xref: /freebsd/sys/dev/qat/qat_api/include/lac/cpa_cy_ec.h (revision dad64f0e)
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  *   Copyright(c) 2007-2022 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
6  *   All rights reserved.
7  *
8  *   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9  *   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10  *   are met:
11  *
12  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
16  *       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
17  *       distribution.
18  *     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
19  *       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
20  *       from this software without specific prior written permission.
21  *
33  *
34  *
35  ***************************************************************************/
37 /*
38  *****************************************************************************
39  * Doxygen group definitions
40  ****************************************************************************/
42 /**
43  *****************************************************************************
44  * @file cpa_cy_ec.h
45  *
46  * @defgroup cpaCyEc Elliptic Curve (EC) API
47  *
48  * @ingroup cpaCy
49  *
50  * @description
51  *      These functions specify the API for Public Key Encryption
52  *      (Cryptography) Elliptic Curve (EC) operations.
53  *
54  *      All implementations will support at least the following:
55  *
57  *        as defined by
58  *        http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/documents/dss/NISTReCur.pdf
59  *
60  *      - Random curves where the max(log2(q), log2(n) + log2(h)) <= 512
61  *        where q is the modulus, n is the order of the curve and h is the
62  *        cofactor
63  *
64  *      For Montgomery and Edwards 25519 and 448 elliptic curves,
65  *      the following operations are supported:
66  *           1. Montgomery 25519 Curve         | scalar point Multiplication
67  *              Input:  Montgomery affine coordinate X of point P
68  *                      Scalar k
69  *              Output: Montgomery affine coordinate X of point [k/P
70  *              Decode: Scalar k always decoded by implementation
71  *
72  *           2. Montgomery 25519 Curve         | generator point Multiplication
73  *              Input:  Scalar k
74  *              Output: Montgomery affine coordinate X of point [k]G
75  *              Decode: Scalar k always decoded by implementation
76  *
77  *           3. Twisted Edwards 25519 Curve    | scalar point Multiplication
78  *              Input:  Twisted Edwards affine coordinate X of point P
79  *                      Twisted Edwards affine coordinate Y of point P
80  *                      Scalar k
81  *              Output: Twisted Edwards affine coordinate X of point [k]P
82  *                      Twisted Edwards affine coordinate Y of point [k]P
83  *              Decode: Caller must specify if decoding is required
84  *
85  *           4. Twisted Edwards 25519 Curve    | generator point Multiplication
86  *              Input:  Scalar k
87  *              Output: Twisted Edwards affine coordinate X of point [k]G
88  *                      Twisted Edwards affine coordinate Y of point [k]G
89  *              Decode: Caller must specify if decoding is required
90  *
91  *           5. Montgomery 448 Curve           | scalar point Multiplication
92  *              Input:  Montgomery affine coordinate X of point P
93  *                      Scalar k
94  *              Output: Montgomery affine coordinate X of point [k]P
95  *              Decode: Scalar k always decoded by implementation
96  *
97  *           6. Montgomery 448 Curve           | generator point Multiplication
98  *              Input:  Scalar k
99  *              Output: Montgomery affine coordinate X of point [k]G
100  *              Decode: Scalar k always decoded by implementation
101  *
102  *           7. Edwards 448 Curve              | scalar point Multiplication
103  *              Input:  Edwards affine coordinate X of point P
104  *                      Edwards affine coordinate Y of point P
105  *                      Scalar k
106  *              Output: Edwards affine coordinate X of point [k]P
107  *                      Edwards affine coordinate Y of point [k]P
108  *              Decode: Caller must specify if decoding is required
109  *
110  *           8. Edwards 448 Curve              | generator point Multiplication
111  *              Input:  Scalar k
112  *              Output: Edwards affine coordinate X of point [k]G
113  *                      Edwards affine coordinate Y of point [k]G
114  *              Decode: Caller must specify if decoding is required
115  *
116  * @note
117  *      Large numbers are represented on the QuickAssist API as described
118  *      in the Large Number API (@ref cpaCyLn).
