1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
2 /* Copyright(c) 2007-2022 Intel Corporation */
3 /* $FreeBSD$ */
4 /**
5  ***************************************************************************
6  * @file lac_mem_pools.h
7  *
8  * @defgroup LacMemPool     Memory Pool Mgmt
9  *
10  * @ingroup LacCommon
11  *
12  * Memory Pool creation and mgmt functions
13  *
14  * @lld_start
15  * @lld_overview
16  *     This component is designed as a set of utility functions for the
17  * creation of pre-allocated memory pools. Each pool will be created using OS
18  * memory with a user specified number of elements, element size and element
19  * alignment(alignmnet is at byte granularity).
20  * @lld_dependencies
21  *     These utilities rely on QAT Utils for locking mechanisms and memory
22  *allocation
23  * @lld_initialisation
24  *     Pool creation needs to be done by each component. There is no specific
25  * initialisation required for this feature.
26  * @lld_module_algorithms
27  *     The following is a diagram of how the memory is layed out for each block
28  * in a pool. Each element must be aligned on the boundary requested for in the
29  * create call.  In order to hide the management of the pools from the user,
30  * the memory block data is hidden prior to the
31  * data pointer. This way it can be accessed easily on a free call with pointer
32  * arithmatic. The Padding at the start is simply there for alignment and is
33  * unused in the pools.
34  *
35  *   -------------------------------------------------------
36  *
37  *   |Padding  |lac_mem_blk_t |        client memory       |
38  *
39  * @lld_process_context
40  * @lld_end
41  ***************************************************************************/
43 /**
44  *******************************************************************************
45  * @ingroup LacMemPool
46  *
47  *
48  ******************************************************************************/
50 /***************************************************************************/
52 #ifndef LAC_MEM_POOLS_H
53 #define LAC_MEM_POOLS_H
55 #include "cpa.h"
56 #include "lac_common.h"
57 struct lac_mem_pool_hdr_s;
58 /**< @ingroup LacMemPool
59  * This is a forward declaration of the structure type lac_mem_pool_hdr_s */
61 typedef LAC_ARCH_UINT lac_memory_pool_id_t;
62 /**< @ingroup LacMemPool
63  *   Pool ID type to be used by all clients */
65 /**< @ingroup LacMemPool
66  *     This structure is used to link each memory block in the created pool
67  *     together and contain the necessary information for deletion of the block
68  */
69 typedef struct lac_mem_blk_s {
70 	CpaPhysicalAddr physDataPtr;
71 	/**< physical address of data pointer for client */
72 	void *pMemAllocPtr;
73 	/**<  virtual address of the memory block actually allocated */
74 	CpaBoolean isInUse;
75 	/**< indicates if the pool item is in use */
76 	struct lac_mem_blk_s *pNext;
77 	/**< link to next blcok in the pool */
78 	struct lac_mem_pool_hdr_s *pPoolID;
79 	/**< identifier of the pool that this block was allocated from */
80 } lac_mem_blk_t;
82 #define LAC_MEM_POOL_VIRT_TO_PHYS(pVirtAddr)                                   \
83 	(((lac_mem_blk_t *)((LAC_ARCH_UINT)pVirtAddr - sizeof(lac_mem_blk_t))) \
84 	     ->physDataPtr)
85 /**< @ingroup LacMemPool
86  *   macro for retreiving the physical address of the memory block. */
89 /**< @ingroup LacMemPool
90  * macro which defines the valid initialisation value for a pool ID. This is
91  * used as a level of abstraction for the user of this interface */
93 /**
94  *******************************************************************************
95  * @ingroup LacMemPool
96  * This function creates a memory pool containing a specified number of
97  * elements of specific size and byte alignment. This function is not reentrant
98  * or thread safe and is only intended to be called during initialisation.
99  *
100  * @blocking
101  *      Yes
102  * @reentrant
103  *      No
104  * @threadSafe
105  *      No
106  * @param[out] poolID               on successful creation of a pool this will
107  *                                  be the ID used for all subsequent accesses
108  * @param[in] poolName              The name of the memory pool
109  * @param[in] numElementsInPool     number of elements to provision in the pool
110  * @param[in] blkSizeInBytes        size in bytes of each element in the pool
111  * @param[in] blkAlignmentInBytes   byte alignment required for each element
112  * @param[in] trackMemory           track the memory in use by this pool
113  * @param[in] node                  node to allocate from
114  *
115  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM  invalid input parameter
116  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE       error in provisioning resources
117  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        function executed successfully
118  *
119  ******************************************************************************/
120 CpaStatus Lac_MemPoolCreate(lac_memory_pool_id_t *poolID,
121 			    char *poolName,
122 			    unsigned int numElementsInPool,
123 			    unsigned int blkSizeInBytes,
124 			    unsigned int blkAlignmentInBytes,
125 			    CpaBoolean trackMemory,
126 			    Cpa32U node);
128 /**
129  *******************************************************************************
130  * @ingroup LacMemPool
131  * This function will destroy the memory pool in it's current state. All memory
132  * blocks which have been returned to the memory pool will be de-allocated and
133  * the pool indetifier will be freed and assigned to NULL. It is the
134  * responsibility of the pool creators to return all memory before a destroy or
135  * memory will be leaked.
