1 //===- verify-uselistorder.cpp - The LLVM Modular Optimizer ---------------===//
2 //
3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // Verify that use-list order can be serialized correctly.  After reading the
11 // provided IR, this tool shuffles the use-lists and then writes and reads to a
12 // separate Module whose use-list orders are compared to the original.
13 //
14 // The shuffles are deterministic, but guarantee that use-lists will change.
15 // The algorithm per iteration is as follows:
16 //
17 //  1. Seed the random number generator.  The seed is different for each
18 //     shuffle.  Shuffle 0 uses default+0, shuffle 1 uses default+1, and so on.
19 //
20 //  2. Visit every Value in a deterministic order.
21 //
22 //  3. Assign a random number to each Use in the Value's use-list in order.
23 //
24 //  4. If the numbers are already in order, reassign numbers until they aren't.
25 //
26 //  5. Sort the use-list using Value::sortUseList(), which is a stable sort.
27 //
28 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
30 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
31 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
32 #include "llvm/AsmParser/Parser.h"
33 #include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
34 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
35 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
36 #include "llvm/IR/UseListOrder.h"
37 #include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
38 #include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
39 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
47 #include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
48 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/SystemUtils.h"
50 #include <random>
51 #include <vector>
53 using namespace llvm;
55 #define DEBUG_TYPE "use-list-order"
57 static cl::opt<std::string> InputFilename(cl::Positional,
58                                           cl::desc("<input bitcode file>"),
59                                           cl::init("-"),
60                                           cl::value_desc("filename"));
62 static cl::opt<bool> SaveTemps("save-temps", cl::desc("Save temp files"),
63                                cl::init(false));
65 static cl::opt<unsigned>
66     NumShuffles("num-shuffles",
67                 cl::desc("Number of times to shuffle and verify use-lists"),
68                 cl::init(1));
70 namespace {
72 struct TempFile {
73   std::string Filename;
74   FileRemover Remover;
75   bool init(const std::string &Ext);
76   bool writeBitcode(const Module &M) const;
77   bool writeAssembly(const Module &M) const;
78   std::unique_ptr<Module> readBitcode(LLVMContext &Context) const;
79   std::unique_ptr<Module> readAssembly(LLVMContext &Context) const;
80 };
82 struct ValueMapping {
83   DenseMap<const Value *, unsigned> IDs;
84   std::vector<const Value *> Values;
86   /// \brief Construct a value mapping for module.
87   ///
88   /// Creates mapping from every value in \c M to an ID.  This mapping includes
89   /// un-referencable values.
90   ///
91   /// Every \a Value that gets serialized in some way should be represented
92   /// here.  The order needs to be deterministic, but it's unnecessary to match
93   /// the value-ids in the bitcode writer.
94   ///
95   /// All constants that are referenced by other values are included in the
96   /// mapping, but others -- which wouldn't be serialized -- are not.
97   ValueMapping(const Module &M);
99   /// \brief Map a value.
100   ///
101   /// Maps a value.  If it's a constant, maps all of its operands first.
102   void map(const Value *V);
103   unsigned lookup(const Value *V) const { return IDs.lookup(V); }
104 };
106 } // end namespace
108 bool TempFile::init(const std::string &Ext) {
109   SmallVector<char, 64> Vector;
110   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - create-temp-file\n");
111   if (auto EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("use-list-order", Ext, Vector)) {
112     (void)EC;
113     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: " << EC.message() << "\n");
114     return true;
115   }
116   assert(!Vector.empty());
118   Filename.assign(Vector.data(), Vector.data() + Vector.size());
119   Remover.setFile(Filename, !SaveTemps);
120   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - filename = " << Filename << "\n");
121   return false;
122 }
124 bool TempFile::writeBitcode(const Module &M) const {
125   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - write bitcode\n");
126   std::error_code EC;
127   raw_fd_ostream OS(Filename, EC, sys::fs::F_None);
128   if (EC) {
129     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: " << EC.message() << "\n");
130     return true;
131   }
133   WriteBitcodeToFile(&M, OS);
134   return false;
135 }
137 bool TempFile::writeAssembly(const Module &M) const {
138   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - write assembly\n");
139   std::error_code EC;
140   raw_fd_ostream OS(Filename, EC, sys::fs::F_Text);
141   if (EC) {
142     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: " << EC.message() << "\n");
143     return true;
144   }
146   OS << M;
147   return false;
148 }
150 std::unique_ptr<Module> TempFile::readBitcode(LLVMContext &Context) const {
151   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - read bitcode\n");
152   ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> BufferOr =
153       MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename);
154   if (!BufferOr) {
155     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: " << BufferOr.getError().message() << "\n");
156     return nullptr;
157   }
159   MemoryBuffer *Buffer = BufferOr.get().get();
160   ErrorOr<Module *> ModuleOr =
161       parseBitcodeFile(Buffer->getMemBufferRef(), Context);
162   if (!ModuleOr) {
163     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: " << ModuleOr.getError().message() << "\n");
164     return nullptr;
165   }
166   return std::unique_ptr<Module>(ModuleOr.get());
167 }
169 std::unique_ptr<Module> TempFile::readAssembly(LLVMContext &Context) const {
170   DEBUG(dbgs() << " - read assembly\n");
171   SMDiagnostic Err;
172   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyFile(Filename, Err, Context);
173   if (!M.get())
174     DEBUG(dbgs() << "error: "; Err.print("verify-use-list-order", dbgs()));
175   return M;
176 }
178 ValueMapping::ValueMapping(const Module &M) {
179   // Every value should be mapped, including things like void instructions and
180   // basic blocks that are kept out of the ValueEnumerator.
