1include(CMakePushCheckState) 2include(CheckSymbolExists) 3 4# Because compiler-rt spends a lot of time setting up custom compile flags, 5# define a handy helper function for it. The compile flags setting in CMake 6# has serious issues that make its syntax challenging at best. 7function(set_target_compile_flags target) 8 set(argstring "") 9 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 10 set(argstring "${argstring} ${arg}") 11 endforeach() 12 set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "${argstring}") 13endfunction() 14 15function(set_target_link_flags target) 16 set(argstring "") 17 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 18 set(argstring "${argstring} ${arg}") 19 endforeach() 20 set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS "${argstring}") 21endfunction() 22 23# Set the variable var_PYBOOL to True if var holds a true-ish string, 24# otherwise set it to False. 25macro(pythonize_bool var) 26 if (${var}) 27 set(${var}_PYBOOL True) 28 else() 29 set(${var}_PYBOOL False) 30 endif() 31endmacro() 32 33# Appends value to all lists in ARGN, if the condition is true. 34macro(append_list_if condition value) 35 if(${condition}) 36 foreach(list ${ARGN}) 37 list(APPEND ${list} ${value}) 38 endforeach() 39 endif() 40endmacro() 41 42# Appends value to all strings in ARGN, if the condition is true. 43macro(append_string_if condition value) 44 if(${condition}) 45 foreach(str ${ARGN}) 46 set(${str} "${${str}} ${value}") 47 endforeach() 48 endif() 49endmacro() 50 51macro(append_rtti_flag polarity list) 52 if(${polarity}) 53 append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_FRTTI_FLAG -frtti ${list}) 54 append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_GR_FLAG /GR ${list}) 55 else() 56 append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_FNO_RTTI_FLAG -fno-rtti ${list}) 57 append_list_if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_GR_FLAG /GR- ${list}) 58 endif() 59endmacro() 60 61macro(list_intersect output input1 input2) 62 set(${output}) 63 foreach(it ${${input1}}) 64 list(FIND ${input2} ${it} index) 65 if( NOT (index EQUAL -1)) 66 list(APPEND ${output} ${it}) 67 endif() 68 endforeach() 69endmacro() 70 71function(list_replace input_list old new) 72 set(replaced_list) 73 foreach(item ${${input_list}}) 74 if(${item} STREQUAL ${old}) 75 list(APPEND replaced_list ${new}) 76 else() 77 list(APPEND replaced_list ${item}) 78 endif() 79 endforeach() 80 set(${input_list} "${replaced_list}" PARENT_SCOPE) 81endfunction() 82 83# Takes ${ARGN} and puts only supported architectures in @out_var list. 84function(filter_available_targets out_var) 85 set(archs ${${out_var}}) 86 foreach(arch ${ARGN}) 87 list(FIND COMPILER_RT_SUPPORTED_ARCH ${arch} ARCH_INDEX) 88 if(NOT (ARCH_INDEX EQUAL -1) AND CAN_TARGET_${arch}) 89 list(APPEND archs ${arch}) 90 endif() 91 endforeach() 92 set(${out_var} ${archs} PARENT_SCOPE) 93endfunction() 94 95# Add $arch as supported with no additional flags. 96macro(add_default_target_arch arch) 97 set(TARGET_${arch}_CFLAGS "") 98 set(CAN_TARGET_${arch} 1) 99 list(APPEND COMPILER_RT_SUPPORTED_ARCH ${arch}) 100endmacro() 101 102function(check_compile_definition def argstring out_var) 103 if("${def}" STREQUAL "") 104 set(${out_var} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) 105 return() 106 endif() 107 cmake_push_check_state() 108 set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS} ${argstring}") 109 check_symbol_exists(${def} "" ${out_var}) 110 cmake_pop_check_state() 111endfunction() 112 113# test_target_arch(<arch> <def> <target flags...>) 114# Checks if architecture is supported: runs host compiler with provided 115# flags to verify that: 116# 1) <def> is defined (if non-empty) 117# 2) simple file can be successfully built. 118# If successful, saves target flags for this architecture. 