10e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab.. _development_early_stage:
20e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
30e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabEarly-stage planning
40e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab====================
50e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
60e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabWhen contemplating a Linux kernel development project, it can be tempting
70e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabto jump right in and start coding.  As with any significant project,
80e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthough, much of the groundwork for success is best laid before the first
90e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabline of code is written.  Some time spent in early planning and
100e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcommunication can save far more time later on.
110e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
120e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
130e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabSpecifying the problem
140e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab----------------------
150e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
160e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabLike any engineering project, a successful kernel enhancement starts with a
170e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabclear description of the problem to be solved.  In some cases, this step is
180e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabeasy: when a driver is needed for a specific piece of hardware, for
190e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabexample.  In others, though, it is tempting to confuse the real problem
200e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabwith the proposed solution, and that can lead to difficulties.
210e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
220e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabConsider an example: some years ago, developers working with Linux audio
230e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabsought a way to run applications without dropouts or other artifacts caused
240e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabby excessive latency in the system.  The solution they arrived at was a
250e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabkernel module intended to hook into the Linux Security Module (LSM)
260e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabframework; this module could be configured to give specific applications
270e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabaccess to the realtime scheduler.  This module was implemented and sent to
280e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe linux-kernel mailing list, where it immediately ran into problems.
290e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
300e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabTo the audio developers, this security module was sufficient to solve their
310e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabimmediate problem.  To the wider kernel community, though, it was seen as a
320e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabmisuse of the LSM framework (which is not intended to confer privileges
330e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabonto processes which they would not otherwise have) and a risk to system
340e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabstability.  Their preferred solutions involved realtime scheduling access
350e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabvia the rlimit mechanism for the short term, and ongoing latency reduction
360e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabwork in the long term.
370e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
380e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe audio community, however, could not see past the particular solution
390e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthey had implemented; they were unwilling to accept alternatives.  The
400e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabresulting disagreement left those developers feeling disillusioned with the
410e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabentire kernel development process; one of them went back to an audio list
420e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehaband posted this:
430e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
440e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab	There are a number of very good Linux kernel developers, but they
450e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab	tend to get outshouted by a large crowd of arrogant fools. Trying
460e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab	to communicate user requirements to these people is a waste of
470e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab	time. They are much too "intelligent" to listen to lesser mortals.
480e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
4993431e06SAlexander A. Klimov(https://lwn.net/Articles/131776/).
500e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
510e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe reality of the situation was different; the kernel developers were far
520e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabmore concerned about system stability, long-term maintenance, and finding
530e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe right solution to the problem than they were with a specific module.
540e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe moral of the story is to focus on the problem - not a specific solution
550e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab- and to discuss it with the development community before investing in the
560e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcreation of a body of code.
570e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
580e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabSo, when contemplating a kernel development project, one should obtain
590e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabanswers to a short set of questions:
600e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
610e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - What, exactly, is the problem which needs to be solved?
620e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
630e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - Who are the users affected by this problem?  Which use cases should the
640e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   solution address?
650e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
660e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - How does the kernel fall short in addressing that problem now?
670e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
680e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabOnly then does it make sense to start considering possible solutions.
690e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
700e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
710e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabEarly discussion
720e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab----------------
730e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
740e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabWhen planning a kernel development project, it makes great sense to hold
750e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdiscussions with the community before launching into implementation.  Early
760e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcommunication can save time and trouble in a number of ways:
770e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
780e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - It may well be that the problem is addressed by the kernel in ways which
790e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   you have not understood.  The Linux kernel is large and has a number of
800e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   features and capabilities which are not immediately obvious.  Not all
810e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   kernel capabilities are documented as well as one might like, and it is
820e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   easy to miss things.  Your author has seen the posting of a complete
830e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   driver which duplicated an existing driver that the new author had been
840e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   unaware of.  Code which reinvents existing wheels is not only wasteful;
850e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   it will also not be accepted into the mainline kernel.
860e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
870e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - There may be elements of the proposed solution which will not be
880e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   acceptable for mainline merging.  It is better to find out about
890e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   problems like this before writing the code.
900e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
910e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - It's entirely possible that other developers have thought about the
920e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   problem; they may have ideas for a better solution, and may be willing
930e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   to help in the creation of that solution.
940e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
950e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabYears of experience with the kernel development community have taught a
960e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabclear lesson: kernel code which is designed and developed behind closed
970e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdoors invariably has problems which are only revealed when the code is
980e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabreleased into the community.  Sometimes these problems are severe,
990e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabrequiring months or years of effort before the code can be brought up to
1000e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe kernel community's standards.  Some examples include:
1010e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1020e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - The Devicescape network stack was designed and implemented for
1030e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   single-processor systems.  It could not be merged into the mainline
1040e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   until it was made suitable for multiprocessor systems.  Retrofitting
1050e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   locking and such into code is a difficult task; as a result, the merging
1060e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   of this code (now called mac80211) was delayed for over a year.
1070e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1080e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - The Reiser4 filesystem included a number of capabilities which, in the
1090e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   core kernel developers' opinion, should have been implemented in the
1100e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   virtual filesystem layer instead.  It also included features which could
1110e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   not easily be implemented without exposing the system to user-caused
1120e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   deadlocks.  The late revelation of these problems - and refusal to
1130e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   address some of them - has caused Reiser4 to stay out of the mainline
1140e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   kernel.
1150e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1160e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab - The AppArmor security module made use of internal virtual filesystem
1170e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   data structures in ways which were considered to be unsafe and
1180e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   unreliable.  This concern (among others) kept AppArmor out of the
1190e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab   mainline for years.