119  *
120  *      In addition, the bit length of large numbers passed to the API
121  *      MUST NOT exceed 576 bits for Elliptic Curve operations.
122  *****************************************************************************/
124 #ifndef CPA_CY_EC_H_
125 #define CPA_CY_EC_H_
127 #ifdef __cplusplus
128 extern "C" {
129 #endif
131 #include "cpa_cy_common.h"
133 /**
134  *****************************************************************************
135  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
136  *      Field types for Elliptic Curve
138  * @description
139  *      As defined by FIPS-186-3, for each cryptovariable length, there are
140  *      two kinds of fields.
141  *      <ul>
142  *        <li> A prime field is the field GF(p) which contains a prime number
143  *        p of elements. The elements of this field are the integers modulo
144  *        p, and the field arithmetic is implemented in terms of the
145  *        arithmetic of integers modulo p.</li>
146  *
147  *        <li> A binary field is the field GF(2^m) which contains 2^m elements
148  *        for some m (called the degree of the field). The elements of
149  *        this field are the bit strings of length m, and the field
150  *        arithmetic is implemented in terms of operations on the bits.</li>
151  *      </ul>
152  *****************************************************************************/
153 typedef enum _CpaCyEcFieldType
154 {
156     /**< A prime field, GF(p) */
158     /**< A binary field, GF(2^m) */
159 } CpaCyEcFieldType;
161 /**
162  *****************************************************************************
163  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
164  *      Curve types for Elliptic Curves defined in RFC#7748
166  * @description
167  *      As defined by RFC 7748, there are four elliptic curves in this
168  *      group. The Montgomery curves are denoted curve25519 and curve448,
169  *      and the birationally equivalent Twisted Edwards curves are denoted
170  *      edwards25519 and edwards448
171  *
172  *****************************************************************************/
173 typedef enum _CpaCyEcMontEdwdsCurveType
174 {
176     /**< Montgomery 25519 curve */
178     /**< Twisted Edwards 25519 curve */
180     /**< Montgomery 448 curve */
182     /**< Twisted Edwards 448 curve */
183 } CpaCyEcMontEdwdsCurveType;
185 /**
186  *****************************************************************************
187  * @file cpa_cy_ec.h
188  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
189  *      EC Point Multiplication Operation Data.
190  *
191  * @description
192  *      This structure contains the operation data for the cpaCyEcPointMultiply
193  *      function. The client MUST allocate the memory for this structure and the
194  *      items pointed to by this structure. When the structure is passed into
195  *      the function, ownership of the memory passes to the function. Ownership
196  *      of the memory returns to the client when this structure is returned in
197  *      the callback function.
198  *
199  *      For optimal performance all data buffers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
200  *
201  *      All values in this structure are required to be in Most Significant Byte
202  *      first order, e.g. a.pData[0] = MSB.
203  *
204  * @note
205  *      If the client modifies or frees the memory referenced in this
206  *      structure after it has been submitted to the cpaCyEcPointMultiply
207  *      function, and before it has been returned in the callback, undefined
208  *      behavior will result.
209  *
210  * @see
211  *      cpaCyEcPointMultiply()
212  *
213  *****************************************************************************/
214 typedef struct _CpaCyEcPointMultiplyOpData {
215     CpaFlatBuffer k;
216     /**< scalar multiplier  (k > 0 and k < n) */
217     CpaFlatBuffer xg;
218     /**< x coordinate of curve point */
219     CpaFlatBuffer yg;
220     /**< y coordinate of curve point */
221     CpaFlatBuffer a;
222     /**< a elliptic curve coefficient */
223     CpaFlatBuffer b;
224     /**< b elliptic curve coefficient */
225     CpaFlatBuffer q;
226     /**< prime modulus or irreducible polynomial over GF(2^m)*/
227     CpaFlatBuffer h;
228     /**< cofactor of the operation.
