xref: /netbsd/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_aselect.c (revision c4a72b64)
1 /*	$NetBSD: rf_aselect.c,v 1.7 2002/08/02 01:15:22 oster Exp $	*/
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * Author: Mark Holland, William V. Courtright II
7  *
8  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
9  * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
10  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
11  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
12  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
13  *
17  *
18  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
19  *
20  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
21  *  School of Computer Science
22  *  Carnegie Mellon University
23  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
24  *
25  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
26  * rights to redistribute these changes.
27  */
29 /*****************************************************************************
30  *
31  * aselect.c -- algorithm selection code
32  *
33  *****************************************************************************/
35 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
36 __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: rf_aselect.c,v 1.7 2002/08/02 01:15:22 oster Exp $");
38 #include <dev/raidframe/raidframevar.h>
40 #include "rf_archs.h"
41 #include "rf_raid.h"
42 #include "rf_dag.h"
43 #include "rf_dagutils.h"
44 #include "rf_dagfuncs.h"
45 #include "rf_general.h"
46 #include "rf_desc.h"
47 #include "rf_map.h"
49 #if defined(__NetBSD__) && defined(_KERNEL)
50 /* the function below is not used... so don't define it! */
51 #else
52 static void TransferDagMemory(RF_DagHeader_t *, RF_DagHeader_t *);
53 #endif
55 static int InitHdrNode(RF_DagHeader_t **, RF_Raid_t *);
56 static void UpdateNodeHdrPtr(RF_DagHeader_t *, RF_DagNode_t *);
57 int     rf_SelectAlgorithm(RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t);
60 /******************************************************************************
61  *
62  * Create and Initialiaze a dag header and termination node
63  *
64  *****************************************************************************/
65 static int
66 InitHdrNode(hdr, raidPtr)
67 	RF_DagHeader_t **hdr;
68 	RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
69 {
70 	/* create and initialize dag hdr */
71 	*hdr = rf_AllocDAGHeader();
72 	rf_MakeAllocList((*hdr)->allocList);
73 	if ((*hdr)->allocList == NULL) {
74 		rf_FreeDAGHeader(*hdr);
75 		return (ENOMEM);
76 	}
77 	(*hdr)->status = rf_enable;
78 	(*hdr)->numSuccedents = 0;
79 	(*hdr)->raidPtr = raidPtr;
80 	(*hdr)->next = NULL;
81 	return (0);
82 }
84 /*****************************************************************************************
85  *
86  * Ensure that all node->dagHdr fields in a dag are consistent
87  *
88  * IMPORTANT: This routine recursively searches all succedents of the node.  If a
89  * succedent is encountered whose dagHdr ptr does not require adjusting, that node's
90  * succedents WILL NOT BE EXAMINED.
91  *
92  ****************************************************************************************/
93 static void
94 UpdateNodeHdrPtr(hdr, node)
95 	RF_DagHeader_t *hdr;
96 	RF_DagNode_t *node;
97 {
98 	int     i;
99 	RF_ASSERT(hdr != NULL && node != NULL);
100 	for (i = 0; i < node->numSuccedents; i++)
101 		if (node->succedents[i]->dagHdr != hdr)
102 			UpdateNodeHdrPtr(hdr, node->succedents[i]);
103 	node->dagHdr = hdr;
104 }
105 /******************************************************************************
106  *
107  * Create a DAG to do a read or write operation.
108  *
109  * create an array of dagLists, one list per parity stripe.
110  * return the lists in the array desc->dagArray.
111  *
112  * Normally, each list contains one dag for the entire stripe.  In some
113  * tricky cases, we break this into multiple dags, either one per stripe
114  * unit or one per block (sector).  When this occurs, these dags are returned
115  * as a linked list (dagList) which is executed sequentially (to preserve
116  * atomic parity updates in the stripe).
117  *
118  * dags which operate on independent parity goups (stripes) are returned in
119  * independent dagLists (distinct elements in desc->dagArray) and may be
120  * executed concurrently.
121  *
122  * Finally, if the SelectionFunc fails to create a dag for a block, we punt
123  * and return 1.
124  *
125  * The above process is performed in two phases:
126  *   1) create an array(s) of creation functions (eg stripeFuncs)
127  *   2) create dags and concatenate/merge to form the final dag.
