1use v5.16.0;
2use strict;
3use warnings;
4no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets';
5require './regen/regen_lib.pl';
6require './regen/charset_translations.pl';
7use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_invlist prop_invmap search_invlist);
8use charnames qw(:loose);
9binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
11# Set this to 1 temporarily to get on stderr the complete list of paired
12# string delimiters this generates.  This list is suitable for plugging into a
13# pod.
14my $output_lists = 0;
16# Set this to 1 temporarily to get on stderr the complete list of punctuation
17# marks and symbols that look to be directional but we didn't include for some
18# reason.
19my $output_omitteds = 0;
21my $out_fh = open_new('unicode_constants.h', '>',
22        {style => '*', by => $0,
23                      from => "Unicode data"});
25print $out_fh <<END;
27#ifndef PERL_UNICODE_CONSTANTS_H_   /* Guard against nested #includes */
30/* This file contains #defines for the version of Unicode being used and
31 * various Unicode code points.  The values the code point macros expand to
32 * are the native Unicode code point, or all or portions of the UTF-8 encoding
33 * for the code point.  In the former case, the macro name has the suffix
34 * "_NATIVE"; otherwise, the suffix "_UTF8".
35 *
36 * The macros that have the suffix "_UTF8" may have further suffixes, as
37 * follows:
38 *  "_FIRST_BYTE" if the value is just the first byte of the UTF-8
39 *                representation; the value will be a numeric constant.
40 *  "_TAIL"       if instead it represents all but the first byte.  This, and
41 *                with no additional suffix are both string constants */
44=for apidoc_section \$unicode
46=for apidoc AmnU|const char *|BOM_UTF8
48This is a macro that evaluates to a string constant of the  UTF-8 bytes that
49define the Unicode BYTE ORDER MARK (U+FEFF) for the platform that perl
50is compiled on.  This allows code to use a mnemonic for this character that
51works on both ASCII and EBCDIC platforms.
52S<C<sizeof(BOM_UTF8) - 1>> can be used to get its length in
55=for apidoc AmnU|const char *|REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER_UTF8
57This is a macro that evaluates to a string constant of the  UTF-8 bytes that
58define the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD) for the platform that perl
59is compiled on.  This allows code to use a mnemonic for this character that
60works on both ASCII and EBCDIC platforms.
61S<C<sizeof(REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER_UTF8) - 1>> can be used to get its length in
69sub backslash_x_form($$;$) {
70    # Output the code point represented by the byte string $bytes as a
71    # sequence of \x{} constants.  $bytes should be the UTF-8 for the code
72    # point if the final parameter is absent or empty.  Otherwise it should be
73    # the Latin1 code point itself.
74    #
75    # The output is translated into the character set '$charset'.
77    my ($bytes, $charset, $non_utf8) = @_;
78    if ($non_utf8) {
79        die "Must be utf8 if above 255" if $bytes > 255;
80        my $a2n = get_a2n($charset);
81        return sprintf "\\x%02X", $a2n->[$bytes];
82    }
83    else {
84        return join "", map { sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $_ }
85                        split //, cp_2_utfbytes($bytes, $charset);
86    }
89# The most complicated thing this program does is generate paired string
90# delimiters from the Unicode database.  Some of these come from the
91# Unicode Bidirectional (bidi) algorithm.
93# These all visually look like left and right delimiters
94my @bidi_strong_lefts = (  'LESS-THAN',
95                           'ELEMENT OF',
96                           'PRECEDE',
97                           'PRECEDES',
98                           'SMALLER THAN',
99                           'SUBSET',
100                        );
101my @bidi_strong_rights = ( 'GREATER-THAN',
102                           'CONTAINS',
103                           'SUCCEED',
104                           'SUCCEEDS',
105                           'LARGER THAN',
106                           'SUPERSET',
107                         );
109# Create an array of hashes for these, so as to translate between them, and
110# avoid recompiling patterns in the loop.
111my @bidi_strong_directionals;
112for (my $i = 0; $i < @bidi_strong_lefts; $i++) {
113    push @bidi_strong_directionals,
114                {
115                   LHS => $bidi_strong_lefts[$i],
116                   RHS => $bidi_strong_rights[$i],
117                   L_pattern => qr/\b$bidi_strong_lefts[$i]\b/,
118                   R_pattern => qr/\b$bidi_strong_rights[$i]\b/,
119                };
122my @ok_bidi_symbols = (
123                        'TACK',
124                        'TURNSTILE',
125                      );
126my $ok_bidi_symbols_re = join '|', @ok_bidi_symbols;
127$ok_bidi_symbols_re = qr/\b($ok_bidi_symbols_re)\b/n;
130# Many characters have mirrors that Unicode hasn't included in their Bidi
131# algorithm.  This program uses their names to find them.  The next few
132# definitions are towards that end.
