xref: /openbsd/gnu/llvm/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SplitKit.h (revision d415bd75)
109467b48Spatrick //===- SplitKit.h - Toolkit for splitting live ranges -----------*- C++ -*-===//
209467b48Spatrick //
309467b48Spatrick // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
409467b48Spatrick // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
509467b48Spatrick // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
609467b48Spatrick //
709467b48Spatrick //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
809467b48Spatrick //
909467b48Spatrick // This file contains the SplitAnalysis class as well as mutator functions for
1009467b48Spatrick // live range splitting.
1109467b48Spatrick //
1209467b48Spatrick //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1409467b48Spatrick #ifndef LLVM_LIB_CODEGEN_SPLITKIT_H
1509467b48Spatrick #define LLVM_LIB_CODEGEN_SPLITKIT_H
1709467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
1809467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
1909467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
2009467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
2109467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/IntervalMap.h"
2209467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
2309467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
2409467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
25097a140dSpatrick #include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervalCalc.h"
2609467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/CodeGen/LiveIntervals.h"
2709467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
2809467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
2909467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h"
3009467b48Spatrick #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
3109467b48Spatrick #include <utility>
3309467b48Spatrick namespace llvm {
35*d415bd75Srobert class LiveInterval;
36*d415bd75Srobert class LiveRange;
3709467b48Spatrick class LiveIntervals;
3809467b48Spatrick class LiveRangeEdit;
3909467b48Spatrick class MachineBlockFrequencyInfo;
4009467b48Spatrick class MachineDominatorTree;
4109467b48Spatrick class MachineLoopInfo;
4209467b48Spatrick class MachineRegisterInfo;
4309467b48Spatrick class TargetInstrInfo;
4409467b48Spatrick class TargetRegisterInfo;
4509467b48Spatrick class VirtRegMap;
4673471bf0Spatrick class VirtRegAuxInfo;
4809467b48Spatrick /// Determines the latest safe point in a block in which we can insert a split,
4909467b48Spatrick /// spill or other instruction related with CurLI.
5009467b48Spatrick class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY InsertPointAnalysis {
5109467b48Spatrick private:
5209467b48Spatrick   const LiveIntervals &LIS;
5409467b48Spatrick   /// Last legal insert point in each basic block in the current function.
5509467b48Spatrick   /// The first entry is the first terminator, the second entry is the
5609467b48Spatrick   /// last valid point to insert a split or spill for a variable that is
57097a140dSpatrick   /// live into a landing pad or inlineasm_br successor.
5809467b48Spatrick   SmallVector<std::pair<SlotIndex, SlotIndex>, 8> LastInsertPoint;
6009467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex computeLastInsertPoint(const LiveInterval &CurLI,
6109467b48Spatrick                                    const MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
6309467b48Spatrick public:
6409467b48Spatrick   InsertPointAnalysis(const LiveIntervals &lis, unsigned BBNum);
6609467b48Spatrick   /// Return the base index of the last valid insert point for \pCurLI in \pMBB.
getLastInsertPoint(const LiveInterval & CurLI,const MachineBasicBlock & MBB)6709467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex getLastInsertPoint(const LiveInterval &CurLI,
6809467b48Spatrick                                const MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
6909467b48Spatrick     unsigned Num = MBB.getNumber();
7009467b48Spatrick     // Inline the common simple case.
7109467b48Spatrick     if (LastInsertPoint[Num].first.isValid() &&
7209467b48Spatrick         !LastInsertPoint[Num].second.isValid())
7309467b48Spatrick       return LastInsertPoint[Num].first;
7409467b48Spatrick     return computeLastInsertPoint(CurLI, MBB);
7509467b48Spatrick   }
7709467b48Spatrick   /// Returns the last insert point as an iterator for \pCurLI in \pMBB.
7809467b48Spatrick   MachineBasicBlock::iterator getLastInsertPointIter(const LiveInterval &CurLI,
7909467b48Spatrick                                                      MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
8109467b48Spatrick   /// Return the base index of the first insert point in \pMBB.
getFirstInsertPoint(MachineBasicBlock & MBB)8209467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex getFirstInsertPoint(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
8309467b48Spatrick     SlotIndex Res = LIS.getMBBStartIdx(&MBB);
8409467b48Spatrick     if (!MBB.empty()) {
8509467b48Spatrick       MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MBB.SkipPHIsLabelsAndDebug(MBB.begin());
8609467b48Spatrick       if (MII != MBB.end())
8709467b48Spatrick         Res = LIS.getInstructionIndex(*MII);
8809467b48Spatrick     }
8909467b48Spatrick     return Res;
9009467b48Spatrick   }
9209467b48Spatrick };
9409467b48Spatrick /// SplitAnalysis - Analyze a LiveInterval, looking for live range splitting
9509467b48Spatrick /// opportunities.
