1 //===-- InstrProfiling.cpp - Frontend instrumentation based profiling -----===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This pass lowers instrprof_* intrinsics emitted by a frontend for profiling.
10 // It also builds the data structures and initialization code needed for
11 // updating execution counts and emitting the profile at runtime.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
15 #include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation/InstrProfiling.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
21 #include "llvm/Analysis/BlockFrequencyInfo.h"
22 #include "llvm/Analysis/BranchProbabilityInfo.h"
23 #include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
24 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
25 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
26 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
27 #include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
28 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
29 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
30 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
31 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
32 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
33 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
34 #include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
35 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
36 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
37 #include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
38 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
39 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
40 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
41 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
46 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
47 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ModuleUtils.h"
48 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/SSAUpdater.h"
49 #include <algorithm>
50 #include <cassert>
51 #include <cstddef>
52 #include <cstdint>
53 #include <string>
55 using namespace llvm;
57 #define DEBUG_TYPE "instrprof"
59 // The start and end values of precise value profile range for memory
60 // intrinsic sizes
61 cl::opt<std::string> MemOPSizeRange(
62     "memop-size-range",
63     cl::desc("Set the range of size in memory intrinsic calls to be profiled "
64              "precisely, in a format of <start_val>:<end_val>"),
65     cl::init(""));
67 // The value that considered to be large value in  memory intrinsic.
68 cl::opt<unsigned> MemOPSizeLarge(
69     "memop-size-large",
70     cl::desc("Set large value thresthold in memory intrinsic size profiling. "
71              "Value of 0 disables the large value profiling."),
72     cl::init(8192));
74 namespace {
76 cl::opt<bool> DoNameCompression("enable-name-compression",
77                                 cl::desc("Enable name string compression"),
78                                 cl::init(true));
80 cl::opt<bool> DoHashBasedCounterSplit(
81     "hash-based-counter-split",
82     cl::desc("Rename counter variable of a comdat function based on cfg hash"),
83     cl::init(true));
85 cl::opt<bool> ValueProfileStaticAlloc(
86     "vp-static-alloc",
87     cl::desc("Do static counter allocation for value profiler"),
88     cl::init(true));
90 cl::opt<double> NumCountersPerValueSite(
91     "vp-counters-per-site",
92     cl::desc("The average number of profile counters allocated "
93              "per value profiling site."),
94     // This is set to a very small value because in real programs, only
95     // a very small percentage of value sites have non-zero targets, e.g, 1/30.
96     // For those sites with non-zero profile, the average number of targets
97     // is usually smaller than 2.
98     cl::init(1.0));
100 cl::opt<bool> AtomicCounterUpdateAll(
101     "instrprof-atomic-counter-update-all", cl::ZeroOrMore,
102     cl::desc("Make all profile counter updates atomic (for testing only)"),
103     cl::init(false));
105 cl::opt<bool> AtomicCounterUpdatePromoted(
106     "atomic-counter-update-promoted", cl::ZeroOrMore,
107     cl::desc("Do counter update using atomic fetch add "
108              " for promoted counters only"),
109     cl::init(false));
111 // If the option is not specified, the default behavior about whether
112 // counter promotion is done depends on how instrumentaiton lowering
113 // pipeline is setup, i.e., the default value of true of this option
114 // does not mean the promotion will be done by default. Explicitly
115 // setting this option can override the default behavior.
116 cl::opt<bool> DoCounterPromotion("do-counter-promotion", cl::ZeroOrMore,
117                                  cl::desc("Do counter register promotion"),
118                                  cl::init(false));
119 cl::opt<unsigned> MaxNumOfPromotionsPerLoop(
120     cl::ZeroOrMore, "max-counter-promotions-per-loop", cl::init(20),
121     cl::desc("Max number counter promotions per loop to avoid"
122              " increasing register pressure too much"));
124 // A debug option
125 cl::opt<int>
126     MaxNumOfPromotions(cl::ZeroOrMore, "max-counter-promotions", cl::init(-1),
127                        cl::desc("Max number of allowed counter promotions"));
129 cl::opt<unsigned> SpeculativeCounterPromotionMaxExiting(
130     cl::ZeroOrMore, "speculative-counter-promotion-max-exiting", cl::init(3),
131     cl::desc("The max number of exiting blocks of a loop to allow "
132              " speculative counter promotion"));
134 cl::opt<bool> SpeculativeCounterPromotionToLoop(
135     cl::ZeroOrMore, "speculative-counter-promotion-to-loop", cl::init(false),
136     cl::desc("When the option is false, if the target block is in a loop, "
137              "the promotion will be disallowed unless the promoted counter "
138              " update can be further/iteratively promoted into an acyclic "
139              " region."));
141 cl::opt<bool> IterativeCounterPromotion(
142     cl::ZeroOrMore, "iterative-counter-promotion", cl::init(true),
143     cl::desc("Allow counter promotion across the whole loop nest."));
145 class InstrProfilingLegacyPass : public ModulePass {
146   InstrProfiling InstrProf;
148 public:
149   static char ID;
151   InstrProfilingLegacyPass() : ModulePass(ID) {}
152   InstrProfilingLegacyPass(const InstrProfOptions &Options, bool IsCS = false)
153       : ModulePass(ID), InstrProf(Options, IsCS) {}
155   StringRef getPassName() const override {
156     return "Frontend instrumentation-based coverage lowering";
157   }
159   bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
160     auto GetTLI = [this](Function &F) -> TargetLibraryInfo & {
161       return this->getAnalysis<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>().getTLI(F);
162     };
163     return InstrProf.run(M, GetTLI);
164   }
166   void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
167     AU.setPreservesCFG();
168     AU.addRequired<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>();
169   }
170 };
172 ///
173 /// A helper class to promote one counter RMW operation in the loop
174 /// into register update.
