1*898184e3Ssthen=head1 NAME
3*898184e3Ssthenperlxs - XS language reference manual
5*898184e3Ssthen=head1 DESCRIPTION
7*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Introduction
9*898184e3SsthenXS is an interface description file format used to create an extension
10*898184e3Sstheninterface between Perl and C code (or a C library) which one wishes
11*898184e3Ssthento use with Perl.  The XS interface is combined with the library to
12*898184e3Ssthencreate a new library which can then be either dynamically loaded
13*898184e3Ssthenor statically linked into perl.  The XS interface description is
14*898184e3Ssthenwritten in the XS language and is the core component of the Perl
15*898184e3Ssthenextension interface.
17*898184e3SsthenAn B<XSUB> forms the basic unit of the XS interface.  After compilation
18*898184e3Ssthenby the B<xsubpp> compiler, each XSUB amounts to a C function definition
19*898184e3Ssthenwhich will provide the glue between Perl calling conventions and C
20*898184e3Ssthencalling conventions.
22*898184e3SsthenThe glue code pulls the arguments from the Perl stack, converts these
23*898184e3SsthenPerl values to the formats expected by a C function, call this C function,
24*898184e3Ssthentransfers the return values of the C function back to Perl.
25*898184e3SsthenReturn values here may be a conventional C return value or any C
26*898184e3Ssthenfunction arguments that may serve as output parameters.  These return
27*898184e3Ssthenvalues may be passed back to Perl either by putting them on the
28*898184e3SsthenPerl stack, or by modifying the arguments supplied from the Perl side.
30*898184e3SsthenThe above is a somewhat simplified view of what really happens.  Since
31*898184e3SsthenPerl allows more flexible calling conventions than C, XSUBs may do much
32*898184e3Ssthenmore in practice, such as checking input parameters for validity,
33*898184e3Ssthenthrowing exceptions (or returning undef/empty list) if the return value
34*898184e3Ssthenfrom the C function indicates failure, calling different C functions
35*898184e3Ssthenbased on numbers and types of the arguments, providing an object-oriented
36*898184e3Sstheninterface, etc.
38*898184e3SsthenOf course, one could write such glue code directly in C.  However, this
39*898184e3Ssthenwould be a tedious task, especially if one needs to write glue for
40*898184e3Ssthenmultiple C functions, and/or one is not familiar enough with the Perl
41*898184e3Ssthenstack discipline and other such arcana.  XS comes to the rescue here:
42*898184e3Sstheninstead of writing this glue C code in long-hand, one can write
43*898184e3Ssthena more concise short-hand I<description> of what should be done by
44*898184e3Ssthenthe glue, and let the XS compiler B<xsubpp> handle the rest.
46*898184e3SsthenThe XS language allows one to describe the mapping between how the C
47*898184e3Ssthenroutine is used, and how the corresponding Perl routine is used.  It
48*898184e3Ssthenalso allows creation of Perl routines which are directly translated to
49*898184e3SsthenC code and which are not related to a pre-existing C function.  In cases
50*898184e3Ssthenwhen the C interface coincides with the Perl interface, the XSUB
51*898184e3Ssthendeclaration is almost identical to a declaration of a C function (in K&R
52*898184e3Ssthenstyle).  In such circumstances, there is another tool called C<h2xs>
53*898184e3Ssthenthat is able to translate an entire C header file into a corresponding
54*898184e3SsthenXS file that will provide glue to the functions/macros described in
55*898184e3Ssthenthe header file.
57*898184e3SsthenThe XS compiler is called B<xsubpp>.  This compiler creates
58*898184e3Ssthenthe constructs necessary to let an XSUB manipulate Perl values, and
59*898184e3Ssthencreates the glue necessary to let Perl call the XSUB.  The compiler
60*898184e3Ssthenuses B<typemaps> to determine how to map C function parameters
61*898184e3Ssthenand output values to Perl values and back.  The default typemap
62*898184e3Ssthen(which comes with Perl) handles many common C types.  A supplementary
63*898184e3Ssthentypemap may also be needed to handle any special structures and types
64*898184e3Ssthenfor the library being linked. For more information on typemaps,
65*898184e3Ssthensee L<perlxstypemap>.
67*898184e3SsthenA file in XS format starts with a C language section which goes until the
68*898184e3Ssthenfirst C<MODULE =Z<>> directive.  Other XS directives and XSUB definitions
69*898184e3Ssthenmay follow this line.  The "language" used in this part of the file
70*898184e3Ssthenis usually referred to as the XS language.  B<xsubpp> recognizes and
71*898184e3Ssthenskips POD (see L<perlpod>) in both the C and XS language sections, which
72*898184e3Ssthenallows the XS file to contain embedded documentation.
74*898184e3SsthenSee L<perlxstut> for a tutorial on the whole extension creation process.
76*898184e3SsthenNote: For some extensions, Dave Beazley's SWIG system may provide a
77*898184e3Ssthensignificantly more convenient mechanism for creating the extension
78*898184e3Ssthenglue code.  See L<http://www.swig.org/> for more information.
80*898184e3Ssthen=head2 On The Road
82*898184e3SsthenMany of the examples which follow will concentrate on creating an interface
83*898184e3Ssthenbetween Perl and the ONC+ RPC bind library functions.  The rpcb_gettime()
84*898184e3Ssthenfunction is used to demonstrate many features of the XS language.  This
85*898184e3Ssthenfunction has two parameters; the first is an input parameter and the second
86*898184e3Ssthenis an output parameter.  The function also returns a status value.
88*898184e3Ssthen	bool_t rpcb_gettime(const char *host, time_t *timep);
90*898184e3SsthenFrom C this function will be called with the following
93*898184e3Ssthen     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
94*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t status;
95*898184e3Ssthen     time_t timep;
96*898184e3Ssthen     status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", &timep );
98*898184e3SsthenIf an XSUB is created to offer a direct translation between this function
99*898184e3Ssthenand Perl, then this XSUB will be used from Perl with the following code.
100*898184e3SsthenThe $status and $timep variables will contain the output of the function.
102*898184e3Ssthen     use RPC;
103*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", $timep );
105*898184e3SsthenThe following XS file shows an XS subroutine, or XSUB, which
106*898184e3Ssthendemonstrates one possible interface to the rpcb_gettime()
107*898184e3Ssthenfunction.  This XSUB represents a direct translation between
108*898184e3SsthenC and Perl and so preserves the interface even from Perl.
109*898184e3SsthenThis XSUB will be invoked from Perl with the usage shown
110*898184e3Ssthenabove.  Note that the first three #include statements, for
111*898184e3SsthenC<EXTERN.h>, C<perl.h>, and C<XSUB.h>, will always be present at the
112*898184e3Ssthenbeginning of an XS file.  This approach and others will be
113*898184e3Ssthenexpanded later in this document.
115*898184e3Ssthen     #include "EXTERN.h"
116*898184e3Ssthen     #include "perl.h"
117*898184e3Ssthen     #include "XSUB.h"
118*898184e3Ssthen     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
120*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
122*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
123*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
124*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
125*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
126*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
127*898184e3Ssthen          timep
129*898184e3SsthenAny extension to Perl, including those containing XSUBs,
130*898184e3Ssthenshould have a Perl module to serve as the bootstrap which
131*898184e3Ssthenpulls the extension into Perl.  This module will export the
132*898184e3Ssthenextension's functions and variables to the Perl program and
133*898184e3Ssthenwill cause the extension's XSUBs to be linked into Perl.
134*898184e3SsthenThe following module will be used for most of the examples
135*898184e3Ssthenin this document and should be used from Perl with the C<use>
136*898184e3Ssthencommand as shown earlier.  Perl modules are explained in
137*898184e3Ssthenmore detail later in this document.
139*898184e3Ssthen     package RPC;
141*898184e3Ssthen     require Exporter;
142*898184e3Ssthen     require DynaLoader;
143*898184e3Ssthen     @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
144*898184e3Ssthen     @EXPORT = qw( rpcb_gettime );
146*898184e3Ssthen     bootstrap RPC;
147*898184e3Ssthen     1;
149*898184e3SsthenThroughout this document a variety of interfaces to the rpcb_gettime()
150*898184e3SsthenXSUB will be explored.  The XSUBs will take their parameters in different
151*898184e3Ssthenorders or will take different numbers of parameters.  In each case the
152*898184e3SsthenXSUB is an abstraction between Perl and the real C rpcb_gettime()
153*898184e3Ssthenfunction, and the XSUB must always ensure that the real rpcb_gettime()
154*898184e3Ssthenfunction is called with the correct parameters.  This abstraction will
155*898184e3Ssthenallow the programmer to create a more Perl-like interface to the C
158*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The Anatomy of an XSUB
160*898184e3SsthenThe simplest XSUBs consist of 3 parts: a description of the return
161*898184e3Ssthenvalue, the name of the XSUB routine and the names of its arguments,
162*898184e3Ssthenand a description of types or formats of the arguments.
164*898184e3SsthenThe following XSUB allows a Perl program to access a C library function
165*898184e3Ssthencalled sin().  The XSUB will imitate the C function which takes a single
166*898184e3Ssthenargument and returns a single value.
168*898184e3Ssthen     double
169*898184e3Ssthen     sin(x)
170*898184e3Ssthen       double x
172*898184e3SsthenOptionally, one can merge the description of types and the list of
173*898184e3Ssthenargument names, rewriting this as
175*898184e3Ssthen     double
176*898184e3Ssthen     sin(double x)
178*898184e3SsthenThis makes this XSUB look similar to an ANSI C declaration.  An optional
179*898184e3Ssthensemicolon is allowed after the argument list, as in
181*898184e3Ssthen     double
182*898184e3Ssthen     sin(double x);
184*898184e3SsthenParameters with C pointer types can have different semantic: C functions
185*898184e3Ssthenwith similar declarations
187*898184e3Ssthen     bool string_looks_as_a_number(char *s);
188*898184e3Ssthen     bool make_char_uppercase(char *c);
190*898184e3Ssthenare used in absolutely incompatible manner.  Parameters to these functions
191*898184e3Ssthencould be described B<xsubpp> like this:
193*898184e3Ssthen     char *  s
194*898184e3Ssthen     char    &c
196*898184e3SsthenBoth these XS declarations correspond to the C<char*> C type, but they have
197*898184e3Ssthendifferent semantics, see L<"The & Unary Operator">.
199*898184e3SsthenIt is convenient to think that the indirection operator
200*898184e3SsthenC<*> should be considered as a part of the type and the address operator C<&>
201*898184e3Ssthenshould be considered part of the variable.  See L<perlxstypemap>
202*898184e3Ssthenfor more info about handling qualifiers and unary operators in C types.
204*898184e3SsthenThe function name and the return type must be placed on
205*898184e3Ssthenseparate lines and should be flush left-adjusted.
207*898184e3Ssthen  INCORRECT                        CORRECT
209*898184e3Ssthen  double sin(x)                    double
210*898184e3Ssthen    double x                       sin(x)
211*898184e3Ssthen				     double x
213*898184e3SsthenThe rest of the function description may be indented or left-adjusted. The
214*898184e3Ssthenfollowing example shows a function with its body left-adjusted.  Most
215*898184e3Ssthenexamples in this document will indent the body for better readability.
217*898184e3Ssthen  CORRECT
219*898184e3Ssthen  double
220*898184e3Ssthen  sin(x)
221*898184e3Ssthen  double x
223*898184e3SsthenMore complicated XSUBs may contain many other sections.  Each section of
224*898184e3Ssthenan XSUB starts with the corresponding keyword, such as INIT: or CLEANUP:.
225*898184e3SsthenHowever, the first two lines of an XSUB always contain the same data:
226*898184e3Ssthendescriptions of the return type and the names of the function and its
227*898184e3Ssthenparameters.  Whatever immediately follows these is considered to be
228*898184e3Ssthenan INPUT: section unless explicitly marked with another keyword.
229*898184e3Ssthen(See L<The INPUT: Keyword>.)
231*898184e3SsthenAn XSUB section continues until another section-start keyword is found.
233*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The Argument Stack
235*898184e3SsthenThe Perl argument stack is used to store the values which are
236*898184e3Ssthensent as parameters to the XSUB and to store the XSUB's
237*898184e3Ssthenreturn value(s).  In reality all Perl functions (including non-XSUB
238*898184e3Ssthenones) keep their values on this stack all the same time, each limited
239*898184e3Ssthento its own range of positions on the stack.  In this document the
240*898184e3Ssthenfirst position on that stack which belongs to the active
241*898184e3Ssthenfunction will be referred to as position 0 for that function.
243*898184e3SsthenXSUBs refer to their stack arguments with the macro B<ST(x)>, where I<x>
244*898184e3Ssthenrefers to a position in this XSUB's part of the stack.  Position 0 for that
245*898184e3Ssthenfunction would be known to the XSUB as ST(0).  The XSUB's incoming
246*898184e3Ssthenparameters and outgoing return values always begin at ST(0).  For many
247*898184e3Ssthensimple cases the B<xsubpp> compiler will generate the code necessary to
248*898184e3Ssthenhandle the argument stack by embedding code fragments found in the
249*898184e3Ssthentypemaps.  In more complex cases the programmer must supply the code.