134# Most horizontal directionality is based on LEFT vs RIGHT.  But it's
135# complicated:
136#   1)  a barb on one or the other side of a harpoon doesn't indicate
137#       directionality of the character.  (A HARPOON is the word Unicode uses
138#       to indicate an arrow with a one-sided tip.)
139my $no_barb_re =  qr/(*nlb:BARB )/;
141#   2)  RIGHT-SHADED doesn't signify anything about direction of the character
142#   itself.  These are the suffixes Unicode uses to indicate this.  /aa is
143#   needed because the wildcard names feature currently requires it for names.
144my $shaded_re = qr/ [- ] (SHADED | SHADOWED) /naax;
146#   3a) there are a few anomalies caught here.  'LEFT LUGGAGE' would have been
147#       better named UNCLAIMED, and doesn't indicate directionality.
148my $real_LEFT_re =  qr/ \b $no_barb_re LEFT  (*nla: $shaded_re)
149                                             (*nla: [ ] LUGGAGE \b)
150                    /nx;
151#   3b) And in most cases,a RIGHT TRIANGLE also doesn't refer to
152#       directionality, but indicates it contains a 90 degree angle.
153my $real_RIGHT_re = qr/ \b $no_barb_re RIGHT (*nla: $shaded_re)
154                                             (*nla: [ ] (TRI)? ANGLE \b)
155                    /nx;
156#       More items could be added to these as needed
158#   4)  something that is pointing R goes on the left, so is different than
159#       the character on the R.  For example,  a RIGHT BRACKET would be
160#       different from a RIGHT-FACING bracket.  These patterns capture the
161#       typical ways that Unicode character names indicate the latter meaning
162#       as a suffix to RIGHT or LEFT
163my $pointing_suffix_re = qr/ (       WARDS     # e.g., RIGHTWARDS
164                              | [ ]  ARROW     # A R arrow points to the R
165                              | [ -] FACING
166                              | [ -] POINTING
167                              | [ ]  PENCIL    # Implies a direction of its
168                                               # point
169                         ) \b /nx;
170# And correspondingly for a prefix for LEFT RIGHT
171my $pointing_prefix_re = qr/ \b (  # e.g. UP RIGHT implies a direction
172                                   UP   ( [ ] AND)?
173                                 | DOWN ( [ ] AND)?
174                                 | CONVERGING
175                                 | POINTING [ ] (DIRECTLY)?
176                                 | TO [ ] THE
177                               )
178                             [ ]
179                           /nx;
181my @other_directionals =
182    {
183        LHS => 'LEFT',
184        RHS => 'RIGHT',
185        L_pattern =>
186                  # Something goes on the left if it contains LEFT and doesn't
187                  # point left, or it contains RIGHT and does point right.
188            qr/   \b (*nlb: $pointing_prefix_re) $real_LEFT_re
189                                                    (*nla: $pointing_suffix_re)
190                | \b (*plb: $pointing_prefix_re)  $real_RIGHT_re \b
191                | \b $real_RIGHT_re (*pla: $pointing_suffix_re)
192            /nx,
193        R_pattern =>
194            qr/   \b (*nlb: $pointing_prefix_re) $real_RIGHT_re
195                                                    (*nla: $pointing_suffix_re)
196                | \b (*plb: $pointing_prefix_re)  $real_LEFT_re \b
197                | \b $real_LEFT_re (*pla: $pointing_suffix_re)
198            /nx,
199    };
201# Some horizontal directionality is based on EAST vs WEST.  These words are
202# almost always used by Unicode to indicate the direction pointing to, without
203# the general consistency in phrasing in L/R above.  There are a handful of
204# possible exceptions, with only WEST WIND ever at all possibly an issue
205push @other_directionals,
206    {
207        LHS => 'EAST',
208        RHS => 'WEST',
209        L_pattern => qr/ \b (  EAST (*nla: [ ] WIND)
210                             | WEST (*pla: [ ] WIND)) \b /x,
211        R_pattern => qr/ \b (  WEST (*nla: [ ] WIND)
212                             | EAST (*pla: [ ] WIND)) \b /x,
213    };
215# The final way the Unicode signals mirroring is by using the words REVERSE or
217my $reverse_re = qr/ \b REVERSE D? [- ] /x;
219# Create a mapping from each direction to its opposite one
220my %opposite_of;
221foreach my $directional (@bidi_strong_directionals, @other_directionals) {
222    $opposite_of{$directional->{LHS}} = $directional->{RHS};
223    $opposite_of{$directional->{RHS}} = $directional->{LHS};
226# Join the two types of each direction as alternatives
227my $L_re = join "|", map { $_->{L_pattern} } @bidi_strong_directionals,
228                                             @other_directionals;
229my $R_re = join "|", map { $_->{R_pattern} } @bidi_strong_directionals,
230                                             @other_directionals;
231# And anything containing directionality will be either one of these two
232my $directional_re = join "|", $L_re, $R_re;
234# Now compile the strings that result from above
235$L_re = qr/$L_re/;
236$R_re = qr/$R_re/;
237$directional_re = qr/($directional_re)/;    # Make sure to capture $1
239my @included_symbols = (
240                         0x2326,   0x232B,      # ERASE
241                         0x23E9 .. 0x23EA,      # DOUBLE TRIANGLE
242                         0x23ED .. 0x23EE,      # DOUBLE TRIANGLE with BAR
243                         0x269E .. 0x269F,      # THREE LINES CONVERGING
244                         0x1D102 .. 0x1D103,    # MUSIC STAVES
245                         0x1D106 .. 0x1D107,    # MUSIC STAVES
246                         0x1F57B,               # TELEPHONE RECEIVER
247                         0x1F57D,               # TELEPHONE RECEIVER
248                         0x1F508 .. 0x1F50A,    # LOUD SPEAKER
249                         0x1F568 .. 0x1F56A,    # LOUD SPEAKER
250                         0x1F5E6 .. 0x1F5E7,    # THREE RAYS
251                       );
252my %included_symbols;
253$included_symbols{$_} = 1 for @included_symbols;
255sub format_pairs_line($;$) {
256    my ($from, $to) = @_;
258    # Format a line containing a character singleton or pair in preparation
259    # for output, suitable for pod.