175 ///
176 /// RWM update for the counter will be sinked out of the loop after
177 /// the transformation.
178 ///
179 class PGOCounterPromoterHelper : public LoadAndStorePromoter {
180 public:
181   PGOCounterPromoterHelper(
182       Instruction *L, Instruction *S, SSAUpdater &SSA, Value *Init,
183       BasicBlock *PH, ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
184       ArrayRef<Instruction *> InsertPts,
185       DenseMap<Loop *, SmallVector<LoadStorePair, 8>> &LoopToCands,
186       LoopInfo &LI)
187       : LoadAndStorePromoter({L, S}, SSA), Store(S), ExitBlocks(ExitBlocks),
188         InsertPts(InsertPts), LoopToCandidates(LoopToCands), LI(LI) {
189     assert(isa<LoadInst>(L));
190     assert(isa<StoreInst>(S));
191     SSA.AddAvailableValue(PH, Init);
192   }
194   void doExtraRewritesBeforeFinalDeletion() override {
195     for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
196       BasicBlock *ExitBlock = ExitBlocks[i];
197       Instruction *InsertPos = InsertPts[i];
198       // Get LiveIn value into the ExitBlock. If there are multiple
199       // predecessors, the value is defined by a PHI node in this
200       // block.
201       Value *LiveInValue = SSA.GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(ExitBlock);
202       Value *Addr = cast<StoreInst>(Store)->getPointerOperand();
203       Type *Ty = LiveInValue->getType();
204       IRBuilder<> Builder(InsertPos);
205       if (AtomicCounterUpdatePromoted)
206         // automic update currently can only be promoted across the current
207         // loop, not the whole loop nest.
208         Builder.CreateAtomicRMW(AtomicRMWInst::Add, Addr, LiveInValue,
209                                 AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent);
210       else {
211         LoadInst *OldVal = Builder.CreateLoad(Ty, Addr, "pgocount.promoted");
212         auto *NewVal = Builder.CreateAdd(OldVal, LiveInValue);
213         auto *NewStore = Builder.CreateStore(NewVal, Addr);
215         // Now update the parent loop's candidate list:
216         if (IterativeCounterPromotion) {
217           auto *TargetLoop = LI.getLoopFor(ExitBlock);
218           if (TargetLoop)
219             LoopToCandidates[TargetLoop].emplace_back(OldVal, NewStore);
220         }
221       }
222     }
223   }
225 private:
226   Instruction *Store;
227   ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks;
228   ArrayRef<Instruction *> InsertPts;
229   DenseMap<Loop *, SmallVector<LoadStorePair, 8>> &LoopToCandidates;
230   LoopInfo &LI;
231 };
233 /// A helper class to do register promotion for all profile counter
234 /// updates in a loop.
235 ///
236 class PGOCounterPromoter {
237 public:
238   PGOCounterPromoter(
239       DenseMap<Loop *, SmallVector<LoadStorePair, 8>> &LoopToCands,
240       Loop &CurLoop, LoopInfo &LI, BlockFrequencyInfo *BFI)
241       : LoopToCandidates(LoopToCands), ExitBlocks(), InsertPts(), L(CurLoop),
242         LI(LI), BFI(BFI) {
244     SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> LoopExitBlocks;
245     SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 8> BlockSet;
246     L.getExitBlocks(LoopExitBlocks);
248     for (BasicBlock *ExitBlock : LoopExitBlocks) {
249       if (BlockSet.insert(ExitBlock).second) {
250         ExitBlocks.push_back(ExitBlock);
251         InsertPts.push_back(&*ExitBlock->getFirstInsertionPt());
252       }
253     }
254   }
256   bool run(int64_t *NumPromoted) {
257     // Skip 'infinite' loops:
258     if (ExitBlocks.size() == 0)
259       return false;
260     unsigned MaxProm = getMaxNumOfPromotionsInLoop(&L);
261     if (MaxProm == 0)
262       return false;
264     unsigned Promoted = 0;
265     for (auto &Cand : LoopToCandidates[&L]) {
267       SmallVector<PHINode *, 4> NewPHIs;
268       SSAUpdater SSA(&NewPHIs);
269       Value *InitVal = ConstantInt::get(Cand.first->getType(), 0);
271       // If BFI is set, we will use it to guide the promotions.
272       if (BFI) {
273         auto *BB = Cand.first->getParent();
274         auto InstrCount = BFI->getBlockProfileCount(BB);
275         if (!InstrCount)
276           continue;
277         auto PreheaderCount = BFI->getBlockProfileCount(L.getLoopPreheader());
278         // If the average loop trip count is not greater than 1.5, we skip
279         // promotion.