229      * If the cofactor is NOT required then set the cofactor to 1 or the
230      * data pointer of the Flat Buffer to NULL. */
231     CpaCyEcFieldType fieldType;
232     /**< field type for the operation */
233 } CpaCyEcPointMultiplyOpData;
236 /**
237  *****************************************************************************
238  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
239  *      EC Point Verification Operation Data.
240  *
241  * @description
242  *      This structure contains the operation data for the cpaCyEcPointVerify
243  *      function. The client MUST allocate the memory for this structure and the
244  *      items pointed to by this structure. When the structure is passed into
245  *      the function, ownership of the memory passes to the function. Ownership
246  *      of the memory returns to the client when this structure is returned in
247  *      the callback function.
248  *
249  *      For optimal performance all data buffers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
250  *
251  *      All values in this structure are required to be in Most Significant Byte
252  *      first order, e.g. a.pData[0] = MSB.
253  *
254  * @note
255  *      If the client modifies or frees the memory referenced in this
256  *      structure after it has been submitted to the CpaCyEcPointVerify
257  *      function, and before it has been returned in the callback, undefined
258  *      behavior will result.
259  *
260  * @see
261  *      cpaCyEcPointVerify()
262  *
263  *****************************************************************************/
264 typedef struct _CpaCyEcPointVerifyOpData {
265     CpaFlatBuffer xq;
266     /**< x coordinate candidate point */
267     CpaFlatBuffer yq;
268     /**< y coordinate candidate point */
269     CpaFlatBuffer q;
270     /**< prime modulus or irreducible polynomial over GF(2^m) */
271     CpaFlatBuffer a;
272     /**< a elliptic curve coefficient */
273     CpaFlatBuffer b;
274     /**< b elliptic curve coefficient */
276     CpaCyEcFieldType fieldType;
277     /**< field type for the operation */
278 } CpaCyEcPointVerifyOpData;
280 /**
281  *****************************************************************************
282  * @file cpa_cy_ec.h
283  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
284  *      EC Point Multiplication Operation Data for Edwards or
285  8      Montgomery curves as specificied in RFC#7748.
286  *
287  * @description
288  *      This structure contains the operation data for the
289  *      cpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiply function.
290  *      The client MUST allocate the memory for this structure and the
291  *      items pointed to by this structure. When the structure is passed into
292  *      the function, ownership of the memory passes to the function. Ownership
293  *      of the memory returns to the client when this structure is returned in
294  *      the callback function.
295  *
296  *      For optimal performance all data buffers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
297  *
298  *      All values in this structure are required to be in Most Significant Byte
299  *      first order, e.g. a.pData[0] = MSB.
300  *
301  * @note
302  *      If the client modifies or frees the memory referenced in this
303  *      structure after it has been submitted to the cpaCyEcPointMultiply
304  *      function, and before it has been returned in the callback, undefined
305  *      behavior will result.
306  *
307  *       All buffers in this structure need to be:
308  *       - 32 bytes in size for 25519 curves
309  *       - 64 bytes in size for 448 curves
310  *
311  * @see
312  *      cpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiply()
313  *
314  *****************************************************************************/
315 typedef struct _CpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiplyOpData {
316     CpaCyEcMontEdwdsCurveType curveType;
317     /**< field type for the operation */
318     CpaBoolean  generator;
319     /**< True if the operation is a generator multiplication (kG)
320      *   False if it is a variable point multiplcation (kP). */
321     CpaFlatBuffer  k;
322     /**< k or generator for the operation */
323     CpaFlatBuffer  x;
324     /**< x value.  Used in scalar varable point multiplication operations.
325      * Not required if the generator is True. Must be NULL if not required.
326      * The size of the buffer MUST be 32B for 25519 curves and 64B for 448
327      * curves */
328     CpaFlatBuffer  y;
329     /**< y value.  Used in variable point multiplication of operations.
330      * Not required for curves defined only on scalar operations.