261    my $lhs_name = charnames::viacode($from);
262    my $lhs_hex = sprintf "%04X", $from;
263    my $rhs_name;
264    my $rhs_hex;
265    my $name = $lhs_name;
267    my $hanging_indent = 26;
269    # Treat a trivial pair as a singleton
270    undef $to if defined $to && $to == $from;
272    if (defined $to) {
273        my $rhs_name = charnames::viacode($to);
274        $rhs_hex = sprintf "%04X", $to;
276        # Most of the names differ only in LEFT vs RIGHT; some in
277        # LESS-THAN vs GREATER-THAN.  It takes less space, and is easier to
278        # understand if they are displayed combined.
279        if ($name =~ s/$directional_re/$opposite_of{$1}/gr eq $rhs_name) {
280            $name =~ s,$directional_re,$1/$opposite_of{$1},g;
281        }
282        else {  # Otherwise, display them sequentially
283            $name .= ",  " . $rhs_name;
284        }
285    }
287    # Handle double-width characters, based on the East Asian Width property.
288    # Add an extra space to non-wide ones so things stay vertically aligned.
289    my $extra = 0;
290    my $output_line = " "   # Indent in case output being used for verbatim
291                            # pod
292                    . chr $from;
293    if (chr($from) =~ /[\p{EA=W}\p{EA=F}]/) {
294        $extra++;       # The length() will be shorter than the displayed
295                        # width
296    }
297    else {
298        $output_line .= " ";
299    }
300    if (defined $to) {
301        $output_line .= " " . chr $to;
302        if (chr($to) =~ /[\p{EA=W}\p{EA=F}]/) {
303            $extra++;
304        }
305        else {
306            $output_line .= " ";
307        }
308    }
309    else {
310        $output_line .= "   ";
311    }
313    $output_line .= "   U+$lhs_hex";
314    $output_line .= ", U+$rhs_hex" if defined $to;;
315    my $cur_len = $extra + length $output_line;
316    $output_line .= " " x ($hanging_indent - $cur_len);
318    my $max_len = 74;   # Pod formatter will indent 4 spaces
319    $cur_len = length $output_line;
321    if ($cur_len + length $name <= $max_len) {
322        $output_line .= $name;  # It will fit
323    }
324    else {  # It won't fit.  Append a segment that is unbreakable until would
325            # exceed the available width; then start on a new line
326            # Doesn't handle the case where the whole segment doesn't fit;
327            # this just doesn't come up with the input data.
328        while ($name =~ / ( .+? ) \b{lb} /xg) {
329            my $segment = $1;
330            my $added_length = length $segment;
331            if ($cur_len + $added_length > $max_len) {
332                $output_line =~ s/ +$//;
333                $output_line .= "\n" . " " x $hanging_indent;
334                $cur_len = $hanging_indent;
335            }
337            $output_line .= $segment;
338            $cur_len += $added_length;
339        }
340    }
342    return $output_line . "\n";
345my $version = Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion();
346my ($major, $dot, $dotdot) = $version =~ / (.*?) \. (.*?) (?: \. (.*) )? $ /x;
347$dotdot = 0 unless defined $dotdot;
349print $out_fh <<END;
350#define UNICODE_MAJOR_VERSION   $major
351#define UNICODE_DOT_VERSION     $dot
352#define UNICODE_DOT_DOT_VERSION $dotdot
356# Gather the characters in Unicode that have left/right symmetry suitable for
357# paired string delimiters
358my %paireds;
360# So don't have to grep an array to determine if have already dealt with the
361# characters that are the keys
362my %inverted_paireds;
364# This property is the universe of all characters in Unicode which
365# are of some import to the Bidirectional Algorithm, and for which there is
366# another Unicode character that is a mirror of it.