280         if (PreheaderCount &&
281             (PreheaderCount.getValue() * 3) >= (InstrCount.getValue() * 2))
282           continue;
283       }
285       PGOCounterPromoterHelper Promoter(Cand.first, Cand.second, SSA, InitVal,
286                                         L.getLoopPreheader(), ExitBlocks,
287                                         InsertPts, LoopToCandidates, LI);
288       Promoter.run(SmallVector<Instruction *, 2>({Cand.first, Cand.second}));
289       Promoted++;
290       if (Promoted >= MaxProm)
291         break;
293       (*NumPromoted)++;
294       if (MaxNumOfPromotions != -1 && *NumPromoted >= MaxNumOfPromotions)
295         break;
296     }
298     LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << Promoted << " counters promoted for loop (depth="
299                       << L.getLoopDepth() << ")\n");
300     return Promoted != 0;
301   }
303 private:
304   bool allowSpeculativeCounterPromotion(Loop *LP) {
305     SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> ExitingBlocks;
306     L.getExitingBlocks(ExitingBlocks);
307     // Not considierered speculative.
308     if (ExitingBlocks.size() == 1)
309       return true;
310     if (ExitingBlocks.size() > SpeculativeCounterPromotionMaxExiting)
311       return false;
312     return true;
313   }
315   // Returns the max number of Counter Promotions for LP.
316   unsigned getMaxNumOfPromotionsInLoop(Loop *LP) {
317     // We can't insert into a catchswitch.
318     SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> LoopExitBlocks;
319     LP->getExitBlocks(LoopExitBlocks);
320     if (llvm::any_of(LoopExitBlocks, [](BasicBlock *Exit) {
321           return isa<CatchSwitchInst>(Exit->getTerminator());
322         }))
323       return 0;
325     if (!LP->hasDedicatedExits())
326       return 0;
328     BasicBlock *PH = LP->getLoopPreheader();
329     if (!PH)
330       return 0;
332     SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> ExitingBlocks;
333     LP->getExitingBlocks(ExitingBlocks);
335     // If BFI is set, we do more aggressive promotions based on BFI.
336     if (BFI)
337       return (unsigned)-1;
339     // Not considierered speculative.
340     if (ExitingBlocks.size() == 1)
341       return MaxNumOfPromotionsPerLoop;
343     if (ExitingBlocks.size() > SpeculativeCounterPromotionMaxExiting)
344       return 0;
346     // Whether the target block is in a loop does not matter:
347     if (SpeculativeCounterPromotionToLoop)
348       return MaxNumOfPromotionsPerLoop;
350     // Now check the target block:
351     unsigned MaxProm = MaxNumOfPromotionsPerLoop;
352     for (auto *TargetBlock : LoopExitBlocks) {
353       auto *TargetLoop = LI.getLoopFor(TargetBlock);
354       if (!TargetLoop)
355         continue;
356       unsigned MaxPromForTarget = getMaxNumOfPromotionsInLoop(TargetLoop);
357       unsigned PendingCandsInTarget = LoopToCandidates[TargetLoop].size();
358       MaxProm =
359           std::min(MaxProm, std::max(MaxPromForTarget, PendingCandsInTarget) -
360                                 PendingCandsInTarget);
361     }
362     return MaxProm;
363   }
365   DenseMap<Loop *, SmallVector<LoadStorePair, 8>> &LoopToCandidates;
366   SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> ExitBlocks;
367   SmallVector<Instruction *, 8> InsertPts;
368   Loop &L;
369   LoopInfo &LI;
370   BlockFrequencyInfo *BFI;
371 };
373 } // end anonymous namespace
375 PreservedAnalyses InstrProfiling::run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
376   FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM =
377       AM.getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(M).getManager();
378   auto GetTLI = [&FAM](Function &F) -> TargetLibraryInfo & {
379     return FAM.getResult<TargetLibraryAnalysis>(F);
380   };
381   if (!run(M, GetTLI))
382     return PreservedAnalyses::all();
384   return PreservedAnalyses::none();
385 }
387 char InstrProfilingLegacyPass::ID = 0;
389     InstrProfilingLegacyPass, "instrprof",
390     "Frontend instrumentation-based coverage lowering.", false, false)
391 INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass)
393     InstrProfilingLegacyPass, "instrprof",
394     "Frontend instrumentation-based coverage lowering.", false, false)
396 ModulePass *
397 llvm::createInstrProfilingLegacyPass(const InstrProfOptions &Options,
398                                      bool IsCS) {
399   return new InstrProfilingLegacyPass(Options, IsCS);
400 }
402 static InstrProfIncrementInst *castToIncrementInst(Instruction *Instr) {
403   InstrProfIncrementInst *Inc = dyn_cast<InstrProfIncrementInstStep>(Instr);
404   if (Inc)
405     return Inc;
406   return dyn_cast<InstrProfIncrementInst>(Instr);
407 }
409 bool InstrProfiling::lowerIntrinsics(Function *F) {
410   bool MadeChange = false;
411   PromotionCandidates.clear();
412   for (BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
413     for (auto I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E;) {
414       auto Instr = I++;
415       InstrProfIncrementInst *Inc = castToIncrementInst(&*Instr);
416       if (Inc) {
417         lowerIncrement(Inc);
418         MadeChange = true;
419       } else if (auto *Ind = dyn_cast<InstrProfValueProfileInst>(Instr)) {
420         lowerValueProfileInst(Ind);
421         MadeChange = true;
422       }
423     }
424   }
426   if (!MadeChange)
427     return false;
429   promoteCounterLoadStores(F);
430   return true;
431 }
433 bool InstrProfiling::isCounterPromotionEnabled() const {
434   if (DoCounterPromotion.getNumOccurrences() > 0)
435     return DoCounterPromotion;
437   return Options.DoCounterPromotion;
438 }
440 void InstrProfiling::promoteCounterLoadStores(Function *F) {
441   if (!isCounterPromotionEnabled())
442     return;
444   DominatorTree DT(*F);
445   LoopInfo LI(DT);
446   DenseMap<Loop *, SmallVector<LoadStorePair, 8>> LoopPromotionCandidates;
448   std::unique_ptr<BlockFrequencyInfo> BFI;
449   if (Options.UseBFIInPromotion) {
450     std::unique_ptr<BranchProbabilityInfo> BPI;
451     BPI.reset(new BranchProbabilityInfo(*F, LI, &GetTLI(*F)));
452     BFI.reset(new BlockFrequencyInfo(*F, *BPI, LI));
453   }
455   for (const auto &LoadStore : PromotionCandidates) {
456     auto *CounterLoad = LoadStore.first;
457     auto *CounterStore = LoadStore.second;
458     BasicBlock *BB = CounterLoad->getParent();
459     Loop *ParentLoop = LI.getLoopFor(BB);
460     if (!ParentLoop)
461       continue;
462     LoopPromotionCandidates[ParentLoop].emplace_back(CounterLoad, CounterStore);
463   }
465   SmallVector<Loop *, 4> Loops = LI.getLoopsInPreorder();
467   // Do a post-order traversal of the loops so that counter updates can be
468   // iteratively hoisted outside the loop nest.