181   //
182   // The current mapping order makes it easier to debug the tables.  It happens
183   // to be similar to the ID mapping when writing ValueEnumerator, but they
184   // aren't (and needn't be) in sync.
186   // Globals.
187   for (const GlobalVariable &G : M.globals())
188     map(&G);
189   for (const GlobalAlias &A : M.aliases())
190     map(&A);
191   for (const Function &F : M)
192     map(&F);
194   // Constants used by globals.
195   for (const GlobalVariable &G : M.globals())
196     if (G.hasInitializer())
197       map(G.getInitializer());
198   for (const GlobalAlias &A : M.aliases())
199     map(A.getAliasee());
200   for (const Function &F : M) {
201     if (F.hasPrefixData())
202       map(F.getPrefixData());
203     if (F.hasPrologueData())
204       map(F.getPrologueData());
205   }
207   // Function bodies.
208   for (const Function &F : M) {
209     for (const Argument &A : F.args())
210       map(&A);
211     for (const BasicBlock &BB : F)
212       map(&BB);
213     for (const BasicBlock &BB : F)
214       for (const Instruction &I : BB)
215         map(&I);
217     // Constants used by instructions.
218     for (const BasicBlock &BB : F)
219       for (const Instruction &I : BB)
220         for (const Value *Op : I.operands())
221           if ((isa<Constant>(Op) && !isa<GlobalValue>(*Op)) ||
222               isa<InlineAsm>(Op))
223             map(Op);
224   }
225 }
227 void ValueMapping::map(const Value *V) {
228   if (IDs.lookup(V))
229     return;
231   if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V))
232     if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C))
233       for (const Value *Op : C->operands())
234         map(Op);
236   Values.push_back(V);
237   IDs[V] = Values.size();
238 }
240 #ifndef NDEBUG
241 static void dumpMapping(const ValueMapping &VM) {
242   dbgs() << "value-mapping (size = " << VM.Values.size() << "):\n";
243   for (unsigned I = 0, E = VM.Values.size(); I != E; ++I) {
244     dbgs() << " - id = " << I << ", value = ";
245     VM.Values[I]->dump();
246   }
247 }
249 static void debugValue(const ValueMapping &M, unsigned I, StringRef Desc) {
250   const Value *V = M.Values[I];
251   dbgs() << " - " << Desc << " value = ";
252   V->dump();
253   for (const Use &U : V->uses()) {
254     dbgs() << "   => use: op = " << U.getOperandNo()
255            << ", user-id = " << M.IDs.lookup(U.getUser()) << ", user = ";
256     U.getUser()->dump();
257   }
258 }
260 static void debugUserMismatch(const ValueMapping &L, const ValueMapping &R,
261                               unsigned I) {
262   dbgs() << " - fail: user mismatch: ID = " << I << "\n";
263   debugValue(L, I, "LHS");
264   debugValue(R, I, "RHS");
266   dbgs() << "\nlhs-";
267   dumpMapping(L);
268   dbgs() << "\nrhs-";
269   dumpMapping(R);
270 }
272 static void debugSizeMismatch(const ValueMapping &L, const ValueMapping &R) {
273   dbgs() << " - fail: map size: " << L.Values.size()
274          << " != " << R.Values.size() << "\n";
275   dbgs() << "\nlhs-";
276   dumpMapping(L);
277   dbgs() << "\nrhs-";
278   dumpMapping(R);
279 }
280 #endif
282 static bool matches(const ValueMapping &LM, const ValueMapping &RM) {
283   DEBUG(dbgs() << "compare value maps\n");
284   if (LM.Values.size() != RM.Values.size()) {
285     DEBUG(debugSizeMismatch(LM, RM));
286     return false;
287   }
289   // This mapping doesn't include dangling constant users, since those don't
290   // get serialized.  However, checking if users are constant and calling
291   // isConstantUsed() on every one is very expensive.  Instead, just check if
292   // the user is mapped.
