1 /*
2  * Attribution notice: Rainbow have generously allowed me to reproduce the
3  * necessary definitions here from their API. This means the support can
4  * build independently of whether application builders have the API or
5  * hardware. This will allow developers to easily produce software that has
6  * latent hardware support for any users that have accelertors installed,
7  * without the developers themselves needing anything extra. I have only
8  * clipped the parts from the CryptoSwift header files that are (or seem)
9  * relevant to the CryptoSwift support code. This is simply to keep the file
10  * sizes reasonable. [Geoff]
11  */
13 /*
14  * NB: These type widths do *not* seem right in general, in particular
15  * they're not terribly friendly to 64-bit architectures (unsigned long) will
16  * be 64-bit on IA-64 for a start. I'm leaving these alone as they agree with
17  * Rainbow's API and this will only be called into question on platforms with
18  * Rainbow support anyway! ;-)
19  */
21 #ifdef __cplusplus
22 extern "C" {
23 #endif                          /* __cplusplus */
25     typedef long SW_STATUS;     /* status */
26     typedef unsigned char SW_BYTE; /* 8 bit byte */
27     typedef unsigned short SW_U16; /* 16 bit number */
28 #if defined(_IRIX)
29 # include <sgidefs.h>
30     typedef __uint32_t SW_U32;
31 #else
32     typedef unsigned long SW_U32; /* 32 bit integer */
33 #endif
35 #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32)
36     typedef struct _SW_U64 {
37         SW_U32 low32;
38         SW_U32 high32;
39     } SW_U64;                   /* 64 bit integer */
41     typedef longlong SW_U64
42 #else                           /* Unix variants */
43     typedef struct _SW_U64 {
44         SW_U32 low32;
45         SW_U32 high32;
46     } SW_U64;                   /* 64 bit integer */
47 #endif
49 /* status codes */
50 #define SW_OK                 (0L)
51 #define SW_ERR_BASE           (-10000L)
52 #define SW_ERR_NO_CARD        (SW_ERR_BASE-1) /* The Card is not present */
53 #define SW_ERR_CARD_NOT_READY (SW_ERR_BASE-2) /* The card has not powered */
54     /*    up yet                 */
55 #define SW_ERR_TIME_OUT       (SW_ERR_BASE-3) /* Execution of a command */
56     /*    time out               */
57 #define SW_ERR_NO_EXECUTE     (SW_ERR_BASE-4) /* The Card failed to */
58     /*    execute the command    */
59 #define SW_ERR_INPUT_NULL_PTR (SW_ERR_BASE-5) /* a required pointer is */
60     /*    NULL                   */
61 #define SW_ERR_INPUT_SIZE     (SW_ERR_BASE-6) /* size is invalid, too */
62     /*    small, too large.      */
64     /*    handle                 */
65 #define SW_ERR_PENDING        (SW_ERR_BASE-8) /* A request is already out- */
66     /*    standing at this       */
67     /*    context handle         */
68 #define SW_ERR_AVAILABLE      (SW_ERR_BASE-9) /* A result is available.  */
69 #define SW_ERR_NO_PENDING     (SW_ERR_BASE-10) /* No request is pending.  */
70 #define SW_ERR_NO_MEMORY      (SW_ERR_BASE-11) /* Not enough memory */
71 #define SW_ERR_BAD_ALGORITHM  (SW_ERR_BASE-12) /* Invalid algorithm type */
72     /*    in SW_PARAM structure  */
73 #define SW_ERR_MISSING_KEY    (SW_ERR_BASE-13) /* No key is associated with */
74     /*    context.               */
75     /*    swAttachKeyParam() is  */
76     /*    not called.            */
78                               (SW_ERR_BASE-14) /* Cannot perform requested */
79     /*    SW_COMMAND_CODE since  */
80     /*    key attached via       */
81     /*    swAttachKeyParam()     */
82     /*    cannot be used for this */
83     /*    SW_COMMAND_CODE.       */
85                               (SW_ERR_BASE-15) /* Not implemented */
86 #define SW_ERR_BAD_COMMAND    (SW_ERR_BASE-16) /* Bad command code */
87 #define SW_ERR_BAD_ITEM_SIZE  (SW_ERR_BASE-17) /* too small or too large in */
88     /*    the "initems" or       */
89     /*    "outitems".            */
90 #define SW_ERR_BAD_ACCNUM     (SW_ERR_BASE-18) /* Bad accelerator number */
91 #define SW_ERR_SELFTEST_FAIL  (SW_ERR_BASE-19) /* At least one of the self */
92     /*    test fail, look at the */
93     /*    selfTestBitmap in      */
94     /*    SW_ACCELERATOR_INFO for */
95     /*    details.               */
96 #define SW_ERR_MISALIGN       (SW_ERR_BASE-20) /* Certain alogrithms require */
97     /*    key materials aligned  */
98     /*    in certain order, e.g. */
99     /*    128 bit for CRT        */
100 #define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_NULL_PTR \
101                               (SW_ERR_BASE-21) /* a required pointer is */
102     /*    NULL                   */
103 #define SW_ERR_OUTPUT_SIZE \
104                               (SW_ERR_BASE-22) /* size is invalid, too */
105     /*    small, too large.      */
107                               (SW_ERR_BASE-23) /* firmware checksum mismatch */
108     /*    download failed.       */
110                               (SW_ERR_BASE-24) /* unknown firmware error */
111 #define SW_ERR_INTERRUPT      (SW_ERR_BASE-25) /* request is abort when */
112     /*    it's waiting to be     */
113     /*    completed.             */
114 #define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_FAIL   (SW_ERR_BASE-26) /* error in writing to Non- */
115     /*    volatile memory        */
116 #define SW_ERR_NVWRITE_RANGE  (SW_ERR_BASE-27) /* out of range error in */
