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16<div id="content">
17  <!--*********************************************************************-->
18  <h1>Hacking on Clang</h1>
19  <!--*********************************************************************-->
21  <p>This document provides some hints for how to get started hacking
22  on Clang for developers who are new to the Clang and/or LLVM
23  codebases.</p>
24    <ul>
25      <li><a href="#style">Coding Standards</a></li>
26      <li><a href="#docs">Developer Documentation</a></li>
27      <li><a href="#debugging">Debugging</a></li>
28      <li><a href="#testing">Testing</a>
29      <ul>
30        <li><a href="#testingNonWindows">Testing on Unix-like Systems</a></li>
31        <li><a href="#testingWindows">Testing using Visual Studio on Windows</a></li>
32        <li><a href="#testingCommands">Testing on the Command Line</a></li>
33      </ul>
34      </li>
35      <li><a href="#patches">Creating Patch Files</a></li>
36      <li><a href="#irgen">LLVM IR Generation</a></li>
37    </ul>
39  <!--=====================================================================-->
40  <h2 id="style">Coding Standards</h2>
41  <!--=====================================================================-->
43  <p>Clang follows the
44  LLVM <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html">Coding
45  Standards</a>. When submitting patches, please take care to follow these standards
46  and to match the style of the code to that present in Clang (for example, in
47  terms of indentation, bracing, and statement spacing).</p>
49  <p>Clang has a few additional coding standards:</p>
50  <ul>
51    <li><i>cstdio is forbidden</i>: library code should not output diagnostics
52      or other information using <tt>cstdio</tt>; debugging routines should
53      use <tt>llvm::errs()</tt>. Other uses of <tt>cstdio</tt> impose behavior
54      upon clients and block integrating Clang as a library. Libraries should
55      support <tt>raw_ostream</tt> based interfaces for textual
56      output. See <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#ll_raw_ostream">Coding
57      Standards</a>.</li>
58  </ul>
60  <!--=====================================================================-->
61  <h2 id="docs">Developer Documentation</h2>
62  <!--=====================================================================-->
64  <p>Both Clang and LLVM use doxygen to provide API documentation. Their
65  respective web pages (generated nightly) are here:</p>
66    <ul>
67      <li><a href="http://clang.llvm.org/doxygen">Clang</a></li>
68      <li><a href="http://llvm.org/doxygen">LLVM</a></li>
69    </ul>
71  <p>For work on the LLVM IR generation, the LLVM assembly language
72  <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html">reference manual</a> is
73  also useful.</p>
75  <!--=====================================================================-->
76  <h2 id="debugging">Debugging</h2>
77  <!--=====================================================================-->
79  <p>Inspecting data structures in a debugger:</p>
80    <ul>
81      <li>Many LLVM and Clang data structures provide
82        a <tt>dump()</tt> method which will print a description of the
83        data structure to <tt>stderr</tt>.</li>
84      <li>The <a href="docs/InternalsManual.html#QualType"><tt>QualType</tt></a>
85      structure is used pervasively. This is a simple value class for
86      wrapping types with qualifiers; you can use
87      the <tt>isConstQualified()</tt>, for example, to get one of the
88      qualifiers, and the <tt>getTypePtr()</tt> method to get the
89      wrapped <tt>Type*</tt> which you can then dump.</li>
90      <li>For <a href="http://lldb.llvm.org"> <tt>LLDB</tt></a> users there are
91      data formatters for clang data structures in
92      <a href="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/utils/ClangDataFormat.py">
93      <tt>utils/ClangDataFormat.py</tt></a>.</li>
94    </ul>
96  <!--=====================================================================-->
97  <h3 id="debuggingVisualStudio">Debugging using Visual Studio</h3>
98  <!--=====================================================================-->
100  <p>The files
101    <a href="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/llvm.natvis">
102      <tt>utils/llvm.natvis</tt></a> and
103    <a href="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/utils/clang.natvis">
104      <tt>utils/clang.natvis</tt></a> provide debugger visualizers
105      that make debugging of more complex data types much easier.</p>
106  <p>Put the files into
107    <tt>%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Visualizers</tt> or
108    create a symbolic link so they update automatically.</p>
110  <!--=====================================================================-->
111  <h2 id="testing">Testing</h2>
112  <!--=====================================================================-->
114  <!--=====================================================================-->
115  <h3 id="testingNonWindows">Testing on Unix-like Systems</h3>
116  <!--=====================================================================-->
118  <p>Clang includes a basic regression suite in the tree which can be
119  run with <tt>make test</tt> from the top-level clang directory, or
120  just <tt>make</tt> in the <em>test</em> sub-directory.
