1use Test::More tests => 2; 2 3my $blib = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '-I../../lib' : '-Mblib'; 4 5my $pl = $0; 6$pl =~ s{t$}{pl}; 7 8my $out = `$^X $blib $pl 0`; 9$out =~ s{\s+}{ }gs; 10$out =~ s{^\s+|\s+$}{}gs; 11is($out, 'Name: trypodi - pod sections usage test Actions: Para for actions. help: Help text.', 'selection of specific sections'); 12 13$out = `$^X $blib $pl 1`; 14$out =~ s{\s+}{ }gs; 15$out =~ s{^\s+|\s+$}{}gs; 16is($out, 'Caveats: Description caveat text. Caveats: Options caveat text. Caveats: Environment caveat text.', 'selection of caveats sections'); 17 18