1*** WARNING: =head2 without preceding higher level at line 20 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
2*** WARNING: empty section in previous paragraph at line 22 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
3*** WARNING: Verbatim paragraph in NAME section at line 26 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
4*** ERROR: Unknown directive: =unknown1 at line 28 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
5*** ERROR: Deleting unknown formatting code Q<> at line 31 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
6*** ERROR: Deleting unknown formatting code A<> at line 31 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
7*** ERROR: Deleting unknown formatting code Y<> at line 31 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
8*** ERROR: Deleting unknown formatting code V<> at line 31 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
9*** ERROR: Unterminated I<B<...>> sequence at line 36 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
10*** ERROR: Unterminated C<...> sequence at line 40 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
11*** WARNING: line containing nothing but whitespace in paragraph at line 48 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
12*** WARNING: nested commands X<...X<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
13*** WARNING: nested commands S<...S<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
14*** WARNING: nested commands C<...C<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
15*** WARNING: nested commands I<...I<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
16*** WARNING: nested commands F<...F<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
17*** WARNING: nested commands B<...B<...>...> at line 51 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
18*** ERROR: '=item' outside of any '=over' at line 59 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
19*** ERROR: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' at line 61 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
20*** ERROR: =back without =over at line 63 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
21*** WARNING: empty section in previous paragraph at line 65 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
22*** ERROR: You forgot a '=back' before '=head2' at line 71 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
23*** ERROR: '=end' without a target? at line 73 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
24*** ERROR: =end something without matching =begin.  (Stack: [empty]) at line 75 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
25*** WARNING: empty section in previous paragraph at line 77 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
26*** ERROR: =begin without a target? at line 89 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
27*** ERROR: '=end' without a target? at line 91 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
28*** WARNING: empty section in previous paragraph at line 93 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
29*** ERROR: =for without a target? at line 95 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
30*** WARNING: nested commands C<...C<...>...> at line 101 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
31*** ERROR: Unknown E content in E<alea iacta est> at line 105 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
32*** ERROR: An E<...> surrounding strange content at line 105 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
33*** ERROR: An E<...> surrounding strange content at line 105 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
34*** ERROR: Unknown E content in E<unknown_entity> at line 105 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
35*** ERROR: An empty L<> at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
36*** ERROR: L<> starts or ends with whitespace at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
37*** ERROR: L<> starts or ends with whitespace at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
38*** ERROR: L<> starts or ends with whitespace at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
39*** ERROR: Unterminated L<<< ... >>> sequence at line 137 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
40*** ERROR: Unterminated L<<< ... >>> sequence at line 139 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
41*** ERROR: alternative text 'some text with / in it' contains non-escaped | or / at line 143 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
42*** ERROR: =back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 200 at line 150 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
43*** ERROR: A non-empty Z<> at line 158 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
44*** ERROR: An empty X<> at line 160 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
45*** ERROR: An empty E<> at line 164 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
46*** ERROR: =over should be: '=over' or '=over positive_number' at line 166 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
47*** ERROR: You can't have =items (as at line 170) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item at line 166 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
48*** WARNING: =item has no contents at line 176 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
49*** ERROR: Expected '=item *' at line 178 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
50*** ERROR: Expected '=item *' at line 180 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
51*** WARNING: line containing nothing but whitespace in paragraph at line 187 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
52*** ERROR: You can't have =items (as at line 188) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item at line 184 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
53*** ERROR: Expected '=item *' at line 204 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
54*** ERROR: Expected '=item *' at line 208 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
55*** ERROR: You have '=item 3' instead of the expected '=item 2' at line 218 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
56*** ERROR: Expected '=item 3' at line 222 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
57*** ERROR: Expected '=item 4' at line 224 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
58*** ERROR: Expected text after =item, not a bullet at line 234 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
59*** ERROR: Expected text after =item, not a number at line 238 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
60*** WARNING: empty =over/=back block at line 253 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
61*** ERROR: Spurious text after =pod at line 263 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
62*** ERROR: Spurious text after =cut at line 267 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
63*** WARNING: empty section in previous paragraph at line 283 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
64*** ERROR: empty =head1 at line 305 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
65*** ERROR: =over without closing =back at line 311 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
66*** ERROR: =begin :xml without matching =end :xml at line 317 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
67*** ERROR: =begin html without matching =end html at line 313 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
68*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'begin or begin' at line 115 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
69*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'end with begin' at line 115 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
70*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'OoPs' at line 115 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
71*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'abc def' at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
72*** ERROR: unresolved internal link ' aha' at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
73*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'oho ' at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
74*** ERROR: unresolved internal link ' weehee ' at line 121 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
75*** ERROR: unresolved internal link 'link_to_nowhere' at line 319 in file t/pod/poderrs.t
76*** WARNING: multiple occurrences (2) of link target '*' at line - in file t/pod/poderrs.t
77*** WARNING: multiple occurrences (2) of link target '1' at line - in file t/pod/poderrs.t
78*** WARNING: multiple occurrences (2) of link target 'Misc' at line - in file t/pod/poderrs.t