331      * Not required if the generator is True.
332      * Must be NULL if not required.
333      * The size of the buffer MUST be 32B for 25519 curves and 64B for 448
334      * curves */
335 } CpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiplyOpData;
337 /**
338  *****************************************************************************
339  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
340  *      Cryptographic EC Statistics.
341  *
342  * @description
343  *      This structure contains statistics on the Cryptographic EC
344  *      operations. Statistics are set to zero when the component is
345  *      initialized, and are collected per instance.
346  *
347  ****************************************************************************/
348 typedef struct _CpaCyEcStats64 {
349     Cpa64U numEcPointMultiplyRequests;
350     /**< Total number of EC Point Multiplication operation requests. */
351     Cpa64U numEcPointMultiplyRequestErrors;
352     /**< Total number of EC Point Multiplication operation requests that had an
353      * error and could not be processed. */
354     Cpa64U numEcPointMultiplyCompleted;
355     /**< Total number of EC Point Multiplication operation requests that
356      * completed successfully. */
357     Cpa64U numEcPointMultiplyCompletedError;
358     /**< Total number of EC Point Multiplication operation requests that could
359      * not be completed successfully due to errors. */
360     Cpa64U numEcPointMultiplyCompletedOutputInvalid;
361     /**< Total number of EC Point Multiplication operation requests that could
362      * not be completed successfully due to an invalid output.
363      * Note that this does not indicate an error. */
364     Cpa64U numEcPointVerifyRequests;
365     /**< Total number of EC Point Verification operation requests. */
366     Cpa64U numEcPointVerifyRequestErrors;
367     /**< Total number of EC Point Verification operation requests that had an
368      * error and could not be processed. */
369     Cpa64U numEcPointVerifyCompleted;
370     /**< Total number of EC Point Verification operation requests that completed
371      * successfully. */
372     Cpa64U numEcPointVerifyCompletedErrors;
373     /**< Total number of EC Point Verification operation requests that could
374      * not be completed successfully due to errors. */
375     Cpa64U numEcPointVerifyCompletedOutputInvalid;
376     /**< Total number of EC Point Verification operation requests that had an
377      * invalid output. Note that this does not indicate an error. */
378 } CpaCyEcStats64;
381 /**
382  *****************************************************************************
383  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
384  *      Definition of callback function invoked for cpaCyEcPointMultiply
385  *      requests.
386  * @context
387  *      This callback function can be executed in a context that DOES NOT
388  *      permit sleeping to occur.
389  * @assumptions
390  *      None
391  * @sideEffects
392  *      None
393  * @reentrant
394  *      No
395  * @threadSafe
396  *      Yes
397  *
398  * @param[in] pCallbackTag      User-supplied value to help identify request.
399  * @param[in] status            Status of the operation. Valid values are
400  *                              CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS, CPA_STATUS_FAIL and
401  *                              CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.
402  * @param[in] pOpData           Opaque pointer to Operation data supplied in
403  *                              request.
404  * @param[in] multiplyStatus    Status of the point multiplication.
405  * @param[in] pXk               x coordinate of resultant EC point.
406  * @param[in] pYk               y coordinate of resultant EC point.
407  *
408  * @retval
409  *      None
410  * @pre
411  *      Component has been initialized.
412  * @post
413  *      None
414  * @note
415  *      None
416  * @see
417  *      cpaCyEcPointMultiply()
418  *
419  *****************************************************************************/
420 typedef void (*CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc)(void *pCallbackTag,
421         CpaStatus status,
422         void *pOpData,
423         CpaBoolean multiplyStatus,
424         CpaFlatBuffer *pXk,
425         CpaFlatBuffer *pYk);
428 /**
429  *****************************************************************************
430  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
431  *      Definition of callback function invoked for cpaCyEcPointVerify
432  *      requests.
433  * @context
434  *      This callback function can be executed in a context that DOES NOT
435  *      permit sleeping to occur.