128  *
129  * Because dag's are basic blocks (single entry, single exit, unconditional
130  * control flow, we can add the following optimizations (future work):
131  *   first-pass optimizer to allow max concurrency (need all data dependencies)
132  *   second-pass optimizer to eliminate common subexpressions (need true
133  *                         data dependencies)
134  *   third-pass optimizer to eliminate dead code (need true data dependencies)
135  *****************************************************************************/
137 #define MAXNSTRIPES 50
139 int
140 rf_SelectAlgorithm(desc, flags)
141 	RF_RaidAccessDesc_t *desc;
142 	RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags;
143 {
144 	RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *asm_h = desc->asmap;
145 	RF_IoType_t type = desc->type;
146 	RF_Raid_t *raidPtr = desc->raidPtr;
147 	void   *bp = desc->bp;
149 	RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asmap = asm_h->stripeMap;
150 	RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asm_p;
151 	RF_DagHeader_t *dag_h = NULL, *tempdag_h, *lastdag_h;
152 	int     i, j, k;
153 	RF_VoidFuncPtr *stripeFuncs, normalStripeFuncs[MAXNSTRIPES];
154 	RF_AccessStripeMap_t *asm_up, *asm_bp;
155 	RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***asmh_u, *endASMList;
156 	RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***asmh_b;
157 	RF_VoidFuncPtr **stripeUnitFuncs, uFunc;
158 	RF_VoidFuncPtr **blockFuncs, bFunc;
159 	int     numStripesBailed = 0, cantCreateDAGs = RF_FALSE;
160 	int     numStripeUnitsBailed = 0;
161 	int     stripeNum, numUnitDags = 0, stripeUnitNum, numBlockDags = 0;
162 	RF_StripeNum_t numStripeUnits;
163 	RF_SectorNum_t numBlocks;
164 	RF_RaidAddr_t address;
165 	int     length;
166 	RF_PhysDiskAddr_t *physPtr;
167 	caddr_t buffer;
169 	lastdag_h = NULL;
170 	asmh_u = asmh_b = NULL;
171 	stripeUnitFuncs = NULL;
172 	blockFuncs = NULL;
174 	/* get an array of dag-function creation pointers, try to avoid
175 	 * calling malloc */
176 	if (asm_h->numStripes <= MAXNSTRIPES)
177 		stripeFuncs = normalStripeFuncs;
178 	else
179 		RF_Calloc(stripeFuncs, asm_h->numStripes, sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr), (RF_VoidFuncPtr *));
181 	/* walk through the asm list once collecting information */
182 	/* attempt to find a single creation function for each stripe */
183 	desc->numStripes = 0;
184 	for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
185 		desc->numStripes++;
186 		(raidPtr->Layout.map->SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_p, &stripeFuncs[i]);
187 		/* check to see if we found a creation func for this stripe */
188 		if (stripeFuncs[i] == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
189 			/* could not find creation function for entire stripe
190 			 * so, let's see if we can find one for each stripe
191 			 * unit in the stripe */
193 			if (numStripesBailed == 0) {
194 				/* one stripe map header for each stripe we
195 				 * bail on */
196 				RF_Malloc(asmh_u, sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **) * asm_h->numStripes, (RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***));
197 				/* create an array of ptrs to arrays of
198 				 * stripeFuncs */
199 				RF_Calloc(stripeUnitFuncs, asm_h->numStripes, sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr), (RF_VoidFuncPtr **));
200 			}
201 			/* create an array of creation funcs (called
202 			 * stripeFuncs) for this stripe */
203 			numStripeUnits = asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
204 			RF_Calloc(stripeUnitFuncs[numStripesBailed], numStripeUnits, sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr), (RF_VoidFuncPtr *));
205 			RF_Malloc(asmh_u[numStripesBailed], numStripeUnits * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *), (RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **));
207 			/* lookup array of stripeUnitFuncs for this stripe */
208 			for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
209 				/* remap for series of single stripe-unit
210 				 * accesses */
211 				address = physPtr->raidAddress;
212 				length = physPtr->numSector;
213 				buffer = physPtr->bufPtr;
215 				asmh_u[numStripesBailed][j] = rf_MapAccess(raidPtr, address, length, buffer, RF_DONT_REMAP);
216 				asm_up = asmh_u[numStripesBailed][j]->stripeMap;
218 				/* get the creation func for this stripe unit */
219 				(raidPtr->Layout.map->SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_up, &(stripeUnitFuncs[numStripesBailed][j]));
221 				/* check to see if we found a creation func
