xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/packagev.t (revision 09467b48)
4    chdir 't' if -d 't';
5    require './test.pl';
6    set_up_inc(qw '../lib ../cpan/version/lib');
9# XXX remove this later -- dagolden, 2010-01-13
10# local *STDERR = *STDOUT;
12my @syntax_cases = (
13    'package Foo',
14    'package Bar 1.23',
15    'package Baz v1.2.3',
18my @version_cases = <DATA>;
20plan tests => 7 * @syntax_cases + 7 * (grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } @version_cases)
21            + 2 * 3;
23use warnings qw/syntax/;
24use version;
26for my $string ( @syntax_cases ) {
27    eval "$string";
28    is( $@, '', qq/eval "$string"/ );
29    eval "$string;";
30    is( $@, '', qq/eval "$string;"/ );
31    eval "$string ;";
32    is( $@, '', qq/eval "$string ;"/ );
33    eval "{$string}";
34    is( $@, '', qq/eval "{$string}"/ );
35    eval "{ $string }";
36    is( $@, '', qq/eval "{ $string }"/ );
37    eval "${string}{}";
38    is( $@, '', qq/eval "${string}{}"/ );
39    eval "$string {}";
40    is( $@, '', qq/eval "$string {}"/ );
44for my $line (@version_cases) {
45    chomp $line;
46    # comments in data section are just diagnostics
47    if ($line =~ /^#/) {
48	diag $line;
49	next LINE;
50    }
52    my ($v, $package, $quoted, $bare, $match) = split /\t+/, $line;
53    my $warning = "";
54    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= $_[0] . "\n" };
55    $match = defined $match ? $match : "";
56    $match =~ s/\s*\z//; # kill trailing spaces
58    # First handle the 'package NAME VERSION' case
59    foreach my $suffix (";", "{}") {
60	$withversion::VERSION = undef;
61	if ($package eq 'fail') {
62	    eval "package withversion $v$suffix";
63	    like($@, qr/$match/, "package withversion $v$suffix -> syntax error ($match)");
64	    ok(! version::is_strict($v), qq{... and "$v" should also fail STRICT regex});
65	}
66	else {
67	    my $ok = eval "package withversion $v$suffix $v eq \$withversion::VERSION";
68	    ok($ok, "package withversion $v$suffix")
69	      or diag( $@ ? $@ : "and \$VERSION = $withversion::VERSION");
70	    ok( version::is_strict($v), qq{... and "$v" should pass STRICT regex});
71	}
72    }
74    # Now check the version->new("V") case
75    my $ver = undef;
76    eval qq/\$ver = version->new("$v")/;
77    if ($quoted eq 'fail') {
78	like($@, qr/$match/, qq{version->new("$v") -> invalid format ($match)})
79          or diag( $@ ? $@ : "and \$ver = $ver" );
80	ok( ! version::is_lax($v), qq{... and "$v" should fail LAX regex});
81    }
82    else {
83	is($@, "", qq{version->new("$v")});
84	ok( version::is_lax($v), qq{... and "$v" should pass LAX regex});
85    }
87    # Now check the version->new(V) case, unless we're skipping it
88    if ( $bare eq 'na' ) {
89        pass( "... skipping version->new($v)" );
90	next LINE;
91    }
92    $ver = undef;
93    eval qq/\$ver = version->new($v)/;
94    if ($bare eq 'fail') {
95	like($@, qr/$match/m, qq{... and unquoted version->new($v) has same error})
96          or diag( $@ ? $@ : "and \$ver = $ver" );
97    }
98    else {
99	is($@, "", qq{... and version->new($v) is ok});
100    }
104# Tests for #72432 - which reports a syntax error if there's a newline
105# between the package name and the version.
107# Note that we are using 'run_perl' here - there's no problem if
108# "package Foo\n1;" is evalled.
110for my $v ("1", "1.23", "v1.2.3") {
111    ok (run_perl (prog => "package Foo\n$v; print 1;"),
112                          "New line between package name and version");
113    ok (run_perl (prog => "package Foo\n$v { print 1; }"),
114                          "New line between package name and version");
117# The data is organized in tab delimited format with these columns:
119# value		package		version->new	version->new	regex
120# 				quoted		unquoted
122# For each value, it is tested using eval in the following expressions
124# 	package foo $value;			# column 2
125# and
126# 	my $ver = version->new("$value");	# column 3
127# and
128# 	my $ver = version->new($value);		# column 4
130# The second through fourth columns can contain 'pass' or 'fail'.
132# For any column with 'pass', the tests makes sure that no warning/error
133# was thrown.  For any column with 'fail', the tests make sure that the
134# error thrown matches the regex in the last column.  The unquoted column
135# may also have 'na' indicating that it's pointless to test as behavior
136# is subject to the perl parser before a stringifiable value is available
137# to version->new
139# If all columns are marked 'pass', the regex column is left empty.
141# there are multiple ways that underscores can fail depending on strict
142# vs lax format so these test do not distinguish between them
144# If the DATA line begins with a # mark, it is used as a diag comment
1461.00		pass	pass	pass
1471.00001		pass	pass	pass
1480.123		pass	pass	pass
14912.345		pass	pass	pass
15042		pass	pass	pass
1510		pass	pass	pass
1520.0		pass	pass	pass
153v1.2.3		pass	pass	pass
154v1.2.3.4	pass	pass	pass
155v0.1.2		pass	pass	pass
156v0.0.0		pass	pass	pass
15701		fail	pass	pass	no leading zeros
15801.0203		fail	pass	pass	no leading zeros
159v01		fail	pass	pass	no leading zeros
160v01.02.03	fail	pass	pass	no leading zeros
161.1		fail	pass	pass	0 before decimal required
162.1.2		fail	pass	pass	0 before decimal required
1631.		fail	pass	pass	fractional part required
1641.a		fail	fail	na	fractional part required
1651._		fail	fail	na	fractional part required
1661.02_03		fail	pass	pass	underscore
167v1.2_3		fail	pass	pass	underscore
168v1.02_03	fail	pass	pass	underscore
1690_		fail	fail	na	underscore
1701_		fail	fail	na	underscore
1711_.		fail	fail	na	underscore
1721.1_		fail	fail	na	underscore
1731.02_03_04	fail	fail	na	underscore
1741.2.3		fail	pass	pass	dotted-decimal versions must begin with 'v'
175v1.2		fail	pass	pass	dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts
176v0		fail	pass	pass	dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts
177v1		fail	pass	pass	dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts
178v.1.2.3		fail	fail	na	dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts
179v		fail	fail	na	dotted-decimal versions require at least three parts
180v1.2345.6	fail	pass	pass	maximum 3 digits between decimals
181undef		fail	pass	pass	non-numeric data
1821a		fail	fail	na	non-numeric data
1831.2a3		fail	fail	na	non-numeric data
184bar		fail	fail	na	non-numeric data
185_		fail	fail	na	non-numeric data