xref: /minix/minix/commands/backup/backup.c (revision 83ee113e)
1 /* backup - backup a directory		Author: Andy Tanenbaum */
3 /* This program recursively backs up a directory.  It has two typical uses:
4  *
5  * 1. Backing up a directory to 1 or more diskettes
6  * 2. Backing up RAM disk to a shadow directory on hard disk
7  *
8  * The backup directory or medium may be empty, in which case, the entire
9  * source directory is copied, or it may contain an old backup, in which
10  * case only those files that are new or out of date are copied.  In this
11  * respect, 'backup' resembles 'make', except that no 'makefile' is needed.
12  * The backed up copy may optionally be compressed to save space.
13  *
14  * The following flags exist:
15  *
16  *	-d  At the top level, only back up directories (not loose files)
17  *	-j  Don't copy junk: *.Z, *.bak, *.log, a.out, and core
18  *	-m  If ENOSPC encountered, ask for another diskette
19  *	-n  No directories, only loose files are backed up
20  *	-o  Don't copy *.o files
21  *	-r  Restore files (ie. uncompress if necessary)
22  *	-s  Don't copy *.s files
23  *	-t  Set creation date of target-file equal to cdate of source-file
24  *	-v  Verbose (announce what is being done)
25  *	-z  Compress on backup/uncompress on restore
26  *
27  * Patches:
28  *	30 Mar 91.	Added restore option.  cwr.
29  *	 9 Sep 91.	Changed user interface.  cwr.
30  *	21 Jan 93.	Revised error messages.  cwr.
31  *	29 Mar 95.	Added -o, NARROW define.  cwr.
32  *      16 Nov 2013.    Changed the functions to ANSI style.
33  *			Author: Alexandre Beletti (rhiguita@gmail.com)
34  */
36 #include <sys/types.h>
37 #include <sys/stat.h>
38 #include <sys/syslimits.h>
39 #include <errno.h>
40 #include <fcntl.h>
41 #include <utime.h>
42 #include <stdlib.h>
43 #include <string.h>
44 #include <unistd.h>
45 #include <sys/wait.h>
46 #include <stdio.h>
47 #include <dirent.h>
51 #undef NARROW			/* Width of verbose output */
52 #define COPY_SIZE 4096
53 #define MAX_ENTRIES 512
54 #define MAX_PATH 256
55 #define NONFATAL 0
56 #define FATAL 1
57 #define NO_SAVINGS 512		/* compress can return code 2 */
58 #define OUT_OF_SPACE 2
60 struct dirent_full {
61 	struct dirent de;
62 	char d_name[MAXNAMLEN+1];
63 } dir_ent[MAX_ENTRIES];
64 int entries = 0;
66 struct sorted {
67   int mode;			/* file mode */
68   char *namep;			/* pointer to name in dir_buf */
69   long acctime;			/* time of last access */
70   long modtime;			/* time of last modification */
71 } sorted[MAX_ENTRIES];
73 char copybuf[COPY_SIZE];
74 char *pname;
75 int dflag, jflag, mflag, nflag, oflag, rflag, sflag, tflag, vflag, zflag;
77 extern int errno;
78 extern char **environ;
80 int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
81 void maketarget(char *dir2);
82 int make_dir(char *dir);
83 int stat_all(char *dir1, int n);
84 void sort_dir(int m);
85 void process(int m, char *dir1, char *dir2);
86 void swap(struct sorted *sp1, struct sorted *sp2);
87 int copy(char *dir1, struct sorted *sp, char *cbuf2);
88 int zcopy(char *src, char *targ);
89 void copydir(char *dir1, char *dir2, char *namep);
90 void newdisk(char *dir);
91 void usage(void);
92 void error(int type, char *s1, char *s2, char *s3);
94 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
95 {
96   int n, m;
97   char *dir1, *dir2, *cp, c;
98   struct stat s;
99   struct dirent *e;
100   DIR *DIR1;
102   (void) sync();
