1 /*	$NetBSD: postmulti.c,v 2010/06/17 18:06:59 tron Exp $	*/
3 /*++
4 /* NAME
5 /*	postmulti 1
7 /*	Postfix multi-instance manager
9 /* .fi
11 /*
12 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e init\fR [\fB-v\fR]
13 /*
15 /*
16 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-l\fR [\fB-aRv\fR] [\fB-g \fIgroup\fR]
17 /*	[\fB-i \fIname\fR]
18 /*
19 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-p\fR [\fB-av\fR] [\fB-g \fIgroup\fR]
20 /*	[\fB-i \fIname\fR] \fIcommand...\fR
21 /*
22 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-x\fR [\fB-aRv\fR] [\fB-g \fIgroup\fR]
23 /*	[\fB-i \fIname\fR] \fIcommand...\fR
24 /*
26 /*
27 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e create\fR [\fB-av\fR]
28 /*	[\fB-g \fIgroup\fR] [\fB-i \fIname\fR] [\fB-G \fIgroup\fR]
29 /*	[\fB-I \fIname\fR] [\fIparam=value\fR ...]
30 /*
31 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e import\fR [\fB-av\fR]
32 /*	[\fB-g \fIgroup\fR] [\fB-i \fIname\fR] [\fB-G \fIgroup\fR]
33 /*	[\fB-I \fIname\fR] [\fBconfig_directory=\fI/path\fR]
34 /*
35 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e destroy\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fB-i \fIname\fR
36 /*
37 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e deport\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fB-i \fIname\fR
38 /*
39 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e enable\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fB-i \fIname\fR
40 /*
41 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e disable\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fB-i \fIname\fR
42 /*
43 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR \fB-e assign\fR [\fB-v\fR] \fB-i \fIname\fR
44 /*	[\fB-I \fIname\fR] [-G \fIgroup\fR]
46 /*	The \fBpostmulti\fR(1) command allows a Postfix administrator
47 /*	to manage multiple Postfix instances on a single host.
48 /*
49 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR(1) implements two fundamental modes of
50 /*	operation.  In \fBiterator\fR mode, it executes the same
51 /*	command for multiple Postfix instances.  In \fBlife-cycle
52 /*	management\fR mode, it adds or deletes one instance, or
53 /*	changes the multi-instance status of one instance.
54 /*
55 /*	Each mode of operation has its own command syntax. For this
56 /*	reason, each mode is documented in separate sections below.
58 /* .ad
59 /* .fi
60 /*	A multi-instance configuration consists of one primary
61 /*	Postfix instance, and one or more secondary instances whose
62 /*	configuration directory pathnames are recorded in the primary
63 /*	instance's main.cf file. Postfix instances share program
64 /*	files and documentation, but have their own configuration,
65 /*	queue and data directories.
66 /*
67 /*	Currently, only the default Postfix instance can be used
68 /*	as primary instance in a multi-instance configuration. The
69 /*	\fBpostmulti\fR(1) command does not currently support a \fB-c\fR
70 /*	option to select an alternative primary instance, and exits
71 /*	with a fatal error if the \fBMAIL_CONFIG\fR environment
72 /*	variable is set to a non-default configuration directory.
73 /*
74 /*	See the MULTI_INSTANCE_README tutorial for a more detailed
75 /*	discussion of multi-instance management with \fBpostmulti\fR(1).
77 /* .ad
78 /* .fi
79 /*	In iterator mode, \fBpostmulti\fR performs the same operation
80 /*	on all Postfix instances in turn.
81 /*
82 /*	If multi-instance support is not enabled, the requested
83 /*	command is performed just for the primary instance.
84 /* .PP
85 /*	Iterator mode implements the following command options:
86 /* .SH "Instance selection"
87 /* .IP \fB-a\fR
88 /*	Perform the operation on all instances. This is the default.
89 /* .IP "\fB-g \fIgroup\fR"
90 /*	Perform the operation only for members of the named \fIgroup\fR.
91 /* .IP "\fB-i \fIname\fR"
92 /*	Perform the operation only for the instance with the specified
93 /*	\fIname\fR.  You can specify either the instance name
94 /*	or the absolute pathname of the instance's configuration
95 /*	directory.  Specify "-" to select the primary Postfix instance.
96 /* .IP \fB-R\fR
97 /*	Reverse the iteration order. This may be appropriate when
98 /*	updating a multi-instance system, where "sink" instances
99 /*	are started before "source" instances.
100 /* .sp
101 /*	This option cannot be used with \fB-p\fR.
102 /* .SH "List mode"
103 /* .IP \fB-l\fR
104 /*	List Postfix instances with their instance name, instance
105 /*	group name, enable/disable status and configuration directory.
106 /* .SH "Postfix-wrapper mode"
107 /* .IP \fB-p\fR
108 /*	Invoke \fBpostfix(1)\fR to execute the specified \fIcommand\fR.
109 /*	This option implements the \fBpostfix-wrapper\fR(5) interface.
110 /* .RS
111 /* .IP \(bu
112 /*	With "start"-like commands, "postfix check" is executed for
113 /*	instances that are not enabled. The full list of commands
114 /*	is specified with the postmulti_start_commands parameter.
115 /* .IP \(bu
116 /*	With "stop"-like commands, the iteration order is reversed,
117 /*	and disabled instances are skipped. The full list of commands
118 /*	is specified with the postmulti_stop_commands parameter.
119 /* .IP \(bu
120 /*	With "reload" and other commands that require a started
121 /*	instance, disabled instances are skipped. The full list of
122 /*	commands is specified with the postmulti_control_commands
123 /*	parameter.
124 /* .IP \(bu
125 /*	With "status" and other commands that don't require a started
126 /*	instance, the command is executed for all instances.
127 /* .RE
128 /* .IP
129 /*	The \fB-p\fR option can also be used interactively to
130 /*	start/stop/etc.  a named instance or instance group. For
131 /*	example, to start just the instances in the group "msa",
132 /*	invoke \fBpostmulti\fR(1) as follows:
133 /* .RS
134 /* .IP
135 /*	# postmulti -g msa -p start
136 /* .RE
137 /* .SH "Command mode"
138 /* .IP \fB-x\fR
139 /*	Execute the specified \fIcommand\fR for all Postfix instances.
140 /*	The command runs with appropriate environment settings for
141 /*	MAIL_CONFIG, command_directory, daemon_directory,
142 /*	config_directory, queue_directory, data_directory,
143 /*	multi_instance_name, multi_instance_group and
144 /*	multi_instance_enable.
145 /* .SH "Other options"
146 /* .IP \fB-v\fR
147 /*	Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple
148 /*	\fB-v\fR options make the software increasingly verbose.
150 /* .ad
151 /* .fi
152 /*	With the \fB-e\fR option \fBpostmulti\fR(1) can be used to
153 /*	add or delete a Postfix instance, and to manage the
154 /*	multi-instance status of an existing instance.
155 /* .PP
156 /*	The following options are implemented:
157 /* .SH "Existing instance selection"
158 /* .IP \fB-a\fR
159 /*	When creating or importing an instance, place the new
160 /*	instance at the front of the secondary instance list.
161 /* .IP "\fB-g \fIgroup\fR"
162 /*	When creating or importing an instance, place the new
163 /*	instance before the first secondary instance that is a
164 /*	member of the specified group.
165 /* .IP "\fB-i \fIname\fR"
166 /*	When creating or importing an instance, place the new
167 /*	instance before the matching secondary instance.
168 /* .sp
169 /*	With other life-cycle operations, apply the operation to
170 /*	the named existing instance.  Specify "-" to select the
171 /*	primary Postfix instance.
172 /* .SH "New or existing instance name assignment"
173 /* .IP "\fB-I \fIname\fR"
174 /*	Assign the specified instance \fIname\fR to an existing
175 /*	instance, newly-created instance, or imported instance.
176 /*	Instance
177 /*	names other than "-" (which makes the instance "nameless")
178 /*	must start with "postfix-".  This restriction reduces the
179 /*	likelihood of name collisions with system files.
180 /* .IP "\fB-G \fIgroup\fR"
181 /*	Assign the specified \fIgroup\fR name to an existing instance
182 /*	or to a newly created or imported instance.
183 /* .SH "Instance creation/deletion/status change"
184 /* .IP "\fB-e \fIaction\fR"
185 /*	"Edit" managed instances. The following actions are supported:
186 /* .RS
187 /* .IP \fBinit\fR
188 /*	This command is required before \fBpostmulti\fR(1) can be
189 /*	used to manage Postfix instances.  The "postmulti -e init"
190 /*	command updates the primary instance's main.cf file by
191 /*	setting:
192 /* .RS
193 /* .IP
194 /* .nf
195 /*	multi_instance_wrapper =
196 /*		${command_directory}/postmulti -p --
197 /*	multi_instance_enable = yes
198 /* .fi
199 /* .RE
200 /* .IP
201 /*	You can set these by other means if you prefer.
