1abb0f93cSkardel-- *********************************************************************
3abb0f93cSkardel--    The Network Time Protocol Version 4
4abb0f93cSkardel--    Management Information Base (MIB)
6abb0f93cSkardel--    Authors: Heiko Gerstung (heiko.gerstung@meinberg.de)
7*4305584aSkardel--             Chris Elliott (chelliot@pobox.com)
9abb0f93cSkardel--    for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
10abb0f93cSkardel--    NTP Working Group (ntpwg)
13abb0f93cSkardel-- *********************************************************************
14*4305584aSkardel--   Rev 1.00
15*4305584aSkardel--         Published as RFC 5907
17abb0f93cSkardel-- *********************************************************************
19abb0f93cSkardelNTPv4-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
22*4305584aSkardel    MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE , mib-2, Integer32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,
23*4305584aSkardel    Unsigned32, Counter32, TimeTicks
24*4305584aSkardel        FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578
26*4305584aSkardel        FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC 2580
27abb0f93cSkardel    DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
28*4305584aSkardel        FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579
29abb0f93cSkardel    InetAddressType, InetAddress
30*4305584aSkardel        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001
31*4305584aSkardel    Utf8String
32*4305584aSkardel        FROM SYSAPPL-MIB; -- RFC 2287
34abb0f93cSkardelntpSnmpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
35*4305584aSkardel    LAST-UPDATED "201005170000Z" -- May 17, 2010
36abb0f93cSkardel    ORGANIZATION "The IETF NTP Working Group (ntpwg)"
37abb0f93cSkardel    CONTACT-INFO
38abb0f93cSkardel            "     WG Email: ntpwg@lists.ntp.isc.org
39abb0f93cSkardel                  Subscribe:
40abb0f93cSkardel                   https://lists.ntp.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/ntpwg
42abb0f93cSkardel                  Heiko Gerstung
43abb0f93cSkardel                  Meinberg Funkuhren Gmbh & Co. KG
44abb0f93cSkardel                  Lange Wand 9
45abb0f93cSkardel                  Bad Pyrmont  31812
46abb0f93cSkardel                  Germany
48abb0f93cSkardel                  Phone: +49 5281 9309 25
49abb0f93cSkardel                  Email: heiko.gerstung@meinberg.de
51abb0f93cSkardel                  Chris Elliott
52*4305584aSkardel                  1516 Kent St.
53*4305584aSkardel                  Durham, NC 27707
54abb0f93cSkardel                  USA
56*4305584aSkardel                  Phone: +1-919-308-1216
57*4305584aSkardel                  Email: chelliot@pobox.com
59*4305584aSkardel                  Brian Haberman
60*4305584aSkardel                  11100 Johns Hopkins Road
61*4305584aSkardel                  Laurel, MD 20723
62*4305584aSkardel                  USA
64*4305584aSkardel                  Phone: +1-443-778-1319
65*4305584aSkardel                  Email: brian@innovationslab.net"
66*4305584aSkardel     DESCRIPTION
67*4305584aSkardel        "The Management Information Base for NTP time entities.
69*4305584aSkardel         Copyright (c) 2010 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
70*4305584aSkardel         authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
72*4305584aSkardel         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
73*4305584aSkardel         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
74*4305584aSkardel         to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
75*4305584aSkardel         set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
76*4305584aSkardel         Relating to IETF Documents
77*4305584aSkardel         (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)."
79*4305584aSkardel    REVISION     "201005170000Z"
80*4305584aSkardel    DESCRIPTION
81*4305584aSkardel        "This revision of the MIB module is published as RFC 5907."
83*4305584aSkardel    ::= { mib-2 197 }
85abb0f93cSkardelntpSnmpMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIB 1 }
87abb0f93cSkardel-- MIB contains 6 groups
89abb0f93cSkardelntpEntInfo         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIBObjects 1 }
90abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatus       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIBObjects 2 }
91abb0f93cSkardelntpAssociation     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIBObjects 3 }
92abb0f93cSkardelntpEntControl      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIBObjects 4 }
93abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIBObjects 5 }
96abb0f93cSkardel-- Textual Conventions
99abb0f93cSkardelNtpStratum ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
100abb0f93cSkardel    DISPLAY-HINT "d"
101abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
102abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
103abb0f93cSkardel        "The NTP stratum, with 16 representing no stratum."
104abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..16)
106abb0f93cSkardelNtpDateTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
107abb0f93cSkardel    DISPLAY-HINT "4d:4d:4d.4d"
108abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
109abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
110abb0f93cSkardel        "NTP date/time on the device, in 128-bit
111*4305584aSkardel         NTP date format.  If time is not syncronized, this
112*4305584aSkardel         field shall be a zero-length string.
114*4305584aSkardel         This trusted certificate (TC) is not to be used for objects
115*4305584aSkardel         that are used to set the time of the node querying this
116*4305584aSkardel         object.  NTP should be used for this -- or at least SNTP."
117*4305584aSkardel    REFERENCE "RFC 5905, section 6"
118abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 16))
121abb0f93cSkardel-- Section 1: General NTP Entity information objects
122abb0f93cSkardel--            (relatively static information)
125abb0f93cSkardelntpEntSoftwareName OBJECT-TYPE
126*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
127abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
128abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
129abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
130*4305584aSkardel        "The product name of the running NTP version, e.g., 'ntpd'."
131abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  1 }
133abb0f93cSkardelntpEntSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
134*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
135abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
136abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
137abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
138*4305584aSkardel        "The software version of the installed NTP implementation
139*4305584aSkardel         as a full version string, e.g., 'ntpd-4.2.0b@1.1433 ...'"
140abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  2 }
142abb0f93cSkardelntpEntSoftwareVendor OBJECT-TYPE
143*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
144abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
145abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
146abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
147abb0f93cSkardel        "The vendor/author of the installed NTP version."
148*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  3 }
150abb0f93cSkardelntpEntSystemType OBJECT-TYPE
151*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
152abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
153abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
154abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
155*4305584aSkardel        "General hardware/os platform information,
156*4305584aSkardel         e.g., 'Linux 2.6.12 / x86'."
157abb0f93cSkardel    -- freely configurable, default is OS Version / Hardware platform
158*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  4 }
160abb0f93cSkardelntpEntTimeResolution OBJECT-TYPE
161abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
162abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
163abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
164abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
165*4305584aSkardel        "The time resolution in integer format, where the resolution
166*4305584aSkardel        is represented as divisions of a second, e.g., a value of 1000
167*4305584aSkardel        translates to 1.0 ms."
168*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  5 }
170abb0f93cSkardelntpEntTimePrecision OBJECT-TYPE
171abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Integer32
172abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
173abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
174abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
175*4305584aSkardel        "The entity's precision in integer format, shows the precision.
176*4305584aSkardel         A value of -5 would mean 2^-5 = 31.25 ms."
177*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  6 }
179abb0f93cSkardelntpEntTimeDistance OBJECT-TYPE
180abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
181abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
182abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
183abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
184abb0f93cSkardel        "The distance from this NTP entity to the root time reference
185*4305584aSkardel        (stratum 0) source including the unit, e.g., '13.243 ms'."
186*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntInfo  7 }
189abb0f93cSkardel-- Section 2: Current NTP status (dynamic information)
192abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusCurrentMode OBJECT-TYPE
193abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
194abb0f93cSkardel                            notRunning(1),
195abb0f93cSkardel                            notSynchronized(2),
196abb0f93cSkardel                            noneConfigured(3),
197abb0f93cSkardel                            syncToLocal(4),
198abb0f93cSkardel                            syncToRefclock(5),
199abb0f93cSkardel                            syncToRemoteServer(6),
200abb0f93cSkardel                            unknown(99)
201abb0f93cSkardel                        }
202abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
203abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
204abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
205*4305584aSkardel        "The current mode of the NTP.  The definition of each possible
206*4305584aSkardel         value is:
207*4305584aSkardel            notRunning(1) - NTP is not running.
208*4305584aSkardel            notSynchronized(2) - NTP is not synchronized to any time
209*4305584aSkardel                                 source (stratum = 16).
210*4305584aSkardel            noneConfigured(3) - NTP is not synchronized and does not
211*4305584aSkardel                                have a reference configured
212*4305584aSkardel                                (stratum = 16).
213*4305584aSkardel            syncToLocal(4) - NTP is distributing time based on its
214*4305584aSkardel                             local clock (degraded accuracy and/or
215*4305584aSkardel                             reliability).
216*4305584aSkardel            syncToRefclock(5) - NTP is synchronized to a local
217*4305584aSkardel                                hardware refclock (e.g., GPS).
