xref: /openbsd/gnu/llvm/llvm/docs/ResponseGuide.rst (revision d415bd75)
2*d415bd75SrobertResponse Guide
5*d415bd75SrobertThis is a :doc:`Code of Conduct<CodeOfConduct>` (CoC) incident response guide
6*d415bd75Srobertused by the Code of Conduct Committee and LLVM event organizers.
8*d415bd75SrobertCode of Conduct Committee
11*d415bd75SrobertAll responses to Code of Conduct reports will be managed by a Code of Conduct
14*d415bd75SrobertAdditional Code of Conduct Response Teams
17*d415bd75SrobertIn-person events will have an additional response team to immediately respond
18*d415bd75Srobertto an incident. For example:
20*d415bd75Srobert* Each LLVM Developers' Meeting has a Code of Conduct response team.
21*d415bd75Srobert* For LLVM meetups, the local organizers will be the first point of contact.
22*d415bd75Srobert* Any other event funded by the LLVM Foundation or listed on the LLVM website,
23*d415bd75Srobert  will have a code of conduct response team or point of contact for CoC
24*d415bd75Srobert  reports.
26*d415bd75SrobertThese teams should determine if an :ref:`immediate response<Immediate Response
27*d415bd75SrobertChecklist>` is needed before sending the report to the Code of Conduct
30*d415bd75Srobert.. _Receiving a report:
32*d415bd75SrobertReceiving a Report
35*d415bd75SrobertReports are typically received by email (conduct@llvm.org) or in person from
36*d415bd75Srobertthe reporter or event CoC response team.
38*d415bd75SrobertWhen receiving a report by email, the CoC Committee should acknowledge receipt
39*d415bd75Srobertwithin 24 hours.  The acknowledgement should be understanding and compassionate
40*d415bd75Srobertbut no commitment should be made on whether this is a violation or which action
41*d415bd75Srobertwill be taken. Specific guidance is in the checklist below.
43*d415bd75SrobertFor in-person events that have a violation reported, the report should be sent
44*d415bd75Srobertto the Code of Conduct committee within 24 hours by the on-site CoC response
48*d415bd75Srobert.. _Immediate Response Checklist:
50*d415bd75SrobertImmediate Response Checklist
53*d415bd75SrobertThe CoC committee generally works, decides, and communicates together. If the
54*d415bd75Srobertreport indicates that an immediate response is required and other committee
55*d415bd75Srobertmembers are not available, any committee member may take the immediate action
56*d415bd75Srobertthey think is necessary. In-person Code of Conduct response teams should use
57*d415bd75Srobertthis checklist to determine if an immediate response is needed.
59*d415bd75Srobert* If the incident involves physical danger, contact the appropriate law
60*d415bd75Srobert  enforcement or event security immediately. Ensure the reporter feels safe and
61*d415bd75Srobert  stay with them if possible until help arrives.
62*d415bd75Srobert* If the act is ongoing and involves harassment or threats against someone in
63*d415bd75Srobert  any space (online or physical), any appropriate response (e.g., ban, physical
64*d415bd75Srobert  removal, or moderation) may be used to immediately stop it.
65*d415bd75Srobert* For events that include talks, organizers should end talks early if the
66*d415bd75Srobert  violations include harassment or violent threats. There may be talks where
67*d415bd75Srobert  other types of code of conduct violations occur and organizers should do
68*d415bd75Srobert  their best to determine if a talk should be ended early or not.
70*d415bd75SrobertWhen undertaking an immediate response, document the action and notify the
71*d415bd75Srobertcommittee within 24 hours.
74*d415bd75SrobertResponse Procedure
77*d415bd75SrobertThe following is a summary of the steps the committee takes when responding to
78*d415bd75Sroberta reported incident.
80*d415bd75Srobert1. Determine if there is a need for an :ref:`immediate response<Immediate
81*d415bd75Srobert   Response Checklist>`.