436  * @assumptions
437  *      None
438  * @sideEffects
439  *      None
440  * @reentrant
441  *      No
442  * @threadSafe
443  *      Yes
444  *
445  * @param[in] pCallbackTag      User-supplied value to help identify request.
446  * @param[in] status            Status of the operation. Valid values are
447  *                              CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS, CPA_STATUS_FAIL and
448  *                              CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED.
449  * @param[in] pOpData           Operation data pointer supplied in request.
450  * @param[in] verifyStatus      Set to CPA_FALSE if the point is NOT on the
451  *                              curve or at infinity. Set to CPA_TRUE if the
452  *                              point is on the curve.
453  *
454  * @return
455  *      None
456  * @pre
457  *      Component has been initialized.
458  * @post
459  *      None
460  * @note
461  *      None
462  * @see
463  *      cpaCyEcPointVerify()
464  *
465  *****************************************************************************/
466 typedef void (*CpaCyEcPointVerifyCbFunc)(void *pCallbackTag,
467         CpaStatus status,
468         void *pOpData,
469         CpaBoolean verifyStatus);
472 /**
473  *****************************************************************************
474  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
475  *      Perform EC Point Multiplication.
476  *
477  * @description
478  *      This function performs Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication as per
479  *      ANSI X9.63 Annex D.3.2.
480  *
481  * @context
482  *      When called as an asynchronous function it cannot sleep. It can be
483  *      executed in a context that does not permit sleeping.
484  *      When called as a synchronous function it may sleep. It MUST NOT be
485  *      executed in a context that DOES NOT permit sleeping.
486  * @assumptions
487  *      None
488  * @sideEffects
489  *      None
490  * @blocking
491  *      Yes when configured to operate in synchronous mode.
492  * @reentrant
493  *      No
494  * @threadSafe
495  *      Yes
496  *
497  * @param[in]  instanceHandle   Instance handle.
498  * @param[in]  pCb              Callback function pointer. If this is set to
499  *                              a NULL value the function will operate
500  *                              synchronously.
501  * @param[in]  pCallbackTag     User-supplied value to help identify request.
502  * @param[in]  pOpData          Structure containing all the data needed to
503  *                              perform the operation. The client code
504  *                              allocates the memory for this structure. This
505  *                              component takes ownership of the memory until
506  *                              it is returned in the callback.
507  * @param[out] pMultiplyStatus  In synchronous mode, the multiply output is
508  *                              valid (CPA_TRUE) or the output is invalid
509  *                              (CPA_FALSE).
510  * @param[out] pXk              Pointer to xk flat buffer.
511  * @param[out] pYk              Pointer to yk flat buffer.
512  *
513  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
514  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL          Function failed.
515  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY         Resubmit the request.
516  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter in.
517  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE      Error related to system resources.
518  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESTARTING    API implementation is restarting. Resubmit
519  *                                  the request.
520  * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED   Function is not supported.
521  *
522  * @pre
523  *      The component has been initialized via cpaCyStartInstance function.
524  * @post
525  *      None
526  * @note
527  *      When pCb is non-NULL an asynchronous callback of type
528  *      CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc is generated in response to this function
529  *      call.
530  *      For optimal performance, data pointers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
531  *
532  * @see
533  *      CpaCyEcPointMultiplyOpData,
534  *      CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc
535  *
536  *****************************************************************************/
537 CpaStatus
538 cpaCyEcPointMultiply(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
539         const CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc pCb,
540         void *pCallbackTag,
541         const CpaCyEcPointMultiplyOpData *pOpData,
542         CpaBoolean *pMultiplyStatus,
543         CpaFlatBuffer *pXk,
544         CpaFlatBuffer *pYk);
547 /**
548  *****************************************************************************
549  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
550  *      Verify that a point is on an elliptic curve.