251*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The RETVAL Variable
253*898184e3SsthenThe RETVAL variable is a special C variable that is declared automatically
254*898184e3Ssthenfor you.  The C type of RETVAL matches the return type of the C library
255*898184e3Ssthenfunction.  The B<xsubpp> compiler will declare this variable in each XSUB
256*898184e3Ssthenwith non-C<void> return type.  By default the generated C function
257*898184e3Ssthenwill use RETVAL to hold the return value of the C library function being
258*898184e3Ssthencalled.  In simple cases the value of RETVAL will be placed in ST(0) of
259*898184e3Ssthenthe argument stack where it can be received by Perl as the return value
260*898184e3Ssthenof the XSUB.
262*898184e3SsthenIf the XSUB has a return type of C<void> then the compiler will
263*898184e3Ssthennot declare a RETVAL variable for that function.  When using
264*898184e3Ssthena PPCODE: section no manipulation of the RETVAL variable is required, the
265*898184e3Ssthensection may use direct stack manipulation to place output values on the stack.
267*898184e3SsthenIf PPCODE: directive is not used, C<void> return value should be used
268*898184e3Ssthenonly for subroutines which do not return a value, I<even if> CODE:
269*898184e3Ssthendirective is used which sets ST(0) explicitly.
271*898184e3SsthenOlder versions of this document recommended to use C<void> return
272*898184e3Ssthenvalue in such cases. It was discovered that this could lead to
273*898184e3Ssthensegfaults in cases when XSUB was I<truly> C<void>. This practice is
274*898184e3Ssthennow deprecated, and may be not supported at some future version. Use
275*898184e3Ssthenthe return value C<SV *> in such cases. (Currently C<xsubpp> contains
276*898184e3Ssthensome heuristic code which tries to disambiguate between "truly-void"
277*898184e3Ssthenand "old-practice-declared-as-void" functions. Hence your code is at
278*898184e3Ssthenmercy of this heuristics unless you use C<SV *> as return value.)
280*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Returning SVs, AVs and HVs through RETVAL
282*898184e3SsthenWhen you're using RETVAL to return an C<SV *>, there's some magic
283*898184e3Ssthengoing on behind the scenes that should be mentioned. When you're
284*898184e3Ssthenmanipulating the argument stack using the ST(x) macro, for example,
285*898184e3Ssthenyou usually have to pay special attention to reference counts. (For
286*898184e3Ssthenmore about reference counts, see L<perlguts>.) To make your life
287*898184e3Sstheneasier, the typemap file automatically makes C<RETVAL> mortal when
288*898184e3Ssthenyou're returning an C<SV *>. Thus, the following two XSUBs are more
289*898184e3Ssthenor less equivalent:
291*898184e3Ssthen  void
292*898184e3Ssthen  alpha()
293*898184e3Ssthen      PPCODE:
294*898184e3Ssthen          ST(0) = newSVpv("Hello World",0);
295*898184e3Ssthen          sv_2mortal(ST(0));
296*898184e3Ssthen          XSRETURN(1);
298*898184e3Ssthen  SV *
299*898184e3Ssthen  beta()
300*898184e3Ssthen      CODE:
301*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL = newSVpv("Hello World",0);
302*898184e3Ssthen      OUTPUT:
303*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
305*898184e3SsthenThis is quite useful as it usually improves readability. While
306*898184e3Ssthenthis works fine for an C<SV *>, it's unfortunately not as easy
307*898184e3Ssthento have C<AV *> or C<HV *> as a return value. You I<should> be
308*898184e3Ssthenable to write:
310*898184e3Ssthen  AV *
311*898184e3Ssthen  array()
312*898184e3Ssthen      CODE:
313*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL = newAV();
314*898184e3Ssthen          /* do something with RETVAL */
315*898184e3Ssthen      OUTPUT:
316*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
318*898184e3SsthenBut due to an unfixable bug (fixing it would break lots of existing
319*898184e3SsthenCPAN modules) in the typemap file, the reference count of the C<AV *>
320*898184e3Ssthenis not properly decremented. Thus, the above XSUB would leak memory
321*898184e3Ssthenwhenever it is being called. The same problem exists for C<HV *>,
322*898184e3SsthenC<CV *>, and C<SVREF> (which indicates a scalar reference, not
323*898184e3Ssthena general C<SV *>).
324*898184e3SsthenIn XS code on perls starting with perl 5.16, you can override the
325*898184e3Ssthentypemaps for any of these types with a version that has proper
326*898184e3Ssthenhandling of refcounts. In your C<TYPEMAP> section, do
328*898184e3Ssthen  AV*	T_AVREF_REFCOUNT_FIXED
330*898184e3Ssthento get the repaired variant. For backward compatibility with older
331*898184e3Ssthenversions of perl, you can instead decrement the reference count
332*898184e3Ssthenmanually when you're returning one of the aforementioned
333*898184e3Ssthentypes using C<sv_2mortal>:
335*898184e3Ssthen  AV *
336*898184e3Ssthen  array()
337*898184e3Ssthen      CODE:
338*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL = newAV();
339*898184e3Ssthen          sv_2mortal((SV*)RETVAL);
340*898184e3Ssthen          /* do something with RETVAL */
341*898184e3Ssthen      OUTPUT:
342*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
344*898184e3SsthenRemember that you don't have to do this for an C<SV *>. The reference
345*898184e3Ssthendocumentation for all core typemaps can be found in L<perlxstypemap>.
347*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The MODULE Keyword
349*898184e3SsthenThe MODULE keyword is used to start the XS code and to specify the package
350*898184e3Ssthenof the functions which are being defined.  All text preceding the first
351*898184e3SsthenMODULE keyword is considered C code and is passed through to the output with
352*898184e3SsthenPOD stripped, but otherwise untouched.  Every XS module will have a
353*898184e3Ssthenbootstrap function which is used to hook the XSUBs into Perl.  The package
354*898184e3Ssthenname of this bootstrap function will match the value of the last MODULE
355*898184e3Ssthenstatement in the XS source files.  The value of MODULE should always remain
356*898184e3Ssthenconstant within the same XS file, though this is not required.
358*898184e3SsthenThe following example will start the XS code and will place
359*898184e3Ssthenall functions in a package named RPC.
361*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC
363*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PACKAGE Keyword
365*898184e3SsthenWhen functions within an XS source file must be separated into packages
366*898184e3Ssthenthe PACKAGE keyword should be used.  This keyword is used with the MODULE
367*898184e3Ssthenkeyword and must follow immediately after it when used.
369*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
371*898184e3Ssthen     [ XS code in package RPC ]
373*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPCB
375*898184e3Ssthen     [ XS code in package RPCB ]
377*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
379*898184e3Ssthen     [ XS code in package RPC ]
381*898184e3SsthenThe same package name can be used more than once, allowing for
382*898184e3Ssthennon-contiguous code. This is useful if you have a stronger ordering
383*898184e3Ssthenprinciple than package names.
385*898184e3SsthenAlthough this keyword is optional and in some cases provides redundant
386*898184e3Sstheninformation it should always be used.  This keyword will ensure that the
387*898184e3SsthenXSUBs appear in the desired package.
389*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PREFIX Keyword
391*898184e3SsthenThe PREFIX keyword designates prefixes which should be
392*898184e3Ssthenremoved from the Perl function names.  If the C function is
393*898184e3SsthenC<rpcb_gettime()> and the PREFIX value is C<rpcb_> then Perl will
394*898184e3Ssthensee this function as C<gettime()>.
396*898184e3SsthenThis keyword should follow the PACKAGE keyword when used.
397*898184e3SsthenIf PACKAGE is not used then PREFIX should follow the MODULE
400*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PREFIX = rpc_
402*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPCB  PREFIX = rpcb_
404*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The OUTPUT: Keyword
406*898184e3SsthenThe OUTPUT: keyword indicates that certain function parameters should be
407*898184e3Ssthenupdated (new values made visible to Perl) when the XSUB terminates or that
408*898184e3Ssthencertain values should be returned to the calling Perl function.  For
409*898184e3Ssthensimple functions which have no CODE: or PPCODE: section,
410*898184e3Ssthensuch as the sin() function above, the RETVAL variable is
411*898184e3Ssthenautomatically designated as an output value.  For more complex functions
412*898184e3Ssthenthe B<xsubpp> compiler will need help to determine which variables are output
415*898184e3SsthenThis keyword will normally be used to complement the CODE:  keyword.
416*898184e3SsthenThe RETVAL variable is not recognized as an output variable when the
417*898184e3SsthenCODE: keyword is present.  The OUTPUT:  keyword is used in this
418*898184e3Ssthensituation to tell the compiler that RETVAL really is an output
421*898184e3SsthenThe OUTPUT: keyword can also be used to indicate that function parameters
422*898184e3Ssthenare output variables.  This may be necessary when a parameter has been
423*898184e3Ssthenmodified within the function and the programmer would like the update to
424*898184e3Ssthenbe seen by Perl.
426*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
427*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
428*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
429*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
430*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
431*898184e3Ssthen          timep
433*898184e3SsthenThe OUTPUT: keyword will also allow an output parameter to
434*898184e3Ssthenbe mapped to a matching piece of code rather than to a
437*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
438*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
439*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
440*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
441*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
442*898184e3Ssthen          timep sv_setnv(ST(1), (double)timep);
444*898184e3SsthenB<xsubpp> emits an automatic C<SvSETMAGIC()> for all parameters in the
445*898184e3SsthenOUTPUT section of the XSUB, except RETVAL.  This is the usually desired
446*898184e3Ssthenbehavior, as it takes care of properly invoking 'set' magic on output
447*898184e3Ssthenparameters (needed for hash or array element parameters that must be
448*898184e3Ssthencreated if they didn't exist).  If for some reason, this behavior is
449*898184e3Ssthennot desired, the OUTPUT section may contain a C<SETMAGIC: DISABLE> line
450*898184e3Ssthento disable it for the remainder of the parameters in the OUTPUT section.
451*898184e3SsthenLikewise,  C<SETMAGIC: ENABLE> can be used to reenable it for the
452*898184e3Ssthenremainder of the OUTPUT section.  See L<perlguts> for more details
453*898184e3Ssthenabout 'set' magic.
455*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The NO_OUTPUT Keyword
457*898184e3SsthenThe NO_OUTPUT can be placed as the first token of the XSUB.  This keyword
458*898184e3Ssthenindicates that while the C subroutine we provide an interface to has
459*898184e3Ssthena non-C<void> return type, the return value of this C subroutine should not
460*898184e3Ssthenbe returned from the generated Perl subroutine.
462*898184e3SsthenWith this keyword present L<The RETVAL Variable> is created, and in the
463*898184e3Ssthengenerated call to the subroutine this variable is assigned to, but the value
464*898184e3Ssthenof this variable is not going to be used in the auto-generated code.
466*898184e3SsthenThis keyword makes sense only if C<RETVAL> is going to be accessed by the
467*898184e3Ssthenuser-supplied code.  It is especially useful to make a function interface
468*898184e3Ssthenmore Perl-like, especially when the C return value is just an error condition
469*898184e3Ssthenindicator.  For example,
471*898184e3Ssthen  NO_OUTPUT int
472*898184e3Ssthen  delete_file(char *name)
473*898184e3Ssthen    POSTCALL:
474*898184e3Ssthen      if (RETVAL != 0)
475*898184e3Ssthen	  croak("Error %d while deleting file '%s'", RETVAL, name);
477*898184e3SsthenHere the generated XS function returns nothing on success, and will die()
478*898184e3Ssthenwith a meaningful error message on error.
480*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The CODE: Keyword
482*898184e3SsthenThis keyword is used in more complicated XSUBs which require
483*898184e3Ssthenspecial handling for the C function.  The RETVAL variable is
484*898184e3Ssthenstill declared, but it will not be returned unless it is specified
485*898184e3Ssthenin the OUTPUT: section.
487*898184e3SsthenThe following XSUB is for a C function which requires special handling of
488*898184e3Ssthenits parameters.  The Perl usage is given first.
490*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( "localhost", $timep );
492*898184e3SsthenThe XSUB follows.
494*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
495*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
496*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
497*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep
498*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
499*898184e3Ssthen               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
500*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
501*898184e3Ssthen          timep
502*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
504*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INIT: Keyword
506*898184e3SsthenThe INIT: keyword allows initialization to be inserted into the XSUB before
507*898184e3Ssthenthe compiler generates the call to the C function.  Unlike the CODE: keyword
508*898184e3Ssthenabove, this keyword does not affect the way the compiler handles RETVAL.
