1BEGIN { 2 if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { 3 chdir 't'; 4 @INC = '../lib'; 5 } 6} 7 8use strict; 9use Test; 10BEGIN { plan tests => 2 }; 11 12use Pod::Simple::Text; 13 14my $p = Pod::Simple::Text->new(); 15$p->parse_string_document('dm+aSxLl7V3VUJFIe6CFDU13zhZ3yvjIuVkp6l//ZHcDcX014vnnh3FoElI92kFB 16JGFU23Vga5Tfz0Epybwio9dq1gzrZ/PIcil2MnEcUWSrIStriv4hAbf0MXcNRHOM 17oOV7xKU= 18=y6KV 19-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----}; 20 21print $key; 22exit; 23'); 24 25# The =y6KV should not make this appear to be pod 26ok ! $p->content_seen; 27 28my $q = Pod::Simple::Text->new(); 29$q->parse_string_document('=head1 yes this is pod 30 31And this fills it in 32'); 33 34ok $q->content_seen; 35