1 /* ns32k.c  -- Assemble on the National Semiconductor 32k series
2    Copyright 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
3    2001, 2002
4    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6    This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
8    GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
11    any later version.
13    GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16    GNU General Public License for more details.
18    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19    along with GAS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
20    Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
21    02111-1307, USA.  */
23 /*#define SHOW_NUM 1*//* Uncomment for debugging.  */
25 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include "as.h"
28 #include "opcode/ns32k.h"
30 #include "obstack.h"
32 /* Macros.  */
33 #define IIF_ENTRIES 13		/* Number of entries in iif.  */
34 #define PRIVATE_SIZE 256	/* Size of my garbage memory.  */
35 #define MAX_ARGS 4
36 #define DEFAULT	-1		/* addr_mode returns this value when
37                                    plain constant or label is
38                                    encountered.  */
40 #define IIF(ptr,a1,c1,e1,g1,i1,k1,m1,o1,q1,s1,u1)	\
41     iif.iifP[ptr].type= a1;				\
42     iif.iifP[ptr].size= c1;				\
43     iif.iifP[ptr].object= e1;				\
44     iif.iifP[ptr].object_adjust= g1;			\
45     iif.iifP[ptr].pcrel= i1;				\
46     iif.iifP[ptr].pcrel_adjust= k1;			\
47     iif.iifP[ptr].im_disp= m1;				\
48     iif.iifP[ptr].relax_substate= o1;			\
49     iif.iifP[ptr].bit_fixP= q1;				\
50     iif.iifP[ptr].addr_mode= s1;			\
51     iif.iifP[ptr].bsr= u1;
54 #define LINE_COMMENT_CHARS "|"
55 #define ABSOLUTE_PREFIX '@'
56 #define IMMEDIATE_PREFIX '#'
57 #endif
60 #define LINE_COMMENT_CHARS "#"
61 #endif
63 const char comment_chars[] = "#";
64 const char line_comment_chars[] = LINE_COMMENT_CHARS;
65 const char line_separator_chars[] = ";";
66 static int default_disp_size = 4; /* Displacement size for external refs.  */
68 #if !defined(ABSOLUTE_PREFIX) && !defined(IMMEDIATE_PREFIX)
69 #define ABSOLUTE_PREFIX '@'	/* One or the other MUST be defined.  */
70 #endif
72 struct addr_mode
73   {
74     signed char mode;		/* Addressing mode of operand (0-31).  */
75     signed char scaled_mode;	/* Mode combined with scaled mode.  */
76     char scaled_reg;		/* Register used in scaled+1 (1-8).  */
77     char float_flag;		/* Set if R0..R7 was F0..F7 ie a
78 				   floating-point-register.  */
79     char am_size;		/* Estimated max size of general addr-mode
80 				   parts.  */
81     char im_disp;		/* If im_disp==1 we have a displacement.  */
82     char pcrel;			/* 1 if pcrel, this is really redundant info.  */
83     char disp_suffix[2];	/* Length of displacement(s), 0=undefined.  */
84     char *disp[2];		/* Pointer(s) at displacement(s)
85 				   or immediates(s)     (ascii).  */
86     char index_byte;		/* Index byte.  */
87   };
88 typedef struct addr_mode addr_modeS;
90 char *freeptr, *freeptr_static;	/* Points at some number of free bytes.  */
91 struct hash_control *inst_hash_handle;
93 struct ns32k_opcode *desc;	/* Pointer at description of instruction.  */
94 addr_modeS addr_modeP;
95 const char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
96 const char FLT_CHARS[] = "fd";	/* We don't want to support lowercase,
97                                    do we?  */
99 /* UPPERCASE denotes live names when an instruction is built, IIF is
100    used as an intermediate form to store the actual parts of the
101    instruction. A ns32k machine instruction can be divided into a
102    couple of sub PARTs. When an instruction is assembled the
103    appropriate PART get an assignment. When an IIF has been completed
104    it is converted to a FRAGment as specified in AS.H.  */
106 /* Internal structs.  */
107 struct ns32k_option
108 {
109   char *pattern;
110   unsigned long or;
111   unsigned long and;
112 };
114 typedef struct
115   {
116     int type;			/* How to interpret object.  */
117     int size;			/* Estimated max size of object.  */
118     unsigned long object;	/* Binary data.  */
119     int object_adjust;		/* Number added to object.  */
120     int pcrel;			/* True if object is pcrel.  */
121     int pcrel_adjust;		/* Length in bytes from the instruction
122 				   start to the	displacement.  */
123     int im_disp;		/* True if the object is a displacement.  */
124     relax_substateT relax_substate;	/* Initial relaxsubstate.  */
125     bit_fixS *bit_fixP;		/* Pointer at bit_fix struct.  */
126     int addr_mode;		/* What addrmode do we associate with this
127 				   iif-entry.  */
128     char bsr;			/* Sequent hack.  */
129   } iif_entryT;			/* Internal Instruction Format.  */
131 struct int_ins_form
132   {
133     int instr_size;		/* Max size of instruction in bytes.  */
134     iif_entryT iifP[IIF_ENTRIES + 1];
135   };
137 struct int_ins_form iif;
138 expressionS exprP;
139 char *input_line_pointer;
141 /* Description of the PARTs in IIF
142   object[n]:
143    0	total length in bytes of entries in iif
144    1	opcode
145    2	index_byte_a
146    3	index_byte_b
147    4	disp_a_1
148    5	disp_a_2
149    6	disp_b_1
150    7	disp_b_2
151    8	imm_a
152    9	imm_b
153    10	implied1
154    11	implied2
156    For every entry there is a datalength in bytes. This is stored in size[n].
157   	 0,	the objectlength is not explicitly given by the instruction
158   		and the operand is undefined. This is a case for relaxation.
159   		Reserve 4 bytes for the final object.
161   	 1,	the entry contains one byte
162   	 2,	the entry contains two bytes
163   	 3,	the entry contains three bytes
164   	 4,	the entry contains four bytes
165   	etc
167    Furthermore, every entry has a data type identifier in type[n].
169    	 0,	the entry is void, ignore it.
170    	 1,	the entry is a binary number.
171   	 2,	the entry is a pointer at an expression.
172   		Where expression may be as simple as a single '1',
173   		and as complicated as  foo-bar+12,
174    		foo and bar may be undefined but suffixed by :{b|w|d} to
175   		control the length of the object.
177   	 3,	the entry is a pointer at a bignum struct
179    The low-order-byte corresponds to low physical memory.
180    Obviously a FRAGment must be created for each valid disp in PART whose
181    datalength is undefined (to bad) .
182    The case where just the expression is undefined is less severe and is
183    handled by fix. Here the number of bytes in the objectfile is known.
184    With this representation we simplify the assembly and separates the
185    machine dependent/independent parts in a more clean way (said OE).  */
187 struct ns32k_option opt1[] =		/* restore, exit.  */
188 {
189   {"r0", 0x80, 0xff},
190   {"r1", 0x40, 0xff},
191   {"r2", 0x20, 0xff},
192   {"r3", 0x10, 0xff},
193   {"r4", 0x08, 0xff},
194   {"r5", 0x04, 0xff},
195   {"r6", 0x02, 0xff},
196   {"r7", 0x01, 0xff},
197   {0, 0x00, 0xff}
198 };
199 struct ns32k_option opt2[] =		/* save, enter.  */
200 {
201   {"r0", 0x01, 0xff},
202   {"r1", 0x02, 0xff},
203   {"r2", 0x04, 0xff},
204   {"r3", 0x08, 0xff},
205   {"r4", 0x10, 0xff},
206   {"r5", 0x20, 0xff},
207   {"r6", 0x40, 0xff},
208   {"r7", 0x80, 0xff},
209   {0, 0x00, 0xff}
210 };
211 struct ns32k_option opt3[] =		/* setcfg.  */
212 {
213   {"c", 0x8, 0xff},
214   {"m", 0x4, 0xff},
215   {"f", 0x2, 0xff},
216   {"i", 0x1, 0xff},
217   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
218 };
219 struct ns32k_option opt4[] =		/* cinv.  */
220 {
221   {"a", 0x4, 0xff},
222   {"i", 0x2, 0xff},
223   {"d", 0x1, 0xff},
224   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
225 };
226 struct ns32k_option opt5[] =		/* String inst.  */
227 {
228   {"b", 0x2, 0xff},
229   {"u", 0xc, 0xff},
230   {"w", 0x4, 0xff},
231   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
232 };
233 struct ns32k_option opt6[] =		/* Plain reg ext,cvtp etc.  */
234 {
235   {"r0", 0x00, 0xff},
236   {"r1", 0x01, 0xff},
237   {"r2", 0x02, 0xff},
238   {"r3", 0x03, 0xff},
239   {"r4", 0x04, 0xff},
240   {"r5", 0x05, 0xff},
241   {"r6", 0x06, 0xff},
242   {"r7", 0x07, 0xff},
243   {0, 0x00, 0xff}
244 };
246 #if !defined(NS32032) && !defined(NS32532)
247 #define NS32532
248 #endif
250 struct ns32k_option cpureg_532[] =	/* lpr spr.  */
251 {
252   {"us", 0x0, 0xff},
253   {"dcr", 0x1, 0xff},
254   {"bpc", 0x2, 0xff},
255   {"dsr", 0x3, 0xff},
256   {"car", 0x4, 0xff},
257   {"fp", 0x8, 0xff},
258   {"sp", 0x9, 0xff},
259   {"sb", 0xa, 0xff},
260   {"usp", 0xb, 0xff},
261   {"cfg", 0xc, 0xff},
262   {"psr", 0xd, 0xff},
263   {"intbase", 0xe, 0xff},
264   {"mod", 0xf, 0xff},
265   {0, 0x00, 0xff}
266 };
267 struct ns32k_option mmureg_532[] =	/* lmr smr.  */
268 {
269   {"mcr", 0x9, 0xff},
270   {"msr", 0xa, 0xff},
271   {"tear", 0xb, 0xff},
272   {"ptb0", 0xc, 0xff},
273   {"ptb1", 0xd, 0xff},
274   {"ivar0", 0xe, 0xff},
275   {"ivar1", 0xf, 0xff},
276   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
277 };
279 struct ns32k_option cpureg_032[] =	/* lpr spr.  */
280 {
281   {"upsr", 0x0, 0xff},
282   {"fp", 0x8, 0xff},
283   {"sp", 0x9, 0xff},
284   {"sb", 0xa, 0xff},
285   {"psr", 0xd, 0xff},
286   {"intbase", 0xe, 0xff},
287   {"mod", 0xf, 0xff},
288   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
289 };
290 struct ns32k_option mmureg_032[] =	/* lmr smr.  */
291 {
292   {"bpr0", 0x0, 0xff},
293   {"bpr1", 0x1, 0xff},
294   {"pf0", 0x4, 0xff},
295   {"pf1", 0x5, 0xff},
296   {"sc", 0x8, 0xff},
297   {"msr", 0xa, 0xff},
298   {"bcnt", 0xb, 0xff},
299   {"ptb0", 0xc, 0xff},
300   {"ptb1", 0xd, 0xff},
301   {"eia", 0xf, 0xff},
302   {0, 0x0, 0xff}
303 };
305 #if defined(NS32532)
306 struct ns32k_option *cpureg = cpureg_532;
307 struct ns32k_option *mmureg = mmureg_532;
308 #else
309 struct ns32k_option *cpureg = cpureg_032;
310 struct ns32k_option *mmureg = mmureg_032;
311 #endif
314 const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] =
315 {					/* So far empty.  */
316   {0, 0, 0}
317 };
319 #define IND(x,y)	(((x)<<2)+(y))
321 /* Those are index's to relax groups in md_relax_table ie it must be
322    multiplied by 4 to point at a group start. Viz IND(x,y) Se function
323    relax_segment in write.c for more info.  */
325 #define BRANCH		1
326 #define PCREL		2
328 /* Those are index's to entries in a relax group.  */
330 #define BYTE		0
331 #define WORD		1
332 #define DOUBLE		2
333 #define UNDEF           3
334 /* Those limits are calculated from the displacement start in memory.
