1 //===-- ThreadPlanShouldStopHere.cpp --------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanShouldStopHere.h"
10 #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
11 #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
12 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
13 #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
15 using namespace lldb;
16 using namespace lldb_private;
18 // ThreadPlanShouldStopHere constructor
19 ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::ThreadPlanShouldStopHere(ThreadPlan *owner)
20     : m_callbacks(), m_baton(nullptr), m_owner(owner),
21       m_flags(ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::eNone) {
22   m_callbacks.should_stop_here_callback =
23       ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::DefaultShouldStopHereCallback;
24   m_callbacks.step_from_here_callback =
25       ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::DefaultStepFromHereCallback;
26 }
28 ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::ThreadPlanShouldStopHere(
29     ThreadPlan *owner, const ThreadPlanShouldStopHereCallbacks *callbacks,
30     void *baton)
31     : m_callbacks(), m_baton(), m_owner(owner),
32       m_flags(ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::eNone) {
33   SetShouldStopHereCallbacks(callbacks, baton);
34 }
36 ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::~ThreadPlanShouldStopHere() = default;
38 bool ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::InvokeShouldStopHereCallback(
39     FrameComparison operation, Status &status) {
40   bool should_stop_here = true;
41   if (m_callbacks.should_stop_here_callback) {
42     should_stop_here = m_callbacks.should_stop_here_callback(
43         m_owner, m_flags, operation, status, m_baton);
44     Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
45     if (log) {
46       lldb::addr_t current_addr =
47           m_owner->GetThread().GetRegisterContext()->GetPC(0);
49       LLDB_LOGF(log, "ShouldStopHere callback returned %u from 0x%" PRIx64 ".",
50                 should_stop_here, current_addr);
51     }
52   }
54   return should_stop_here;
55 }
57 bool ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::DefaultShouldStopHereCallback(
58     ThreadPlan *current_plan, Flags &flags, FrameComparison operation,
59     Status &status, void *baton) {
60   bool should_stop_here = true;
61   StackFrame *frame = current_plan->GetThread().GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get();
62   if (!frame)
63     return true;
65   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
67   if ((operation == eFrameCompareOlder && flags.Test(eStepOutAvoidNoDebug)) ||
68       (operation == eFrameCompareYounger && flags.Test(eStepInAvoidNoDebug)) ||
69       (operation == eFrameCompareSameParent &&
70        flags.Test(eStepInAvoidNoDebug))) {
71     if (!frame->HasDebugInformation()) {
72       LLDB_LOGF(log, "Stepping out of frame with no debug info");
74       should_stop_here = false;
75     }
76   }
78   // Always avoid code with line number 0.
79   // FIXME: At present the ShouldStop and the StepFromHere calculate this
80   // independently.  If this ever
81   // becomes expensive (this one isn't) we can try to have this set a state
82   // that the StepFromHere can use.
83   if (frame) {
84     SymbolContext sc;
85     sc = frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextLineEntry);
86     if (sc.line_entry.line == 0)
87       should_stop_here = false;
88   }
90   return should_stop_here;
91 }
93 ThreadPlanSP ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::DefaultStepFromHereCallback(
94     ThreadPlan *current_plan, Flags &flags, FrameComparison operation,
95     Status &status, void *baton) {
96   const bool stop_others = false;
97   const size_t frame_index = 0;
98   ThreadPlanSP return_plan_sp;
99   // If we are stepping through code at line number 0, then we need to step
100   // over this range.  Otherwise we will step out.
101   Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP));
103   StackFrame *frame = current_plan->GetThread().GetStackFrameAtIndex(0).get();
104   if (!frame)
105     return return_plan_sp;
106   SymbolContext sc;
107   sc = frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextLineEntry | eSymbolContextSymbol);
109   if (sc.line_entry.line == 0) {
110     AddressRange range = sc.line_entry.range;
112     // If the whole function is marked line 0 just step out, that's easier &
113     // faster than continuing to step through it.
114     bool just_step_out = false;
115     if (sc.symbol && sc.symbol->ValueIsAddress()) {
116       Address symbol_end = sc.symbol->GetAddress();
117       symbol_end.Slide(sc.symbol->GetByteSize() - 1);
118       if (range.ContainsFileAddress(sc.symbol->GetAddress()) &&
119           range.ContainsFileAddress(symbol_end)) {
120         LLDB_LOGF(log, "Stopped in a function with only line 0 lines, just "
121                        "stepping out.");
122         just_step_out = true;
123       }
124     }
125     if (!just_step_out) {
126       LLDB_LOGF(log, "ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::DefaultStepFromHereCallback "
127                      "Queueing StepInRange plan to step through line 0 code.");
129       return_plan_sp = current_plan->GetThread().QueueThreadPlanForStepInRange(
130           false, range, sc, nullptr, eOnlyDuringStepping, status,
131           eLazyBoolCalculate, eLazyBoolNo);
132     }
133   }
135   if (!return_plan_sp)
136     return_plan_sp =
137         current_plan->GetThread().QueueThreadPlanForStepOutNoShouldStop(
138             false, nullptr, true, stop_others, eVoteNo, eVoteNoOpinion,
139             frame_index, status, true);
140   return return_plan_sp;
141 }
143 ThreadPlanSP ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::QueueStepOutFromHerePlan(
144     lldb_private::Flags &flags, lldb::FrameComparison operation,
145     Status &status) {
146   ThreadPlanSP return_plan_sp;
147   if (m_callbacks.step_from_here_callback) {
148     return_plan_sp = m_callbacks.step_from_here_callback(
149         m_owner, flags, operation, status, m_baton);
150   }
151   return return_plan_sp;
152 }
154 lldb::ThreadPlanSP ThreadPlanShouldStopHere::CheckShouldStopHereAndQueueStepOut(
155     lldb::FrameComparison operation, Status &status) {
156   if (!InvokeShouldStopHereCallback(operation, status))
157     return QueueStepOutFromHerePlan(m_flags, operation, status);
158   else
159     return ThreadPlanSP();
160 }