1# Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15# Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
17# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (rob@cygnus.com)
18# With modifications by Mike Stump <mrs@cygnus.com>.
20# These tests come from the original DejaGnu test suite
21# developed at Cygnus Support. If this isn't deja gnu, I
22# don't know what is.
24# Language independence is achieved by:
26# 1) Using global $tool to indicate the language (eg: gcc, g++, etc.).
27#    This should only be used to look up other objects.  We don't want to
28#    have to add code for each new language that is supported.  If this is
29#    done right, no code needs to be added here for each new language.
31# 2) Passing compiler options in as arguments.
33# We require a bit of smarts in our caller to isolate us from the vagaries of
34# each language.  See old-deja.exp for the g++ example.
36# Useful subroutines.
38# process-option -- Look for and process a test harness option in the testcase.
40# PROG is the pathname of the testcase.
41# OPTION is the string to look for.
42# MESSAGE is what to print if $verbose > 1.
43# FLAG_NAME is one of ERROR, WARNING, etc.
44# PATTERN is ???
46proc process-option { prog option message flag_name pattern } {
47    global verbose
49    set result ""
51    set tmp [grep $prog "$option.*" line]
52    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
53	foreach i $tmp {
54	    #send_user "Found: $i\n"
55	    set xfail_test 0
56	    set triplet_match 0
57	    regsub "\\*/$" [string trim $i] "" i
58	    if [regexp "LINE +\[0-9\]+" $i xopt] then {
59		regsub "LINE" $xopt "" xopt;
60		regsub "LINE +\[0-9\]+" $i "" i
61		set i [lreplace $i 0 0 [expr "${xopt}-0"]];
62	    }
63	    if [regexp "XFAIL( +\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+)*" $i xopt] then {
64		set xfail_test 1
65		regsub "XFAIL( +\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+-\[^ \]+)*" $i "" i
66		regsub "XFAIL" $xopt "" xopt
67		if ![string match "" [string trim $xopt]] then {
68		    foreach triplet $xopt {
69			if [istarget $triplet] {
70			    set triplet_match 1;
71			    break;
72			}
73		    }
74		} else {
75		    set triplet_match 1
76		}
77	    }
78	    set compos [expr [llength $option] + 1] ;# Start of comment, if any
79	    if { $xfail_test && $triplet_match } then {
80		lappend result [list [lindex $i 0] "X$flag_name" [lrange $i $compos end] "$pattern"]
81	    } else {
82		lappend result [list [lindex $i 0] "$flag_name" [lrange $i $compos end] "$pattern"]
83	    }
84	    if { $verbose > 1 } then {
85		if [string match "" [lrange $i $compos end]] then {
86		    send_user "Found $message for line [lindex $i 0]\n"
87		} else {
88		    send_user "Found $message \"[lrange $i $compos end]\" for line [lindex $i 0]\n"
89		}
90	    }
91	}
92    }
94    #send_user "Returning: $result\n"
95    return $result
98# old-dejagnu-init -- set up some statistics collectors
100# There currently isn't much to do, but always calling it allows us to add
101# enhancements without having to update our callers.
102# It must be run before calling `old-dejagnu'.
104proc old-dejagnu-init { } {
107# old-dejagnu-stat -- print the stats of this run
109# ??? This is deprecated, and can be removed.
111proc old-dejagnu-stat { } {
114# old-dejagnu -- runs an old style DejaGnu test.
116# Returns 0 if successful, 1 if their were any errors.
117# PROG is the full path name of the file to compile.
119# CFLAGSX is the options to always pass to the compiler.
121# DEFAULT_CFLAGS are additional options if the testcase has none.
123# LIBS_VAR is the name of the global variable containing libraries (-lxxx's).
124# This is also ignored.
126# LIBS is any additional libraries to link with.  This *cannot* be specified
127# with the compiler flags because otherwise gcc will issue, for example, a
128# "-lg++ argument not used since linking not done" warning which will screw up
129# the test for excess errors.  We could ignore such messages instead.