218*4305584aSkardel            syncToRemoteServer(6) - NTP is synchronized to a remote
219*4305584aSkardel                                    NTP server ('upstream' server).
220*4305584aSkardel            unknown(99) - The state of NTP is unknown."
221*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 1 }
223abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusStratum OBJECT-TYPE
224abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpStratum
225abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
226abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
227abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
228*4305584aSkardel        "The NTP entity's own stratum value.  Should be a stratum of
229*4305584aSkardel         syspeer + 1 (or 16 if no syspeer)."
230*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 2 }
232abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceId OBJECT-TYPE
233abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 ( 0..99999 )
234abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
235abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
236abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
237abb0f93cSkardel        "The association ID of the current syspeer."
238*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 3 }
240abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceName OBJECT-TYPE
241*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
242abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
243abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
244abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
245abb0f93cSkardel        "The hostname/descriptive name of the current reference source
246*4305584aSkardel         selected as syspeer, e.g., 'ntp1.ptb.de' or 'GPS' or
247*4305584aSkardel         'DCFi', ..."
248*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 4 }
250abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusActiveOffset OBJECT-TYPE
251abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
252abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
253abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
254abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
255*4305584aSkardel        "The time offset to the current selected reference time source
256*4305584aSkardel         as a string including unit, e.g., '0.032 ms' or '1.232 s'."
257*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 5 }
259abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusNumberOfRefSources OBJECT-TYPE
260abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..99)
261abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
262abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
263abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
264abb0f93cSkardel        "The number of reference sources configured for NTP."
265*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 6 }
267abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusDispersion OBJECT-TYPE
268abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
269abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
270abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
271abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
272*4305584aSkardel        "The root dispersion of the running NTP entity, e.g., '6.927'."
273*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 7 }
275abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusEntityUptime OBJECT-TYPE
276*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
277abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
278abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
279abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
280*4305584aSkardel        "The uptime of the NTP entity, (i.e., the time since ntpd was
281*4305584aSkardel         (re-)initialized not sysUptime!).  The time is represented in
282*4305584aSkardel         hundreds of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (00:00:00.000) UTC."
283*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 8 }
285abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
286abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpDateTime
287abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
288abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
289abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
290abb0f93cSkardel        "The current NTP date/time on the device, in 128-bit
291*4305584aSkardel         NTP date format.  If time is not syncronized, this
292*4305584aSkardel         field shall be a zero-length string.
294abb0f93cSkardel         This object can be used to timestamp events on this
295*4305584aSkardel         node and allow a management station to correlate
296abb0f93cSkardel         different time objects.  For example, a management
297abb0f93cSkardel         station could query this object and sysUpTime in
298abb0f93cSkardel         the same operation to be able to relate sysUpTime
299abb0f93cSkardel         to NTP time.
301abb0f93cSkardel         This object is not to be used to set the time of
302abb0f93cSkardel         the node querying this object.  NTP should be used
303abb0f93cSkardel         for this -- or at least SNTP."
304*4305584aSkardel    REFERENCE "RFC 5905, section 6"
305*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 9 }
307abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusLeapSecond OBJECT-TYPE
308*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpDateTime
309abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
310abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
311abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
312abb0f93cSkardel        "Date the next known leap second will occur.  If there is
313*4305584aSkardel         no leap second announced, then this object should be 0."
314*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 10 }
316abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusLeapSecDirection OBJECT-TYPE
317abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1..1)
318abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
319abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
320abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
321abb0f93cSkardel        "Direction of next known leap second.  If there is no
322*4305584aSkardel         leap second announced, then this object should be 0."
323*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 11 }
325abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
326abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
327*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
328abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
329abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
330abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
331abb0f93cSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages delivered to the
332*4305584aSkardel         NTP entity from the transport service.
333*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
334*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
335*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
336*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
337*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 12 }
339abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
340abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
341*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
342abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
343abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
344abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
345abb0f93cSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages delivered to the
346*4305584aSkardel         transport service by this NTP entity.
347*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
348*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
349*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
350*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
351*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 13 }
353abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusBadVersion OBJECT-TYPE
354abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
355*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
356abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
357abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
358abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
359*4305584aSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages that were delivered
360abb0f93cSkardel         to this NTP entity and were for an unsupported NTP
361*4305584aSkardel         version.