367my ($bmg_invlist, $bmg_invmap, $format, $bmg_default) =
368                                            prop_invmap("Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph");
370# Keep track of the characters we don't use, and why not.
371my %discards;
372my $non_directional = 'No perceived horizontal direction';
373my $not_considered_directional_because = "Not considered directional because";
374my $trailing_up_down = 'Vertical direction after all L/R direction';
375my $unpaired = "Didn't find a mirror";
376my $illegal = "Mirror illegal";
377my $no_encoded_mate = "Mirrored, but Unicode has no encoded mirror";
378my $bidirectional = "Bidirectional";
380my %unused_bidi_pairs;
381my %inverted_unused_bidi_pairs;
382my %unused_pairs;   #
383my %inverted_unused_pairs;
385# Could be more explicit about allowing, e.g. ARROWS, ARROWHEAD, but this
386# suffices
387my $arrow_like_re = qr/\b(ARROW|HARPOON)/;
389# Go through the Unicode Punctuation and Symbol characters looking for ones
390# that have mirrors, suitable for being string delimiters.  Some of these are
391# easily derivable from Unicode properties dealing with the bidirectional
392# algorithm.  But the purpose of that algorithm isn't the same as ours, and
393# excludes many suitable ones.  In particular, no arrows are included in it.
394# To find suitable ones, we also look at character names to see if there is a
395# character with that name, but the horizontal direction reversed.  That will
396# almost certainly be a mirror.
397foreach my $list (qw(Punctuation Symbol)) {
398    my @invlist = prop_invlist($list);
399    die "Empty list $list" unless @invlist;
401    my $is_Symbol = $list eq 'Symbol';
403    # Convert from an inversion list to an array containing everything that
404    # matches.  (This uses the recipe given in Unicode::UCD.)
405    my @full_list;
406    for (my $i = 0; $i < @invlist; $i += 2) {
407       my $upper = ($i + 1) < @invlist
408                   ? $invlist[$i+1] - 1      # In range
409                   : $Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP;  # To infinity.
410       for my $j ($invlist[$i] .. $upper) {
411           push @full_list, $j;
412       }
413    }
416    foreach my $code_point (@full_list) {
417        #print STDERR __FILE__, ": ", __LINE__, ": ", sprintf("%04x ", $code_point), charnames::viacode($code_point), "\n";
418        my $chr = chr $code_point;
420        # Don't reexamine something we've already determined.  This happens
421        # when its mate was earlier processed and found this one.
422        foreach my $hash_ref (\%paireds,           \%inverted_paireds,
423                              \%unused_bidi_pairs, \%inverted_unused_bidi_pairs,
424                              \%unused_pairs,      \%inverted_unused_pairs)
425        {
426            next CODE_POINT if exists $hash_ref->{$code_point}
427        }
429        my $name = charnames::viacode($code_point);
430        my $original_had_REVERSE;
431        my $mirror;
432        my $mirror_code_point;
434        # If Unicode considers this to have a mirror, we don't have to go
435        # looking
436        if ($chr =~ /\p{Bidi_Mirrored}/) {
437            my $i = search_invlist($bmg_invlist, $code_point);
438            $mirror_code_point = $bmg_invmap->[$i];
439            if ( $mirror_code_point eq $bmg_default) {
440                $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $no_encoded_mate,
441                                           mirror => undef
442                                         };
443                next;
444            }
446            # Certain Unicode properties classify some mirrored characters as
447            # opening (left) vs closing (right).  Skip the closing ones this
448            # iteration; they will be handled later when the opening mate
449            # comes along.
450            if ($chr =~ /(?[  \p{BPT=Close}
451                            | \p{Gc=Close_Punctuation}
452                         ])/)
453            {
454                next;   # Get this when its opening mirror comes up.
455            }
456            elsif ($chr =~ /(?[  \p{BPT=Open}
457                               | \p{Gc=Open_Punctuation}
458                               | \p{Gc=Initial_Punctuation}
459                               | \p{Gc=Final_Punctuation}
460                            ])/)
461            {
462                # Here, it's a left delimiter.  (The ones in Final Punctuation
463                # can be opening ones in some languages.)
464                $paireds{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
465                $inverted_paireds{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
467                # If the delimiter can be used on either side, add its
468                # complement
469                if ($chr =~ /(?[  \p{Gc=Initial_Punctuation}
470                                | \p{Gc=Final_Punctuation}
471                             ])/)
472                {
473                    $paireds{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
474                    $inverted_paireds{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
475                }
477                next;
478            }
480            # Unicode doesn't consider '< >' to be brackets, but Perl does.  There are
481            # lots of variants of these in Unicode; easiest to accept all of
482            # them that aren't bidirectional (which would be visually
483            # confusing).
