1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
2  *
3  * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
17 	File:		daemon.c
19 	Contains:	main & associated Application layer for mDNSResponder on Linux.
21 	Change History (most recent first):
23 Log: PosixDaemon.c,v $
24 Revision 1.49  2009/04/30 20:07:51  mcguire
25 <rdar://problem/6822674> Support multiple UDSs from launchd
27 Revision 1.48  2009/04/11 01:43:28  jessic2
28 <rdar://problem/4426780> Daemon: Should be able to turn on LogOperation dynamically
30 Revision 1.47  2009/01/11 03:20:06  mkrochma
31 <rdar://problem/5797526> Fixes from Igor Seleznev to get mdnsd working on Solaris
33 Revision 1.46  2008/11/03 23:09:15  cheshire
34 Don't need to include mDNSDebug.h as well as mDNSEmbeddedAPI.h
36 Revision 1.45  2008/10/03 18:25:17  cheshire
37 Instead of calling "m->MainCallback" function pointer directly, call mDNSCore routine "mDNS_ConfigChanged(m);"
39 Revision 1.44  2008/09/15 23:52:30  cheshire
40 <rdar://problem/6218902> mDNSResponder-177 fails to compile on Linux with .desc pseudo-op
41 Made __crashreporter_info__ symbol conditional, so we only use it for OS X build
43 Revision 1.43  2007/10/22 20:05:34  cheshire
44 Use mDNSPlatformSourceAddrForDest instead of FindSourceAddrForIP
46 Revision 1.42  2007/09/18 19:09:02  cheshire
47 <rdar://problem/5489549> mDNSResponderHelper (and other binaries) missing SCCS version strings
49 Revision 1.41  2007/09/04 17:02:25  cheshire
50 <rdar://problem/5458929> False positives in changed files list in nightly builds
51 Added MDNS_VERSIONSTR_NODTS option at the reqest of Rishi Srivatsavai (Sun)
53 Revision 1.40  2007/07/31 23:08:34  mcguire
54 <rdar://problem/5329542> BTMM: Make AutoTunnel mode work with multihoming
56 Revision 1.39  2007/03/21 00:30:44  cheshire
57 Remove obsolete mDNS_DeleteDNSServers() call
59 Revision 1.38  2007/02/14 01:58:19  cheshire
60 <rdar://problem/4995831> Don't delete Unix Domain Socket on exit if we didn't create it on startup
62 Revision 1.37  2007/02/07 19:32:00  cheshire
63 <rdar://problem/4980353> All mDNSResponder components should contain version strings in SCCS-compatible format
65 Revision 1.36  2007/02/06 19:06:48  cheshire
66 <rdar://problem/3956518> Need to go native with launchd
68 Revision 1.35  2007/01/05 08:30:52  cheshire
69 Trim excessive "Log" checkin history from before 2006
70 (checkin history still available via "cvs log ..." of course)
72 Revision 1.34  2007/01/05 05:46:08  cheshire
73 Add mDNS *const m parameter to udsserver_handle_configchange()
75 Revision 1.33  2006/12/21 00:10:53  cheshire
76 Make mDNS_PlatformSupport PlatformStorage a static global instead of a stack variable
78 Revision 1.32  2006/11/03 22:28:50  cheshire
79 PosixDaemon needs to handle mStatus_ConfigChanged and mStatus_GrowCache messages
81 Revision 1.31  2006/08/14 23:24:46  cheshire
82 Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0
84 Revision 1.30  2006/07/07 01:09:12  cheshire
85 <rdar://problem/4472013> Add Private DNS server functionality to dnsextd
86 Only use mallocL/freeL debugging routines when building mDNSResponder, not dnsextd
88 */
90 #include <stdio.h>
91 #include <string.h>
92 #include <unistd.h>
93 #include <stdlib.h>
94 #include <signal.h>
95 #include <errno.h>
96 #include <fcntl.h>
97 #include <pwd.h>
98 #include <sys/types.h>
100 #include "mDNSEmbeddedAPI.h"
101 #include "mDNSPosix.h"
102 #include "mDNSUNP.h"		// For daemon()
103 #include "uds_daemon.h"
104 #include "DNSCommon.h"
105 #include "PlatformCommon.h"
107 #ifndef MDNSD_USER
108 #define MDNSD_USER "nobody"
109 #endif
111 #define CONFIG_FILE "/etc/mdnsd.conf"
112 static domainname DynDNSZone;                // Default wide-area zone for service registration
113 static domainname DynDNSHostname;
115 #define RR_CACHE_SIZE 500
116 static CacheEntity gRRCache[RR_CACHE_SIZE];
117 static mDNS_PlatformSupport PlatformStorage;
119 mDNSlocal void mDNS_StatusCallback(mDNS *const m, mStatus result)
120 	{
121 	(void)m; // Unused
122 	if (result == mStatus_NoError)
123 		{
124 		// On successful registration of dot-local mDNS host name, daemon may want to check if
125 		// any name conflict and automatic renaming took place, and if so, record the newly negotiated
126 		// name in persistent storage for next time. It should also inform the user of the name change.