510*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
511*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
512*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
513*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
514*898184e3Ssthen	INIT:
515*898184e3Ssthen	  printf("# Host is %s\n", host );
516*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
517*898184e3Ssthen          timep
519*898184e3SsthenAnother use for the INIT: section is to check for preconditions before
520*898184e3Ssthenmaking a call to the C function:
522*898184e3Ssthen    long long
523*898184e3Ssthen    lldiv(a,b)
524*898184e3Ssthen	long long a
525*898184e3Ssthen	long long b
526*898184e3Ssthen      INIT:
527*898184e3Ssthen	if (a == 0 && b == 0)
528*898184e3Ssthen	    XSRETURN_UNDEF;
529*898184e3Ssthen	if (b == 0)
530*898184e3Ssthen	    croak("lldiv: cannot divide by 0");
532*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The NO_INIT Keyword
534*898184e3SsthenThe NO_INIT keyword is used to indicate that a function
535*898184e3Ssthenparameter is being used only as an output value.  The B<xsubpp>
536*898184e3Ssthencompiler will normally generate code to read the values of
537*898184e3Ssthenall function parameters from the argument stack and assign
538*898184e3Ssthenthem to C variables upon entry to the function.  NO_INIT
539*898184e3Ssthenwill tell the compiler that some parameters will be used for
540*898184e3Ssthenoutput rather than for input and that they will be handled
541*898184e3Ssthenbefore the function terminates.
543*898184e3SsthenThe following example shows a variation of the rpcb_gettime() function.
544*898184e3SsthenThis function uses the timep variable only as an output variable and does
545*898184e3Ssthennot care about its initial contents.
547*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
548*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
549*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
550*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep = NO_INIT
551*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
552*898184e3Ssthen          timep
554*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The TYPEMAP: Keyword
556*898184e3SsthenStarting with Perl 5.16, you can embed typemaps into your XS code
557*898184e3Sstheninstead of or in addition to typemaps in a separate file.  Multiple
558*898184e3Ssthensuch embedded typemaps will be processed in order of appearance in
559*898184e3Ssthenthe XS code and like local typemap files take precendence over the
560*898184e3Ssthendefault typemap, the embedded typemaps may overwrite previous
561*898184e3Ssthendefinitions of TYPEMAP, INPUT, and OUTPUT stanzas.  The syntax for
562*898184e3Ssthenembedded typemaps is
564*898184e3Ssthen      TYPEMAP: <<HERE
565*898184e3Ssthen      ... your typemap code here ...
566*898184e3Ssthen      HERE
568*898184e3Ssthenwhere the C<TYPEMAP> keyword must appear in the first column of a
569*898184e3Ssthennew line.
571*898184e3SsthenRefer to L<perlxstypemap> for details on writing typemaps.
573*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Initializing Function Parameters
575*898184e3SsthenC function parameters are normally initialized with their values from
576*898184e3Ssthenthe argument stack (which in turn contains the parameters that were
577*898184e3Ssthenpassed to the XSUB from Perl).  The typemaps contain the
578*898184e3Ssthencode segments which are used to translate the Perl values to
579*898184e3Ssthenthe C parameters.  The programmer, however, is allowed to
580*898184e3Ssthenoverride the typemaps and supply alternate (or additional)
581*898184e3Sstheninitialization code.  Initialization code starts with the first
582*898184e3SsthenC<=>, C<;> or C<+> on a line in the INPUT: section.  The only
583*898184e3Ssthenexception happens if this C<;> terminates the line, then this C<;>
584*898184e3Ssthenis quietly ignored.
586*898184e3SsthenThe following code demonstrates how to supply initialization code for
587*898184e3Ssthenfunction parameters.  The initialization code is eval'ed within double
588*898184e3Ssthenquotes by the compiler before it is added to the output so anything
589*898184e3Ssthenwhich should be interpreted literally [mainly C<$>, C<@>, or C<\\>]
590*898184e3Ssthenmust be protected with backslashes.  The variables C<$var>, C<$arg>,
591*898184e3Ssthenand C<$type> can be used as in typemaps.
593*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
594*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
595*898184e3Ssthen          char *host = (char *)SvPV_nolen($arg);
596*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep = 0;
597*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
598*898184e3Ssthen          timep
600*898184e3SsthenThis should not be used to supply default values for parameters.  One
601*898184e3Ssthenwould normally use this when a function parameter must be processed by
602*898184e3Ssthenanother library function before it can be used.  Default parameters are
603*898184e3Ssthencovered in the next section.
605*898184e3SsthenIf the initialization begins with C<=>, then it is output in
606*898184e3Ssthenthe declaration for the input variable, replacing the initialization
607*898184e3Ssthensupplied by the typemap.  If the initialization
608*898184e3Ssthenbegins with C<;> or C<+>, then it is performed after
609*898184e3Ssthenall of the input variables have been declared.  In the C<;>
610*898184e3Ssthencase the initialization normally supplied by the typemap is not performed.
611*898184e3SsthenFor the C<+> case, the declaration for the variable will include the
612*898184e3Sstheninitialization from the typemap.  A global
613*898184e3Ssthenvariable, C<%v>, is available for the truly rare case where
614*898184e3Sstheninformation from one initialization is needed in another
617*898184e3SsthenHere's a truly obscure example:
619*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
620*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
621*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep; /* \$v{timep}=@{[$v{timep}=$arg]} */
622*898184e3Ssthen          char *host + SvOK($v{timep}) ? SvPV_nolen($arg) : NULL;
623*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
624*898184e3Ssthen          timep
626*898184e3SsthenThe construct C<\$v{timep}=@{[$v{timep}=$arg]}> used in the above
627*898184e3Ssthenexample has a two-fold purpose: first, when this line is processed by
628*898184e3SsthenB<xsubpp>, the Perl snippet C<$v{timep}=$arg> is evaluated.  Second,
629*898184e3Ssthenthe text of the evaluated snippet is output into the generated C file
630*898184e3Ssthen(inside a C comment)!  During the processing of C<char *host> line,
631*898184e3SsthenC<$arg> will evaluate to C<ST(0)>, and C<$v{timep}> will evaluate to
634*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Default Parameter Values
636*898184e3SsthenDefault values for XSUB arguments can be specified by placing an
637*898184e3Ssthenassignment statement in the parameter list.  The default value may
638*898184e3Ssthenbe a number, a string or the special string C<NO_INIT>.  Defaults should
639*898184e3Ssthenalways be used on the right-most parameters only.
641*898184e3SsthenTo allow the XSUB for rpcb_gettime() to have a default host
642*898184e3Ssthenvalue the parameters to the XSUB could be rearranged.  The
643*898184e3SsthenXSUB will then call the real rpcb_gettime() function with
644*898184e3Ssthenthe parameters in the correct order.  This XSUB can be called
645*898184e3Ssthenfrom Perl with either of the following statements:
647*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep, $host );
649*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep );
651*898184e3SsthenThe XSUB will look like the code  which  follows.   A  CODE:
652*898184e3Ssthenblock  is used to call the real rpcb_gettime() function with
653*898184e3Ssthenthe parameters in the correct order for that function.
655*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
656*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep,host="localhost")
657*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
658*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
659*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
660*898184e3Ssthen               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
661*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
662*898184e3Ssthen          timep
663*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
665*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PREINIT: Keyword
667*898184e3SsthenThe PREINIT: keyword allows extra variables to be declared immediately
668*898184e3Ssthenbefore or after the declarations of the parameters from the INPUT: section
669*898184e3Ssthenare emitted.
671*898184e3SsthenIf a variable is declared inside a CODE: section it will follow any typemap
672*898184e3Ssthencode that is emitted for the input parameters.  This may result in the
673*898184e3Ssthendeclaration ending up after C code, which is C syntax error.  Similar
674*898184e3Ssthenerrors may happen with an explicit C<;>-type or C<+>-type initialization of
675*898184e3Ssthenparameters is used (see L<"Initializing Function Parameters">).  Declaring
676*898184e3Ssthenthese variables in an INIT: section will not help.
678*898184e3SsthenIn such cases, to force an additional variable to be declared together
679*898184e3Ssthenwith declarations of other variables, place the declaration into a
680*898184e3SsthenPREINIT: section.  The PREINIT: keyword may be used one or more times
681*898184e3Ssthenwithin an XSUB.
683*898184e3SsthenThe following examples are equivalent, but if the code is using complex
684*898184e3Ssthentypemaps then the first example is safer.
686*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
687*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep)
688*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
689*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
690*898184e3Ssthen          char *host = "localhost";
691*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
692*898184e3Ssthen	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
693*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
694*898184e3Ssthen          timep
695*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
697*898184e3SsthenFor this particular case an INIT: keyword would generate the
698*898184e3Ssthensame C code as the PREINIT: keyword.  Another correct, but error-prone example:
700*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
701*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep)
702*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
703*898184e3Ssthen	CODE:
704*898184e3Ssthen          char *host = "localhost";
705*898184e3Ssthen	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
706*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
707*898184e3Ssthen          timep
708*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
710*898184e3SsthenAnother way to declare C<host> is to use a C block in the CODE: section:
712*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
713*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep)
714*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
715*898184e3Ssthen	CODE:
716*898184e3Ssthen	  {
717*898184e3Ssthen            char *host = "localhost";
718*898184e3Ssthen	    RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
719*898184e3Ssthen	  }
720*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
721*898184e3Ssthen          timep
722*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
724*898184e3SsthenThe ability to put additional declarations before the typemap entries are
725*898184e3Ssthenprocessed is very handy in the cases when typemap conversions manipulate
726*898184e3Ssthensome global state:
728*898184e3Ssthen    MyObject
729*898184e3Ssthen    mutate(o)
730*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
731*898184e3Ssthen	    MyState st = global_state;
732*898184e3Ssthen	INPUT:
733*898184e3Ssthen	    MyObject o;
734*898184e3Ssthen	CLEANUP:
735*898184e3Ssthen	    reset_to(global_state, st);
737*898184e3SsthenHere we suppose that conversion to C<MyObject> in the INPUT: section and from
738*898184e3SsthenMyObject when processing RETVAL will modify a global variable C<global_state>.
739*898184e3SsthenAfter these conversions are performed, we restore the old value of
740*898184e3SsthenC<global_state> (to avoid memory leaks, for example).
742*898184e3SsthenThere is another way to trade clarity for compactness: INPUT sections allow
743*898184e3Ssthendeclaration of C variables which do not appear in the parameter list of
744*898184e3Ssthena subroutine.  Thus the above code for mutate() can be rewritten as
746*898184e3Ssthen    MyObject
747*898184e3Ssthen    mutate(o)
748*898184e3Ssthen	  MyState st = global_state;
749*898184e3Ssthen	  MyObject o;
750*898184e3Ssthen	CLEANUP:
751*898184e3Ssthen	  reset_to(global_state, st);
753*898184e3Ssthenand the code for rpcb_gettime() can be rewritten as
755*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
756*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep)
757*898184e3Ssthen	  time_t timep = NO_INIT
758*898184e3Ssthen	  char *host = "localhost";
759*898184e3Ssthen	C_ARGS:
760*898184e3Ssthen	  host, &timep
761*898184e3Ssthen	OUTPUT:
762*898184e3Ssthen          timep
763*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
765*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The SCOPE: Keyword
767*898184e3SsthenThe SCOPE: keyword allows scoping to be enabled for a particular XSUB. If
768*898184e3Ssthenenabled, the XSUB will invoke ENTER and LEAVE automatically.
770*898184e3SsthenTo support potentially complex type mappings, if a typemap entry used
771*898184e3Ssthenby an XSUB contains a comment like C</*scope*/> then scoping will
772*898184e3Ssthenbe automatically enabled for that XSUB.
774*898184e3SsthenTo enable scoping:
776*898184e3Ssthen    SCOPE: ENABLE
778*898184e3SsthenTo disable scoping:
780*898184e3Ssthen    SCOPE: DISABLE
782*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INPUT: Keyword
784*898184e3SsthenThe XSUB's parameters are usually evaluated immediately after entering the
785*898184e3SsthenXSUB.  The INPUT: keyword can be used to force those parameters to be
786*898184e3Ssthenevaluated a little later.  The INPUT: keyword can be used multiple times
787*898184e3Ssthenwithin an XSUB and can be used to list one or more input variables.  This
788*898184e3Ssthenkeyword is used with the PREINIT: keyword.
790*898184e3SsthenThe following example shows how the input parameter C<timep> can be
791*898184e3Ssthenevaluated late, after a PREINIT.
793*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
794*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
795*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
796*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
797*898184e3Ssthen	  time_t tt;
798*898184e3Ssthen	INPUT:
799*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep
800*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
801*898184e3Ssthen               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &tt );
802*898184e3Ssthen	       timep = tt;
803*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
804*898184e3Ssthen          timep
805*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
807*898184e3SsthenThe next example shows each input parameter evaluated late.