335    The ns32k uses the beginning of the instruction as displacement
336    base.  This type of displacements could be handled here by moving
337    the limit window up or down. I choose to use an internal
338    displacement base-adjust as there are other routines that must
339    consider this. Also, as we have two various offset-adjusts in the
340    ns32k (acb versus br/brs/jsr/bcond), two set of limits would have
341    had to be used.  Now we dont have to think about that.  */
343 const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] =
344 {
345   {1, 1, 0, 0},
346   {1, 1, 0, 0},
347   {1, 1, 0, 0},
348   {1, 1, 0, 0},
350   {(63), (-64), 1, IND (BRANCH, WORD)},
351   {(8192), (-8192), 2, IND (BRANCH, DOUBLE)},
352   {0, 0, 4, 0},
353   {1, 1, 0, 0}
354 };
356 /* Array used to test if mode contains displacements.
357    Value is true if mode contains displacement.  */
359 char disp_test[] =
360 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
361  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
362  1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
363  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
365 /* Array used to calculate max size of displacements.  */
367 char disp_size[] =
368 {4, 1, 2, 0, 4};
370 static void evaluate_expr PARAMS ((expressionS * resultP, char *));
371 static void md_number_to_disp PARAMS ((char *, long, int));
372 static void md_number_to_imm PARAMS ((char *, long, int));
373 static void md_number_to_field PARAMS ((char *, long, bit_fixS *));
375 /* Parse a general operand into an addressingmode struct
377    In:  pointer at operand in ascii form
378         pointer at addr_mode struct for result
379         the level of recursion. (always 0 or 1)
381    Out: data in addr_mode struct.  */
383 static int addr_mode PARAMS ((char *, addr_modeS *, int));
385 static int
386 addr_mode (operand, addr_modeP, recursive_level)
387      char *operand;
388      addr_modeS *addr_modeP;
389      int recursive_level;
390 {
391   char *str;
392   int i;
393   int strl;
394   int mode;
395   int j;
397   mode = DEFAULT;		/* Default.  */
398   addr_modeP->scaled_mode = 0;	/* Why not.  */
399   addr_modeP->scaled_reg = 0;	/* If 0, not scaled index.  */
400   addr_modeP->float_flag = 0;
401   addr_modeP->am_size = 0;
402   addr_modeP->im_disp = 0;
403   addr_modeP->pcrel = 0;	/* Not set in this function.  */
404   addr_modeP->disp_suffix[0] = 0;
405   addr_modeP->disp_suffix[1] = 0;
406   addr_modeP->disp[0] = NULL;
407   addr_modeP->disp[1] = NULL;
408   str = operand;
410   if (str[0] == 0)
411     return 0;
413   strl = strlen (str);
415   switch (str[0])
416     {
417       /* The following three case statements controls the mode-chars
418 	 this is the place to ed if you want to change them.  */
420     case ABSOLUTE_PREFIX:
421       if (str[strl - 1] == ']')
422 	break;
423       addr_modeP->mode = 21;	/* absolute */
424       addr_modeP->disp[0] = str + 1;
425       return -1;
426 #endif
428     case IMMEDIATE_PREFIX:
429       if (str[strl - 1] == ']')
430 	break;
431       addr_modeP->mode = 20;	/* immediate */
432       addr_modeP->disp[0] = str + 1;
433       return -1;
434 #endif
435     case '.':
436       if (str[strl - 1] != ']')
437 	{
438 	  switch (str[1])
439 	    {
440 	    case '-':
441 	    case '+':
442 	      if (str[2] != '\000')
443 		{
444 		  addr_modeP->mode = 27;	/* pc-relative */
445 		  addr_modeP->disp[0] = str + 2;
446 		  return -1;
447 		}
448 	    default:
449 	      as_bad (_("Invalid syntax in PC-relative addressing mode"));
450 	      return 0;
451 	    }
452 	}
453       break;
454     case 'e':
455       if (str[strl - 1] != ']')
456 	{
457 	  if ((!strncmp (str, "ext(", 4)) && strl > 7)
458 	    {				/* external */
459 	      addr_modeP->disp[0] = str + 4;
460 	      i = 0;
461 	      j = 2;
462 	      do
463 		{			/* disp[0]'s termination point.  */
464 		  j += 1;
465 		  if (str[j] == '(')
466 		    i++;
467 		  if (str[j] == ')')
468 		    i--;
469 		}
470 	      while (j < strl && i != 0);
471 	      if (i != 0 || !(str[j + 1] == '-' || str[j + 1] == '+'))
472 		{
473 		  as_bad (_("Invalid syntax in External addressing mode"));
474 		  return (0);
475 		}
476 	      str[j] = '\000';		/* null terminate disp[0] */
477 	      addr_modeP->disp[1] = str + j + 2;
478 	      addr_modeP->mode = 22;
479 	      return -1;
480 	    }
481 	}
482       break;
484     default:
485       ;
486     }
488   strl = strlen (str);
490   switch (strl)
491     {
492     case 2:
493       switch (str[0])
494 	{
495 	case 'f':
496 	  addr_modeP->float_flag = 1;
497 	  /* Drop through.  */
498 	case 'r':
499 	  if (str[1] >= '0' && str[1] < '8')
500 	    {
501 	      addr_modeP->mode = str[1] - '0';
502 	      return -1;
503 	    }
504 	  break;
505 	default:
506 	  break;
507 	}
508       /* Drop through.  */
510     case 3:
511       if (!strncmp (str, "tos", 3))
512 	{
513 	  addr_modeP->mode = 23;	/* TopOfStack */
514 	  return -1;
515 	}
516       break;
518     default:
519       break;
520     }
522   if (strl > 4)
523     {
524       if (str[strl - 1] == ')')
525 	{
526 	  if (str[strl - 2] == ')')
527 	    {
528 	      if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 5], "(fp", 3))
529 		mode = 16;		/* Memory Relative.  */
530 	      else if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 5], "(sp", 3))
531 		mode = 17;
532 	      else if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 5], "(sb", 3))
533 		mode = 18;
535 	      if (mode != DEFAULT)
536 		{
537 		  /* Memory relative.  */
538 		  addr_modeP->mode = mode;
539 		  j = strl - 5;		/* Temp for end of disp[0].  */
540 		  i = 0;
542 		  do
543 		    {
544 		      strl -= 1;
545 		      if (str[strl] == ')')
546 			i++;
547 		      if (str[strl] == '(')
548 			i--;
549 		    }
550 		  while (strl > -1 && i != 0);
552 		  if (i != 0)
553 		    {
554 		      as_bad (_("Invalid syntax in Memory Relative addressing mode"));
555 		      return (0);
556 		    }
558 		  addr_modeP->disp[1] = str;
559 		  addr_modeP->disp[0] = str + strl + 1;
560 		  str[j] = '\000';	/* Null terminate disp[0] .  */
561 		  str[strl] = '\000';	/* Null terminate disp[1].  */
563 		  return -1;
564 		}
565 	    }
567 	  switch (str[strl - 3])
568 	    {
569 	    case 'r':
570 	    case 'R':
571 	      if (str[strl - 2] >= '0'
572 		  && str[strl - 2] < '8'
573 		  && str[strl - 4] == '(')
574 		{
575 		  addr_modeP->mode = str[strl - 2] - '0' + 8;
576 		  addr_modeP->disp[0] = str;
577 		  str[strl - 4] = 0;
578 		  return -1;		/* reg rel */
579 		}
580 	      /* Drop through.  */
582 	    default:
583 	      if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 4], "(fp", 3))
584 		mode = 24;
585 	      else if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 4], "(sp", 3))
586 		mode = 25;
587 	      else if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 4], "(sb", 3))
588 		mode = 26;
589 	      else if (!strncmp (&str[strl - 4], "(pc", 3))
590 		mode = 27;
592 	      if (mode != DEFAULT)
593 		{
594 		  addr_modeP->mode = mode;
595 		  addr_modeP->disp[0] = str;
596 		  str[strl - 4] = '\0';
598 		  return -1;		/* Memory space.  */
599 		}
600 	    }
601 	}
603       /* No trailing ')' do we have a ']' ?  */
604       if (str[strl - 1] == ']')
605 	{
606 	  switch (str[strl - 2])
607 	    {
608 	    case 'b':
609 	      mode = 28;
610 	      break;
611 	    case 'w':
612 	      mode = 29;
613 	      break;
614 	    case 'd':
615 	      mode = 30;
616 	      break;
617 	    case 'q':
618 	      mode = 31;
619 	      break;
620 	    default:
621 	      as_bad (_("Invalid scaled-indexed mode, use (b,w,d,q)"));
623 	      if (str[strl - 3] != ':' || str[strl - 6] != '['
624 		  || str[strl - 5] == 'r' || str[strl - 4] < '0'
625 		  || str[strl - 4] > '7')