119macro(test_target_arch arch def) 120 set(TARGET_${arch}_CFLAGS ${ARGN}) 121 set(TARGET_${arch}_LINK_FLAGS ${ARGN}) 122 set(argstring "") 123 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 124 set(argstring "${argstring} ${arg}") 125 endforeach() 126 check_compile_definition("${def}" "${argstring}" HAS_${arch}_DEF) 127 if(NOT DEFINED CAN_TARGET_${arch}) 128 if(NOT HAS_${arch}_DEF) 129 set(CAN_TARGET_${arch} FALSE) 130 elseif(TEST_COMPILE_ONLY) 131 try_compile_only(CAN_TARGET_${arch} FLAGS ${TARGET_${arch}_CFLAGS}) 132 else() 133 set(FLAG_NO_EXCEPTIONS "") 134 if(COMPILER_RT_HAS_FNO_EXCEPTIONS_FLAG) 135 set(FLAG_NO_EXCEPTIONS " -fno-exceptions ") 136 endif() 137 set(SAVED_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}) 138 set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${argstring}") 139 try_compile(CAN_TARGET_${arch} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${SIMPLE_SOURCE} 140 COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${TARGET_${arch}_CFLAGS} ${FLAG_NO_EXCEPTIONS}" 141 OUTPUT_VARIABLE TARGET_${arch}_OUTPUT) 142 set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${SAVED_CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}) 143 endif() 144 endif() 145 if(${CAN_TARGET_${arch}}) 146 list(APPEND COMPILER_RT_SUPPORTED_ARCH ${arch}) 147 elseif("${COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH}" STREQUAL "${arch}" AND 148 COMPILER_RT_HAS_EXPLICIT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE) 149 # Bail out if we cannot target the architecture we plan to test. 150 message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot compile for ${arch}:\n${TARGET_${arch}_OUTPUT}") 151 endif() 152endmacro() 153 154macro(detect_target_arch) 155 check_symbol_exists(__arm__ "" __ARM) 156 check_symbol_exists(__aarch64__ "" __AARCH64) 157 check_symbol_exists(__x86_64__ "" __X86_64) 158 check_symbol_exists(__i386__ "" __I386) 159 check_symbol_exists(__mips__ "" __MIPS) 160 check_symbol_exists(__mips64__ "" __MIPS64) 161 check_symbol_exists(__powerpc64__ "" __PPC64) 162 check_symbol_exists(__powerpc64le__ "" __PPC64LE) 163 check_symbol_exists(__riscv "" __RISCV) 164 check_symbol_exists(__s390x__ "" __S390X) 165 check_symbol_exists(__sparc "" __SPARC) 166 check_symbol_exists(__sparcv9 "" __SPARCV9) 167 check_symbol_exists(__wasm32__ "" __WEBASSEMBLY32) 168 check_symbol_exists(__wasm64__ "" __WEBASSEMBLY64) 169 check_symbol_exists(__ve__ "" __VE) 170 if(__ARM) 171 add_default_target_arch(arm) 172 elseif(__AARCH64) 173 add_default_target_arch(aarch64) 174 elseif(__X86_64) 175 add_default_target_arch(x86_64) 176 elseif(__I386) 177 add_default_target_arch(i386) 178 elseif(__MIPS64) # must be checked before __MIPS 179 add_default_target_arch(mips64) 180 elseif(__MIPS) 181 add_default_target_arch(mips) 182 elseif(__PPC64) 183 add_default_target_arch(powerpc64) 184 elseif(__PPC64LE) 185 add_default_target_arch(powerpc64le) 186 elseif(__RISCV) 187 if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL "4") 188 add_default_target_arch(riscv32) 189 elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL "8") 190 add_default_target_arch(riscv64) 191 else() 192 message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupport XLEN for RISC-V") 193 endif() 194 elseif(__S390X) 195 add_default_target_arch(s390x) 196 elseif(__SPARCV9) 197 add_default_target_arch(sparcv9) 198 elseif(__SPARC) 199 add_default_target_arch(sparc) 200 elseif(__WEBASSEMBLY32) 201 add_default_target_arch(wasm32) 202 elseif(__WEBASSEMBLY64) 203 add_default_target_arch(wasm64) 204 elseif(__VE) 205 add_default_target_arch(ve) 206 endif() 207endmacro() 208 209macro(load_llvm_config) 210 if (NOT LLVM_CONFIG_PATH) 211 find_program(LLVM_CONFIG_PATH "llvm-config" 212 DOC "Path to llvm-config binary") 213 if (NOT LLVM_CONFIG_PATH) 214 message(WARNING "UNSUPPORTED COMPILER-RT CONFIGURATION DETECTED: " 215 "llvm-config not found.\n" 216 "Reconfigure with -DLLVM_CONFIG_PATH=path/to/llvm-config.") 217 endif() 218 endif() 219 if (LLVM_CONFIG_PATH) 220 execute_process( 221 COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG_PATH} "--obj-root" "--bindir" "--libdir" "--src-root" "--includedir" 222 RESULT_VARIABLE HAD_ERROR 223 OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_OUTPUT) 224 if (HAD_ERROR) 225 message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-config failed with status ${HAD_ERROR}") 226 endif() 227 string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" CONFIG_OUTPUT ${CONFIG_OUTPUT}) 228 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 0 BINARY_DIR) 229 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 1 