2IP Security Protocol Working Group (IPSEC)                   A. Huttunen
3INTERNET-DRAFT                                      F-Secure Corporation
4Category: Standards track                                     B. Swander
5Expires: December 2002                                         Microsoft
6                                                             M. Stenberg
7                                        SSH Communications Security Corp
8                                                                V. Volpe
9                                                           Cisco Systems
10                                                              L. DiBurro
11                                                         Nortel Networks
12                                                               June 2002
14                   UDP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets
15                   draft-ietf-ipsec-udp-encaps-03.txt
17Status of this Memo
19   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
20   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
22   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
23   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
24   other groups may also distribute working documents as
25   Internet-Drafts.
27   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
28   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
29   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
30   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
32   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
33   http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt.
35   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
36   http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
38   This Internet-Draft will expire on December, 2002.
40Copyright Notice
42   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.
46   This draft defines methods to encapsulate and decapsulate ESP
47   packets inside UDP packets for the purpose of traversing NATs.
49   ESP encapsulation as defined in this document is capable of being
50   used in both IPv4 and IPv6 scenarios.
52   The encapsulation is used whenever negotiated using IKE, as
53   defined in [Kiv02].
55Change Log
56   Version -01
57   - removed everything related to the AH-protocol
58   - added instructions on how to use the encapsulation with
59     some other key management protocol than IKE
60   Version -02
61   - changed to using 4-byte non-ESP marker, removed all references
62     to using this with other key management protocols
63   - TCP checksum handling for transport mode related discussion
64     modified
65   - copied tunnel mode security considerations from the
66     earlier draft-huttunen-ipsec-esp-in-udp-00.txt draft,
67     added transport mode considerations
68   Version -03
69   - Clarifications to security considerations
711. Introduction
73   This draft defines methods to encapsulate and decapsulate ESP
74   packets inside UDP packets for the purpose of traversing NATs.
75   The UDP port numbers are the same as used by IKE traffic, as
76   defined in [Kiv02].
78   It is up to the need of the clients whether transport mode
79   or tunnel mode is to be supported. L2TP/IPsec clients MUST support
80   transport mode since [RFC 3193] defines that L2TP/IPsec MUST use
81   transport mode], and IPsec tunnel mode clients MUST support tunnel
82   mode.
84   An IKE implementation supporting this draft MUST NOT use the
85   ESP SPI field zero for ESP packets. (XXX To be changed to
86   an IANA allocated SPI value later.) This ensures that
87   IKE packets and ESP packets can be distinguished from each other.
89   UDP encapsulation of ESP packets as defined in this document is
90   written in terms of IPv4 headers. There is no technical reason
91   why an IPv6 header could not be used as the outer header and/or
92   as the inner header.
942. Packet Formats
962.1  UDP-encapsulated ESP Header Format
98 0                   1                   2                   3
99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
101|        Source Port            |      Destination Port         |
103|           Length              |           Checksum            |
105|                      ESP header [RFC 2406]                    |
106~                                                               ~
107|                                                               |
110The UDP header is a standard [RFC 768] header, where
111- Source Port and Destination Port are the same as used by
112  floated IKE traffic.
113- Checksum is zero.
115The SPI field in the ESP header must not be zero. (XXX To be
116changed to an IANA allocated SPI value later.)
1182.2  Floated IKE Header Format
120 0                   1                   2                   3
121 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
123|        Source Port            |      Destination Port         |
125|           Length              |           Checksum            |
127|                       Non-ESP Marker                          |
129|                      IKE header [RFC 2409]                    |
130~                                                               ~
131|                                                               |
134The UDP header is a standard [RFC 768] header, and is used
135as defined in [Kiv02].
137Non-ESP Marker is 4 bytes of zero aligning with the SPI field
138of an ESP packet. (XXX To be changed to an IANA allocated SPI
139value later.)