469   for (auto *Loop : llvm::reverse(Loops)) {
470     PGOCounterPromoter Promoter(LoopPromotionCandidates, *Loop, LI, BFI.get());
471     Promoter.run(&TotalCountersPromoted);
472   }
473 }
475 /// Check if the module contains uses of any profiling intrinsics.
476 static bool containsProfilingIntrinsics(Module &M) {
477   if (auto *F = M.getFunction(
478           Intrinsic::getName(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_increment)))
479     if (!F->use_empty())
480       return true;
481   if (auto *F = M.getFunction(
482           Intrinsic::getName(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_increment_step)))
483     if (!F->use_empty())
484       return true;
485   if (auto *F = M.getFunction(
486           Intrinsic::getName(llvm::Intrinsic::instrprof_value_profile)))
487     if (!F->use_empty())
488       return true;
489   return false;
490 }
492 bool InstrProfiling::run(
493     Module &M, std::function<const TargetLibraryInfo &(Function &F)> GetTLI) {
494   this->M = &M;
495   this->GetTLI = std::move(GetTLI);
496   NamesVar = nullptr;
497   NamesSize = 0;
498   ProfileDataMap.clear();
499   UsedVars.clear();
500   getMemOPSizeRangeFromOption(MemOPSizeRange, MemOPSizeRangeStart,
501                               MemOPSizeRangeLast);
502   TT = Triple(M.getTargetTriple());
504   // Emit the runtime hook even if no counters are present.
505   bool MadeChange = emitRuntimeHook();
507   // Improve compile time by avoiding linear scans when there is no work.
508   GlobalVariable *CoverageNamesVar =
509       M.getNamedGlobal(getCoverageUnusedNamesVarName());
510   if (!containsProfilingIntrinsics(M) && !CoverageNamesVar)
511     return MadeChange;
513   // We did not know how many value sites there would be inside
514   // the instrumented function. This is counting the number of instrumented
515   // target value sites to enter it as field in the profile data variable.
516   for (Function &F : M) {
517     InstrProfIncrementInst *FirstProfIncInst = nullptr;
518     for (BasicBlock &BB : F)
519       for (auto I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E; I++)
520         if (auto *Ind = dyn_cast<InstrProfValueProfileInst>(I))
521           computeNumValueSiteCounts(Ind);
522         else if (FirstProfIncInst == nullptr)
523           FirstProfIncInst = dyn_cast<InstrProfIncrementInst>(I);
525     // Value profiling intrinsic lowering requires per-function profile data
526     // variable to be created first.
527     if (FirstProfIncInst != nullptr)
528       static_cast<void>(getOrCreateRegionCounters(FirstProfIncInst));
529   }
531   for (Function &F : M)
532     MadeChange |= lowerIntrinsics(&F);
534   if (CoverageNamesVar) {
535     lowerCoverageData(CoverageNamesVar);
536     MadeChange = true;
537   }
539   if (!MadeChange)
540     return false;
542   emitVNodes();
543   emitNameData();
544   emitRegistration();
545   emitUses();
546   emitInitialization();
547   return true;
548 }
550 static FunctionCallee
551 getOrInsertValueProfilingCall(Module &M, const TargetLibraryInfo &TLI,
552                               bool IsRange = false) {
553   LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
554   auto *ReturnTy = Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext());
556   AttributeList AL;
557   if (auto AK = TLI.getExtAttrForI32Param(false))
558     AL = AL.addParamAttribute(M.getContext(), 2, AK);
560   if (!IsRange) {
561     Type *ParamTypes[] = {
562 #define VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(ParamType, ParamName, ParamLLVMType) ParamLLVMType
563 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
564     };
565     auto *ValueProfilingCallTy =
566         FunctionType::get(ReturnTy, makeArrayRef(ParamTypes), false);
567     return M.getOrInsertFunction(getInstrProfValueProfFuncName(),
568                                  ValueProfilingCallTy, AL);
569   } else {
570     Type *RangeParamTypes[] = {
571 #define VALUE_RANGE_PROF 1
572 #define VALUE_PROF_FUNC_PARAM(ParamType, ParamName, ParamLLVMType) ParamLLVMType
573 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
575     };
576     auto *ValueRangeProfilingCallTy =
577         FunctionType::get(ReturnTy, makeArrayRef(RangeParamTypes), false);