202 /* .IP \fBcreate\fR
203 /*	Create a new Postfix instance and add it to the
204 /*	multi_instance_directories parameter of the primary instance.
205 /*	The "\fB-I \fIname\fR" option is recommended to give the
206 /*	instance a short name that is used to construct default
207 /*	values for the private directories of the new instance. The
208 /*	"\fB-G \fIgroup\fR" option may be specified to assign the
209 /*	instance to a group, otherwise, the new instance is not a
210 /*	member of any groups.
211 /* .sp
212 /*	The new instance main.cf is the stock main.cf with the
213 /*	parameters that specify the locations of shared files cloned
214 /*	from the primary instance.  For "nameless" instances, you
215 /*	should manually adjust "syslog_name" to yield a unique
216 /*	"logtag" starting with "postfix-" that will uniquely identify
217 /*	the instance in the mail logs. It is simpler to assign the
218 /*	instance a short name with the "\fB-I \fIname\fR" option.
219 /* .sp
220 /*	Optional "name=value" arguments specify the instance
221 /*	config_directory, queue_directory and data_directory.
222 /*	For example:
223 /* .RS
224 /* .IP
225 /* .nf
226 /*	# postmulti -I postfix-mumble \e
227 /*		-G mygroup -e create \e
228 /*		config_directory=/my/config/dir \e
229 /*		queue_directory=/my/queue/dir \e
230 /*		data_directory=/my/data/dir
231 /* .fi
232 /* .RE
233 /* .IP
234 /*	If any of these pathnames is not supplied, the program
235 /*	attempts to generate the pathname by taking the corresponding
236 /*	primary instance pathname, and by replacing the last pathname
237 /*	component by the value of the \fB-I\fR option.
238 /* .sp
239 /*	If the instance configuration directory already exists, and
240 /*	contains both a main.cf and master.cf file, \fBcreate\fR
241 /*	will "import" the instance as-is. For existing instances,
242 /*	\fBcreate\fR and \fBimport\fR are identical.
243 /* .IP \fBimport\fR
244 /*	Import an existing instance into the list of instances
245 /*	managed by the \fBpostmulti\fR(1) multi-instance manager.
246 /*	This adds the instance to the multi_instance_directories
247 /*	list of the primary instance.  If the "\fB-I \fIname\fR"
248 /*	option is provided it specifies the new name for the instance
249 /*	and is used to define a default location for the instance
250 /*	configuration directory	(as with \fBcreate\fR above).  The
251 /*	"\fB-G \fIgroup\fR" option may be used to assign the instance
252 /*	to a group. Add a "\fBconfig_directory=\fI/path\fR" argument
253 /*	to override a default pathname based on "\fB-I \fIname\fR".
254 /* .IP \fBdestroy\fR
255 /*	Destroy a secondary Postfix instance. To be a candidate for
256 /*	destruction an instance must be disabled, stopped and its
257 /*	queue must not contain any messages. Attempts to destroy
258 /*	the primary Postfix instance trigger a fatal error, without
259 /*	destroying the instance.
260 /* .sp
261 /*	The instance is removed from the primary instance main.cf
262 /*	file's alternate_config_directories parameter and its data,
263 /*	queue and configuration directories are cleaned of files
264 /*	and directories created by the Postfix system. The main.cf
265 /*	and master.cf files are removed from the configuration
266 /*	directory even if they have been modified since initial
267 /*	creation. Finally, the instance is "deported" from the list
268 /*	of managed instances.
269 /* .sp
270 /*	If other files are present in instance private directories,
271 /*	the directories may not be fully removed, a warning is
272 /*	logged to alert the administrator. It is expected that an
273 /*	instance built using "fresh" directories via the \fBcreate\fR
274 /*	action will be fully removed by the \fBdestroy\fR action
275 /*	(if first disabled). If the instance configuration and queue
276 /*	directories are populated with additional files	(access and
277 /*	rewriting tables, chroot jail content, etc.) the instance
278 /*	directories will not be fully removed.
279 /* .sp
280 /*	The \fBdestroy\fR action triggers potentially dangerous
281 /*	file removal operations. Make sure the instance's data,
282 /*	queue and configuration directories are set correctly and
283 /*	do not contain any valuable files.
284 /* .IP \fBdeport\fR
285 /*	Deport a secondary instance from the list of managed
286 /*	instances. This deletes the instance configuration directory
287 /*	from the primary instance's multi_instance_directories list,
288 /*	but does not remove any files or directories.
289 /* .IP \fBassign\fR
290 /*	Assign a new instance name or a new group name to the
291 /*	selected instance.  Use "\fB-G -\fR" to specify "no group"
292 /*	and "\fB-I -\fR" to specify "no name".  If you choose to
293 /*	make an instance "nameless", set a suitable syslog_name in
294 /*	the corresponding main.cf file.
295 /* .IP \fBenable\fR
296 /*	Mark the selected instance as enabled. This just sets the
297 /*	multi_instance_enable parameter to "yes" in the instance's
298 /*	main.cf file.
299 /* .IP \fBdisable\fR
300 /*	Mark the selected instance as disabled. This means that
301 /*	the instance will not be started etc. with "postfix start",
302 /*	"postmulti -p start" and so on. The instance can still be
303 /*	started etc. with "postfix -c config-directory start".
304 /* .SH "Other options"
305 /* .IP \fB-v\fR
306 /*	Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple
307 /*	\fB-v\fR options make the software increasingly verbose.
308 /* .RE
310 /* .ad
311 /* .fi
312 /*	The \fBpostmulti\fR(1) command exports the following environment
313 /*	variables before executing the requested \fIcommand\fR for a given
314 /*	instance:
316 /*	This is set when the -v command-line option is present.
317 /* .IP \fBMAIL_CONFIG\fR
318 /*	The location of the configuration directory of the instance.
320 /* .ad
321 /* .fi
322 /* .IP "\fBconfig_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
323 /*	The default location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf
324 /*	configuration files.
325 /* .IP "\fBdaemon_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
326 /*	The directory with Postfix support programs and daemon programs.
327 /* .IP "\fBimport_environment (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
328 /*	The list of environment parameters that a Postfix process will
329 /*	import from a non-Postfix parent process.
330 /* .IP "\fBmulti_instance_directories (empty)\fR"
331 /*	An optional list of non-default Postfix configuration directories;
332 /*	these directories belong to additional Postfix instances that share
333 /*	the Postfix executable files and documentation with the default
334 /*	Postfix instance, and that are started, stopped, etc., together
335 /*	with the default Postfix instance.
336 /* .IP "\fBmulti_instance_group (empty)\fR"
337 /*	The optional instance group name of this Postfix instance.
338 /* .IP "\fBmulti_instance_name (empty)\fR"
339 /*	The optional instance name of this Postfix instance.
340 /* .IP "\fBmulti_instance_enable (no)\fR"
341 /*	Allow this Postfix instance to be started, stopped, etc., by a
342 /*	multi-instance manager.
343 /* .IP "\fBpostmulti_start_commands (start)\fR"
344 /*	The \fBpostfix\fR(1) commands that the \fBpostmulti\fR(1) instance manager treats
345 /*	as "start" commands.
346 /* .IP "\fBpostmulti_stop_commands (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
347 /*	The \fBpostfix\fR(1) commands that the \fBpostmulti\fR(1) instance manager treats
348 /*	as "stop" commands.
349 /* .IP "\fBpostmulti_control_commands (reload flush)\fR"
350 /*	The \fBpostfix\fR(1) commands that the \fBpostmulti\fR(1) instance manager
351 /*	treats as "control" commands, that operate on running instances.
352 /* .IP "\fBsyslog_facility (mail)\fR"
353 /*	The syslog facility of Postfix logging.
354 /* .IP "\fBsyslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR"
355 /*	The mail system name that is prepended to the process name in syslog
356 /*	records, so that "smtpd" becomes, for example, "postfix/smtpd".
357 /* FILES
358 /*	$daemon_directory/main.cf, stock configuration file
359 /*	$daemon_directory/master.cf, stock configuration file
360 /*	$daemon_directory/postmulti-script, life-cycle helper program
361 /* SEE ALSO
362 /*	postfix(1), Postfix control program
363 /*	postfix-wrapper(5), Postfix multi-instance API
365 /*	Use "\fBpostconf readme_directory\fR" or "\fBpostconf
366 /*	html_directory\fR" to locate this information.