1412.3 NAT-keepalive Packet Format
143 0                   1                   2                   3
144 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
146|        Source Port            |      Destination Port         |
148|           Length              |           Checksum            |
150|    0xFF       |
153The UDP header is a standard [RFC 768] header, where
154- Source Port and Destination Port are the same as used by floated
155  IKE traffic.
156- Checksum is zero.
158The sender SHOULD use a one octet long payload with the value 0xFF.
159The receiver SHOULD ignore a received NAT-keepalive packet.
1613. Encapsulation and Decapsulation Procedures
1633.1 Auxiliary Procedures
1653.1.1 Tunnel Mode Decapsulation NAT Procedure
167When a tunnel mode has been used to transmit packets, the inner
168IP header can contain addresses that are not suitable for the
169current network. This procedure defines how these addresses are
170to be converted to suitable addresses for the current network.
172Depending on local policy, one of the following MUST be done:
173a) If a valid source IP address space has been defined in the policy
174   for the encapsulated packets from the peer, check that the source
175   IP address of the inner packet is valid according to the policy.
176b) If an address has been assigned for the remote peer, check
177   that the source IP address used in the inner packet is the
178   same as the IP address assigned.
179c) NAT is performed for the packet, making it suitable for transport
180   in the local network.
1823.1.2 Transport Mode Decapsulation NAT Procedure
184When a transport mode has been used to transmit packets, contained
185TCP or UDP headers will contain incorrect checksums due to the change
186of parts of the IP header during transit. This procedure defines how
187to fix these checksums.
189Depending on local policy, one of the following MUST be done:
190a) If the protocol header after the ESP header is a TCP/UDP
191   header and the peer's real source IP address has been received
192   according to [Kiv02], incrementally recompute the TCP/UDP checksum:
193   - subtract the IP source address in the received packet
194     from the checksum
195   - add the real IP source address received via IKE to the checksum
196b) If the protocol header after the ESP header is a TCP/UDP
197   header, recompute the checksum field in the TCP/UDP header.
198c) If the protocol header after the ESP header is an UDP
199   header, zero the checksum field in the UDP header. If the protocol
200   header after the ESP header is a TCP header, and there is an
201   option to flag to the stack that TCP checksum does not need to
202   be computed, then that flag MAY be used.  This SHOULD only be done
203   for transport mode, and if the packet is integrity protected.  Tunnel
204   mode TCP checksums MUST be verified.
205   [This is not a violation to the spirit of section in RFC 1122
206   because a checksum is being generated by the sender, and verified
207   by the receiver.  That checksum is the integrity over the packet
208   performed by IPsec.]
210In addition an implementation MAY fix any contained protocols that
211have been broken by NAT.
2133.2 Transport Mode ESP Encapsulation
215              BEFORE APPLYING ESP/UDP
216         ----------------------------
217   IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
218         |(any options)| TCP | Data |
219         ----------------------------
221              AFTER APPLYING ESP/UDP
222         -------------------------------------------------------
223   IPv4  |orig IP hdr  | UDP | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
224         |(any options)| Hdr | Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer |Auth|
225         -------------------------------------------------------
226                                   |<----- encrypted ---->|
227                             |<------ authenticated ----->|
2291) Ordinary ESP encapsulation procedure is used.
2302) A properly formatted UDP header is inserted where shown.
2313) The Total Length, Protocol and Header Checksum fields in the
232   IP header are edited to match the resulting IP packet.
2343.3 Transport Mode ESP Decapsulation
2361) The UDP header is removed from the packet.
2372) The Total Length, Protocol and Header Checksum fields in the
238   new IP header are edited to match the resulting IP packet.
2393) Ordinary ESP decapsulation procedure is used.
2404) Transport mode decapsulation NAT procedure is used.
2433.4 Tunnel Mode ESP Encapsulation
245              BEFORE APPLYING ESP/UDP
246         ----------------------------
247   IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
248         |(any options)| TCP | Data |
249         ----------------------------
251              AFTER APPLYING ESP/UDP
252     --------------------------------------------------------------
253IPv4 |new h.| UDP | ESP |orig IP hdr  |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
254     |(opts)| Hdr | Hdr |(any options)| TCP | Data | Trailer |Auth|
255     --------------------------------------------------------------
256                        |<------------ encrypted ----------->|
257                  |<------------- authenticated ------------>|
2591) Ordinary ESP encapsulation procedure is used.