131# Think of "cflags" here as "compiler flags", not "C compiler flags".
133proc old-dejagnu { compiler prog name cflagsx default_cflags libs } {
134    global verbose
135    global tool
136    global subdir		;# eg: g++.old-dejagnu
137    global host_triplet
138    global tmpdir
140    set runflag 1
141    set execbug_flag 0
142    set excessbug_flag 0
143    set pattern ""
144    set text "\[- A-Za-z0-9\.\;\"\_\:\'\`\(\)\!\#\=\+\?\&\*]*"
146    if ![info exists tmpdir] then {
147	set tmpdir "/tmp"
148    }
150# look for keywords that change the compiler options
152# There are two types of test, negative and affirmative. Negative
153# tests have the keyword of "ERROR - " or "WARNING - " on the line
154# expected to produce an error. This is followed by the pattern. If
155# the desired error or warning message appears, then the test passes.
157# Affirmative test can have the following keywords "gets bogus error",
158# "causes invalid C code", "invalid assembly code", "causes abort",
159# "causes segfault", "causes linker error", "execution test fails". If
160# the pattern after the keyword matches, then the test is a failure.
162# One can specify particular targets for expected failures of the above
163# keywords by putting "XFAIL target-triplet" after the keyword.
165# Example:
167# void f ()
169#  int i[2], j;
170#  A a (int (i[1]), j);		// gets bogus error - late parsing XFAIL *-*-*
171#  A b (int (i[1]), int j);	// function
172#  a.k = 0;			// gets bogus error - late parsing XFAIL *-*-*
173#  b (i, j);
176# Note also, that one can add a comment with the keyword ("late parsing"
177# in the above example).
179# If any of the tests contain the special pattern "FIXME -" that test is
180# not run because it will produce incorrect output.
182# Testcases can supply special options to the compiler with a line containing
183# "Special.*Options: ...", where ".*" can be anything (eg: g++) and "..." are
184# the additional options to pass to the compiler.  Nothing else may appear
185# after the options.  IE: for a C testcase
186# /* Special Options: -fomit-frame-pointer */  /* Oops! */
187# is wrong,
188# /* Special Options: -fomit-frame-pointer */
189# is right.  If no such Special Options are found, $default_cflags is used.
190# FIXME: Can there be multiple lines of these?
192# Other keywords: "Build don't link:", "Build don't run:", "Build then link:",
193#                 "Additional sources: <file>.cc ..."
195# $name is now passed in.
196#    set name "[file tail [file dirname $prog]]/[file tail $prog]"
198    set tmp [grep $prog "FIXME -.*"]
199    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
200	foreach i $tmp {
201	    warning "[file tail [file dirname $prog]]/[file tail $prog] [lrange $i 2 end]"
202	}
203	return 1
204    }
206    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Special.*Options:.*"] 0]
207    set cflags ""
208    set to_download ""
210    regsub -all "\n\[^\n\]+(\n|$)" $tmp "\n" tmp
211    set tmp [string trim $tmp]
212    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
213	regsub "^.*Special.*Options:" $tmp "" tmp
214	lappend cflags "additional_flags=$tmp"
215	verbose "Adding special options $tmp" 2
216    } else {
217	lappend cflags "additional_flags=$default_cflags"
218    }
220    if { $cflagsx != "" } {
221	lappend cflags "additional_flags=$cflagsx"
222    }
224    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Additional sources: .*"] 0]
225    regsub -all "\n\[^\n\]+(\n|$)" $tmp "\n" tmp
226    set tmp [string trim $tmp]
227    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