104   /* Get the flags */
105   if ((pname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == (char *)NULL)
106 	pname = argv[0];
107   else
108 	pname++;
109   if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) usage();
110   if (argc == 4) {
111 	cp = argv[1];
112 	if (*cp++ != '-') usage();
113 	while ((c = *cp++) != '\0') {
114 		switch (c) {
115 		    case 'd':	dflag++;	break;
116 		    case 'j':	jflag++;	break;
117 		    case 'm':	mflag++;	break;
118 		    case 'n':	nflag++;	break;
119 		    case 'o':	oflag++;	break;
120 		    case 's':	sflag++;	break;
121 		    case 'r':	rflag++;	break;
122 		    case 't':	tflag++;	break;
123 		    case 'v':	vflag++;	break;
124 		    case 'z':	zflag++;	break;
125 		    default:	usage();
126 		}
127 	}
128 	dir1 = argv[2];
129 	dir2 = argv[3];
130   } else {
131 	dir1 = argv[1];
132 	dir2 = argv[2];
133   }
134   if (!strcmp(pname, "restore") && !rflag) rflag++;
136   /* Check for a valid source */
137   if (stat(dir1, &s) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot stat ", dir1, "");
138   if ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) error(FATAL, "non-directory ", dir1, "");
140   /* Read in the source directory */
141   if(!(DIR1 = opendir(dir1))) {
142   	perror(dir1);
143   	return 1;
144   }
145   for(entries = 0; entries < MAX_ENTRIES && (e=readdir(DIR1)); entries++) {
146 	memcpy(&dir_ent[entries].de, e, sizeof(*e));
147 	snprintf(dir_ent[entries].d_name, MAXNAMLEN, "%s", e->d_name);
148   }
149   closedir(DIR1);
150   if (entries == MAX_ENTRIES)
151 	error(FATAL, "directory ", dir1, " is too large");
153   /* Create the target directory. */
154   maketarget(dir2);
156   /* Stat all the entries. */
157   n = entries;
158   m = stat_all(dir1, n);
160   /* Remove non-entries and sort what's left. */
161   sort_dir(m);
163   /* Process each of the m entries one at a time. */
164   process(m, dir1, dir2);
165   return(0);
166 }
169 void maketarget(char *dir2)
170 {
171 /* The target directory is created if it does not already exist. */
173   char *p, c, dbuf[MAX_PATH];
175   if (access(dir2, 6) == 0)
176 	return;			/* if target exists, we're done */
177   if (make_dir(dir2) == 0) return;	/* we just made it */
179   /* We have to try creating all the higher level directories. */
180   strcpy(dbuf, dir2);
181   p = dbuf + 1;
182   while (1) {
183 	while (*p != '/' && *p != '\0') p++;
184 	c = *p;			/* either / or \0 */
185 	*p = 0;
186 	make_dir(dbuf);
187 	if (c == '\0') return;
188 	*p = c;
189 	p++;
190   }
191 }
193 int make_dir(char *dir)
194 {
195 /* Create a directory. */
196   int pid, status;
198   if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
199 	error(FATAL, "cannot fork off mkdir to create ", dir, "");
200   if (pid > 0) {
201 	/* Parent process waits for child (mkdir). */
202 	wait(&status);
203 	return(status);
204   } else {
205 	/* Child process executes mkdir */
206 	close(2);		/* don't want mkdir's error messages */
207 	execle("/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", dir, (char *) 0, environ);
208 	execle("/usr/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", dir, (char *) 0, environ);
209 	error(FATAL, "cannot execute mkdir", "", "");
210   }
211   return(0);
212 }
215 int stat_all(char *dir1, int n)
216 {
217 /* Stat all the directory entries.  By doing this all at once, the disk
218  * head can stay in the inode area.