2602) A properly formatted UDP header is inserted where shown.
2613) The Total Length, Protocol and Header Checksum fields in the
262   new IP header are edited to match the resulting IP packet.
2653.5 Tunnel Mode ESP Decapsulation
2671) The UDP header is removed from the packet.
2682) The Total Length, Protocol and Header Checksum fields in the
269   new IP header are edited to match the resulting IP packet.
2703) Ordinary ESP decapsulation procedure is used.
2714) Tunnel mode decapsulation NAT procedure is used.
2734. NAT Keepalive Procedure
275The sole purpose of sending NAT-keepalive packets is to keep
276NAT mappings alive for the duration of a connection between
277the peers. Reception of NAT-keepalive packets MUST NOT be
278used to detect liveness of a connection.
280A peer MAY send a NAT-keepalive packet if there exists one
281or more phase I or phase II SAs between the peers, or such
282an SA has existed at most N minutes earlier. N is a locally
283configurable parameter with a default value of 5 minutes.
285A peer SHOULD send a NAT-keepalive packet if a need to send such
286packets is detected according to [Kiv02] and if no other packet to
287the peer has been sent in M seconds. M is a locally configurable
288parameter with a default value of 20 seconds.
2905. Security Considerations
2925.1 DoS
294   On some systems ESPUDP may have DoS attack consequences,
295   especially if ordinary operating system UDP-functionality is
296   being used. It may be recommended not to open an ordinary UDP-port
297   for this.
2995.2 Tunnel Mode Conflict
301   Implementors are warned that it is possible for remote peers to
302   negotiate entries that overlap in a GW, an issue affecting tunnel
303   mode.
305          +----+            \ /
306          |    |-------------|----\
307          +----+            / \    \
308          Ari's           NAT 1     \
309          Laptop                     \
310                     \
311          +----+            \ /        \       +----+          +----+
312          |    |-------------|----------+------|    |----------|    |
313          +----+            / \                +----+          +----+
314          Bob's           NAT 2                  GW            Suzy's
315          Laptop                                               Server
318   Because GW will now see two possible SAs that lead to, it
319   can become confused where to send packets coming from Suzy's server.
320   Implementators MUST devise ways of preventing such a thing from
321   occurring.
323   It is recommended that GW either assign locally unique IP addresses
324   to A and B using a protocol such as DHCP over IPsec, or uses NAT to
325   change A's and B's source IP addresses to such locally unique
326   addresses before sending packets forward to S.
3285.3 Transport Mode Conflict
330   Another similar issue may occur in transport mode, with 2 clients,
331   Ari and Bob, behind the same NAT talking securely to the same server.
333   Cliff wants to talk in the clear to the same server.
335          +----+
336          |    |
337          +----+ \
338          Ari's   \
339          Laptop   \
340   \
341          +----+    \ /                +----+
342          |    |-----+-----------------|    |
343          +----+    / \                +----+
344          Bob's     NAT                Server
345          Laptop   /
346 /
347                 /
348         +----+ /
349         |    |/
350         +----+
351         Cliff's
352         Laptop
357   Now, transport SAs on the server will look like:
358   To Ari: S to NAT, <traffic desc1>, UDP encap <4500, Y>
359   To Bob: S to NAT, <traffic desc2>, UDP encap <4500, Z>
361   Cliff's traffic is in the clear, so there is no SA.
363   <traffic desc> is the protocol and port information.
364   The UDP encap ports are the ports used in UDP encapsulated
365   ESP format of section 2.1.  Y,Z are the dynamic ports assigned
366   by the NAT during the IKE negotiation.  So IKE traffic from
367   Ari's laptop goes out on UDP <4500,4500>.  It reaches the server
368   as UDP <Y,4500>, where Y is the dynamically assigned port.