9609467b48Spatrick class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY SplitAnalysis {
9709467b48Spatrick public:
9809467b48Spatrick   const MachineFunction &MF;
9909467b48Spatrick   const VirtRegMap &VRM;
10009467b48Spatrick   const LiveIntervals &LIS;
10109467b48Spatrick   const MachineLoopInfo &Loops;
10209467b48Spatrick   const TargetInstrInfo &TII;
10409467b48Spatrick   /// Additional information about basic blocks where the current variable is
10509467b48Spatrick   /// live. Such a block will look like one of these templates:
10609467b48Spatrick   ///
10709467b48Spatrick   ///  1. |   o---x   | Internal to block. Variable is only live in this block.
10809467b48Spatrick   ///  2. |---x       | Live-in, kill.
10909467b48Spatrick   ///  3. |       o---| Def, live-out.
11009467b48Spatrick   ///  4. |---x   o---| Live-in, kill, def, live-out. Counted by NumGapBlocks.
11109467b48Spatrick   ///  5. |---o---o---| Live-through with uses or defs.
11209467b48Spatrick   ///  6. |-----------| Live-through without uses. Counted by NumThroughBlocks.
11309467b48Spatrick   ///
11409467b48Spatrick   /// Two BlockInfo entries are created for template 4. One for the live-in
11509467b48Spatrick   /// segment, and one for the live-out segment. These entries look as if the
11609467b48Spatrick   /// block were split in the middle where the live range isn't live.
11709467b48Spatrick   ///
11809467b48Spatrick   /// Live-through blocks without any uses don't get BlockInfo entries. They
11909467b48Spatrick   /// are simply listed in ThroughBlocks instead.
12009467b48Spatrick   ///
12109467b48Spatrick   struct BlockInfo {
12209467b48Spatrick     MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
12309467b48Spatrick     SlotIndex FirstInstr; ///< First instr accessing current reg.
12409467b48Spatrick     SlotIndex LastInstr;  ///< Last instr accessing current reg.
12509467b48Spatrick     SlotIndex FirstDef;   ///< First non-phi valno->def, or SlotIndex().
12609467b48Spatrick     bool LiveIn;          ///< Current reg is live in.
12709467b48Spatrick     bool LiveOut;         ///< Current reg is live out.
12909467b48Spatrick     /// isOneInstr - Returns true when this BlockInfo describes a single
13009467b48Spatrick     /// instruction.
isOneInstrBlockInfo13109467b48Spatrick     bool isOneInstr() const {
13209467b48Spatrick       return SlotIndex::isSameInstr(FirstInstr, LastInstr);
13309467b48Spatrick     }
13573471bf0Spatrick     void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
13673471bf0Spatrick     void dump() const;
13709467b48Spatrick   };
13909467b48Spatrick private:
14009467b48Spatrick   // Current live interval.
14109467b48Spatrick   const LiveInterval *CurLI = nullptr;
14309467b48Spatrick   /// Insert Point Analysis.
14409467b48Spatrick   InsertPointAnalysis IPA;
14609467b48Spatrick   // Sorted slot indexes of using instructions.
14709467b48Spatrick   SmallVector<SlotIndex, 8> UseSlots;
14909467b48Spatrick   /// UseBlocks - Blocks where CurLI has uses.
15009467b48Spatrick   SmallVector<BlockInfo, 8> UseBlocks;
15209467b48Spatrick   /// NumGapBlocks - Number of duplicate entries in UseBlocks for blocks where
15309467b48Spatrick   /// the live range has a gap.
15409467b48Spatrick   unsigned NumGapBlocks;
15609467b48Spatrick   /// ThroughBlocks - Block numbers where CurLI is live through without uses.
15709467b48Spatrick   BitVector ThroughBlocks;
15909467b48Spatrick   /// NumThroughBlocks - Number of live-through blocks.
16009467b48Spatrick   unsigned NumThroughBlocks;
16209467b48Spatrick   // Sumarize statistics by counting instructions using CurLI.