367 /*	MULTI_INSTANCE_README, Postfix multi-instance management
368 /* HISTORY
369 /* .ad
370 /* .fi
371 /*	The \fBpostmulti\fR(1) command was introduced with Postfix
372 /*	version 2.6.
373 /* LICENSE
374 /* .ad
375 /* .fi
376 /*	The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
377 /* AUTHOR(S)
378 /*	Victor Duchovni
379 /*	Morgan Stanley
380 /*
381 /*	Wietse Venema
382 /*	IBM T.J. Watson Research
383 /*	P.O. Box 704
384 /*	Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
385 /*--*/
387 /* System library. */
389 #include <sys_defs.h>
390 #include <sys/stat.h>
391 #include <sys/wait.h>
392 #include <vstream.h>
393 #include <stdlib.h>
394 #include <unistd.h>
395 #include <string.h>
396 #include <fcntl.h>
397 #include <syslog.h>
398 #include <errno.h>
399 #include <ctype.h>
400 #ifdef USE_PATHS_H
401 #include <paths.h>
402 #endif
403 #include <stddef.h>
405 /* Utility library. */
407 #include <msg.h>
408 #include <msg_vstream.h>
409 #include <msg_syslog.h>
410 #include <vstream.h>
411 #include <vstring_vstream.h>
412 #include <stringops.h>
413 #include <clean_env.h>
414 #include <argv.h>
415 #include <safe.h>
416 #include <mymalloc.h>
417 #include <htable.h>
418 #include <name_code.h>
419 #include <ring.h>
421 /* Global library. */
423 #include <mail_version.h>
424 #include <mail_params.h>
425 #include <mail_conf.h>
427 /* Application-specific. */
429  /*
430   * Configuration parameters, specific to postmulti(1).
431   */
432 char   *var_multi_start_cmds;
433 char   *var_multi_stop_cmds;
434 char   *var_multi_cntrl_cmds;
436  /*
437   * Shared directory pathnames.
438   */
439 typedef struct {
440     const char *param_name;
441     char  **param_value;
444 static SHARED_PATH shared_dir_table[] = {
445     VAR_COMMAND_DIR, &var_command_dir,
446     VAR_DAEMON_DIR, &var_daemon_dir,
447     0,
448 };
450  /*
451   * Actions.
452   */
453 #define ITER_CMD_POSTFIX	(1<<0)	/* postfix(1) iterator mode */
454 #define ITER_CMD_LIST		(1<<1)	/* listing iterator mode */
455 #define ITER_CMD_GENERIC	(1<<2)	/* generic command iterator mode */
457 #define ITER_CMD_MASK_ALL \
460 #define EDIT_CMD_CREATE		(1<<4)	/* create new instance */
461 #define EDIT_CMD_IMPORT		(1<<5)	/* import existing instance */
462 #define EDIT_CMD_DESTROY	(1<<6)	/* destroy instance */
463 #define EDIT_CMD_DEPORT		(1<<7)	/* export instance */
464 #define EDIT_CMD_ENABLE		(1<<8)	/* enable start/stop */
465 #define EDIT_CMD_DISABLE	(1<<9)	/* disable start/stop */
466 #define EDIT_CMD_ASSIGN		(1<<10)	/* assign name/group */
467 #define EDIT_CMD_INIT		(1<<11)	/* hook into main.cf */
473 #define EDIT_CMD_MASK_ALL \
477  /*
478   * Edit command to number mapping, and vice versa.
479   */
480 static NAME_CODE edit_command_table[] = {
481     "create", EDIT_CMD_CREATE,
482     "import", EDIT_CMD_IMPORT,
483     "destroy", EDIT_CMD_DESTROY,
484     "deport", EDIT_CMD_DEPORT,
485     "enable", EDIT_CMD_ENABLE,
486     "disable", EDIT_CMD_DISABLE,
487     "assign", EDIT_CMD_ASSIGN,
488     "init", EDIT_CMD_INIT,
489     0, -1,
490 };
492 #define EDIT_CMD_CODE(str) \
493 	name_code(edit_command_table, NAME_CODE_FLAG_STRICT_CASE, (str))
494 #define EDIT_CMD_STR(code)	str_name_code(edit_command_table, (code))
496  /*
497   * Mandatory prefix for non-empty instance names.
498   */
499 #ifndef NAME_PREFIX
500 #define NAME_PREFIX "postfix-"
501 #endif
502 #define HAS_NAME_PREFIX(name) \
503      (strncmp((name), NAME_PREFIX, sizeof(NAME_PREFIX)-1) == 0)
504 #define NEED_NAME_PREFIX(name) \
505     ((name) != 0 && strcmp((name), "-") != 0 && !HAS_NAME_PREFIX(name))
506 #define NAME_SUFFIX(name) ((name) + sizeof(NAME_PREFIX) - 1)
508  /*
509   * In-core instance structure. Only private information is kept here.
510   */
511 typedef struct instance {
512     RING    ring;			/* linkage. */
513     char   *config_dir;			/* private */
514     char   *queue_dir;			/* private */
515     char   *data_dir;			/* private */
516     char   *name;			/* null or name */
517     char   *gname;			/* null or group */
518     int     enabled;			/* start/stop enable */
519     int     primary;			/* special */
522  /*
523   * Managed instance list (edit mode and iterator mode).
524   */
525 static RING instance_hd[1];		/* instance list head */
527 #define RING_TO_INSTANCE(ring_ptr)	RING_TO_APPL(ring_ptr, INSTANCE, ring)
528 #define RING_PTR_OF(x)			(&((x)->ring))
530 #define FOREACH_INSTANCE(entry) \
531     for ((entry) = instance_hd; \
532 	 ((entry) = ring_succ(entry)) != instance_hd;)
535     for ((entry) = ring_succ(instance_hd); \
536 	 ((entry) = ring_succ(entry)) != instance_hd;)
538 #define NEXT_ITERATOR_INSTANCE(flags, entry) \
539     (((flags) & ITER_FLAG_REVERSE) ? ring_pred(entry) : ring_succ(entry))
541 #define FOREACH_ITERATOR_INSTANCE(flags, entry) \
542     for ((entry) = instance_hd; \
543 	((entry) = NEXT_ITERATOR_INSTANCE(flags, (entry))) != instance_hd;)
545  /*
546   * Instance selection. One can either select all instances, select by
547   * instance name, or select by instance group.
548   */
549 typedef struct {
550     int     type;			/* see below */
551     char   *name;			/* undefined or name */
554 #define INST_SEL_NONE		0	/* default: no selection */
555 #define INST_SEL_ALL		1	/* select all instances */
556 #define INST_SEL_NAME		2	/* select instance name */
557 #define INST_SEL_GROUP		3	/* select instance group */
559  /*
560   * Instance name assignment. Each instance may be assigned an instance name
561   * (this must be globally unique within a multi-instance cluster) or an
562   * instance group name (this is intended to be shared). Externally, empty
563   * names may be represented as "-". Internally, we use "" only, to simplify
564   * the code.
565   */
566 typedef struct {
567     char   *name;			/* null or assigned instance name */
568     char   *gname;			/* null or assigned group name */
571  /*
572   * Iterator controls for non-edit commands. One can reverse the iteration
573   * order, or give special treatment to disabled instances.
574   */
575 #define ITER_FLAG_DEFAULT	0	/* default setting */
576 #define ITER_FLAG_REVERSE	(1<<0)	/* reverse iteration order */
577 #define ITER_FLAG_CHECK_DISABLED (1<<1)	/* check disabled instances */
578 #define ITER_FLAG_SKIP_DISABLED	(1<<2)	/* skip disabled instances */
580  /*
581   * Environment export controls for edit commands. postmulti(1) exports only
582   * things that need to be updated.
583   */
584 #define EXP_FLAG_MULTI_DIRS	(1<<0)	/* export multi_instance_directories */
585 #define EXP_FLAG_MULTI_NAME	(1<<1)	/* export multi_instance_name */
586 #define EXP_FLAG_MULTI_GROUP	(1<<2)	/* export multi_instance_group */
588  /*
589   * To detect conflicts, each instance name and each shared or private
590   * pathname is registered in one place, with its owner. Everyone must
591   * register their claims when they join, and will be rejected in case of
592   * conlict.
593   *
594   * Each claim value involves a parameter value (either a directory name or an
595   * instance name). Each claim owner is the config_directory pathname plus
596   * the parameter name.
597   *
598   * XXX: No multi.cf lock file, so this is not race-free.
599   */
600 static HTABLE *claim_table;
602 #define IS_CLAIMED_BY(name) \
603     (claim_table ? htable_find(claim_table, (name)) : 0)
605  /*
606   * Forward references.
607   */
608 static int iterate_command(int, int, char **, INST_SELECTION *);
609 static int match_instance_selection(INSTANCE *, INST_SELECTION *);
611  /*
612   * Convenience.