127 		// On Mac OS X we store the current dot-local mDNS host name in the SCPreferences store,
128 		// and notify the user with a CFUserNotification.
129 		}
130 	else if (result == mStatus_ConfigChanged)
131 		{
132 		udsserver_handle_configchange(m);
133 		}
134 	else if (result == mStatus_GrowCache)
135 		{
136 		// Allocate another chunk of cache storage
137 		CacheEntity *storage = malloc(sizeof(CacheEntity) * RR_CACHE_SIZE);
138 		if (storage) mDNS_GrowCache(m, storage, RR_CACHE_SIZE);
139 		}
140 	}
142 // %%% Reconfigure() probably belongs in the platform support layer (mDNSPosix.c), not the daemon cde
143 // -- all client layers running on top of mDNSPosix.c need to handle network configuration changes,
144 // not only the Unix Domain Socket Daemon
146 static void Reconfigure(mDNS *m)
147 	{
148 	mDNSAddr DynDNSIP;
149 	const mDNSAddr dummy = { mDNSAddrType_IPv4, { { { 1, 1, 1, 1 } } } };;
150 	mDNS_SetPrimaryInterfaceInfo(m, NULL, NULL, NULL);
151         mDNS_Lock(m);
152 	if (ParseDNSServers(m, uDNS_SERVERS_FILE) < 0)
153 		LogMsg("Unable to parse DNS server list. Unicast DNS-SD unavailable");
154         mDNS_Unlock(m);
155 	ReadDDNSSettingsFromConfFile(m, CONFIG_FILE, &DynDNSHostname, &DynDNSZone, NULL);
156 	mDNSPlatformSourceAddrForDest(&DynDNSIP, &dummy);
157 	if (DynDNSHostname.c[0]) mDNS_AddDynDNSHostName(m, &DynDNSHostname, NULL, NULL);
158 	if (DynDNSIP.type)       mDNS_SetPrimaryInterfaceInfo(m, &DynDNSIP, NULL, NULL);
159 	mDNS_ConfigChanged(m);
160 	}
162 // Do appropriate things at startup with command line arguments. Calls exit() if unhappy.
163 mDNSlocal void ParseCmdLinArgs(int argc, char **argv)
164 	{
165 	if (argc > 1)
166 		{
167 		if (0 == strcmp(argv[1], "-debug")) mDNS_DebugMode = mDNStrue;
168 		else printf("Usage: %s [-debug]\n", argv[0]);
169 		}
171 	if (!mDNS_DebugMode)
172 		{
173 		int result = daemon(0, 0);
174 		if (result != 0) { LogMsg("Could not run as daemon - exiting"); exit(result); }
175 #if __APPLE__
176 		LogMsg("The POSIX mdnsd should only be used on OS X for testing - exiting");
177 		exit(-1);
178 #endif
179 		}
180 	}
182 mDNSlocal void DumpStateLog(mDNS *const m)
183 // Dump a little log of what we've been up to.