16309467b48Spatrick   void analyzeUses();
16509467b48Spatrick   /// calcLiveBlockInfo - Compute per-block information about CurLI.
166*d415bd75Srobert   void calcLiveBlockInfo();
16809467b48Spatrick public:
16909467b48Spatrick   SplitAnalysis(const VirtRegMap &vrm, const LiveIntervals &lis,
17009467b48Spatrick                 const MachineLoopInfo &mli);
17209467b48Spatrick   /// analyze - set CurLI to the specified interval, and analyze how it may be
17309467b48Spatrick   /// split.
17409467b48Spatrick   void analyze(const LiveInterval *li);
17609467b48Spatrick   /// clear - clear all data structures so SplitAnalysis is ready to analyze a
17709467b48Spatrick   /// new interval.
17809467b48Spatrick   void clear();
18009467b48Spatrick   /// getParent - Return the last analyzed interval.
getParent()18109467b48Spatrick   const LiveInterval &getParent() const { return *CurLI; }
18309467b48Spatrick   /// isOriginalEndpoint - Return true if the original live range was killed or
18409467b48Spatrick   /// (re-)defined at Idx. Idx should be the 'def' slot for a normal kill/def,
18509467b48Spatrick   /// and 'use' for an early-clobber def.
18609467b48Spatrick   /// This can be used to recognize code inserted by earlier live range
18709467b48Spatrick   /// splitting.
18809467b48Spatrick   bool isOriginalEndpoint(SlotIndex Idx) const;
19009467b48Spatrick   /// getUseSlots - Return an array of SlotIndexes of instructions using CurLI.
19109467b48Spatrick   /// This include both use and def operands, at most one entry per instruction.
getUseSlots()19209467b48Spatrick   ArrayRef<SlotIndex> getUseSlots() const { return UseSlots; }
19409467b48Spatrick   /// getUseBlocks - Return an array of BlockInfo objects for the basic blocks
19509467b48Spatrick   /// where CurLI has uses.
getUseBlocks()19609467b48Spatrick   ArrayRef<BlockInfo> getUseBlocks() const { return UseBlocks; }
19809467b48Spatrick   /// getNumThroughBlocks - Return the number of through blocks.
getNumThroughBlocks()19909467b48Spatrick   unsigned getNumThroughBlocks() const { return NumThroughBlocks; }
20109467b48Spatrick   /// isThroughBlock - Return true if CurLI is live through MBB without uses.
isThroughBlock(unsigned MBB)20209467b48Spatrick   bool isThroughBlock(unsigned MBB) const { return ThroughBlocks.test(MBB); }
20409467b48Spatrick   /// getThroughBlocks - Return the set of through blocks.
getThroughBlocks()20509467b48Spatrick   const BitVector &getThroughBlocks() const { return ThroughBlocks; }
20709467b48Spatrick   /// getNumLiveBlocks - Return the number of blocks where CurLI is live.
getNumLiveBlocks()20809467b48Spatrick   unsigned getNumLiveBlocks() const {
20909467b48Spatrick     return getUseBlocks().size() - NumGapBlocks + getNumThroughBlocks();
21009467b48Spatrick   }
21209467b48Spatrick   /// countLiveBlocks - Return the number of blocks where li is live. This is
21309467b48Spatrick   /// guaranteed to return the same number as getNumLiveBlocks() after calling
21409467b48Spatrick   /// analyze(li).
21509467b48Spatrick   unsigned countLiveBlocks(const LiveInterval *li) const;
21709467b48Spatrick   using BlockPtrSet = SmallPtrSet<const MachineBasicBlock *, 16>;
21909467b48Spatrick   /// shouldSplitSingleBlock - Returns true if it would help to create a local
22009467b48Spatrick   /// live range for the instructions in BI. There is normally no benefit to
22109467b48Spatrick   /// creating a live range for a single instruction, but it does enable
22209467b48Spatrick   /// register class inflation if the instruction has a restricted register
22309467b48Spatrick   /// class.
22409467b48Spatrick   ///
22509467b48Spatrick   /// @param BI           The block to be isolated.
22609467b48Spatrick   /// @param SingleInstrs True when single instructions should be isolated.