83*d415bd75Srobert2. :ref:`Acknowledge the report<Receiving a report>` within 24 hours.
85*d415bd75Srobert3. :ref:`Discuss the incident report<Incident Response Assessment>`, gather
86*d415bd75Srobert   more information, and determine a :ref:`resolution<Resolutions>`.
88*d415bd75Srobert4. During this process, the :ref:`reporter will be informed of the
89*d415bd75Srobert   resolution<Following Up With the Reportee>` and feedback is requested. This
90*d415bd75Srobert   feedback may or may not be used to re-evaluate the resolution.
92*d415bd75Srobert5. Inform the reportee of the resolution. The reportee is provided options to
93*d415bd75Srobert   :ref:`appeal<Appeal Process>`.
95*d415bd75Srobert6. The :ref:`resolution<Resolutions>` is implemented.
97*d415bd75Srobert7. All reports, data, notes, and resolutions are logged in a private location
98*d415bd75Srobert   (e.g., Google Drive or other database).
100*d415bd75SrobertThe committee will never make public statements about a resolution and will
101*d415bd75Srobertonly publish :ref:`transparency reports<Transparency Reports>`. If a public
102*d415bd75Srobertstatement is necessary and requested by the committee, it will be given by the
103*d415bd75SrobertLLVM Foundation Board of Directors.
105*d415bd75SrobertReport Acknowledgement
108*d415bd75SrobertWhen a report is received, the committee will reply to the reporter to confirm
109*d415bd75Srobertreceipt within 24 hours of the incident being reported.
111*d415bd75SrobertThis acknowledgement will contain:
113*d415bd75Srobert* Acknowledgement of the incident report
114*d415bd75Srobert* Next steps of the committee for responding to the incident
115*d415bd75Srobert* Reminder of confidentiality policy regarding the report and parties involved
117*d415bd75SrobertAll incident reports should be assessed if they require immediate response and
118*d415bd75Srobertacted on accordingly.
120*d415bd75Srobert.. _Incident Response Assessment:
122*d415bd75SrobertIncident Response Assessment
125*d415bd75SrobertThe committee will assess the incident and determine an appropriate response.
126*d415bd75SrobertThe assessment will be documented and retained in records. Here are some
127*d415bd75Srobertguidelines for the process:
129*d415bd75Srobert* Review report documentation to determine the content and context of the
130*d415bd75Srobert  incident.
132*d415bd75Srobert  * Request additional information if needed from the reporter.
134*d415bd75Srobert* Determine if it occurred within the scope of the CoC.
135*d415bd75Srobert* Determine if it violated the CoC and specifically which part.
136*d415bd75Srobert* Consult documentation of past incidents for patterns of behavior (if
137*d415bd75Srobert  available and applicable).
138*d415bd75Srobert* Follow up with the reportee to get their view or any other additional
139*d415bd75Srobert  information.
140*d415bd75Srobert* Determine appropriate resolutions to the incident when all information has
141*d415bd75Srobert  been gathered.
142*d415bd75Srobert* Notify the reporter of the resolution and request feedback. This may or may
143*d415bd75Srobert  not be used to reevaluate the resolution.
145*d415bd75SrobertThe committee will aim to have a resolution agreed upon within two weeks of
146*d415bd75Srobertreceipt of the incident report. In the event that a resolution cannot be
147*d415bd75Srobertdetermined within that time, the CoC committee will respond to the reporter(s)
148*d415bd75Srobertwith an updated and projected timeline for resolution.
150*d415bd75Srobert.. _Following Up With the Reportee:
152*d415bd75SrobertFollowing Up With the Reportee
155*d415bd75SrobertWhen following up with the reportee, the committee will:
157*d415bd75Srobert* Explain that an incident was reported that involves the reportee.
158*d415bd75Srobert* In this explanation, the focus will be on the impact of their behavior, not
159*d415bd75Srobert  their intent.
160*d415bd75Srobert* Reiterate the Code of Conduct and that their behavior may be deemed
161*d415bd75Srobert  inappropriate.