809*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
810*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
811*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
812*898184e3Ssthen	  time_t tt;
813*898184e3Ssthen	INPUT:
814*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
815*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
816*898184e3Ssthen	  char *h;
817*898184e3Ssthen	INPUT:
818*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep
819*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
820*898184e3Ssthen	       h = host;
821*898184e3Ssthen	       RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( h, &tt );
822*898184e3Ssthen	       timep = tt;
823*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
824*898184e3Ssthen          timep
825*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
827*898184e3SsthenSince INPUT sections allow declaration of C variables which do not appear
828*898184e3Ssthenin the parameter list of a subroutine, this may be shortened to:
830*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
831*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
832*898184e3Ssthen	  time_t tt;
833*898184e3Ssthen          char *host;
834*898184e3Ssthen	  char *h = host;
835*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep;
836*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
837*898184e3Ssthen	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( h, &tt );
838*898184e3Ssthen	  timep = tt;
839*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
840*898184e3Ssthen          timep
841*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
843*898184e3Ssthen(We used our knowledge that input conversion for C<char *> is a "simple" one,
844*898184e3Ssthenthus C<host> is initialized on the declaration line, and our assignment
845*898184e3SsthenC<h = host> is not performed too early.  Otherwise one would need to have the
846*898184e3Ssthenassignment C<h = host> in a CODE: or INIT: section.)
848*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The IN/OUTLIST/IN_OUTLIST/OUT/IN_OUT Keywords
850*898184e3SsthenIn the list of parameters for an XSUB, one can precede parameter names
851*898184e3Ssthenby the C<IN>/C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<OUT>/C<IN_OUT> keywords.
852*898184e3SsthenC<IN> keyword is the default, the other keywords indicate how the Perl
853*898184e3Sstheninterface should differ from the C interface.
855*898184e3SsthenParameters preceded by C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<OUT>/C<IN_OUT>
856*898184e3Ssthenkeywords are considered to be used by the C subroutine I<via
857*898184e3Ssthenpointers>.  C<OUTLIST>/C<OUT> keywords indicate that the C subroutine
858*898184e3Ssthendoes not inspect the memory pointed by this parameter, but will write
859*898184e3Ssthenthrough this pointer to provide additional return values.
861*898184e3SsthenParameters preceded by C<OUTLIST> keyword do not appear in the usage
862*898184e3Ssthensignature of the generated Perl function.
864*898184e3SsthenParameters preceded by C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> I<do> appear as
865*898184e3Ssthenparameters to the Perl function.  With the exception of
866*898184e3SsthenC<OUT>-parameters, these parameters are converted to the corresponding
867*898184e3SsthenC type, then pointers to these data are given as arguments to the C
868*898184e3Ssthenfunction.  It is expected that the C function will write through these
871*898184e3SsthenThe return list of the generated Perl function consists of the C return value
872*898184e3Ssthenfrom the function (unless the XSUB is of C<void> return type or
873*898184e3SsthenC<The NO_OUTPUT Keyword> was used) followed by all the C<OUTLIST>
874*898184e3Ssthenand C<IN_OUTLIST> parameters (in the order of appearance).  On the
875*898184e3Ssthenreturn from the XSUB the C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> Perl parameter will be
876*898184e3Ssthenmodified to have the values written by the C function.
878*898184e3SsthenFor example, an XSUB
880*898184e3Ssthen  void
881*898184e3Ssthen  day_month(OUTLIST day, IN unix_time, OUTLIST month)
882*898184e3Ssthen    int day
883*898184e3Ssthen    int unix_time
884*898184e3Ssthen    int month
886*898184e3Ssthenshould be used from Perl as
888*898184e3Ssthen  my ($day, $month) = day_month(time);
890*898184e3SsthenThe C signature of the corresponding function should be
892*898184e3Ssthen  void day_month(int *day, int unix_time, int *month);
894*898184e3SsthenThe C<IN>/C<OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>/C<OUT> keywords can be
895*898184e3Ssthenmixed with ANSI-style declarations, as in
897*898184e3Ssthen  void
898*898184e3Ssthen  day_month(OUTLIST int day, int unix_time, OUTLIST int month)
900*898184e3Ssthen(here the optional C<IN> keyword is omitted).
902*898184e3SsthenThe C<IN_OUT> parameters are identical with parameters introduced with
903*898184e3SsthenL<The & Unary Operator> and put into the C<OUTPUT:> section (see
904*898184e3SsthenL<The OUTPUT: Keyword>).  The C<IN_OUTLIST> parameters are very similar,
905*898184e3Ssthenthe only difference being that the value C function writes through the
906*898184e3Ssthenpointer would not modify the Perl parameter, but is put in the output
909*898184e3SsthenThe C<OUTLIST>/C<OUT> parameter differ from C<IN_OUTLIST>/C<IN_OUT>
910*898184e3Ssthenparameters only by the initial value of the Perl parameter not
911*898184e3Ssthenbeing read (and not being given to the C function - which gets some
912*898184e3Ssthengarbage instead).  For example, the same C function as above can be
913*898184e3Sstheninterfaced with as
915*898184e3Ssthen  void day_month(OUT int day, int unix_time, OUT int month);
919*898184e3Ssthen  void
920*898184e3Ssthen  day_month(day, unix_time, month)
921*898184e3Ssthen      int &day = NO_INIT
922*898184e3Ssthen      int  unix_time
923*898184e3Ssthen      int &month = NO_INIT
924*898184e3Ssthen    OUTPUT:
925*898184e3Ssthen      day
926*898184e3Ssthen      month
928*898184e3SsthenHowever, the generated Perl function is called in very C-ish style:
930*898184e3Ssthen  my ($day, $month);
931*898184e3Ssthen  day_month($day, time, $month);
933*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The C<length(NAME)> Keyword
935*898184e3SsthenIf one of the input arguments to the C function is the length of a string
936*898184e3Ssthenargument C<NAME>, one can substitute the name of the length-argument by
937*898184e3SsthenC<length(NAME)> in the XSUB declaration.  This argument must be omitted when
938*898184e3Ssthenthe generated Perl function is called.  E.g.,
940*898184e3Ssthen  void
941*898184e3Ssthen  dump_chars(char *s, short l)
942*898184e3Ssthen  {
943*898184e3Ssthen    short n = 0;
944*898184e3Ssthen    while (n < l) {
945*898184e3Ssthen        printf("s[%d] = \"\\%#03o\"\n", n, (int)s[n]);
946*898184e3Ssthen        n++;
947*898184e3Ssthen    }
948*898184e3Ssthen  }
950*898184e3Ssthen  MODULE = x		PACKAGE = x
952*898184e3Ssthen  void dump_chars(char *s, short length(s))
954*898184e3Ssthenshould be called as C<dump_chars($string)>.
956*898184e3SsthenThis directive is supported with ANSI-type function declarations only.
958*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Variable-length Parameter Lists
960*898184e3SsthenXSUBs can have variable-length parameter lists by specifying an ellipsis
961*898184e3SsthenC<(...)> in the parameter list.  This use of the ellipsis is similar to that
962*898184e3Ssthenfound in ANSI C.  The programmer is able to determine the number of
963*898184e3Ssthenarguments passed to the XSUB by examining the C<items> variable which the
964*898184e3SsthenB<xsubpp> compiler supplies for all XSUBs.  By using this mechanism one can
965*898184e3Ssthencreate an XSUB which accepts a list of parameters of unknown length.
967*898184e3SsthenThe I<host> parameter for the rpcb_gettime() XSUB can be
968*898184e3Ssthenoptional so the ellipsis can be used to indicate that the
969*898184e3SsthenXSUB will take a variable number of parameters.  Perl should
970*898184e3Ssthenbe able to call this XSUB with either of the following statements.
972*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep, $host );
974*898184e3Ssthen     $status = rpcb_gettime( $timep );
976*898184e3SsthenThe XS code, with ellipsis, follows.
978*898184e3Ssthen     bool_t
979*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(timep, ...)
980*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
981*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
982*898184e3Ssthen          char *host = "localhost";
983*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
984*898184e3Ssthen	  if( items > 1 )
985*898184e3Ssthen	       host = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(1));
986*898184e3Ssthen	  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
987*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
988*898184e3Ssthen          timep
989*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
991*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The C_ARGS: Keyword
993*898184e3SsthenThe C_ARGS: keyword allows creating of XSUBS which have different
994*898184e3Ssthencalling sequence from Perl than from C, without a need to write
995*898184e3SsthenCODE: or PPCODE: section.  The contents of the C_ARGS: paragraph is
996*898184e3Ssthenput as the argument to the called C function without any change.
998*898184e3SsthenFor example, suppose that a C function is declared as
1000*898184e3Ssthen    symbolic nth_derivative(int n, symbolic function, int flags);
1002*898184e3Ssthenand that the default flags are kept in a global C variable
1003*898184e3SsthenC<default_flags>.  Suppose that you want to create an interface which
1004*898184e3Ssthenis called as
1006*898184e3Ssthen    $second_deriv = $function->nth_derivative(2);
1008*898184e3SsthenTo do this, declare the XSUB as
1010*898184e3Ssthen    symbolic
1011*898184e3Ssthen    nth_derivative(function, n)
1012*898184e3Ssthen	symbolic	function
1013*898184e3Ssthen	int		n
1014*898184e3Ssthen      C_ARGS:
1015*898184e3Ssthen	n, function, default_flags
1017*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PPCODE: Keyword
1019*898184e3SsthenThe PPCODE: keyword is an alternate form of the CODE: keyword and is used
1020*898184e3Ssthento tell the B<xsubpp> compiler that the programmer is supplying the code to
1021*898184e3Ssthencontrol the argument stack for the XSUBs return values.  Occasionally one
1022*898184e3Ssthenwill want an XSUB to return a list of values rather than a single value.
1023*898184e3SsthenIn these cases one must use PPCODE: and then explicitly push the list of
1024*898184e3Ssthenvalues on the stack.  The PPCODE: and CODE:  keywords should not be used
1025*898184e3Ssthentogether within the same XSUB.
1027*898184e3SsthenThe actual difference between PPCODE: and CODE: sections is in the
1028*898184e3Sstheninitialization of C<SP> macro (which stands for the I<current> Perl
1029*898184e3Ssthenstack pointer), and in the handling of data on the stack when returning
1030*898184e3Ssthenfrom an XSUB.  In CODE: sections SP preserves the value which was on
1031*898184e3Ssthenentry to the XSUB: SP is on the function pointer (which follows the
1032*898184e3Ssthenlast parameter).  In PPCODE: sections SP is moved backward to the
1033*898184e3Ssthenbeginning of the parameter list, which allows C<PUSH*()> macros
1034*898184e3Ssthento place output values in the place Perl expects them to be when
1035*898184e3Ssthenthe XSUB returns back to Perl.
1037*898184e3SsthenThe generated trailer for a CODE: section ensures that the number of return
1038*898184e3Ssthenvalues Perl will see is either 0 or 1 (depending on the C<void>ness of the
1039*898184e3Ssthenreturn value of the C function, and heuristics mentioned in
1040*898184e3SsthenL<"The RETVAL Variable">).  The trailer generated for a PPCODE: section
1041*898184e3Ssthenis based on the number of return values and on the number of times
1042*898184e3SsthenC<SP> was updated by C<[X]PUSH*()> macros.
1044*898184e3SsthenNote that macros C<ST(i)>, C<XST_m*()> and C<XSRETURN*()> work equally
1045*898184e3Ssthenwell in CODE: sections and PPCODE: sections.
1047*898184e3SsthenThe following XSUB will call the C rpcb_gettime() function
1048*898184e3Ssthenand will return its two output values, timep and status, to
1049*898184e3SsthenPerl as a single list.
1051*898184e3Ssthen     void
1052*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1053*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1054*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1055*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1056*898184e3Ssthen          bool_t  status;
1057*898184e3Ssthen        PPCODE:
1058*898184e3Ssthen          status = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
1059*898184e3Ssthen          EXTEND(SP, 2);
1060*898184e3Ssthen          PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(status)));
1061*898184e3Ssthen          PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(timep)));
1063*898184e3SsthenNotice that the programmer must supply the C code necessary
1064*898184e3Ssthento have the real rpcb_gettime() function called and to have
1065*898184e3Ssthenthe return values properly placed on the argument stack.
1067*898184e3SsthenThe C<void> return type for this function tells the B<xsubpp> compiler that
1068*898184e3Ssthenthe RETVAL variable is not needed or used and that it should not be created.
1069*898184e3SsthenIn most scenarios the void return type should be used with the PPCODE:
1072*898184e3SsthenThe EXTEND() macro is used to make room on the argument
1073*898184e3Ssthenstack for 2 return values.  The PPCODE: directive causes the
1074*898184e3SsthenB<xsubpp> compiler to create a stack pointer available as C<SP>, and it
1075*898184e3Ssthenis this pointer which is being used in the EXTEND() macro.
1076*898184e3SsthenThe values are then pushed onto the stack with the PUSHs()
1079*898184e3SsthenNow the rpcb_gettime() function can be used from Perl with
1080*898184e3Ssthenthe following statement.
1082*898184e3Ssthen     ($status, $timep) = rpcb_gettime("localhost");
1084*898184e3SsthenWhen handling output parameters with a PPCODE section, be sure to handle
1085*898184e3Ssthen'set' magic properly.  See L<perlguts> for details about 'set' magic.
