xref: /netbsd/sys/netatalk/ddp_output.c (revision bf9ec67e)
1 /*	$NetBSD: ddp_output.c,v 1.4 2001/11/15 09:48:26 lukem Exp $	 */
3 /*
4  * Copyright (c) 1990,1991 Regents of The University of Michigan.
5  * All Rights Reserved.
6  *
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
8  * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
9  * provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
10  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
11  * in supporting documentation, and that the name of The University
12  * of Michigan not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
13  * distribution of the software without specific, written prior
14  * permission. This software is supplied as is without expressed or
15  * implied warranties of any kind.
16  *
17  * This product includes software developed by the University of
18  * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
19  *
20  *	Research Systems Unix Group
21  *	The University of Michigan
22  *	c/o Wesley Craig
23  *	535 W. William Street
24  *	Ann Arbor, Michigan
25  *	+1-313-764-2278
26  *	netatalk@umich.edu
27  */
29 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
30 __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: ddp_output.c,v 1.4 2001/11/15 09:48:26 lukem Exp $");
32 #include <sys/param.h>
33 #include <sys/systm.h>
34 #include <sys/mbuf.h>
35 #include <sys/socket.h>
36 #include <sys/errno.h>
37 #include <sys/syslog.h>
39 #include <net/if.h>
40 #include <net/route.h>
41 #include <net/if_ether.h>
43 #include <netinet/in.h>
44 #undef s_net
46 #include <netatalk/at.h>
47 #include <netatalk/at_var.h>
48 #include <netatalk/ddp.h>
49 #include <netatalk/ddp_var.h>
50 #include <netatalk/at_extern.h>
52 #include <machine/stdarg.h>
54 int ddp_cksum = 1;
56 int
57 #if __STDC__
58 ddp_output(struct mbuf *m,...)
59 #else
60 ddp_output(va_alist)
61 	va_dcl
62 #endif
63 {
64 	struct ddpcb   *ddp;
65 	struct ddpehdr *deh;
66 	va_list         ap;
68 #if __STDC__
69 	va_start(ap, m);
70 #else
71 	struct mbuf    *m;
73 	va_start(ap);
74 	m = va_arg(ap, struct mbuf *);
75 #endif
76 	ddp = va_arg(ap, struct ddpcb *);
77 	va_end(ap);
79 	M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct ddpehdr), M_WAIT);
81 	deh = mtod(m, struct ddpehdr *);
82 	deh->deh_pad = 0;
83 	deh->deh_hops = 0;
85 	deh->deh_len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
87 	deh->deh_dnet = ddp->ddp_fsat.sat_addr.s_net;
88 	deh->deh_dnode = ddp->ddp_fsat.sat_addr.s_node;
89 	deh->deh_dport = ddp->ddp_fsat.sat_port;
90 	deh->deh_snet = ddp->ddp_lsat.sat_addr.s_net;
91 	deh->deh_snode = ddp->ddp_lsat.sat_addr.s_node;
92 	deh->deh_sport = ddp->ddp_lsat.sat_port;
94 	/*
95          * The checksum calculation is done after all of the other bytes have
96          * been filled in.
97          */
98 	if (ddp_cksum) {
99 		deh->deh_sum = at_cksum(m, sizeof(int));
100 	} else {
101 		deh->deh_sum = 0;
102 	}
103 	deh->deh_bytes = htonl(deh->deh_bytes);
105 	return (ddp_route(m, &ddp->ddp_route));
106 }
108 u_short
109 at_cksum(m, skip)
110 	struct mbuf *m;
111 	int skip;
112 {
113 	u_char         *data, *end;
114 	u_long          cksum = 0;
116 	for (; m; m = m->m_next) {
117 		for (data = mtod(m, u_char *), end = data + m->m_len;
118 		    data < end; data++) {
119 			if (skip) {
120 				skip--;
121 				continue;
122 			}
123 			cksum = (cksum + *data) << 1;
124 			if (cksum & 0x00010000) {
125 				cksum++;
126 			}
127 			cksum &= 0x0000ffff;
128 		}
129 	}
131 	if (cksum == 0) {
132 		cksum = 0x0000ffff;
133 	}
134 	return ((u_short) cksum);
135 }
137 int
138 ddp_route(m, ro)
139 	struct mbuf *m;
140 	struct route *ro;
141 {
142 	struct sockaddr_at gate;
143 	struct elaphdr *elh;
144 	struct mbuf    *m0;
145 	struct at_ifaddr *aa = NULL;
146 	struct ifnet   *ifp = NULL;
147 	u_short         net;
149 	if (ro->ro_rt && (ifp = ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp)) {
150 		net = satosat(ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway)->sat_addr.s_net;
151 		for (aa = at_ifaddr.tqh_first; aa; aa = aa->aa_list.tqe_next) {
152 			if (aa->aa_ifp == ifp &&
153 			    ntohs(net) >= ntohs(aa->aa_firstnet) &&
154 			    ntohs(net) <= ntohs(aa->aa_lastnet)) {
155 				break;
156 			}
157 		}
158 	}
159 	if (aa == NULL) {
160 		printf("ddp_route: oops\n");
161 		m_freem(m);
162 		return (EINVAL);
163 	}
164 	/*
165          * There are several places in the kernel where data is added to
166          * an mbuf without ensuring that the mbuf pointer is aligned.
167          * This is bad for transition routing, since phase 1 and phase 2
168          * packets end up poorly aligned due to the three byte elap header.
169          */
170 	if (!(aa->aa_flags & AFA_PHASE2)) {
171 		MGET(m0, M_WAIT, MT_HEADER);
172 		if (m0 == 0) {
173 			m_freem(m);
174 			printf("ddp_route: no buffers\n");
175 			return (ENOBUFS);
176 		}
177 		m0->m_next = m;
178 		/* XXX perhaps we ought to align the header? */
179 		m0->m_len = SZ_ELAPHDR;
180 		m = m0;
182 		elh = mtod(m, struct elaphdr *);
183 		elh->el_snode = satosat(&aa->aa_addr)->sat_addr.s_node;
184 		elh->el_type = ELAP_DDPEXTEND;
185 		if (ntohs(satosat(&ro->ro_dst)->sat_addr.s_net) >=
186 		    ntohs(aa->aa_firstnet) &&
187 		    ntohs(satosat(&ro->ro_dst)->sat_addr.s_net) <=
188 		    ntohs(aa->aa_lastnet)) {
189 			elh->el_dnode = satosat(&ro->ro_dst)->sat_addr.s_node;
190 		} else {
191 			elh->el_dnode =
192 			    satosat(ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway)->sat_addr.s_node;
193 		}
194 	}
195 	if (ntohs(satosat(&ro->ro_dst)->sat_addr.s_net) >=
196 	    ntohs(aa->aa_firstnet) &&
197 	    ntohs(satosat(&ro->ro_dst)->sat_addr.s_net) <=
198 	    ntohs(aa->aa_lastnet)) {
199 		gate = *satosat(&ro->ro_dst);
200 	} else {
201 		gate = *satosat(ro->ro_rt->rt_gateway);
202 	}
203 	ro->ro_rt->rt_use++;
205 #if IFA_STATS
206 	aa->aa_ifa.ifa_data.ifad_outbytes += m->m_pkthdr.len;
207 #endif
209 	/* XXX */
210 	return ((*ifp->if_output) (ifp, m, (struct sockaddr *) &gate, NULL));
211 }