xref: /netbsd/sys/dev/isa/wt.c (revision bf9ec67e)
1 /*	$NetBSD: wt.c,v 1.54 2002/01/07 21:47:14 thorpej Exp $	*/
3 /*
4  * Streamer tape driver.
5  * Supports Archive and Wangtek compatible QIC-02/QIC-36 boards.
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 1993 by:
8  *	Sergey Ryzhkov <sir@kiae.su>
9  *	Serge Vakulenko <vak@zebub.msk.su>
10  *
11  * This software is distributed with NO WARRANTIES, not even the implied
13  *
14  * Authors grant any other persons or organisations permission to use
15  * or modify this software as long as this message is kept with the software,
16  * all derivative works or modified versions.
17  *
18  * This driver is derived from the old 386bsd Wangtek streamer tape driver,
19  * made by Robert Baron at CMU, based on Intel sources.
20  */
22 /*
23  * Copyright (c) 1989 Carnegie-Mellon University.
24  * All rights reserved.
25  *
26  * Authors: Robert Baron
27  *
28  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
29  * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
30  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
31  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
32  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
33  *
37  *
38  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
39  *
40  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
41  *  School of Computer Science
42  *  Carnegie Mellon University
43  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
44  *
45  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
46  * rights to redistribute these changes.
47  */
49 /*
50  *  Copyright 1988, 1989 by Intel Corporation
51  */
53 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
54 __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: wt.c,v 1.54 2002/01/07 21:47:14 thorpej Exp $");
56 #include <sys/param.h>
57 #include <sys/systm.h>
58 #include <sys/callout.h>
59 #include <sys/kernel.h>
60 #include <sys/buf.h>
61 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
62 #include <sys/malloc.h>
63 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
64 #include <sys/mtio.h>
65 #include <sys/device.h>
66 #include <sys/proc.h>
67 #include <sys/conf.h>
69 #include <machine/intr.h>
70 #include <machine/bus.h>
71 #include <machine/pio.h>
73 #include <dev/isa/isavar.h>
74 #include <dev/isa/isadmavar.h>
75 #include <dev/isa/wtreg.h>
77 /*
78  * Uncomment this to enable internal device tracing.
79  */
80 #define WTDBPRINT(x)		/* printf x */
82 #define WTPRI			(PZERO+10)	/* sleep priority */
84 #define WT_NPORT		2		/* 2 i/o ports */
85 #define AV_NPORT		4		/* 4 i/o ports */
87 enum wttype {
88 	UNKNOWN = 0,	/* unknown type, driver disabled */
89 	ARCHIVE,	/* Archive Viper SC499, SC402 etc */
90 	WANGTEK,	/* Wangtek */
91 };
93 static struct wtregs {
94 	/* controller ports */
95 	int DATAPORT,	/* data, read only */
96 	CMDPORT,	/* command, write only */
97 	STATPORT,	/* status, read only */
98 	CTLPORT,	/* control, write only */
99 	SDMAPORT,	/* start dma */
100 	RDMAPORT;	/* reset dma */
101 	/* status port bits */
102 	u_char BUSY,	/* not ready bit define */
103 	NOEXCEP,	/* no exception bit define */
104 	RESETMASK,	/* to check after reset */
105 	RESETVAL,	/* state after reset */
106 	/* control port bits */
107 	ONLINE,		/* device selected */
108 	RESET,		/* reset command */
109 	REQUEST,	/* request command */
110 	IEN;		/* enable interrupts */
111 } wtregs = {
112 	1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
113 	0x01, 0x02, 0x07, 0x05,
114 	0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08
115 }, avregs = {
116 	0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3,
117 	0x40, 0x20, 0xf8, 0x50,
118 	0, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20
119 };
121 struct wt_softc {
122 	struct device sc_dev;
123 	void *sc_ih;
125 	bus_space_tag_t		sc_iot;
126 	bus_space_handle_t	sc_ioh;
127 	isa_chipset_tag_t	sc_ic;
129 	struct callout		sc_timer_ch;
131 	enum wttype type;	/* type of controller */
132 	int chan;		/* dma channel number, 1..3 */
133 	int flags;		/* state of tape drive */
134 	unsigned dens;		/* tape density */
135 	int bsize;		/* tape block size */
136 	void *buf;		/* internal i/o buffer */
138 	void *dmavaddr;		/* virtual address of dma i/o buffer */
139 	size_t dmatotal;	/* size of i/o buffer */
140 	int dmaflags;		/* i/o direction */
141 	size_t dmacount;	/* resulting length of dma i/o */
143 	u_short error;		/* code for error encountered */
144 	u_short ercnt;		/* number of error blocks */
145 	u_short urcnt;		/* number of underruns */
147 	struct wtregs regs;
148 };
150 /* XXX: These don't belong here really */
151 cdev_decl(wt);
152 bdev_decl(wt);
154 int wtwait __P((struct wt_softc *sc, int catch, char *msg));
155 int wtcmd __P((struct wt_softc *sc, int cmd));
156 int wtstart __P((struct wt_softc *sc, int flag, void *vaddr, size_t len));
157 void wtdma __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
158 void wttimer __P((void *arg));
159 void wtclock __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
160 int wtreset __P((bus_space_tag_t, bus_space_handle_t, struct wtregs *));
161 int wtsense __P((struct wt_softc *sc, int verbose, int ignore));
162 int wtstatus __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
163 void wtrewind __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
164 int wtreadfm __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
165 int wtwritefm __P((struct wt_softc *sc));
166 u_char wtsoft __P((struct wt_softc *sc, int mask, int bits));
168 int wtprobe __P((struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *));
169 void wtattach __P((struct device *, struct device *, void *));
170 int wtintr __P((void *sc));
172 struct cfattach wt_ca = {
173 	sizeof(struct wt_softc), wtprobe, wtattach
174 };
176 extern struct cfdriver wt_cd;
178 /*
179  * Probe for the presence of the device.
