xref: /openbsd/games/hack/Original_READ_ME (revision df930be7)
1*df930be7Sderaadt$NetBSD: Original_READ_ME,v 1.2 1995/03/23 08:29:10 cgd Exp $
3*df930be7SderaadtThis is export hack, my first semester programming project.
5*df930be7SderaadtTo set it up for your system, you will have to do the following:
6*df930be7Sderaadt	1: create a hack uid, to own the top ten list, etc.
7*df930be7Sderaadt	2: create a hack directory "/usr/lib/game/hack" is the default.
8*df930be7Sderaadt	2.5: make the directory 700 mode.	/* sav files go in there...*/
9*df930be7Sderaadt	3: modify hack.main.c to use the new directory.
10*df930be7Sderaadt	4: modify hack.main.c so it uses the new hack gid.  Gid accounts can
11*df930be7Sderaadtgo into magic mode without the password, can get cores with ^G, etc.
12*df930be7Sderaadt(make sure gid isn't checked anywhere else...)
13*df930be7Sderaadt	5: recompile hack.
14*df930be7Sderaadt	6: put it in games after making it set-uid hack.
15*df930be7Sderaadt	8: fix the bugs I undobtedly left in it.
16*df930be7Sderaadt	9: tell me what you think of it.
18*df930be7Sderaadt	Hack uses the UCB file /etc/termcap to get your terminal escape codes.
19*df930be7SderaadtIf you don't use it, you will have to make extensive changes to hack.pri.c
21*df930be7SderaadtIf you find any bugs (That you think I don't know about), or have any
22*df930be7Sderaadtawesome new changes (Like a better save (One that works!)), or have ANY
23*df930be7Sderaadtquestions, write me
24*df930be7Sderaadt		Jay Fenlason
25*df930be7Sderaadt		29 East St.
26*df930be7Sderaadt		Sudbury Mass.
27*df930be7Sderaadt			01776
29*df930be7Sderaadtor call me at (617) 443-5036.  Since I have both a modem and a teen-age
30*df930be7Sderaadtsister, Good Luck.
33*df930be7SderaadtHack is split (roughly) into several source files that do different things.
34*df930be7SderaadtI have tried to fit all the procedures having to do with a certain segment
35*df930be7Sderaadtof the game into a single file, but the job is not the best in the world.
36*df930be7SderaadtThe rough splits are:
38*df930be7Sderaadthack.c		General random stuff and things I never got around to moving.
39*df930be7Sderaadthack.main.c	main() and other random procedures, also the lock file stuff.
40*df930be7Sderaadthack.mon.c	Monsters, moving, attacking, etc.
41*df930be7Sderaadthack.do.c	drink, eat, read, wield, save, etc.
42*df930be7Sderaadthack.do1.c	zap, wear, remove, etc...
43*df930be7Sderaadthack.pri.c	stuff having to do with the screen, most of the terminal
44*df930be7Sderaadt		independant stuff is in here.
45*df930be7Sderaadthack.lev.c	temp files and calling of mklev.
47*df930be7SderaadtBecause of the peculiar restraints on our system, I make mklev (create
48*df930be7Sderaadta level) a separate procedure execd by hack when needed.  The source for
49*df930be7Sderaadtmklev is (Naturaly) mklev.c.  You may want to put mklev back into hack.
50*df930be7SderaadtGood luck.
52*df930be7SderaadtMost of hack was written by me, with help from
53*df930be7Sderaadt		Kenny Woodland (KW)	(general random things including
54*df930be7Sderaadt			the original BUZZ())
55*df930be7Sderaadt		Mike Thome	(MT)	(The original chamelian)
56*df930be7Sderaadt	and	Jon Payne	(JP)	(The original lock file kludge and
57*df930be7Sderaadt			the massive CURS())
59*df930be7SderaadtThis entire program would not have been possible without the SFSU Logo
60*df930be7SderaadtWorkshop.  I am eternally grateful to all of our students (Especially K.L.),
61*df930be7Sderaadtwithout whom I would never have seen Rogue.  I am especially grateful to
62*df930be7SderaadtMike Clancy, without whose generous help I would never have gotten to play