22709467b48Spatrick   bool shouldSplitSingleBlock(const BlockInfo &BI, bool SingleInstrs) const;
getLastSplitPoint(unsigned Num)22909467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex getLastSplitPoint(unsigned Num) {
23009467b48Spatrick     return IPA.getLastInsertPoint(*CurLI, *MF.getBlockNumbered(Num));
23109467b48Spatrick   }
getLastSplitPoint(MachineBasicBlock * BB)23373471bf0Spatrick   SlotIndex getLastSplitPoint(MachineBasicBlock *BB) {
23473471bf0Spatrick     return IPA.getLastInsertPoint(*CurLI, *BB);
23573471bf0Spatrick   }
getLastSplitPointIter(MachineBasicBlock * BB)23709467b48Spatrick   MachineBasicBlock::iterator getLastSplitPointIter(MachineBasicBlock *BB) {
23809467b48Spatrick     return IPA.getLastInsertPointIter(*CurLI, *BB);
23909467b48Spatrick   }
getFirstSplitPoint(unsigned Num)24109467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex getFirstSplitPoint(unsigned Num) {
24209467b48Spatrick     return IPA.getFirstInsertPoint(*MF.getBlockNumbered(Num));
24309467b48Spatrick   }
24409467b48Spatrick };
24609467b48Spatrick /// SplitEditor - Edit machine code and LiveIntervals for live range
24709467b48Spatrick /// splitting.
24809467b48Spatrick ///
24909467b48Spatrick /// - Create a SplitEditor from a SplitAnalysis.
25009467b48Spatrick /// - Start a new live interval with openIntv.
25109467b48Spatrick /// - Mark the places where the new interval is entered using enterIntv*
25209467b48Spatrick /// - Mark the ranges where the new interval is used with useIntv*
25309467b48Spatrick /// - Mark the places where the interval is exited with exitIntv*.
25409467b48Spatrick /// - Finish the current interval with closeIntv and repeat from 2.
25509467b48Spatrick /// - Rewrite instructions with finish().
25609467b48Spatrick ///
25709467b48Spatrick class LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY SplitEditor {
25809467b48Spatrick   SplitAnalysis &SA;
25909467b48Spatrick   LiveIntervals &LIS;
26009467b48Spatrick   VirtRegMap &VRM;
26109467b48Spatrick   MachineRegisterInfo &MRI;
26209467b48Spatrick   MachineDominatorTree &MDT;
26309467b48Spatrick   const TargetInstrInfo &TII;
26409467b48Spatrick   const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI;
26509467b48Spatrick   const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo &MBFI;
26673471bf0Spatrick   VirtRegAuxInfo &VRAI;
26809467b48Spatrick public:
26909467b48Spatrick   /// ComplementSpillMode - Select how the complement live range should be
27009467b48Spatrick   /// created.  SplitEditor automatically creates interval 0 to contain
27109467b48Spatrick   /// anything that isn't added to another interval.  This complement interval
27209467b48Spatrick   /// can get quite complicated, and it can sometimes be an advantage to allow
27309467b48Spatrick   /// it to overlap the other intervals.  If it is going to spill anyway, no
27409467b48Spatrick   /// registers are wasted by keeping a value in two places at the same time.
27509467b48Spatrick   enum ComplementSpillMode {
27609467b48Spatrick     /// SM_Partition(Default) - Try to create the complement interval so it
27709467b48Spatrick     /// doesn't overlap any other intervals, and the original interval is
27809467b48Spatrick     /// partitioned.  This may require a large number of back copies and extra
27909467b48Spatrick     /// PHI-defs.  Only segments marked with overlapIntv will be overlapping.
28009467b48Spatrick     SM_Partition,
28209467b48Spatrick     /// SM_Size - Overlap intervals to minimize the number of inserted COPY
28309467b48Spatrick     /// instructions.  Copies to the complement interval are hoisted to their
28409467b48Spatrick     /// common dominator, so only one COPY is required per value in the
28509467b48Spatrick     /// complement interval.  This also means that no extra PHI-defs need to be
28609467b48Spatrick     /// inserted in the complement interval.
28709467b48Spatrick     SM_Size,
28909467b48Spatrick     /// SM_Speed - Overlap intervals to minimize the expected execution
29009467b48Spatrick     /// frequency of the inserted copies.  This is very similar to SM_Size, but
29109467b48Spatrick     /// the complement interval may get some extra PHI-defs.
29209467b48Spatrick     SM_Speed
29309467b48Spatrick   };
29509467b48Spatrick private:
29609467b48Spatrick   /// Edit - The current parent register and new intervals created.