219  */
221   int i, j;
222   char cbuf[MAX_PATH];
223   struct stat s;
225   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
226 	/* Mark "." and ".." as null entries, as well as unstatable ones. */
227 	if (strcmp(dir_ent[i].d_name, ".") == 0) dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0;
228 	if (strcmp(dir_ent[i].d_name, "..") == 0) dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0;
229 	if (dir_ent[i].de.d_ino == 0) continue;
231 	/* Stat the file. */
232 	snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s/%s", dir1, dir_ent[i].d_name);
233 	if (stat(cbuf, &s) < 0) {
234 		error(NONFATAL, "cannot stat ", cbuf, "");
235 		dir_ent[i].de.d_ino = 0;	/* mark as unusable */
236 		continue;
237 	}
238 	sorted[i].mode = s.st_mode;
239 	sorted[i].acctime = s.st_atime;
240 	sorted[i].modtime = s.st_mtime;
241 	sorted[i].namep = dir_ent[i].d_name;
242 	sorted[i].namep[NAME_SIZE-1] = '\0';
243   }
245   /* Squeeze out all the entries whose ino field is 0. */
246   j = 0;
247   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
248 	if (dir_ent[i].de.d_ino != 0) {
249 		sorted[j] = sorted[i];
250 		j++;
251 	}
252   }
253   return(j);
254 }
257 void sort_dir(int m)
258 {
259 /* Sort the directory using bubble sort. */
261   struct sorted *sp1, *sp2;
263   for (sp1 = &sorted[0]; sp1 < &sorted[m - 1]; sp1++) {
264 	for (sp2 = sp1 + 1; sp2 < &sorted[m]; sp2++) {
265 		if (strcmp(sp1->namep, sp2->namep) > 0)
266 			swap(sp1, sp2);
267 	}
268   }
269 }
272 void process(int m, char *dir1, char *dir2)
273 {
274 /* Process each entry in sorted[].  If it is a regular file, stat the target
275  * file.  The the source is newer, copy it.  If the entry is a directory,
276  * recursively call the entire program to process the directory.
277  */
279   int er, fmode, res;
280   struct sorted *sp;
281   struct stat s;
282   char cbuf[MAX_PATH];
284   for (sp = &sorted[0]; sp < &sorted[m]; sp++) {
285   	int namlen;
286 	fmode = sp->mode & S_IFMT;
287 	if (fmode == S_IFREG) {
288 		/* Regular file.  Construct target name and stat it. */
289 		snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s/%s", dir2, sp->namep);
290 		namlen = strlen(sp->namep);
291 		/* Switch between compressed and uncompressed file names */
292 		if (zflag && !rflag && strncmp((sp->namep + namlen - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2)
293 				&& (namlen <= (NAME_SIZE - 2)))
294 			strncat(cbuf, ".Z", (size_t)2);
295 		if (zflag && rflag && !strncmp((sp->namep + namlen - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2))
296 			cbuf[strlen(cbuf) - 2] = '\0';
297 		er = stat(cbuf, &s);
298 		if (er < 0 || sp->modtime > s.st_mtime) {
299 			res = copy(dir1, sp, cbuf);
300 		} else {
301 			res = NONFATAL;
302 		}
304 		/* Check status of the copy. */
305 		if (res == OUT_OF_SPACE) {
306 			printf("Out of space while copying to %s\n", cbuf);
307 			/* We ran out of space copying a regular file. */
308 			if (mflag == 0)
309 				error(FATAL, "Quitting, disk full", "", "");
311 			/* If -m, ask for new diskette and continue. */
312 			newdisk(dir2);
313 			sp--;
314 			continue;
315 		}
316 	} else if (fmode == S_IFDIR) {
317 		/* Directory.  Execute this program recursively. */
318 		copydir(dir1, dir2, sp->namep);
319 	} else if (fmode == S_IFBLK || fmode == S_IFCHR) {
320 		/* Special file. */
321 		strncpy(cbuf, sp->namep, sizeof(cbuf));
322 		printf("%s is special file.  Not backed up.\n", cbuf);
323 	}
324   }
325 }
330 void swap(struct sorted *sp1, struct sorted *sp2)
331 {
332 /* Swap two directory entries. */
334   struct sorted d;
336   d = *sp1;
337   *sp1 = *sp2;
338   *sp2 = d;
339 }
342 int copy(char *dir1, struct sorted *sp, char *cbuf2)
343 {
344 /* Copy a regular file. */
346   int fd1, fd2, nr, nw, res, n;