162*d415bd75Srobert* Give them the opportunity to state their view of the incident.
163*d415bd75Srobert* Explain the possible resolutions that may be enforced should the CoC
164*d415bd75Srobert  committee determine there is a breach.
166*d415bd75SrobertThe reportee will be given a week to respond with the option to request
167*d415bd75Srobertadditional time if needed and subject to approval of the CoC Committee.
169*d415bd75Srobert.. _Resolutions:
174*d415bd75SrobertThe committee should agree unanimously on a resolution. In the event that the
175*d415bd75Srobertcommittee cannot reach a unanimous resolution, the LLVM Foundation Board of
176*d415bd75SrobertDirectors will help resolve the situation and determine if the resolution can
177*d415bd75Srobertproceed without a unanimous vote.
179*d415bd75SrobertWhen deciding on a resolution, the goal is to address the report in an
180*d415bd75Srobertappropriate way, while also looking to prevent or reduce the risk of continuing
181*d415bd75Srobertharm in the future. Any action deemed necessary by the committee will be
182*d415bd75Sroberttaken, but below is a list of possible resolutions:
184*d415bd75Srobert* Taking no further action as the incident was determined not to be a
185*d415bd75Srobert  violation.
186*d415bd75Srobert* A private verbal warning and/or reprimand from the committee to the
187*d415bd75Srobert  individual(s) involved and request to stop this behavior. This conversation
188*d415bd75Srobert  may happen in person, email, by phone, video chat, or IRC.
189*d415bd75Srobert* Request that the reportee avoid any interaction with, and physical proximity
190*d415bd75Srobert  to, another person for the remainder of the event.
191*d415bd75Srobert* Refusal of alcoholic beverage purchases by the reportee at LLVM events.
192*d415bd75Srobert* Ending a talk/tutorial/etc at an LLVM event early. See immediate response
193*d415bd75Srobert  checklist for further clarification.
194*d415bd75Srobert* Not publishing the video or slides of a talk.
195*d415bd75Srobert* Not allowing a speaker to give (further) talks at LLVM events for a specified
196*d415bd75Srobert  amount of time or ever.
197*d415bd75Srobert* Requiring that the reportee immediately leave an event and not return.
198*d415bd75Srobert* Immediately ending any volunteer responsibilities and privileges the reportee
199*d415bd75Srobert  holds.
200*d415bd75Srobert* An imposed suspension (e.g., asking someone to "take a week off" from mailing
201*d415bd75Srobert  lists, bug tracker, IRC, Discord, repositories, or other communication
202*d415bd75Srobert  forms).
203*d415bd75Srobert* A permanent or temporary ban from some or all LLVM Project spaces (online or
204*d415bd75Srobert  in person).
206*d415bd75SrobertOnce a resolution is agreed upon, but before it is enacted, the committee will
207*d415bd75Srobertcontact the reporter and any other affected parties to explain the proposed
208*d415bd75Srobertresolution. They will ask if this resolution is acceptable and must note
209*d415bd75Srobertfeedback for the record. However, the committee is not required to act on this
212*d415bd75Srobert.. _Appeal Process:
214*d415bd75SrobertAppeal Process
217*d415bd75SrobertAny individual(s) determined to have violated the CoC have the right to appeal
218*d415bd75Sroberta decision. An appeal can be made directly to the committee by sending an email
219*d415bd75Srobertto conduct@llvm.org with subject line Code of Conduct Incident Appeal.
221*d415bd75SrobertThe email should include documentation related to the incident to support the
222*d415bd75Srobertappeal. The said documentation may include, but does not have to be limited to:
224*d415bd75Srobert* Information from the reportee justifying reasoning for the appeal.
225*d415bd75Srobert* Statements from other individuals involved in the incident to support the
226*d415bd75Srobert  appeal.