29709467b48Spatrick   LiveRangeEdit *Edit = nullptr;
29909467b48Spatrick   /// Index into Edit of the currently open interval.
30009467b48Spatrick   /// The index 0 is used for the complement, so the first interval started by
30109467b48Spatrick   /// openIntv will be 1.
30209467b48Spatrick   unsigned OpenIdx = 0;
30409467b48Spatrick   /// The current spill mode, selected by reset().
30509467b48Spatrick   ComplementSpillMode SpillMode = SM_Partition;
30709467b48Spatrick   using RegAssignMap = IntervalMap<SlotIndex, unsigned>;
30909467b48Spatrick   /// Allocator for the interval map. This will eventually be shared with
31009467b48Spatrick   /// SlotIndexes and LiveIntervals.
31109467b48Spatrick   RegAssignMap::Allocator Allocator;
31309467b48Spatrick   /// RegAssign - Map of the assigned register indexes.
31409467b48Spatrick   /// Edit.get(RegAssign.lookup(Idx)) is the register that should be live at
31509467b48Spatrick   /// Idx.
31609467b48Spatrick   RegAssignMap RegAssign;
31809467b48Spatrick   using ValueForcePair = PointerIntPair<VNInfo *, 1>;
31909467b48Spatrick   using ValueMap = DenseMap<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, ValueForcePair>;
32109467b48Spatrick   /// Values - keep track of the mapping from parent values to values in the new
32209467b48Spatrick   /// intervals. Given a pair (RegIdx, ParentVNI->id), Values contains:
32309467b48Spatrick   ///
32409467b48Spatrick   /// 1. No entry - the value is not mapped to Edit.get(RegIdx).
32509467b48Spatrick   /// 2. (Null, false) - the value is mapped to multiple values in
32609467b48Spatrick   ///    Edit.get(RegIdx).  Each value is represented by a minimal live range at
32709467b48Spatrick   ///    its def.  The full live range can be inferred exactly from the range
32809467b48Spatrick   ///    of RegIdx in RegAssign.
32909467b48Spatrick   /// 3. (Null, true).  As above, but the ranges in RegAssign are too large, and
330097a140dSpatrick   ///    the live range must be recomputed using ::extend().
33109467b48Spatrick   /// 4. (VNI, false) The value is mapped to a single new value.
33209467b48Spatrick   ///    The new value has no live ranges anywhere.
33309467b48Spatrick   ValueMap Values;
335097a140dSpatrick   /// LICalc - Cache for computing live ranges and SSA update.  Each instance
33609467b48Spatrick   /// can only handle non-overlapping live ranges, so use a separate
337097a140dSpatrick   /// LiveIntervalCalc instance for the complement interval when in spill mode.
338097a140dSpatrick   LiveIntervalCalc LICalc[2];
340097a140dSpatrick   /// getLICalc - Return the LICalc to use for RegIdx.  In spill mode, the
34109467b48Spatrick   /// complement interval can overlap the other intervals, so it gets its own
342097a140dSpatrick   /// LICalc instance.  When not in spill mode, all intervals can share one.
getLICalc(unsigned RegIdx)343097a140dSpatrick   LiveIntervalCalc &getLICalc(unsigned RegIdx) {
344097a140dSpatrick     return LICalc[SpillMode != SM_Partition && RegIdx != 0];
34509467b48Spatrick   }
34709467b48Spatrick   /// Add a segment to the interval LI for the value number VNI. If LI has
34809467b48Spatrick   /// subranges, corresponding segments will be added to them as well, but
34909467b48Spatrick   /// with newly created value numbers. If Original is true, dead def will
35009467b48Spatrick   /// only be added a subrange of LI if the corresponding subrange of the
35109467b48Spatrick   /// original interval has a def at this index. Otherwise, all subranges
35209467b48Spatrick   /// of LI will be updated.
35309467b48Spatrick   void addDeadDef(LiveInterval &LI, VNInfo *VNI, bool Original);
35509467b48Spatrick   /// defValue - define a value in RegIdx from ParentVNI at Idx.
35609467b48Spatrick   /// Idx does not have to be ParentVNI->def, but it must be contained within
35709467b48Spatrick   /// ParentVNI's live range in ParentLI. The new value is added to the value
35809467b48Spatrick   /// map. The value being defined may either come from rematerialization
35909467b48Spatrick   /// (or an inserted copy), or it may be coming from the original interval.