180  */
181 int
182 wtprobe(parent, match, aux)
183 	struct device *parent;
184 	struct cfdata *match;
185 	void *aux;
186 {
187 	struct isa_attach_args *ia = aux;
188 	bus_space_tag_t iot = ia->ia_iot;
189 	bus_space_handle_t ioh;
190 	int rv = 0, iosize;
192 	if (ia->ia_nio < 1)
193 		return (0);
194 	if (ia->ia_nirq < 1)
195 		return (0);
196 	if (ia->ia_ndrq < 1);
198 	/* Disallow wildcarded i/o address. */
199 	if (ia->ia_io[0].ir_addr == ISACF_PORT_DEFAULT)
200 		return (0);
201 	if (ia->ia_irq[0].ir_irq == ISACF_IRQ_DEFAULT)
202 		return (0);
204 	if (ia->ia_drq[0].ir_drq < 1 || ia->ia_drq[0].ir_drq > 3) {
205 		printf("wtprobe: Bad drq=%d, should be 1..3\n",
206 		    ia->ia_drq[0].ir_drq);
207 		return (0);
208 	}
210 	iosize = AV_NPORT;
212 	/* Map i/o space */
213 	if (bus_space_map(iot, ia->ia_io[0].ir_addr, iosize, 0, &ioh))
214 		return 0;
216 	/* Try Wangtek. */
217 	if (wtreset(iot, ioh, &wtregs)) {
218 		iosize = WT_NPORT; /* XXX misleading */
219 		rv = 1;
220 		goto done;
221 	}
223 	/* Try Archive. */
224 	if (wtreset(iot, ioh, &avregs)) {
225 		iosize = AV_NPORT;
226 		rv = 1;
227 		goto done;
228 	}
230 done:
231 	if (rv) {
232 		ia->ia_nio = 1;
233 		ia->ia_io[0].ir_size = iosize;
235 		ia->ia_nirq = 1;
236 		ia->ia_ndrq = 1;
238 		ia->ia_niomem = 0;
239 	}
240 	bus_space_unmap(iot, ioh, AV_NPORT);
241 	return rv;
242 }
244 /*
245  * Device is found, configure it.
246  */
247 void
248 wtattach(parent, self, aux)
249 	struct device *parent, *self;
250 	void *aux;
251 {
252 	struct wt_softc *sc = (void *)self;
253 	struct isa_attach_args *ia = aux;
254 	bus_space_tag_t iot = ia->ia_iot;
255 	bus_space_handle_t ioh;
256 	bus_size_t maxsize;
258 	/* Map i/o space */
259 	if (bus_space_map(iot, ia->ia_io[0].ir_addr, AV_NPORT, 0, &ioh)) {
260 		printf(": can't map i/o space\n");
261 		return;
262 	}
264 	sc->sc_iot = iot;
265 	sc->sc_ioh = ioh;
266 	sc->sc_ic = ia->ia_ic;
268 	callout_init(&sc->sc_timer_ch);
270 	/* Try Wangtek. */
271 	if (wtreset(iot, ioh, &wtregs)) {
272 		sc->type = WANGTEK;
273 		memcpy(&sc->regs, &wtregs, sizeof(sc->regs));
274 		printf(": type <Wangtek>\n");
275 		goto ok;
276 	}
278 	/* Try Archive. */
279 	if (wtreset(iot, ioh, &avregs)) {
280 		sc->type = ARCHIVE;
281 		memcpy(&sc->regs, &avregs, sizeof(sc->regs));
282 		printf(": type <Archive>\n");
283 		/* Reset DMA. */
284 		bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.RDMAPORT, 0);
285 		goto ok;
286 	}
288 	/* what happened? */
289 	printf("%s: lost controller\n", self->dv_xname);
290 	return;
292 ok:
293 	sc->flags = TPSTART;		/* tape is rewound */
294 	sc->dens = -1;			/* unknown density */
296 	sc->chan = ia->ia_drq[0].ir_drq;
298 	if ((maxsize = isa_dmamaxsize(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan)) < MAXPHYS) {
299 		printf("%s: max DMA size %lu is less than required %d\n",
300 		    sc->sc_dev.dv_xname, (u_long)maxsize, MAXPHYS);
301 		return;
302 	}
304 	if (isa_dmamap_create(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan, MAXPHYS,
306 		printf("%s: can't set up ISA DMA map\n",
307 		    sc->sc_dev.dv_xname);
308 		return;
309 	}
311 	sc->sc_ih = isa_intr_establish(ia->ia_ic, ia->ia_irq[0].ir_irq,
312 	    IST_EDGE, IPL_BIO, wtintr, sc);
313 }
315 int
316 wtdump(dev, blkno, va, size)
317 	dev_t dev;
318 	daddr_t blkno;
319 	caddr_t va;
320 	size_t size;
321 {
323 	/* Not implemented. */
324 	return ENXIO;
325 }
327 int
328 wtsize(dev)
329 	dev_t dev;
330 {
332 	/* Not implemented. */
333 	return -1;
334 }
336 /*
337  * Open routine, called on every device open.