578     return M.getOrInsertFunction(getInstrProfValueRangeProfFuncName(),
579                                  ValueRangeProfilingCallTy, AL);
580   }
581 }
583 void InstrProfiling::computeNumValueSiteCounts(InstrProfValueProfileInst *Ind) {
584   GlobalVariable *Name = Ind->getName();
585   uint64_t ValueKind = Ind->getValueKind()->getZExtValue();
586   uint64_t Index = Ind->getIndex()->getZExtValue();
587   auto It = ProfileDataMap.find(Name);
588   if (It == ProfileDataMap.end()) {
589     PerFunctionProfileData PD;
590     PD.NumValueSites[ValueKind] = Index + 1;
591     ProfileDataMap[Name] = PD;
592   } else if (It->second.NumValueSites[ValueKind] <= Index)
593     It->second.NumValueSites[ValueKind] = Index + 1;
594 }
596 void InstrProfiling::lowerValueProfileInst(InstrProfValueProfileInst *Ind) {
597   GlobalVariable *Name = Ind->getName();
598   auto It = ProfileDataMap.find(Name);
599   assert(It != ProfileDataMap.end() && It->second.DataVar &&
600          "value profiling detected in function with no counter incerement");
602   GlobalVariable *DataVar = It->second.DataVar;
603   uint64_t ValueKind = Ind->getValueKind()->getZExtValue();
604   uint64_t Index = Ind->getIndex()->getZExtValue();
605   for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind < ValueKind; ++Kind)
606     Index += It->second.NumValueSites[Kind];
608   IRBuilder<> Builder(Ind);
609   bool IsRange = (Ind->getValueKind()->getZExtValue() ==
610                   llvm::InstrProfValueKind::IPVK_MemOPSize);
611   CallInst *Call = nullptr;
612   auto *TLI = &GetTLI(*Ind->getFunction());
613   if (!IsRange) {
614     Value *Args[3] = {Ind->getTargetValue(),
615                       Builder.CreateBitCast(DataVar, Builder.getInt8PtrTy()),
616                       Builder.getInt32(Index)};
617     Call = Builder.CreateCall(getOrInsertValueProfilingCall(*M, *TLI), Args);
618   } else {
619     Value *Args[6] = {
620         Ind->getTargetValue(),
621         Builder.CreateBitCast(DataVar, Builder.getInt8PtrTy()),
622         Builder.getInt32(Index),
623         Builder.getInt64(MemOPSizeRangeStart),
624         Builder.getInt64(MemOPSizeRangeLast),
625         Builder.getInt64(MemOPSizeLarge == 0 ? INT64_MIN : MemOPSizeLarge)};
626     Call =
627         Builder.CreateCall(getOrInsertValueProfilingCall(*M, *TLI, true), Args);
628   }
629   if (auto AK = TLI->getExtAttrForI32Param(false))
630     Call->addParamAttr(2, AK);
631   Ind->replaceAllUsesWith(Call);
632   Ind->eraseFromParent();
633 }
635 void InstrProfiling::lowerIncrement(InstrProfIncrementInst *Inc) {
636   GlobalVariable *Counters = getOrCreateRegionCounters(Inc);
638   IRBuilder<> Builder(Inc);
639   uint64_t Index = Inc->getIndex()->getZExtValue();
640   Value *Addr = Builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_64(Counters->getValueType(),
641                                                    Counters, 0, Index);
643   if (Options.Atomic || AtomicCounterUpdateAll) {
644     Builder.CreateAtomicRMW(AtomicRMWInst::Add, Addr, Inc->getStep(),
645                             AtomicOrdering::Monotonic);
646   } else {
647     Value *IncStep = Inc->getStep();
648     Value *Load = Builder.CreateLoad(IncStep->getType(), Addr, "pgocount");
649     auto *Count = Builder.CreateAdd(Load, Inc->getStep());
650     auto *Store = Builder.CreateStore(Count, Addr);
651     if (isCounterPromotionEnabled())
652       PromotionCandidates.emplace_back(cast<Instruction>(Load), Store);
653   }
654   Inc->eraseFromParent();
655 }
657 void InstrProfiling::lowerCoverageData(GlobalVariable *CoverageNamesVar) {
658   ConstantArray *Names =
659       cast<ConstantArray>(CoverageNamesVar->getInitializer());
660   for (unsigned I = 0, E = Names->getNumOperands(); I < E; ++I) {
661     Constant *NC = Names->getOperand(I);
662     Value *V = NC->stripPointerCasts();
663     assert(isa<GlobalVariable>(V) && "Missing reference to function name");
664     GlobalVariable *Name = cast<GlobalVariable>(V);
666     Name->setLinkage(GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage);
667     ReferencedNames.push_back(Name);
668     NC->dropAllReferences();
669   }
670   CoverageNamesVar->eraseFromParent();
671 }
673 /// Get the name of a profiling variable for a particular function.
