xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ext/PerlIO-mmap/mmap.xs (revision d415bd75)
1 /*
2  * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
3  */
6 #include "EXTERN.h"
7 #include "perl.h"
8 #include "XSUB.h"
10 #if defined(PERLIO_LAYERS) && defined(HAS_MMAP)
12 #include "perliol.h"
13 #include <sys/mman.h>
15 /*
16  * mmap as "buffer" layer
17  */
19 typedef struct {
20     PerlIOBuf base;             /* PerlIOBuf stuff */
21     Mmap_t mptr;                /* Mapped address */
22     Size_t len;                 /* mapped length */
23     STDCHAR *bbuf;              /* malloced buffer if map fails */
24 } PerlIOMmap;
26 static IV
27 PerlIOMmap_map(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
28 {
29     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
30     const IV flags = PerlIOBase(f)->flags;
31     IV code = 0;
32     if (m->len)
33 	abort();
34     if (flags & PERLIO_F_CANREAD) {
35 	PerlIOBuf * const b = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOBuf);
36 	Stat_t st;
37 	const int fd = PerlIO_fileno(f);
38         if (fd < 0) {
40           return -1;
41         }
42 	code = Fstat(fd, &st);
43 	if (code == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
44 	    SSize_t len = st.st_size - b->posn;
45 	    if (len > 0) {
46 		Off_t posn;
47 		if (PL_mmap_page_size <= 0)
48 		  Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: bad pagesize %" IVdf,
49 			     PL_mmap_page_size);
50 		if (b->posn < 0) {
51 		    /*
52 		     * This is a hack - should never happen - open should
53 		     * have set it !
54 		     */
55 		    b->posn = PerlIO_tell(PerlIONext(f));
56 		}
57 		posn = (b->posn / PL_mmap_page_size) * PL_mmap_page_size;
58 		len = st.st_size - posn;
59 		m->mptr = (Mmap_t)mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, posn);
60 		if (m->mptr && m->mptr != (Mmap_t) - 1) {
61 #if 0 && defined(HAS_MADVISE) && defined(MADV_SEQUENTIAL)
62 		    madvise(m->mptr, len, MADV_SEQUENTIAL);
63 #endif
64 #if 0 && defined(HAS_MADVISE) && defined(MADV_WILLNEED)
65 		    madvise(m->mptr, len, MADV_WILLNEED);
66 #endif
67 		    PerlIOBase(f)->flags =
68 			(flags & ~PERLIO_F_EOF) | PERLIO_F_RDBUF;
69 		    b->end = ((STDCHAR *) m->mptr) + len;
70 		    b->buf = ((STDCHAR *) m->mptr) + (b->posn - posn);
71 		    b->ptr = b->buf;
72 		    m->len = len;
73 		}
74 		else {
75 		    b->buf = NULL;
76 		}
77 	    }
78 	    else {
79 		PerlIOBase(f)->flags =
80 		    flags | PERLIO_F_EOF | PERLIO_F_RDBUF;
81 		b->buf = NULL;
82 		b->ptr = b->end = b->ptr;
83 		code = -1;
84 	    }
85 	}
86     }
87     return code;
88 }
90 static IV
91 PerlIOMmap_unmap(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
92 {
93     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
94     IV code = 0;
95     if (m->len) {
96 	PerlIOBuf * const b = &m->base;
97 	if (b->buf) {
98 	    /* The munmap address argument is tricky: depending on the
99 	     * standard it is either "void *" or "caddr_t" (which is
100 	     * usually "char *" (signed or unsigned).  If we cast it
101 	     * to "void *", those that have it caddr_t and an uptight
102 	     * C++ compiler, will freak out.  But casting it as char*
103 	     * should work.  Maybe.  (Using Mmap_t figured out by
104 	     * Configure doesn't always work, apparently.) */
105 	    code = munmap((char*)m->mptr, m->len);
106 	    b->buf = NULL;
107 	    m->len = 0;
108 	    m->mptr = NULL;
109 	    if (PerlIO_seek(PerlIONext(f), b->posn, SEEK_SET) != 0)
110 		code = -1;
111 	}
112 	b->ptr = b->end = b->buf;
113 	PerlIOBase(f)->flags &= ~(PERLIO_F_RDBUF | PERLIO_F_WRBUF);
114     }
115     return code;
116 }
118 static STDCHAR *
119 PerlIOMmap_get_base(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
120 {
121     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
122     PerlIOBuf * const b = &m->base;
123     if (b->buf && (PerlIOBase(f)->flags & PERLIO_F_RDBUF)) {
124 	/*
125 	 * Already have a readbuffer in progress
126 	 */
127 	return b->buf;
128     }
129     if (b->buf) {
130 	/*
131 	 * We have a write buffer or flushed PerlIOBuf read buffer
132 	 */
133 	m->bbuf = b->buf;       /* save it in case we need it again */
134 	b->buf = NULL;          /* Clear to trigger below */