613   */
614 #define INSTANCE_NAME(i) ((i)->name ? (i)->name : (i)->config_dir)
615 #define STR(buf)	vstring_str(buf)
617 /* register_claim - register claim or bust */
619 static void register_claim(const char *instance_path, const char *param_name,
620 			           const char *param_value)
621 {
622     const char *myname = "register_claim";
623     char   *requestor;
624     const char *owner;
626     /*
627      * Sanity checks.
628      */
629     if (instance_path == 0 || *instance_path == 0)
630 	msg_panic("%s: no or empty instance pathname", myname);
631     if (param_name == 0 || *param_name == 0)
632 	msg_panic("%s: no or empty parameter name", myname);
633     if (param_value == 0)
634 	msg_panic("%s: no parameter value", myname);
636     /*
637      * Make a claim or report a conflict.
638      */
639     if (claim_table == 0)
640 	claim_table = htable_create(100);
641     requestor = concatenate(instance_path, ", ", param_name, (char *) 0);
642     if ((owner = htable_find(claim_table, param_value)) == 0) {
643 	(void) htable_enter(claim_table, param_value, requestor);
644     } else if (strcmp(owner, requestor) == 0) {
645 	myfree(requestor);
646     } else {
647 	msg_fatal("instance %s, %s=%s conflicts with instance %s=%s",
648 		instance_path, param_name, param_value, owner, param_value);
649     }
650 }
652 /* claim_instance_attributes - claim multiple private instance attributes */
654 static void claim_instance_attributes(INSTANCE *ip)
655 {
657     /*
658      * Detect instance name or pathname conflicts between this instance and
659      * other instances. XXX: No multi.cf lock file, so this is not race-free.
660      */
661     if (ip->name)
662 	register_claim(ip->config_dir, VAR_MULTI_NAME, ip->name);
663     register_claim(ip->config_dir, VAR_CONFIG_DIR, ip->config_dir);
664     register_claim(ip->config_dir, VAR_QUEUE_DIR, ip->queue_dir);
665     register_claim(ip->config_dir, VAR_DATA_DIR, ip->data_dir);
666 }
668 /* alloc_instance - allocate a single instance object */
670 static INSTANCE *alloc_instance(const char *config_dir)
671 {
672     INSTANCE *ip = (INSTANCE *) mymalloc(sizeof(INSTANCE));
674     ring_init(RING_PTR_OF(ip));
675     ip->config_dir = config_dir ? mystrdup(config_dir) : 0;
676     ip->queue_dir = 0;
677     ip->data_dir = 0;
678     ip->name = 0;
679     ip->gname = 0;
680     ip->enabled = 0;
681     ip->primary = 0;
683     return (ip);
684 }
686 #if 0
688 /* free_instance - free a single instance object */
690 static void free_instance(INSTANCE *ip)
691 {
693     /*
694      * If we continue after secondary main.cf file read error, we must be
695      * prepared for the case that some parameters may be missing.
696      */
697     if (ip->name)
698 	myfree(ip->name);
699     if (ip->gname)
700 	myfree(ip->gname);
701     if (ip->config_dir)
702 	myfree(ip->config_dir);
703     if (ip->queue_dir)
704 	myfree(ip->queue_dir);
705     if (ip->data_dir)
706 	myfree(ip->data_dir);
707     myfree((char *) ip);
708 }
710 #endif
712 /* insert_instance - insert instance before selected location, claim names */
714 static void insert_instance(INSTANCE *ip, INST_SELECTION *selection)
715 {
716     RING   *old;
718 #define append_instance(ip) insert_instance((ip), (INST_SELECTION *) 0)
720     /*
721      * Insert instance before the selected site.
722      */
723     claim_instance_attributes(ip);
724     if (ring_succ(instance_hd) == 0)
725 	ring_init(instance_hd);
726     if (selection && selection->type != INST_SEL_NONE) {
728 	    if (match_instance_selection(RING_TO_INSTANCE(old), selection)) {
729 		ring_prepend(old, RING_PTR_OF(ip));
730 		return;
731 	    }
732 	}
733 	if (selection->type != INST_SEL_ALL)
734 	    msg_fatal("No matching secondary instances");
735     }
736     ring_prepend(instance_hd, RING_PTR_OF(ip));
737 }
739 /* create_primary_instance - synthetic entry for primary instance */
741 static INSTANCE *create_primary_instance(void)
742 {
743     INSTANCE *ip = alloc_instance(var_config_dir);
745     /*
746      * There is no need to load primary instance paramater settings from
747      * file. We already have the main.cf parameters of interest in memory.
748      */
749 #define SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(val) (*(val) ? mystrdup(val) : 0)
751     ip->name = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(var_multi_name);
752     ip->gname = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(var_multi_group);
753     ip->enabled = var_multi_enable;
754     ip->queue_dir = mystrdup(var_queue_dir);
755     ip->data_dir = mystrdup(var_data_dir);
756     ip->primary = 1;
757     return (ip);
758 }
760 /* load_instance - read instance parameters from config_dir/main.cf */
762 static INSTANCE *load_instance(INSTANCE *ip)
763 {
764     VSTREAM *pipe;
765     VSTRING *buf;
766     char   *name;
767     char   *value;
768     ARGV   *cmd;
769     int     count = 0;
770     static NAME_CODE bool_code[] = {
773 	0, -1,
774     };
776     /*
777      * XXX: We could really use a "postconf -E" to expand values in the
778      * context of the target main.cf!
779      */
780 #define REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT 5			/* # of requested parameters */
782     cmd = argv_alloc(REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT + 3);
783     name = concatenate(var_command_dir, "/", "postconf", (char *) 0);
784     argv_add(cmd, name, "-c", ip->config_dir,
787 	     (char *) 0);
788     myfree(name);
789     pipe = vstream_popen(O_RDONLY, VSTREAM_POPEN_ARGV, cmd->argv,
791     argv_free(cmd);
792     if (pipe == 0)
793 	msg_fatal("Cannot parse %s/main.cf file: %m", ip->config_dir);
795     /*
796      * Read parameter settings from postconf. See also comments below on
797      * whether we should continue or skip groups after error instead of
798      * bailing out immediately.
799      */
800     buf = vstring_alloc(100);
801     while (vstring_get_nonl(buf, pipe) != VSTREAM_EOF) {
802 	if (split_nameval(STR(buf), &name, &value))
803 	    msg_fatal("Invalid %s/main.cf parameter: %s",
804 		      ip->config_dir, STR(buf));
805 	if (strcmp(name, VAR_QUEUE_DIR) == 0 && ++count)
806 	    ip->queue_dir = mystrdup(value);
807 	else if (strcmp(name, VAR_DATA_DIR) == 0 && ++count)
808 	    ip->data_dir = mystrdup(value);
809 	else if (strcmp(name, VAR_MULTI_NAME) == 0 && ++count)
810 	    ip->name = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(value);
811 	else if (strcmp(name, VAR_MULTI_GROUP) == 0 && ++count)
812 	    ip->gname = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(value);
813 	else if (strcmp(name, VAR_MULTI_ENABLE) == 0 && ++count) {
814 	    /* mail_conf_bool(3) is case insensitive! */
815 	    ip->enabled = name_code(bool_code, NAME_CODE_FLAG_NONE, value);
816 	    if (ip->enabled < 0)
817 		msg_fatal("Unexpected %s/main.cf entry: %s = %s",
818 			  ip->config_dir, VAR_MULTI_ENABLE, value);
819 	}
820     }
821     vstring_free(buf);
823     /*
824      * XXX We should not bail out while reading a bad secondary main.cf file.
825      * When we manage dozens or more instances, the likelihood increases that
826      * some file will be damaged or missing after a system crash. That is not
827      * a good reason to prevent undamaged Postfix instances from starting.
828      */
829     if (count != REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT)
830 	msg_fatal("Failed to obtain all required %s/main.cf parameters",
831 		  ip->config_dir);
833     if (vstream_pclose(pipe))
834 	msg_fatal("Cannot parse %s/main.cf file", ip->config_dir);
835     return (ip);
836 }
838 /* load_all_instances - compute list of Postfix instances */
840 static void load_all_instances(void)
841 {
842     INSTANCE *primary_instance;
843     char  **cpp;
844     ARGV   *secondary_names;
846     /*
847      * Avoid unexpected behavior when $multi_instance_directories contains
848      * only comma characters. Count the actual number of elements, before we
849      * decide that the list is empty.
850      */
851     secondary_names = argv_split(var_multi_conf_dirs, "\t\n\r, ");
853     /*
854      * First, the primary instance.  This is synthesized out of thin air.