36009467b48Spatrick   /// The parameter Original should be true in the latter case, otherwise
36109467b48Spatrick   /// it should be false.
36209467b48Spatrick   /// Return the new LI value.
36309467b48Spatrick   VNInfo *defValue(unsigned RegIdx, const VNInfo *ParentVNI, SlotIndex Idx,
36409467b48Spatrick                    bool Original);
36609467b48Spatrick   /// forceRecompute - Force the live range of ParentVNI in RegIdx to be
36709467b48Spatrick   /// recomputed by LiveRangeCalc::extend regardless of the number of defs.
36809467b48Spatrick   /// This is used for values whose live range doesn't match RegAssign exactly.
36909467b48Spatrick   /// They could have rematerialized, or back-copies may have been moved.
37009467b48Spatrick   void forceRecompute(unsigned RegIdx, const VNInfo &ParentVNI);
37209467b48Spatrick   /// Calls forceRecompute() on any affected regidx and on ParentVNI
37309467b48Spatrick   /// predecessors in case of a phi definition.
37409467b48Spatrick   void forceRecomputeVNI(const VNInfo &ParentVNI);
37609467b48Spatrick   /// defFromParent - Define Reg from ParentVNI at UseIdx using either
37709467b48Spatrick   /// rematerialization or a COPY from parent. Return the new value.
378*d415bd75Srobert   VNInfo *defFromParent(unsigned RegIdx, const VNInfo *ParentVNI,
379*d415bd75Srobert                         SlotIndex UseIdx, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
38009467b48Spatrick                         MachineBasicBlock::iterator I);
38209467b48Spatrick   /// removeBackCopies - Remove the copy instructions that defines the values
38309467b48Spatrick   /// in the vector in the complement interval.
38409467b48Spatrick   void removeBackCopies(SmallVectorImpl<VNInfo*> &Copies);
38609467b48Spatrick   /// getShallowDominator - Returns the least busy dominator of MBB that is
38709467b48Spatrick   /// also dominated by DefMBB.  Busy is measured by loop depth.
38809467b48Spatrick   MachineBasicBlock *findShallowDominator(MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
38909467b48Spatrick                                           MachineBasicBlock *DefMBB);
39109467b48Spatrick   /// Find out all the backCopies dominated by others.
39209467b48Spatrick   void computeRedundantBackCopies(DenseSet<unsigned> &NotToHoistSet,
39309467b48Spatrick                                   SmallVectorImpl<VNInfo *> &BackCopies);
39509467b48Spatrick   /// Hoist back-copies to the complement interval. It tries to hoist all
39609467b48Spatrick   /// the back-copies to one BB if it is beneficial, or else simply remove
39709467b48Spatrick   /// redundant backcopies dominated by others.
39809467b48Spatrick   void hoistCopies();
40009467b48Spatrick   /// transferValues - Transfer values to the new ranges.
40109467b48Spatrick   /// Return true if any ranges were skipped.
40209467b48Spatrick   bool transferValues();
40409467b48Spatrick   /// Live range @p LR corresponding to the lane Mask @p LM has a live
40509467b48Spatrick   /// PHI def at the beginning of block @p B. Extend the range @p LR of
40609467b48Spatrick   /// all predecessor values that reach this def. If @p LR is a subrange,
40709467b48Spatrick   /// the array @p Undefs is the set of all locations where it is undefined
40809467b48Spatrick   /// via <def,read-undef> in other subranges for the same register.
409097a140dSpatrick   void extendPHIRange(MachineBasicBlock &B, LiveIntervalCalc &LIC,
41009467b48Spatrick                       LiveRange &LR, LaneBitmask LM,
41109467b48Spatrick                       ArrayRef<SlotIndex> Undefs);
41309467b48Spatrick   /// extendPHIKillRanges - Extend the ranges of all values killed by original
41409467b48Spatrick   /// parent PHIDefs.
41509467b48Spatrick   void extendPHIKillRanges();
41709467b48Spatrick   /// rewriteAssigned - Rewrite all uses of Edit.getReg() to assigned registers.
41809467b48Spatrick   void rewriteAssigned(bool ExtendRanges);
42009467b48Spatrick   /// deleteRematVictims - Delete defs that are dead after rematerializing.