121  <tt>make VERBOSE=1</tt> can be used to show more detail
122  about what is being run.</p>
124  <p>If you built LLVM and Clang using CMake, the test suite can be run
125  with <tt>make clang-test</tt> from the top-level LLVM directory.</p>
127  <p>The tests primarily consist of a test runner script running the compiler
128  under test on individual test files grouped in the directories under the
129  test directory.  The individual test files include comments at the
130  beginning indicating the Clang compile options to use, to be read
131  by the test runner. Embedded comments also can do things like telling
132  the test runner that an error is expected at the current line.
133  Any output files produced by the test will be placed under
134  a created Output directory.</p>
136  <p>During the run of <tt>make test</tt>, the terminal output will
137  display a line similar to the following:</p>
139  <pre>--- Running clang tests for i686-pc-linux-gnu ---</pre>
141  <p>followed by a line continually overwritten with the current test
142  file being compiled, and an overall completion percentage.</p>
144  <p>After the <tt>make test</tt> run completes, the absence of any
145  <tt>Failing Tests (count):</tt> message indicates that no tests
146  failed unexpectedly.  If any tests did fail, the
147  <tt>Failing Tests (count):</tt> message will be followed by a list
148  of the test source file paths that failed.  For example:</p>
150  <pre>
151  Failing Tests (3):
152      /home/john/llvm/tools/clang/test/SemaCXX/member-name-lookup.cpp
153      /home/john/llvm/tools/clang/test/SemaCXX/namespace-alias.cpp
154      /home/john/llvm/tools/clang/test/SemaCXX/using-directive.cpp
157  <p>If you used the <tt>make VERBOSE=1</tt> option, the terminal
158  output will reflect the error messages from the compiler and
159  test runner.</p>
161  <p>The regression suite can also be run with Valgrind by running
162  <tt>make test VG=1</tt> in the top-level clang directory.</p>
164  <p>For more intensive changes, running
165  the <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/TestingGuide.html#testsuiterun">LLVM
166  Test Suite</a> with clang is recommended. Currently the best way to
167  override LLVMGCC, as in: <tt>make LLVMGCC="clang -std=gnu89"
168  TEST=nightly report</tt> (make sure <tt>clang</tt> is in your PATH or use the
169  full path).</p>
171  <!--=====================================================================-->
172  <h3 id="testingWindows">Testing using Visual Studio on Windows</h3>
173  <!--=====================================================================-->
175  <p>The Clang test suite can be run from either Visual Studio or
176  the command line.</p>
178  <p>Note that the test runner is based on
179  Python, which must be installed.  Find Python at:
180  <a href="http://www.python.org/download/">http://www.python.org/download/</a>.
181  Download the latest stable version (2.6.2 at the time of this writing).</p>
183  <p>The GnuWin32 tools are also necessary for running the tests.
184  Get them from <a href="http://getgnuwin32.sourceforge.net/">
185  http://getgnuwin32.sourceforge.net/</a>.
186  If the environment variable <tt>%PATH%</tt> does not have GnuWin32,
187  or if other grep(s) supercedes GnuWin32 on <tt>%PATH%,</tt>
188  you should specify <tt>LLVM_LIT_TOOLS_DIR</tt>
189  to CMake explicitly.</p>
191  <p>The cmake build tool is set up to create Visual Studio project files
192  for running the tests, "clang-test" being the root.  Therefore, to
193  run the test from Visual Studio, right-click the clang-test project
194  and select "Build".</p>
196  <p>
197    Please see also
198    <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStartedVS.html">Getting Started
199    with the LLVM System using Microsoft Visual Studio</a> and
200    <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/CMake.html">Building LLVM with CMake</a>.