228	regsub "^.*Additional.*sources:" $tmp "" tmp
229	if [is_remote host] {
230	    lappend cflags "additional_flags=$tmp"
231	}
232	regsub -all " " $tmp " [file dirname $prog]/" tmp
233	if ![is_remote host] {
234	    lappend cflags "additional_flags=$tmp"
235	}
236	set to_download [concat $to_download $tmp]
237	verbose "Adding sources $tmp"
238    }
240    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Additional files: .*"] 0]
241    regsub -all "\n\[^\n\]+(\n|$)" $tmp "\n" tmp
242    set tmp [string trim $tmp]
243    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
244	regsub "^.*Additional.*files:" $tmp "" tmp
245	regsub -all " " $tmp " [file dirname $prog]/" tmp
246	set to_download [concat $to_download $tmp]
247	verbose "Downloading files $tmp"
248    }
250    lappend cflags "compiler=$compiler"
252    regsub -all "\[./\]" "$name" "-" output;
253    set output "$tmpdir/$output.exe";
254    set compile_type "executable"
256    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Build don.t link:"] 0]
257    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
258	set compile_type "object"
259	set runflag 0
260	set output "$tmpdir/[file tail [file rootname $prog]].o"
261	verbose "Will compile $prog to object" 3
262    }
264    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Build then link:"] 0]
265    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
266	set compile_type "object"
267	set runflag 2
268	set final_output "$output"
269	set output "$tmpdir/[file tail [file rootname $prog]].o"
270	verbose "Will compile $prog to object, then link it" 3
271    }
273    set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Build don.t run:"] 0]
274    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
275	set runflag 0
276	verbose "Will compile $prog to binary" 3
277    }
279    set tmp [grep $prog "Skip if (|not )feature:.*"];
280    if { $tmp != "" } {
281	foreach line $tmp {
282	    if [regexp "Skip if not feature" $line] {
283		set not 1;
284	    } else {
285		set not 0;
286	    }
287	    regsub "^.*Skip if (|not )feature:\[ 	\]*" "$line" "" i;
288	    set is_set 0;
289	    foreach j $i {
290		if [target_info exists $j] {
291		    set is_set 1;
292		    break;
293		}
294	    }
295	    if { $is_set != $not } {
296		untested "$name: Test skipped: ${line}($j set)"
297		return;
298	    }
299	}
300    }
302    set tmp [grep $prog "Skip if (|not )target:.*"];
303    if { $tmp != "" } {
304	foreach line $tmp {
305	    if [regexp "Skip if not target:" $line] {
306		set not 1;
307	    } else {
308		set not 0;
309	    }
310	    regsub "^.*Skip if (|not )target:\[ 	\]*" "$line" "" i;
311	    set ist 0;
312	    foreach j $i {
313		if [istarget $j] {
314		    set ist 1;
315		    break;
316		}
317	    }
318	    if { $ist != $not } {
319		untested "$name: Test skipped: ${line}"
320		return;
321	    }
322	}
323    }
325    if ![isnative] {
326	set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Skip if not native"] 0];
327	if { $tmp != "" } {
328	    untested "$name: Test skipped because not native";
329	    return;
330	}
331    } else {
332	set tmp [lindex [grep $prog "Skip if native"] 0];
333	if { $tmp != "" } {
334	    untested "$name: Test skipped because native";
335	    return;
336	}
337    }
339    lappend cflags "libs=$libs"
342# Look for the other keywords and extract the error messages.
343# `message' contains all the things we found.
344# ??? We'd like to use lappend below instead of concat, but that doesn't
345# work (adds an extra level of nesting to $tmp).