1087*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Returning Undef And Empty Lists
1089*898184e3SsthenOccasionally the programmer will want to return simply
1090*898184e3SsthenC<undef> or an empty list if a function fails rather than a
1091*898184e3Ssthenseparate status value.  The rpcb_gettime() function offers
1092*898184e3Ssthenjust this situation.  If the function succeeds we would like
1093*898184e3Ssthento have it return the time and if it fails we would like to
1094*898184e3Ssthenhave undef returned.  In the following Perl code the value
1095*898184e3Ssthenof $timep will either be undef or it will be a valid time.
1097*898184e3Ssthen     $timep = rpcb_gettime( "localhost" );
1099*898184e3SsthenThe following XSUB uses the C<SV *> return type as a mnemonic only,
1100*898184e3Ssthenand uses a CODE: block to indicate to the compiler
1101*898184e3Ssthenthat the programmer has supplied all the necessary code.  The
1102*898184e3Ssthensv_newmortal() call will initialize the return value to undef, making that
1103*898184e3Ssthenthe default return value.
1105*898184e3Ssthen     SV *
1106*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1107*898184e3Ssthen          char *  host
1108*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1109*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1110*898184e3Ssthen          bool_t x;
1111*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1112*898184e3Ssthen          ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
1113*898184e3Ssthen          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
1114*898184e3Ssthen               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep);
1116*898184e3SsthenThe next example demonstrates how one would place an explicit undef in the
1117*898184e3Ssthenreturn value, should the need arise.
1119*898184e3Ssthen     SV *
1120*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1121*898184e3Ssthen          char *  host
1122*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1123*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1124*898184e3Ssthen          bool_t x;
1125*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1126*898184e3Ssthen          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) ){
1127*898184e3Ssthen               ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
1128*898184e3Ssthen               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep);
1129*898184e3Ssthen          }
1130*898184e3Ssthen          else{
1131*898184e3Ssthen               ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef;
1132*898184e3Ssthen          }
1134*898184e3SsthenTo return an empty list one must use a PPCODE: block and
1135*898184e3Ssthenthen not push return values on the stack.
1137*898184e3Ssthen     void
1138*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1139*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1140*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1141*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1142*898184e3Ssthen        PPCODE:
1143*898184e3Ssthen          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
1144*898184e3Ssthen               PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(timep)));
1145*898184e3Ssthen          else{
1146*898184e3Ssthen	      /* Nothing pushed on stack, so an empty
1147*898184e3Ssthen	       * list is implicitly returned. */
1148*898184e3Ssthen          }
1150*898184e3SsthenSome people may be inclined to include an explicit C<return> in the above
1151*898184e3SsthenXSUB, rather than letting control fall through to the end.  In those
1152*898184e3Ssthensituations C<XSRETURN_EMPTY> should be used, instead.  This will ensure that
1153*898184e3Ssthenthe XSUB stack is properly adjusted.  Consult L<perlapi> for other
1154*898184e3SsthenC<XSRETURN> macros.
1156*898184e3SsthenSince C<XSRETURN_*> macros can be used with CODE blocks as well, one can
1157*898184e3Ssthenrewrite this example as:
1159*898184e3Ssthen     int
1160*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1161*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1162*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1163*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1164*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1165*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
1166*898184e3Ssthen	  if (RETVAL == 0)
1167*898184e3Ssthen		XSRETURN_UNDEF;
1168*898184e3Ssthen	OUTPUT:
1169*898184e3Ssthen	  RETVAL
1171*898184e3SsthenIn fact, one can put this check into a POSTCALL: section as well.  Together
1172*898184e3Ssthenwith PREINIT: simplifications, this leads to:
1174*898184e3Ssthen     int
1175*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host)
1176*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1177*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
1178*898184e3Ssthen	POSTCALL:
1179*898184e3Ssthen	  if (RETVAL == 0)
1180*898184e3Ssthen		XSRETURN_UNDEF;
1182*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The REQUIRE: Keyword
1184*898184e3SsthenThe REQUIRE: keyword is used to indicate the minimum version of the
1185*898184e3SsthenB<xsubpp> compiler needed to compile the XS module.  An XS module which
1186*898184e3Ssthencontains the following statement will compile with only B<xsubpp> version
1187*898184e3Ssthen1.922 or greater:
1189*898184e3Ssthen	REQUIRE: 1.922
1191*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The CLEANUP: Keyword
1193*898184e3SsthenThis keyword can be used when an XSUB requires special cleanup procedures
1194*898184e3Ssthenbefore it terminates.  When the CLEANUP:  keyword is used it must follow
1195*898184e3Ssthenany CODE:, PPCODE:, or OUTPUT: blocks which are present in the XSUB.  The
1196*898184e3Ssthencode specified for the cleanup block will be added as the last statements
1197*898184e3Ssthenin the XSUB.
1199*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The POSTCALL: Keyword
1201*898184e3SsthenThis keyword can be used when an XSUB requires special procedures
1202*898184e3Ssthenexecuted after the C subroutine call is performed.  When the POSTCALL:
1203*898184e3Ssthenkeyword is used it must precede OUTPUT: and CLEANUP: blocks which are
1204*898184e3Ssthenpresent in the XSUB.
1206*898184e3SsthenSee examples in L<"The NO_OUTPUT Keyword"> and L<"Returning Undef And Empty Lists">.
1208*898184e3SsthenThe POSTCALL: block does not make a lot of sense when the C subroutine
1209*898184e3Ssthencall is supplied by user by providing either CODE: or PPCODE: section.
1211*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The BOOT: Keyword
1213*898184e3SsthenThe BOOT: keyword is used to add code to the extension's bootstrap
1214*898184e3Ssthenfunction.  The bootstrap function is generated by the B<xsubpp> compiler and
1215*898184e3Ssthennormally holds the statements necessary to register any XSUBs with Perl.
1216*898184e3SsthenWith the BOOT: keyword the programmer can tell the compiler to add extra
1217*898184e3Ssthenstatements to the bootstrap function.
1219*898184e3SsthenThis keyword may be used any time after the first MODULE keyword and should
1220*898184e3Ssthenappear on a line by itself.  The first blank line after the keyword will
1221*898184e3Ssthenterminate the code block.
1223*898184e3Ssthen     BOOT:
1224*898184e3Ssthen     # The following message will be printed when the
1225*898184e3Ssthen     # bootstrap function executes.
1226*898184e3Ssthen     printf("Hello from the bootstrap!\n");
1228*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The VERSIONCHECK: Keyword
1230*898184e3SsthenThe VERSIONCHECK: keyword corresponds to B<xsubpp>'s C<-versioncheck> and
1231*898184e3SsthenC<-noversioncheck> options.  This keyword overrides the command line
1232*898184e3Ssthenoptions.  Version checking is enabled by default.  When version checking is
1233*898184e3Ssthenenabled the XS module will attempt to verify that its version matches the
1234*898184e3Ssthenversion of the PM module.
1236*898184e3SsthenTo enable version checking:
1238*898184e3Ssthen    VERSIONCHECK: ENABLE
1240*898184e3SsthenTo disable version checking:
1242*898184e3Ssthen    VERSIONCHECK: DISABLE
1244*898184e3SsthenNote that if the version of the PM module is an NV (a floating point
1245*898184e3Ssthennumber), it will be stringified with a possible loss of precision
1246*898184e3Ssthen(currently chopping to nine decimal places) so that it may not match
1247*898184e3Ssthenthe version of the XS module anymore. Quoting the $VERSION declaration
1248*898184e3Ssthento make it a string is recommended if long version numbers are used.
1250*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PROTOTYPES: Keyword
1252*898184e3SsthenThe PROTOTYPES: keyword corresponds to B<xsubpp>'s C<-prototypes> and
1253*898184e3SsthenC<-noprototypes> options.  This keyword overrides the command line options.
1254*898184e3SsthenPrototypes are enabled by default.  When prototypes are enabled XSUBs will
1255*898184e3Ssthenbe given Perl prototypes.  This keyword may be used multiple times in an XS
1256*898184e3Ssthenmodule to enable and disable prototypes for different parts of the module.
1258*898184e3SsthenTo enable prototypes:
1260*898184e3Ssthen    PROTOTYPES: ENABLE
1262*898184e3SsthenTo disable prototypes:
1264*898184e3Ssthen    PROTOTYPES: DISABLE
1266*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The PROTOTYPE: Keyword
1268*898184e3SsthenThis keyword is similar to the PROTOTYPES: keyword above but can be used to
1269*898184e3Ssthenforce B<xsubpp> to use a specific prototype for the XSUB.  This keyword
1270*898184e3Ssthenoverrides all other prototype options and keywords but affects only the
1271*898184e3Ssthencurrent XSUB.  Consult L<perlsub/Prototypes> for information about Perl
1274*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
1275*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(timep, ...)
1276*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep = NO_INIT
1277*898184e3Ssthen	PROTOTYPE: $;$
1278*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
1279*898184e3Ssthen          char *host = "localhost";
1280*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1281*898184e3Ssthen		  if( items > 1 )
1282*898184e3Ssthen		       host = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(1));
1283*898184e3Ssthen		  RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( host, &timep );
1284*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1285*898184e3Ssthen          timep
1286*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
1288*898184e3SsthenIf the prototypes are enabled, you can disable it locally for a given
1289*898184e3SsthenXSUB as in the following example:
1291*898184e3Ssthen    void
1292*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime_noproto()
1293*898184e3Ssthen        PROTOTYPE: DISABLE
1294*898184e3Ssthen    ...
1296*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The ALIAS: Keyword
1298*898184e3SsthenThe ALIAS: keyword allows an XSUB to have two or more unique Perl names
1299*898184e3Ssthenand to know which of those names was used when it was invoked.  The Perl
1300*898184e3Ssthennames may be fully-qualified with package names.  Each alias is given an
1301*898184e3Ssthenindex.  The compiler will setup a variable called C<ix> which contain the
1302*898184e3Ssthenindex of the alias which was used.  When the XSUB is called with its
1303*898184e3Ssthendeclared name C<ix> will be 0.
1305*898184e3SsthenThe following example will create aliases C<FOO::gettime()> and
1306*898184e3SsthenC<BAR::getit()> for this function.
1308*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
1309*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
1310*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1311*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
1312*898184e3Ssthen	ALIAS:
1313*898184e3Ssthen	    FOO::gettime = 1
1314*898184e3Ssthen	    BAR::getit = 2
1315*898184e3Ssthen	INIT:
1316*898184e3Ssthen	  printf("# ix = %d\n", ix );
1317*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1318*898184e3Ssthen          timep
1320*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The OVERLOAD: Keyword
1322*898184e3SsthenInstead of writing an overloaded interface using pure Perl, you
1323*898184e3Ssthencan also use the OVERLOAD keyword to define additional Perl names
1324*898184e3Ssthenfor your functions (like the ALIAS: keyword above).  However, the
1325*898184e3Ssthenoverloaded functions must be defined with three parameters (except
1326*898184e3Ssthenfor the nomethod() function which needs four parameters).  If any
1327*898184e3Ssthenfunction has the OVERLOAD: keyword, several additional lines
1328*898184e3Ssthenwill be defined in the c file generated by xsubpp in order to
1329*898184e3Ssthenregister with the overload magic.
1331*898184e3SsthenSince blessed objects are actually stored as RV's, it is useful
1332*898184e3Ssthento use the typemap features to preprocess parameters and extract
1333*898184e3Ssthenthe actual SV stored within the blessed RV.  See the sample for
1334*898184e3SsthenT_PTROBJ_SPECIAL below.
1336*898184e3SsthenTo use the OVERLOAD: keyword, create an XS function which takes
1337*898184e3Ssthenthree input parameters ( or use the c style '...' definition) like
1340*898184e3Ssthen    SV *
1341*898184e3Ssthen    cmp (lobj, robj, swap)
1342*898184e3Ssthen    My_Module_obj    lobj
1343*898184e3Ssthen    My_Module_obj    robj
1344*898184e3Ssthen    IV               swap
1345*898184e3Ssthen    OVERLOAD: cmp <=>
1346*898184e3Ssthen    { /* function defined here */}
1348*898184e3SsthenIn this case, the function will overload both of the three way
1349*898184e3Ssthencomparison operators.  For all overload operations using non-alpha
1350*898184e3Ssthencharacters, you must type the parameter without quoting, separating
1351*898184e3Ssthenmultiple overloads with whitespace.  Note that "" (the stringify
1352*898184e3Ssthenoverload) should be entered as \"\" (i.e. escaped).
1354*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The FALLBACK: Keyword
1356*898184e3SsthenIn addition to the OVERLOAD keyword, if you need to control how
1357*898184e3SsthenPerl autogenerates missing overloaded operators, you can set the
1358*898184e3SsthenFALLBACK keyword in the module header section, like this:
1360*898184e3Ssthen    MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
1362*898184e3Ssthen    FALLBACK: TRUE
1363*898184e3Ssthen    ...