626 		as_bad (_("Syntax in scaled-indexed mode, use [Rn:m] where n=[0..7] m={b,w,d,q}"));
627 	    } /* Scaled index.  */
629 	  if (recursive_level > 0)
630 	    {
631 	      as_bad (_("Scaled-indexed addressing mode combined with scaled-index"));
632 	      return 0;
633 	    }
635 	  addr_modeP->am_size += 1;	/* scaled index byte.  */
636 	  j = str[strl - 4] - '0';	/* store temporary.  */
637 	  str[strl - 6] = '\000';	/* nullterminate for recursive call.  */
638 	  i = addr_mode (str, addr_modeP, 1);
640 	  if (!i || addr_modeP->mode == 20)
641 	    {
642 	      as_bad (_("Invalid or illegal addressing mode combined with scaled-index"));
643 	      return 0;
644 	    }
646 	  addr_modeP->scaled_mode = addr_modeP->mode;	/* Store the inferior mode.  */
647 	  addr_modeP->mode = mode;
648 	  addr_modeP->scaled_reg = j + 1;
650 	  return -1;
651 	}
652     }
654   addr_modeP->mode = DEFAULT;	/* Default to whatever.  */
655   addr_modeP->disp[0] = str;
657   return -1;
658 }
660 /* ptr points at string addr_modeP points at struct with result This
661    routine calls addr_mode to determine the general addr.mode of the
662    operand. When this is ready it parses the displacements for size
663    specifying suffixes and determines size of immediate mode via
664    ns32k-opcode.  Also builds index bytes if needed.  */
666 static int get_addr_mode PARAMS ((char *, addr_modeS *));
667 static int
668 get_addr_mode (ptr, addr_modeP)
669      char *ptr;
670      addr_modeS *addr_modeP;
671 {
672   int tmp;
674   addr_mode (ptr, addr_modeP, 0);
676   if (addr_modeP->mode == DEFAULT || addr_modeP->scaled_mode == -1)
677     {
678       /* Resolve ambiguous operands, this shouldn't be necessary if
679 	 one uses standard NSC operand syntax. But the sequent
680 	 compiler doesn't!!!  This finds a proper addressing mode
681 	 if it is implicitly stated. See ns32k-opcode.h.  */
682       (void) evaluate_expr (&exprP, ptr); /* This call takes time Sigh!  */
684       if (addr_modeP->mode == DEFAULT)
685 	{
686 	  if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_op_symbol)
687 	    addr_modeP->mode = desc->default_model; /* We have a label.  */
688 	  else
689 	    addr_modeP->mode = desc->default_modec; /* We have a constant.  */
690 	}
691       else
692 	{
693 	  if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_op_symbol)
694 	    addr_modeP->scaled_mode = desc->default_model;
695 	  else
696 	    addr_modeP->scaled_mode = desc->default_modec;
697 	}
699       /* Must put this mess down in addr_mode to handle the scaled
700          case better.  */
701     }
703   /* It appears as the sequent compiler wants an absolute when we have
704      a label without @. Constants becomes immediates besides the addr
705      case.  Think it does so with local labels too, not optimum, pcrel
706      is better.  When I have time I will make gas check this and
707      select pcrel when possible Actually that is trivial.  */
708   if ((tmp = addr_modeP->scaled_reg))
709     {				/* Build indexbyte.  */
710       tmp--;			/* Remember regnumber comes incremented for
711 				   flagpurpose.  */
712       tmp |= addr_modeP->scaled_mode << 3;
713       addr_modeP->index_byte = (char) tmp;
714       addr_modeP->am_size += 1;
715     }
717   assert (addr_modeP->mode >= 0);
718   if (disp_test[(unsigned int) addr_modeP->mode])
719     {
720       char c;
721       char suffix;
722       char suffix_sub;
723       int i;
724       char *toP;
725       char *fromP;
727       /* There was a displacement, probe for length  specifying suffix.  */
728       addr_modeP->pcrel = 0;
730       assert(addr_modeP->mode >= 0);
731       if (disp_test[(unsigned int) addr_modeP->mode])
732 	{
733 	  /* There is a displacement.  */
734 	  if (addr_modeP->mode == 27 || addr_modeP->scaled_mode == 27)
735 	    /* Do we have pcrel. mode.  */
736 	    addr_modeP->pcrel = 1;
738 	  addr_modeP->im_disp = 1;
740 	  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
741 	    {
742 	      suffix_sub = suffix = 0;
744 	      if ((toP = addr_modeP->disp[i]))
745 		{
746 		  /* Suffix of expression, the largest size rules.  */
747 		  fromP = toP;
749 		  while ((c = *fromP++))
750 		    {
751 		      *toP++ = c;
752 		      if (c == ':')
753 			{
754 			  switch (*fromP)
755 			    {
756 			    case '\0':
757 			      as_warn (_("Premature end of suffix -- Defaulting to d"));
758 			      suffix = 4;
759 			      continue;
760 			    case 'b':
761 			      suffix_sub = 1;
762 			      break;
763 			    case 'w':
764 			      suffix_sub = 2;
765 			      break;
766 			    case 'd':
767 			      suffix_sub = 4;
768 			      break;
769 			    default:
770 			      as_warn (_("Bad suffix after ':' use {b|w|d} Defaulting to d"));
771 			      suffix = 4;
772 			    }
774 			  fromP ++;
775 			  toP --;	/* So we write over the ':' */
777 			  if (suffix < suffix_sub)
778 			    suffix = suffix_sub;
779 			}
780 		    }
782 		  *toP = '\0'; /* Terminate properly.  */
783 		  addr_modeP->disp_suffix[i] = suffix;
784 		  addr_modeP->am_size += suffix ? suffix : 4;
785 		}
786 	    }
787 	}
788     }
789   else
790     {
791       if (addr_modeP->mode == 20)
792 	{
793 	  /* Look in ns32k_opcode for size.  */
794 	  addr_modeP->disp_suffix[0] = addr_modeP->am_size = desc->im_size;
795 	  addr_modeP->im_disp = 0;
796 	}
797     }
799   return addr_modeP->mode;
800 }
802 /* Read an optionlist.  */
804 static void optlist PARAMS ((char *, struct ns32k_option *, unsigned long *));
805 static void
806 optlist (str, optionP, default_map)
807      char *str;			/* The string to extract options from.  */
808      struct ns32k_option *optionP;	/* How to search the string.  */
809      unsigned long *default_map;	/* Default pattern and output.  */
810 {
811   int i, j, k, strlen1, strlen2;
812   char *patternP, *strP;
814   strlen1 = strlen (str);
816   if (strlen1 < 1)
817     as_fatal (_("Very short instr to option, ie you can't do it on a NULLstr"));
819   for (i = 0; optionP[i].pattern != 0; i++)
820     {
821       strlen2 = strlen (optionP[i].pattern);
823       for (j = 0; j < strlen1; j++)
824 	{
825 	  patternP = optionP[i].pattern;
826 	  strP = &str[j];
828 	  for (k = 0; k < strlen2; k++)
829 	    {
830 	      if (*(strP++) != *(patternP++))
831 		break;
832 	    }
834 	  if (k == strlen2)
835 	    {			/* match */
836 	      *default_map |= optionP[i].or;
837 	      *default_map &= optionP[i].and;
838 	    }
839 	}
840     }
841 }
843 /* Search struct for symbols.
844    This function is used to get the short integer form of reg names in
845    the instructions lmr, smr, lpr, spr return true if str is found in
846    list.  */
848 static int list_search PARAMS ((char *, struct ns32k_option *, unsigned long *));
850 static int
851 list_search (str, optionP, default_map)
852      char *str;				/* The string to match.  */
853      struct ns32k_option *optionP;	/* List to search.  */
854      unsigned long *default_map;	/* Default pattern and output.  */
855 {
856   int i;
858   for (i = 0; optionP[i].pattern != 0; i++)
859     {
860       if (!strncmp (optionP[i].pattern, str, 20))
861 	{
862 	  /* Use strncmp to be safe.  */
863 	  *default_map |= optionP[i].or;
864 	  *default_map &= optionP[i].and;
866 	  return -1;
867 	}
868     }
870   as_bad (_("No such entry in list. (cpu/mmu register)"));
871   return 0;
872 }
874 static void
875 evaluate_expr (resultP, ptr)
876      expressionS *resultP;
877      char *ptr;
878 {
879   char *tmp_line;
881   tmp_line = input_line_pointer;
882   input_line_pointer = ptr;
883   expression (resultP);
884   input_line_pointer = tmp_line;
885 }
887 /* Convert operands to iif-format and adds bitfields to the opcode.
888    Operands are parsed in such an order that the opcode is updated from
889    its most significant bit, that is when the operand need to alter the
890    opcode.
