xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/perlmod.pod (revision f2dfb0a4)
1=head1 NAME
3perlmod - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
7=head2 Packages
9Perl provides a mechanism for alternative namespaces to protect packages
10from stomping on each other's variables.  In fact, apart from certain
11magical variables, there's really no such thing as a global variable
12in Perl.  The package statement declares the compilation unit as
13being in the given namespace.  The scope of the package declaration
14is from the declaration itself through the end of the enclosing block,
15C<eval>, C<sub>, or end of file, whichever comes first (the same scope
16as the my() and local() operators).  All further unqualified dynamic
17identifiers will be in this namespace.  A package statement affects
18only dynamic variables--including those you've used local() on--but
19I<not> lexical variables created with my().  Typically it would be
20the first declaration in a file to be included by the C<require> or
21C<use> operator.  You can switch into a package in more than one place;
22it influences merely which symbol table is used by the compiler for the
23rest of that block.  You can refer to variables and filehandles in other
24packages by prefixing the identifier with the package name and a double
25colon: C<$Package::Variable>.  If the package name is null, the C<main>
26package is assumed.  That is, C<$::sail> is equivalent to C<$main::sail>.
28(The old package delimiter was a single quote, but double colon
29is now the preferred delimiter, in part because it's more readable
30to humans, and in part because it's more readable to B<emacs> macros.
31It also makes C++ programmers feel like they know what's going on.)
33Packages may be nested inside other packages: C<$OUTER::INNER::var>.  This
34implies nothing about the order of name lookups, however.  All symbols
35are either local to the current package, or must be fully qualified
36from the outer package name down.  For instance, there is nowhere
37within package C<OUTER> that C<$INNER::var> refers to C<$OUTER::INNER::var>.
38It would treat package C<INNER> as a totally separate global package.
40Only identifiers starting with letters (or underscore) are stored in a
41package's symbol table.  All other symbols are kept in package C<main>,
42including all of the punctuation variables like $_.  In addition, the
44forced to be in package C<main>, even when used for other purposes than
45their builtin one.  Note also that, if you have a package called C<m>,
46C<s>, or C<y>, then you can't use the qualified form of an identifier
47because it will be interpreted instead as a pattern match, a substitution,
48or a translation.
50(Variables beginning with underscore used to be forced into package
51main, but we decided it was more useful for package writers to be able
52to use leading underscore to indicate private variables and method names.
53$_ is still global though.)
55Eval()ed strings are compiled in the package in which the eval() was
56compiled.  (Assignments to C<$SIG{}>, however, assume the signal
57handler specified is in the C<main> package.  Qualify the signal handler
58name if you wish to have a signal handler in a package.)  For an
59example, examine F<perldb.pl> in the Perl library.  It initially switches
60to the C<DB> package so that the debugger doesn't interfere with variables
61in the script you are trying to debug.  At various points, however, it
62temporarily switches back to the C<main> package to evaluate various
63expressions in the context of the C<main> package (or wherever you came
64from).  See L<perldebug>.
66The special symbol C<__PACKAGE__> contains the current package, but cannot
67(easily) be used to construct variables.
69See L<perlsub> for other scoping issues related to my() and local(),
70and L<perlref> regarding closures.
72=head2 Symbol Tables
74The symbol table for a package happens to be stored in the hash of that
75name with two colons appended.  The main symbol table's name is thus
76C<%main::>, or C<%::> for short.  Likewise symbol table for the nested
77package mentioned earlier is named C<%OUTER::INNER::>.
79The value in each entry of the hash is what you are referring to when you
80use the C<*name> typeglob notation.  In fact, the following have the same
81effect, though the first is more efficient because it does the symbol
82table lookups at compile time:
84    local *main::foo    = *main::bar;
85    local $main::{foo}  = $main::{bar};
87You can use this to print out all the variables in a package, for
88instance.  Here is F<dumpvar.pl> from the Perl library:
90   package dumpvar;
91   sub main::dumpvar {
92       ($package) = @_;
93       local(*stab) = eval("*${package}::");
94       while (($key,$val) = each(%stab)) {
95	   local(*entry) = $val;
96	   if (defined $entry) {
97	       print "\$$key = '$entry'\n";
98	   }
100	   if (defined @entry) {
101	       print "\@$key = (\n";
102	       foreach $num ($[ .. $#entry) {
103		   print "  $num\t'",$entry[$num],"'\n";
104	       }
105	       print ")\n";
106	   }
108	   if ($key ne "${package}::" && defined %entry) {
109	       print "\%$key = (\n";
110	       foreach $key (sort keys(%entry)) {
111		   print "  $key\t'",$entry{$key},"'\n";
112	       }
113	       print ")\n";
114	   }
115       }
116   }
118Note that even though the subroutine is compiled in package C<dumpvar>,
119the name of the subroutine is qualified so that its name is inserted into
120package C<main>.  While popular many years ago, this is now considered
121very poor style; in general, you should be writing modules and using the
122normal export mechanism instead of hammering someone else's namespace,
123even main's.