228*d415bd75SrobertAppeals can be requested up to 30 days after a resolution has been communicated
229*d415bd75Srobertto the individual(s). The committee will aim to evaluate appeals within two weeks of receipt. In the event that appeal can not be evaluated within that time, the CoC committee will respond with an updated and projected timeline.
232*d415bd75SrobertConflicts of Interest
235*d415bd75SrobertCommittee members should declare any conflicts of interest as soon as possible
236*d415bd75Srobertand before any official committee meetings. This can mean being friends with
237*d415bd75Srobertone of the involved parties, or anything else that may make it harder to remain
240*d415bd75SrobertA conflict of interest does not inherently mean the committee member can no
241*d415bd75Srobertlonger participate in the process, as that would make it very hard for the team
242*d415bd75Srobertto act on reports involving well-known people in the community. However, if a
243*d415bd75Srobertreport concerns a team member or someone they work directly with, they probably
244*d415bd75Srobertshould not take part in the process. The team will decide together on where to
245*d415bd75Srobertdraw this line in individual cases. Where possible, any conversations with
246*d415bd75Srobertoffenders should not be done by people who know them, as it can be very
247*d415bd75Srobertunpleasant for everyone involved.
249*d415bd75SrobertIf a report is received concerning a committee member, that member must not be
250*d415bd75Srobertinvolved in the response process. The rest of the committee will meet and
251*d415bd75Srobertdecide on the report without the reported committee member being present, and
252*d415bd75Srobertwill not share more information than they would have with a non-member. If a
253*d415bd75Srobertmember of the committee is found to have violated the CoC, they may no longer
254*d415bd75Srobertbe able to keep serving on the committee.
259*d415bd75SrobertAll reports will be kept confidential with details shared only with the Code of
260*d415bd75SrobertConduct committee members. However, the Code of Conduct Committee will always
261*d415bd75Srobertcomply with law enforcement when directed. In the case that a CoC committee
262*d415bd75Srobertmember is involved in a report, the member will be asked to recuse themselves
263*d415bd75Srobertfrom ongoing conversations, and they will not have access to reports after the
264*d415bd75Srobertenforcement decision has been made.
266*d415bd75SrobertIn the event of a temporary suspension or ban, the appropriate people must be
267*d415bd75Srobertnotified of the ban in order to restrict access to infrastructure or events.
268*d415bd75SrobertThese individuals will only be notified of the person's name and the
269*d415bd75Srobertrestrictions imposed. They will be under a confidentiality clause and not
270*d415bd75Srobertallowed to respond to questions regarding the ban and should direct all
271*d415bd75Srobertquestions to the CoC committee.
273*d415bd75Srobert.. _Transparency Reports:
275*d415bd75SrobertTransparency Reports
278*d415bd75SrobertLack of transparency in the outcomes of our Code of Conduct incidents leaves
279*d415bd75Srobertour community without an understanding of how or if the organizers worked to
280*d415bd75Srobertresolve incidents. The CoC committee should aim to publish transparency
281*d415bd75Srobertreports, if reports are received, after major events (such as the LLVM
282*d415bd75SrobertDevelopers' meetings) and on the following dates: Jan 15, April 15, July 15,
283*d415bd75SrobertOct 15.
285*d415bd75SrobertA transparency report consists of 2 parts:
287*d415bd75Srobert* An overview of the reports received, and resolutions.
288*d415bd75Srobert* A more detailed summary of each reported incident and the resolution while
289*d415bd75Srobert  maintaining confidentiality.
291*d415bd75SrobertThese reports will be published on the LLVM website.
294*d415bd75SrobertThis guide was created and inspired by the following: the `Django Project`_,
295*d415bd75Srobert`Carpentries Response Guide`_, and the `Write The Docs Response Guide`_.
297*d415bd75Srobert.. _Django Project: https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/
298*d415bd75Srobert.. _Carpentries Response Guide: https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/enforcement-guidelines.html
299*d415bd75Srobert.. _Write The Docs Response Guide: https://www.writethedocs.org/code-of-conduct/#guidelines-for-reporting-incidents