TOOLS_BINARY_DIR) 230 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 2 LIBRARY_DIR) 231 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 3 MAIN_SRC_DIR) 232 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 4 INCLUDE_DIR) 233 234 set(LLVM_BINARY_DIR ${BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to LLVM build tree") 235 set(LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR ${LIBRARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to llvm/lib") 236 set(LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR ${MAIN_SRC_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to LLVM source tree") 237 set(LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR ${TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to llvm/bin") 238 set(LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR ${INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "Paths to LLVM headers") 239 240 # Detect if we have the LLVMXRay and TestingSupport library installed and 241 # available from llvm-config. 242 execute_process( 243 COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG_PATH} "--ldflags" "--libs" "xray" 244 RESULT_VARIABLE HAD_ERROR 245 OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_OUTPUT 246 ERROR_QUIET) 247 if (HAD_ERROR) 248 message(WARNING "llvm-config finding xray failed with status ${HAD_ERROR}") 249 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LLVMXRAY FALSE) 250 else() 251 string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" CONFIG_OUTPUT ${CONFIG_OUTPUT}) 252 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 0 LDFLAGS) 253 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 1 LIBLIST) 254 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${LDFLAGS}" LDFLAGS) 255 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${LIBLIST}" LIBLIST) 256 set(LLVM_XRAY_LDFLAGS ${LDFLAGS} CACHE STRING "Linker flags for LLVMXRay library") 257 set(LLVM_XRAY_LIBLIST ${LIBLIST} CACHE STRING "Library list for LLVMXRay") 258 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LLVMXRAY TRUE) 259 endif() 260 261 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LLVMTESTINGSUPPORT FALSE) 262 execute_process( 263 COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG_PATH} "--ldflags" "--libs" "testingsupport" 264 RESULT_VARIABLE HAD_ERROR 265 OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_OUTPUT 266 ERROR_QUIET) 267 if (HAD_ERROR) 268 message(WARNING "llvm-config finding testingsupport failed with status ${HAD_ERROR}") 269 elseif(COMPILER_RT_INCLUDE_TESTS) 270 string(REGEX REPLACE "[ \t]*[\r\n]+[ \t]*" ";" CONFIG_OUTPUT ${CONFIG_OUTPUT}) 271 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 0 LDFLAGS) 272 list(GET CONFIG_OUTPUT 1 LIBLIST) 273 if (LIBLIST STREQUAL "") 274 message(WARNING "testingsupport library not installed, some tests will be skipped") 275 else() 276 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${LDFLAGS}" LDFLAGS) 277 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${LIBLIST}" LIBLIST) 278 set(LLVM_TESTINGSUPPORT_LDFLAGS ${LDFLAGS} CACHE STRING "Linker flags for LLVMTestingSupport library") 279 set(LLVM_TESTINGSUPPORT_LIBLIST ${LIBLIST} CACHE STRING "Library list for LLVMTestingSupport") 280 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_LLVMTESTINGSUPPORT TRUE) 281 endif() 282 endif() 283 284 # Make use of LLVM CMake modules. 285 # --cmakedir is supported since llvm r291218 (4.0 release) 286 execute_process( 287 COMMAND ${LLVM_CONFIG_PATH} --cmakedir 288 RESULT_VARIABLE HAD_ERROR 289 OUTPUT_VARIABLE CONFIG_OUTPUT) 290 if(NOT HAD_ERROR) 291 string(STRIP "${CONFIG_OUTPUT}" LLVM_CMAKE_PATH_FROM_LLVM_CONFIG) 292 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH_FROM_LLVM_CONFIG} LLVM_CMAKE_PATH) 293 else() 294 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR} LLVM_BINARY_DIR_CMAKE_STYLE) 295 set(LLVM_CMAKE_PATH "${LLVM_BINARY_DIR_CMAKE_STYLE}/lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}/cmake/llvm") 296 endif() 297 298 list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH}") 299 # Get some LLVM variables from LLVMConfig. 