855      */
856     primary_instance = create_primary_instance();
857     if (secondary_names->argc == 0)
858 	primary_instance->enabled = 1;		/* Single-instance mode */
859     append_instance(primary_instance);
861     /*
862      * Next, instances defined in $multi_instance_directories. Note:
863      * load_instance() has side effects on the global config dictionary, but
864      * this does not affect the values that have already been extracted into
865      * C variables.
866      */
867     for (cpp = secondary_names->argv; *cpp != 0; cpp++)
868 	append_instance(load_instance(alloc_instance(*cpp)));
870     argv_free(secondary_names);
871 }
873 /* match_instance_selection - match all/name/group constraints */
875 static int match_instance_selection(INSTANCE *ip, INST_SELECTION *selection)
876 {
877     char   *iname;
878     char   *name;
880     /*
881      * When selecting (rather than assigning names) an instance, we match by
882      * the instance name, config_directory path, or the instance name suffix
883      * (name without mandatory prefix). Selecting "-" selects the primary
884      * instance.
885      */
886     switch (selection->type) {
887     case INST_SEL_NONE:
888 	return (0);
889     case INST_SEL_ALL:
890 	return (1);
891     case INST_SEL_GROUP:
892 	return (ip->gname != 0 && strcmp(selection->name, ip->gname) == 0);
893     case INST_SEL_NAME:
894 	name = selection->name;
895 	if (*name == '/' || ip->name == 0)
896 	    iname = ip->config_dir;
897 	else if (!HAS_NAME_PREFIX(name) && HAS_NAME_PREFIX(ip->name))
898 	    iname = NAME_SUFFIX(ip->name);
899 	else
900 	    iname = ip->name;
901 	return (strcmp(name, iname) == 0
902 		|| (ip->primary && strcmp(name, "-") == 0));
903     default:
904 	msg_panic("match_instance_selection: unknown selection type: %d",
905 		  selection->type);
906     }
907 }
909 /* check_setenv - setenv() with extreme prejudice */
911 static void check_setenv(const char *name, const char *value)
912 {
913 #define CLOBBER 1
914     if (setenv(name, value, CLOBBER) < 0)
915 	msg_fatal("setenv: %m");
916 }
918 /* prepend_command_path - prepend command_directory to PATH */
920 static void prepend_command_path(void)
921 {
922     char   *cmd_path;
924     /*
925      * Carefully prepend "$command_directory:" to PATH. We can free the
926      * buffer after check_setenv(), since the value is copied there.
927      */
928     cmd_path = safe_getenv("PATH");
929     cmd_path = concatenate(var_command_dir, ":", (cmd_path && *cmd_path) ?
930 			   cmd_path : ROOT_PATH, (char *) 0);
931     check_setenv("PATH", cmd_path);
932     myfree(cmd_path);
933 }
935 /* check_shared_dir_status - check and claim shared directories */
937 static void check_shared_dir_status(void)
938 {
939     struct stat st;
940     const SHARED_PATH *sp;
942     for (sp = shared_dir_table; sp->param_name; ++sp) {
943 	if (stat(sp->param_value[0], &st) < 0)
944 	    msg_fatal("%s = '%s': directory not found: %m",
945 		      sp->param_name, sp->param_value[0]);
946 	if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
947 	    msg_fatal("%s = '%s' is not a directory",
948 		      sp->param_name, sp->param_value[0]);
949 	register_claim(var_config_dir, sp->param_name, sp->param_value[0]);
950     }
951 }
953 /* check_safe_name - allow instance or group name with only "safe" characters */
955 static int check_safe_name(const char *s)
956 {
957 #define SAFE_PUNCT	"!@%-_=+:./"
958     if (*s == 0)
959 	return (0);
960     for (; *s; ++s) {
961 	if (!ISALNUM(*s) && !strchr(SAFE_PUNCT, *s))
962 	    return (0);
963     }
964     return (1);
965 }
967 /* check_name_assignments - Check validity of assigned instance or group name */
969 static void check_name_assignments(NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
970 {
972     /*
973      * Syntax check the assigned instance name. This name is also used to
974      * generate directory pathnames, so we must not allow "/" characters.
975      *
976      * The value "" will clear the name and is always valid. The command-line
977      * parser has already converted "-" into "", to simplify implementation.
978      */
979     if (assignment->name && *assignment->name) {
980 	if (!check_safe_name(assignment->name))
981 	    msg_fatal("Unsafe characters in new instance name: '%s'",
982 		      assignment->name);
983 	if (strchr(assignment->name, '/'))
984 	    msg_fatal("Illegal '/' character in new instance name: '%s'",
985 		      assignment->name);
986 	if (NEED_NAME_PREFIX(assignment->name))
987 	    msg_fatal("New instance name must start with '%s'",
988 		      NAME_PREFIX);
989     }
991     /*
992      * Syntax check the assigned group name.
993      */
994     if (assignment->gname && *assignment->gname) {
995 	if (!check_safe_name(assignment->gname))
996 	    msg_fatal("Unsafe characters in '-G %s'", assignment->gname);
997     }
998 }
1000 /* do_name_assignments - assign instance/group names */
1002 static int do_name_assignments(INSTANCE *target, NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
1003 {
1004     int     export_flags = 0;
1006     /*
1007      * The command-line parser has already converted "-" into "", to simplify
1008      * implementation.
1009      */
1010     if (assignment->name
1011 	&& strcmp(assignment->name, target->name ? target->name : "")) {
1012 	register_claim(target->config_dir, VAR_MULTI_NAME, assignment->name);
1013 	if (target->name)
1014 	    myfree(target->name);
1015 	target->name = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(assignment->name);
1016 	export_flags |= EXP_FLAG_MULTI_NAME;
1017     }
1018     if (assignment->gname
1019 	&& strcmp(assignment->gname, target->gname ? target->gname : "")) {
1020 	if (target->gname)
1021 	    myfree(target->gname);
1022 	target->gname = SAVE_INSTANCE_NAME(assignment->gname);
1023 	export_flags |= EXP_FLAG_MULTI_GROUP;
1024     }
1025     return (export_flags);
1026 }
1028 /* make_private_path - generate secondary pathname using primary as template */
1030 static char *make_private_path(const char *param_name,
1031 			               const char *primary_value,
1032 			               NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
1033 {
1034     char   *path;
1035     char   *base;
1036     char   *end;
1038     /*
1039      * The command-line parser has already converted "-" into "", to simplify
1040      * implementation.
1041      */
1042     if (assignment->name == 0 || *assignment->name == 0)
1043 	msg_fatal("Missing %s parameter value", param_name);
1045     if (*primary_value != '/')
1046 	msg_fatal("Invalid default %s parameter value: '%s': "
1047 		  "specify an absolute pathname",
1048 		  param_name, primary_value);
1050     base = mystrdup(primary_value);
1051     if ((end = strrchr(base, '/')) != 0) {
1052 	/* Drop trailing slashes */
1053 	if (end[1] == '\0') {
1054 	    while (--end > base && *end == '/')
1055 		*end = '\0';
1056 	    end = strrchr(base, '/');
1057 	}
1058 	/* Drop last path component */
1059 	while (end > base && *end == '/')
1060 	    *end-- = '\0';
1061     }
1062     path = concatenate(base[1] ? base : "", "/",
1063 		       assignment->name, (char *) 0);
1064     myfree(base);
1065     return (path);
1066 }
1068 /* assign_new_parameter - assign new instance private name=value */
1070 static void assign_new_parameter(INSTANCE *new, int edit_cmd,
1071 				         const char *arg)
1072 {
1073     char   *saved_arg;
1074     char   *name;
1075     char   *value;
1076     char   *end;
1077     char  **target = 0;
1079     /*
1080      * With "import", only config_directory is specified on the command line
1081      * (either explicitly as config_directory=/path/name, or implicitly as
1082      * instance name). The other private directory pathnames are taken from
1083      * the existing instance's main.cf file.
1084      *
1085      * With "create", all private pathname parameters are specified on the
1086      * command line, or generated from an instance name.
1087      */
1088     saved_arg = mystrdup(arg);
1089     if (split_nameval(saved_arg, &name, &value))
1090 	msg_fatal("Malformed parameter setting '%s'", arg);
1092     if (strcmp(VAR_CONFIG_DIR, name) == 0) {
1093 	target = &new->config_dir;
1094     } else if (edit_cmd != EDIT_CMD_IMPORT) {
1095 	if (strcmp(VAR_QUEUE_DIR, name) == 0) {
1096 	    target = &new->queue_dir;
1097 	} else if (strcmp(VAR_DATA_DIR, name) == 0) {
1098 	    target = &new->data_dir;
1099 	}
1100     }
1101     if (target == 0)
1102 	msg_fatal("Parameter '%s' not valid with action %s",
1103 		  name, EDIT_CMD_STR(edit_cmd));
1105     /*
1106      * Extract and assign the parameter value. We do a limited number of
1107      * checks here. Conflicts between instances are checked by the caller.