891    Be careful not to put to objects in the same iif-slot.  */
893 static void encode_operand
894   PARAMS ((int, char **, const char *, const char *, char, char));
896 static void
897 encode_operand (argc, argv, operandsP, suffixP, im_size, opcode_bit_ptr)
898      int argc;
899      char **argv;
900      const char *operandsP;
901      const char *suffixP;
902      char im_size ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
903      char opcode_bit_ptr;
904 {
905   int i, j;
906   char d;
907   int pcrel, b, loop, pcrel_adjust;
908   unsigned long tmp;
910   for (loop = 0; loop < argc; loop++)
911     {
912       /* What operand are we supposed to work on.  */
913       i = operandsP[loop << 1] - '1';
914       if (i > 3)
915 	as_fatal (_("Internal consistency error.  check ns32k-opcode.h"));
917       pcrel = 0;
918       pcrel_adjust = 0;
919       tmp = 0;
921       switch ((d = operandsP[(loop << 1) + 1]))
922 	{
923 	case 'f':		/* Operand of sfsr turns out to be a nasty
924 				   specialcase.  */
925 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 5;
926 	case 'Z':		/* Float not immediate.  */
927 	case 'F':		/* 32 bit float	general form.  */
928 	case 'L':		/* 64 bit float.  */
929 	case 'I':		/* Integer not immediate.  */
930 	case 'B':		/* Byte	 */
931 	case 'W':		/* Word	 */
932 	case 'D':		/* Double-word.  */
933 	case 'A':		/* Double-word	gen-address-form ie no regs
934 				   allowed.  */
935 	  get_addr_mode (argv[i], &addr_modeP);
937 	  if ((addr_modeP.mode == 20) &&
938 	     (d == 'I' || d == 'Z' || d == 'A'))
939 	    as_fatal (d == 'A'? _("Address of immediate operand"):
940 			_("Invalid immediate write operand."));
942 	  if (opcode_bit_ptr == desc->opcode_size)
943 	    b = 4;
944 	  else
945 	    b = 6;
947 	  for (j = b; j < (b + 2); j++)
948 	    {
949 	      if (addr_modeP.disp[j - b])
950 		{
951 		  IIF (j,
952 		       2,
953 		       addr_modeP.disp_suffix[j - b],
954 		       (unsigned long) addr_modeP.disp[j - b],
955 		       0,
956 		       addr_modeP.pcrel,
957 		       iif.instr_size,
958 		       addr_modeP.im_disp,
959 		       IND (BRANCH, BYTE),
960 		       NULL,
961 		       (addr_modeP.scaled_reg ? addr_modeP.scaled_mode
962 			: addr_modeP.mode),
963 		       0);
964 		}
965 	    }
967 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 5;
968 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= ((long) addr_modeP.mode) << opcode_bit_ptr;
970 	  if (addr_modeP.scaled_reg)
971 	    {
972 	      j = b / 2;
973 	      IIF (j, 1, 1, (unsigned long) addr_modeP.index_byte,
974 		   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, -1, 0);
975 	    }
976 	  break;
978 	case 'b':		/* Multiple instruction disp.  */
979 	  freeptr++;		/* OVE:this is an useful hack.  */
980 	  sprintf (freeptr, "((%s-1)*%d)", argv[i], desc->im_size);
981 	  argv[i] = freeptr;
982 	  pcrel -= 1;		/* Make pcrel 0 in spite of what case 'p':
983 				   wants.  */
984 	  /* fall thru */
985 	case 'p':		/* Displacement - pc relative addressing.  */
986 	  pcrel += 1;
987 	  /* fall thru */
988 	case 'd':		/* Displacement.  */
989 	  iif.instr_size += suffixP[i] ? suffixP[i] : 4;
990 	  IIF (12, 2, suffixP[i], (unsigned long) argv[i], 0,
991 	       pcrel, pcrel_adjust, 1, IND (BRANCH, BYTE), NULL, -1, 0);
992 	  break;
993 	case 'H':		/* Sequent-hack: the linker wants a bit set
994 				   when bsr.  */
995 	  pcrel = 1;
996 	  iif.instr_size += suffixP[i] ? suffixP[i] : 4;
997 	  IIF (12, 2, suffixP[i], (unsigned long) argv[i], 0,
998 	       pcrel, pcrel_adjust, 1, IND (BRANCH, BYTE), NULL, -1, 1);
999 	  break;
1000 	case 'q':		/* quick */
1001 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1002 	  IIF (11, 2, 42, (unsigned long) argv[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1003 	       bit_fix_new (4, opcode_bit_ptr, -8, 7, 0, 1, 0), -1, 0);
1004 	  break;
1005 	case 'r':		/* Register number (3 bits).  */
1006 	  list_search (argv[i], opt6, &tmp);
1007 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 3;
1008 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << opcode_bit_ptr;
1009 	  break;
1010 	case 'O':		/* Setcfg instruction optionslist.  */
1011 	  optlist (argv[i], opt3, &tmp);
1012 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1013 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << 15;
1014 	  break;
1015 	case 'C':		/* Cinv instruction optionslist.  */
1016 	  optlist (argv[i], opt4, &tmp);
1017 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1018 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << 15; /* Insert the regtype in opcode.  */
1019 	  break;
1020 	case 'S':		/* String instruction options list.  */
1021 	  optlist (argv[i], opt5, &tmp);
1022 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1023 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << 15;
1024 	  break;
1025 	case 'u':
1026 	case 'U':		/* Register list.  */
1027 	  IIF (10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, -1, 0);
1028 	  switch (operandsP[(i << 1) + 1])
1029 	    {
1030 	    case 'u':		/* Restore, exit.  */
1031 	      optlist (argv[i], opt1, &iif.iifP[10].object);
1032 	      break;
1033 	    case 'U':		/* Save, enter.  */
1034 	      optlist (argv[i], opt2, &iif.iifP[10].object);
1035 	      break;
1036 	    }
1037 	  iif.instr_size += 1;
1038 	  break;
1039 	case 'M':		/* MMU register.  */
1040 	  list_search (argv[i], mmureg, &tmp);
1041 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1042 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << opcode_bit_ptr;
1043 	  break;
1044 	case 'P':		/* CPU register.  */
1045 	  list_search (argv[i], cpureg, &tmp);
1046 	  opcode_bit_ptr -= 4;
1047 	  iif.iifP[1].object |= tmp << opcode_bit_ptr;
1048 	  break;
1049 	case 'g':		/* Inss exts.  */
1050 	  iif.instr_size += 1;	/* 1 byte is allocated after the opcode.  */
1051 	  IIF (10, 2, 1,
1052 	       (unsigned long) argv[i],	/* i always 2 here.  */
1053 	       0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1054 	       bit_fix_new (3, 5, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0), /* A bit_fix is targeted to
1055 						     the byte.  */
1056 	       -1, 0);
1057 	  break;
1058 	case 'G':
1059 	  IIF (11, 2, 42,
1060 	       (unsigned long) argv[i],	/* i always 3 here.  */
1061 	       0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1062 	       bit_fix_new (5, 0, 1, 32, -1, 0, -1), -1, 0);
1063 	  break;
1064 	case 'i':
1065 	  iif.instr_size += 1;
1066 	  b = 2 + i;		/* Put the extension byte after opcode.  */
1067 	  IIF (b, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
1068 	  break;
1069 	default:
1070 	  as_fatal (_("Bad opcode-table-option, check in file ns32k-opcode.h"));
1071 	}
1072     }
1073 }
1075 /* in:  instruction line
1076    out: internal structure of instruction
1077    that has been prepared for direct conversion to fragment(s) and
1078    fixes in a systematical fashion
1079    Return-value = recursive_level.  */
1080 /* Build iif of one assembly text line.  */
1082 static int parse PARAMS ((const char *, int));
1084 static int
1085 parse (line, recursive_level)
1086      const char *line;
1087      int recursive_level;
1088 {
1089   const char *lineptr;
1090   char c, suffix_separator;
1091   int i;
1092   unsigned int argc;
1093   int arg_type;
1094   char sqr, sep;
1095   char suffix[MAX_ARGS], *argv[MAX_ARGS];	/* No more than 4 operands.  */
1097   if (recursive_level <= 0)
1098     {
1099       /* Called from md_assemble.  */
1100       for (lineptr = line; (*lineptr) != '\0' && (*lineptr) != ' '; lineptr++)
1101 	continue;
1103       c = *lineptr;
1104       *(char *) lineptr = '\0';
1106       if (!(desc = (struct ns32k_opcode *) hash_find (inst_hash_handle, line)))
1107 	as_fatal (_("No such opcode"));
1109       *(char *) lineptr = c;
1110     }
1111   else
1112     {
1113       lineptr = line;
1114     }
1116   argc = 0;
1118   if (*desc->operands)
1119     {
1120       if (*lineptr++ != '\0')
1121 	{
1122 	  sqr = '[';
1123 	  sep = ',';
1125 	  while (*lineptr != '\0')
1126 	    {
1127 	      if (desc->operands[argc << 1])
1128 		{
1129 		  suffix[argc] = 0;
1130 		  arg_type = desc->operands[(argc << 1) + 1];
1132 		  switch (arg_type)
1133 		    {
1134 		    case 'd':
1135 		    case 'b':
1136 		    case 'p':
1137 		    case 'H':
1138 		      /* The operand is supposed to be a displacement.  */
1139 		      /* Hackwarning: do not forget to update the 4
1140                          cases above when editing ns32k-opcode.h.  */
1141 		      suffix_separator = ':';
1142 		      break;
1143 		    default:
1144 		      /* If this char occurs we loose.  */
1145 		      suffix_separator = '\255';
1146 		      break;
1147 		    }
1149 		  suffix[argc] = 0; /* 0 when no ':' is encountered.  */
1150 		  argv[argc] = freeptr;
1151 		  *freeptr = '\0';
1153 		  while ((c = *lineptr) != '\0' && c != sep)
1154 		    {
1155 		      if (c == sqr)
1156 			{
1157 			  if (sqr == '[')
1158 			    {
1159 			      sqr = ']';
1160 			      sep = '\0';
1161 			    }
1162 			  else
1163 			    {
1164 			      sqr = '[';
1165 			      sep = ',';
1166 			    }
1167 			}
1169 		      if (c == suffix_separator)
1170 			{
1171 			  /* ':' - label/suffix separator.  */
1172 			  switch (lineptr[1])
1173 			    {
1174 			    case 'b':
1175 			      suffix[argc] = 1;
1176 			      break;
1177 			    case 'w':
1178 			      suffix[argc] = 2;
1179 			      break;
1180 			    case 'd':
1181 			      suffix[argc] = 4;
1182 			      break;
1183 			    default:
1184 			      as_warn (_("Bad suffix, defaulting to d"));
1185 			      suffix[argc] = 4;
1186 			      if (lineptr[1] == '\0' || lineptr[1] == sep)
1187 				{
1188 				  lineptr += 1;
1189 				  continue;
1190 				}
1191 			      break;
1192 			    }
1194 			  lineptr += 2;
1195 			  continue;
1196 			}
1198 		      *freeptr++ = c;
1199 		      lineptr++;
1200 		    }
1202 		  *freeptr++ = '\0';
1203 		  argc += 1;
1205 		  if (*lineptr == '\0')
1206 		    continue;
1208 		  lineptr += 1;
1209 		}
1210 	      else
1211 		{
1212 		  as_fatal (_("Too many operands passed to instruction"));
1213 		}
1214 	    }
1215 	}
1216     }
1218   if (argc != strlen (desc->operands) / 2)
1219     {
1220       if (strlen (desc->default_args))
1221 	{
1222 	  /* We can apply default, don't goof.  */