362*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
363*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
364*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
365*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
366*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 14 }
368abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusProtocolError OBJECT-TYPE
369abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
370*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
371abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
372abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
373abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
374*4305584aSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages that were delivered
375abb0f93cSkardel         to this NTP entity and this entity was not able to
376*4305584aSkardel         process due to an NTP protocol error.
377*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
378*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
379*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
380*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
381*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 15 }
383abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatusNotifications OBJECT-TYPE
384abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
385*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "notifications"
386abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
387abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
388abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
389*4305584aSkardel        "The total number of SNMP notifications that this NTP
390*4305584aSkardel         entity has generated.
391*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
392*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
393*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
394*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
395*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 16 }
397abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatPktModeTable OBJECT-TYPE
398abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF NtpEntStatPktModeEntry
399abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
400abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS           current
401abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
402*4305584aSkardel        "The number of packets sent and received by packet mode.
403*4305584aSkardel         One entry per packet mode."
404*4305584aSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatus 17 }
406abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatPktModeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
407abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpEntStatPktModeEntry
408abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
409abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
410abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
411*4305584aSkardel        "A statistical record of the number of packets sent and
412*4305584aSkardel         received for each packet mode."
413abb0f93cSkardel    INDEX       { ntpEntStatPktMode }
414abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatPktModeTable 1 }
416abb0f93cSkardelNtpEntStatPktModeEntry   ::= SEQUENCE {
417abb0f93cSkardel        ntpEntStatPktMode              INTEGER,
418abb0f93cSkardel        ntpEntStatPktSent              Counter32,
419abb0f93cSkardel        ntpEntStatPktReceived          Counter32
422abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatPktMode OBJECT-TYPE
423abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
424abb0f93cSkardel                    symetricactive(1),
425abb0f93cSkardel                    symetricpassive(2),
426abb0f93cSkardel                    client(3),
427abb0f93cSkardel                    server(4),
428abb0f93cSkardel                    broadcastserver(5),
429abb0f93cSkardel                    broadcastclient(6)
430abb0f93cSkardel                }
431abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
432abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
433abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
434abb0f93cSkardel        "The NTP packet mode."
435abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatPktModeEntry 1 }
437abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatPktSent OBJECT-TYPE
438abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
439*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
440abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
441abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
442abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
443*4305584aSkardel        "The number of NTP packets sent with this packet mode.
444*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
445*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
446*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
447*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
448abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatPktModeEntry 2 }
450abb0f93cSkardelntpEntStatPktReceived OBJECT-TYPE
451abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
452*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
453abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
454abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
455abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
456*4305584aSkardel        "The number of NTP packets received with this packet mode.
458*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
459*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
460*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
461*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
462abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntStatPktModeEntry 3 }
465abb0f93cSkardel-- Section 3: The status of all currently mobilized associations
468abb0f93cSkardelntpAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE
469abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF NtpAssociationEntry
470abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
471abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS           current
472abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
473abb0f93cSkardel        "The table of currently mobilized associations."
474abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociation 1 }
476abb0f93cSkardelntpAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
477abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpAssociationEntry
478abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
479abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
480abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
481abb0f93cSkardel        "The table entry of currently mobilized associations."
482abb0f93cSkardel    INDEX       { ntpAssocId }
483abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationTable 1 }
485abb0f93cSkardelNtpAssociationEntry   ::= SEQUENCE {
486abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocId                  Unsigned32,
487*4305584aSkardel        ntpAssocName                Utf8String,
488abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocRefId               DisplayString,
489abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocAddressType         InetAddressType,
490abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocAddress             InetAddress,
491abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocOffset              DisplayString,
492abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStratum             NtpStratum,
493abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatusJitter        DisplayString,
494abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatusDelay         DisplayString,
495abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatusDispersion    DisplayString
498abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocId      OBJECT-TYPE
499abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 ( 1..99999 )
500abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
501abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
502abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
503abb0f93cSkardel        "The association ID.  This is an internal, unique ID."
504abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 1 }
506abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocName    OBJECT-TYPE
507*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
508abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
509abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
510abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
511abb0f93cSkardel        "The hostname or other descriptive name for the association."
512abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 2 }
514abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocRefId   OBJECT-TYPE
515abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
516abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
517abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
518abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
519abb0f93cSkardel        "The refclock driver ID, if available."
520abb0f93cSkardel    -- a refclock driver ID like "" for non
521abb0f93cSkardel    -- uni/multi/broadcast associations
522abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 3 }
524abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
525*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2), ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4) }
526abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
527abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
528abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
529*4305584aSkardel        "The type of address of the association.  Can be either IPv4 or
530*4305584aSkardel         IPv6 (both with or without zone index) and contains the type of
531*4305584aSkardel         address for unicast, multicast, and broadcast associations."
532abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 4 }
534abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocAddress OBJECT-TYPE
535*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE (4|8|16|20))
536abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
537abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
538abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
539*4305584aSkardel        "The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6, with or without zone index) of
540*4305584aSkardel         the association.  The type and size depends on the
541*4305584aSkardel         ntpAssocAddressType object.  Represents the IP address of a
542*4305584aSkardel         uni/multi/broadcast association."
543abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 5 }
545abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocOffset  OBJECT-TYPE
546abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
547abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
548abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
549abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
550abb0f93cSkardel        "The time offset to the association as a string."
551*4305584aSkardel    -- including unit, e.g., "0.032 ms" or "1.232 s"
552abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 6 }
554abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStratum OBJECT-TYPE
555abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpStratum
556abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
557abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
558abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
559abb0f93cSkardel        "The association stratum value."
560abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 7 }
562abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatusJitter OBJECT-TYPE
563abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
564abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
565abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
566abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
567*4305584aSkardel        "The jitter in milliseconds as a string."
568abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 8 }
570abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatusDelay OBJECT-TYPE
571abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
572abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
573abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
574abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
575*4305584aSkardel        "The network delay in milliseconds as a string."
576abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 9 }
578abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatusDispersion OBJECT-TYPE
579abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      DisplayString
580abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
581abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
582abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
583abb0f93cSkardel        "The root dispersion of the association."
584*4305584aSkardel    -- e.g., "6.927"
585abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationEntry 10 }
587abb0f93cSkardelntpAssociationStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE
588abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF NtpAssociationStatisticsEntry
589abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
590abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS           current
591abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
592abb0f93cSkardel        "The table of statistics for current associations."
593abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociation 2 }
595abb0f93cSkardelntpAssociationStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
596abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      NtpAssociationStatisticsEntry
597abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
598abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
599abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
600abb0f93cSkardel        "The table entry of statistics for current associations."
601abb0f93cSkardel    INDEX       { ntpAssocId }
602abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationStatisticsTable 1 }
604abb0f93cSkardelNtpAssociationStatisticsEntry   ::= SEQUENCE {
605abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatInPkts          Counter32,
606abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatOutPkts         Counter32,
607abb0f93cSkardel        ntpAssocStatProtocolError   Counter32
610abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
611abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
612*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
613abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
614abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
615abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
616abb0f93cSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages delivered to the
617*4305584aSkardel         NTP entity from this association.
618*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
619*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
620*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
621*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
622abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationStatisticsEntry 1 }
624abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
625abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
626*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
627abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
628abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
629abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
630abb0f93cSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages delivered to the
631abb0f93cSkardel         transport service by this NTP entity for this
632*4305584aSkardel         association.
633*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
634*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
635*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
636*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
637abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationStatisticsEntry 2 }
639abb0f93cSkardelntpAssocStatProtocolError OBJECT-TYPE
640abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Counter32
641*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "packets"
642abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
643abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
644abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
645*4305584aSkardel        "The total number of NTP messages that were delivered
646abb0f93cSkardel         to this NTP entity from this association and this entity
647*4305584aSkardel         was not able to process due to an NTP protocol error.
648*4305584aSkardel         Discountinuities in the value of this counter can occur
649*4305584aSkardel         upon cold start or reinitialization of the NTP entity, the
650*4305584aSkardel         management system and at other times as indicated by
651*4305584aSkardel         discontinuities in the value of sysUpTime."
652abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpAssociationStatisticsEntry 3 }
655abb0f93cSkardel-- Section 4: Control objects
658abb0f93cSkardelntpEntHeartbeatInterval OBJECT-TYPE
659abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
660*4305584aSkardel    UNITS       "seconds"
661abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
662abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
663abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
664abb0f93cSkardel        "The interval at which the ntpEntNotifHeartbeat notification
665abb0f93cSkardel         should be sent, in seconds.  If set to 0 and the
666*4305584aSkardel         entNotifHeartbeat bit in ntpEntNotifBits is 1, then
667*4305584aSkardel         ntpEntNotifHeartbeat is sent once.
668*4305584aSkardel         This value is stored persistently and will be restored to its
669*4305584aSkardel         last set value upon cold start or restart."
670abb0f93cSkardel    DEFVAL { 60 }
671abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntControl 1 }
673abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifBits OBJECT-TYPE
674abb0f93cSkardel    SYNTAX       BITS {
675abb0f93cSkardel                     notUsed(0), -- Used to sync up bit and notification
676abb0f93cSkardel                                 -- indices
677abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifModeChange(1),
678abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifStratumChange(2),
679abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifSyspeerChanged(3),
680abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifAddAssociation(4),
681abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifRemoveAssociation(5),
682abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifConfigChanged(6),
683abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifLeapSecondAnnounced(7),
684abb0f93cSkardel                     entNotifHeartbeat(8)
685abb0f93cSkardel    }
686abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
687abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
688abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
689abb0f93cSkardel        "A bit for each notification.  A 1 for a particular bit enables
690*4305584aSkardel         that particular notification, a 0 disables it.
691*4305584aSkardel         This value is stored persistently and will be restored to its
692*4305584aSkardel         last set value upon cold start or restart."
693abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntControl 2 }
696abb0f93cSkardel-- Section 5: Notification objects
699abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifMessage OBJECT-TYPE
700*4305584aSkardel    SYNTAX      Utf8String
701abb0f93cSkardel    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
702abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
703abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
704*4305584aSkardel        "Used as a payload object for all notifications.  Holds a
705*4305584aSkardel         cleartext event message."
706abb0f93cSkardel    DEFVAL { "no event" }
707abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifObjects 1 }
710abb0f93cSkardel-- SNMP notification definitions
713*4305584aSkardelntpEntNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIB 0 }
715abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifModeChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
716*4305584aSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusCurrentMode }
717abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
718abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
719abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when the NTP entity changes mode,
720*4305584aSkardel         including starting and stopping (if possible)."
721abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 1 }
723abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifStratumChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
724abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpEntStatusStratum,
725abb0f93cSkardel                  ntpEntNotifMessage }
726abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
727abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
728abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when stratum level of NTP changes."
729abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 2 }
731abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifSyspeerChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE
732abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceId,
733abb0f93cSkardel                  ntpEntNotifMessage }
734abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
735abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
736abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when a (new) syspeer has been
737abb0f93cSkardel         selected."
738abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 3 }
740abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifAddAssociation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
741abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS  { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpAssocName, ntpEntNotifMessage }
742abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
743abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
744abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when a new association is
745abb0f93cSkardel         mobilized."
746abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 4 }
748abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifRemoveAssociation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
749abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS  { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpAssocName,  ntpEntNotifMessage }
750abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
751abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
752abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when an association is
753abb0f93cSkardel         demobilized."
754abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 5 }
756abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifConfigChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE
757abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpEntNotifMessage }
758abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
759abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
760abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when the NTP configuration has
761*4305584aSkardel         changed, e.g., when the system connected to the Internet and
762*4305584aSkardel         was assigned a new IP address by the ISPs DHCP server."
763abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 6 }
765abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifLeapSecondAnnounced NOTIFICATION-TYPE
766abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpEntNotifMessage }
767abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
768abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
769abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent when a leap second has been
770abb0f93cSkardel         announced."
771abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 7 }
773abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNotifHeartbeat NOTIFICATION-TYPE
774*4305584aSkardel    OBJECTS     { ntpEntStatusDateTime, ntpEntStatusCurrentMode,
775abb0f93cSkardel                  ntpEntHeartbeatInterval, ntpEntNotifMessage }
776abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
777abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
778abb0f93cSkardel        "The notification to be sent periodically (as defined by
779abb0f93cSkardel         ntpEntHeartbeatInterval) to indicate that the NTP entity is
780abb0f93cSkardel         still alive."
781abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntNotifications 8 }
784abb0f93cSkardel-- Conformance/Compliance statements
787*4305584aSkardelntpEntConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpSnmpMIB 2 }
789abb0f93cSkardelntpEntCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpEntConformance 1 }
790abb0f93cSkardelntpEntGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ntpEntConformance 2 }
792abb0f93cSkardelntpEntNTPCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
793abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
794abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
795*4305584aSkardel        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that use NTP and
796*4305584aSkardel         implement the NTP MIB."
797abb0f93cSkardel    MODULE  -- this module
798abb0f93cSkardel        MANDATORY-GROUPS {
799*4305584aSkardel                           ntpEntObjectsGroup1
800abb0f93cSkardel        }
801abb0f93cSkardel        ::= { ntpEntCompliances 1 }
803abb0f93cSkardelntpEntSNTPCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
804abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
805abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
806*4305584aSkardel        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that use SNTP and
807*4305584aSkardel         implement the NTP MIB."
808abb0f93cSkardel    MODULE  -- this module
809abb0f93cSkardel        MANDATORY-GROUPS {
810abb0f93cSkardel                           ntpEntObjectsGroup1
811abb0f93cSkardel        }
812*4305584aSkardel        GROUP ntpEntObjectsGroup2
813*4305584aSkardel        DESCRIPTION
814*4305584aSkardel                "Optional object group."
815*4305584aSkardel        GROUP ntpEntNotifGroup
816*4305584aSkardel        DESCRIPTION
817*4305584aSkardel                "Optional notifications for this MIB."
818abb0f93cSkardel        ::= { ntpEntCompliances 2 }
820abb0f93cSkardelntpEntObjectsGroup1 OBJECT-GROUP
821abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS {
822abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntSoftwareName,
823abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntSoftwareVersion,
824abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntSoftwareVendor,
825abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntSystemType,
826abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusEntityUptime,
827abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusDateTime,
828abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocName,
829abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocRefId,
830abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocAddressType,
831abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocAddress
832abb0f93cSkardel    }
833abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
834abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
835*4305584aSkardel        "A collection of objects for the NTP MIB."
836abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntGroups 1 }
838abb0f93cSkardelntpEntObjectsGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
839abb0f93cSkardel    OBJECTS {
840abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntTimeResolution,
841abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntTimePrecision,
842abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntTimeDistance,
843abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusCurrentMode,
844abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusStratum,
845abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceId,
846abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusActiveRefSourceName,
847abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusActiveOffset,
848abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusNumberOfRefSources,
849abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusDispersion,
850abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusLeapSecond,
851abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusLeapSecDirection,
852abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusInPkts,
853abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusOutPkts,
854abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusBadVersion,
855abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusProtocolError,
856abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatusNotifications,
857abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatPktSent,
858abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntStatPktReceived,
859abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocOffset,
860abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStratum,
861abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatusJitter,
862abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatusDelay,
863abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatusDispersion,
864abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatInPkts,
865abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatOutPkts,
866abb0f93cSkardel              ntpAssocStatProtocolError,
867abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntHeartbeatInterval,
868abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntNotifBits,
869abb0f93cSkardel              ntpEntNotifMessage
870abb0f93cSkardel    }
871abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
872abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
873*4305584aSkardel        "A collection of objects for the NTP MIB."
874abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntGroups 2 }
876*4305584aSkardelntpEntNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
877abb0f93cSkardel    NOTIFICATIONS {
878abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifModeChange,
879abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifStratumChange,
880abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifSyspeerChanged,
881abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifAddAssociation,
882abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifRemoveAssociation,
883abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifConfigChanged,
884abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifLeapSecondAnnounced,
885abb0f93cSkardel                    ntpEntNotifHeartbeat
886abb0f93cSkardel    }
887abb0f93cSkardel    STATUS      current
888abb0f93cSkardel    DESCRIPTION
889abb0f93cSkardel        "A collection of notifications for the NTP MIB"
890abb0f93cSkardel    ::= { ntpEntGroups 3 }