125Assignment to a typeglob performs an aliasing operation, i.e.,
127    *dick = *richard;
129causes variables, subroutines, and file handles accessible via the
130identifier C<richard> to also be accessible via the identifier C<dick>.  If
131you want to alias only a particular variable or subroutine, you can
132assign a reference instead:
134    *dick = \$richard;
136makes $richard and $dick the same variable, but leaves
137@richard and @dick as separate arrays.  Tricky, eh?
139This mechanism may be used to pass and return cheap references
140into or from subroutines if you won't want to copy the whole
143    %some_hash = ();
144    *some_hash = fn( \%another_hash );
145    sub fn {
146	local *hashsym = shift;
147	# now use %hashsym normally, and you
148	# will affect the caller's %another_hash
149	my %nhash = (); # do what you want
150	return \%nhash;
151    }
153On return, the reference will overwrite the hash slot in the
154symbol table specified by the *some_hash typeglob.  This
155is a somewhat tricky way of passing around references cheaply
156when you won't want to have to remember to dereference variables
159Another use of symbol tables is for making "constant"  scalars.
161    *PI = \3.14159265358979;
163Now you cannot alter $PI, which is probably a good thing all in all.
164This isn't the same as a constant subroutine (one prototyped to
165take no arguments and to return a constant expression), which is
166subject to optimization at compile-time.  This isn't.  See L<perlsub>
167for details on these.
169You can say C<*foo{PACKAGE}> and C<*foo{NAME}> to find out what name and
170package the *foo symbol table entry comes from.  This may be useful
171in a subroutine which is passed typeglobs as arguments
173    sub identify_typeglob {
174        my $glob = shift;
175        print 'You gave me ', *{$glob}{PACKAGE}, '::', *{$glob}{NAME}, "\n";
176    }
177    identify_typeglob *foo;
178    identify_typeglob *bar::baz;
180This prints
182    You gave me main::foo
183    You gave me bar::baz
185The *foo{THING} notation can also be used to obtain references to the
186individual elements of *foo, see L<perlref>.
188=head2 Package Constructors and Destructors
190There are two special subroutine definitions that function as package
191constructors and destructors.  These are the C<BEGIN> and C<END>
192routines.  The C<sub> is optional for these routines.
194A C<BEGIN> subroutine is executed as soon as possible, that is, the moment
195it is completely defined, even before the rest of the containing file
196is parsed.  You may have multiple C<BEGIN> blocks within a file--they
197will execute in order of definition.  Because a C<BEGIN> block executes
198immediately, it can pull in definitions of subroutines and such from other
199files in time to be visible to the rest of the file.  Once a C<BEGIN>
200has run, it is immediately undefined and any code it used is returned to
201Perl's memory pool.  This means you can't ever explicitly call a C<BEGIN>.
203An C<END> subroutine is executed as late as possible, that is, when the
204interpreter is being exited, even if it is exiting as a result of a
205die() function.  (But not if it's is being blown out of the water by a
206signal--you have to trap that yourself (if you can).)  You may have
207multiple C<END> blocks within a file--they will execute in reverse
208order of definition; that is: last in, first out (LIFO).
210Inside an C<END> subroutine C<$?> contains the value that the script is
211going to pass to C<exit()>.  You can modify C<$?> to change the exit
212value of the script.  Beware of changing C<$?> by accident (e.g. by
213running something via C<system>).
215Note that when you use the B<-n> and B<-p> switches to Perl, C<BEGIN>
216and C<END> work just as they do in B<awk>, as a degenerate case.
218=head2 Perl Classes
220There is no special class syntax in Perl, but a package may function
221as a class if it provides subroutines that function as methods.  Such a
222package may also derive some of its methods from another class package
223by listing the other package name in its @ISA array.
225For more on this, see L<perltoot> and L<perlobj>.
227=head2 Perl Modules
229A module is just a package that is defined in a library file of
230the same name, and is designed to be reusable.  It may do this by
231providing a mechanism for exporting some of its symbols into the symbol
232table of any package using it.  Or it may function as a class
233definition and make its semantics available implicitly through method
234calls on the class and its objects, without explicit exportation of any
235symbols.  Or it can do a little of both.