1108      * More checks may be implemented in the helper script if inspired.
1109      */
1110     if (*value != '/')
1111 	msg_fatal("Parameter setting '%s' is not an absolute path", name);
1113     /* Tolerate+trim trailing "/" from readline completion */
1114     for (end = value + strlen(value) - 1; end > value && *end == '/'; --end)
1115 	*end = 0;
1117     /* No checks here for "/." or other shoot-foot silliness. */
1118     if (end == value)
1119 	msg_fatal("Parameter setting '%s' is the root directory", name);
1121     if (*target)
1122 	myfree(*target);
1123     *target = mystrdup(value);
1125     /*
1126      * Cleanup.
1127      */
1128     myfree(saved_arg);
1129 }
1131 /* assign_new_parameters - initialize new instance private parameters */
1133 static void assign_new_parameters(INSTANCE *new, int edit_cmd,
1134 			           char **argv, NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
1135 {
1136     const char *owner;
1138     /*
1139      * Sanity check the explicit parameter settings. More stringent checks
1140      * may take place in the helper script.
1141      */
1142     while (*argv)
1143 	assign_new_parameter(new, edit_cmd, *argv++);
1145     /*
1146      * Initialize any missing private directory pathnames, using the primary
1147      * configuration directory parameter values as a template, and using the
1148      * assigned instance name to fill in the blanks.
1149      *
1150      * When importing an existing instance, load private directory pathnames
1151      * from its main.cf file.
1152      */
1153     if (new->config_dir == 0)
1154 	new->config_dir =
1155 	    make_private_path(VAR_CONFIG_DIR, var_config_dir, assignment);
1156     /* Needed for better-quality error message. */
1157     if ((owner = IS_CLAIMED_BY(new->config_dir)) != 0)
1158 	msg_fatal("new %s=%s is already in use by instance %s=%s",
1159 		  VAR_CONFIG_DIR, new->config_dir, owner, new->config_dir);
1160     if (edit_cmd != EDIT_CMD_IMPORT) {
1161 	if (new->queue_dir == 0)
1162 	    new->queue_dir =
1163 		make_private_path(VAR_QUEUE_DIR, var_queue_dir, assignment);
1164 	if (new->data_dir == 0)
1165 	    new->data_dir =
1166 		make_private_path(VAR_DATA_DIR, var_data_dir, assignment);
1167     } else {
1168 	load_instance(new);
1169     }
1170 }
1172 /* export_helper_environment - update environment settings for helper command */
1174 static void export_helper_environment(INSTANCE *target, int export_flags)
1175 {
1176     ARGV   *import_env;
1177     VSTRING *multi_dirs;
1178     const SHARED_PATH *sp;
1179     RING   *entry;
1181     /*
1182      * Environment import filter, to enforce consistent behavior whether this
1183      * command is started by hand, or at system boot time. This is necessary
1184      * because some shell scripts use environment settings to override
1185      * main.cf settings.
1186      */
1187     import_env = argv_split(var_import_environ, ", \t\r\n");
1188     clean_env(import_env->argv);
1189     argv_free(import_env);
1191     /*
1192      * Prepend $command_directory: to PATH. This supposedly ensures that
1193      * naive programs will execute commands from the right Postfix version.
1194      */
1195     prepend_command_path();
1197     /*
1198      * The following ensures that Postfix's own programs will target the
1199      * primary instance.
1200      */
1201     check_setenv(CONF_ENV_PATH, var_config_dir);
1203     /*
1204      * Export the parameter settings that are shared between instances.
1205      */
1206     for (sp = shared_dir_table; sp->param_name; ++sp)
1207 	check_setenv(sp->param_name, sp->param_value[0]);
1209     /*
1210      * Export the target instance's private directory locations.
1211      */
1212     check_setenv(VAR_CONFIG_DIR, target->config_dir);
1213     check_setenv(VAR_QUEUE_DIR, target->queue_dir);
1214     check_setenv(VAR_DATA_DIR, target->data_dir);
1216     /*
1217      * With operations that add or delete a secondary instance, we export the
1218      * modified multi_instance_directories parameter value for the primary
1219      * Postfix instance.
1220      */
1221     if (export_flags & EXP_FLAG_MULTI_DIRS) {
1222 	multi_dirs = vstring_alloc(100);
1224 	    if (VSTRING_LEN(multi_dirs) > 0)
1225 		VSTRING_ADDCH(multi_dirs, ' ');
1226 	    vstring_strcat(multi_dirs, RING_TO_INSTANCE(entry)->config_dir);
1227 	}
1228 	check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_CONF_DIRS, STR(multi_dirs));
1229 	vstring_free(multi_dirs);
1230     }
1232     /*
1233      * Export updates for the instance name and group. Empty value (or no
1234      * export) means don't update, "-" means clear.
1235      */
1236     if (export_flags & EXP_FLAG_MULTI_NAME)
1237 	check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_NAME, target->name && *target->name ?
1238 		     target->name : "-");
1240     if (export_flags & EXP_FLAG_MULTI_GROUP)
1241 	check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_GROUP, target->gname && *target->gname ?
1242 		     target->gname : "-");
1244     /*
1245      * If we would implement enable/disable commands by exporting the updated
1246      * parameter value, then we could skip commands that have no effect, just
1247      * like we can skip "assign" commands that make no change.
1248      */
1249 }
1251 /* install_new_instance - install and return newly created instance */
1253 static INSTANCE *install_new_instance(int edit_cmd, char **argv,
1254 				              INST_SELECTION *selection,
1255 				              NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment,
1256 				              int *export_flags)
1257 {
1258     INSTANCE *new;
1260     new = alloc_instance((char *) 0);
1261     check_name_assignments(assignment);
1262     assign_new_parameters(new, edit_cmd, argv, assignment);
1263     *export_flags |=
1264 	(do_name_assignments(new, assignment) | EXP_FLAG_MULTI_DIRS);
1265     insert_instance(new, selection);
1266     return (new);
1267 }
1269 /* update_instance - update existing instance, return export flags */
1271 static int update_instance(INSTANCE *target, NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
1272 {
1273     int     export_flags;
1275     check_name_assignments(assignment);
1276     export_flags = do_name_assignments(target, assignment);
1277     return (export_flags);
1278 }
1280 /* select_existing_instance - return instance selected for management */
1282 static INSTANCE *select_existing_instance(INST_SELECTION *selection,
1283 					          int unlink_flag,
1284 					          int *export_flags)
1285 {
1286     INSTANCE *selected = 0;
1287     RING   *entry;
1288     INSTANCE *ip;
1290 #define DONT_UNLINK	0
1291 #define DO_UNLINK	1
1293     if (selection->type != INST_SEL_NAME)
1294 	msg_fatal("Select an instance via '-i name'");
1296     /* Find the selected instance and its predecessor */
1297     FOREACH_INSTANCE(entry) {
1298 	if (match_instance_selection(ip = RING_TO_INSTANCE(entry), selection)) {
1299 	    selected = ip;
1300 	    break;
1301 	}
1302     }
1304     if (selected == 0)
1305 	msg_fatal("No instance named %s", selection->name);
1307     if (unlink_flag) {
1308 	/* Splice the target instance out of the list */
1309 	if (ring_pred(entry) == instance_hd)
1310 	    msg_fatal("Cannot remove the primary instance");
1311 	if (selected->enabled)
1312 	    msg_fatal("Cannot remove enabled instances");
1313 	ring_detach(entry);
1314 	if (export_flags == 0)
1315 	    msg_panic("select_existing_instance: no export flags");
1316 	*export_flags |= EXP_FLAG_MULTI_DIRS;
1317     }
1318     return (selected);
1319 }
1321 /* manage - create/destroy/... manage instances */
1323 static NORETURN manage(int edit_cmd, int argc, char **argv,
1324 		               INST_SELECTION *selection,
1325 		               NAME_ASSIGNMENT *assignment)
1326 {
1327     char   *cmd;
1328     INSTANCE *target;
1329     int     export_flags;
1331     /*
1332      * Edit mode is not subject to iterator controls.
