21SWarner Losh {
496592ffb21SWarner Losh 
497592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_destroy(&c->lock);
498592ffb21SWarner Losh }
499592ffb21SWarner Losh 
500592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline void
complete_all(struct completion * c)501592ffb21SWarner Losh complete_all(struct completion *c)
502592ffb21SWarner Losh {
503592ffb21SWarner Losh 
504592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_lock(&c->lock);
505592ffb21SWarner Losh 	c->done++;
506592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_unlock(&c->lock);
507592ffb21SWarner Losh 	wakeup(c);
508592ffb21SWarner Losh }
509592ffb21SWarner Losh 
510592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline long
wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(struct completion * c,unsigned long timeout)511592ffb21SWarner Losh wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(struct completion *c,
512592ffb21SWarner Losh     unsigned long timeout)
513592ffb21SWarner Losh {
514592ffb21SWarner Losh 	unsigned long start_jiffies, elapsed_jiffies;
515592ffb21SWarner Losh 	bool timeout_expired = false, awakened = false;
516592ffb21SWarner Losh 	long ret = timeout;
517592ffb21SWarner Losh 
518592ffb21SWarner Losh 	start_jiffies = ticks;
519592ffb21SWarner Losh 
520592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_lock(&c->lock);
521592ffb21SWarner Losh 	while (c->done == 0 && !timeout_expired) {
522592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = -msleep(c, &c->lock, PCATCH, "drmwco", timeout);
523592ffb21SWarner Losh 		switch(ret) {
524592ffb21SWarner Losh 		case -EWOULDBLOCK:
525592ffb21SWarner Losh 			timeout_expired = true;
526592ffb21SWarner Losh 			ret = 0;
527592ffb21SWarner Losh 			break;
528592ffb21SWarner Losh 		case -EINTR:
529592ffb21SWarner Losh 		case -ERESTART:
530592ffb21SWarner Losh 			ret = -ERESTARTSYS;
531592ffb21SWarner Losh 			break;
532592ffb21SWarner Losh 		case 0:
533592ffb21SWarner Losh 			awakened = true;
534592ffb21SWarner Losh 			break;
535592ffb21SWarner Losh 		}
536592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
537592ffb21SWarner Losh 	mtx_unlock(&c->lock);
538592ffb21SWarner Losh 
539592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (awakened) {
540592ffb21SWarner Losh 		elapsed_jiffies = ticks - start_jiffies;
541592ffb21SWarner Losh 		ret = timeout > elapsed_jiffies ? timeout - elapsed_jiffies : 1;
542592ffb21SWarner Losh 	}
543592ffb21SWarner Losh 
544592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (ret);
545592ffb21SWarner Losh }
546592ffb21SWarner Losh 
547592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_DMA);
548592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_SAREA);
550592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_MAGIC);
551592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_MINOR);
553592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_MAPS);
554592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_BUFS);
555592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_SEGS);
556592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_PAGES);
557592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_FILES);
559592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_CMDS);
565592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_MM);
567592ffb21SWarner Losh MALLOC_DECLARE(DRM_MEM_KMS);
569592ffb21SWarner Losh 
570592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	simple_strtol(a, b, c)			strtol((a), (b), (c))
571592ffb21SWarner Losh 
572592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef struct drm_pci_id_list
573592ffb21SWarner Losh {
574592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int vendor;
575592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int device;
576592ffb21SWarner Losh 	long driver_private;
577592ffb21SWarner Losh 	char *name;
578592ffb21SWarner Losh } drm_pci_id_list_t;
579592ffb21SWarner Losh 
580592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifdef __i386__
581592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_X86	1
582592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
583592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifdef __amd64__
584592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_X86	1
585592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_X86_64	1
586592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
587592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifdef __ia64__
588592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_IA64	1
589592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
590592ffb21SWarner Losh 
591592ffb21SWarner Losh #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__amd64__)
592592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_ACPI
593592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS
594592ffb21SWarner Losh #undef	CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU
595592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
596592ffb21SWarner Losh 
597592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifdef COMPAT_FREEBSD32
598592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_COMPAT
599592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
600592ffb21SWarner Losh 
601592ffb21SWarner Losh #ifndef __arm__
602592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_AGP	1
603592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_MTRR	1
604592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif
605592ffb21SWarner Losh 
606592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	CONFIG_FB	1
607592ffb21SWarner Losh extern const char *fb_mode_option;
608592ffb21SWarner Losh 
609592ffb21SWarner Losh #undef	CONFIG_DEBUG_FS
610592ffb21SWarner Losh #undef	CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE
611592ffb21SWarner Losh 
612592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	EXPORT_SYMBOL(x)