484            for (my $i = 0; $i < @bidi_strong_directionals; $i++) {
485                my $hash_ref = $bidi_strong_directionals[$i];
487                next if $name !~ $hash_ref->{L_pattern};
489                if ($name =~ $hash_ref->{R_pattern}) {
490                    $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $bidirectional,
491                                               mirror => $mirror_code_point
492                                             };
493                    next CODE_POINT;
494                }
496                $paireds{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
497                $inverted_paireds{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
498                $original_had_REVERSE = $name =~ /$reverse_re/;
499                next CODE_POINT;
500            }
502            # The other paired symbols are more iffy as being desirable paired
503            # delimiters; we let the code below decide what to do with them.
504            $mirror = charnames::viacode($mirror_code_point);
505        }
506        else { # Here is not involved with the bidirectional algorithm.
508            # Get the mirror (if any) from reversing the directions in the
509            # name, and looking that up
510            $mirror = $name;
511            $mirror =~ s/$directional_re/$opposite_of{$1}/g;
512            $original_had_REVERSE = $mirror =~ s/$reverse_re//g;
513            $mirror_code_point = charnames::vianame($mirror);
514        }
516        # Letter-like symbols don't really stand on their own and don't look
517        # like traditional delimiters.
518        if ($chr =~ /\p{Sk}/) {
519            $discards{$code_point}
520                = { reason => "Letter-like symbols are not eligible",
521                    mirror => $mirror_code_point
522                  };
523            next CODE_POINT;
524        }
526        # Certain names are always treated as non directional.
527        if ($name =~ m{ \b (  WITH [ ] (?:LEFT|RIGHT) [ ] HALF [ ] BLACK
528                            | BLOCK
529                            | BOX [ ] DRAWINGS
530                            | CIRCLE [ ] WITH
531                            | EXTENSION
532                            | (?: UPPER | LOWER ) [ ] HOOK
534                              # The VERTICAL marks these as not actually
535                              # L/R mirrored.
536                            | PRESENTATION [ ] FORM [ ] FOR [ ] VERTICAL
537                            | QUADRANT
538                            | SHADE
539                            | SQUARE [ ] WITH
540                        ) \b }x)
541        {
542            $discards{$code_point}
543                = { reason => "$not_considered_directional_because name"
544                            . " contains '$1'",
545                    mirror => $mirror_code_point
546                  };
547            next CODE_POINT;
548        }
550        # If these are equal, it means the original had no horizontal
551        # directioning
552        if ($name eq $mirror) {
553            $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $non_directional,
554                                       mirror => undef
555                                     };
556            next CODE_POINT;
557        }
559        # If the name has both left and right directions, it is bidirectional,
560        # so not suited to be a paired delimiter.
561        if ($name =~ $L_re && $name =~ $R_re) {
562            $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $bidirectional,
563                                       mirror => $mirror_code_point
564                                     };
565            next CODE_POINT;
566        }
568        # If no mate was found, it could be that it's like the case of
569        # SPEAKER vs RIGHT SPEAKER (which probably means the mirror was added
570        # in a later version than the original.  Check by removing all
571        # directionality and trying to see if there is a character with that
572        # name.
573        if (! defined $mirror_code_point) {
574            $mirror =~ s/$directional_re //;
575            $mirror_code_point = charnames::vianame($mirror);
576            if (! defined $mirror_code_point) {
578                # Still no mate.
579                $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $unpaired,
580                                           mirror => undef
581                                         };
582                next;
583            }
584        }
586        if ($code_point == $mirror_code_point) {
587            $discards{$code_point} =
588                { reason => "$unpaired - Single character, multiple"
589                          . " names; Unicode name correction",
590                  mirror => $mirror_code_point
591                };
592            next;
593        }
595        if ($is_Symbol) {
597            # Skip if the direction is followed by a vertical motion
598            # (which defeats the left-right directionality).
599            if (        $name =~ / ^ .* $no_barb_re
600                                   \b (UP|DOWN|NORTH|SOUTH) /gx
601                and not $name =~ /$directional_re/g)
602            {
603                $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $trailing_up_down,
604                                           mirror => $mirror_code_point
605                                         };
606                next;
607            }
608        }
610        # There are a few characters like REVERSED SEMICOLON that are mirrors,
611        # but have always commonly been used unmirrored.  There is also the
612        # PILCROW SIGN and its mirror which might be considered to be
613        # legitimate mirrors, but maybe not.  Additionally the current
614        # algorithm for finding the mirror depends on each member of a pair
615        # being respresented by the same number of bytes as its mate.  By
616        # skipping these, we solve both problems
617        if ($code_point < 256 != $mirror_code_point < 256) {
618            $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $illegal,
619                                        mirror => $mirror_code_point
620                                     };
621            next;
622        }
624        # And '/' and '\' are mirrors that we don't accept
625        if (   $name =~ /SOLIDUS/
626            &&    $name   =~ s/REVERSE SOLIDUS/SOLIDUS/r
627               eq $mirror =~ s/REVERSE SOLIDUS/SOLIDUS/r)
628        {
629            $discards{$code_point} = { reason => $illegal,
630                                        mirror => $mirror_code_point
631                                     };
632            next;
633        }
635        # We enter the pair with the original code point on the left; if it
636        # should instead be on the R, swap.  Most Symbols that contain the
637        # word REVERSE go on the rhs, except those whose names explicitly
638        # indicate lhs.  FINAL in the name indicates stays on the rhs.