293   auto skipUnmappedUsers =
294       [&](Value::const_use_iterator &U, Value::const_use_iterator E,
295           const ValueMapping &M) {
296     while (U != E && !M.lookup(U->getUser()))
297       ++U;
298   };
300   // Iterate through all values, and check that both mappings have the same
301   // users.
302   for (unsigned I = 0, E = LM.Values.size(); I != E; ++I) {
303     const Value *L = LM.Values[I];
304     const Value *R = RM.Values[I];
305     auto LU = L->use_begin(), LE = L->use_end();
306     auto RU = R->use_begin(), RE = R->use_end();
307     skipUnmappedUsers(LU, LE, LM);
308     skipUnmappedUsers(RU, RE, RM);
310     while (LU != LE) {
311       if (RU == RE) {
312         DEBUG(debugUserMismatch(LM, RM, I));
313         return false;
314       }
315       if (LM.lookup(LU->getUser()) != RM.lookup(RU->getUser())) {
316         DEBUG(debugUserMismatch(LM, RM, I));
317         return false;
318       }
319       if (LU->getOperandNo() != RU->getOperandNo()) {
320         DEBUG(debugUserMismatch(LM, RM, I));
321         return false;
322       }
323       skipUnmappedUsers(++LU, LE, LM);
324       skipUnmappedUsers(++RU, RE, RM);
325     }
326     if (RU != RE) {
327       DEBUG(debugUserMismatch(LM, RM, I));
328       return false;
329     }
330   }
332   return true;
333 }
335 static void verifyAfterRoundTrip(const Module &M,
336                                  std::unique_ptr<Module> OtherM) {
337   if (!OtherM)
338     report_fatal_error("parsing failed");
339   if (verifyModule(*OtherM, &errs()))
340     report_fatal_error("verification failed");
341   if (!matches(ValueMapping(M), ValueMapping(*OtherM)))
342     report_fatal_error("use-list order changed");
343 }
344 static void verifyBitcodeUseListOrder(const Module &M) {
345   errs() << "*** verify-use-list-order: bitcode ***\n";
346   TempFile F;
347   if (F.init("bc"))
348     report_fatal_error("failed to initialize bitcode file");
350   if (F.writeBitcode(M))
351     report_fatal_error("failed to write bitcode");
353   LLVMContext Context;
354   verifyAfterRoundTrip(M, F.readBitcode(Context));
355 }
357 static void verifyAssemblyUseListOrder(const Module &M) {
358   errs() << "*** verify-use-list-order: assembly ***\n";
359   TempFile F;
360   if (F.init("ll"))
361     report_fatal_error("failed to initialize assembly file");
363   if (F.writeAssembly(M))
364     report_fatal_error("failed to write assembly");
366   LLVMContext Context;
367   verifyAfterRoundTrip(M, F.readAssembly(Context));
368 }
370 static void verifyUseListOrder(const Module &M) {
371   verifyBitcodeUseListOrder(M);
372   verifyAssemblyUseListOrder(M);
373 }
375 static void shuffleValueUseLists(Value *V, std::minstd_rand0 &Gen,
376                                  DenseSet<Value *> &Seen) {
377   if (!Seen.insert(V).second)
378     return;
380   if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V))
381     if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C))
382       for (Value *Op : C->operands())
383         shuffleValueUseLists(Op, Gen, Seen);
385   if (V->use_empty() || std::next(V->use_begin()) == V->use_end())
386     // Nothing to shuffle for 0 or 1 users.
387     return;
389   // Generate random numbers between 10 and 99, which will line up nicely in
390   // debug output.  We're not worried about collisons here.
391   DEBUG(dbgs() << "V = "; V->dump());
392   std::uniform_int_distribution<short> Dist(10, 99);
393   SmallDenseMap<const Use *, short, 16> Order;
394   auto compareUses =
395       [&Order](const Use &L, const Use &R) { return Order[&L] < Order[&R]; };
396   do {
397     for (const Use &U : V->uses()) {
398       auto I = Dist(Gen);
399       Order[&U] = I;
400       DEBUG(dbgs() << " - order: " << I << ", op = " << U.getOperandNo()
401                    << ", U = ";
402             U.getUser()->dump());
403     }
404   } while (std::is_sorted(V->use_begin(), V->use_end(), compareUses));
406   DEBUG(dbgs() << " => shuffle\n");
407   V->sortUseList(compareUses);
409   DEBUG({
410     for (const Use &U : V->uses()) {
411       dbgs() << " - order: " << Order.lookup(&U)
412              << ", op = " << U.getOperandNo() << ", U = ";
413       U.getUser()->dump();
414     }
415   });
416 }
418 static void reverseValueUseLists(Value *V, DenseSet<Value *> &Seen) {
419   if (!Seen.insert(V).second)
420     return;
422   if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V))
423     if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C))
424       for (Value *Op : C->operands())
425         reverseValueUseLists(Op, Seen);
427   if (V->use_empty() || std::next(V->use_begin()) == V->use_end())
428     // Nothing to shuffle for 0 or 1 users.