1365*898184e3Ssthenwhere FALLBACK can take any of the three values TRUE, FALSE, or
1366*898184e3SsthenUNDEF.  If you do not set any FALLBACK value when using OVERLOAD,
1367*898184e3Ssthenit defaults to UNDEF.  FALLBACK is not used except when one or
1368*898184e3Ssthenmore functions using OVERLOAD have been defined.  Please see
1369*898184e3SsthenL<overload/fallback> for more details.
1371*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INTERFACE: Keyword
1373*898184e3SsthenThis keyword declares the current XSUB as a keeper of the given
1374*898184e3Ssthencalling signature.  If some text follows this keyword, it is
1375*898184e3Ssthenconsidered as a list of functions which have this signature, and
1376*898184e3Ssthenshould be attached to the current XSUB.
1378*898184e3SsthenFor example, if you have 4 C functions multiply(), divide(), add(),
1379*898184e3Ssthensubtract() all having the signature:
1381*898184e3Ssthen    symbolic f(symbolic, symbolic);
1383*898184e3Ssthenyou can make them all to use the same XSUB using this:
1385*898184e3Ssthen    symbolic
1386*898184e3Ssthen    interface_s_ss(arg1, arg2)
1387*898184e3Ssthen	symbolic	arg1
1388*898184e3Ssthen	symbolic	arg2
1389*898184e3Ssthen    INTERFACE:
1390*898184e3Ssthen	multiply divide
1391*898184e3Ssthen	add subtract
1393*898184e3Ssthen(This is the complete XSUB code for 4 Perl functions!)  Four generated
1394*898184e3SsthenPerl function share names with corresponding C functions.
1396*898184e3SsthenThe advantage of this approach comparing to ALIAS: keyword is that there
1397*898184e3Ssthenis no need to code a switch statement, each Perl function (which shares
1398*898184e3Ssthenthe same XSUB) knows which C function it should call.  Additionally, one
1399*898184e3Ssthencan attach an extra function remainder() at runtime by using
1401*898184e3Ssthen    CV *mycv = newXSproto("Symbolic::remainder",
1402*898184e3Ssthen			  XS_Symbolic_interface_s_ss, __FILE__, "$$");
1403*898184e3Ssthen    XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET(mycv, remainder);
1405*898184e3Ssthensay, from another XSUB.  (This example supposes that there was no
1406*898184e3SsthenINTERFACE_MACRO: section, otherwise one needs to use something else instead of
1407*898184e3SsthenC<XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET>, see the next section.)
1409*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INTERFACE_MACRO: Keyword
1411*898184e3SsthenThis keyword allows one to define an INTERFACE using a different way
1412*898184e3Ssthento extract a function pointer from an XSUB.  The text which follows
1413*898184e3Ssthenthis keyword should give the name of macros which would extract/set a
1414*898184e3Ssthenfunction pointer.  The extractor macro is given return type, C<CV*>,
1415*898184e3Ssthenand C<XSANY.any_dptr> for this C<CV*>.  The setter macro is given cv,
1416*898184e3Ssthenand the function pointer.
1418*898184e3SsthenThe default value is C<XSINTERFACE_FUNC> and C<XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET>.
1419*898184e3SsthenAn INTERFACE keyword with an empty list of functions can be omitted if
1420*898184e3SsthenINTERFACE_MACRO keyword is used.
1422*898184e3SsthenSuppose that in the previous example functions pointers for
1423*898184e3Ssthenmultiply(), divide(), add(), subtract() are kept in a global C array
1424*898184e3SsthenC<fp[]> with offsets being C<multiply_off>, C<divide_off>, C<add_off>,
1425*898184e3SsthenC<subtract_off>.  Then one can use
1427*898184e3Ssthen    #define XSINTERFACE_FUNC_BYOFFSET(ret,cv,f) \
1428*898184e3Ssthen	((XSINTERFACE_CVT_ANON(ret))fp[CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32])
1429*898184e3Ssthen    #define XSINTERFACE_FUNC_BYOFFSET_set(cv,f) \
1430*898184e3Ssthen	CvXSUBANY(cv).any_i32 = CAT2( f, _off )
1432*898184e3Ssthenin C section,
1434*898184e3Ssthen    symbolic
1435*898184e3Ssthen    interface_s_ss(arg1, arg2)
1436*898184e3Ssthen	symbolic	arg1
1437*898184e3Ssthen	symbolic	arg2
1438*898184e3Ssthen      INTERFACE_MACRO:
1440*898184e3Ssthen	XSINTERFACE_FUNC_BYOFFSET_set
1441*898184e3Ssthen      INTERFACE:
1442*898184e3Ssthen	multiply divide
1443*898184e3Ssthen	add subtract
1445*898184e3Ssthenin XSUB section.
1447*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INCLUDE: Keyword
1449*898184e3SsthenThis keyword can be used to pull other files into the XS module.  The other
1450*898184e3Ssthenfiles may have XS code.  INCLUDE: can also be used to run a command to
1451*898184e3Ssthengenerate the XS code to be pulled into the module.
1453*898184e3SsthenThe file F<Rpcb1.xsh> contains our C<rpcb_gettime()> function:
1455*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
1456*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
1457*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1458*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
1459*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1460*898184e3Ssthen          timep
1462*898184e3SsthenThe XS module can use INCLUDE: to pull that file into it.
1464*898184e3Ssthen    INCLUDE: Rpcb1.xsh
1466*898184e3SsthenIf the parameters to the INCLUDE: keyword are followed by a pipe (C<|>) then
1467*898184e3Ssthenthe compiler will interpret the parameters as a command. This feature is
1468*898184e3Ssthenmildly deprecated in favour of the C<INCLUDE_COMMAND:> directive, as documented
1471*898184e3Ssthen    INCLUDE: cat Rpcb1.xsh |
1473*898184e3SsthenDo not use this to run perl: C<INCLUDE: perl |> will run the perl that
1474*898184e3Ssthenhappens to be the first in your path and not necessarily the same perl that is
1475*898184e3Ssthenused to run C<xsubpp>. See L<"The INCLUDE_COMMAND: Keyword">.
1477*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The INCLUDE_COMMAND: Keyword
1479*898184e3SsthenRuns the supplied command and includes its output into the current XS
1480*898184e3Ssthendocument. C<INCLUDE_COMMAND> assigns special meaning to the C<$^X> token
1481*898184e3Ssthenin that it runs the same perl interpreter that is running C<xsubpp>:
1483*898184e3Ssthen    INCLUDE_COMMAND: cat Rpcb1.xsh
1485*898184e3Ssthen    INCLUDE_COMMAND: $^X -e ...
1487*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The CASE: Keyword
1489*898184e3SsthenThe CASE: keyword allows an XSUB to have multiple distinct parts with each
1490*898184e3Ssthenpart acting as a virtual XSUB.  CASE: is greedy and if it is used then all
1491*898184e3Ssthenother XS keywords must be contained within a CASE:.  This means nothing may
1492*898184e3Ssthenprecede the first CASE: in the XSUB and anything following the last CASE: is
1493*898184e3Ssthenincluded in that case.
1495*898184e3SsthenA CASE: might switch via a parameter of the XSUB, via the C<ix> ALIAS:
1496*898184e3Ssthenvariable (see L<"The ALIAS: Keyword">), or maybe via the C<items> variable
1497*898184e3Ssthen(see L<"Variable-length Parameter Lists">).  The last CASE: becomes the
1498*898184e3SsthenB<default> case if it is not associated with a conditional.  The following
1499*898184e3Ssthenexample shows CASE switched via C<ix> with a function C<rpcb_gettime()>
1500*898184e3Ssthenhaving an alias C<x_gettime()>.  When the function is called as
1501*898184e3SsthenC<rpcb_gettime()> its parameters are the usual C<(char *host, time_t *timep)>,
1502*898184e3Ssthenbut when the function is called as C<x_gettime()> its parameters are
1503*898184e3Ssthenreversed, C<(time_t *timep, char *host)>.
1505*898184e3Ssthen    long
1506*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(a,b)
1507*898184e3Ssthen      CASE: ix == 1
1508*898184e3Ssthen	ALIAS:
1509*898184e3Ssthen	  x_gettime = 1
1510*898184e3Ssthen	INPUT:
1511*898184e3Ssthen	  # 'a' is timep, 'b' is host
1512*898184e3Ssthen          char *b
1513*898184e3Ssthen          time_t a = NO_INIT
1514*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1515*898184e3Ssthen               RETVAL = rpcb_gettime( b, &a );
1516*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1517*898184e3Ssthen          a
1518*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
1519*898184e3Ssthen      CASE:
1520*898184e3Ssthen	  # 'a' is host, 'b' is timep
1521*898184e3Ssthen          char *a
1522*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &b = NO_INIT
1523*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1524*898184e3Ssthen          b
1525*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL
1527*898184e3SsthenThat function can be called with either of the following statements.  Note
1528*898184e3Ssthenthe different argument lists.
1530*898184e3Ssthen	$status = rpcb_gettime( $host, $timep );
1532*898184e3Ssthen	$status = x_gettime( $timep, $host );
1534*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS: Keyword
1536*898184e3SsthenThe EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS: keyword is likely something you will never need.
1537*898184e3SsthenIn perl versions earlier than 5.16.0, this keyword does nothing. Starting
1538*898184e3Ssthenwith 5.16, XSUB symbols are no longer exported by default. That is, they
1539*898184e3Ssthenare C<static> functions. If you include
1541*898184e3Ssthen  EXPORT_XSUB_SYMBOLS: ENABLE
1543*898184e3Ssthenin your XS code, the XSUBs following this line will not be declared C<static>.
1544*898184e3SsthenYou can later disable this with
1548*898184e3Ssthenwhich, again, is the default that you should probably never change.
1549*898184e3SsthenYou cannot use this keyword on versions of perl before 5.16 to make
1550*898184e3SsthenXSUBs C<static>.
1552*898184e3Ssthen=head2 The & Unary Operator
1554*898184e3SsthenThe C<&> unary operator in the INPUT: section is used to tell B<xsubpp>
1555*898184e3Ssthenthat it should convert a Perl value to/from C using the C type to the left
1556*898184e3Ssthenof C<&>, but provide a pointer to this value when the C function is called.
1558*898184e3SsthenThis is useful to avoid a CODE: block for a C function which takes a parameter
1559*898184e3Ssthenby reference.  Typically, the parameter should be not a pointer type (an
1560*898184e3SsthenC<int> or C<long> but not an C<int*> or C<long*>).
1562*898184e3SsthenThe following XSUB will generate incorrect C code.  The B<xsubpp> compiler will
1563*898184e3Ssthenturn this into code which calls C<rpcb_gettime()> with parameters C<(char
1564*898184e3Ssthen*host, time_t timep)>, but the real C<rpcb_gettime()> wants the C<timep>
1565*898184e3Ssthenparameter to be of type C<time_t*> rather than C<time_t>.
1567*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
1568*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
1569*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1570*898184e3Ssthen          time_t timep
1571*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1572*898184e3Ssthen          timep
1574*898184e3SsthenThat problem is corrected by using the C<&> operator.  The B<xsubpp> compiler
1575*898184e3Ssthenwill now turn this into code which calls C<rpcb_gettime()> correctly with
1576*898184e3Ssthenparameters C<(char *host, time_t *timep)>.  It does this by carrying the
1577*898184e3SsthenC<&> through, so the function call looks like C<rpcb_gettime(host, &timep)>.
1579*898184e3Ssthen    bool_t
1580*898184e3Ssthen    rpcb_gettime(host,timep)
1581*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
1582*898184e3Ssthen          time_t &timep
1583*898184e3Ssthen        OUTPUT:
1584*898184e3Ssthen          timep
1586*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Inserting POD, Comments and C Preprocessor Directives
1588*898184e3SsthenC preprocessor directives are allowed within BOOT:, PREINIT: INIT:, CODE:,
1589*898184e3SsthenPPCODE:, POSTCALL:, and CLEANUP: blocks, as well as outside the functions.
1590*898184e3SsthenComments are allowed anywhere after the MODULE keyword.  The compiler will
1591*898184e3Ssthenpass the preprocessor directives through untouched and will remove the
1592*898184e3Ssthencommented lines. POD documentation is allowed at any point, both in the
1593*898184e3SsthenC and XS language sections. POD must be terminated with a C<=cut> command;
1594*898184e3SsthenC<xsubpp> will exit with an error if it does not. It is very unlikely that
1595*898184e3Ssthenhuman generated C code will be mistaken for POD, as most indenting styles
1596*898184e3Ssthenresult in whitespace in front of any line starting with C<=>. Machine
1597*898184e3Ssthengenerated XS files may fall into this trap unless care is taken to
1598*898184e3Ssthenensure that a space breaks the sequence "\n=".
1600*898184e3SsthenComments can be added to XSUBs by placing a C<#> as the first
1601*898184e3Ssthennon-whitespace of a line.  Care should be taken to avoid making the
1602*898184e3Ssthencomment look like a C preprocessor directive, lest it be interpreted as
1603*898184e3Ssthensuch.  The simplest way to prevent this is to put whitespace in front of
1604*898184e3Ssthenthe C<#>.
