xref: /openbsd/lib/libc/stdlib/tfind.c (revision f2dfb0a4)
1 /*
2  * Tree search generalized from Knuth (6.2.2) Algorithm T just like
3  * the AT&T man page says.
4  *
5  * The node_t structure is for internal use only, lint doesn't grok it.
6  *
7  * Written by reading the System V Interface Definition, not the code.
8  *
9  * Totally public domain.
10  */
12 #include <search.h>
14 typedef struct node_t
15 {
16     char	  *key;
17     struct node_t *llink, *rlink;
18 } node;
20 /* find a node, or return 0 */
21 void *
22 tfind(vkey, vrootp, compar)
23 	const void	*vkey;		/* key to be found */
24 	void		*const *vrootp;	/* address of the tree root */
25 	int		(*compar) __P((const void *, const void *));
26 {
27     char *key = (char *)vkey;
28     node **rootp = (node **)vrootp;
30     if (rootp == (struct node_t **)0)
31 	return ((struct node_t *)0);
32     while (*rootp != (struct node_t *)0) {	/* T1: */
33 	int r;
34 	if ((r = (*compar)(key, (*rootp)->key)) == 0)	/* T2: */
35 	    return (*rootp);		/* key found */
36 	rootp = (r < 0) ?
37 	    &(*rootp)->llink :		/* T3: follow left branch */
38 	    &(*rootp)->rlink;		/* T4: follow right branch */
39     }
40     return (node *)0;
41 }