222 				 * for this stripe unit */
223 				if (stripeUnitFuncs[numStripesBailed][j] == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
224 					/* could not find creation function
225 					 * for stripe unit so, let's see if we
226 					 * can find one for each block in the
227 					 * stripe unit */
228 					if (numStripeUnitsBailed == 0) {
229 						/* one stripe map header for
230 						 * each stripe unit we bail on */
231 						RF_Malloc(asmh_b, sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **) * asm_h->numStripes * raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol, (RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t ***));
232 						/* create an array of ptrs to
233 						 * arrays of blockFuncs */
234 						RF_Calloc(blockFuncs, asm_h->numStripes * raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol, sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr), (RF_VoidFuncPtr **));
235 					}
236 					/* create an array of creation funcs
237 					 * (called blockFuncs) for this stripe
238 					 * unit */
239 					numBlocks = physPtr->numSector;
240 					numBlockDags += numBlocks;
241 					RF_Calloc(blockFuncs[numStripeUnitsBailed], numBlocks, sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr), (RF_VoidFuncPtr *));
242 					RF_Malloc(asmh_b[numStripeUnitsBailed], numBlocks * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *), (RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **));
244 					/* lookup array of blockFuncs for this
245 					 * stripe unit */
246 					for (k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++) {
247 						/* remap for series of single
248 						 * stripe-unit accesses */
249 						address = physPtr->raidAddress + k;
250 						length = 1;
251 						buffer = physPtr->bufPtr + (k * (1 << raidPtr->logBytesPerSector));
253 						asmh_b[numStripeUnitsBailed][k] = rf_MapAccess(raidPtr, address, length, buffer, RF_DONT_REMAP);
254 						asm_bp = asmh_b[numStripeUnitsBailed][k]->stripeMap;
256 						/* get the creation func for
257 						 * this stripe unit */
258 						(raidPtr->Layout.map->SelectionFunc) (raidPtr, type, asm_bp, &(blockFuncs[numStripeUnitsBailed][k]));
260 						/* check to see if we found a
261 						 * creation func for this
262 						 * stripe unit */
263 						if (blockFuncs[numStripeUnitsBailed][k] == NULL)
264 							cantCreateDAGs = RF_TRUE;
265 					}
266 					numStripeUnitsBailed++;
267 				} else {
268 					numUnitDags++;
269 				}
270 			}
271 			RF_ASSERT(j == numStripeUnits);
272 			numStripesBailed++;
273 		}
274 	}
276 	if (cantCreateDAGs) {
277 		/* free memory and punt */
278 		if (asm_h->numStripes > MAXNSTRIPES)
279 			RF_Free(stripeFuncs, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
280 		if (numStripesBailed > 0) {
281 			stripeNum = 0;
282 			for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++)
283 				if (stripeFuncs[i] == NULL) {
284 					numStripeUnits = asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
285 					for (j = 0; j < numStripeUnits; j++)
286 						rf_FreeAccessStripeMap(asmh_u[stripeNum][j]);
287 					RF_Free(asmh_u[stripeNum], numStripeUnits * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *));
288 					RF_Free(stripeUnitFuncs[stripeNum], numStripeUnits * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
289 					stripeNum++;
290 				}
291 			RF_ASSERT(stripeNum == numStripesBailed);
292 			RF_Free(stripeUnitFuncs, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
293 			RF_Free(asmh_u, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **));
294 		}
295 		return (1);
296 	} else {
297 		/* begin dag creation */
298 		stripeNum = 0;
299 		stripeUnitNum = 0;
301 		/* create an array of dagLists and fill them in */
302 		RF_CallocAndAdd(desc->dagArray, desc->numStripes, sizeof(RF_DagList_t), (RF_DagList_t *), desc->cleanupList);
304 		for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++) {
305 			/* grab dag header for this stripe */
306 			dag_h = NULL;
307 			desc->dagArray[i].desc = desc;
309 			if (stripeFuncs[i] == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
310 				/* use bailout functions for this stripe */
311 				for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
312 					uFunc = stripeUnitFuncs[stripeNum][j];
313 					if (uFunc == (RF_VoidFuncPtr) NULL) {
314 						/* use bailout functions for
315 						 * this stripe unit */
316 						for (k = 0; k < physPtr->numSector; k++) {
317 							/* create a dag for
318 							 * this block */
319 							InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr);