1200e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1210e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabIn each of these cases, a great deal of pain and extra work could have been
1220e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabavoided with some early discussion with the kernel developers.
1230e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1240e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1250e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabWho do you talk to?
1260e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab-------------------
1270e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1280e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabWhen developers decide to take their plans public, the next question will
1290e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabbe: where do we start?  The answer is to find the right mailing list(s) and
1300e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe right maintainer.  For mailing lists, the best approach is to look in
1310e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe MAINTAINERS file for a relevant place to post.  If there is a suitable
1320e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabsubsystem list, posting there is often preferable to posting on
1330e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehablinux-kernel; you are more likely to reach developers with expertise in the
1340e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabrelevant subsystem and the environment may be more supportive.
1350e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1360e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabFinding maintainers can be a bit harder.  Again, the MAINTAINERS file is
1370e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthe place to start.  That file tends to not always be up to date, though,
1380e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehaband not all subsystems are represented there.  The person listed in the
1390e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabMAINTAINERS file may, in fact, not be the person who is actually acting in
1400e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthat role currently.  So, when there is doubt about who to contact, a
1410e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabuseful trick is to use git (and "git log" in particular) to see who is
1420e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcurrently active within the subsystem of interest.  Look at who is writing
1430e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabpatches, and who, if anybody, is attaching Signed-off-by lines to those
1440e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabpatches.  Those are the people who will be best placed to help with a new
1450e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdevelopment project.
1460e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1470e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe task of finding the right maintainer is sometimes challenging enough
1480e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabthat the kernel developers have added a script to ease the process:
1490e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1500e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab::
1510e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1520e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab	.../scripts/get_maintainer.pl
1530e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1540e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThis script will return the current maintainer(s) for a given file or
1550e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdirectory when given the "-f" option.  If passed a patch on the
1560e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcommand line, it will list the maintainers who should probably receive
157f1a69399SKrzysztof Kozlowskicopies of the patch.  This is the preferred way (unlike "-f" option) to get the
158f1a69399SKrzysztof Kozlowskilist of people to Cc for your patches.  There are a number of options
159f1a69399SKrzysztof Kozlowskiregulating how hard get_maintainer.pl will search for maintainers; please be
160f1a69399SKrzysztof Kozlowskicareful about using the more aggressive options as you may end up including
161f1a69399SKrzysztof Kozlowskidevelopers who have no real interest in the code you are modifying.
1620e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1630e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabIf all else fails, talking to Andrew Morton can be an effective way to
1640e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabtrack down a maintainer for a specific piece of code.
1650e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1660e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1670e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabWhen to post?
1680e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab-------------
1690e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1700e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabIf possible, posting your plans during the early stages can only be
1710e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabhelpful.  Describe the problem being solved and any plans that have been
1720e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabmade on how the implementation will be done.  Any information you can
1730e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabprovide can help the development community provide useful input on the
1740e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabproject.
1750e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1760e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabOne discouraging thing which can happen at this stage is not a hostile
1770e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabreaction, but, instead, little or no reaction at all.  The sad truth of the
1780e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabmatter is (1) kernel developers tend to be busy, (2) there is no shortage
1790e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabof people with grand plans and little code (or even prospect of code) to
1800e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabback them up, and (3) nobody is obligated to review or comment on ideas
1810e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabposted by others.  Beyond that, high-level designs often hide problems
182d4306db1SJunio C Hamanowhich are only revealed when somebody actually tries to implement those
1830e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdesigns; for that reason, kernel developers would rather see the code.
1840e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1850e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabIf a request-for-comments posting yields little in the way of comments, do
1860e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabnot assume that it means there is no interest in the project.
1870e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabUnfortunately, you also cannot assume that there are no problems with your
1880e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabidea.  The best thing to do in this situation is to proceed, keeping the
1890e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabcommunity informed as you go.
1900e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1910e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1920e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabGetting official buy-in
1930e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab-----------------------
1940e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
1950e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabIf your work is being done in a corporate environment - as most Linux
1960e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabkernel work is - you must, obviously, have permission from suitably
1970e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabempowered managers before you can post your company's plans or code to a
1980e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabpublic mailing list.  The posting of code which has not been cleared for
1990e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabrelease under a GPL-compatible license can be especially problematic; the
2000e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabsooner that a company's management and legal staff can agree on the posting
2010e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabof a kernel development project, the better off everybody involved will be.
2020e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
2030e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabSome readers may be thinking at this point that their kernel work is
2040e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabintended to support a product which does not yet have an officially
2050e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabacknowledged existence.  Revealing their employer's plans on a public
2060e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabmailing list may not be a viable option.  In cases like this, it is worth
2070e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabconsidering whether the secrecy is really necessary; there is often no real
2080e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabneed to keep development plans behind closed doors.
2090e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
2100e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThat said, there are also cases where a company legitimately cannot
2110e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdisclose its plans early in the development process.  Companies with
2120e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabexperienced kernel developers may choose to proceed in an open-loop manner
2130e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabon the assumption that they will be able to avoid serious integration
2140e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabproblems later.  For companies without that sort of in-house expertise, the
2150e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabbest option is often to hire an outside developer to review the plans under
2160e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehaba non-disclosure agreement.  The Linux Foundation operates an NDA program
2170e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabdesigned to help with this sort of situation; more information can be found
2180e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabat:
2190e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
22099702304SJonathan Corbet    https://www.linuxfoundation.org/nda/
2210e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehab
2220e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho ChehabThis kind of review is often enough to avoid serious problems later on
2230e4f07a6SMauro Carvalho Chehabwithout requiring public disclosure of the project.