348    set message ""
350    set tmp [process-option $prog "ERROR - " "an error message" ERROR "$text error$text"]
351    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
352	set runflag 0
353	set message [concat $message $tmp]
354    }
356    set tmp [process-option $prog "WARNING - " "a warning message" WARNING "warning"]
357    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
358	set runflag 0
359	set message [concat $message $tmp]
360    }
362    set tmp [process-option $prog "gets bogus error" "a bogus error" BOGUS $text]
363    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
364	set message [concat $message $tmp]
365    }
367    set tmp [process-option $prog "causes invalid C code" "a bad C translation" BADC $text]
368    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
369	set message [concat $message $tmp]
370    }
372    set tmp [process-option $prog "invalid assembly code" "some invalid assembly code" BADASM $text]
373    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
374	set message [concat $message $tmp]
375    }
377    set tmp [process-option $prog "causes abort" "an abort cause" ABORT $text]
378    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
379	set message [concat $message $tmp]
380    }
382    set tmp [process-option $prog "causes segfault" "a segfault cause" SEGFAULT $text]
383    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
384	set message [concat $message $tmp]
385    }
387    set tmp [process-option $prog "causes linker error" "a linker error" LINKER $text]
388    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
389	set message [concat $message $tmp]
390    }
392    set tmp [process-option $prog "execution test fails" "an execution failure" EXECO $text]
393    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
394	set execbug_flag 1
395	set message [concat $message $tmp]
396	warning "please use execution test - XFAIL *-*-* in $prog instead"
397    }
399    set tmp [process-option $prog "execution test - " "an excess error failure" EXEC $text]
400    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
401	set message [concat $message $tmp]
402    }
404    set tmp [process-option $prog "excess errors test fails" "an excess error failure" EXCESSO $text]
405    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
406	set excessbug_flag 1
407	set message [concat $message $tmp]
408	warning "please use excess errors test - XFAIL *-*-* in $prog instead"
409    }
411    set tmp [process-option $prog "excess errors test - " "an excess error failure" EXCESS $text]
412    if ![string match "" $tmp] then {
413	set message [concat $message $tmp]
414    }
416    set expect_crash \
417      [process-option $prog "crash test - " "a crash" CRASH $text]
418    if {$expect_crash != ""
419        && [lindex [lindex $expect_crash 0] 1] == "XCRASH"} then {
420       set expect_crash 1
421    } else {
422       set expect_crash 0
423    }
426#  run the compiler and analyze the results
428    # Download any source or header files we might need.
429    if [is_remote host] {
430	foreach file $to_download {
431	    remote_download host $file
432	}
433    }
435    # Since we don't check return status of the compiler, make sure
436    # we can't run a.out when the compilation fails.
437    remote_file build delete $output
438    set comp_output [${tool}_target_compile $prog $output $compile_type $cflags]
439    if { $runflag == 2 && [file exists $output] } then {
440	set runflag 0
441	set comp_output [concat $comp_output [${tool}_target_compile $output $final_output "executable" $cflags]]
442	set output $final_output
443    }
445    # Delete things like "ld.so: warning" messages.
446    set comp_output [prune_gcc_output [prune_warnings $comp_output]]
448    if [regexp "\[Ii\]nternal (compiler )?error" $comp_output] then {
449        if $expect_crash then {
450	    setup_xfail "*-*-*"
451	}
452        fail "$name caused compiler crash"
453        remote_file build delete $output
454        return 1
455    }
457    #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output1 = :$comp_output:\n\n"
458    #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: message = :$message:\n\n"
459    #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: message length = [llength $message]\n\n"
461    set last_line 0
462    foreach i $message {
464	#send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: i = :$i:\n\n"
466	# Remove all error messages for the line [lindex $i 0]
467	# in the source file.  If we find any, success!
468	set line [lindex $i 0]
469	set pattern [lindex $i 2]
471	# Multiple tests one one line don't work, because we remove all
472	# messages on the line for the first test.  So skip later ones.
