1*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc========================
2*f4a2713aSLionel SambucAdvice on Packaging LLVM
3*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc========================
4*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
5*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc.. contents::
6*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc   :local:
7*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
8*f4a2713aSLionel SambucOverview
9*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc========
10*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
11*f4a2713aSLionel SambucLLVM sets certain default configure options to make sure our developers don't
12*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucbreak things for constrained platforms.  These settings are not optimal for most
13*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucdesktop systems, and we hope that packagers (e.g., Redhat, Debian, MacPorts,
14*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucetc.) will tweak them.  This document lists settings we suggest you tweak.
15*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
16*f4a2713aSLionel SambucLLVM's API changes with each release, so users are likely to want, for example,
17*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucboth LLVM-2.6 and LLVM-2.7 installed at the same time to support apps developed
18*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucagainst each.
19*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
20*f4a2713aSLionel SambucCompile Flags
21*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc=============
22*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
23*f4a2713aSLionel SambucLLVM runs much more quickly when it's optimized and assertions are removed.
24*f4a2713aSLionel SambucHowever, such a build is currently incompatible with users who build without
25*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucdefining ``NDEBUG``, and the lack of assertions makes it hard to debug problems
26*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucin user code.  We recommend allowing users to install both optimized and debug
27*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucversions of LLVM in parallel.  The following configure flags are relevant:
28*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
29*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``--disable-assertions``
30*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    Builds LLVM with ``NDEBUG`` defined.  Changes the LLVM ABI.  Also available
31*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    by setting ``DISABLE_ASSERTIONS=0|1`` in ``make``'s environment.  This
32*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    defaults to enabled regardless of the optimization setting, but it slows
33*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    things down.
34*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
35*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``--enable-debug-symbols``
36*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    Builds LLVM with ``-g``.  Also available by setting ``DEBUG_SYMBOLS=0|1`` in
37*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    ``make``'s environment.  This defaults to disabled when optimizing, so you
38*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    should turn it back on to let users debug their programs.
39*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
40*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``--enable-optimized``
41*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    (For svn checkouts) Builds LLVM with ``-O2`` and, by default, turns off
42*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    debug symbols.  Also available by setting ``ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=0|1`` in
43*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    ``make``'s environment.  This defaults to enabled when not in a
44*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    checkout.
45*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
46*f4a2713aSLionel SambucC++ Features
47*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc============
48*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
49*f4a2713aSLionel SambucRTTI
50*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    LLVM disables RTTI by default.  Add ``REQUIRES_RTTI=1`` to your environment
51*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    while running ``make`` to re-enable it.  This will allow users to build with
52*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    RTTI enabled and still inherit from LLVM classes.
53*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
54*f4a2713aSLionel SambucShared Library
55*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc==============
56*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
57*f4a2713aSLionel SambucConfigure with ``--enable-shared`` to build
58*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``libLLVM-<major>.<minor>.(so|dylib)`` and link the tools against it.  This
59*f4a2713aSLionel Sambucsaves lots of binary size at the cost of some startup time.
60*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
61*f4a2713aSLionel SambucDependencies
62*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc============
63*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
64*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``--enable-libffi``
65*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    Depend on `libffi <http://sources.redhat.com/libffi/>`_ to allow the LLVM
66*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    interpreter to call external functions.
67*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
68*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc``--with-oprofile``
69*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc
70*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    Depend on `libopagent
71*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    <http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/doc/devel/index.html>`_ (>=version 0.9.4)
72*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    to let the LLVM JIT tell oprofile about function addresses and line
73*f4a2713aSLionel Sambuc    numbers.