1223 	  if (parse (desc->default_args, 1) != 1)
1224 	    /* Check error in default.  */
1225 	    as_fatal (_("Wrong numbers of operands in default, check ns32k-opcodes.h"));
1226 	}
1227       else
1228 	{
1229 	  as_fatal (_("Wrong number of operands"));
1230 	}
1231     }
1233   for (i = 0; i < IIF_ENTRIES; i++)
1234     /* Mark all entries as void.  */
1235     iif.iifP[i].type = 0;
1237   /* Build opcode iif-entry.  */
1238   iif.instr_size = desc->opcode_size / 8;
1239   IIF (1, 1, iif.instr_size, desc->opcode_seed, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
1241   /* This call encodes operands to iif format.  */
1242   if (argc)
1243     {
1244       encode_operand (argc,
1245 		      argv,
1246 		      &desc->operands[0],
1247 		      &suffix[0],
1248 		      desc->im_size,
1249 		      desc->opcode_size);
1250     }
1251   return recursive_level;
1252 }
1254 /* Convert iif to fragments.  From this point we start to dribble with
1255    functions in other files than this one.(Except hash.c) So, if it's
1256    possible to make an iif for an other CPU, you don't need to know
1257    what frags, relax, obstacks, etc is in order to port this
1258    assembler. You only need to know if it's possible to reduce your
1259    cpu-instruction to iif-format (takes some work) and adopt the other
1260    md_? parts according to given instructions Note that iif was
1261    invented for the clean ns32k`s architecture.  */
1263 /* GAS for the ns32k has a problem. PC relative displacements are
1264    relative to the address of the opcode, not the address of the
1265    operand. We used to keep track of the offset between the operand
1266    and the opcode in pcrel_adjust for each frag and each fix. However,
1267    we get into trouble where there are two or more pc-relative
1268    operands and the size of the first one can't be determined. Then in
1269    the relax phase, the size of the first operand will change and
1270    pcrel_adjust will no longer be correct.  The current solution is
1271    keep a pointer to the frag with the opcode in it and the offset in
1272    that frag for each frag and each fix. Then, when needed, we can
1273    always figure out how far it is between the opcode and the pcrel
1274    object.  See also md_pcrel_adjust and md_fix_pcrel_adjust.  For
1275    objects not part of an instruction, the pointer to the opcode frag
1276    is always zero.  */
1278 static void convert_iif PARAMS ((void));
1279 static void
1280 convert_iif ()
1281 {
1282   int i;
1283   bit_fixS *j;
1284   fragS *inst_frag;
1285   unsigned int inst_offset;
1286   char *inst_opcode;
1287   char *memP;
1288   int l;
1289   int k;
1290   char type;
1291   char size = 0;
1293   frag_grow (iif.instr_size);	/* This is important.  */
1294   memP = frag_more (0);
1295   inst_opcode = memP;
1296   inst_offset = (memP - frag_now->fr_literal);
1297   inst_frag = frag_now;
1299   for (i = 0; i < IIF_ENTRIES; i++)
1300     {
1301       if ((type = iif.iifP[i].type))
1302 	{
1303 	  /* The object exist, so handle it.  */
1304 	  switch (size = iif.iifP[i].size)
1305 	    {
1306 	    case 42:
1307 	      size = 0;
1308 	      /* It's a bitfix that operates on an existing object.  */
1309 	      if (iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP->fx_bit_base)
1310 		/* Expand fx_bit_base to point at opcode.  */
1311 		iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP->fx_bit_base = (long) inst_opcode;
1312 	      /* Fall through.  */
1314 	    case 8:		/* bignum or doublefloat.  */
1315 	    case 1:
1316 	    case 2:
1317 	    case 3:
1318 	    case 4:
1319 	      /* The final size in objectmemory is known.  */
1320 	      memP = frag_more (size);
1321 	      j = iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP;
1323 	      switch (type)
1324 		{
1325 		case 1:	/* The object is pure binary.  */
1326 		  if (j)
1327 		    {
1328 		      md_number_to_field(memP, exprP.X_add_number, j);
1329 		    }
1330 		  else if (iif.iifP[i].pcrel)
1331 		    {
1332 		      fix_new_ns32k (frag_now,
1333 				     (long) (memP - frag_now->fr_literal),
1334 				     size,
1335 				     0,
1336 				     iif.iifP[i].object,
1337 				     iif.iifP[i].pcrel,
1338 				     iif.iifP[i].im_disp,
1339 				     0,
1340 				     iif.iifP[i].bsr,	/* Sequent hack.  */
1341 				     inst_frag, inst_offset);
1342 		    }
1343 		  else
1344 		    {
1345 		      /* Good, just put them bytes out.  */
1346 		      switch (iif.iifP[i].im_disp)
1347 			{
1348 			case 0:
1349 			  md_number_to_chars (memP, iif.iifP[i].object, size);
1350 			  break;
1351 			case 1:
1352 			  md_number_to_disp (memP, iif.iifP[i].object, size);
1353 			  break;
1354 			default:
1355 			  as_fatal (_("iif convert internal pcrel/binary"));
1356 			}
1357 		    }
1358 		  break;
1360 		case 2:
1361 		  /* The object is a pointer at an expression, so
1362                      unpack it, note that bignums may result from the
1363                      expression.  */
1364 		  evaluate_expr (&exprP, (char *) iif.iifP[i].object);
1365 		  if (exprP.X_op == O_big || size == 8)
1366 		    {
1367 		      if ((k = exprP.X_add_number) > 0)
1368 			{
1369 			  /* We have a bignum ie a quad. This can only
1370                              happens in a long suffixed instruction.  */
1371 			  if (k * 2 > size)
1372 			    as_bad (_("Bignum too big for long"));
1374 			  if (k == 3)
1375 			    memP += 2;
1377 			  for (l = 0; k > 0; k--, l += 2)
1378 			    md_number_to_chars (memP + l,
1379 						generic_bignum[l >> 1],
1380 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1381 			}
1382 		      else
1383 			{
1384 			  /* flonum.  */
1385 			  LITTLENUM_TYPE words[4];
1387 			  switch (size)
1388 			    {
1389 			    case 4:
1390 			      gen_to_words (words, 2, 8);
1391 			      md_number_to_imm (memP, (long) words[0],
1392 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1393 			      md_number_to_imm (memP + sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE),
1394 						(long) words[1],
1395 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1396 			      break;
1397 			    case 8:
1398 			      gen_to_words (words, 4, 11);
1399 			      md_number_to_imm (memP, (long) words[0],
1400 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1401 			      md_number_to_imm (memP + sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE),
1402 						(long) words[1],
1403 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1404 			      md_number_to_imm ((memP + 2
1405 						 * sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE)),
1406 						(long) words[2],
1407 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1408 			      md_number_to_imm ((memP + 3
1409 						 * sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE)),
1410 						(long) words[3],
1411 						sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1412 			      break;
1413 			    }
1414 			}
1415 		      break;
1416 		    }
1417 		  if (exprP.X_add_symbol ||
1418 		      exprP.X_op_symbol ||
1419 		      iif.iifP[i].pcrel)
1420 		    {
1421 		      /* The expression was undefined due to an
1422                          undefined label. Create a fix so we can fix
1423                          the object later.  */
1424 		      exprP.X_add_number += iif.iifP[i].object_adjust;
1425 		      fix_new_ns32k_exp (frag_now,
1426 					 (long) (memP - frag_now->fr_literal),
1427 					 size,
1428 					 &exprP,
1429 					 iif.iifP[i].pcrel,
1430 					 iif.iifP[i].im_disp,
1431 					 j,
1432 					 iif.iifP[i].bsr,
1433 					 inst_frag, inst_offset);
1434 		    }
1435 		  else if (j)
1436 		    {
1437 		      md_number_to_field(memP, exprP.X_add_number, j);
1438 		    }
1439 		  else
1440 		    {
1441 		      /* Good, just put them bytes out.  */
1442 		      switch (iif.iifP[i].im_disp)
1443 			{
1444 			case 0:
1445 			  md_number_to_imm (memP, exprP.X_add_number, size);
1446 			  break;
1447 			case 1:
1448 			  md_number_to_disp (memP, exprP.X_add_number, size);
1449 			  break;
1450 			default:
1451 			  as_fatal (_("iif convert internal pcrel/pointer"));
1452 			}
1453 		    }
1454 		  break;
1455 		default:
1456 		  as_fatal (_("Internal logic error in iif.iifP[n].type"));
1457 		}
1458 	      break;
1460 	    case 0:
1461 	      /* Too bad, the object may be undefined as far as its
1462 		 final nsize in object memory is concerned.  The size
1463 		 of the object in objectmemory is not explicitly
1464 		 given.  If the object is defined its length can be
1465 		 determined and a fix can replace the frag.  */
1466 	      {
1467 		evaluate_expr (&exprP, (char *) iif.iifP[i].object);
1469 		if ((exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_op_symbol) &&
1470 		    !iif.iifP[i].pcrel)
1471 		  {
1472 		    /* Size is unknown until link time so have to default.  */
1473 		    size = default_disp_size; /* Normally 4 bytes.  */
1474 		    memP = frag_more (size);
1475 		    fix_new_ns32k_exp (frag_now,
1476 				       (long) (memP - frag_now->fr_literal),
1477 				       size,
1478 				       &exprP,
1479 				       0, /* never iif.iifP[i].pcrel, */
1480 				       1, /* always iif.iifP[i].im_disp */
1481 				       (bit_fixS *) 0, 0,
1482 				       inst_frag,
1483 				       inst_offset);
1484 		    break;		/* Exit this absolute hack.  */
1485 		  }
1487 		if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_op_symbol)
1488 		  {
1489 		    /* Frag it.  */
1490 		    if (exprP.X_op_symbol)
1491 		      {
1492 			/* We cant relax this case.  */
1493 			as_fatal (_("Can't relax difference"));
1494 		      }
1495 		    else
1496 		      {
1497 			/* Size is not important.  This gets fixed by
1498 			   relax, but we assume 0 in what follows.  */
1499 			memP = frag_more (4); /* Max size.  */
1500 			size = 0;
1502 			{
1503 			  fragS *old_frag = frag_now;
1504 			  frag_variant (rs_machine_dependent,
1505 					4, /* Max size.  */
1506 					0, /* Size.  */
1507 					IND (BRANCH, UNDEF), /* Expecting
1508                                                                 the worst.  */
1509 					exprP.X_add_symbol,
1510 					exprP.X_add_number,
1511 					inst_opcode);
1512 			  frag_opcode_frag (old_frag) = inst_frag;
1513 			  frag_opcode_offset (old_frag) = inst_offset;
1514 			  frag_bsr (old_frag) = iif.iifP[i].bsr;
1515 			}
1516 		      }
1517 		  }
1518 		else
1519 		  {