1333      */
1334 #define NO_EXPORT_FLAGS		((int *) 0)
1335     export_flags = 0;
1337     switch (edit_cmd) {
1338     case EDIT_CMD_INIT:
1339 	target = create_primary_instance();
1340 	break;
1342     case EDIT_CMD_CREATE:
1343     case EDIT_CMD_IMPORT:
1344 	load_all_instances();
1345 	target = install_new_instance(edit_cmd, argv, selection,
1346 				      assignment, &export_flags);
1347 	break;
1349     case EDIT_CMD_ASSIGN:
1350 	load_all_instances();
1351 	target =
1352 	    select_existing_instance(selection, DONT_UNLINK, NO_EXPORT_FLAGS);
1353 	export_flags |= update_instance(target, assignment);
1354 	if (export_flags == 0)
1355 	    exit(0);
1356 	break;
1358     case EDIT_CMD_DESTROY:
1359     case EDIT_CMD_DEPORT:
1360 	load_all_instances();
1361 	target = select_existing_instance(selection, DO_UNLINK, &export_flags);
1362 	break;
1364     default:
1365 	load_all_instances();
1366 	target =
1367 	    select_existing_instance(selection, DONT_UNLINK, NO_EXPORT_FLAGS);
1368 	break;
1369     }
1371     /*
1372      * Set up the helper script's process environment, and execute the helper
1373      * script.
1374      */
1375 #define HELPER "postmulti-script"
1377     export_helper_environment(target, export_flags);
1378     cmd = concatenate(var_daemon_dir, "/" HELPER, (char *) 0);
1379     execl(cmd, cmd, "-e", EDIT_CMD_STR(edit_cmd), (char *) 0);
1380     msg_fatal("%s: %m", cmd);
1381 }
1383 /* run_user_command - execute external command with requested MAIL_CONFIG env */
1385 static int run_user_command(INSTANCE *ip, int iter_cmd, int iter_flags,
1386 			            char **argv)
1387 {
1388     WAIT_STATUS_T status;
1389     int     pid;
1390     int     wpid;
1392     /*
1393      * Set up a process environment. The postfix(1) command needs MAIL_CONFIG
1394      * (or the equivalent command-line option); it overrides everything else.
1395      *
1396      * postmulti(1) typically runs various Postfix utilities (postsuper, ...) in
1397      * the context of one or more instances. It can also run various scripts
1398      * on the users PATH. So we can't clobber the user's PATH, but do want to
1399      * make sure that the utilities in $command_directory are always found in
1400      * the right place (or at all).
1401      */
1402     switch (pid = fork()) {
1403     case -1:
1404 	msg_warn("fork %s: %m", argv[0]);
1405 	return -1;
1406     case 0:
1407 	check_setenv(CONF_ENV_PATH, ip->config_dir);
1408 	if (iter_cmd != ITER_CMD_POSTFIX) {
1409 	    check_setenv(VAR_DAEMON_DIR, var_daemon_dir);
1410 	    check_setenv(VAR_COMMAND_DIR, var_command_dir);
1411 	    check_setenv(VAR_CONFIG_DIR, ip->config_dir);
1412 	    check_setenv(VAR_QUEUE_DIR, ip->queue_dir);
1413 	    check_setenv(VAR_DATA_DIR, ip->data_dir);
1414 	    check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_NAME, ip->name ? ip->name : "");
1415 	    check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_GROUP, ip->gname ? ip->gname : "");
1416 	    check_setenv(VAR_MULTI_ENABLE, ip->enabled ?
1418 	    prepend_command_path();
1419 	}
1421 	/*
1422 	 * Replace: postfix -- start ... With: postfix -- check ...
1423 	 */
1424 	if (iter_cmd == ITER_CMD_POSTFIX
1425 	    && (iter_flags & ITER_FLAG_CHECK_DISABLED) && !ip->enabled)
1426 	    argv[2] = "check";
1428 	execvp(argv[0], argv);
1429 	msg_fatal("execvp %s: %m", argv[0]);
1430     default:
1431 	do {
1432 	    wpid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
1433 	} while (wpid == -1 && errno == EINTR);
1434 	return (wpid == -1 ? -1 :
1435 		WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) : 1);
1436     }
1437 }
1439 /* word_in_list - look up command in start, stop, or control list */
1441 static int word_in_list(char *cmdlist, const char *cmd)
1442 {
1443     char   *saved;
1444     char   *cp;
1445     char   *elem;
1447     cp = saved = mystrdup(cmdlist);
1448     while ((elem = mystrtok(&cp, "\t\n\r, ")) != 0 && strcmp(elem, cmd) != 0)
1449 	 /* void */ ;
1450     myfree(saved);
1451     return (elem != 0);
1452 }
1454 /* iterate_postfix_command - execute postfix(1) command */
1456 static int iterate_postfix_command(int iter_cmd, int argc, char **argv,
1457 				           INST_SELECTION *selection)
1458 {
1459     int     exit_status;
1460     char   *cmd;
1461     ARGV   *my_argv;
1462     int     iter_flags;
1464     /*
1465      * Override the iterator controls.
1466      */
1467     if (word_in_list(var_multi_start_cmds, argv[0])) {
1468 	iter_flags = ITER_FLAG_CHECK_DISABLED;
1469     } else if (word_in_list(var_multi_stop_cmds, argv[0])) {
1471     } else if (word_in_list(var_multi_cntrl_cmds, argv[0])) {
1472 	iter_flags = ITER_FLAG_SKIP_DISABLED;
1473     } else {
1474 	iter_flags = 0;
1475     }
1477     /*
1478      * Override the command line in a straightforward manner: prepend
1479      * "postfix --" to the command arguments. Other overrides (environment,
1480      * start -> check) are implemented below the iterator.
1481      */
1482 #define POSTFIX_CMD	"postfix"
1484     my_argv = argv_alloc(argc + 2);
1485     cmd = concatenate(var_command_dir, "/" POSTFIX_CMD, (char *) 0);
1486     argv_add(my_argv, cmd, "--", (char *) 0);
1487     myfree(cmd);
1488     while (*argv)
1489 	argv_add(my_argv, *argv++, (char *) 0);
1491     /*
1492      * Execute the command for all applicable Postfix instances.
1493      */
1494     exit_status =
1495 	iterate_command(iter_cmd, iter_flags, my_argv->argv, selection);
1497     argv_free(my_argv);
1498     return (exit_status);
1499 }
1501 /* list_instances - list all selected instances */
1503 static void list_instances(int iter_flags, INST_SELECTION *selection)
1504 {
1505     RING   *entry;
1506     INSTANCE *ip;
1508     /*
1509      * Iterate over the selected instances.
1510      */
1511     FOREACH_ITERATOR_INSTANCE(iter_flags, entry) {
1512 	ip = RING_TO_INSTANCE(entry);
1513 	if (match_instance_selection(ip, selection))
1514 	    vstream_printf("%-15s %-15s %-9s %s\n",
1515 			   ip->name ? ip->name : "-",
1516 			   ip->gname ? ip->gname : "-",
1517 			   ip->enabled ? "y" : "n",
1518 			   ip->config_dir);
1519     }
1520     if (vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT))
1521 	msg_fatal("error writing output: %m");
1522 }
1524 /* iterate_command - execute command for selected instances */
1526 static int iterate_command(int iter_cmd, int iter_flags, char **argv,
1527 			           INST_SELECTION *selection)
1528 {
1529     int     exit_status = 0;
1530     int     matched = 0;
1531     RING   *entry;
1532     INSTANCE *ip;
1534     /*
1535      * Iterate over the selected instances.
1536      */
1537     FOREACH_ITERATOR_INSTANCE(iter_flags, entry) {
1538 	ip = RING_TO_INSTANCE(entry);
1539 	if ((iter_flags & ITER_FLAG_SKIP_DISABLED) && !ip->enabled)
1540 	    continue;
1541 	if (!match_instance_selection(ip, selection))
1542 	    continue;
1543 	matched = 1;
1545 	/* Run the requested command */
1546 	if (run_user_command(ip, iter_cmd, iter_flags, argv) != 0)
1547 	    exit_status = 1;
1548     }
1549     if (matched == 0)
1550 	msg_fatal("No matching instances");
1552     return (exit_status);
1553 }
1555 /* iterate - Iterate over all or selected instances */
1557 static NORETURN iterate(int iter_cmd, int iter_flags, int argc, char **argv,
1558 			        INST_SELECTION *selection)
1559 {
1560     int     exit_status;
1562     /*
1563      * In iterator mode, no selection means wild-card selection.
1564      */
1565     if (selection->type == INST_SEL_NONE)
1566 	selection->type = INST_SEL_ALL;
1568     /*
1569      * Load the in-memory instance table from main.cf files.
1570      */
1571     load_all_instances();
1573     /*
1574      * Iterate over the selected instances.
