1 /* const2perl.h -- For converting C constants into Perl constant subs
2  *	(usually via XS code but can just write Perl code to stdout). */
5 /* #ifndef _INCLUDE_CONST2PERL_H
6  * #define _INCLUDE_CONST2PERL_H 1 */
8 #ifndef CONST2WRITE_PERL	/* Default is "const to .xs": */
10 # define newconst( sName, sFmt, xValue, newSV )	\
11 		newCONSTSUB( mHvStash, sName, newSV )
13 # define noconst( const )	av_push( mAvExportFail, newSVpv(#const,0) )
15 # define setuv(u)	do {				\
16 	mpSvNew= newSViv(0); sv_setuv(mpSvNew,u);	\
17     } while( 0 )
19 #else
21 /* #ifdef __cplusplus
22  * # undef printf
23  * # undef fprintf
24  * # undef stderr
25  * # define stderr (&_iob[2])
26  * # undef iobuf
27  * # undef malloc
28  * #endif */
30 # include <stdio.h>	/* Probably already included, but shouldn't hurt */
31 # include <errno.h>	/* Possibly already included, but shouldn't hurt */
33 # define newconst( sName, sFmt, xValue, newSV )	\
34 		printf( "sub %s () { " sFmt " }\n", sName, xValue )
36 # define noconst( const )	printf( "push @EXPORT_FAIL, '%s';\n", #const )
38 # define setuv(u)	/* Nothing */
40 # ifndef IVdf
41 #  define IVdf "ld"
42 # endif
43 # ifndef UVuf
44 #  define UVuf "lu"
45 # endif
46 # ifndef UVxf
47 #  define UVxf "lX"
48 # endif
49 # ifndef NV_DIG
50 #  define NV_DIG 15
51 # endif
53 static char *
54 escquote( const char *sValue )
55 {
56     Size_t lLen= 1+2*strlen(sValue);
57     char *sEscaped= (char *) malloc( lLen );
58     char *sNext= sEscaped;
59     if(  NULL == sEscaped  ) {
60 	fprintf( stderr, "Can't allocate %"UVuf"-byte buffer (errno=%d)\n",
61 	  U_V(lLen), _errno );
62 	exit( 1 );
63     }
64     while(  '\0' != *sValue  ) {
65 	switch(  *sValue  ) {
66 	 case '\'':
67 	 case '\\':
68 	    *(sNext++)= '\\';
69 	}
70 	*(sNext++)= *(sValue++);
71     }
72     *sNext= *sValue;
73     return( sEscaped );
74 }
76 #endif
79 #ifdef __cplusplus
81 class _const2perl {
82  public:
83     char msBuf[64];	/* Must fit sprintf of longest NV */
85     HV *mHvStash;
86     AV *mAvExportFail;
87     SV *mpSvNew;
88     _const2perl::_const2perl( char *sModName ) {
89 	mHvStash= gv_stashpv( sModName, TRUE );
90 	SV **pSv= hv_fetch( mHvStash, "EXPORT_FAIL", 11, TRUE );
91 	GV *gv;
92 	char *sVarName= (char *) malloc( 15+strlen(sModName) );
93 	strcpy( sVarName, sModName );
94 	strcat( sVarName, "::EXPORT_FAIL" );
95 	gv= gv_fetchpv( sVarName, 1, SVt_PVAV );
96 	mAvExportFail= GvAVn( gv );
97     }
98 #else
99     _const2perl::_const2perl( char *sModName ) {
100 	;	/* Nothing to do */
101     }
102 #endif /* CONST2WRITE_PERL */
103     void mkconst( char *sName, unsigned long uValue ) {
104 	setuv(uValue);
105 	newconst( sName, "0x%"UVxf, uValue, mpSvNew );
106     }
107     void mkconst( char *sName, unsigned int uValue ) {
108 	setuv(uValue);
109 	newconst( sName, "0x%"UVxf, uValue, mpSvNew );
110     }
111     void mkconst( char *sName, unsigned short uValue ) {
112 	setuv(uValue);
113 	newconst( sName, "0x%"UVxf, uValue, mpSvNew );
114     }
115     void mkconst( char *sName, long iValue ) {
116 	newconst( sName, "%"IVdf, iValue, newSViv(iValue) );
117     }
118     void mkconst( char *sName, int iValue ) {
119 	newconst( sName, "%"IVdf, iValue, newSViv(iValue) );
120     }
121     void mkconst( char *sName, short iValue ) {
122 	newconst( sName, "%"IVdf, iValue, newSViv(iValue) );
123     }
124     void mkconst( char *sName, double nValue ) {
125 	newconst( sName, "%s",
126 	  Gconvert(nValue,NV_DIG,0,msBuf), newSVnv(nValue) );
127     }
128     void mkconst( char *sName, char *sValue ) {
129 	newconst( sName, "'%s'", escquote(sValue), newSVpv(sValue,0) );
130     }
131     void mkconst( char *sName, const void *pValue ) {
132 	setuv((UV)pValue);
133 	newconst( sName, "0x%"UVxf, (UV)(pValue), mpSvNew );
134     }
135 /*#ifdef HAS_QUAD
136  * HAS_QUAD only means pack/unpack deal with them, not that SVs can.
137  *    void mkconst( char *sName, Quad_t *qValue ) {
138  *	newconst( sName, "0x%"QVxf, qValue, newSVqv(qValue) );
139  *    }
140  *#endif / * HAS_QUAD */
141 };
143 #define START_CONSTS( sModName )	_const2perl const2( sModName );
144 #define const2perl( const )		const2.mkconst( #const, const )
146 #else	/* __cplusplus */
148 # ifndef CONST2WRITE_PERL
149 #  define START_CONSTS( sModName )					\
150 	    HV *mHvStash= gv_stashpv( sModName, TRUE );			\
151 	    AV *mAvExportFail;						\
152 	    SV *mpSvNew;						\
153 	    { char *sVarName= malloc( 15+strlen(sModName) );		\
154 	      GV *gv;							\
155 		strcpy( sVarName, sModName );				\
156 		strcat( sVarName, "::EXPORT_FAIL" );			\
157 		gv= gv_fetchpv( sVarName, 1, SVt_PVAV );		\
158 		mAvExportFail= GvAVn( gv );				\
159 	    }
160 # else
161 #  define START_CONSTS( sModName )	/* Nothing */
162 # endif
164 #define const2perl( const )	do {	 				\
165 	if(  const < 0  ) {						\
166 	    newconst( #const, "%"IVdf, const, newSViv((IV)const) );	\
167 	} else {							\
168 	    setuv( (UV)const );						\
169 	    newconst( #const, "0x%"UVxf, const, mpSvNew ); 		\
170 	}								\
171     } while( 0 )
173 #endif	/* __cplusplus */
176 //Example use:
177 //#include <const2perl.h>
178 //  {
179 //    START_CONSTS( "Package::Name" )	/* No ";" */
180 //#ifdef $const
181 //    const2perl( $const );
182 //#else
183 //    noconst( $const );
184 //#endif
185 //  }
186 // sub ? { my( $sConstName )= @_;
187 //    return $sConstName;	# "#ifdef $sConstName"
188 //    return FALSE;		# Same as above
189 //    return "HAS_QUAD";	# "#ifdef HAS_QUAD"
190 //    return "#if 5.04 <= VERSION";
191 //    return "#if 0";
192 //    return 1;		# No #ifdef
193 /* #endif / * _INCLUDE_CONST2PERL_H */