136  *
137  * @blocking
138  *      Yes
139  * @reentrant
140  *      No
141  * @threadSafe
142  *      No
144  * @param[in] poolID  Pointer to the memory pool to destroy
145  *
146  ******************************************************************************/
147 void Lac_MemPoolDestroy(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID);
149 /**
150  *******************************************************************************
151  * @ingroup LacMemPool
152  * This function allocates a block from the pool which has been previously
153  * created. It does not check the validity of the pool Id prior to accessing the
154  * pool. It is up to the calling code to ensure the value is correct.
155  *
156  * @blocking
157  *      Yes
158  * @reentrant
159  *      Yes
160  * @threadSafe
161  *      Yes
162  * @param[in] poolID  ID of the pool to allocate memory from
163  *
164  * @retval pointer to the memory which has been allocated from the pool
165  *
166  ******************************************************************************/
167 void *Lac_MemPoolEntryAlloc(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID);
169 /**
170  *******************************************************************************
171  * @ingroup LacMemPool
172  * This function de-allocates the memory passed in back to the pool from which
173  * it was allocated.
174  *
175  * @blocking
176  *      Yes
177  * @reentrant
178  *      Yes
179  * @threadSafe
180  *      Yes
181  * @param[in] entry   memory address of the block to be freed
182  *
183  ******************************************************************************/
184 void Lac_MemPoolEntryFree(void *entry);
186 /**
187  *******************************************************************************
188  * @ingroup LacMemPool
189  * This function returns the number of available entries in a particular pool
190  *
191  * @blocking
192  *      No
193  * @reentrant
194  *      No
195  * @threadSafe
196  *      No
197  * @param[in] poolID  ID of the pool
198  *
199  * @retval number of elements left for allocation from the pool
200  *
201  ******************************************************************************/
202 unsigned int Lac_MemPoolAvailableEntries(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID);
204 /**
205  *******************************************************************************
206  * @ingroup LacMemPool
207  * This function displays the stats associated with the memory pools
208  *
209  * @blocking
210  *      No
211  * @reentrant
212  *      No
213  * @threadSafe
214  *      No
215  *
216  ******************************************************************************/
217 void Lac_MemPoolStatsShow(void);
219 /**
220  *******************************************************************************
221  * @ingroup LacMemPool
222  * This function initialises the physical addresses of the symmetric cookie
223  *
224  * @blocking
225  *      No
226  * @reentrant
227  *      No
228  * @threadSafe
229  *      No
230  * @param[in] poolID   ID of the pool
231  *
232  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           function failed
233  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        function executed successfully
234  *
235  ******************************************************************************/
236 CpaStatus Lac_MemPoolInitSymCookiesPhyAddr(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID);
238 /**
239  *******************************************************************************
240  * @ingroup LacMemPool
241  * This function populates all PKE requests with instance constant parameters
242  *
243  * @blocking
244  *      No
245  * @reentrant
246  *      No
247  * @threadSafe
248  *      No
249  * @param[in] poolID   ID of the pool
250  * @param[in] instanceHandle   instanceHandle
251  *
252  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           function failed
253  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        function executed successfully
254  *
255  ******************************************************************************/
256 CpaStatus Lac_MemPoolInitAsymCookies(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID,
257 				     CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle);
259 /**
260  *******************************************************************************
261  * @ingroup LacMemPool
262  * This function initialises the physical addresses of the compression cookie
263  *
264  * @blocking
265  *      No
266  * @reentrant
267  *      No
268  * @threadSafe
269  *      No
270  * @param[in] poolID   ID of the pool
271  *
272  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL           function failed
273  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS        function executed successfully
274  *
275  ******************************************************************************/
276 CpaStatus Lac_MemPoolInitDcCookiePhyAddr(lac_memory_pool_id_t poolID);
278 #endif /*LAC_MEM_POOLS_H*/