1520 		    /* This duplicates code in md_number_to_disp.  */
1521 		    if (-64 <= exprP.X_add_number && exprP.X_add_number <= 63)
1522 		      {
1523 			size = 1;
1524 		      }
1525 		    else
1526 		      {
1527 			if (-8192 <= exprP.X_add_number
1528 			    && exprP.X_add_number <= 8191)
1529 			  {
1530 			    size = 2;
1531 			  }
1532 			else
1533 			  {
1534 			    if (-0x20000000 <= exprP.X_add_number
1535 				&& exprP.X_add_number<=0x1fffffff)
1536 			      {
1537 				size = 4;
1538 			      }
1539 			    else
1540 			      {
1541 				as_bad (_("Displacement to large for :d"));
1542 				size = 4;
1543 			      }
1544 			  }
1545 		      }
1547 		    memP = frag_more (size);
1548 		    md_number_to_disp (memP, exprP.X_add_number, size);
1549 		  }
1550 	      }
1551 	      break;
1553 	    default:
1554 	      as_fatal (_("Internal logic error in iif.iifP[].type"));
1555 	    }
1556 	}
1557     }
1558 }
1560 #ifdef BFD_ASSEMBLER
1561 /* This functionality should really be in the bfd library.  */
1562 static bfd_reloc_code_real_type
1563 reloc (int size, int pcrel, int type)
1564 {
1565   int length, index;
1566   bfd_reloc_code_real_type relocs[] =
1567   {
1568     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_8,
1569     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_16,
1570     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_32,
1572     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_16_PCREL,
1573     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_IMM_32_PCREL,
1575     /* ns32k displacements.  */
1576     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_8,
1577     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_16,
1578     BFD_RELOC_NS32K_DISP_32,
1583     /* Normal 2's complement.  */
1584     BFD_RELOC_8,
1585     BFD_RELOC_16,
1586     BFD_RELOC_32,
1587     BFD_RELOC_8_PCREL,
1588     BFD_RELOC_16_PCREL,
1589     BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL
1590   };
1592   switch (size)
1593     {
1594     case 1:
1595       length = 0;
1596       break;
1597     case 2:
1598       length = 1;
1599       break;
1600     case 4:
1601       length = 2;
1602       break;
1603     default:
1604       length = -1;
1605       break;
1606     }
1608   index = length + 3 * pcrel + 6 * type;
1610   if (index >= 0 && (unsigned int) index < sizeof (relocs) / sizeof (relocs[0]))
1611     return relocs[index];
1613   if (pcrel)
1614     as_bad (_("Can not do %d byte pc-relative relocation for storage type %d"),
1615 	    size, type);
1616   else
1617     as_bad (_("Can not do %d byte relocation for storage type %d"),
1618 	    size, type);
1620   return BFD_RELOC_NONE;
1622 }
1623 #endif
1625 void
1626 md_assemble (line)
1627      char *line;
1628 {
1629   freeptr = freeptr_static;
1630   parse (line, 0);		/* Explode line to more fix form in iif.  */
1631   convert_iif ();		/* Convert iif to frags, fix's etc.  */
1632 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1633   printf (" \t\t\t%s\n", line);
1634 #endif
1635 }
1637 void
1638 md_begin ()
1639 {
1640   /* Build a hashtable of the instructions.  */
1641   const struct ns32k_opcode *ptr;
1642   const char *stat;
1643   const struct ns32k_opcode *endop;
1645   inst_hash_handle = hash_new ();
1647   endop = ns32k_opcodes + sizeof (ns32k_opcodes) / sizeof (ns32k_opcodes[0]);
1648   for (ptr = ns32k_opcodes; ptr < endop; ptr++)
1649     {
1650       if ((stat = hash_insert (inst_hash_handle, ptr->name, (char *) ptr)))
1651 	/* Fatal.  */
1652 	as_fatal (_("Can't hash %s: %s"), ptr->name, stat);
1653     }
1655   /* Some private space please!  */
1656   freeptr_static = (char *) malloc (PRIVATE_SIZE);
1657 }
1659 /* Must be equal to MAX_PRECISON in atof-ieee.c.  */
1660 #define MAX_LITTLENUMS 6
1662 /* Turn the string pointed to by litP into a floating point constant
1663    of type TYPE, and emit the appropriate bytes.  The number of
1664    LITTLENUMS emitted is stored in *SIZEP.  An error message is
1665    returned, or NULL on OK.  */
1667 char *
1668 md_atof (type, litP, sizeP)
1669      char type;
1670      char *litP;
1671      int *sizeP;
1672 {
1673   int prec;
1675   LITTLENUM_TYPE *wordP;
1676   char *t;
1678   switch (type)
1679     {
1680     case 'f':
1681       prec = 2;
1682       break;
1684     case 'd':
1685       prec = 4;
1686       break;
1687     default:
1688       *sizeP = 0;
1689       return _("Bad call to MD_ATOF()");
1690     }
1692   t = atof_ieee (input_line_pointer, type, words);
1693   if (t)
1694     input_line_pointer = t;
1696   *sizeP = prec * sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE);
1698   for (wordP = words + prec; prec--;)
1699     {
1700       md_number_to_chars (litP, (long) (*--wordP), sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE));
1701       litP += sizeof (LITTLENUM_TYPE);
1702     }
1704   return 0;
1705 }
1707 /* Convert number to chars in correct order.  */
1709 void
1710 md_number_to_chars (buf, value, nbytes)
1711      char *buf;
1712      valueT value;
1713      int nbytes;
1714 {
1715   number_to_chars_littleendian (buf, value, nbytes);
1716 }
1718 /* This is a variant of md_numbers_to_chars. The reason for its'
1719    existence is the fact that ns32k uses Huffman coded
1720    displacements. This implies that the bit order is reversed in
1721    displacements and that they are prefixed with a size-tag.
1723    binary: msb -> lsb
1724    0xxxxxxx				byte
1725    10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx			word
1726    11xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx	double word
1728    This must be taken care of and we do it here!  */
1730 static void
1731 md_number_to_disp (buf, val, n)
1732      char *buf;
1733      long val;
1734      char n;
1735 {
1736   switch (n)
1737     {
1738     case 1:
1739       if (val < -64 || val > 63)
1740 	as_bad (_("value of %ld out of byte displacement range."), val);
1741       val &= 0x7f;
1742 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1743       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1744 #endif
1745       *buf++ = val;
1746       break;
1747     case 2:
1748       if (val < -8192 || val > 8191)
1749 	as_bad (_("value of %ld out of word displacement range."), val);
1750       val &= 0x3fff;
1751       val |= 0x8000;
1752 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1753       printf ("%x ", val >> 8 & 0xff);
1754 #endif
1755       *buf++ = (val >> 8);
1756 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1757       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1758 #endif
1759       *buf++ = val;
1760       break;
1761     case 4:
1762       if (val < -0x20000000 || val >= 0x20000000)
1763 	as_bad (_("value of %ld out of double word displacement range."), val);
1764       val |= 0xc0000000;
1765 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1766       printf ("%x ", val >> 24 & 0xff);
1767 #endif
1768       *buf++ = (val >> 24);
1769 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1770       printf ("%x ", val >> 16 & 0xff);
1771 #endif
1772       *buf++ = (val >> 16);
1773 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1774       printf ("%x ", val >> 8 & 0xff);
1775 #endif
1776       *buf++ = (val >> 8);
1777 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1778       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1779 #endif
1780       *buf++ = val;
1781       break;
1782     default:
1783       as_fatal (_("Internal logic error.  line %d, file \"%s\""),
1784 		__LINE__, __FILE__);
1785     }
1786 }
1788 static void
1789 md_number_to_imm (buf, val, n)
1790      char *buf;
1791      long val;
1792      char n;
1793 {
1794   switch (n)
1795     {
1796     case 1:
1797 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1798       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1799 #endif
1800       *buf++ = val;
1801       break;
1802     case 2:
1803 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1804       printf ("%x ", val >> 8 & 0xff);
1805 #endif
1806       *buf++ = (val >> 8);
1807 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1808       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1809 #endif
1810       *buf++ = val;
1811       break;
1812     case 4:
1813 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1814       printf ("%x ", val >> 24 & 0xff);
1815 #endif
1816       *buf++ = (val >> 24);
1817 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1818       printf ("%x ", val >> 16 & 0xff);
1819 #endif
1820       *buf++ = (val >> 16);
1821 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1822       printf ("%x ", val >> 8 & 0xff);
1823 #endif
1824       *buf++ = (val >> 8);
1825 #ifdef SHOW_NUM
1826       printf ("%x ", val & 0xff);
1827 #endif
1828       *buf++ = val;
1829       break;
1830     default:
1831       as_fatal (_("Internal logic error. line %d, file \"%s\""),
1832 		__LINE__, __FILE__);
1833     }
1834 }
1836 /* Fast bitfiddling support.  */
1837 /* Mask used to zero bitfield before oring in the true field.  */
1839 static unsigned long l_mask[] =
1840 {
1841   0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe, 0xfffffffc, 0xfffffff8,
1842   0xfffffff0, 0xffffffe0, 0xffffffc0, 0xffffff80,
1843   0xffffff00, 0xfffffe00, 0xfffffc00, 0xfffff800,
1844   0xfffff000, 0xffffe000, 0xffffc000, 0xffff8000,
1845   0xffff0000, 0xfffe0000, 0xfffc0000, 0xfff80000,
1846   0xfff00000, 0xffe00000, 0xffc00000, 0xff800000,
1847   0xff000000, 0xfe000000, 0xfc000000, 0xf8000000,
1848   0xf0000000, 0xe0000000, 0xc0000000, 0x80000000,
1849 };
1850 static unsigned long r_mask[] =
1851 {
1852   0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007,
1853   0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f,
1854   0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff,
1855   0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff,
1856   0x0000ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff,
1857   0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff,
1858   0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff,
1859   0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff,
1860 };
1861 #define MASK_BITS 31
1862 /* Insert bitfield described by field_ptr and val at buf
1863    This routine is written for modification of the first 4 bytes pointed
1864    to by buf, to yield speed.