184 	{
185 	DNSServer *s;
186         PosixNetworkInterface *i;
188 	LogMsg("---- BEGIN STATE LOG ----");
189 	udsserver_info(m);
191         LogMsgNoIdent("----- Network Interfaces -------");
192         for (i = (PosixNetworkInterface*)(m->HostInterfaces);
193         i; i = (PosixNetworkInterface *)(i->coreIntf.next)) {
194             LogMsg("%p %p %d %s%s%s%s%s %-8s %#a", i,
195             (void *)(i->coreIntf.InterfaceID), i->index,
196             i->coreIntf.InterfaceActive ? "-" : "D",
197             i->coreIntf.IPv4Available ? "4" : "-",
198             i->coreIntf.IPv6Available ? "6" : "-",
199             i->coreIntf.Advertise ? "A" : "-",
200             i->coreIntf.McastTxRx ? "M" : "-",
201             i->intfName, &(i->coreIntf.ip));
202         }
204         LogMsgNoIdent("--------- DNS Servers ----------");
205         if (!mDNSStorage.DNSServers) LogMsgNoIdent("<None>");
206         else
207                 {
208                 for (s = m->DNSServers; s; s = s->next)
209                         {
210                         LogMsgNoIdent("DNS Server %##s %#a:%d %s",
211                                 s->domain.c, &s->addr, mDNSVal16(s->port),
212                                 s->teststate == DNSServer_Untested ? "(Untested)" :
213                                 s->teststate == DNSServer_Passed   ? ""           :
214                                 s->teststate == DNSServer_Failed   ? "(Failed)"   :
215                                 s->teststate == DNSServer_Disabled ? "(Disabled)" : "(Unknown state)");
216                         }
217                 }
219 	LogMsg("----  END STATE LOG  ----");
220 	}
222 mDNSlocal mStatus MainLoop(mDNS *m) // Loop until we quit.
223 	{
224 	sigset_t	signals;
225 	mDNSBool	gotData = mDNSfalse;
227 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGINT);
228 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGTERM);
229 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGUSR1);
230 #ifdef HAVE_SIGINFO
231 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGUSR2);
232 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGINFO);
233 #endif
234 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGPIPE);
235 	mDNSPosixListenForSignalInEventLoop(SIGHUP) ;
237 	for (; ;)
238 		{
239 		// Work out how long we expect to sleep before the next scheduled task
240 		struct timeval	timeout;
241 		mDNSs32			ticks;
243 		// Only idle if we didn't find any data the last time around
244 		if (!gotData)
245 			{
246 			mDNSs32			nextTimerEvent = mDNS_Execute(m);
247 			nextTimerEvent = udsserver_idle(nextTimerEvent);
248 			ticks = nextTimerEvent - mDNS_TimeNow(m);
249 			if (ticks < 1) ticks = 1;
250 			}
251 		else	// otherwise call EventLoop again with 0 timemout
252 			ticks = 0;
254 		timeout.tv_sec = ticks / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
255 		timeout.tv_usec = (ticks % mDNSPlatformOneSecond) * 1000000 / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
257 		(void) mDNSPosixRunEventLoopOnce(m, &timeout, &signals, &gotData);
259 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGHUP )) Reconfigure(m);
260 #ifdef HAVE_SIGINFO
261                 /* use OSX-compatible signals since we can, and gain enhanced debugging */
262 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGINFO)) DumpStateLog(m);
263 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGUSR1))
264 			{
265 		        mDNS_LoggingEnabled = mDNS_LoggingEnabled ? 0 : 1;
266 		        LogMsg("SIGUSR1: Logging %s", mDNS_LoggingEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
267 			}
268 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGUSR2))
269 			{
270 			mDNS_PacketLoggingEnabled = mDNS_PacketLoggingEnabled ? 0 : 1;
271 			LogMsg("SIGUSR2: Packet Logging %s", mDNS_PacketLoggingEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
272 			}
273 #else
274 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGUSR1)) DumpStateLog(m);
275 #endif
276 		// SIGPIPE happens when we try to write to a dead client; death should be detected soon in request_callback() and cleaned up.