338  */
339 int
340 wtopen(dev, flag, mode, p)
341 	dev_t dev;
342 	int flag;
343 	int mode;
344 	struct proc *p;
345 {
346 	int unit = minor(dev) & T_UNIT;
347 	struct wt_softc *sc;
348 	int error;
350 	sc = device_lookup(&wt_cd, unit);
351 	if (sc == NULL)
352 		return (ENXIO);
354 	/* Check that device is not in use */
355 	if (sc->flags & TPINUSE)
356 		return EBUSY;
358 	/* If the tape is in rewound state, check the status and set density. */
359 	if (sc->flags & TPSTART) {
360 		/* If rewind is going on, wait */
361 		if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wtrew")) != 0)
362 			return error;
364 		/* Check the controller status */
365 		if (!wtsense(sc, 0, (flag & FWRITE) ? 0 : TP_WRP)) {
366 			/* Bad status, reset the controller. */
367 			if (!wtreset(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, &sc->regs))
368 				return EIO;
369 			if (!wtsense(sc, 1, (flag & FWRITE) ? 0 : TP_WRP))
370 				return EIO;
371 		}
373 		/* Set up tape density. */
374 		if (sc->dens != (minor(dev) & WT_DENSEL)) {
375 			int d = 0;
377 			switch (minor(dev) & WT_DENSEL) {
378 			case WT_DENSDFLT:
379 			default:
380 				break;			/* default density */
381 			case WT_QIC11:
382 				d = QIC_FMT11;  break;	/* minor 010 */
383 			case WT_QIC24:
384 				d = QIC_FMT24;  break;	/* minor 020 */
385 			case WT_QIC120:
386 				d = QIC_FMT120; break;	/* minor 030 */
387 			case WT_QIC150:
388 				d = QIC_FMT150; break;	/* minor 040 */
389 			case WT_QIC300:
390 				d = QIC_FMT300; break;	/* minor 050 */
391 			case WT_QIC600:
392 				d = QIC_FMT600; break;	/* minor 060 */
393 			}
394 			if (d) {
395 				/* Change tape density. */
396 				if (!wtcmd(sc, d))
397 					return EIO;
398 				if (!wtsense(sc, 1, TP_WRP | TP_ILL))
399 					return EIO;
401 				/* Check the status of the controller. */
402 				if (sc->error & TP_ILL) {
403 					printf("%s: invalid tape density\n",
404 					    sc->sc_dev.dv_xname);
405 					return ENODEV;
406 				}
407 			}
408 			sc->dens = minor(dev) & WT_DENSEL;
409 		}
410 		sc->flags &= ~TPSTART;
411 	} else if (sc->dens != (minor(dev) & WT_DENSEL))
412 		return ENXIO;
414 	sc->bsize = (minor(dev) & WT_BSIZE) ? 1024 : 512;
415 	sc->buf = malloc(sc->bsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
417 	sc->flags = TPINUSE;
418 	if (flag & FREAD)
419 		sc->flags |= TPREAD;
420 	if (flag & FWRITE)
421 		sc->flags |= TPWRITE;
422 	return 0;
423 }
425 /*
426  * Close routine, called on last device close.
427  */
428 int
429 wtclose(dev, flags, mode, p)
430 	dev_t dev;
431 	int flags;
432 	int mode;
433 	struct proc *p;
434 {
435 	struct wt_softc *sc = device_lookup(&wt_cd, minor(dev) & T_UNIT);
437 	/* If rewind is pending, do nothing */
438 	if (sc->flags & TPREW)
439 		goto done;
441 	/* If seek forward is pending and no rewind on close, do nothing */
442 	if (sc->flags & TPRMARK) {
443 		if (minor(dev) & T_NOREWIND)
444 			goto done;
446 		/* If read file mark is going on, wait */
447 		wtwait(sc, 0, "wtrfm");
448 	}
450 	if (sc->flags & TPWANY) {
451 		/* Tape was written.  Write file mark. */
452 		wtwritefm(sc);
453 	}
455 	if ((minor(dev) & T_NOREWIND) == 0) {
456 		/* Rewind to beginning of tape. */
457 		/* Don't wait until rewind, though. */
458 		wtrewind(sc);
459 		goto done;
460 	}
461 	if ((sc->flags & TPRANY) && (sc->flags & (TPVOL | TPWANY)) == 0) {
462 		/* Space forward to after next file mark if no writing done. */
463 		/* Don't wait for completion. */
464 		wtreadfm(sc);
465 	}
467 done:
468 	sc->flags &= TPREW | TPRMARK | TPSTART | TPTIMER;
469 	free(sc->buf, M_TEMP);
470 	return 0;
471 }
473 /*
474  * Ioctl routine.  Compatible with BSD ioctls.