551  *
552  * @description
553  *      This function performs Elliptic Curve Point Verification, as per
554  *      steps a, b and c of ANSI X9.62 Annex A.4.2.  (To perform the final
555  *      step d, the user can call @ref cpaCyEcPointMultiply.)
556  *
557  *      This function checks if the specified point satisfies the
558  *      Weierstrass equation for an Elliptic Curve.
559  *
560  *      For GF(p):
561  *          y^2 = (x^3 + ax + b) mod p
562  *      For GF(2^m):
563  *          y^2 + xy = x^3 + ax^2 + b mod p
564  *              where p is the irreducible polynomial over GF(2^m)
565  *
566  *      Use this function to verify a point is in the correct range and is
567  *      NOT the point at infinity.
568  *
569  * @context
570  *      When called as an asynchronous function it cannot sleep. It can be
571  *      executed in a context that does not permit sleeping.
572  *      When called as a synchronous function it may sleep. It MUST NOT be
573  *      executed in a context that DOES NOT permit sleeping.
574  * @assumptions
575  *      None
576  * @sideEffects
577  *      None
578  * @blocking
579  *      Yes when configured to operate in synchronous mode.
580  * @reentrant
581  *      No
582  * @threadSafe
583  *      Yes
584  *
585  * @param[in]  instanceHandle   Instance handle.
586  * @param[in]  pCb              Callback function pointer. If this is set to
587  *                              a NULL value the function will operate
588  *                              synchronously.
589  * @param[in]  pCallbackTag     User-supplied value to help identify request.
590  * @param[in]  pOpData          Structure containing all the data needed to
591  *                              perform the operation. The client code
592  *                              allocates the memory for this structure. This
593  *                              component takes ownership of the memory until
594  *                              it is returned in the callback.
595  * @param[out] pVerifyStatus    In synchronous mode, set to CPA_FALSE if the
596  *                              point is NOT on the curve or at infinity. Set
597  *                              to CPA_TRUE if the point is on the curve.
598  *
599  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
600  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL          Function failed.
601  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY         Resubmit the request.
602  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter passed in.
603  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE      Error related to system resources.
604  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESTARTING    API implementation is restarting. Resubmit
605  *                                  the request.
606  * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED   Function is not supported.
607  *
608  * @pre
609  *      The component has been initialized via cpaCyStartInstance function.
610  * @post
611  *      None
612  * @note
613  *      When pCb is non-NULL an asynchronous callback of type
614  *      CpaCyEcPointVerifyCbFunc is generated in response to this function
615  *      call.
616  *      For optimal performance, data pointers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
617  *
618  * @see
619  *      CpaCyEcPointVerifyOpData,
620  *      CpaCyEcPointVerifyCbFunc
621  *
622  *****************************************************************************/
623 CpaStatus
624 cpaCyEcPointVerify(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
625         const CpaCyEcPointVerifyCbFunc pCb,
626         void *pCallbackTag,
627         const CpaCyEcPointVerifyOpData *pOpData,
628         CpaBoolean *pVerifyStatus);
630 /**
631  *****************************************************************************
632  * @file cpa_cy_ec.h
633  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
634  *      Perform EC Point Multiplication on an Edwards or Montgomery curve as
635  *      defined in RFC#7748.
636  *
637  * @description
638  *      This function performs Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication as per
639  *      RFC#7748
640  *
641  * @context
642  *      When called as an asynchronous function it cannot sleep. It can be
643  *      executed in a context that does not permit sleeping.
644  *      When called as a synchronous function it may sleep. It MUST NOT be
645  *      executed in a context that DOES NOT permit sleeping.
646  * @assumptions
647  *      None
648  * @sideEffects
649  *      None
650  * @blocking
651  *      Yes when configured to operate in synchronous mode.
652  * @reentrant
653  *      No
654  * @threadSafe
655  *      Yes
656  *
657  * @param[in]  instanceHandle   Instance handle.
658  * @param[in]  pCb              Callback function pointer. If this is set to
659  *                              a NULL value the function will operate
660  *                              synchronously.
