xref: /netbsd/external/gpl2/lvm2/dist/man/fsadm.8.in (revision 6550d01e)
"FSADM" "8" "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Red Hat, Inc" "\""
fsadm - utility to resize or check filesystem on a device
fsdam [options] check device fsdam [options] resize device [new_size[BKMGTEP]]
fsadm utility resizes or checks the filesystem on a device. It tries to use the same API for ext2/ext3/ext4, ReiserFS and XFS filesystem.

-h --help \(em print help message

-v --verbose \(em be more verbose

-e --ext-offline \(em unmount ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem before doing resize

-f --force \(em bypass some sanity checks

-n --dry-run \(em print commands without running them

-y --yes \(em answer "yes" at any prompts

new_size \(em Absolute number of filesystem blocks to be in the filesystem, or an absolute size using a suffix (in powers of 1024). If new_size is not supplied, the whole device is used.

"fsadm -e -y resize /dev/vg/test 1000M" tries to resize the filesystem on logical volume /dev/vg/test. If /dev/vg/test contains ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem it will be unmounted prior the resize. All [y|n] questions will be answered 'y'.

TMPDIR Where the temporary directory should be created.

lvm (8), lvresize (8), lvm.conf (5), tune2fs (8), resize2fs (8), reiserfstune (8), resize_reiserfs (8), xfs_info (8), xfs_growfs (8), xfs_check (8)