117     /*    writing to NV memory   */
118 #define SW_ERR_RNG_ERROR      (SW_ERR_BASE-28) /* Random Number Generation */
119     /*    failure                */
120 #define SW_ERR_DSS_FAILURE    (SW_ERR_BASE-29) /* DSS Sign or Verify failure */
121 #define SW_ERR_MODEXP_FAILURE (SW_ERR_BASE-30) /* Failure in various math */
122     /*    calculations           */
123 #define SW_ERR_ONBOARD_MEMORY (SW_ERR_BASE-31) /* Error in accessing on - */
124     /*    board memory           */
126                               (SW_ERR_BASE-32) /* Wrong version in firmware */
127     /*    update                 */
129                               (SW_ERR_BASE-44) /* All accelerators are bad */
131     /* algorithm type */
132 #define SW_ALG_CRT          1
133 #define SW_ALG_EXP          2
134 #define SW_ALG_DSA          3
135 #define SW_ALG_NVDATA       4
137     /* command code */
138 #define SW_CMD_MODEXP_CRT   1   /* perform Modular Exponentiation using */
139     /*  Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)      */
140 #define SW_CMD_MODEXP       2   /* perform Modular Exponentiation */
141 #define SW_CMD_DSS_SIGN     3   /* perform DSS sign */
142 #define SW_CMD_DSS_VERIFY   4   /* perform DSS verify */
143 #define SW_CMD_RAND         5   /* perform random number generation */
144 #define SW_CMD_NVREAD       6   /* perform read to nonvolatile RAM */
145 #define SW_CMD_NVWRITE      7   /* perform write to nonvolatile RAM */
147     typedef SW_U32 SW_ALGTYPE;  /* alogrithm type */
148     typedef SW_U32 SW_STATE;    /* state */
149     typedef SW_U32 SW_COMMAND_CODE; /* command code */
150     typedef SW_U32 SW_COMMAND_BITMAP[4]; /* bitmap */
152     typedef struct _SW_LARGENUMBER {
153         SW_U32 nbytes;          /* number of bytes in the buffer "value" */
154         SW_BYTE *value;         /* the large integer as a string of */
155         /*   bytes in network (big endian) order  */
158 #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32)
159 # include <windows.h>
160     typedef HANDLE SW_OSHANDLE; /* handle to kernel object */
162 # define SW_CALLCONV _stdcall
164     /* async callback mechanisms */
165     /* swiftCallbackLevel */
166 # define SW_MAC_CALLBACK_LEVEL_NO         0
167 # define SW_MAC_CALLBACK_LEVEL_HARDWARE   1/* from the hardware ISR */
168 # define SW_MAC_CALLBACK_LEVEL_SECONDARY  2/* as secondary ISR */
169     typedef int SW_MAC_CALLBACK_LEVEL;
170     typedef int SW_OSHANDLE;
171 # define SW_OS_INVALID_HANDLE  (-1)
172 # define SW_CALLCONV
173 #else                           /* Unix variants */
174     typedef int SW_OSHANDLE;    /* handle to driver */
175 # define SW_OS_INVALID_HANDLE  (-1)
176 # define SW_CALLCONV
177 #endif
179     typedef struct _SW_CRT {
180         SW_LARGENUMBER p;       /* prime number p */
181         SW_LARGENUMBER q;       /* prime number q */
182         SW_LARGENUMBER dmp1;    /* exponent1 */
183         SW_LARGENUMBER dmq1;    /* exponent2 */
184         SW_LARGENUMBER iqmp;    /* CRT coefficient */
185     } SW_CRT;
187     typedef struct _SW_EXP {
188         SW_LARGENUMBER modulus; /* modulus */
189         SW_LARGENUMBER exponent; /* exponent */
190     } SW_EXP;
192     typedef struct _SW_DSA {
193         SW_LARGENUMBER p;       /* */
194         SW_LARGENUMBER q;       /* */
195         SW_LARGENUMBER g;       /* */
196         SW_LARGENUMBER key;     /* private/public key */
197     } SW_DSA;
199     typedef struct _SW_NVDATA {
200         SW_U32 accnum;          /* accelerator board number */
201         SW_U32 offset;          /* offset in byte */
202     } SW_NVDATA;
204     typedef struct _SW_PARAM {
205         SW_ALGTYPE type;        /* type of the alogrithm */
206         union {
207             SW_CRT crt;
208             SW_EXP exp;
209             SW_DSA dsa;
210             SW_NVDATA nvdata;
211         } up;
212     } SW_PARAM;
214     typedef SW_U32 SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE; /* opaque context handle */
216     /*
217      * Now the OpenSSL bits, these function types are the for the function
218      * pointers that will bound into the Rainbow shared libraries.
219      */
220     typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAcquireAccContext(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE
221                                                         *hac);
222     typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swAttachKeyParam(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac,
223                                                      SW_PARAM *key_params);
224     typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swSimpleRequest(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE hac,
225                                                     SW_COMMAND_CODE cmd,
226                                                     SW_LARGENUMBER pin[],
227                                                     SW_U32 pin_count,
228                                                     SW_LARGENUMBER pout[],
229                                                     SW_U32 pout_count);
230     typedef SW_STATUS SW_CALLCONV t_swReleaseAccContext(SW_CONTEXT_HANDLE
231                                                         hac);
233 #ifdef __cplusplus
234 }
235 #endif                          /* __cplusplus */