347   char cbuf1[MAX_PATH], *p;
348 #ifdef NARROW
349   char *msg = (rflag || strcmp(pname, "backup")) ? "Restored" : "Backing up";
350 #endif
352   /* If the -j or -o or -s flags were given, suppress certain files. */
353   p = sp->namep;
354   n = strlen(p);
355   if (n > NAME_SIZE) n = NAME_SIZE;
356   if (jflag) {
357 	if (strcmp(p, "a.out") == 0) return(0);
358 	if (strcmp(p, "core") == 0) return (0);
359 	if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".Z") == 0) return (0);
360 	if (strcmp(p + n - 4, ".bak") == 0) return (0);
361 	if (strcmp(p + n - 4, ".log") == 0) return (0);
362   }
363   if (oflag) {
364 	if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".o") == 0) return(0);
365   }
366   if (sflag) {
367 	if (strcmp(p + n - 2, ".s") == 0) return(0);
368   }
369   res = 0;
370   if (dflag) return(0);		/* backup -d means only directories */
371   strcpy(cbuf1, dir1);
372   strncat(cbuf1, "/", (size_t)1);
373   strncat(cbuf1, sp->namep, (size_t)NAME_SIZE);	/* cbuf1 = source file name */
375   /* At this point, cbuf1 contains the source file name, cbuf2 the target. */
376   fd1 = open(cbuf1, O_RDONLY);
377   if (fd1 < 0) {
378 	error(NONFATAL, "cannot open ", cbuf1, "");
379 	return(res);
380   }
381   fd2 = creat(cbuf2, (sp->mode | S_IWUSR) & 07777);
382   if (fd2 < 0) {
383 	if (errno == ENFILE) {
384 		close(fd1);
385 		return(OUT_OF_SPACE);
386 	}
387 	error(NONFATAL, "cannot create ", cbuf2, "");
388 	close(fd1);
389 	return(res);
390   }
392   /* Both files are now open.  Do the copying. */
393   if ((!rflag && strncmp((sp->namep + n - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2)) ||
394 		(rflag && !strncmp((sp->namep + n - 2), ".Z", (size_t)2))) {
395 	if (zflag && (rflag || (n <= (NAME_SIZE - 2)))) {
396 		close(fd1);
397 		close(fd2);
398 		res = zcopy(cbuf1, cbuf2);
399 		if (tflag) utime(cbuf2, (struct utimbuf *) & (sp->acctime));
400 		if (res != 0) unlink(cbuf2); /* if error, get rid of the corpse */
401 #ifdef NARROW
402 		if (vflag && res == 0) printf("%s %s\n", msg, cbuf1);
403 #else
404 		if (vflag && res == 0) {
405 			printf("%-37.37s -> %-37.37s\n", cbuf1, cbuf2);
406 			if (strlen(cbuf1) > 37 || strlen(cbuf2) > 37)
407 				printf("%37.37s    %37.37s\n",
408 				(strlen(cbuf1) > 37) ? (cbuf1 + 37) : "",
409 				(strlen(cbuf2) > 37) ? (cbuf2 + 37) : "");
410 		}
411 #endif
412 		return(res);
413 	}
414   }
415   while (1) {
416 	nr = read(fd1, copybuf, COPY_SIZE);
417 	if (nr == 0) break;
418 	if (nr < 0) {
419 		error(NONFATAL, "read error on ", cbuf1, "");
420 		res = EIO;
421 		break;
422 	}
423 	nw = write(fd2, copybuf, nr);
424 	if (nw < 0) {
425 		if (errno == ENOSPC) {
426 			/* Device is full. */
427 			res = OUT_OF_SPACE;
428 			break;
429 		}
431 		/* True write error. */
432 		error(NONFATAL, "write error on ", cbuf2, "");
433 		res = EIO;
434 		break;
435 	}
436   }
437   if (res == 0) {
438 #ifdef NARROW
439  	if (vflag) printf("%s %s\n", msg, cbuf1);
440 #else
441 	if (vflag) {
442 		printf("%-37.37s -> %-37.37s\n", cbuf1, cbuf2);
443 		if (strlen(cbuf1) > 37 || strlen(cbuf2) > 37)
444 			printf("%37.37s    %37.37s\n",
445 			(strlen(cbuf1) > 37) ? (cbuf1 + 37) : "",
446 			(strlen(cbuf2) > 37) ? (cbuf2 + 37) : "");
447 	}
448 #endif
449   } else {
450 	unlink(cbuf2);
451   }
452   close(fd1);
453   close(fd2);
454   if (tflag) utime(cbuf2, (struct utimbuf *) & (sp->acctime));
455   return(res);
456 }
459 int zcopy(char *src, char *targ)
460 {
462   int pid, status, res, s;
463   char fbuf[20];
465   /* These flags go for compress and gzip. */
466   strcpy(fbuf, "-c");
467   if (rflag)
468 	strcat(fbuf, "d");
469   else
470 	strcat(fbuf, "f");
472   if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
473   if (pid > 0) {
474 	wait(&status);