613592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(x)
614592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	MODULE_AUTHOR(author)
615592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	MODULE_DESCRIPTION(desc)
616592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	MODULE_LICENSE(license)
617592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	MODULE_PARM_DESC(name, desc)
618592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(name, list)
619592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	module_param_named(name, var, type, perm)
620592ffb21SWarner Losh 
621592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	printk		printf
622592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	pr_err		DRM_ERROR
623592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	pr_warn		DRM_WARNING
624592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	pr_warn_once	DRM_WARNING
625592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	KERN_DEBUG	""
626592ffb21SWarner Losh 
627592ffb21SWarner Losh /* I2C compatibility. */
628592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	I2C_M_RD	IIC_M_RD
629592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	I2C_M_WR	IIC_M_WR
630592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	I2C_M_NOSTART	IIC_M_NOSTART
631592ffb21SWarner Losh 
632592ffb21SWarner Losh struct fb_info *	framebuffer_alloc(void);
633592ffb21SWarner Losh void			framebuffer_release(struct fb_info *info);
634592ffb21SWarner Losh 
635592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	console_lock()
636592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	console_unlock()
637592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	console_trylock()	true
638592ffb21SWarner Losh 
639592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PM_EVENT_SUSPEND	0x0002
640592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PM_EVENT_QUIESCE	0x0008
641592ffb21SWarner Losh #define	PM_EVENT_PRETHAW	PM_EVENT_QUIESCE
642592ffb21SWarner Losh 
643592ffb21SWarner Losh typedef struct pm_message {
644592ffb21SWarner Losh 	int event;
645592ffb21SWarner Losh } pm_message_t;
646592ffb21SWarner Losh 
647592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_read_config_byte(device_t kdev,int where,u8 * val)648592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_read_config_byte(device_t kdev, int where, u8 *val)
649592ffb21SWarner Losh {
650592ffb21SWarner Losh 
651592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*val = (u8)pci_read_config(kdev, where, 1);
652592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
653592ffb21SWarner Losh }
654592ffb21SWarner Losh 
655592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_write_config_byte(device_t kdev,int where,u8 val)656592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_write_config_byte(device_t kdev, int where, u8 val)
657592ffb21SWarner Losh {
658592ffb21SWarner Losh 
659592ffb21SWarner Losh 	pci_write_config(kdev, where, val, 1);
660592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
661592ffb21SWarner Losh }
662592ffb21SWarner Losh 
663592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_read_config_word(device_t kdev,int where,uint16_t * val)664592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_read_config_word(device_t kdev, int where, uint16_t *val)
665592ffb21SWarner Losh {
666592ffb21SWarner Losh 
667592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*val = (uint16_t)pci_read_config(kdev, where, 2);
668592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
669592ffb21SWarner Losh }
670592ffb21SWarner Losh 
671592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_write_config_word(device_t kdev,int where,uint16_t val)672592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_write_config_word(device_t kdev, int where, uint16_t val)
673592ffb21SWarner Losh {
674592ffb21SWarner Losh 
675592ffb21SWarner Losh 	pci_write_config(kdev, where, val, 2);
676592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
677592ffb21SWarner Losh }
678592ffb21SWarner Losh 
679592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_read_config_dword(device_t kdev,int where,uint32_t * val)680592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_read_config_dword(device_t kdev, int where, uint32_t *val)
681592ffb21SWarner Losh {
682592ffb21SWarner Losh 
683592ffb21SWarner Losh 	*val = (uint32_t)pci_read_config(kdev, where, 4);
684592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
685592ffb21SWarner Losh }
686592ffb21SWarner Losh 
687592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline int
pci_write_config_dword(device_t kdev,int where,uint32_t val)688592ffb21SWarner Losh pci_write_config_dword(device_t kdev, int where, uint32_t val)
689592ffb21SWarner Losh {
690592ffb21SWarner Losh 
691592ffb21SWarner Losh 	pci_write_config(kdev, where, val, 4);
692592ffb21SWarner Losh 	return (0);
693592ffb21SWarner Losh }
694592ffb21SWarner Losh 
695592ffb21SWarner Losh static inline void
on_each_cpu(void callback (void * data),void * data,int wait)696592ffb21SWarner Losh on_each_cpu(void callback(void *data), void *data, int wait)
697592ffb21SWarner Losh {
698592ffb21SWarner Losh 
699592ffb21SWarner Losh 	smp_rendezvous(NULL, callback, NULL, data);
700592ffb21SWarner Losh }
701592ffb21SWarner Losh 
702592ffb21SWarner Losh void	hex_dump_to_buffer(const void *buf, size_t len, int rowsize,
703592ffb21SWarner Losh 	    int groupsize, char *linebuf, size_t linebuflen, bool ascii);
704592ffb21SWarner Losh 
705592ffb21SWarner Losh #define KIB_NOTYET()							\
706592ffb21SWarner Losh do {									\
707592ffb21SWarner Losh 	if (drm_debug && drm_notyet)					\
708592ffb21SWarner Losh 		printf("NOTYET: %s at %s:%d\n", __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
709592ffb21SWarner Losh } while (0)
710592ffb21SWarner Losh 
711592ffb21SWarner Losh #endif /* _DRM_OS_FREEBSD_H_ */