475  * Direct QIC-02 commands ERASE and RETENSION added.
476  * There are three possible ioctls:
477  * ioctl(int fd, MTIOCGET, struct mtget *buf)	-- get status
478  * ioctl(int fd, MTIOCTOP, struct mtop *buf)	-- do BSD-like op
479  * ioctl(int fd, WTQICMD, int qicop)		-- do QIC op
480  */
481 int
482 wtioctl(dev, cmd, addr, flag, p)
483 	dev_t dev;
484 	u_long cmd;
485 	caddr_t addr;
486 	int flag;
487 	struct proc *p;
488 {
489 	struct wt_softc *sc = device_lookup(&wt_cd, minor(dev) & T_UNIT);
490 	int error, count, op;
492 	switch (cmd) {
493 	default:
494 		return EINVAL;
495 	case WTQICMD:	/* direct QIC command */
496 		op = *(int *)addr;
497 		switch (op) {
498 		default:
499 			return EINVAL;
500 		case QIC_ERASE:		/* erase the whole tape */
501 			if ((sc->flags & TPWRITE) == 0 || (sc->flags & TPWP))
502 				return EACCES;
503 			if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wterase")) != 0)
504 				return error;
505 			break;
506 		case QIC_RETENS:	/* retension the tape */
507 			if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wtretens")) != 0)
508 				return error;
509 			break;
510 		}
511 		/* Both ERASE and RETENS operations work like REWIND. */
512 		/* Simulate the rewind operation here. */
513 		sc->flags &= ~(TPRO | TPWO | TPVOL);
514 		if (!wtcmd(sc, op))
515 			return EIO;
516 		sc->flags |= TPSTART | TPREW;
517 		if (op == QIC_ERASE)
518 			sc->flags |= TPWANY;
519 		wtclock(sc);
520 		return 0;
521 	case MTIOCIEOT:	/* ignore EOT errors */
522 	case MTIOCEEOT:	/* enable EOT errors */
523 		return 0;
524 	case MTIOCGET:
525 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_type =
526 			sc->type == ARCHIVE ? MT_ISVIPER1 : 0x11;
527 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_dsreg = sc->flags;	/* status */
528 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_erreg = sc->error;	/* errors */
529 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_resid = 0;
530 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_fileno = 0;		/* file */
531 		((struct mtget*)addr)->mt_blkno = 0;		/* block */
532 		return 0;
533 	case MTIOCTOP:
534 		break;
535 	}
537 	switch ((short)((struct mtop*)addr)->mt_op) {
538 	default:
539 #if 0
540 	case MTFSR:	/* forward space record */
541 	case MTBSR:	/* backward space record */
542 	case MTBSF:	/* backward space file */
543 #endif
544 		return EINVAL;
545 	case MTNOP:	/* no operation, sets status only */
546 	case MTCACHE:	/* enable controller cache */
547 	case MTNOCACHE:	/* disable controller cache */
548 		return 0;
549 	case MTREW:	/* rewind */
550 	case MTOFFL:	/* rewind and put the drive offline */
551 		if (sc->flags & TPREW)   /* rewind is running */
552 			return 0;
553 		if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wtorew")) != 0)
554 			return error;
555 		wtrewind(sc);
556 		return 0;
557 	case MTFSF:	/* forward space file */
558 		for (count = ((struct mtop*)addr)->mt_count; count > 0;
559 		    --count) {
560 			if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wtorfm")) != 0)
561 				return error;
562 			if ((error = wtreadfm(sc)) != 0)
563 				return error;
564 		}
565 		return 0;
566 	case MTWEOF:	/* write an end-of-file record */
567 		if ((sc->flags & TPWRITE) == 0 || (sc->flags & TPWP))
568 			return EACCES;
569 		if ((error = wtwait(sc, PCATCH, "wtowfm")) != 0)
570 			return error;
571 		if ((error = wtwritefm(sc)) != 0)
572 			return error;
573 		return 0;
574 	}
576 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
577 	panic("wtioctl: impossible");
578 #endif
579 }
581 /*
582  * Strategy routine.