1575      */
1576     switch (iter_cmd) {
1577     case ITER_CMD_POSTFIX:
1578 	exit_status = iterate_postfix_command(iter_cmd, argc, argv, selection);
1579 	break;
1580     case ITER_CMD_LIST:
1581 	list_instances(iter_flags, selection);
1582 	exit_status = 0;
1583 	break;
1584     case ITER_CMD_GENERIC:
1585 	exit_status = iterate_command(iter_cmd, iter_flags, argv, selection);
1586 	break;
1587     default:
1588 	msg_panic("iterate: unknown mode: %d", iter_cmd);
1589     }
1590     exit(exit_status);
1591 }
1593 static NORETURN usage(const char *progname)
1594 {
1595     msg_fatal("Usage:"
1596 	      "%s -l [-v] [-a] [-g group] [-i instance] | "
1597 	      "%s -p [-v] [-a] [-g group] [-i instance] command... | "
1598 	      "%s -x [-v] [-a] [-i name] [-g group] command... | "
1599 	      "%s -e action [-v] [-a] [-i name] [-g group] [-I name] "
1600 	      "[-G group] [param=value ...]",
1601 	      progname, progname, progname, progname);
1602 }
1606 /* main - iterate commands over multiple instance or manage instances */
1608 int     main(int argc, char **argv)
1609 {
1610     int     fd;
1611     struct stat st;
1612     char   *slash;
1613     char   *config_dir;
1614     int     ch;
1615     static const CONFIG_STR_TABLE str_table[] = {
1616 	VAR_MULTI_START_CMDS, DEF_MULTI_START_CMDS, &var_multi_start_cmds, 0, 0,
1617 	VAR_MULTI_STOP_CMDS, DEF_MULTI_STOP_CMDS, &var_multi_stop_cmds, 0, 0,
1618 	VAR_MULTI_CNTRL_CMDS, DEF_MULTI_CNTRL_CMDS, &var_multi_cntrl_cmds, 0, 0,
1619 	0,
1620     };
1621     int     instance_select_count = 0;
1622     int     command_mode_count = 0;
1623     INST_SELECTION selection;
1624     NAME_ASSIGNMENT assignment;
1625     int     iter_flags = ITER_FLAG_DEFAULT;
1626     int     cmd_mode = 0;
1627     int     code;
1629     selection.type = INST_SEL_NONE;
1630     assignment.name = assignment.gname = 0;
1632     /*
1633      * Fingerprint executables and core dumps.
1634      */
1637     /*
1638      * Be consistent with file permissions.
1639      */
1640     umask(022);
1642     /*
1643      * To minimize confusion, make sure that the standard file descriptors
1644      * are open before opening anything else. XXX Work around for 44BSD where
1645      * fstat can return EBADF on an open file descriptor.
1646      */
1647     for (fd = 0; fd < 3; fd++)
1648 	if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1
1649 	    && (close(fd), open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) != fd)
1650 	    msg_fatal("open /dev/null: %m");
1652     /*
1653      * Set up diagnostics. XXX What if stdin is the system console during
1654      * boot time? It seems a bad idea to log startup errors to the console.
1655      * This is UNIX, a system that can run without hand holding.
1656      */
1657     if ((slash = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != 0 && slash[1])
1658 	argv[0] = slash + 1;
1659     if (isatty(STDERR_FILENO))
1660 	msg_vstream_init(argv[0], VSTREAM_ERR);
1661     msg_syslog_init(argv[0], LOG_PID, LOG_FACILITY);
1663     if ((config_dir = getenv(CONF_ENV_PATH)) != 0
1664 	&& strcmp(config_dir, DEF_CONFIG_DIR) != 0)
1665 	msg_fatal("Non-default configuration directory: %s=%s",
1666 		  CONF_ENV_PATH, config_dir);
1668     /*
1669      * Parse switches.
1670      */
1671     while ((ch = GETOPT(argc, argv, "ae:g:i:G:I:lpRvx")) > 0) {
1672 	switch (ch) {
1673 	default:
1674 	    usage(argv[0]);
1675 	    /* NOTREACHED */
1676 	case 'a':
1677 	    if (selection.type != INST_SEL_ALL)
1678 		instance_select_count++;
1679 	    selection.type = INST_SEL_ALL;
1680 	    break;
1681 	case 'e':
1682 	    if ((code = EDIT_CMD_CODE(optarg)) < 0)
1683 		msg_fatal("Invalid '-e' edit action '%s'. Specify '%s', "
1684 			  "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s'",
1685 			  optarg,
1694 			  optarg);
1695 	    if (cmd_mode != code)
1696 		command_mode_count++;
1697 	    cmd_mode = code;
1698 	    break;
1699 	case 'g':
1700 	    instance_select_count++;
1701 	    selection.type = INST_SEL_GROUP;
1702 	    selection.name = optarg;
1703 	    break;
1704 	case 'i':
1705 	    instance_select_count++;
1706 	    selection.type = INST_SEL_NAME;
1707 	    selection.name = optarg;
1708 	    break;
1709 	case 'G':
1710 	    if (assignment.gname != 0)
1711 		msg_fatal("Specify at most one '-G' option");
1712 	    assignment.gname = strcmp(optarg, "-") == 0 ? "" : optarg;
1713 	    break;
1714 	case 'I':
1715 	    if (assignment.name != 0)
1716 		msg_fatal("Specify at most one '-I' option");
1717 	    assignment.name = strcmp(optarg, "-") == 0 ? "" : optarg;
1718 	    break;
1719 	case 'l':
1720 	    if (cmd_mode != ITER_CMD_LIST)
1721 		command_mode_count++;
1722 	    cmd_mode = ITER_CMD_LIST;
1723 	    break;
1724 	case 'p':
1725 	    if (cmd_mode != ITER_CMD_POSTFIX)
1726 		command_mode_count++;
1727 	    cmd_mode = ITER_CMD_POSTFIX;
1728 	    break;
1729 	case 'R':
1730 	    iter_flags ^= ITER_FLAG_REVERSE;
1731 	    break;
1732 	case 'v':
1733 	    msg_verbose++;
1734 	    check_setenv(CONF_ENV_VERB, "");
1735 	    break;
1736 	case 'x':
1737 	    if (cmd_mode != ITER_CMD_GENERIC)
1738 		command_mode_count++;
1739 	    cmd_mode = ITER_CMD_GENERIC;
1740 	    break;
1741 	}
1742     }
1744     /*
1745      * Report missing arguments, or wrong arguments in the wrong context.
1746      */
1747     if (instance_select_count > 1)
1748 	msg_fatal("Specity no more than one of '-a', '-g', '-i'");
1750     if (command_mode_count != 1)
1751 	msg_fatal("Specify exactly one of '-e', '-l', '-p', '-x'");
1753     if (cmd_mode == ITER_CMD_LIST && argc > optind)
1754 	msg_fatal("Command not allowed with '-l'");
1756     if (cmd_mode == ITER_CMD_POSTFIX || cmd_mode == ITER_CMD_GENERIC)
1757 	if (argc == optind)
1758 	    msg_fatal("Command required with '-p' or '-x' option");
1760     if (cmd_mode == ITER_CMD_POSTFIX || (cmd_mode & EDIT_CMD_MASK_ALL))
1761 	if (iter_flags != ITER_FLAG_DEFAULT)
1762 	    msg_fatal("The '-p' and '-e' options preclude the use of '-R'");
1764     if ((cmd_mode & EDIT_CMD_MASK_ASSIGN) == 0
1765 	&& (assignment.name || assignment.gname)) {
1766 	if ((cmd_mode & EDIT_CMD_MASK_ALL) == 0)
1767 	    msg_fatal("Cannot assign instance name or group without '-e %s'",
1769 	else
1770 	    msg_fatal("Cannot assign instance name or group with '-e %s'",
1771 		      EDIT_CMD_STR(cmd_mode));
1772     }
1773     if (cmd_mode & EDIT_CMD_MASK_ALL) {
1774 	if (cmd_mode == EDIT_CMD_ASSIGN
1775 	    && (assignment.name == 0 && assignment.gname == 0))
1776 	    msg_fatal("Specify new instance name or group with '-e %s'",
1777 		      EDIT_CMD_STR(cmd_mode));
1779 	if ((cmd_mode & ~EDIT_CMD_MASK_ADD) != 0 && argc > optind)
1780 	    msg_fatal("Parameter overrides not valid with '-e %s'",
1781 		      EDIT_CMD_STR(cmd_mode));
1782     }
1784     /*
1785      * Proces main.cf parameters.
1786      */
1787     mail_conf_read();
1788     get_mail_conf_str_table(str_table);
1790     /*
1791      * Sanity checks.
1792      */
1793     check_shared_dir_status();
1795     /*
1796      * Iterate over selected instances, or manipulate one instance.
1797      */
1798     if (cmd_mode & ITER_CMD_MASK_ALL)
1799 	iterate(cmd_mode, iter_flags, argc - optind, argv + optind, &selection);
1800     else
1801 	manage(cmd_mode, argc - optind, argv + optind, &selection, &assignment);
1802 }