300 include("${LLVM_CMAKE_PATH}/LLVMConfig.cmake") 301 302 set(LLVM_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_INTDIR 303 ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) 304 endif() 305endmacro() 306 307macro(construct_compiler_rt_default_triple) 308 if(COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_ONLY) 309 if(DEFINED COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE) 310 message(FATAL_ERROR "COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE isn't supported when building for default target only") 311 endif() 312 set(COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET}) 313 else() 314 set(COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE ${TARGET_TRIPLE} CACHE STRING 315 "Default triple for which compiler-rt runtimes will be built.") 316 endif() 317 318 if(DEFINED COMPILER_RT_TEST_TARGET_TRIPLE) 319 # Backwards compatibility: this variable used to be called 320 # COMPILER_RT_TEST_TARGET_TRIPLE. 321 set(COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE ${COMPILER_RT_TEST_TARGET_TRIPLE}) 322 endif() 323 324 string(REPLACE "-" ";" TARGET_TRIPLE_LIST ${COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE}) 325 list(GET TARGET_TRIPLE_LIST 0 COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_ARCH) 326 # Determine if test target triple is specified explicitly, and doesn't match the 327 # default. 328 if(NOT COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE STREQUAL TARGET_TRIPLE) 329 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_EXPLICIT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE TRUE) 330 else() 331 set(COMPILER_RT_HAS_EXPLICIT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE FALSE) 332 endif() 333endmacro() 334 335# Filter out generic versions of routines that are re-implemented in an 336# architecture specific manner. This prevents multiple definitions of the same 337# symbols, making the symbol selection non-deterministic. 338# 339# We follow the convention that a source file that exists in a sub-directory 340# (e.g. `ppc/divtc3.c`) is architecture-specific and that if a generic 341# implementation exists it will be a top-level source file with the same name 342# modulo the file extension (e.g. `divtc3.c`). 343function(filter_builtin_sources inout_var name) 344 set(intermediate ${${inout_var}}) 345 foreach(_file ${intermediate}) 346 get_filename_component(_file_dir ${_file} DIRECTORY) 347 if (NOT "${_file_dir}" STREQUAL "") 348 # Architecture specific file. If a generic version exists, print a notice 349 # and ensure that it is removed from the file list. 350 get_filename_component(_name ${_file} NAME) 351 string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.S$" ".c" _cname "${_name}") 352 if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_cname}") 353 message(STATUS "For ${name} builtins preferring ${_file} to ${_cname}") 354 list(REMOVE_ITEM intermediate ${_cname}) 355 endif() 356 endif() 357 endforeach() 358 set(${inout_var} ${intermediate} PARENT_SCOPE) 359endfunction() 360 361function(get_compiler_rt_target arch variable) 362 string(FIND ${COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE} "-" dash_index) 363 string(SUBSTRING ${COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE} ${dash_index} -1 triple_suffix) 364 if(COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_ONLY) 365 # Use exact spelling when building only for the target specified to CMake. 366 set(target "${COMPILER_RT_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE}") 367 elseif(ANDROID AND ${arch} STREQUAL "i386") 368 set(target "i686${triple_suffix}") 369 else() 370 set(target "${arch}${triple_suffix}") 371 endif() 372 set(${variable} ${target} PARENT_SCOPE) 373endfunction() 374 375function(get_compiler_rt_install_dir arch install_dir) 376 if(LLVM_ENABLE_PER_TARGET_RUNTIME_DIR AND NOT APPLE) 377 get_compiler_rt_target(${arch} target) 378 set(${install_dir} ${COMPILER_RT_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/${target} PARENT_SCOPE) 379 else() 380 set(${install_dir} ${COMPILER_RT_LIBRARY_INSTALL_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE) 381 endif() 382endfunction() 383 384function(get_compiler_rt_output_dir arch output_dir) 385 if(LLVM_ENABLE_PER_TARGET_RUNTIME_DIR AND NOT APPLE) 386 get_compiler_rt_target(${arch} target) 387 set(${output_dir} ${COMPILER_RT_OUTPUT_DIR}/lib/${target} PARENT_SCOPE) 388 else() 389 set(${output_dir} ${COMPILER_RT_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE) 390 endif() 391endfunction() 392 393# compiler_rt_process_sources( 394# <OUTPUT_VAR> 395# <SOURCE_FILE> ... 