583  */
584 void
585 wtstrategy(bp)
586 	struct buf *bp;
587 {
588 	struct wt_softc *sc = device_lookup(&wt_cd, minor(bp->b_dev) & T_UNIT);
589 	int s;
591 	bp->b_resid = bp->b_bcount;
593 	/* at file marks and end of tape, we just return '0 bytes available' */
594 	if (sc->flags & TPVOL)
595 		goto xit;
597 	if (bp->b_flags & B_READ) {
598 		/* Check read access and no previous write to this tape. */
599 		if ((sc->flags & TPREAD) == 0 || (sc->flags & TPWANY))
600 			goto errxit;
602 		/* For now, we assume that all data will be copied out */
603 		/* If read command outstanding, just skip down */
604 		if ((sc->flags & TPRO) == 0) {
605 			if (!wtsense(sc, 1, TP_WRP)) {
606 				/* Clear status. */
607 				goto errxit;
608 			}
609 			if (!wtcmd(sc, QIC_RDDATA)) {
610 				/* Set read mode. */
611 				wtsense(sc, 1, TP_WRP);
612 				goto errxit;
613 			}
614 			sc->flags |= TPRO | TPRANY;
615 		}
616 	} else {
617 		/* Check write access and write protection. */
618 		/* No previous read from this tape allowed. */
619 		if ((sc->flags & TPWRITE) == 0 || (sc->flags & (TPWP | TPRANY)))
620 			goto errxit;
622 		/* If write command outstanding, just skip down */
623 		if ((sc->flags & TPWO) == 0) {
624 			if (!wtsense(sc, 1, 0)) {
625 				/* Clear status. */
626 				goto errxit;
627 			}
628 			if (!wtcmd(sc, QIC_WRTDATA)) {
629 				/* Set write mode. */
630 				wtsense(sc, 1, 0);
631 				goto errxit;
632 			}
633 			sc->flags |= TPWO | TPWANY;
634 		}
635 	}
637 	if (bp->b_bcount == 0)
638 		goto xit;
640 	sc->flags &= ~TPEXCEP;
641 	s = splbio();
642 	if (wtstart(sc, bp->b_flags, bp->b_data, bp->b_bcount)) {
643 		wtwait(sc, 0, (bp->b_flags & B_READ) ? "wtread" : "wtwrite");
644 		bp->b_resid -= sc->dmacount;
645 	}
646 	splx(s);
648 	if (sc->flags & TPEXCEP) {
649 errxit:
650 		bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
651 		bp->b_error = EIO;
652 	}
653 xit:
654 	biodone(bp);
655 	return;
656 }
658 int
659 wtread(dev, uio, flags)
660 	dev_t dev;
661 	struct uio *uio;
662 	int flags;
663 {
665 	return (physio(wtstrategy, NULL, dev, B_READ, minphys, uio));
666 }
668 int
669 wtwrite(dev, uio, flags)
670 	dev_t dev;
671 	struct uio *uio;
672 	int flags;
673 {
675 	return (physio(wtstrategy, NULL, dev, B_WRITE, minphys, uio));
676 }
678 /*
679  * Interrupt routine.
680  */
681 int
682 wtintr(arg)
683 	void *arg;
684 {
685 	struct wt_softc *sc = arg;
686 	u_char x;
688 	/* get status */
689 	x = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, sc->regs.STATPORT);
690 	WTDBPRINT(("wtintr() status=0x%x -- ", x));
691 	if ((x & (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP))
692 	    == (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP)) {
693 		WTDBPRINT(("busy\n"));
694 		return 0;			/* device is busy */
695 	}
697 	/*
698 	 * Check if rewind finished.
699 	 */
700 	if (sc->flags & TPREW) {
701 		WTDBPRINT(((x & (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP))
702 			   == (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP) ?
703 			   "rewind busy?\n" : "rewind finished\n"));
704 		sc->flags &= ~TPREW;		/* rewind finished */
705 		wtsense(sc, 1, TP_WRP);
706 		wakeup((caddr_t)sc);
707 		return 1;
708 	}
710 	/*
711 	 * Check if writing/reading of file mark finished.
712 	 */
713 	if (sc->flags & (TPRMARK | TPWMARK)) {
714 		WTDBPRINT(((x & (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP))
715 			   == (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP) ?
716 			   "marker r/w busy?\n" : "marker r/w finished\n"));
717 		if ((x & sc->regs.NOEXCEP) == 0)	/* operation failed */
718 			wtsense(sc, 1, (sc->flags & TPRMARK) ? TP_WRP : 0);
719 		sc->flags &= ~(TPRMARK | TPWMARK); /* operation finished */
720 		wakeup((caddr_t)sc);
721 		return 1;
722 	}
724 	/*
725 	 * Do we started any i/o?  If no, just return.
726 	 */
727 	if ((sc->flags & TPACTIVE) == 0) {
728 		WTDBPRINT(("unexpected interrupt\n"));
729 		return 0;
730 	}
731 	sc->flags &= ~TPACTIVE;
732 	sc->dmacount += sc->bsize;		/* increment counter */
734 	/*
735 	 * Clean up dma.