661  * @param[in]  pCallbackTag     User-supplied value to help identify request.
662  * @param[in]  pOpData          Structure containing all the data needed to
663  *                              perform the operation. The client code
664  *                              allocates the memory for this structure. This
665  *                              component takes ownership of the memory until
666  *                              it is returned in the callback.
667  * @param[out] pMultiplyStatus  In synchronous mode, the multiply output is
668  *                              valid (CPA_TRUE) or the output is invalid
669  *                              (CPA_FALSE).
670  * @param[out] pXk              Pointer to xk flat buffer.
671  * @param[out] pYk              Pointer to yk flat buffer.
672  *
673  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
674  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL          Function failed.
675  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RETRY         Resubmit the request.
676  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter in.
677  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE      Error related to system resources.
678  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESTARTING    API implementation is restarting. Resubmit
679  *                                  the request.
680  * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED   Function is not supported.
681  *
682  * @pre
683  *      The component has been initialized via cpaCyStartInstance function.
684  * @post
685  *      None
686  * @note
687  *      When pCb is non-NULL an asynchronous callback of type
688  *      CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc is generated in response to this function
689  *      call.
690  *      For optimal performance, data pointers SHOULD be 8-byte aligned.
691  *
692  * @see
693  *      CpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiplyOpData,
694  *      CpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiplyCbFunc
695  *
696  *****************************************************************************/
697 CpaStatus
698 cpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiply(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
699         const CpaCyEcPointMultiplyCbFunc pCb,
700         void *pCallbackTag,
701         const CpaCyEcMontEdwdsPointMultiplyOpData *pOpData,
702         CpaBoolean *pMultiplyStatus,
703         CpaFlatBuffer *pXk,
704         CpaFlatBuffer *pYk);
706 /**
707  *****************************************************************************
708  * @ingroup cpaCyEc
709  *      Query statistics for a specific EC instance.
710  *
711  * @description
712  *      This function will query a specific instance of the EC implementation
713  *      for statistics. The user MUST allocate the CpaCyEcStats64 structure
714  *      and pass the reference to that structure into this function call. This
715  *      function writes the statistic results into the passed in
716  *      CpaCyEcStats64 structure.
717  *
718  *      Note: statistics returned by this function do not interrupt current data
719  *      processing and as such can be slightly out of sync with operations that
720  *      are in progress during the statistics retrieval process.
721  *
722  * @context
723  *      This is a synchronous function and it can sleep. It MUST NOT be
724  *      executed in a context that DOES NOT permit sleeping.
725  * @assumptions
726  *      None
727  * @sideEffects
728  *      None
729  * @blocking
730  *      This function is synchronous and blocking.
731  * @reentrant
732  *      No
733  * @threadSafe
734  *      Yes
735  *
736  * @param[in]  instanceHandle       Instance handle.
737  * @param[out] pEcStats             Pointer to memory into which the statistics
738  *                                  will be written.
739  *
740  * @retval CPA_STATUS_SUCCESS       Function executed successfully.
741  * @retval CPA_STATUS_FAIL          Function failed.
742  * @retval CPA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter passed in.
743  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESOURCE      Error related to system resources.
744  * @retval CPA_STATUS_RESTARTING    API implementation is restarting. Resubmit
745  *                                  the request.
746  * @retval CPA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED   Function is not supported.
747  *
748  * @pre
749  *      Component has been initialized.
750  * @post
751  *      None
752  * @note
753  *      This function operates in a synchronous manner and no asynchronous
754  *      callback will be generated.
755  * @see
756  *      CpaCyEcStats64
757  *****************************************************************************/
758 CpaStatus
759 cpaCyEcQueryStats64(const CpaInstanceHandle instanceHandle,
760         CpaCyEcStats64 *pEcStats);
762 #ifdef __cplusplus
763 } /* close the extern "C" { */
764 #endif
766 #endif /*CPA_CY_EC_H_*/