674 static std::string getVarName(InstrProfIncrementInst *Inc, StringRef Prefix) {
675   StringRef NamePrefix = getInstrProfNameVarPrefix();
676   StringRef Name = Inc->getName()->getName().substr(NamePrefix.size());
677   Function *F = Inc->getParent()->getParent();
678   Module *M = F->getParent();
679   if (!DoHashBasedCounterSplit || !isIRPGOFlagSet(M) ||
680       !canRenameComdatFunc(*F))
681     return (Prefix + Name).str();
682   uint64_t FuncHash = Inc->getHash()->getZExtValue();
683   SmallVector<char, 24> HashPostfix;
684   if (Name.endswith((Twine(".") + Twine(FuncHash)).toStringRef(HashPostfix)))
685     return (Prefix + Name).str();
686   return (Prefix + Name + "." + Twine(FuncHash)).str();
687 }
689 static inline bool shouldRecordFunctionAddr(Function *F) {
690   // Check the linkage
691   bool HasAvailableExternallyLinkage = F->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage();
692   if (!F->hasLinkOnceLinkage() && !F->hasLocalLinkage() &&
693       !HasAvailableExternallyLinkage)
694     return true;
696   // A function marked 'alwaysinline' with available_externally linkage can't
697   // have its address taken. Doing so would create an undefined external ref to
698   // the function, which would fail to link.
699   if (HasAvailableExternallyLinkage &&
700       F->hasFnAttribute(Attribute::AlwaysInline))
701     return false;
703   // Prohibit function address recording if the function is both internal and
704   // COMDAT. This avoids the profile data variable referencing internal symbols
705   // in COMDAT.
706   if (F->hasLocalLinkage() && F->hasComdat())
707     return false;
709   // Check uses of this function for other than direct calls or invokes to it.
710   // Inline virtual functions have linkeOnceODR linkage. When a key method
711   // exists, the vtable will only be emitted in the TU where the key method
712   // is defined. In a TU where vtable is not available, the function won't
713   // be 'addresstaken'. If its address is not recorded here, the profile data
714   // with missing address may be picked by the linker leading  to missing
715   // indirect call target info.
716   return F->hasAddressTaken() || F->hasLinkOnceLinkage();
717 }
719 static bool needsRuntimeRegistrationOfSectionRange(const Triple &TT) {
720   // Don't do this for Darwin.  compiler-rt uses linker magic.
721   if (TT.isOSDarwin())
722     return false;
723   // Use linker script magic to get data/cnts/name start/end.
724   if (TT.isOSLinux() || TT.isOSFreeBSD() || TT.isOSNetBSD() ||
725       TT.isOSSolaris() || TT.isOSFuchsia() || TT.isPS4CPU() ||
726       TT.isOSWindows())
727     return false;
729   return true;
730 }
732 GlobalVariable *
733 InstrProfiling::getOrCreateRegionCounters(InstrProfIncrementInst *Inc) {
734   GlobalVariable *NamePtr = Inc->getName();
735   auto It = ProfileDataMap.find(NamePtr);
736   PerFunctionProfileData PD;
737   if (It != ProfileDataMap.end()) {
738     if (It->second.RegionCounters)
739       return It->second.RegionCounters;
740     PD = It->second;
741   }
743   // Match the linkage and visibility of the name global. COFF supports using
744   // comdats with internal symbols, so do that if we can.
745   Function *Fn = Inc->getParent()->getParent();
746   GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage = NamePtr->getLinkage();
747   GlobalValue::VisibilityTypes Visibility = NamePtr->getVisibility();
748   if (TT.isOSBinFormatCOFF()) {
749     Linkage = GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
750     Visibility = GlobalValue::DefaultVisibility;
751   }
753   // Move the name variable to the right section. Place them in a COMDAT group
754   // if the associated function is a COMDAT. This will make sure that only one
755   // copy of counters of the COMDAT function will be emitted after linking. Keep
756   // in mind that this pass may run before the inliner, so we need to create a
757   // new comdat group for the counters and profiling data. If we use the comdat
758   // of the parent function, that will result in relocations against discarded
759   // sections.
760   bool NeedComdat = needsComdatForCounter(*Fn, *M);
761   if (NeedComdat) {
762     if (TT.isOSBinFormatCOFF()) {
763       // For COFF, put the counters, data, and values each into their own
764       // comdats. We can't use a group because the Visual C++ linker will
765       // report duplicate symbol errors if there are multiple external symbols
766       // with the same name marked IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ASSOCIATIVE.
767       Linkage = GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage;
768       Visibility = GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility;
769     }
770   }
771   auto MaybeSetComdat = [=](GlobalVariable *GV) {
772     if (NeedComdat)
773       GV->setComdat(M->getOrInsertComdat(GV->getName()));
774   };
776   uint64_t NumCounters = Inc->getNumCounters()->getZExtValue();
777   LLVMContext &Ctx = M->getContext();
778   ArrayType *CounterTy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), NumCounters);
780   // Create the counters variable.
781   auto *CounterPtr =
782       new GlobalVariable(*M, CounterTy, false, Linkage,
783                          Constant::getNullValue(CounterTy),
784                          getVarName(Inc, getInstrProfCountersVarPrefix()));
785   CounterPtr->setVisibility(Visibility);
786   CounterPtr->setSection(
787       getInstrProfSectionName(IPSK_cnts, TT.getObjectFormat()));
788   CounterPtr->setAlignment(Align(8));
789   MaybeSetComdat(CounterPtr);
790   CounterPtr->setLinkage(Linkage);
792   auto *Int8PtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx);
793   // Allocate statically the array of pointers to value profile nodes for
794   // the current function.