639        if ($name =~ $R_re || (   $original_had_REVERSE
640                               && $is_Symbol
641                               && $name !~ $L_re
642                               && $name !~ /\bFINAL\b/
643                               ))
644        {
645            my $temp = $code_point;
646            $code_point = $mirror_code_point;
647            $mirror_code_point = $temp;
648        }
650        # Only a few symbols are currently used, determined by inspection, but
651        # all the (few) remaining paired punctuations.
652        if ( ! $is_Symbol
653            || defined $included_symbols{$code_point}
654            || (    $chr =~ /\p{BidiMirrored}/
655                && (   $name   =~ $ok_bidi_symbols_re
656                    || $mirror =~ $ok_bidi_symbols_re))
657            || $name =~ /\bINDEX\b/         # index FINGER pointing
659                   # Also accept most arrows that don't have N/S in their
660                   # names.  (Those are almost all currently pointing at an
661                   # angle, like SW anyway.)
662            || (   $name !~ /\bNORTH|SOUTH\b/
663                && $name =~ $arrow_like_re
665                    # Arguably bi-directional
666                && $name !~ /U-SHAPED/)
667        ) {
668            $paireds{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
669            $inverted_paireds{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
671            # Again, accept either one at either end for these ambiguous
672            # punctuation delimiters
673            if ($chr =~ /[\p{PI}\p{PF}]/x) {
674                $paireds{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
675                $inverted_paireds{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
676            }
677        }
678        elsif (     $chr =~ /\p{BidiMirrored}/
679               && ! exists  $inverted_unused_bidi_pairs{$code_point}
680               && ! defined $inverted_unused_bidi_pairs{$code_point})
681            {
682                $unused_bidi_pairs{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
683                $inverted_unused_bidi_pairs{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
684            }
685        elsif (   ! exists  $inverted_unused_pairs{$code_point}
686                && ! defined $inverted_unused_pairs{$code_point})
687        {   # A pair that we don't currently accept
688            $unused_pairs{$code_point} = $mirror_code_point;
689            $inverted_unused_pairs{$mirror_code_point} = $code_point;
690        }
691    }   # End of loop through code points
692}   # End of loop through properties
694# The rest of the data are at __DATA__  in this file.
696my @data = <DATA>;
698foreach my $charset (get_supported_code_pages()) {
699    print $out_fh "\n" . get_conditional_compile_line_start($charset);
701    my @a2n = @{get_a2n($charset)};
703    for ( @data ) {
704        chomp;
706        # Convert any '#' comments to /* ... */; empty lines and comments are
707        # output as blank lines
708        if ($_ =~ m/ ^ \s* (?: \# ( .* ) )? $ /x) {
709            my $comment_body = $1 // "";
710            if ($comment_body ne "") {
711                print $out_fh "/* $comment_body */\n";
712            }
713            else {
714                print $out_fh "\n";
715            }
716            next;
717        }
719        unless ($_ =~ m/ ^ ( [^\ ]* )           # Name or code point token
720                        (?: [\ ]+ ( [^ ]* ) )?  # optional flag
721                        (?: [\ ]+ ( .* ) )?  # name if unnamed; flag is required
722                    /x)
723        {
724            die "Unexpected syntax at line $.: $_\n";
725        }
727        my $name_or_cp = $1;
728        my $flag = $2;
729        my $desired_name = $3;
731        my $name;
732        my $cp;
733        my $U_cp;   # code point in Unicode (not-native) terms
735        if ($name_or_cp =~ /^U\+(.*)/) {
736            $U_cp = hex $1;
737            $name = charnames::viacode($name_or_cp);
738            if (! defined $name) {
739                next if $flag =~ /skip_if_undef/;
740                die "Unknown code point '$name_or_cp' at line $.: $_\n" unless $desired_name;
741                $name = "";
742            }
743        }
744        else {
745            $name = $name_or_cp;
746            die "Unknown name '$name' at line $.: $_\n" unless defined $name;
747            $U_cp = charnames::vianame($name =~ s/_/ /gr);
748        }
750        $cp = ($U_cp < 256)
751            ? $a2n[$U_cp]
752            : $U_cp;
754        $name = $desired_name if $name eq "" && $desired_name;
755        $name =~ s/[- ]/_/g;   # The macro name can have no blanks nor dashes
757        my $str;
758        my $suffix;
759        if (defined $flag && $flag eq 'native') {
760            die "Are you sure you want to run this on an above-Latin1 code point?" if $cp > 0xff;
761            $suffix = '_NATIVE';
762            $str = sprintf "0x%02X", $cp;        # Is a numeric constant
763        }
764        else {
