1*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=pod
2*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
3*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 NAME
4*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
5*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_dup, ASN1_STRING_cmp, ASN1_STRING_set, ASN1_STRING_length,
6*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_length_set, ASN1_STRING_type, ASN1_STRING_data -
7*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING utility functions
8*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
9*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 SYNOPSIS
10*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
11*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc #include <openssl/asn1.h>
12*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
13*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc int ASN1_STRING_length(ASN1_STRING *x);
14*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc unsigned char * ASN1_STRING_data(ASN1_STRING *x);
15*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
16*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc ASN1_STRING * ASN1_STRING_dup(ASN1_STRING *a);
17*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
18*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc int ASN1_STRING_cmp(ASN1_STRING *a, ASN1_STRING *b);
19*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
20*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc int ASN1_STRING_set(ASN1_STRING *str, const void *data, int len);
21*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
22*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc int ASN1_STRING_type(ASN1_STRING *x);
23*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
24*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc int ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8(unsigned char **out, ASN1_STRING *in);
25*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
26*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 DESCRIPTION
27*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
28*ebfedea0SLionel SambucThese functions allow an B<ASN1_STRING> structure to be manipulated.
29*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
30*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_length() returns the length of the content of B<x>.
31*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
32*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_data() returns an internal pointer to the data of B<x>.
33*ebfedea0SLionel SambucSince this is an internal pointer it should B<not> be freed or
34*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucmodified in any way.
35*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
36*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_dup() returns a copy of the structure B<a>.
37*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
38*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_cmp() compares B<a> and B<b> returning 0 if the two
39*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucare identical. The string types and content are compared.
40*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
41*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_set() sets the data of string B<str> to the buffer
42*ebfedea0SLionel SambucB<data> or length B<len>. The supplied data is copied. If B<len>
43*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucis -1 then the length is determined by strlen(data).
44*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
45*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_type() returns the type of B<x>, using standard constants
46*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucsuch as B<V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING>.
47*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
48*ebfedea0SLionel SambucASN1_STRING_to_UTF8() converts the string B<in> to UTF8 format, the
49*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucconverted data is allocated in a buffer in B<*out>. The length of
50*ebfedea0SLionel SambucB<out> is returned or a negative error code. The buffer B<*out>
51*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucshould be free using OPENSSL_free().
52*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
53*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 NOTES
54*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
55*ebfedea0SLionel SambucAlmost all ASN1 types in OpenSSL are represented as an B<ASN1_STRING>
56*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucstructure. Other types such as B<ASN1_OCTET_STRING> are simply typedefed
57*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucto B<ASN1_STRING> and the functions call the B<ASN1_STRING> equivalents.
58*ebfedea0SLionel SambucB<ASN1_STRING> is also used for some B<CHOICE> types which consist
59*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucentirely of primitive string types such as B<DirectoryString> and
60*ebfedea0SLionel SambucB<Time>.
61*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
62*ebfedea0SLionel SambucThese functions should B<not> be used to examine or modify B<ASN1_INTEGER>
63*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucor B<ASN1_ENUMERATED> types: the relevant B<INTEGER> or B<ENUMERATED>
64*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucutility functions should be used instead.
65*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
66*ebfedea0SLionel SambucIn general it cannot be assumed that the data returned by ASN1_STRING_data()
67*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucis null terminated or does not contain embedded nulls. The actual format
68*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucof the data will depend on the actual string type itself: for example
69*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucfor and IA5String the data will be ASCII, for a BMPString two bytes per
70*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuccharacter in big endian format, UTF8String will be in UTF8 format.
71*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
72*ebfedea0SLionel SambucSimilar care should be take to ensure the data is in the correct format
73*ebfedea0SLionel Sambucwhen calling ASN1_STRING_set().
74*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
75*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 RETURN VALUES
76*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
77*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 SEE ALSO
78*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
79*ebfedea0SLionel SambucL<ERR_get_error(3)|ERR_get_error(3)>
80*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
81*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=head1 HISTORY
82*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc
83*ebfedea0SLionel Sambuc=cut