1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  ***************************************************************************/
7 /**
8  *****************************************************************************
9  * @file lac_sym_alg_chain.h
10  *
11  * @defgroup  LacAlgChain  Algorithm Chaining
12  *
13  * @ingroup LacSym
14  *
15  * Interfaces exposed by the Algorithm Chaining Component
16  *
17  * @lld_start
18  *
19  * @lld_overview
20  * This is the LAC Algorithm-Chaining feature component.  This component
21  * implements session registration and cleanup functions, and a perform
22  * function.  Statistics are maintained to track requests issued and completed,
23  * errors incurred, and  authentication verification failures.  For each
24  * function the parameters  supplied by the client are checked, and then the
25  * function proceeds if all the parameters are valid.  This component also
26  * incorporates support for Authenticated-Encryption (CCM and GCM) which
27  * essentially comprises of a cipher operation and a hash operation combined.
28  *
29  * This component can combine a cipher operation with a hash operation or just
30  * simply create a hash only or cipher only operation and is called from the
31  * LAC Symmetric API component. In turn it calls the LAC Cipher, LAC Hash, and
32  * LAC Symmetric QAT components.  The goal here is to duplicate as little code
33  * as possible from the Cipher and Hash components.
34  *
35  * The cipher and hash operations can be combined in either order, i.e. cipher
36  * first then hash or hash first then cipher.  The client specifies this via
37  * the algChainOrder field in the session context.  This ordering choice is
38  * stored as part of the session descriptor, so that it is known when a
39  * perform request is issued.  In the case of Authenticated-Encryption, the
40  * ordering is an implicit part of the CCM or GCM protocol.
41  *
42  * When building a content descriptor, as part of session registration, this
43  * component asks the Cipher and Hash components to build their respective
44  * parts of the session descriptor.  The key aspect here is to provide the
45  * correct offsets to the Cipher and Hash components for where in the content
46  * descriptor to write their Config and Hardware Setup blocks.  Also the
47  * Config block in each case must specify the appropriate next slice.
48  *
49  * When building request parameters, as part of a perform operation, this
50  * component asks the Cipher and Hash components to build their respective
51  * parts of the request parameters block.  Again the key aspect here is to
52  * provide the correct offsets to the Cipher and Hash components for where in
53  * the request parameters block to write their parameters.  Also the request
54  * parameters block in each case must specify the appropriate next slice.
55  *
56  * Parameter checking for session registration and for operation perform is
57  * mostly delegated to the Cipher and Hash components.  There are a few
58  * extra checks that this component must perform: check the algChainOrder
59  * parameter, ensure that CCM/GCM are specified for hash/cipher algorithms
60  * as appropriate, and ensure that requests are for full packets (partial
61  * packets are not supported for Algorithm-Chaining).
62  *
63  * The perform operation allocates a cookie to capture information required
64  * in the request callback.  This cookie is then freed in the callback.
65  *
66  * @lld_dependencies
67  * - \ref LacCipher "Cipher" : For taking care of the cipher aspects of
68  *   session registration and operation perform
69  * - \ref LacHash "Hash" : For taking care of the hash aspects of session
70  *   registration and operation perform
71  * - \ref LacSymCommon "Symmetric Common" : statistics.
72  * - \ref LacSymQat "Symmetric QAT": To build the QAT request message,
73  *   request param structure, and populate the content descriptor.  Also
74  *   for registering a callback function to process the QAT response.
75  * - \ref QatComms "QAT Comms" : For sending messages to the QAT, and for
76  *   setting the response callback
77  * - \ref LacMem "Mem" : For memory allocation and freeing, virtual/physical
78  *   address translation, and translating between scalar and pointer types
79  * - OSAL : For atomics and locking
80  *
81  * @lld_module_algorithms
82  * This component builds up a chain of slices at session init time
83  * and stores it in the session descriptor. This is used for building up the
84  * content descriptor at session init time and the request parameters structure
85  * in the perform operation.
86  *
87  * The offsets for the first slice are updated so that the second slice adds
88  * its configuration information after that of the first slice. The first
89  * slice also configures the next slice appropriately.
90  *
91  * This component is very much hard-coded to just support cipher+hash or
92  * hash+cipher.  It should be quite possible to extend this idea to support
93  * an arbitrary chain of commands, by building up a command chain that can
94  * be traversed in order to build up the appropriate configuration for the
95  * QAT.  This notion should be looked at in the future if other forms of
96  * Algorithm-Chaining are desired.
97  *
98  * @lld_process_context
99  *
100  * @lld_end
101  *
102  *****************************************************************************/
104 /*****************************************************************************/
106 #ifndef LAC_SYM_ALG_CHAIN_H
107 #define LAC_SYM_ALG_CHAIN_H
109 /*
110 ******************************************************************************
111 * Include public/global header files
112 ******************************************************************************
113 */
115 #include "cpa.h"
116 #include "cpa_cy_sym.h"
117 #include "lac_session.h"
119 /*
120 *******************************************************************************
121 * Include private header files
122 *******************************************************************************
123 */
125 /* Macro for checking if zero length buffer are supported
126  * only for cipher is AES-GCM and hash are AES-GCM/AES-GMAC */
127 #define IS_ZERO_LENGTH_BUFFER_SUPPORTED(cipherAlgo, hashAlgo)                  \
128 	(CPA_CY_SYM_CIPHER_AES_GCM == cipherAlgo &&                            \
129 	 (CPA_CY_SYM_HASH_AES_GMAC == hashAlgo ||                              \
130 	  CPA_CY_SYM_HASH_AES_GCM == hashAlgo))
132 /**
133 *******************************************************************************
134 * @ingroup LacAlgChain
135 *      This function registers a session for an Algorithm-Chaining operation.