1606*898184e3SsthenIf you use preprocessor directives to choose one of two
1607*898184e3Ssthenversions of a function, use
1609*898184e3Ssthen    #if ... version1
1610*898184e3Ssthen    #else /* ... version2  */
1611*898184e3Ssthen    #endif
1613*898184e3Ssthenand not
1615*898184e3Ssthen    #if ... version1
1616*898184e3Ssthen    #endif
1617*898184e3Ssthen    #if ... version2
1618*898184e3Ssthen    #endif
1620*898184e3Ssthenbecause otherwise B<xsubpp> will believe that you made a duplicate
1621*898184e3Ssthendefinition of the function.  Also, put a blank line before the
1622*898184e3Ssthen#else/#endif so it will not be seen as part of the function body.
1624*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Using XS With C++
1626*898184e3SsthenIf an XSUB name contains C<::>, it is considered to be a C++ method.
1627*898184e3SsthenThe generated Perl function will assume that
1628*898184e3Ssthenits first argument is an object pointer.  The object pointer
1629*898184e3Ssthenwill be stored in a variable called THIS.  The object should
1630*898184e3Ssthenhave been created by C++ with the new() function and should
1631*898184e3Ssthenbe blessed by Perl with the sv_setref_pv() macro.  The
1632*898184e3Ssthenblessing of the object by Perl can be handled by a typemap.  An example
1633*898184e3Ssthentypemap is shown at the end of this section.
1635*898184e3SsthenIf the return type of the XSUB includes C<static>, the method is considered
1636*898184e3Ssthento be a static method.  It will call the C++
1637*898184e3Ssthenfunction using the class::method() syntax.  If the method is not static
1638*898184e3Ssthenthe function will be called using the THIS-E<gt>method() syntax.
1640*898184e3SsthenThe next examples will use the following C++ class.
1642*898184e3Ssthen     class color {
1643*898184e3Ssthen          public:
1644*898184e3Ssthen          color();
1645*898184e3Ssthen          ~color();
1646*898184e3Ssthen          int blue();
1647*898184e3Ssthen          void set_blue( int );
1649*898184e3Ssthen          private:
1650*898184e3Ssthen          int c_blue;
1651*898184e3Ssthen     };
1653*898184e3SsthenThe XSUBs for the blue() and set_blue() methods are defined with the class
1654*898184e3Ssthenname but the parameter for the object (THIS, or "self") is implicit and is
1655*898184e3Ssthennot listed.
1657*898184e3Ssthen     int
1658*898184e3Ssthen     color::blue()
1660*898184e3Ssthen     void
1661*898184e3Ssthen     color::set_blue( val )
1662*898184e3Ssthen          int val
1664*898184e3SsthenBoth Perl functions will expect an object as the first parameter.  In the
1665*898184e3Ssthengenerated C++ code the object is called C<THIS>, and the method call will
1666*898184e3Ssthenbe performed on this object.  So in the C++ code the blue() and set_blue()
1667*898184e3Ssthenmethods will be called as this:
1669*898184e3Ssthen     RETVAL = THIS->blue();
1671*898184e3Ssthen     THIS->set_blue( val );
1673*898184e3SsthenYou could also write a single get/set method using an optional argument:
1675*898184e3Ssthen     int
1676*898184e3Ssthen     color::blue( val = NO_INIT )
1677*898184e3Ssthen         int val
1678*898184e3Ssthen         PROTOTYPE $;$
1679*898184e3Ssthen         CODE:
1680*898184e3Ssthen             if (items > 1)
1681*898184e3Ssthen                 THIS->set_blue( val );
1682*898184e3Ssthen             RETVAL = THIS->blue();
1683*898184e3Ssthen         OUTPUT:
1684*898184e3Ssthen             RETVAL
1686*898184e3SsthenIf the function's name is B<DESTROY> then the C++ C<delete> function will be
1687*898184e3Ssthencalled and C<THIS> will be given as its parameter.  The generated C++ code for
1689*898184e3Ssthen     void
1690*898184e3Ssthen     color::DESTROY()
1692*898184e3Ssthenwill look like this:
1694*898184e3Ssthen     color *THIS = ...;	// Initialized as in typemap
1696*898184e3Ssthen     delete THIS;
1698*898184e3SsthenIf the function's name is B<new> then the C++ C<new> function will be called
1699*898184e3Ssthento create a dynamic C++ object.  The XSUB will expect the class name, which
1700*898184e3Ssthenwill be kept in a variable called C<CLASS>, to be given as the first
1703*898184e3Ssthen     color *
1704*898184e3Ssthen     color::new()
1706*898184e3SsthenThe generated C++ code will call C<new>.
1708*898184e3Ssthen     RETVAL = new color();
1710*898184e3SsthenThe following is an example of a typemap that could be used for this C++
1713*898184e3Ssthen    TYPEMAP
1714*898184e3Ssthen    color *		O_OBJECT
1716*898184e3Ssthen    OUTPUT
1717*898184e3Ssthen    # The Perl object is blessed into 'CLASS', which should be a
1718*898184e3Ssthen    # char* having the name of the package for the blessing.
1719*898184e3Ssthen    O_OBJECT
1720*898184e3Ssthen	sv_setref_pv( $arg, CLASS, (void*)$var );
1722*898184e3Ssthen    INPUT
1723*898184e3Ssthen    O_OBJECT
1724*898184e3Ssthen	if( sv_isobject($arg) && (SvTYPE(SvRV($arg)) == SVt_PVMG) )
1725*898184e3Ssthen		$var = ($type)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( $arg ));
1726*898184e3Ssthen	else{
1727*898184e3Ssthen		warn( \"${Package}::$func_name() -- $var is not a blessed SV reference\" );
1728*898184e3Ssthen		XSRETURN_UNDEF;
1729*898184e3Ssthen	}
1731*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Interface Strategy
1733*898184e3SsthenWhen designing an interface between Perl and a C library a straight
1734*898184e3Ssthentranslation from C to XS (such as created by C<h2xs -x>) is often sufficient.
1735*898184e3SsthenHowever, sometimes the interface will look
1736*898184e3Ssthenvery C-like and occasionally nonintuitive, especially when the C function
1737*898184e3Ssthenmodifies one of its parameters, or returns failure inband (as in "negative
1738*898184e3Ssthenreturn values mean failure").  In cases where the programmer wishes to
1739*898184e3Ssthencreate a more Perl-like interface the following strategy may help to
1740*898184e3Ssthenidentify the more critical parts of the interface.
1742*898184e3SsthenIdentify the C functions with input/output or output parameters.  The XSUBs for
1743*898184e3Ssthenthese functions may be able to return lists to Perl.
1745*898184e3SsthenIdentify the C functions which use some inband info as an indication
1746*898184e3Ssthenof failure.  They may be
1747*898184e3Ssthencandidates to return undef or an empty list in case of failure.  If the
1748*898184e3Ssthenfailure may be detected without a call to the C function, you may want to use
1749*898184e3Ssthenan INIT: section to report the failure.  For failures detectable after the C
1750*898184e3Ssthenfunction returns one may want to use a POSTCALL: section to process the
1751*898184e3Ssthenfailure.  In more complicated cases use CODE: or PPCODE: sections.
1753*898184e3SsthenIf many functions use the same failure indication based on the return value,
1754*898184e3Ssthenyou may want to create a special typedef to handle this situation.  Put
1756*898184e3Ssthen  typedef int negative_is_failure;
1758*898184e3Ssthennear the beginning of XS file, and create an OUTPUT typemap entry
1759*898184e3Ssthenfor C<negative_is_failure> which converts negative values to C<undef>, or
1760*898184e3Ssthenmaybe croak()s.  After this the return value of type C<negative_is_failure>
1761*898184e3Ssthenwill create more Perl-like interface.
1763*898184e3SsthenIdentify which values are used by only the C and XSUB functions
1764*898184e3Ssthenthemselves, say, when a parameter to a function should be a contents of a
1765*898184e3Ssthenglobal variable.  If Perl does not need to access the contents of the value
1766*898184e3Ssthenthen it may not be necessary to provide a translation for that value
1767*898184e3Ssthenfrom C to Perl.
1769*898184e3SsthenIdentify the pointers in the C function parameter lists and return
1770*898184e3Ssthenvalues.  Some pointers may be used to implement input/output or
1771*898184e3Ssthenoutput parameters, they can be handled in XS with the C<&> unary operator,
1772*898184e3Ssthenand, possibly, using the NO_INIT keyword.
1773*898184e3SsthenSome others will require handling of types like C<int *>, and one needs
1774*898184e3Ssthento decide what a useful Perl translation will do in such a case.  When
1775*898184e3Ssthenthe semantic is clear, it is advisable to put the translation into a typemap
1778*898184e3SsthenIdentify the structures used by the C functions.  In many
1779*898184e3Ssthencases it may be helpful to use the T_PTROBJ typemap for
1780*898184e3Ssthenthese structures so they can be manipulated by Perl as
1781*898184e3Ssthenblessed objects.  (This is handled automatically by C<h2xs -x>.)
1783*898184e3SsthenIf the same C type is used in several different contexts which require
1784*898184e3Ssthendifferent translations, C<typedef> several new types mapped to this C type,
1785*898184e3Ssthenand create separate F<typemap> entries for these new types.  Use these
1786*898184e3Ssthentypes in declarations of return type and parameters to XSUBs.
1788*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Perl Objects And C Structures
1790*898184e3SsthenWhen dealing with C structures one should select either
1791*898184e3SsthenB<T_PTROBJ> or B<T_PTRREF> for the XS type.  Both types are
1792*898184e3Ssthendesigned to handle pointers to complex objects.  The
1793*898184e3SsthenT_PTRREF type will allow the Perl object to be unblessed
1794*898184e3Ssthenwhile the T_PTROBJ type requires that the object be blessed.
1795*898184e3SsthenBy using T_PTROBJ one can achieve a form of type-checking
1796*898184e3Ssthenbecause the XSUB will attempt to verify that the Perl object
1797*898184e3Ssthenis of the expected type.
1799*898184e3SsthenThe following XS code shows the getnetconfigent() function which is used
1800*898184e3Ssthenwith ONC+ TIRPC.  The getnetconfigent() function will return a pointer to a
1801*898184e3SsthenC structure and has the C prototype shown below.  The example will
1802*898184e3Ssthendemonstrate how the C pointer will become a Perl reference.  Perl will
1803*898184e3Ssthenconsider this reference to be a pointer to a blessed object and will
1804*898184e3Ssthenattempt to call a destructor for the object.  A destructor will be
1805*898184e3Ssthenprovided in the XS source to free the memory used by getnetconfigent().
1806*898184e3SsthenDestructors in XS can be created by specifying an XSUB function whose name
1807*898184e3Ssthenends with the word B<DESTROY>.  XS destructors can be used to free memory
1808*898184e3Ssthenwhich may have been malloc'd by another XSUB.
1810*898184e3Ssthen     struct netconfig *getnetconfigent(const char *netid);
1812*898184e3SsthenA C<typedef> will be created for C<struct netconfig>.  The Perl
1813*898184e3Ssthenobject will be blessed in a class matching the name of the C
1814*898184e3Ssthentype, with the tag C<Ptr> appended, and the name should not
1815*898184e3Ssthenhave embedded spaces if it will be a Perl package name.  The
1816*898184e3Ssthendestructor will be placed in a class corresponding to the
1817*898184e3Ssthenclass of the object and the PREFIX keyword will be used to
1818*898184e3Ssthentrim the name to the word DESTROY as Perl will expect.
1820*898184e3Ssthen     typedef struct netconfig Netconfig;
1822*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
1824*898184e3Ssthen     Netconfig *
1825*898184e3Ssthen     getnetconfigent(netid)
1826*898184e3Ssthen          char *netid
1828*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = NetconfigPtr  PREFIX = rpcb_
1830*898184e3Ssthen     void
1831*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_DESTROY(netconf)
1832*898184e3Ssthen          Netconfig *netconf
1833*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1834*898184e3Ssthen          printf("Now in NetconfigPtr::DESTROY\n");
1835*898184e3Ssthen          free( netconf );
1837*898184e3SsthenThis example requires the following typemap entry.  Consult
1838*898184e3SsthenL<perlxstypemap> for more information about adding new typemaps
1839*898184e3Ssthenfor an extension.
1841*898184e3Ssthen     TYPEMAP
1842*898184e3Ssthen     Netconfig *  T_PTROBJ
1844*898184e3SsthenThis example will be used with the following Perl statements.
1846*898184e3Ssthen     use RPC;
1847*898184e3Ssthen     $netconf = getnetconfigent("udp");
1849*898184e3SsthenWhen Perl destroys the object referenced by $netconf it will send the
1850*898184e3Ssthenobject to the supplied XSUB DESTROY function.  Perl cannot determine, and
1851*898184e3Ssthendoes not care, that this object is a C struct and not a Perl object.  In
1852*898184e3Ssthenthis sense, there is no difference between the object created by the
1853*898184e3Ssthengetnetconfigent() XSUB and an object created by a normal Perl subroutine.