42109467b48Spatrick   void deleteRematVictims();
42309467b48Spatrick   /// Add a copy instruction copying \p FromReg to \p ToReg before
42409467b48Spatrick   /// \p InsertBefore. This can be invoked with a \p LaneMask which may make it
42509467b48Spatrick   /// necessary to construct a sequence of copies to cover it exactly.
42673471bf0Spatrick   SlotIndex buildCopy(Register FromReg, Register ToReg, LaneBitmask LaneMask,
42709467b48Spatrick       MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertBefore,
42809467b48Spatrick       bool Late, unsigned RegIdx);
43073471bf0Spatrick   SlotIndex buildSingleSubRegCopy(Register FromReg, Register ToReg,
43109467b48Spatrick       MachineBasicBlock &MB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertBefore,
43209467b48Spatrick       unsigned SubIdx, LiveInterval &DestLI, bool Late, SlotIndex Def);
43409467b48Spatrick public:
43509467b48Spatrick   /// Create a new SplitEditor for editing the LiveInterval analyzed by SA.
43609467b48Spatrick   /// Newly created intervals will be appended to newIntervals.
437*d415bd75Srobert   SplitEditor(SplitAnalysis &SA, LiveIntervals &LIS, VirtRegMap &VRM,
438*d415bd75Srobert               MachineDominatorTree &MDT, MachineBlockFrequencyInfo &MBFI,
439*d415bd75Srobert               VirtRegAuxInfo &VRAI);
44109467b48Spatrick   /// reset - Prepare for a new split.
44209467b48Spatrick   void reset(LiveRangeEdit&, ComplementSpillMode = SM_Partition);
44409467b48Spatrick   /// Create a new virtual register and live interval.
44509467b48Spatrick   /// Return the interval index, starting from 1. Interval index 0 is the
44609467b48Spatrick   /// implicit complement interval.
44709467b48Spatrick   unsigned openIntv();
44909467b48Spatrick   /// currentIntv - Return the current interval index.
currentIntv()45009467b48Spatrick   unsigned currentIntv() const { return OpenIdx; }
45209467b48Spatrick   /// selectIntv - Select a previously opened interval index.
45309467b48Spatrick   void selectIntv(unsigned Idx);
45509467b48Spatrick   /// enterIntvBefore - Enter the open interval before the instruction at Idx.
45609467b48Spatrick   /// If the parent interval is not live before Idx, a COPY is not inserted.
45709467b48Spatrick   /// Return the beginning of the new live range.
45809467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex enterIntvBefore(SlotIndex Idx);
46009467b48Spatrick   /// enterIntvAfter - Enter the open interval after the instruction at Idx.
46109467b48Spatrick   /// Return the beginning of the new live range.
46209467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex enterIntvAfter(SlotIndex Idx);
46409467b48Spatrick   /// enterIntvAtEnd - Enter the open interval at the end of MBB.
46509467b48Spatrick   /// Use the open interval from the inserted copy to the MBB end.
46609467b48Spatrick   /// Return the beginning of the new live range.
46709467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex enterIntvAtEnd(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
46909467b48Spatrick   /// useIntv - indicate that all instructions in MBB should use OpenLI.
47009467b48Spatrick   void useIntv(const MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
47209467b48Spatrick   /// useIntv - indicate that all instructions in range should use OpenLI.
47309467b48Spatrick   void useIntv(SlotIndex Start, SlotIndex End);
47509467b48Spatrick   /// leaveIntvAfter - Leave the open interval after the instruction at Idx.
47609467b48Spatrick   /// Return the end of the live range.
47709467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex leaveIntvAfter(SlotIndex Idx);
47909467b48Spatrick   /// leaveIntvBefore - Leave the open interval before the instruction at Idx.
48009467b48Spatrick   /// Return the end of the live range.
48109467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex leaveIntvBefore(SlotIndex Idx);
48309467b48Spatrick   /// leaveIntvAtTop - Leave the interval at the top of MBB.
48409467b48Spatrick   /// Add liveness from the MBB top to the copy.
48509467b48Spatrick   /// Return the end of the live range.
48609467b48Spatrick   SlotIndex leaveIntvAtTop(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
48809467b48Spatrick   /// overlapIntv - Indicate that all instructions in range should use the open
48973471bf0Spatrick   /// interval if End does not have tied-def usage of the register and in this
490*d415bd75Srobert   /// case complement interval is used. Let the complement interval be live.
49109467b48Spatrick   ///
49209467b48Spatrick   /// This doubles the register pressure, but is sometimes required to deal with
49309467b48Spatrick   /// register uses after the last valid split point.