136 *
137 * @description
138 *      This function is called from the LAC session register API function for
139 *      Algorithm-Chaining operations. It validates all input parameters. If
140 *      an invalid parameter is passed, an error is returned to the calling
141 *      function. If all parameters are valid an Algorithm-Chaining session is
142 *      registered.
143 *
144 * @param[in] instanceHandle    Instance Handle
145 *
146 * @param[in] pSessionCtx       Pointer to session context which contains
147 *                              parameters which are static for a given
148 *                              cryptographic session such as operation type,
149 *                              mechanisms, and keys for cipher and/or digest
150 *                              operations.
151 * @param[out] pSessionDesc     Pointer to session descriptor
152 *
153 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
154 * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
155 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter passed in.
156 * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE       Error related to system resources.
157 *
158 * @see cpaCySymInitSession()
159 *
160 *****************************************************************************/
161 CpaStatus LacAlgChain_SessionInit(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
162 				  const CpaCySymSessionSetupData *pSessionCtx,
163 				  lac_session_desc_t *pSessionDesc);
165 /**
166 *******************************************************************************
167 * @ingroup LacAlgChain
168 *      Data path function for the Algorithm-Chaining component
169 *
170 * @description
171 *      This function gets called from cpaCySymPerformOp() which is the
172 *      symmetric LAC API function. It is the data path function for the
173 *      Algorithm-Chaining component. It does the parameter checking on the
174 *      client supplied parameters and if the parameters are valid, the
175 *      operation is performed and a request sent to the QAT, otherwise an
176 *      error is returned to the client.
177 *
178 * @param[in] instanceHandle    Instance Handle
179 *
180 * @param[in] pSessionDesc  Pointer to session descriptor
181 * @param[in] pCallbackTag    The application's context for this call
182 * @param[in] pOpData       Pointer to a structure containing request
183 *                          parameters. The client code allocates the memory for
184 *                          this structure. This component takes ownership of
185 *                          the memory until it is returned in the callback.
186 *
187 * @param[in] pSrcBuffer        Source Buffer List
188 * @param[out] pDstBuffer       Destination Buffer List
189 * @param[out] pVerifyResult    Verify Result
190 *
191 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Function executed successfully.
192 * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
193 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter passed in.
194 * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE       Error related to system resource.
195 *
196 * @see cpaCySymPerformOp()
197 *
198 *****************************************************************************/
199 CpaStatus LacAlgChain_Perform(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
200 			      lac_session_desc_t *pSessionDesc,
201 			      void *pCallbackTag,
202 			      const CpaCySymOpData *pOpData,
203 			      const CpaBufferList *pSrcBuffer,
204 			      CpaBufferList *pDstBuffer,
205 			      CpaBoolean *pVerifyResult);
207 /**
208 *******************************************************************************
209 * @ingroup LacAlgChain
210 *      This function is used to update cipher key, as specified in provided
211 *      input.
212 *
213 * @description
214 *      This function is called from the LAC session register API function for
215 *      Algorithm-Chaining operations. It validates all input parameters. If
216 *      an invalid parameter is passed, an error is returned to the calling
217 *      function. If all parameters are valid an Algorithm-Chaining session is
218 *      updated.
219 *
220 * @threadSafe
221 *      No
222 *
223 * @param[in] pSessionDesc           Pointer to session descriptor
224 * @param[in] pCipherKey             Pointer to new cipher key.
225 *
226 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Function executed successfully.
227 * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
228 * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY          Resubmit the request.
229 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter passed in.
230 * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED    Function is not supported.
231 *
232 *****************************************************************************/
233 CpaStatus LacAlgChain_SessionCipherKeyUpdate(lac_session_desc_t *pSessionDesc,
234 					     Cpa8U *pCipherKey);
236 /**
237 *******************************************************************************
238 * @ingroup LacAlgChain
239 *      This function is used to update authentication key, as specified in
240 *      provided input.
241 *
242 * @description
243 *      This function is called from the LAC session register API function for
244 *      Algorithm-Chaining operations. It validates all input parameters. If
245 *      an invalid parameter is passed, an error is returned to the calling
246 *      function. If all parameters are valid an Algorithm-Chaining session is
247 *      updated.
248 *
249 * @threadSafe
250 *      No
251 *
252 * @param[in] pSessionDesc           Pointer to session descriptor
253 * @param[in] pCipherKey             Pointer to new authentication key.
254 *
255 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Function executed successfully.
256 * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
257 * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY          Resubmit the request.
258 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter passed in.
259 * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED    Function is not supported.
260 *
261 *****************************************************************************/
262 CpaStatus LacAlgChain_SessionAuthKeyUpdate(lac_session_desc_t *pSessionDesc,
263 					   Cpa8U *pAuthKey);
265 /**
266 *******************************************************************************
267 * @ingroup LacAlgChain
268 *      This function is used to update AAD length as specified in provided
269 *      input.
270 *
271 * @description
272 *      This function is called from the LAC session register API function for
273 *      Algorithm-Chaining operations. It validates all input parameters. If
274 *      an invalid parameter is passed, an error is returned to the calling
275 *      function. If all parameters are valid an Algorithm-Chaining session is
276 *      updated.
277 *
278 * @threadSafe
279 *      No
280 *
281 * @param[in] pSessionDesc           Pointer to session descriptor
282 * @param[in] newAADLength           New AAD length.
283 *
284 * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        Function executed successfully.
285 * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           Function failed.
286 * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY          Resubmit the request.
287 * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  Invalid parameter passed in.
288 * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED    Function is not supported.
289 *
290 *****************************************************************************/
291 CpaStatus LacAlgChain_SessionAADUpdate(lac_session_desc_t *pSessionDesc,
292 				       Cpa32U newAADLength);
294 #endif /* LAC_SYM_ALG_CHAIN_H */