736 	 */
737 	if ((sc->dmaflags & DMAMODE_READ) &&
738 	    (sc->dmatotal - sc->dmacount) < sc->bsize) {
739 		/* If reading short block, copy the internal buffer
740 		 * to the user memory. */
741 		isa_dmadone(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan);
742 		memcpy(sc->dmavaddr, sc->buf, sc->dmatotal - sc->dmacount);
743 	} else
744 		isa_dmadone(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan);
746 	/*
747 	 * On exception, check for end of file and end of volume.
748 	 */
749 	if ((x & sc->regs.NOEXCEP) == 0) {
750 		WTDBPRINT(("i/o exception\n"));
751 		wtsense(sc, 1, (sc->dmaflags & DMAMODE_READ) ? TP_WRP : 0);
752 		if (sc->error & (TP_EOM | TP_FIL))
753 			sc->flags |= TPVOL;	/* end of file */
754 		else
755 			sc->flags |= TPEXCEP;	/* i/o error */
756 		wakeup((caddr_t)sc);
757 		return 1;
758 	}
760 	if (sc->dmacount < sc->dmatotal) {
761 		/* Continue I/O. */
762 		sc->dmavaddr = (char *)sc->dmavaddr + sc->bsize;
763 		wtdma(sc);
764 		WTDBPRINT(("continue i/o, %d\n", sc->dmacount));
765 		return 1;
766 	}
767 	if (sc->dmacount > sc->dmatotal)	/* short last block */
768 		sc->dmacount = sc->dmatotal;
769 	/* Wake up user level. */
770 	wakeup((caddr_t)sc);
771 	WTDBPRINT(("i/o finished, %d\n", sc->dmacount));
772 	return 1;
773 }
775 /* start the rewind operation */
776 void
777 wtrewind(sc)
778 	struct wt_softc *sc;
779 {
780 	int rwmode = sc->flags & (TPRO | TPWO);
782 	sc->flags &= ~(TPRO | TPWO | TPVOL);
783 	/*
784 	 * Wangtek strictly follows QIC-02 standard:
785 	 * clearing ONLINE in read/write modes causes rewind.
786 	 * REWIND command is not allowed in read/write mode
787 	 * and gives `illegal command' error.
788 	 */
789 	if (sc->type == WANGTEK && rwmode) {
790 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT, 0);
791 	} else if (!wtcmd(sc, QIC_REWIND))
792 		return;
793 	sc->flags |= TPSTART | TPREW;
794 	wtclock(sc);
795 }
797 /*
798  * Start the `read marker' operation.
799  */
800 int
801 wtreadfm(sc)
802 	struct wt_softc *sc;
803 {
805 	sc->flags &= ~(TPRO | TPWO | TPVOL);
806 	if (!wtcmd(sc, QIC_READFM)) {
807 		wtsense(sc, 1, TP_WRP);
808 		return EIO;
809 	}
810 	sc->flags |= TPRMARK | TPRANY;
811 	wtclock(sc);
812 	/* Don't wait for completion here. */
813 	return 0;
814 }
816 /*
817  * Write marker to the tape.
818  */
819 int
820 wtwritefm(sc)
821 	struct wt_softc *sc;
822 {
824 	tsleep((caddr_t)wtwritefm, WTPRI, "wtwfm", hz);
825 	sc->flags &= ~(TPRO | TPWO);
826 	if (!wtcmd(sc, QIC_WRITEFM)) {
827 		wtsense(sc, 1, 0);
828 		return EIO;
829 	}
830 	sc->flags |= TPWMARK | TPWANY;
831 	wtclock(sc);
832 	return wtwait(sc, 0, "wtwfm");
833 }
835 /*
836  * While controller status & mask == bits continue waiting.
837  */
838 u_char
839 wtsoft(sc, mask, bits)
840 	struct wt_softc *sc;
841 	int mask, bits;
842 {
843 	bus_space_tag_t iot = sc->sc_iot;
844 	bus_space_handle_t ioh = sc->sc_ioh;
845 	u_char x;
846 	int i;
849 	/* Poll status port, waiting for specified bits. */
850 	for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {	/* up to 1 msec */
851 		x = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.STATPORT);
852 		if ((x & mask) != bits)
853 			return x;
854 		delay(1);
855 	}
856 	for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {	/* up to 10 msec */
857 		x = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.STATPORT);
858 		if ((x & mask) != bits)
859 			return x;
860 		delay(100);
861 	}
862 	for (;;) {			/* forever */
863 		x = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.STATPORT);
864 		if ((x & mask) != bits)
865 			return x;
866 		tsleep((caddr_t)wtsoft, WTPRI, "wtsoft", 1);
867 	}
868 }
870 /*
871  * Execute QIC command.