476 	/* Error codes 0 and 2 are ok, assume others mean disk is full. */
477 	res = (status == 0 || status == NO_SAVINGS ? 0 : OUT_OF_SPACE);
478 	return(res);
479   } else {
480 	/* Child must execute compress. */
481 	close(1);
482 	s = open(targ, O_RDWR);
483 	if (s < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot write on ", "targ", "");
484 	execle("/usr/bin/gzip", "gzip", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
485 	execle("/usr/local/bin/gzip", "gzip", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
486 	execle("/bin/compress", "compress", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
487 	execle("/usr/bin/compress", "compress", fbuf, src, (char *)0, environ);
488 	error(FATAL, "cannot exec gzip or compress", "", "");
489   }
490   return(0);
491 }
494 void copydir(char *dir1, char *dir2, char *namep)
495 {
496 /* Copy a directory. */
498   int pid, status;
499   char fbuf[20], d1buf[MAX_PATH], d2buf[MAX_PATH];
501   if (nflag) return;	/* backup -n means no directories */
503   fbuf[0] = '\0';
505   /* Handle directory copy by forking off 'backup' ! */
506   if (jflag || mflag || oflag || rflag || sflag || tflag || vflag || zflag)
507 	strcpy(fbuf, "-");
508   if (jflag) strcat(fbuf, "j");
509   if (mflag) strcat(fbuf, "m");
510   if (oflag) strcat(fbuf, "o");
511   if (rflag) strcat(fbuf, "r");
512   if (sflag) strcat(fbuf, "s");
513   if (tflag) strcat(fbuf, "t");
514   if (vflag) strcat(fbuf, "v");
515   if (zflag) strcat(fbuf, "z");
516   snprintf(d1buf, sizeof(d1buf), "%s/%s", dir1, namep);
517   snprintf(d2buf, sizeof(d2buf), "%s/%s", dir2, namep);
519   if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
520   if (pid > 0) {
521 	/* Parent waits for child, then returns. */
522 	wait(&status);
523 	return;
524   }
526   if (fbuf[0] == '-') {
527 	execle(pname, pname, fbuf, d1buf, d2buf, (char *) 0, environ);
528 	execle("/bin/backup", "backup", fbuf, d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
529 	execle("/usr/bin/backup","backup",fbuf,d1buf,d2buf,(char *)0,environ);
530 	error(FATAL, "cannot recursively exec backup", "", "");
531   } else {
532 	execle(pname, pname, d1buf, d2buf, (char *) 0, environ);
533 	execle("/bin/backup", "backup", d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
534 	execle("/usr/bin/backup","backup", d1buf, d2buf, (char *)0,environ);
535 	error(FATAL, "cannot recursively exec backup", "", "");
536   }
537 }
539 void newdisk(char *dir)
540 {
541 /* Ask for a new diskette. A big problem is that this program does not
542  * know which device is being used and where it is mounted on.  As an
543  * emergency solution, fork off a shell and ask the user to do the work.
544  */
546   int pid, status;
548   printf("\nDiskette full. Please do the following:\n");
549   printf("   1. Unmount the diskette using /etc/umount\n");
550   printf("   2. Physically replace the diskette by the next one.\n");
551   printf("   3. Mount the new diskette using /etc/mount\n");
552   printf("   4. Type CTRL-D to return to the backup/restore program\n");
554   if ((pid = fork()) < 0) error(FATAL, "cannot fork", "", "");
555   if (pid > 0) {
556 	wait(&status);
557 	maketarget(dir);	/* make the directory */
558   } else {
559 	execle("/bin/sh", "sh", "-i", (char *) 0, environ);
560 	execle("/usr/bin/sh", "sh", "-i", (char *) 0, environ);
561 	error(FATAL, "cannot execute shell to ask for new diskette", "", "");
562   }
563 }
565 void usage()
566 {
567   fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-djmnorstvz] dir1 dir2\n", pname);
568   exit(2);
569 }
572 void error(int type, char *s1, char *s2, char *s3)
573 {
574   fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%s%s\n", pname, s1, s2, s3);
576   if (type == NONFATAL)
577 	return;
578   else
579 	exit(type);
580 }