320 							desc->dagArray[i].numDags++;
321 							if (dag_h == NULL) {
322 								dag_h = tempdag_h;
323 							} else {
324 								lastdag_h->next = tempdag_h;
325 							}
326 							lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
328 							bFunc = blockFuncs[stripeUnitNum][k];
329 							RF_ASSERT(bFunc);
330 							asm_bp = asmh_b[stripeUnitNum][k]->stripeMap;
331 							(*bFunc) (raidPtr, asm_bp, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
332 						}
333 						stripeUnitNum++;
334 					} else {
335 						/* create a dag for this unit */
336 						InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr);
337 						desc->dagArray[i].numDags++;
338 						if (dag_h == NULL) {
339 							dag_h = tempdag_h;
340 						} else {
341 							lastdag_h->next = tempdag_h;
342 						}
343 						lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
345 						asm_up = asmh_u[stripeNum][j]->stripeMap;
346 						(*uFunc) (raidPtr, asm_up, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
347 					}
348 				}
349 				RF_ASSERT(j == asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed);
350 				/* merge linked bailout dag to existing dag
351 				 * collection */
352 				stripeNum++;
353 			} else {
354 				/* Create a dag for this parity stripe */
355 				InitHdrNode(&tempdag_h, raidPtr);
356 				desc->dagArray[i].numDags++;
357 				if (dag_h == NULL) {
358 					dag_h = tempdag_h;
359 				} else {
360 					lastdag_h->next = tempdag_h;
361 				}
362 				lastdag_h = tempdag_h;
364 				(stripeFuncs[i]) (raidPtr, asm_p, tempdag_h, bp, flags, tempdag_h->allocList);
365 			}
366 			desc->dagArray[i].dags = dag_h;
367 		}
368 		RF_ASSERT(i == desc->numStripes);
370 		/* free memory */
371 		if (asm_h->numStripes > MAXNSTRIPES)
372 			RF_Free(stripeFuncs, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
373 		if ((numStripesBailed > 0) || (numStripeUnitsBailed > 0)) {
374 			stripeNum = 0;
375 			stripeUnitNum = 0;
376 			if (dag_h->asmList) {
377 				endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
378 				while (endASMList->next)
379 					endASMList = endASMList->next;
380 			} else
381 				endASMList = NULL;
382 			/* walk through io, stripe by stripe */
383 			for (i = 0, asm_p = asmap; asm_p; asm_p = asm_p->next, i++)
384 				if (stripeFuncs[i] == NULL) {
385 					numStripeUnits = asm_p->numStripeUnitsAccessed;
386 					/* walk through stripe, stripe unit by
387 					 * stripe unit */
388 					for (j = 0, physPtr = asm_p->physInfo; physPtr; physPtr = physPtr->next, j++) {
389 						if (stripeUnitFuncs[stripeNum][j] == NULL) {
390 							numBlocks = physPtr->numSector;
391 							/* walk through stripe
392 							 * unit, block by
393 							 * block */
394 							for (k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++)
395 								if (dag_h->asmList == NULL) {
396 									dag_h->asmList = asmh_b[stripeUnitNum][k];
397 									endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
398 								} else {
399 									endASMList->next = asmh_b[stripeUnitNum][k];
400 									endASMList = endASMList->next;
401 								}
402 							RF_Free(asmh_b[stripeUnitNum], numBlocks * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *));
403 							RF_Free(blockFuncs[stripeUnitNum], numBlocks * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
404 							stripeUnitNum++;
405 						}
406 						if (dag_h->asmList == NULL) {
407 							dag_h->asmList = asmh_u[stripeNum][j];
408 							endASMList = dag_h->asmList;
409 						} else {
410 							endASMList->next = asmh_u[stripeNum][j];
411 							endASMList = endASMList->next;
412 						}
413 					}
414 					RF_Free(asmh_u[stripeNum], numStripeUnits * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t *));
415 					RF_Free(stripeUnitFuncs[stripeNum], numStripeUnits * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
416 					stripeNum++;
417 				}
418 			RF_ASSERT(stripeNum == numStripesBailed);
419 			RF_Free(stripeUnitFuncs, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
420 			RF_Free(asmh_u, asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **));
421 			if (numStripeUnitsBailed > 0) {
422 				RF_ASSERT(stripeUnitNum == numStripeUnitsBailed);
423 				RF_Free(blockFuncs, raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol * asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_VoidFuncPtr));
424 				RF_Free(asmh_b, raidPtr->Layout.numDataCol * asm_h->numStripes * sizeof(RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t **));
425 			}
426 		}
427 		return (0);
428 	}
429 }