872  */
873 int
874 wtcmd(sc, cmd)
875 	struct wt_softc *sc;
876 	int cmd;
877 {
878 	bus_space_tag_t iot = sc->sc_iot;
879 	bus_space_handle_t ioh = sc->sc_ioh;
880 	u_char x;
881 	int s;
883 	WTDBPRINT(("wtcmd() cmd=0x%x\n", cmd));
884 	s = splbio();
885 	x = wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP,
886 		   sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP); /* ready? */
887 	if ((x & sc->regs.NOEXCEP) == 0) {		/* error */
888 		splx(s);
889 		return 0;
890 	}
892 	/* output the command */
893 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CMDPORT, cmd);
895 	/* set request */
896 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT,
897 			  sc->regs.REQUEST | sc->regs.ONLINE);
899 	/* wait for ready */
900 	wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY, sc->regs.BUSY);
902 	/* reset request */
903 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT,
904 			  sc->regs.IEN | sc->regs.ONLINE);
906 	/* wait for not ready */
907 	wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY, 0);
908 	splx(s);
909 	return 1;
910 }
912 /* wait for the end of i/o, seeking marker or rewind operation */
913 int
914 wtwait(sc, catch, msg)
915 	struct wt_softc *sc;
916 	int catch;
917 	char *msg;
918 {
919 	int error;
921 	WTDBPRINT(("wtwait() `%s'\n", msg));
922 	while (sc->flags & (TPACTIVE | TPREW | TPRMARK | TPWMARK))
923 		if ((error = tsleep((caddr_t)sc, WTPRI | catch, msg, 0)) != 0)
924 			return error;
925 	return 0;
926 }
928 /* initialize dma for the i/o operation */
929 void
930 wtdma(sc)
931 	struct wt_softc *sc;
932 {
933 	bus_space_tag_t iot = sc->sc_iot;
934 	bus_space_handle_t ioh = sc->sc_ioh;
936 	sc->flags |= TPACTIVE;
937 	wtclock(sc);
939 	if (sc->type == ARCHIVE) {
940 		/* Set DMA. */
941 		bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.SDMAPORT, 0);
942 	}
944 	if ((sc->dmaflags & DMAMODE_READ) &&
945 	    (sc->dmatotal - sc->dmacount) < sc->bsize) {
946 		/* Reading short block; do it through the internal buffer. */
947 		isa_dmastart(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan, sc->buf,
948 		    sc->bsize, NULL, sc->dmaflags, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT);
949 	} else
950 		isa_dmastart(sc->sc_ic, sc->chan, sc->dmavaddr,
951 		    sc->bsize, NULL, sc->dmaflags, BUS_DMA_NOWAIT);
952 }
954 /* start i/o operation */
955 int
956 wtstart(sc, flag, vaddr, len)
957 	struct wt_softc *sc;
958 	int flag;
959 	void *vaddr;
960 	size_t len;
961 {
962 	u_char x;
964 	WTDBPRINT(("wtstart()\n"));
965 	x = wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP,
966 		   sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP); /* ready? */
967 	if ((x & sc->regs.NOEXCEP) == 0) {
968 		sc->flags |= TPEXCEP;	/* error */
969 		return 0;
970 	}
971 	sc->flags &= ~TPEXCEP;		/* clear exception flag */
972 	sc->dmavaddr = vaddr;
973 	sc->dmatotal = len;
974 	sc->dmacount = 0;
975 	sc->dmaflags = flag & B_READ ? DMAMODE_READ : DMAMODE_WRITE;
976 	wtdma(sc);
977 	return 1;
978 }
980 /*
981  * Start timer.
982  */
983 void
984 wtclock(sc)
985 	struct wt_softc *sc;
986 {
988 	if (sc->flags & TPTIMER)
989 		return;
990 	sc->flags |= TPTIMER;
991 	/*
992 	 * Some controllers seem to lose dma interrupts too often.  To make the
993 	 * tape stream we need 1 tick timeout.
994 	 */
995 	callout_reset(&sc->sc_timer_ch, (sc->flags & TPACTIVE) ? 1 : hz,
996 	    wttimer, sc);
997 }
999 /*
1000  * Simulate an interrupt periodically while i/o is going.
1001  * This is necessary in case interrupts get eaten due to
1002  * multiple devices on a single IRQ line.
1003  */
1004 void
1005 wttimer(arg)
1006 	void *arg;
1007 {
1008 	register struct wt_softc *sc = (struct wt_softc *)arg;
1009 	int s;
1010 	u_char status;
1012 	sc->flags &= ~TPTIMER;
1013 	if ((sc->flags & (TPACTIVE | TPREW | TPRMARK | TPWMARK)) == 0)
1014 		return;
1016 	/* If i/o going, simulate interrupt. */
1017 	s = splbio();
1018 	status = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, sc->regs.STATPORT);
1019 	if ((status & (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP))
1020 	    != (sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP)) {
1021 		WTDBPRINT(("wttimer() -- "));
1022 		wtintr(sc);
1023 	}
1024 	splx(s);
1026 	/* Restart timer if i/o pending. */
1027 	if (sc->flags & (TPACTIVE | TPREW | TPRMARK | TPWMARK))
1028 		wtclock(sc);
1029 }
1031 /*
1032  * Perform QIC-02 and QIC-36 compatible reset sequence.