201  </p>
203  <!--=====================================================================-->
204  <h3 id="testingCommands">Testing on the Command Line</h3>
205  <!--=====================================================================-->
207  <p>If you want more control over how the tests are run, it may
208  be convenient to run the test harness on the command-line directly. Before
209  running tests from the command line, you will need to ensure that
210  <tt>lit.site.cfg</tt> files have been created for your build.  You can do
211  this by running the tests as described in the previous sections. Once the
212  tests have started running, you can stop them with control+C, as the
213  files are generated before running any tests.</p>
215  <p>Once that is done, to run all the tests from the command line,
216  execute a command like the following:</p>
218  <pre>
219  python (path to llvm)\llvm\utils\lit\lit.py -sv
220  --param=build_mode=Win32 --param=build_config=Debug
221  --param=clang_site_config=(build dir)\tools\clang\test\lit.site.cfg
222 (path to llvm)\llvm\tools\clang\test
225  <p>For CMake builds e.g. on Windows with Visual Studio, you will need
226  to specify your build configuration (Debug, Release, etc.) via
227  <tt>--param=build_config=(build config)</tt>.  You may also need to specify
228  the build mode (Win32, etc) via <tt>--param=build_mode=(build mode)</tt>.</p>
230  <p>Additionally, you will need to specify the lit site configuration which
231  lives in (build dir)\tools\clang\test, via
232  <tt>--param=clang_site_config=(build dir)\tools\clang\test\lit.site.cfg</tt>.
233  </p>
235  <p>To run a single test:</p>
237  <pre>
238  python (path to llvm)\llvm\utils\lit\lit.py -sv
239  --param=build_mode=Win32 --param=build_config=Debug
240  --param=clang_site_config=(build dir)\tools\clang\test\lit.site.cfg
241  (path to llvm)\llvm\tools\clang\test\(dir)\(test)
244  <p>For example:</p>
246  <pre>
247  python C:\Tool\llvm\utils\lit\lit.py -sv
248  --param=build_mode=Win32 --param=build_config=Debug
249  --param=clang_site_config=c:\Tools\build\tools\clang\test\lit.site.cfg
250  C:\Tools\llvm\tools\clang\test\Sema\wchar.c
253  <p>The -sv option above tells the runner to show the test output if
254  any tests failed, to help you determine the cause of failure.</p>
256  <p>You can also pass in the --no-progress-bar option if you wish to disable
257  progress indications while the tests are running.</p>
259  <p>Your output might look something like this:</p>
261  <pre>lit.py: lit.cfg:152: note: using clang: 'C:\Tools\llvm\bin\Release\clang.EXE'
262-- Testing: Testing: 2534 tests, 4 threads --
263Testing: 0 .. 10.. 20.. 30.. 40.. 50.. 60.. 70.. 80.. 90..
264Testing Time: 81.52s
265  Expected Passes    : 2503
266  Expected Failures  : 28
267  Unsupported Tests  : 3
270  <p>The statistic, "Unexpected Failures" (not shown if all tests pass), is the important one.</p>
272  <!--=====================================================================-->
273  <h2 id="patches">Creating Patch Files</h2>
274  <!--=====================================================================-->
276  <p>To return changes to the Clang team, unless you have checkin
277  privileges, the preferred way is to send patch files to the
278  cfe-commits mailing list, with an explanation of what the patch is
279  for.  clang follows <a
280  href="http://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html">LLVM's developer policy</a>.
281  If your patch requires a wider discussion (for example, because it is an
282  architectural change), you can use the cfe-dev mailing list.</p>
284  <p>To create these patch files, change directory
285  to the llvm/tools/clang root and run:</p>
287  <pre>svn diff (relative path) >(patch file name)</pre>
289  <p>For example, for getting the diffs of all of clang:</p>
291  <pre>svn diff . >~/mypatchfile.patch</pre>
293  <p>For example, for getting the diffs of a single file:</p>
295  <pre>svn diff lib/Parse/ParseDeclCXX.cpp >~/ParseDeclCXX.patch</pre>
297  <p>Note that the paths embedded in the patch depend on where you run it,
298  so changing directory to the llvm/tools/clang directory is recommended.</p>
300  <!--=====================================================================-->
301  <h2 id="irgen">LLVM IR Generation</h2>
302  <!--=====================================================================-->
304  <p>The LLVM IR generation part of clang handles conversion of the
305    AST nodes output by the Sema module to the LLVM Intermediate
306    Representation (IR). Historically, this was referred to as
307    "codegen", and the Clang code for this lives
308    in <tt>lib/CodeGen</tt>.</p>
310  <p>The output is most easily inspected using the <tt>-emit-llvm</tt>
311    option to clang (possibly in conjunction with <tt>-o -</tt>). You
312    can also use <tt>-emit-llvm-bc</tt> to write an LLVM bitcode file
313    which can be processed by the suite of LLVM tools
314    like <tt>llvm-dis</tt>, <tt>llvm-nm</tt>, etc. See the LLVM
315    <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/">Command Guide</a>
316    for more information.</p>