1 /***********************************************************************
2 *                                                                      *
3 *               This software is part of the ast package               *
4 *          Copyright (c) 1985-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property          *
5 *                      and is licensed under the                       *
6 *                 Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0                  *
7 *                    by AT&T Intellectual Property                     *
8 *                                                                      *
9 *                A copy of the License is available at                 *
10 *          http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html           *
11 *         (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842)         *
12 *                                                                      *
13 *              Information and Software Systems Research               *
14 *                            AT&T Research                             *
15 *                           Florham Park NJ                            *
16 *                                                                      *
17 *                 Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com>                  *
18 *                  David Korn <dgk@research.att.com>                   *
19 *                   Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com>                    *
20 *                                                                      *
21 ***********************************************************************/
22 #include	"sfhdr.h"
24 /*	Construct a string with the given format and data.
25 **	These functions allocate space as necessary to store the string.
26 **	This avoids overflow problems typical with sprintf() in stdio.
27 **
28 **	Written by Kiem-Phong Vo.
29 */
31 #if __STD_C
32 char* sfvprints(const char* form, va_list args)
33 #else
34 char* sfvprints(form, args)
35 char*	form;
36 va_list	args;
37 #endif
38 {
39 	reg int		rv;
40 	Sfnotify_f	notify = _Sfnotify;
41 	static Sfio_t*	f;
43 	if(!f) /* make a string stream to write into */
44 	{	_Sfnotify = 0;
45 		f = sfnew(NIL(Sfio_t*),NIL(char*),(size_t)SF_UNBOUND, -1,SF_WRITE|SF_STRING);
46 		_Sfnotify = notify;
47 		if(!f)
48 			return NIL(char*);
49 	}
51 	sfseek(f,(Sfoff_t)0,SEEK_SET);
52 	rv = sfvprintf(f,form,args);
54 	if(rv < 0 || sfputc(f,'\0') < 0)
55 		return NIL(char*);
57 	_Sfi = (f->next - f->data) - 1;
58 	return (char*)f->data;
59 }
61 #if __STD_C
62 char* sfprints(const char* form, ...)
63 #else
64 char* sfprints(va_alist)
65 va_dcl
66 #endif
67 {
68 	char*	s;
69 	va_list	args;
71 #if __STD_C
72 	va_start(args,form);
73 #else
74 	char	*form;
75 	va_start(args);
76 	form = va_arg(args,char*);
77 #endif
78 	s = sfvprints(form, args);
79 	va_end(args);
81 	return s;
82 }
84 #if __STD_C
85 ssize_t sfvaprints(char** sp, const char* form, va_list args)
86 #else
87 ssize_t sfvaprints(sp, form, args)
88 char**	sp;
89 char*	form;
90 va_list	args;
91 #endif
92 {
93 	char	*s;
94 	ssize_t	n;
96 	if(!sp || !(s = sfvprints(form,args)) )
97 		return -1;
98 	else
99 	{	if(!(*sp = (char*)malloc(n = strlen(s)+1)) )
100 			return -1;
101 		memcpy(*sp, s, n);
102 		return n-1;
103 	}
104 }
106 #if __STD_C
107 ssize_t sfaprints(char** sp, const char* form, ...)
108 #else
109 ssize_t sfaprints(va_alist)
110 va_dcl
111 #endif
112 {
113 	ssize_t	n;
114 	va_list	args;
116 #if __STD_C
117 	va_start(args,form);
118 #else
119 	char	**sp, *form;
120 	va_start(args);
121 	sp = va_arg(args, char**);
122 	form = va_arg(args, char*);
123 #endif
124 	n = sfvaprints(sp, form, args);
125 	va_end(args);
127 	return n;
128 }