396# [ADDITIONAL_HEADERS <header> ...] 397# ) 398# 399# Process the provided sources and write the list of new sources 400# into `<OUTPUT_VAR>`. 401# 402# ADDITIONAL_HEADERS - Adds the supplied header to list of sources for IDEs. 403# 404# This function is very similar to `llvm_process_sources()` but exists here 405# because we need to support standalone builds of compiler-rt. 406function(compiler_rt_process_sources OUTPUT_VAR) 407 cmake_parse_arguments( 408 ARG 409 "" 410 "" 411 "ADDITIONAL_HEADERS" 412 ${ARGN} 413 ) 414 set(sources ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) 415 set(headers "") 416 if (XCODE OR MSVC_IDE OR CMAKE_EXTRA_GENERATOR) 417 # For IDEs we need to tell CMake about header files. 418 # Otherwise they won't show up in UI. 419 set(headers ${ARG_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS}) 420 list(LENGTH headers headers_length) 421 if (${headers_length} GREATER 0) 422 set_source_files_properties(${headers} 423 PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) 424 endif() 425 endif() 426 set("${OUTPUT_VAR}" ${sources} ${headers} PARENT_SCOPE) 427endfunction() 428 429# Create install targets for a library and its parent component (if specified). 430function(add_compiler_rt_install_targets name) 431 cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "PARENT_TARGET" "" ${ARGN}) 432 433 if(ARG_PARENT_TARGET AND NOT TARGET install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET}) 434 # The parent install target specifies the parent component to scrape up 435 # anything not installed by the individual install targets, and to handle 436 # installation when running the multi-configuration generators. 437 add_custom_target(install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} 438 DEPENDS ${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} 439 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 440 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} 441 -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") 442 add_custom_target(install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET}-stripped 443 DEPENDS ${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} 444 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 445 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} 446 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 447 -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") 448 set_target_properties(install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET} PROPERTIES 449 FOLDER "Compiler-RT Misc") 450 set_target_properties(install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET}-stripped PROPERTIES 451 FOLDER "Compiler-RT Misc") 452 add_dependencies(install-compiler-rt install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET}) 453 add_dependencies(install-compiler-rt-stripped install-${ARG_PARENT_TARGET}-stripped) 454 endif() 455 456 # We only want to generate per-library install targets if you aren't using 457 # an IDE because the extra targets get cluttered in IDEs. 458 if(NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) 459 add_custom_target(install-${name} 460 DEPENDS ${name} 461 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 462 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=${name} 463 -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") 464 add_custom_target(install-${name}-stripped 465 DEPENDS ${name} 466 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 467 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=${name} 468 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 469 -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") 470 # If you have a parent target specified, we bind the new install target 471 # to the parent install target. 472 if(LIB_PARENT_TARGET) 473 add_dependencies(install-${LIB_PARENT_TARGET} install-${name}) 474 add_dependencies(install-${LIB_PARENT_TARGET}-stripped install-${name}-stripped) 475 endif() 476 endif() 477endfunction() 478