473	if { $line == $last_line } {
474	    continue
475	}
476	set last_line $line
478	if [regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]+:$line:\[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output] {
479            set comp_output [string trimleft $comp_output]
480	    set ok pass
481	    set uhoh fail
482	} else {
483	    set ok fail
484	    set uhoh pass
485	}
487	case [lindex $i 1] {
488	    "ERROR" {
489		$ok "$name $pattern (test for errors, line $line)"
490	    }
491	    "XERROR" {
492		x$ok "$name $pattern (test for errors, line $line)"
493	    }
494	    "WARNING" {
495		$ok "$name $pattern (test for warnings, line $line)"
496	    }
497	    "XWARNING" {
498		x$ok "$name $pattern (test for warnings, line $line)"
499	    }
500	    "BOGUS" {
501		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for bogus messages, line $line)"
502	    }
503	    "XBOGUS" {
504		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for bogus messages, line $line)"
505	    }
506	    "ABORT" {
507		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for compiler aborts, line $line)"
508	    }
509	    "XABORT" {
510		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for compiler aborts, line $line)"
511	    }
512	    "SEGFAULT" {
513		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for compiler segfaults, line $line)"
514	    }
515	    "XSEGFAULT" {
516		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for compiler segfaults, line $line)"
517	    }
518	    "LINKER" {
519		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for linker problems, line $line)"
520	    }
521	    "XLINKER" {
522		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for linker problems, line $line)"
523	    }
524	    "BADC" {
525		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for Bad C code, line $line)"
526	    }
527	    "XBADC" {
528		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for Bad C code, line $line)"
529	    }
530	    "BADASM" {
531		$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for bad assembler, line $line)"
532	    }
533	    "XBADASM" {
534		x$uhoh "$name $pattern (test for bad assembler, line $line)"
535	    }
536	    "XEXEC" {
537		set execbug_flag 1
538	    }
539	    "XEXCESS" {
540		set excessbug_flag 1
541	    }
542	}
543	#send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output2= :$comp_output:\n\n"
544    }
545    #send_user "\nold_dejagnu.exp: comp_output3 = :$comp_output:\n\n"
547    #look to see if this is all thats left, if so, all messages have been handled
548    #send_user "comp_output: $comp_output\n"
549    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: In (\[^\n\]*function|method|\[^\n\]*structor) \[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output
550    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: In instantiation of \[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output
551    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*:   instantiated from \[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output
552    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: At (top level|global scope):\[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output
553    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*file path prefix \[^\n\]* never used" $comp_output "" comp_output
554    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*linker input file unused since linking not done" $comp_output "" comp_output
555    regsub -all "(^|\n)collect: re(compiling|linking)\[^\n\]*" $comp_output "" comp_output
557    set unsupported_message [${tool}_check_unsupported_p $comp_output]
558    if { $unsupported_message != "" } {
559	unsupported "$name: $unsupported_message"
560	return
561    }
563    # someone forgot to delete the extra lines
564    regsub -all "\n+" $comp_output "\n" comp_output
565    regsub "^\n+" $comp_output "" comp_output
566    #send_user "comp_output: $comp_output\n"
568    # excess errors
569    if $excessbug_flag then {
570	setup_xfail "*-*-*"
571    }
572    if ![string match "" $comp_output] then {
573	fail "$name (test for excess errors)"
574	send_log "$comp_output\n"
575    } else {
576	pass "$name (test for excess errors)"
577    }
579    # run the executable image
580    if $runflag then {
581	set executable $output
582	if ![file exists $executable] then {
583	    # Since we couldn't run it, we consider it an expected failure,
584	    # so that test cases don't appear to disappear, and reappear.
585	    setup_xfail "*-*-*"
586	    fail "$name $pattern Execution test"
587	} else {
588	    set status -1
589	    set result [eval [format "%s_load %s" $tool $executable]]
590	    set status [lindex $result 0];
591	    set output [lindex $result 1];
592	    if { $status == "pass" } {
593		remote_file build delete $executable;
594	    }
595	    if { $execbug_flag || $excessbug_flag } then {
596		setup_xfail "*-*-*"
597	    }
598	    $status "$name $pattern Execution test"
599	}
600    } else {
601      verbose "deleting $output"
602      remote_file build delete $output
603    }
605    return 0