1*7a333710Sdavid$OpenBSD: Original_READ_ME,v 1.3 2003/03/11 04:47:39 david Exp $ 2df930be7Sderaadt$NetBSD: Original_READ_ME,v 1.2 1995/03/23 08:29:10 cgd Exp $ 3df930be7Sderaadt 4df930be7SderaadtThis is export hack, my first semester programming project. 5df930be7Sderaadt 6df930be7SderaadtTo set it up for your system, you will have to do the following: 7df930be7Sderaadt 1: create a hack uid, to own the top ten list, etc. 8df930be7Sderaadt 2: create a hack directory "/usr/lib/game/hack" is the default. 9df930be7Sderaadt 2.5: make the directory 700 mode. /* sav files go in there...*/ 10df930be7Sderaadt 3: modify hack.main.c to use the new directory. 11df930be7Sderaadt 4: modify hack.main.c so it uses the new hack gid. Gid accounts can 12df930be7Sderaadtgo into magic mode without the password, can get cores with ^G, etc. 13df930be7Sderaadt(make sure gid isn't checked anywhere else...) 14df930be7Sderaadt 5: recompile hack. 15df930be7Sderaadt 6: put it in games after making it set-uid hack. 16df930be7Sderaadt 8: fix the bugs I undobtedly left in it. 17df930be7Sderaadt 9: tell me what you think of it. 18df930be7Sderaadt 19df930be7Sderaadt Hack uses the UCB file /etc/termcap to get your terminal escape codes. 20df930be7SderaadtIf you don't use it, you will have to make extensive changes to hack.pri.c 21df930be7Sderaadt 22df930be7SderaadtIf you find any bugs (That you think I don't know about), or have any 23df930be7Sderaadtawesome new changes (Like a better save (One that works!)), or have ANY 24df930be7Sderaadtquestions, write me 25df930be7Sderaadt Jay Fenlason 26df930be7Sderaadt 29 East St. 27df930be7Sderaadt Sudbury Mass. 28df930be7Sderaadt 01776 29df930be7Sderaadt 30df930be7Sderaadtor call me at (617) 443-5036. Since I have both a modem and a teen-age 31df930be7Sderaadtsister, Good Luck. 32df930be7Sderaadt 33df930be7Sderaadt 34df930be7SderaadtHack is split (roughly) into several source files that do different things. 35df930be7SderaadtI have tried to fit all the procedures having to do with a certain segment 36df930be7Sderaadtof the game into a single file, but the job is not the best in the world. 37df930be7SderaadtThe rough splits are: 38df930be7Sderaadt 39df930be7Sderaadthack.c General random stuff and things I never got around to moving. 40df930be7Sderaadthack.main.c main() and other random procedures, also the lock file stuff. 41df930be7Sderaadthack.mon.c Monsters, moving, attacking, etc. 42df930be7Sderaadthack.do.c drink, eat, read, wield, save, etc. 43df930be7Sderaadthack.do1.c zap, wear, remove, etc... 44df930be7Sderaadthack.pri.c stuff having to do with the screen, most of the terminal 45*7a333710Sdavid independent stuff is in here. 46df930be7Sderaadthack.lev.c temp files and calling of mklev. 47df930be7Sderaadt 48df930be7SderaadtBecause of the peculiar restraints on our system, I make mklev (create 49df930be7Sderaadta level) a separate procedure execd by hack when needed. The source for 50df930be7Sderaadtmklev is (Naturaly) mklev.c. You may want to put mklev back into hack. 51df930be7SderaadtGood luck. 52df930be7Sderaadt 53df930be7SderaadtMost of hack was written by me, with help from 54df930be7Sderaadt Kenny Woodland (KW) (general random things including 55df930be7Sderaadt the original BUZZ()) 56df930be7Sderaadt Mike Thome (MT) (The original chamelian) 57df930be7Sderaadt and Jon Payne (JP) (The original lock file kludge and 58df930be7Sderaadt the massive CURS()) 59df930be7Sderaadt 60df930be7SderaadtThis entire program would not have been possible without the SFSU Logo 61df930be7SderaadtWorkshop. I am eternally grateful to all of our students (Especially K.L.), 62df930be7Sderaadtwithout whom I would never have seen Rogue. I am especially grateful to 63df930be7SderaadtMike Clancy, without whose generous help I would never have gotten to play 64df930be7SderaadtROGUE. 65