49409467b48Spatrick   ///
49509467b48Spatrick   /// The Start index should be a return value from a leaveIntv* call, and End
49609467b48Spatrick   /// should be in the same basic block. The parent interval must have the same
49709467b48Spatrick   /// value across the range.
49809467b48Spatrick   ///
49909467b48Spatrick   void overlapIntv(SlotIndex Start, SlotIndex End);
50109467b48Spatrick   /// finish - after all the new live ranges have been created, compute the
50209467b48Spatrick   /// remaining live range, and rewrite instructions to use the new registers.
50309467b48Spatrick   /// @param LRMap When not null, this vector will map each live range in Edit
50409467b48Spatrick   ///              back to the indices returned by openIntv.
50509467b48Spatrick   ///              There may be extra indices created by dead code elimination.
50609467b48Spatrick   void finish(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *LRMap = nullptr);
50809467b48Spatrick   /// dump - print the current interval mapping to dbgs().
50909467b48Spatrick   void dump() const;
51109467b48Spatrick   // ===--- High level methods ---===
51309467b48Spatrick   /// splitSingleBlock - Split CurLI into a separate live interval around the
51409467b48Spatrick   /// uses in a single block. This is intended to be used as part of a larger
51509467b48Spatrick   /// split, and doesn't call finish().
51609467b48Spatrick   void splitSingleBlock(const SplitAnalysis::BlockInfo &BI);
51809467b48Spatrick   /// splitLiveThroughBlock - Split CurLI in the given block such that it
51909467b48Spatrick   /// enters the block in IntvIn and leaves it in IntvOut. There may be uses in
52009467b48Spatrick   /// the block, but they will be ignored when placing split points.
52109467b48Spatrick   ///
52209467b48Spatrick   /// @param MBBNum      Block number.
52309467b48Spatrick   /// @param IntvIn      Interval index entering the block.
52409467b48Spatrick   /// @param LeaveBefore When set, leave IntvIn before this point.
52509467b48Spatrick   /// @param IntvOut     Interval index leaving the block.
52609467b48Spatrick   /// @param EnterAfter  When set, enter IntvOut after this point.
52709467b48Spatrick   void splitLiveThroughBlock(unsigned MBBNum,
52809467b48Spatrick                              unsigned IntvIn, SlotIndex LeaveBefore,
52909467b48Spatrick                              unsigned IntvOut, SlotIndex EnterAfter);
53109467b48Spatrick   /// splitRegInBlock - Split CurLI in the given block such that it enters the
53209467b48Spatrick   /// block in IntvIn and leaves it on the stack (or not at all). Split points
53309467b48Spatrick   /// are placed in a way that avoids putting uses in the stack interval. This
53409467b48Spatrick   /// may require creating a local interval when there is interference.
53509467b48Spatrick   ///
53609467b48Spatrick   /// @param BI          Block descriptor.
53709467b48Spatrick   /// @param IntvIn      Interval index entering the block. Not 0.
53809467b48Spatrick   /// @param LeaveBefore When set, leave IntvIn before this point.
53909467b48Spatrick   void splitRegInBlock(const SplitAnalysis::BlockInfo &BI,
54009467b48Spatrick                        unsigned IntvIn, SlotIndex LeaveBefore);
54209467b48Spatrick   /// splitRegOutBlock - Split CurLI in the given block such that it enters the
54309467b48Spatrick   /// block on the stack (or isn't live-in at all) and leaves it in IntvOut.
54409467b48Spatrick   /// Split points are placed to avoid interference and such that the uses are
54509467b48Spatrick   /// not in the stack interval. This may require creating a local interval
54609467b48Spatrick   /// when there is interference.
54709467b48Spatrick   ///
54809467b48Spatrick   /// @param BI          Block descriptor.
54909467b48Spatrick   /// @param IntvOut     Interval index leaving the block.
55009467b48Spatrick   /// @param EnterAfter  When set, enter IntvOut after this point.
55109467b48Spatrick   void splitRegOutBlock(const SplitAnalysis::BlockInfo &BI,
55209467b48Spatrick                         unsigned IntvOut, SlotIndex EnterAfter);
55309467b48Spatrick };
55509467b48Spatrick } // end namespace llvm
55709467b48Spatrick #endif // LLVM_LIB_CODEGEN_SPLITKIT_H