xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/binutils/include/mpw/fcntl.h (revision 404b540a)
1 /*
2  * FCntl.h -- faccess(), fcntl(), and open() mode flags
3  *
4  * Portions copyright American Telephone & Telegraph
5  * Used with permission, Apple Computer Inc. (1985,1988,1990,1992)
6  * All rights reserved.
7  */
9 #ifndef __FCNTL__
10 #define __FCNTL__
12 #ifndef __TYPES__
13 #include <Types.h>
14 #endif
16 /*
17  *	For use by lseek():
18  */
20 #ifndef __STDIO__			/* these defns exactly paralled in StdIO.h for fseek() */
21 #define SEEK_CUR	1
22 #define SEEK_END	2
23 #define SEEK_SET	0
24 #endif
26 /*
27  * faccess() commands; for general use
28  */
29  					/* 'd' => "directory" ops */
30 #define F_DELETE		(('d'<<8)|0x01)
31 #define F_RENAME		(('d'<<8)|0x02)
33 /*
34  * more faccess() commands; for use only by MPW tools
35  */
37 #define F_OPEN 			(('d'<<8)|0x00)		/* reserved for operating system use */
38 					/* 'e' => "editor" ops */
39 #define F_GTABINFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x00)		/* get tab offset for file */
40 #define F_STABINFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x01)		/* set 	"	"		"	"  */
41 #define F_GFONTINFO		(('e'<<8)|0x02)		/* get font number and size for file */
42 #define F_SFONTINFO		(('e'<<8)|0x03)		/* set 	"		"	"	"	"	" 	 */
43 #define F_GPRINTREC		(('e'<<8)|0x04)		/* get print record for file */
44 #define F_SPRINTREC		(('e'<<8)|0x05)		/* set 	"		"	"	" 	 */
45 #define F_GSELINFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x06)		/* get selection information for file */
46 #define F_SSELINFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x07)		/* set		"		"		"		" */
47 #define F_GWININFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x08)		/* get current window position */
48 #define F_SWININFO 		(('e'<<8)|0x09)		/* set	"		"		" 	   */
49 #define F_GSCROLLINFO	(('e'<<8)|0x0A)		/* get scroll information */
50 #define F_SSCROLLINFO	(('e'<<8)|0x0B)		/* set    "   		"  	  */
51 #define F_GMARKER		(('e'<<8)|0x0D)		/* Get Marker */
52 #define F_SMARKER		(('e'<<8)|0x0C)		/* Set   " 	  */
53 #define F_GSAVEONCLOSE	(('e'<<8)|0x0F)		/* Get Save on close */
54 #define F_SSAVEONCLOSE	(('e'<<8)|0x0E)		/* Set   "	 "	 " 	 */
56 /*
57  *	argument structures used by various faccess() commands
58  */
60 struct MarkElement {
61 	int				start;			/* start position of mark */
62 	int				end;			/* end position */
63 	unsigned char	charCount;		/* number of chars in mark name */
64 	char			name[64];		/* mark name */
65 } ;									/* note: marker names may be up to 64 characters long */
67 #ifndef __cplusplus
68 typedef struct MarkElement MarkElement;
69 #endif
71 struct SelectionRecord {
72 	long	startingPos;
73 	long	endingPos;
74 	long	displayTop;
75 };
77 #ifndef __cplusplus
78 typedef struct SelectionRecord SelectionRecord;
79 #endif
82 /*
83  * Mode values accessible to open()
84  */
85 #define O_RDONLY		 0 		/* Bits 0 and 1 are used internally */
86 #define O_WRONLY		 1 		/* Values 0..2 are historical */
87 #define O_RDWR 			 2		/* NOTE: it goes 0, 1, 2, *!* 8, 16, 32, ... */
88 #define O_APPEND	(1<< 3)		/* append (writes guaranteed at the end) */
89 #define O_RSRC 		(1<< 4)		/* Open the resource fork */
90 #define O_ALIAS		(1<< 5)		/* Open alias file */
91 #define O_CREAT		(1<< 8)		/* Open with file create */
92 #define O_TRUNC		(1<< 9)		/* Open with truncation */
93 #define O_EXCL 		(1<<10) 	/* w/ O_CREAT:  Exclusive "create-only" */
94 #define O_BINARY	(1<<11) 	/* Open as a binary stream */
95 #define O_NRESOLVE	(1<<14)		/* Don't resolve any aliases */
97 #ifdef __cplusplus
98 extern "C" {
99 #endif
101 /*
102  *		function prototypes
103  */
104 int  close(int);
105 int  creat(const char*);
106 int	 dup(int filedes);		/* OBSOLETE: fcntl(filedes, F_DUPFD, 0) is preferred */
107 int	 faccess(char*, unsigned int, long*);
108 int  fcntl(int, unsigned int, int);
109 long lseek(int, long, int);
110 int  open(const char*, int, ...);
111 int  read(int, char*, unsigned);
112 int  unlink(char*);
113 int  write(int, const char*, unsigned);
115 #ifdef __cplusplus
116 }
117 #endif
119 /*
120  * fcntl() commands
121  */
122 #define F_DUPFD 0	   /* Duplicate files (file descriptor) */
124 #endif __FCNTL__