1033  */
1034 int
1035 wtreset(iot, ioh, regs)
1036 	bus_space_tag_t iot;
1037 	bus_space_handle_t ioh;
1038 	struct wtregs *regs;
1039 {
1040 	u_char x;
1041 	int i;
1043 	/* send reset */
1044 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, regs->CTLPORT, regs->RESET | regs->ONLINE);
1045 	delay(30);
1046 	/* turn off reset */
1047 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, regs->CTLPORT, regs->ONLINE);
1048 	delay(30);
1050 	/* Read the controller status. */
1051 	x = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, regs->STATPORT);
1052 	if (x == 0xff)			/* no port at this address? */
1053 		return 0;
1055 	/* Wait 3 sec for reset to complete. Needed for QIC-36 boards? */
1056 	for (i = 0; i < 3000; ++i) {
1057 		if ((x & regs->BUSY) == 0 || (x & regs->NOEXCEP) == 0)
1058 			break;
1059 		delay(1000);
1060 		x = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, regs->STATPORT);
1061 	}
1062 	return (x & regs->RESETMASK) == regs->RESETVAL;
1063 }
1065 /*
1066  * Get controller status information.  Return 0 if user i/o request should
1067  * receive an i/o error code.
1068  */
1069 int
1070 wtsense(sc, verbose, ignore)
1071 	struct wt_softc *sc;
1072 	int verbose, ignore;
1073 {
1074 	char *msg = 0;
1075 	int error;
1077 	WTDBPRINT(("wtsense() ignore=0x%x\n", ignore));
1078 	sc->flags &= ~(TPRO | TPWO);
1079 	if (!wtstatus(sc))
1080 		return 0;
1081 	if ((sc->error & TP_ST0) == 0)
1082 		sc->error &= ~TP_ST0MASK;
1083 	if ((sc->error & TP_ST1) == 0)
1084 		sc->error &= ~TP_ST1MASK;
1085 	sc->error &= ~ignore;	/* ignore certain errors */
1086 	error = sc->error & (TP_FIL | TP_BNL | TP_UDA | TP_EOM | TP_WRP |
1087 	    TP_USL | TP_CNI | TP_MBD | TP_NDT | TP_ILL);
1088 	if (!error)
1089 		return 1;
1090 	if (!verbose)
1091 		return 0;
1093 	/* lifted from tdriver.c from Wangtek */
1094 	if (error & TP_USL)
1095 		msg = "Drive not online";
1096 	else if (error & TP_CNI)
1097 		msg = "No cartridge";
1098 	else if ((error & TP_WRP) && (sc->flags & TPWP) == 0) {
1099 		msg = "Tape is write protected";
1100 		sc->flags |= TPWP;
1101 	} else if (error & TP_FIL)
1102 		msg = 0 /*"Filemark detected"*/;
1103 	else if (error & TP_EOM)
1104 		msg = 0 /*"End of tape"*/;
1105 	else if (error & TP_BNL)
1106 		msg = "Block not located";
1107 	else if (error & TP_UDA)
1108 		msg = "Unrecoverable data error";
1109 	else if (error & TP_NDT)
1110 		msg = "No data detected";
1111 	else if (error & TP_ILL)
1112 		msg = "Illegal command";
1113 	if (msg)
1114 		printf("%s: %s\n", sc->sc_dev.dv_xname, msg);
1115 	return 0;
1116 }
1118 /*
1119  * Get controller status information.
1120  */
1121 int
1122 wtstatus(sc)
1123 	struct wt_softc *sc;
1124 {
1125 	bus_space_tag_t iot = sc->sc_iot;
1126 	bus_space_handle_t ioh = sc->sc_ioh;
1127 	char *p;
1128 	int s;
1130 	s = splbio();
1131 	wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP,
1132 	       sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP); /* ready? */
1133 	/* send `read status' command */
1134 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CMDPORT, QIC_RDSTAT);
1136 	/* set request */
1137 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT,
1138 			  sc->regs.REQUEST | sc->regs.ONLINE);
1140 	/* wait for ready */
1141 	wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY, sc->regs.BUSY);
1142 	/* reset request */
1143 	bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT, sc->regs.ONLINE);
1145 	/* wait for not ready */
1146 	wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY, 0);
1148 	p = (char *)&sc->error;
1149 	while (p < (char *)&sc->error + 6) {
1150 		u_char x = wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP,
1151 		    sc->regs.BUSY | sc->regs.NOEXCEP);
1153 		if ((x & sc->regs.NOEXCEP) == 0) {	/* error */
1154 			splx(s);
1155 			return 0;
1156 		}
1158 		/* read status byte */
1159 		*p++ = bus_space_read_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.DATAPORT);
1161 		/* set request */
1162 		bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT,
1163 		    sc->regs.REQUEST | sc->regs.ONLINE);
1165 		/* wait for not ready */
1166 		wtsoft(sc, sc->regs.BUSY, 0);
1168 		/* unset request */
1169 		bus_space_write_1(iot, ioh, sc->regs.CTLPORT, sc->regs.ONLINE);
1170 	}
1171 	splx(s);
1172 	return 1;
1173 }