135     }
136     if (!b->buf) {
137 	PerlIOMmap_map(aTHX_ f);        /* Try and map it */
138 	if (!b->buf) {
139 	    /*
140 	     * Map did not work - recover PerlIOBuf buffer if we have one
141 	     */
142 	    b->buf = m->bbuf;
143 	}
144     }
145     b->ptr = b->end = b->buf;
146     if (b->buf)
147 	return b->buf;
148     return PerlIOBuf_get_base(aTHX_ f);
149 }
151 static SSize_t
152 PerlIOMmap_unread(pTHX_ PerlIO *f, const void *vbuf, Size_t count)
153 {
154     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
155     PerlIOBuf * const b = &m->base;
156     if (PerlIOBase(f)->flags & PERLIO_F_WRBUF)
157 	PerlIO_flush(f);
158     if (b->ptr && (b->ptr - count) >= b->buf
159 	&& memEQ(b->ptr - count, vbuf, count)) {
160 	b->ptr -= count;
161 	PerlIOBase(f)->flags &= ~PERLIO_F_EOF;
162 	return count;
163     }
164     if (m->len) {
165 	/*
166 	 * Loose the unwritable mapped buffer
167 	 */
168 	PerlIO_flush(f);
169 	/*
170 	 * If flush took the "buffer" see if we have one from before
171 	 */
172 	if (!b->buf && m->bbuf)
173 	    b->buf = m->bbuf;
174 	if (!b->buf) {
175 	    PerlIOBuf_get_base(aTHX_ f);
176 	    m->bbuf = b->buf;
177 	}
178     }
179     return PerlIOBuf_unread(aTHX_ f, vbuf, count);
180 }
182 static SSize_t
183 PerlIOMmap_write(pTHX_ PerlIO *f, const void *vbuf, Size_t count)
184 {
185     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
186     PerlIOBuf * const b = &m->base;
188     if (!b->buf || !(PerlIOBase(f)->flags & PERLIO_F_WRBUF)) {
189 	/*
190 	 * No, or wrong sort of, buffer
191 	 */
192 	if (m->len) {
193 	    if (PerlIOMmap_unmap(aTHX_ f) != 0)
194 		return 0;
195 	}
196 	/*
197 	 * If unmap took the "buffer" see if we have one from before
198 	 */
199 	if (!b->buf && m->bbuf)
200 	    b->buf = m->bbuf;
201 	if (!b->buf) {
202 	    PerlIOBuf_get_base(aTHX_ f);
203 	    m->bbuf = b->buf;
204 	}
205     }
206     return PerlIOBuf_write(aTHX_ f, vbuf, count);
207 }
209 static IV
210 PerlIOMmap_flush(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
211 {
212     PerlIOMmap * const m = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOMmap);
213     PerlIOBuf * const b = &m->base;
214     IV code = PerlIOBuf_flush(aTHX_ f);
215     /*
216      * Now we are "synced" at PerlIOBuf level
217      */
218     if (b->buf) {
219 	if (m->len) {
220 	    /*
221 	     * Unmap the buffer
222 	     */
223 	    if (PerlIOMmap_unmap(aTHX_ f) != 0)
224 		code = -1;
225 	}
226 	else {
227 	    /*
228 	     * We seem to have a PerlIOBuf buffer which was not mapped
229 	     * remember it in case we need one later
230 	     */
231 	    m->bbuf = b->buf;
232 	}
233     }
234     return code;
235 }
237 static IV
238 PerlIOMmap_fill(pTHX_ PerlIO *f)
239 {
240     PerlIOBuf * const b = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOBuf);
241     IV code = PerlIO_flush(f);
242     if (code == 0 && !b->buf) {
243 	code = PerlIOMmap_map(aTHX_ f);
244     }
245     if (code == 0 && !(PerlIOBase(f)->flags & PERLIO_F_RDBUF)) {
246 	code = PerlIOBuf_fill(aTHX_ f);
247     }
248     return code;
249 }
251 static PerlIO *
252 PerlIOMmap_dup(pTHX_ PerlIO *f, PerlIO *o, CLONE_PARAMS *param, int flags)
253 {
254  return PerlIOBase_dup(aTHX_ f, o, param, flags);
255 }
258 static PERLIO_FUNCS_DECL(PerlIO_mmap) = {
259     sizeof(PerlIO_funcs),
260     "mmap",
261     sizeof(PerlIOMmap),
263     PerlIOBuf_pushed,
264     PerlIOBuf_popped,
265     PerlIOBuf_open,
266     PerlIOBase_binmode,         /* binmode */
267     NULL,
268     PerlIOBase_fileno,
269     PerlIOMmap_dup,
270     PerlIOBuf_read,
271     PerlIOMmap_unread,
272     PerlIOMmap_write,
273     PerlIOBuf_seek,
274     PerlIOBuf_tell,
275     PerlIOBuf_close,
276     PerlIOMmap_flush,
277     PerlIOMmap_fill,
278     PerlIOBase_eof,
279     PerlIOBase_error,
280     PerlIOBase_clearerr,
281     PerlIOBase_setlinebuf,
282     PerlIOMmap_get_base,
283     PerlIOBuf_bufsiz,
284     PerlIOBuf_get_ptr,
285     PerlIOBuf_get_cnt,
286     PerlIOBuf_set_ptrcnt,
287 };
289 #endif /* Layers available */
291 MODULE = PerlIO::mmap	PACKAGE = PerlIO::mmap
295 BOOT:
296 {
297 #if defined(PERLIO_LAYERS) && defined(HAS_MMAP)
298     PerlIO_define_layer(aTHX_ PERLIO_FUNCS_CAST(&PerlIO_mmap));
299 #endif
300 }