1855*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Safely Storing Static Data in XS
1857*898184e3SsthenStarting with Perl 5.8, a macro framework has been defined to allow
1858*898184e3Ssthenstatic data to be safely stored in XS modules that will be accessed from
1859*898184e3Ssthena multi-threaded Perl.
1861*898184e3SsthenAlthough primarily designed for use with multi-threaded Perl, the macros
1862*898184e3Ssthenhave been designed so that they will work with non-threaded Perl as well.
1864*898184e3SsthenIt is therefore strongly recommended that these macros be used by all
1865*898184e3SsthenXS modules that make use of static data.
1867*898184e3SsthenThe easiest way to get a template set of macros to use is by specifying
1868*898184e3Ssthenthe C<-g> (C<--global>) option with h2xs (see L<h2xs>).
1870*898184e3SsthenBelow is an example module that makes use of the macros.
1872*898184e3Ssthen    #include "EXTERN.h"
1873*898184e3Ssthen    #include "perl.h"
1874*898184e3Ssthen    #include "XSUB.h"
1876*898184e3Ssthen    /* Global Data */
1878*898184e3Ssthen    #define MY_CXT_KEY "BlindMice::_guts" XS_VERSION
1880*898184e3Ssthen    typedef struct {
1881*898184e3Ssthen        int count;
1882*898184e3Ssthen        char name[3][100];
1883*898184e3Ssthen    } my_cxt_t;
1885*898184e3Ssthen    START_MY_CXT
1887*898184e3Ssthen    MODULE = BlindMice           PACKAGE = BlindMice
1889*898184e3Ssthen    BOOT:
1890*898184e3Ssthen    {
1891*898184e3Ssthen        MY_CXT_INIT;
1892*898184e3Ssthen        MY_CXT.count = 0;
1893*898184e3Ssthen        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[0], "None");
1894*898184e3Ssthen        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[1], "None");
1895*898184e3Ssthen        strcpy(MY_CXT.name[2], "None");
1896*898184e3Ssthen    }
1898*898184e3Ssthen    int
1899*898184e3Ssthen    newMouse(char * name)
1900*898184e3Ssthen        char * name;
1901*898184e3Ssthen        PREINIT:
1902*898184e3Ssthen          dMY_CXT;
1903*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
1904*898184e3Ssthen          if (MY_CXT.count >= 3) {
1905*898184e3Ssthen              warn("Already have 3 blind mice");
1906*898184e3Ssthen              RETVAL = 0;
1907*898184e3Ssthen          }
1908*898184e3Ssthen          else {
1909*898184e3Ssthen              RETVAL = ++ MY_CXT.count;
1910*898184e3Ssthen              strcpy(MY_CXT.name[MY_CXT.count - 1], name);
1911*898184e3Ssthen          }
1913*898184e3Ssthen    char *
1914*898184e3Ssthen    get_mouse_name(index)
1915*898184e3Ssthen      int index
1916*898184e3Ssthen      CODE:
1917*898184e3Ssthen        dMY_CXT;
1918*898184e3Ssthen        RETVAL = MY_CXT.lives ++;
1919*898184e3Ssthen        if (index > MY_CXT.count)
1920*898184e3Ssthen          croak("There are only 3 blind mice.");
1921*898184e3Ssthen        else
1922*898184e3Ssthen          RETVAL = newSVpv(MY_CXT.name[index - 1]);
1924*898184e3Ssthen    void
1925*898184e3Ssthen    CLONE(...)
1926*898184e3Ssthen	CODE:
1927*898184e3Ssthen	MY_CXT_CLONE;
1931*898184e3Ssthen=over 5
1933*898184e3Ssthen=item MY_CXT_KEY
1935*898184e3SsthenThis macro is used to define a unique key to refer to the static data
1936*898184e3Ssthenfor an XS module. The suggested naming scheme, as used by h2xs, is to
1937*898184e3Ssthenuse a string that consists of the module name, the string "::_guts"
1938*898184e3Ssthenand the module version number.
1940*898184e3Ssthen    #define MY_CXT_KEY "MyModule::_guts" XS_VERSION
1942*898184e3Ssthen=item typedef my_cxt_t
1944*898184e3SsthenThis struct typedef I<must> always be called C<my_cxt_t>. The other
1945*898184e3SsthenC<CXT*> macros assume the existence of the C<my_cxt_t> typedef name.
1947*898184e3SsthenDeclare a typedef named C<my_cxt_t> that is a structure that contains
1948*898184e3Ssthenall the data that needs to be interpreter-local.
1950*898184e3Ssthen    typedef struct {
1951*898184e3Ssthen        int some_value;
1952*898184e3Ssthen    } my_cxt_t;
1954*898184e3Ssthen=item START_MY_CXT
1956*898184e3SsthenAlways place the START_MY_CXT macro directly after the declaration
1957*898184e3Ssthenof C<my_cxt_t>.
1959*898184e3Ssthen=item MY_CXT_INIT
1961*898184e3SsthenThe MY_CXT_INIT macro initialises storage for the C<my_cxt_t> struct.
1963*898184e3SsthenIt I<must> be called exactly once, typically in a BOOT: section. If you
1964*898184e3Ssthenare maintaining multiple interpreters, it should be called once in each
1965*898184e3Sstheninterpreter instance, except for interpreters cloned from existing ones.
1966*898184e3Ssthen(But see L</MY_CXT_CLONE> below.)
1968*898184e3Ssthen=item dMY_CXT
1970*898184e3SsthenUse the dMY_CXT macro (a declaration) in all the functions that access
1973*898184e3Ssthen=item MY_CXT
1975*898184e3SsthenUse the MY_CXT macro to access members of the C<my_cxt_t> struct. For
1976*898184e3Ssthenexample, if C<my_cxt_t> is
1978*898184e3Ssthen    typedef struct {
1979*898184e3Ssthen        int index;
1980*898184e3Ssthen    } my_cxt_t;
1982*898184e3Ssthenthen use this to access the C<index> member
1984*898184e3Ssthen    dMY_CXT;
1985*898184e3Ssthen    MY_CXT.index = 2;
1987*898184e3Ssthen=item aMY_CXT/pMY_CXT
1989*898184e3SsthenC<dMY_CXT> may be quite expensive to calculate, and to avoid the overhead
1990*898184e3Ssthenof invoking it in each function it is possible to pass the declaration
1991*898184e3Ssthenonto other functions using the C<aMY_CXT>/C<pMY_CXT> macros, eg
1993*898184e3Ssthen    void sub1() {
1994*898184e3Ssthen	dMY_CXT;
1995*898184e3Ssthen	MY_CXT.index = 1;
1996*898184e3Ssthen	sub2(aMY_CXT);
1997*898184e3Ssthen    }
1999*898184e3Ssthen    void sub2(pMY_CXT) {
2000*898184e3Ssthen	MY_CXT.index = 2;
2001*898184e3Ssthen    }
2003*898184e3SsthenAnalogously to C<pTHX>, there are equivalent forms for when the macro is the
2004*898184e3Ssthenfirst or last in multiple arguments, where an underscore represents a
2005*898184e3Ssthencomma, i.e.  C<_aMY_CXT>, C<aMY_CXT_>, C<_pMY_CXT> and C<pMY_CXT_>.
2007*898184e3Ssthen=item MY_CXT_CLONE
2009*898184e3SsthenBy default, when a new interpreter is created as a copy of an existing one
2010*898184e3Ssthen(eg via C<< threads->create() >>), both interpreters share the same physical
2011*898184e3Ssthenmy_cxt_t structure. Calling C<MY_CXT_CLONE> (typically via the package's
2012*898184e3SsthenC<CLONE()> function), causes a byte-for-byte copy of the structure to be
2013*898184e3Ssthentaken, and any future dMY_CXT will cause the copy to be accessed instead.
2015*898184e3Ssthen=item MY_CXT_INIT_INTERP(my_perl)
2017*898184e3Ssthen=item dMY_CXT_INTERP(my_perl)
2019*898184e3SsthenThese are versions of the macros which take an explicit interpreter as an
2024*898184e3SsthenNote that these macros will only work together within the I<same> source
2025*898184e3Ssthenfile; that is, a dMY_CTX in one source file will access a different structure
2026*898184e3Ssthenthan a dMY_CTX in another source file.
2028*898184e3Ssthen=head2 Thread-aware system interfaces
2030*898184e3SsthenStarting from Perl 5.8, in C/C++ level Perl knows how to wrap
2031*898184e3Ssthensystem/library interfaces that have thread-aware versions
2032*898184e3Ssthen(e.g. getpwent_r()) into frontend macros (e.g. getpwent()) that
2033*898184e3Ssthencorrectly handle the multithreaded interaction with the Perl
2034*898184e3Sstheninterpreter.  This will happen transparently, the only thing
2035*898184e3Ssthenyou need to do is to instantiate a Perl interpreter.
2037*898184e3SsthenThis wrapping happens always when compiling Perl core source
2038*898184e3Ssthen(PERL_CORE is defined) or the Perl core extensions (PERL_EXT is
2039*898184e3Ssthendefined).  When compiling XS code outside of Perl core the wrapping
2040*898184e3Ssthendoes not take place.  Note, however, that intermixing the _r-forms
2041*898184e3Ssthen(as Perl compiled for multithreaded operation will do) and the _r-less
2042*898184e3Ssthenforms is neither well-defined (inconsistent results, data corruption,
2043*898184e3Ssthenor even crashes become more likely), nor is it very portable.
2045*898184e3Ssthen=head1 EXAMPLES
2047*898184e3SsthenFile C<RPC.xs>: Interface to some ONC+ RPC bind library functions.
2049*898184e3Ssthen     #include "EXTERN.h"
2050*898184e3Ssthen     #include "perl.h"
2051*898184e3Ssthen     #include "XSUB.h"
2053*898184e3Ssthen     #include <rpc/rpc.h>
2055*898184e3Ssthen     typedef struct netconfig Netconfig;
2057*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = RPC
2059*898184e3Ssthen     SV *
2060*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_gettime(host="localhost")
2061*898184e3Ssthen          char *host
2062*898184e3Ssthen	PREINIT:
2063*898184e3Ssthen          time_t  timep;
2064*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
2065*898184e3Ssthen          ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
2066*898184e3Ssthen          if( rpcb_gettime( host, &timep ) )
2067*898184e3Ssthen               sv_setnv( ST(0), (double)timep );
2069*898184e3Ssthen     Netconfig *
2070*898184e3Ssthen     getnetconfigent(netid="udp")
2071*898184e3Ssthen          char *netid
2073*898184e3Ssthen     MODULE = RPC  PACKAGE = NetconfigPtr  PREFIX = rpcb_
2075*898184e3Ssthen     void
2076*898184e3Ssthen     rpcb_DESTROY(netconf)
2077*898184e3Ssthen          Netconfig *netconf
2078*898184e3Ssthen        CODE:
2079*898184e3Ssthen          printf("NetconfigPtr::DESTROY\n");
2080*898184e3Ssthen          free( netconf );
2082*898184e3SsthenFile C<typemap>: Custom typemap for RPC.xs. (cf. L<perlxstypemap>)
2084*898184e3Ssthen     TYPEMAP
2085*898184e3Ssthen     Netconfig *  T_PTROBJ
2087*898184e3SsthenFile C<RPC.pm>: Perl module for the RPC extension.
2089*898184e3Ssthen     package RPC;
2091*898184e3Ssthen     require Exporter;
2092*898184e3Ssthen     require DynaLoader;
2093*898184e3Ssthen     @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
2094*898184e3Ssthen     @EXPORT = qw(rpcb_gettime getnetconfigent);
2096*898184e3Ssthen     bootstrap RPC;
2097*898184e3Ssthen     1;
2099*898184e3SsthenFile C<rpctest.pl>: Perl test program for the RPC extension.
2101*898184e3Ssthen     use RPC;
2103*898184e3Ssthen     $netconf = getnetconfigent();
2104*898184e3Ssthen     $a = rpcb_gettime();
2105*898184e3Ssthen     print "time = $a\n";
2106*898184e3Ssthen     print "netconf = $netconf\n";
2108*898184e3Ssthen     $netconf = getnetconfigent("tcp");
2109*898184e3Ssthen     $a = rpcb_gettime("poplar");
2110*898184e3Ssthen     print "time = $a\n";
2111*898184e3Ssthen     print "netconf = $netconf\n";
2114*898184e3Ssthen=head1 XS VERSION
2116*898184e3SsthenThis document covers features supported by C<ExtUtils::ParseXS>
2117*898184e3Ssthen(also known as C<xsubpp>) 3.13_01.
2119*898184e3Ssthen=head1 AUTHOR
2121*898184e3SsthenOriginally written by Dean Roehrich <F<roehrich@cray.com>>.
2123*898184e3SsthenMaintained since 1996 by The Perl Porters <F<perlbug@perl.org>>.