765            $str = backslash_x_form($U_cp, $charset);
767            $suffix = '_UTF8';
768            if (! defined $flag || $flag =~ /^ string (_skip_if_undef)? $/x) {
769                $str = "\"$str\"";  # Will be a string constant
770            } elsif ($flag eq 'tail') {
771                    $str =~ s/\\x..//;  # Remove the first byte
772                    $suffix .= '_TAIL';
773                    $str = "\"$str\"";  # Will be a string constant
774            }
775            elsif ($flag eq 'first') {
776                $str =~ s/ \\x ( .. ) .* /$1/x; # Get the two nibbles of the 1st byte
777                $suffix .= '_FIRST_BYTE';
778                $str = "0x$str";        # Is a numeric constant
779            }
780            else {
781                die "Unknown flag at line $.: $_\n";
782            }
783        }
784        printf $out_fh "#   define %s%s  %s    /* U+%04X */\n", $name, $suffix, $str, $U_cp;
785    }
787    # Now output the strings of opening/closing delimiters.  The Unicode
788    # values were earlier entered into %paireds
789    my $utf8_opening = "";
790    my $utf8_closing = "";
791    my $non_utf8_opening = "";
792    my $non_utf8_closing = "";
793    my $deprecated_if_not_mirrored = "";
794    my $non_utf8_deprecated_if_not_mirrored = "";
796    for my $from (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %paireds) {
797        my $to = $paireds{$from};
798        my $utf8_from_backslashed = backslash_x_form($from, $charset);
799        my $utf8_to_backslashed   = backslash_x_form($to, $charset);
800        my $non_utf8_from_backslashed;
801        my $non_utf8_to_backslashed;
803        $utf8_opening .= $utf8_from_backslashed;
804        $utf8_closing .= $utf8_to_backslashed;
806        if ($from < 256) {
807            $non_utf8_from_backslashed =
808                                  backslash_x_form($from, $charset, 'not_utf8');
809            $non_utf8_to_backslashed =
810                                  backslash_x_form($to, $charset, 'not_utf8');
812            $non_utf8_opening .= $non_utf8_from_backslashed;
813            $non_utf8_closing .= $non_utf8_to_backslashed;
814        }
816        # Only the ASCII range paired delimiters have traditionally been
817        # accepted.  Until the feature is considered standard, the non-ASCII
818        # opening ones must be deprecated when the feature isn't in effect, so
819        # as to warn about behavior that is planned to change.
820        if ($from > 127) {
821            $deprecated_if_not_mirrored .= $utf8_from_backslashed;
822            $non_utf8_deprecated_if_not_mirrored .=
823                                    $non_utf8_from_backslashed if $from < 256;
825            # We deprecate using any of these strongly directional characters
826            # at either end of the string, in part so we could allow them to
827            # be reversed.
828            $deprecated_if_not_mirrored .= $utf8_to_backslashed
829                                       if index ($deprecated_if_not_mirrored,
830                                                 $utf8_to_backslashed) < 0;
831        }
833        # The implementing code in toke.c assumes that the byte length of each
834        # opening delimiter is the same as its mirrored closing one.  This
835        # makes sure of that by checking upon each iteration of the loop.
836        if (length $utf8_opening != length $utf8_closing) {
837            die "Byte length of representation of '"
838              .  charnames::viacode($from)
839              . " differs from its mapping '"
840              .  charnames::viacode($to)
841              .  "'";
842        }
844        print STDERR format_pairs_line($from, $to) if $output_lists;
845    }
846    $output_lists = 0;  # Only output in first iteration
848    print $out_fh <<~"EOT";
850        #   ifdef PERL_IN_TOKE_C
851               /* Paired characters for quote-like operators, in UTF-8 */
852        #      define EXTRA_OPENING_UTF8_BRACKETS "$utf8_opening"
853        #      define EXTRA_CLOSING_UTF8_BRACKETS "$utf8_closing"
855               /* And not in UTF-8 */
856        #      define EXTRA_OPENING_NON_UTF8_BRACKETS "$non_utf8_opening"
857        #      define EXTRA_CLOSING_NON_UTF8_BRACKETS "$non_utf8_closing"
859               /* And what's deprecated */
860        #      define DEPRECATED_OPENING_UTF8_BRACKETS "$deprecated_if_not_mirrored"
861        #      define DEPRECATED_OPENING_NON_UTF8_BRACKETS "$non_utf8_deprecated_if_not_mirrored"
862        #   endif
863        EOT
865    my $max_PRINT_A = 0;
866    for my $i (0x20 .. 0x7E) {
867        $max_PRINT_A = $a2n[$i] if $a2n[$i] > $max_PRINT_A;
868    }
869    $max_PRINT_A = sprintf "0x%02X", $max_PRINT_A;
870    print $out_fh <<"EOT";
872#   ifdef PERL_IN_REGCOMP_ANY
873#     define MAX_PRINT_A  $max_PRINT_A   /* The max code point that isPRINT_A */
874#   endif
877    print $out_fh get_conditional_compile_line_end();
881if ($output_omitteds) {
882    # We haven't bothered to delete things that later became used.