429     return;
431   DEBUG({
432     dbgs() << "V = ";
433     V->dump();
434     for (const Use &U : V->uses()) {
435       dbgs() << " - order: op = " << U.getOperandNo() << ", U = ";
436       U.getUser()->dump();
437     }
438     dbgs() << " => reverse\n";
439   });
441   V->reverseUseList();
443   DEBUG({
444     for (const Use &U : V->uses()) {
445       dbgs() << " - order: op = " << U.getOperandNo() << ", U = ";
446       U.getUser()->dump();
447     }
448   });
449 }
451 template <class Changer>
452 static void changeUseLists(Module &M, Changer changeValueUseList) {
453   // Visit every value that would be serialized to an IR file.
454   //
455   // Globals.
456   for (GlobalVariable &G : M.globals())
457     changeValueUseList(&G);
458   for (GlobalAlias &A : M.aliases())
459     changeValueUseList(&A);
460   for (Function &F : M)
461     changeValueUseList(&F);
463   // Constants used by globals.
464   for (GlobalVariable &G : M.globals())
465     if (G.hasInitializer())
466       changeValueUseList(G.getInitializer());
467   for (GlobalAlias &A : M.aliases())
468     changeValueUseList(A.getAliasee());
469   for (Function &F : M) {
470     if (F.hasPrefixData())
471       changeValueUseList(F.getPrefixData());
472     if (F.hasPrologueData())
473       changeValueUseList(F.getPrologueData());
474   }
476   // Function bodies.
477   for (Function &F : M) {
478     for (Argument &A : F.args())
479       changeValueUseList(&A);
480     for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
481       changeValueUseList(&BB);
482     for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
483       for (Instruction &I : BB)
484         changeValueUseList(&I);
486     // Constants used by instructions.
487     for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
488       for (Instruction &I : BB)
489         for (Value *Op : I.operands())
490           if ((isa<Constant>(Op) && !isa<GlobalValue>(*Op)) ||
491               isa<InlineAsm>(Op))
492             changeValueUseList(Op);
493   }
495   if (verifyModule(M, &errs()))
496     report_fatal_error("verification failed");
497 }
499 static void shuffleUseLists(Module &M, unsigned SeedOffset) {
500   errs() << "*** shuffle-use-lists ***\n";
501   std::minstd_rand0 Gen(std::minstd_rand0::default_seed + SeedOffset);
502   DenseSet<Value *> Seen;
503   changeUseLists(M, [&](Value *V) { shuffleValueUseLists(V, Gen, Seen); });
504   DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
505 }
507 static void reverseUseLists(Module &M) {
508   errs() << "*** reverse-use-lists ***\n";
509   DenseSet<Value *> Seen;
510   changeUseLists(M, [&](Value *V) { reverseValueUseLists(V, Seen); });
511   DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
512 }
514 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
515   sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal();
516   llvm::PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);
518   // Enable debug stream buffering.
519   EnableDebugBuffering = true;
521   llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.
522   LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
524   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv,
525                               "llvm tool to verify use-list order\n");
527   SMDiagnostic Err;
529   // Load the input module...
530   std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseIRFile(InputFilename, Err, Context);
532   if (!M.get()) {
533     Err.print(argv[0], errs());
534     return 1;
535   }
536   if (verifyModule(*M, &errs()))
537     report_fatal_error("verification failed");
539   errs() << "*** verify-use-list-order ***\n";
540   // Can't verify if order isn't preserved.
541   if (!shouldPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder()) {
542     errs() << "warning: forcing -preserve-bc-use-list-order\n";
543     setPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder(true);
544   }
545   if (!shouldPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder()) {
546     errs() << "warning: forcing -preserve-ll-use-list-order\n";
547     setPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder(true);
548   }
550   // Verify the use lists now and after reversing them.
551   verifyUseListOrder(*M);
552   reverseUseLists(*M);
553   verifyUseListOrder(*M);
555   for (unsigned I = 0, E = NumShuffles; I != E; ++I) {
556     errs() << "*** shuffle iteration: " << I + 1 << " of " << E << " ***\n";
558     // Shuffle with a different (deterministic) seed each time.
559     shuffleUseLists(*M, I);
561     // Verify again before and after reversing.
562     verifyUseListOrder(*M);
563     reverseUseLists(*M);
564     verifyUseListOrder(*M);
565   }
567   return 0;
568 }