1865    The ifdef stuff is for selection between a ns32k-dependent routine
1866    and a general version. (My advice: use the general version!).  */
1868 static void
1869 md_number_to_field (buf, val, field_ptr)
1870      char *buf;
1871      long val;
1872      bit_fixS *field_ptr;
1873 {
1874   unsigned long object;
1875   unsigned long mask;
1876   /* Define ENDIAN on a ns32k machine.  */
1877 #ifdef ENDIAN
1878   unsigned long *mem_ptr;
1879 #else
1880   char *mem_ptr;
1881 #endif
1883   if (field_ptr->fx_bit_min <= val && val <= field_ptr->fx_bit_max)
1884     {
1885 #ifdef ENDIAN
1886       if (field_ptr->fx_bit_base)
1887 	/* Override buf.  */
1888 	mem_ptr = (unsigned long *) field_ptr->fx_bit_base;
1889       else
1890 	mem_ptr = (unsigned long *) buf;
1892       mem_ptr = ((unsigned long *)
1893 		 ((char *) mem_ptr + field_ptr->fx_bit_base_adj));
1894 #else
1895       if (field_ptr->fx_bit_base)
1896 	mem_ptr = (char *) field_ptr->fx_bit_base;
1897       else
1898 	mem_ptr = buf;
1900       mem_ptr += field_ptr->fx_bit_base_adj;
1901 #endif
1902 #ifdef ENDIAN
1903       /* We have a nice ns32k machine with lowbyte at low-physical mem.  */
1904       object = *mem_ptr;	/* get some bytes */
1905 #else /* OVE Goof! the machine is a m68k or dito.  */
1906       /* That takes more byte fiddling.  */
1907       object = 0;
1908       object |= mem_ptr[3] & 0xff;
1909       object <<= 8;
1910       object |= mem_ptr[2] & 0xff;
1911       object <<= 8;
1912       object |= mem_ptr[1] & 0xff;
1913       object <<= 8;
1914       object |= mem_ptr[0] & 0xff;
1915 #endif
1916       mask = 0;
1917       mask |= (r_mask[field_ptr->fx_bit_offset]);
1918       mask |= (l_mask[field_ptr->fx_bit_offset + field_ptr->fx_bit_size]);
1919       object &= mask;
1920       val += field_ptr->fx_bit_add;
1921       object |= ((val << field_ptr->fx_bit_offset) & (mask ^ 0xffffffff));
1922 #ifdef ENDIAN
1923       *mem_ptr = object;
1924 #else
1925       mem_ptr[0] = (char) object;
1926       object >>= 8;
1927       mem_ptr[1] = (char) object;
1928       object >>= 8;
1929       mem_ptr[2] = (char) object;
1930       object >>= 8;
1931       mem_ptr[3] = (char) object;
1932 #endif
1933     }
1934   else
1935     {
1936       as_bad (_("Bit field out of range"));
1937     }
1938 }
1940 int
1941 md_pcrel_adjust (fragP)
1942      fragS *fragP;
1943 {
1944   fragS *opcode_frag;
1945   addressT opcode_address;
1946   unsigned int offset;
1948   opcode_frag = frag_opcode_frag (fragP);
1949   if (opcode_frag == 0)
1950     return 0;
1952   offset = frag_opcode_offset (fragP);
1953   opcode_address = offset + opcode_frag->fr_address;
1955   return fragP->fr_address + fragP->fr_fix - opcode_address;
1956 }
1958 static int md_fix_pcrel_adjust PARAMS ((fixS *fixP));
1959 static int
1960 md_fix_pcrel_adjust (fixP)
1961      fixS *fixP;
1962 {
1963   fragS *opcode_frag;
1964   addressT opcode_address;
1965   unsigned int offset;
1967   opcode_frag = fix_opcode_frag (fixP);
1968   if (opcode_frag == 0)
1969     return 0;
1971   offset = fix_opcode_offset (fixP);
1972   opcode_address = offset + opcode_frag->fr_address;
1974   return fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address - opcode_address;
1975 }
1977 /* Apply a fixS (fixup of an instruction or data that we didn't have
1978    enough info to complete immediately) to the data in a frag.
1980    On the ns32k, everything is in a different format, so we have broken
1981    out separate functions for each kind of thing we could be fixing.
1982    They all get called from here.  */
1984 void
1985 md_apply_fix3 (fixP, valP, seg)
1986      fixS *fixP;
1987      valueT * valP;
1988      segT seg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
1989 {
1990   long val = * (long *) valP;
1991   char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
1993   if (fix_bit_fixP (fixP))
1994     {
1995       /* Bitfields to fix, sigh.  */
1996       md_number_to_field (buf, val, fix_bit_fixP (fixP));
1997     }
1998   else switch (fix_im_disp (fixP))
1999     {
2000     case 0:
2001       /* Immediate field.  */
2002       md_number_to_imm (buf, val, fixP->fx_size);
2003       break;
2005     case 1:
2006       /* Displacement field.  */
2007       /* Calculate offset.  */
2008       md_number_to_disp (buf,
2009 			 (fixP->fx_pcrel ? val + md_fix_pcrel_adjust (fixP)
2010 			  : val), fixP->fx_size);
2011       break;
2013     case 2:
2014       /* Pointer in a data object.  */
2015       md_number_to_chars (buf, val, fixP->fx_size);
2016       break;
2017     }
2019   if (fixP->fx_addsy == NULL && fixP->fx_pcrel == 0)
2020     fixP->fx_done = 1;
2021 }
2023 /* Convert a relaxed displacement to ditto in final output.  */
2025 #ifndef BFD_ASSEMBLER
2026 void
2027 md_convert_frag (headers, sec, fragP)
2028      object_headers *headers;
2029      segT sec;
2030      fragS *fragP;
2031 #else
2032 void
2033 md_convert_frag (abfd, sec, fragP)
2034      bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2035      segT sec ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2036      fragS *fragP;
2037 #endif
2038 {
2039   long disp;
2040   long ext = 0;
2041   /* Address in gas core of the place to store the displacement.  */
2042   char *buffer_address = fragP->fr_fix + fragP->fr_literal;
2043   /* Address in object code of the displacement.  */
2044   int object_address;
2046   switch (fragP->fr_subtype)
2047     {
2048     case IND (BRANCH, BYTE):
2049       ext = 1;
2050       break;
2051     case IND (BRANCH, WORD):
2052       ext = 2;
2053       break;
2054     case IND (BRANCH, DOUBLE):
2055       ext = 4;
2056       break;
2057     }
2059   if (ext == 0)
2060     return;
2062   know (fragP->fr_symbol);
2064   object_address = fragP->fr_fix + fragP->fr_address;
2066   /* The displacement of the address, from current location.  */
2067   disp = (S_GET_VALUE (fragP->fr_symbol) + fragP->fr_offset) - object_address;
2068   disp += md_pcrel_adjust (fragP);
2070   md_number_to_disp (buffer_address, (long) disp, (int) ext);
2071   fragP->fr_fix += ext;
2072 }
2074 /* This function returns the estimated size a variable object will occupy,
2075    one can say that we tries to guess the size of the objects before we
2076    actually know it.  */
2078 int
2079 md_estimate_size_before_relax (fragP, segment)
2080      fragS *fragP;
2081      segT segment;
2082 {
2083   if (fragP->fr_subtype == IND (BRANCH, UNDEF))
2084     {
2085       if (S_GET_SEGMENT (fragP->fr_symbol) != segment)
2086 	{
2087 	  /* We don't relax symbols defined in another segment.  The
2088 	     thing to do is to assume the object will occupy 4 bytes.  */
2089 	  fix_new_ns32k (fragP,
2090 			 (int) (fragP->fr_fix),
2091 			 4,
2092 			 fragP->fr_symbol,
2093 			 fragP->fr_offset,
2094 			 1,
2095 			 1,
2096 			 0,
2097 			 frag_bsr(fragP), /* Sequent hack.  */
2098 			 frag_opcode_frag (fragP),
2099 			 frag_opcode_offset (fragP));
2100 	  fragP->fr_fix += 4;
2101 #if 0
2102 	  fragP->fr_opcode[1] = 0xff;
2103 #endif
2104 	  frag_wane (fragP);
2105 	  return 4;
2106 	}
2108       /* Relaxable case.  Set up the initial guess for the variable
2109 	 part of the frag.  */
2110       fragP->fr_subtype = IND (BRANCH, BYTE);
2111     }
2113   if (fragP->fr_subtype >= sizeof (md_relax_table) / sizeof (md_relax_table[0]))
2114     abort ();
2116   /* Return the size of the variable part of the frag.  */
2117   return md_relax_table[fragP->fr_subtype].rlx_length;
2118 }
2120 int md_short_jump_size = 3;
2121 int md_long_jump_size = 5;
2122 const int md_reloc_size = 8;	/* Size of relocation record.  */
2124 void
2125 md_create_short_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
2126      char *ptr;
2127      addressT from_addr, to_addr;
2128      fragS *frag ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2129      symbolS *to_symbol ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2130 {
2131   valueT offset;
2133   offset = to_addr - from_addr;
2134   md_number_to_chars (ptr, (valueT) 0xEA, 1);
2135   md_number_to_disp (ptr + 1, (valueT) offset, 2);
2136 }
2138 void
2139 md_create_long_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
2140      char *ptr;
2141      addressT from_addr, to_addr;
2142      fragS *frag ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2143      symbolS *to_symbol ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2144 {
2145   valueT offset;
2147   offset = to_addr - from_addr;
2148   md_number_to_chars (ptr, (valueT) 0xEA, 1);
2149   md_number_to_disp (ptr + 1, (valueT) offset, 4);
2150 }
2152 const char *md_shortopts = "m:";
2154 struct option md_longopts[] =
2155 {
2157   {"disp-size-default", required_argument , NULL, OPTION_DISP_SIZE},
2158   {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}
2159 };
2161 size_t md_longopts_size = sizeof (md_longopts);
2163 int
2164 md_parse_option (c, arg)
2165      int c;
2166      char *arg;
2167 {
2168   switch (c)
2169     {
2170     case 'm':
2171       if (!strcmp (arg, "32032"))
2172 	{
2173 	  cpureg = cpureg_032;
2174 	  mmureg = mmureg_032;
2175 	}
2176       else if (!strcmp (arg, "32532"))
2177 	{
2178 	  cpureg = cpureg_532;
2179 	  mmureg = mmureg_532;
2180 	}
2181       else
2182 	{
2183 	  as_warn (_("invalid architecture option -m%s, ignored"), arg);
2184 	  return 0;
2185 	}
2186       break;
2187     case OPTION_DISP_SIZE:
2188       {
2189 	int size = atoi(arg);
2190 	switch (size)
2191 	  {
2192 	  case 1: case 2: case 4:
2193 	    default_disp_size = size;
2194 	    break;
2195 	  default:
2196 	    as_warn (_("invalid default displacement size \"%s\". Defaulting to %d."),
2197 		     arg, default_disp_size);
2198 	  }
2199 	break;
2200       }
2202     default:
2203       return 0;
2204     }
2206   return 1;
2207 }
2209 void
2210 md_show_usage (stream)
2211      FILE *stream;
2212 {
2213   fprintf (stream, _("\
2214 NS32K options:\n\
2215 -m32032 | -m32532	select variant of NS32K architecture\n\
2216 --disp-size-default=<1|2|4>\n"));
2217 }
2219 /* Create a bit_fixS in obstack 'notes'.