883    foreach my $which (\%paireds,
884                       \%unused_bidi_pairs,
885                       \%unused_pairs)
886    {
887        foreach my $lhs (keys $which->%*) {
888            delete $discards{$lhs};
889            delete $discards{$which->{$lhs}};
890        }
891    }
893    print STDERR "\nMirrored says Unicode, but not currently used as paired string delimiters\n";
894    foreach my $from (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %unused_bidi_pairs) {
895        print STDERR format_pairs_line($from, $unused_bidi_pairs{$from});
896    }
898    print STDERR "\nMirror found by name, but not currently used as paired string delimiters\n";
899    foreach my $from (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %unused_pairs) {
900        print STDERR format_pairs_line($from, $unused_pairs{$from});
901    }
903    # Invert %discards so that all the code points for a given reason are
904    # keyed by that reason.
905    my %inverted_discards;
906    foreach my $code_point (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %discards) {
907        my $type = $discards{$code_point}{reason};
908        push $inverted_discards{$type}->@*, [ $code_point,
909                                              $discards{$code_point}{mirror}
910                                            ];
911    }
913    # Then output each list
914    foreach my $type (sort keys %inverted_discards) {
915        print STDERR "\n$type\n" if $type ne "";
916        foreach my $ref ($inverted_discards{$type}->@*) {
917            print STDERR format_pairs_line($ref->[0], $ref->[1]);
918        }
919    }
922my $count = 0;
923my @other_invlist = prop_invlist("Other");
924for (my $i = 0; $i < @other_invlist; $i += 2) {
925    $count += ((defined $other_invlist[$i+1])
926              ? $other_invlist[$i+1]
927              : 0x110000)
928              - $other_invlist[$i];
930$count = 0x110000 - $count;
931print $out_fh <<~"EOT";
933    /* The number of code points not matching \\pC */
934    #ifdef PERL_IN_REGCOMP_ANY
935    #  define NON_OTHER_COUNT  $count
936    #endif
937    EOT
939# If this release has both the CWCM and CWCF properties, find the highest code
940# point which changes under any case change.  We can use this to short-circuit
941# code
942my @cwcm = prop_invlist('CWCM');
943if (@cwcm) {
944    my @cwcf = prop_invlist('CWCF');
945    if (@cwcf) {
946        my $max = ($cwcm[-1] < $cwcf[-1])
947                  ? $cwcf[-1]
948                  : $cwcm[-1];
949        $max = sprintf "0x%X", $max - 1;
950        print $out_fh <<~"EOS";
952            /* The highest code point that has any type of case change */
953            #ifdef PERL_IN_UTF8_C
954            #  define HIGHEST_CASE_CHANGING_CP  $max
955            #endif
956            EOS
957    }
960print $out_fh "\n#endif /* PERL_UNICODE_CONSTANTS_H_ */\n";
966# Note that any apidoc comments you want in the file need to be added to one
967# of the prints above
969# A blank line is output as-is.
970# Comments (lines whose first non-blank is a '#') are converted to C-style,
971# though empty comments are converted to blank lines.  Otherwise, each line
972# represents one #define, and begins with either a Unicode character name with
973# the blanks and dashes in it squeezed out or replaced by underscores; or it
974# may be a hexadecimal Unicode code point of the form U+xxxx.  In the latter
975# case, the name will be looked-up to use as the name of the macro.  In either
976# case, the macro name will have suffixes as listed above, and all blanks and
977# dashes will be replaced by underscores.
979# Each line may optionally have one of the following flags on it, separated by
980# white space from the initial token.
981#   string  indicates that the output is to be of the string form
982#           described in the comments above that are placed in the file.
983#   string_skip_ifundef  is the same as 'string', but instead of dying if the
984#           code point doesn't exist, the line is just skipped: no output is
985#           generated for it
986#   first   indicates that the output is to be of the FIRST_BYTE form.
987#   tail    indicates that the output is of the _TAIL form.
988#   native  indicates that the output is the code point, converted to the
989#           platform's native character set if applicable
991# If the code point has no official name, the desired name may be appended
992# after the flag, which will be ignored if there is an official name.
994# This program is used to make it convenient to create compile time constants
995# of UTF-8, and to generate proper EBCDIC as well as ASCII without manually
996# having to figure things out.
999U+017F string
1001U+0300 string
1002U+0307 string
1004U+1E9E string_skip_if_undef
1006U+FB05 string
1007U+FB06 string
1008U+0130 string
1009U+0131 string
1011U+2010 string
1012BOM first
1013BOM tail
1015BOM string
1017U+FFFD string
1019U+10FFFF string MAX_UNICODE
1021NBSP native
1022NBSP string
1024DEL native
1025CR  native
1026LF  native
1027VT  native
1028ESC native
1029U+00DF native
1030U+00DF string
1031U+00E5 native
1032U+00C5 native
1033U+00FF native
1034U+00B5 native
1035U+00B5 string