370   If the <traffic desc1> overlaps <traffic desc2>, then
371   simple filter lookups may not be sufficient to determine
372   which SA needs to be used to send traffic.  Implementations
373   MUST handle this situation, either by disallowing
374   conflicting connections, or by other means.
376   Assume now that Cliff wants to connect to the server S in the
377   clear.  This is going to be difficult to configure since
378   the server already has a policy from S to the NAT's external
379   address, for securing <traffic desc>.  For totally non-overlapping
380   traffic descriptions, this is possible.
382   Sample server policy could be:
383   To Ari: S to NAT, All UDP, secure
384   To Bob: S to NAT, All TCP, secure
385   To Cliff: S to NAT, ALL ICMP, clear text
387   Note, this policy also lets Ari and Bob send cleartext ICMP to the
388   server.
390   The server sees all clients behind the NAT as the same IP address,
391   so setting up different policies for the same traffic descriptor
392   is in principle impossible.
394   A problematic example configuration on the server is:
396   S to NAT, TCP, secure (for Ari and Bob)
397   S to NAT, TCP, clear  (for Cliff)
399   The problem is that the server cannot enforce his policy, since it
400   is possible that misbehaving Bob sends traffic in the clear.  This
401   is indistinguishable from Cliff sending traffic in the clear.
402   So it is impossible to guarantee security from some clients behind
403   a NAT, and also allow clear text from different clients behind the
404   SAME NAT.  If the server's security policy allows, however, it can
405   do  best effort security: if the client from behind the NAT
406   initiates security, his connection will be secured.  If he sends
407   in the clear, the server will still accept that clear text.
409   So, for security guarantees, the above problematic scenario MUST NOT
410   be allowed on servers.  For best effort security, this scenario MAY
411   be used.
4136.  Intellectual Property Rights
415The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
416regard to some or all of the specification contained in this document.
417For more information consult the online list of claimed rights.
419SSH Communications Security Corp has notified the working group of one
420or more patents or patent applications that may be relevant to this
421internet-draft. SSH Communications Security Corp has already given a
422licence for those patents to the IETF. For more information consult the
423online list of claimed rights.
4257.  Acknowledgments
427Thanks to Tero Kivinen and William Dixon who contributed actively
428to this document.
430Thanks to Joern Sierwald, Tamir Zegman, Tatu Ylonen and
431Santeri Paavolainen who contributed to the previous drafts
432about NAT traversal.
4348.  References
436[RFC 768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", August 1980
438[RFC 1122] R. Braden (Editor), "Requirements for Internet Hosts
439-- Communication Layers", October 1989
441[RFC-2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to indicate
442Requirement Levels", March 1997
444[RFC 2406] Kent, S., "IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)",
445November 1998
447[RFC 2409] D. Harkins, D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange
448(IKE)", November 1998
450[RFC 3193] Patel, B. et. al, "Securing L2TP using IPsec",
451November 2001
453[Kiv02] Kivinen, T. et. al., draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02.txt,
454"Negotiation of NAT-Traversal in the IKE", April 2002
4579.  Authors' Addresses
459    Ari Huttunen
460    F-Secure Corporation
461    Tammasaarenkatu 7
462    FIN-00181 HELSINKI
463    Finland
464    E-mail: Ari.Huttunen@F-Secure.com
466    Brian Swander
467    Microsoft
468    One Microsoft Way
469    Redmond WA 98052
470    E-mail: briansw@microsoft.com
472    Markus Stenberg
473    SSH Communications Security Corp
474    Fredrikinkatu 42
475    FIN-00100 HELSINKI
476    Finland
477    E-mail: mstenber@ssh.com
479    Victor Volpe
480    Cisco Systems
481    124 Grove Street
482    Suite 205
483    Franklin, MA 02038
484    E-mail: vvolpe@cisco.com
486    Larry DiBurro
487    Nortel Networks
488    80 Central Street
489    Boxborough, MA 01719
490    ldiburro@nortelnetworks.com