2220    This struct is used to profile the normal fix. If the bit_fixP is a
2221    valid pointer (not NULL) the bit_fix data will be used to format
2222    the fix.  */
2224 bit_fixS *
2225 bit_fix_new (size, offset, min, max, add, base_type, base_adj)
2226      char size;			/* Length of bitfield.  */
2227      char offset;		/* Bit offset to bitfield.  */
2228      long min;			/* Signextended min for bitfield.  */
2229      long max;			/* Signextended max for bitfield.  */
2230      long add;			/* Add mask, used for huffman prefix.  */
2231      long base_type;		/* 0 or 1, if 1 it's exploded to opcode ptr.  */
2232      long base_adj;
2233 {
2234   bit_fixS *bit_fixP;
2236   bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *) obstack_alloc (&notes, sizeof (bit_fixS));
2238   bit_fixP->fx_bit_size = size;
2239   bit_fixP->fx_bit_offset = offset;
2240   bit_fixP->fx_bit_base = base_type;
2241   bit_fixP->fx_bit_base_adj = base_adj;
2242   bit_fixP->fx_bit_max = max;
2243   bit_fixP->fx_bit_min = min;
2244   bit_fixP->fx_bit_add = add;
2246   return bit_fixP;
2247 }
2249 void
2250 fix_new_ns32k (frag, where, size, add_symbol, offset, pcrel,
2251 	       im_disp, bit_fixP, bsr, opcode_frag, opcode_offset)
2252      fragS *frag;		/* Which frag? */
2253      int where;			/* Where in that frag? */
2254      int size;			/* 1, 2  or 4 usually.  */
2255      symbolS *add_symbol;	/* X_add_symbol.  */
2256      long offset;		/* X_add_number.  */
2257      int pcrel;			/* True if PC-relative relocation.  */
2258      char im_disp;		/* True if the value to write is a
2259 				   displacement.  */
2260      bit_fixS *bit_fixP;	/* Pointer at struct of bit_fix's, ignored if
2261 				   NULL.  */
2262      char bsr;			/* Sequent-linker-hack: 1 when relocobject is
2263 				   a bsr.  */
2264      fragS *opcode_frag;
2265      unsigned int opcode_offset;
2266 {
2267   fixS *fixP = fix_new (frag, where, size, add_symbol,
2268 			offset, pcrel,
2269 #ifdef BFD_ASSEMBLER
2270 			bit_fixP ? NO_RELOC : reloc (size, pcrel, im_disp)
2271 #else
2272 			NO_RELOC
2273 #endif
2274 			);
2276   fix_opcode_frag (fixP) = opcode_frag;
2277   fix_opcode_offset (fixP) = opcode_offset;
2278   fix_im_disp (fixP) = im_disp;
2279   fix_bsr (fixP) = bsr;
2280   fix_bit_fixP (fixP) = bit_fixP;
2281   /* We have a MD overflow check for displacements.  */
2282   fixP->fx_no_overflow = (im_disp != 0);
2283 }
2285 void
2286 fix_new_ns32k_exp (frag, where, size, exp, pcrel,
2287 		   im_disp, bit_fixP, bsr, opcode_frag, opcode_offset)
2288      fragS *frag;		/* Which frag? */
2289      int where;			/* Where in that frag? */
2290      int size;			/* 1, 2  or 4 usually.  */
2291      expressionS *exp;		/* Expression.  */
2292      int pcrel;			/* True if PC-relative relocation.  */
2293      char im_disp;		/* True if the value to write is a
2294 				   displacement.  */
2295      bit_fixS *bit_fixP;	/* Pointer at struct of bit_fix's, ignored if
2296 				   NULL.  */
2297      char bsr;			/* Sequent-linker-hack: 1 when relocobject is
2298 				   a bsr.  */
2299      fragS *opcode_frag;
2300      unsigned int opcode_offset;
2301 {
2302   fixS *fixP = fix_new_exp (frag, where, size, exp, pcrel,
2303 #ifdef BFD_ASSEMBLER
2304 			    bit_fixP ? NO_RELOC : reloc (size, pcrel, im_disp)
2305 #else
2306 			    NO_RELOC
2307 #endif
2308 			    );
2310   fix_opcode_frag (fixP) = opcode_frag;
2311   fix_opcode_offset (fixP) = opcode_offset;
2312   fix_im_disp (fixP) = im_disp;
2313   fix_bsr (fixP) = bsr;
2314   fix_bit_fixP (fixP) = bit_fixP;
2315   /* We have a MD overflow check for displacements.  */
2316   fixP->fx_no_overflow = (im_disp != 0);
2317 }
2319 /* This is TC_CONS_FIX_NEW, called by emit_expr in read.c.  */
2321 void
2322 cons_fix_new_ns32k (frag, where, size, exp)
2323      fragS *frag;		/* Which frag? */
2324      int where;			/* Where in that frag? */
2325      int size;			/* 1, 2  or 4 usually.  */
2326      expressionS *exp;		/* Expression.  */
2327 {
2328   fix_new_ns32k_exp (frag, where, size, exp,
2329 		     0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2330 }
2332 /* We have no need to default values of symbols.  */
2334 symbolS *
2335 md_undefined_symbol (name)
2336      char *name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2337 {
2338   return 0;
2339 }
2341 /* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary.  */
2343 valueT
2344 md_section_align (segment, size)
2345      segT segment ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2346      valueT size;
2347 {
2348   return size;			/* Byte alignment is fine.  */
2349 }
2351 /* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?  On the
2352    ns32k, they're relative to the start of the instruction.  */
2354 long
2355 md_pcrel_from (fixP)
2356      fixS *fixP;
2357 {
2358   long res;
2360   res = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
2362   if (frag_bsr (fixP->fx_frag))
2363     res += 0x12			/* FOO Kludge alert!  */
2364 #endif
2365       return res;
2366 }
2368 #ifdef BFD_ASSEMBLER
2370 arelent *
2371 tc_gen_reloc (section, fixp)
2372      asection *section ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
2373      fixS *fixp;
2374 {
2375   arelent *rel;
2376   bfd_reloc_code_real_type code;
2378   code = reloc (fixp->fx_size, fixp->fx_pcrel, fix_im_disp (fixp));
2380   rel = (arelent *) xmalloc (sizeof (arelent));
2381   rel->sym_ptr_ptr = (asymbol **) xmalloc (sizeof (asymbol *));
2382   *rel->sym_ptr_ptr = symbol_get_bfdsym (fixp->fx_addsy);
2383   rel->address = fixp->fx_frag->fr_address + fixp->fx_where;
2384   if (fixp->fx_pcrel)
2385     rel->addend = fixp->fx_addnumber;
2386   else
2387     rel->addend = 0;
2389   rel->howto = bfd_reloc_type_lookup (stdoutput, code);
2390   if (!rel->howto)
2391     {
2392       const char *name;
2394       name = S_GET_NAME (fixp->fx_addsy);
2395       if (name == NULL)
2396 	name = _("<unknown>");
2397       as_fatal (_("Cannot find relocation type for symbol %s, code %d"),
2398 		name, (int) code);
2399     }
2401   return rel;
2402 }
2403 #else /* BFD_ASSEMBLER */
2405 #ifdef OBJ_AOUT
2406 void
2407 cons_fix_new_ns32k (where, fixP, segment_address_in_file)
2408      char *where;
2409      struct fix *fixP;
2410      relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
2411 {
2412   /* In:  Length of relocation (or of address) in chars: 1, 2 or 4.
2413      Out: GNU LD relocation length code: 0, 1, or 2.  */
2415   static unsigned char nbytes_r_length[] = { 42, 0, 1, 42, 2 };
2416   long r_symbolnum;
2418   know (fixP->fx_addsy != NULL);
2420   md_number_to_chars (where,
2421        fixP->fx_frag->fr_address + fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file,
2422 		      4);
2424   r_symbolnum = (S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)
2425 		 ? S_GET_TYPE (fixP->fx_addsy)
2426 		 : fixP->fx_addsy->sy_number);
2428   md_number_to_chars (where + 4,
2429 		      ((long) (r_symbolnum)
2430 		       | (long) (fixP->fx_pcrel << 24)
2431 		       | (long) (nbytes_r_length[fixP->fx_size] << 25)
2432 		       | (long) ((!S_IS_DEFINED (fixP->fx_addsy)) << 27)
2433 		       | (long) (fix_bsr (fixP) << 28)
2434 		       | (long) (fix_im_disp (fixP) << 29)),
2435 		      4);
2436 }
2438 #endif /* OBJ_AOUT */
2439 #endif /* BFD_ASSEMBLER */