795   Constant *ValuesPtrExpr = ConstantPointerNull::get(Int8PtrTy);
796   if (ValueProfileStaticAlloc && !needsRuntimeRegistrationOfSectionRange(TT)) {
797     uint64_t NS = 0;
798     for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind <= IPVK_Last; ++Kind)
799       NS += PD.NumValueSites[Kind];
800     if (NS) {
801       ArrayType *ValuesTy = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), NS);
803       auto *ValuesVar =
804           new GlobalVariable(*M, ValuesTy, false, Linkage,
805                              Constant::getNullValue(ValuesTy),
806                              getVarName(Inc, getInstrProfValuesVarPrefix()));
807       ValuesVar->setVisibility(Visibility);
808       ValuesVar->setSection(
809           getInstrProfSectionName(IPSK_vals, TT.getObjectFormat()));
810       ValuesVar->setAlignment(Align(8));
811       MaybeSetComdat(ValuesVar);
812       ValuesPtrExpr =
813           ConstantExpr::getBitCast(ValuesVar, Type::getInt8PtrTy(Ctx));
814     }
815   }
817   // Create data variable.
818   auto *Int16Ty = Type::getInt16Ty(Ctx);
819   auto *Int16ArrayTy = ArrayType::get(Int16Ty, IPVK_Last + 1);
820   Type *DataTypes[] = {
821 #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Init) LLVMType,
822 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
823   };
824   auto *DataTy = StructType::get(Ctx, makeArrayRef(DataTypes));
826   Constant *FunctionAddr = shouldRecordFunctionAddr(Fn)
827                                ? ConstantExpr::getBitCast(Fn, Int8PtrTy)
828                                : ConstantPointerNull::get(Int8PtrTy);
830   Constant *Int16ArrayVals[IPVK_Last + 1];
831   for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind <= IPVK_Last; ++Kind)
832     Int16ArrayVals[Kind] = ConstantInt::get(Int16Ty, PD.NumValueSites[Kind]);
834   Constant *DataVals[] = {
835 #define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Init) Init,
836 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
837   };
838   auto *Data = new GlobalVariable(*M, DataTy, false, Linkage,
839                                   ConstantStruct::get(DataTy, DataVals),
840                                   getVarName(Inc, getInstrProfDataVarPrefix()));
841   Data->setVisibility(Visibility);
842   Data->setSection(getInstrProfSectionName(IPSK_data, TT.getObjectFormat()));
843   Data->setAlignment(Align(INSTR_PROF_DATA_ALIGNMENT));
844   MaybeSetComdat(Data);
845   Data->setLinkage(Linkage);
847   PD.RegionCounters = CounterPtr;
848   PD.DataVar = Data;
849   ProfileDataMap[NamePtr] = PD;
851   // Mark the data variable as used so that it isn't stripped out.
852   UsedVars.push_back(Data);
853   // Now that the linkage set by the FE has been passed to the data and counter
854   // variables, reset Name variable's linkage and visibility to private so that
855   // it can be removed later by the compiler.
856   NamePtr->setLinkage(GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage);
857   // Collect the referenced names to be used by emitNameData.
858   ReferencedNames.push_back(NamePtr);
860   return CounterPtr;
861 }
863 void InstrProfiling::emitVNodes() {
864   if (!ValueProfileStaticAlloc)
865     return;
867   // For now only support this on platforms that do
868   // not require runtime registration to discover
869   // named section start/end.
870   if (needsRuntimeRegistrationOfSectionRange(TT))
871     return;
873   size_t TotalNS = 0;
874   for (auto &PD : ProfileDataMap) {
875     for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind <= IPVK_Last; ++Kind)
876       TotalNS += PD.second.NumValueSites[Kind];
877   }
879   if (!TotalNS)
880     return;
882   uint64_t NumCounters = TotalNS * NumCountersPerValueSite;
883 // Heuristic for small programs with very few total value sites.
884 // The default value of vp-counters-per-site is chosen based on
885 // the observation that large apps usually have a low percentage
886 // of value sites that actually have any profile data, and thus
887 // the average number of counters per site is low. For small
888 // apps with very few sites, this may not be true. Bump up the
889 // number of counters in this case.
891   if (NumCounters < INSTR_PROF_MIN_VAL_COUNTS)
892     NumCounters = std::max(INSTR_PROF_MIN_VAL_COUNTS, (int)NumCounters * 2);
894   auto &Ctx = M->getContext();
895   Type *VNodeTypes[] = {
896 #define INSTR_PROF_VALUE_NODE(Type, LLVMType, Name, Init) LLVMType,
897 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
898   };
899   auto *VNodeTy = StructType::get(Ctx, makeArrayRef(VNodeTypes));
901   ArrayType *VNodesTy = ArrayType::get(VNodeTy, NumCounters);
902   auto *VNodesVar = new GlobalVariable(
903       *M, VNodesTy, false, GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage,
904       Constant::getNullValue(VNodesTy), getInstrProfVNodesVarName());
905   VNodesVar->setSection(
906       getInstrProfSectionName(IPSK_vnodes, TT.getObjectFormat()));
907   UsedVars.push_back(VNodesVar);
908 }
910 void InstrProfiling::emitNameData() {
911   std::string UncompressedData;
913   if (ReferencedNames.empty())
914     return;
916   std::string CompressedNameStr;
917   if (Error E = collectPGOFuncNameStrings(ReferencedNames, CompressedNameStr,
918                                           DoNameCompression)) {
919     report_fatal_error(toString(std::move(E)), false);
920   }
922   auto &Ctx = M->getContext();
923   auto *NamesVal = ConstantDataArray::getString(
924       Ctx, StringRef(CompressedNameStr), false);
925   NamesVar = new GlobalVariable(*M, NamesVal->getType(), true,
926                                 GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, NamesVal,
927                                 getInstrProfNamesVarName());
928   NamesSize = CompressedNameStr.size();
929   NamesVar->setSection(
930       getInstrProfSectionName(IPSK_name, TT.getObjectFormat()));
931   // On COFF, it's important to reduce the alignment down to 1 to prevent the
932   // linker from inserting padding before the start of the names section or
933   // between names entries.