237For example, to start a normal module called Some::Module, create
238a file called Some/Module.pm and start with this template:
240    package Some::Module;  # assumes Some/Module.pm
242    use strict;
244    BEGIN {
245        use Exporter   ();
246        use vars       qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);
248        # set the version for version checking
249        $VERSION     = 1.00;
250        # if using RCS/CVS, this may be preferred
251        $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.21 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
253        @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
254        @EXPORT      = qw(&func1 &func2 &func4);
255        %EXPORT_TAGS = ( );     # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
257        # your exported package globals go here,
258        # as well as any optionally exported functions
259        @EXPORT_OK   = qw($Var1 %Hashit &func3);
260    }
261    use vars      @EXPORT_OK;
263    # non-exported package globals go here
264    use vars      qw(@more $stuff);
266    # initalize package globals, first exported ones
267    $Var1   = '';
268    %Hashit = ();
270    # then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
271    $stuff  = '';
272    @more   = ();
274    # all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
275    # the functions below that use them.
277    # file-private lexicals go here
278    my $priv_var    = '';
279    my %secret_hash = ();
281    # here's a file-private function as a closure,
282    # callable as &$priv_func;  it cannot be prototyped.
283    my $priv_func = sub {
284        # stuff goes here.
285    };
287    # make all your functions, whether exported or not;
288    # remember to put something interesting in the {} stubs
289    sub func1      {}    # no prototype
290    sub func2()    {}    # proto'd void
291    sub func3($$)  {}    # proto'd to 2 scalars
293    # this one isn't exported, but could be called!
294    sub func4(\%)  {}    # proto'd to 1 hash ref
296    END { }       # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
298Then go on to declare and use your variables in functions
299without any qualifications.
300See L<Exporter> and the L<perlmodlib> for details on
301mechanics and style issues in module creation.
303Perl modules are included into your program by saying
305    use Module;
309    use Module LIST;
311This is exactly equivalent to
313    BEGIN { require "Module.pm"; import Module; }
317    BEGIN { require "Module.pm"; import Module LIST; }
319As a special case
321    use Module ();
323is exactly equivalent to
325    BEGIN { require "Module.pm"; }
327All Perl module files have the extension F<.pm>.  C<use> assumes this so
328that you don't have to spell out "F<Module.pm>" in quotes.  This also
329helps to differentiate new modules from old F<.pl> and F<.ph> files.
330Module names are also capitalized unless they're functioning as pragmas,
331"Pragmas" are in effect compiler directives, and are sometimes called
332"pragmatic modules" (or even "pragmata" if you're a classicist).
334Because the C<use> statement implies a C<BEGIN> block, the importation
335of semantics happens at the moment the C<use> statement is compiled,
336before the rest of the file is compiled.  This is how it is able
337to function as a pragma mechanism, and also how modules are able to
338declare subroutines that are then visible as list operators for
339the rest of the current file.  This will not work if you use C<require>
340instead of C<use>.  With require you can get into this problem:
342    require Cwd;		# make Cwd:: accessible
343    $here = Cwd::getcwd();
345    use Cwd;			# import names from Cwd::
346    $here = getcwd();
348    require Cwd;	    	# make Cwd:: accessible
349    $here = getcwd(); 		# oops! no main::getcwd()
351In general C<use Module ();> is recommended over C<require Module;>.
353Perl packages may be nested inside other package names, so we can have
354package names containing C<::>.  But if we used that package name
355directly as a filename it would makes for unwieldy or impossible
356filenames on some systems.  Therefore, if a module's name is, say,
357C<Text::Soundex>, then its definition is actually found in the library
358file F<Text/Soundex.pm>.
360Perl modules always have a F<.pm> file, but there may also be dynamically
361linked executables or autoloaded subroutine definitions associated with
362the module.  If so, these will be entirely transparent to the user of
363the module.  It is the responsibility of the F<.pm> file to load (or
364arrange to autoload) any additional functionality.  The POSIX module
365happens to do both dynamic loading and autoloading, but the user can
366say just C<use POSIX> to get it all.
368For more information on writing extension modules, see L<perlxstut>
369and L<perlguts>.
371=head1 SEE ALSO
373See L<perlmodlib> for general style issues related to building Perl
374modules and classes as well as descriptions of the standard library and
375CPAN, L<Exporter> for how Perl's standard import/export mechanism works,
376L<perltoot> for an in-depth tutorial on creating classes, L<perlobj>
377for a hard-core reference document on objects, and L<perlsub> for an
378explanation of functions and scoping.