277 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGPIPE)) LogMsg("Received SIGPIPE - ignoring");
278 		if (sigismember(&signals, SIGINT) || sigismember(&signals, SIGTERM)) break;
279 		}
280 	return EINTR;
281 	}
283 int main(int argc, char **argv)
284 	{
285 	mStatus					err;
287 	ParseCmdLinArgs(argc, argv);
289 	LogMsg("%s starting", mDNSResponderVersionString);
291 	err = mDNS_Init(&mDNSStorage, &PlatformStorage, gRRCache, RR_CACHE_SIZE, mDNS_Init_AdvertiseLocalAddresses,
292 					mDNS_StatusCallback, mDNS_Init_NoInitCallbackContext);
294 	if (mStatus_NoError == err)
295 		err = udsserver_init(mDNSNULL, 0);
297 	Reconfigure(&mDNSStorage);
299 	// Now that we're finished with anything privileged, switch over to running as "nobody"
300 	if (mStatus_NoError == err)
301 		{
302 		const struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(MDNSD_USER);
303 		if (pw != NULL)
304 		        {
305 			setgid(pw->pw_gid);
306 			setuid(pw->pw_uid);
307 		        }
308 		else
309 #ifdef MDNSD_NOROOT
310                         {
311     			LogMsg("WARNING: mdnsd exiting because user \""MDNSD_USER"\" does not exist");
312                         err = mStatus_Invalid;
313                         }
314 #else
315     			LogMsg("WARNING: mdnsd continuing as root because user \""MDNSD_USER"\" does not exist");
316 #endif
317 		}
319 	if (mStatus_NoError == err)
320 		err = MainLoop(&mDNSStorage);
322 	LogMsg("%s stopping", mDNSResponderVersionString);
324 	mDNS_Close(&mDNSStorage);
326 	if (udsserver_exit() < 0)
327 		LogMsg("ExitCallback: udsserver_exit failed");
329  #if MDNS_DEBUGMSGS > 0
330 	printf("mDNSResponder exiting normally with %ld\n", err);
331  #endif
333 	return err;
334 	}
336 //		uds_daemon support		////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
338 mStatus udsSupportAddFDToEventLoop(int fd, udsEventCallback callback, void *context)
339 /* Support routine for uds_daemon.c */
340 	{
341 	// Depends on the fact that udsEventCallback == mDNSPosixEventCallback
342 	return mDNSPosixAddFDToEventLoop(fd, callback, context);
343 	}
345 mStatus udsSupportRemoveFDFromEventLoop(int fd)		// Note: This also CLOSES the file descriptor
346 	{
347 	mStatus err = mDNSPosixRemoveFDFromEventLoop(fd);
348 	close(fd);
349 	return err;
350 	}
352 mDNSexport void RecordUpdatedNiceLabel(mDNS *const m, mDNSs32 delay)
353 	{
354 	(void)m;
355 	(void)delay;
356 	// No-op, for now
357 	}
360 // If the process crashes, then this string will be magically included in the automatically-generated crash log
361 const char *__crashreporter_info__ = mDNSResponderVersionString_SCCS + 5;
362 asm(".desc ___crashreporter_info__, 0x10");
363 #endif
365 // For convenience when using the "strings" command, this is the last thing in the file
366 #if mDNSResponderVersion > 1
367 mDNSexport const char mDNSResponderVersionString_SCCS[] = "@(#) mDNSResponder-" STRINGIFY(mDNSResponderVersion);
369 mDNSexport const char mDNSResponderVersionString_SCCS[] = "@(#) mDNSResponder (Engineering Build)";
370 #else
371 mDNSexport const char mDNSResponderVersionString_SCCS[] = "@(#) mDNSResponder (Engineering Build)";
372 #endif