934   NamesVar->setAlignment(Align::None());
935   UsedVars.push_back(NamesVar);
937   for (auto *NamePtr : ReferencedNames)
938     NamePtr->eraseFromParent();
939 }
941 void InstrProfiling::emitRegistration() {
942   if (!needsRuntimeRegistrationOfSectionRange(TT))
943     return;
945   // Construct the function.
946   auto *VoidTy = Type::getVoidTy(M->getContext());
947   auto *VoidPtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(M->getContext());
948   auto *Int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(M->getContext());
949   auto *RegisterFTy = FunctionType::get(VoidTy, false);
950   auto *RegisterF = Function::Create(RegisterFTy, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
951                                      getInstrProfRegFuncsName(), M);
952   RegisterF->setUnnamedAddr(GlobalValue::UnnamedAddr::Global);
953   if (Options.NoRedZone)
954     RegisterF->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoRedZone);
956   auto *RuntimeRegisterTy = FunctionType::get(VoidTy, VoidPtrTy, false);
957   auto *RuntimeRegisterF =
958       Function::Create(RuntimeRegisterTy, GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage,
959                        getInstrProfRegFuncName(), M);
961   IRBuilder<> IRB(BasicBlock::Create(M->getContext(), "", RegisterF));
962   for (Value *Data : UsedVars)
963     if (Data != NamesVar && !isa<Function>(Data))
964       IRB.CreateCall(RuntimeRegisterF, IRB.CreateBitCast(Data, VoidPtrTy));
966   if (NamesVar) {
967     Type *ParamTypes[] = {VoidPtrTy, Int64Ty};
968     auto *NamesRegisterTy =
969         FunctionType::get(VoidTy, makeArrayRef(ParamTypes), false);
970     auto *NamesRegisterF =
971         Function::Create(NamesRegisterTy, GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage,
972                          getInstrProfNamesRegFuncName(), M);
973     IRB.CreateCall(NamesRegisterF, {IRB.CreateBitCast(NamesVar, VoidPtrTy),
974                                     IRB.getInt64(NamesSize)});
975   }
977   IRB.CreateRetVoid();
978 }
980 bool InstrProfiling::emitRuntimeHook() {
981   // We expect the linker to be invoked with -u<hook_var> flag for linux,
982   // for which case there is no need to emit the user function.
983   if (TT.isOSLinux())
984     return false;
986   // If the module's provided its own runtime, we don't need to do anything.
987   if (M->getGlobalVariable(getInstrProfRuntimeHookVarName()))
988     return false;
990   // Declare an external variable that will pull in the runtime initialization.
991   auto *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(M->getContext());
992   auto *Var =
993       new GlobalVariable(*M, Int32Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
994                          nullptr, getInstrProfRuntimeHookVarName());
996   // Make a function that uses it.
997   auto *User = Function::Create(FunctionType::get(Int32Ty, false),
998                                 GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage,
999                                 getInstrProfRuntimeHookVarUseFuncName(), M);
1000   User->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoInline);
1001   if (Options.NoRedZone)
1002     User->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoRedZone);
1003   User->setVisibility(GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
1004   if (TT.supportsCOMDAT())
1005     User->setComdat(M->getOrInsertComdat(User->getName()));
1007   IRBuilder<> IRB(BasicBlock::Create(M->getContext(), "", User));
1008   auto *Load = IRB.CreateLoad(Int32Ty, Var);
1009   IRB.CreateRet(Load);
1011   // Mark the user variable as used so that it isn't stripped out.
1012   UsedVars.push_back(User);
1013   return true;
1014 }
1016 void InstrProfiling::emitUses() {
1017   if (!UsedVars.empty())
1018     appendToUsed(*M, UsedVars);
1019 }
1021 void InstrProfiling::emitInitialization() {
1022   // Create ProfileFileName variable. Don't don't this for the
1023   // context-sensitive instrumentation lowering: This lowering is after
1024   // LTO/ThinLTO linking. Pass PGOInstrumentationGenCreateVar should
1025   // have already create the variable before LTO/ThinLTO linking.
1026   if (!IsCS)
1027     createProfileFileNameVar(*M, Options.InstrProfileOutput);
1028   Function *RegisterF = M->getFunction(getInstrProfRegFuncsName());
1029   if (!RegisterF)
1030     return;
1032   // Create the initialization function.
1033   auto *VoidTy = Type::getVoidTy(M->getContext());
1034   auto *F = Function::Create(FunctionType::get(VoidTy, false),
1035                              GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
1036                              getInstrProfInitFuncName(), M);
1037   F->setUnnamedAddr(GlobalValue::UnnamedAddr::Global);
1038   F->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoInline);
1039   if (Options.NoRedZone)
1040     F->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoRedZone);
1042   // Add the basic block and the necessary calls.
1043   IRBuilder<> IRB(BasicBlock::Create(M->getContext(), "", F));
1044   IRB.CreateCall(RegisterF, {});
1045   IRB.CreateRetVoid();
1047   appendToGlobalCtors(*M, F, 0);
1048 }