1*ad977213Sespie# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2002/02/26 16:54:47 espie Exp $ 2d30492b3Sespie 3fcb573ceSespie# We don't pass t7, t13, t14... 4*ad977213SespieREGRESSTARGETS=t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 5d30492b3Sespie 6fe973566SespieMALLOC_OPTIONS?=AZJ 7d30492b3Sespiet1: t1.out 8fe973566Sespie env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -e -r -f ${.CURDIR}/mk1 | diff - t1.out 9d30492b3Sespie 10d30492b3Sespie 11d30492b3Sespie# This is a POSIX test. pmake does not pass variables to submakes until 12d30492b3Sespie# after OpenBSD 2.7. 13d30492b3Sespiet2: 14fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk2| diff - t2.out 15d30492b3Sespie 16d30492b3Sespiet3: 17fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk3 -f mk3a|diff - t3.out 18fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && cat mk3a |env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk3 -f -|diff - t3.out 19fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && cat mk3 |env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f - -f mk3a|diff - t3.out 20fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && cat mk3 mk3a|env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f - |diff - t3.out 21d30492b3Sespie 22d30492b3Sespiet4: 23fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && cat mk4 mk4a|env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f - |diff - t4.out 24d30492b3Sespie # Splitting files along conditionals should not work 25fe973566Sespie if cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk4 -f mk4a 2>/dev/null; then false; fi 26d30492b3Sespie 27d30492b3Sespie# Another POSIX test, checking that MAKEFLAGS does work 28d30492b3Sespiet5: 29d30492b3Sespie # first check that make does fail as expected 30fe973566Sespie if cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mkfail 2>/dev/null; then false; fi 31d30492b3Sespie # first form of MAKEFLAGS 32fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MAKEFLAGS=-n MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mkfail 33d30492b3Sespie # second form of MAKEFLAGS 34fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MAKEFLAGS=n MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mkfail 35d30492b3Sespie 36d30492b3Sespiet6: 37fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} A=good -r -f mk6 | diff - t6.out 38d30492b3Sespie 39300b6ef0Sespie# This test currently fails, and will until the cond parser is rewritten. 401a5be1c1Sespiet7: 41fe973566Sespie if cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk7 2>/dev/null; then false; fi 421a5be1c1Sespie 439e90d608Sespie# check for existent/non existent files 449e90d608Sespiet8: 459e90d608Sespie touch goodfile phony 46fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk8 | diff - t8.out 479e90d608Sespie 483a482e43Sespiet9: 49fe973566Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk9 2>&1 | diff - t9.out 503a482e43Sespie 51a3ee128fSespie# verify that systemV extended variables work as expected 52a3ee128fSespiet10: z.a 53a3ee128fSespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk10 |diff - t10.out 54a3ee128fSespie 55da5327dbSespie# check for substitution parser in some confusing situations 56da5327dbSespiet11: 57da5327dbSespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk11 |diff - t11.out 58da5327dbSespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk11 A=t|diff - t11.out2 59da5327dbSespie 6000a5c933Sespie# Check for filename expansions. 6100a5c933Sespiet12: 6200a5c933Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk12 |diff - t12.out 6300a5c933Sespie 64ea40f178Sespie# Verify whitespace handling. Currently failing. 65ea40f178Sespiet13: 66ea40f178Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk13 |diff - t13.out 67ea40f178Sespie 68fcb573ceSespiet14: 69fcb573ceSespie if cd ${.CURDIR} && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk14 2>/dev/null; then false; fi 70fcb573ceSespie 71*ad977213Sespiet15: 72*ad977213Sespie touch t15file 73*ad977213Sespie cd ${.CURDIR} && ulimit -t 2 && env -i PATH=${PATH} MALLOC_OPTIONS=${MALLOC_OPTIONS} ${MAKE} -r -f mk15 2>/dev/null 74*ad977213Sespie 75a3ee128fSespiez.a: 76a3ee128fSespie touch $@ 77a3ee128fSespie 78d30492b3Sespiet1.out: 79d30492b3Sespie echo MACHINE_ARCH=${MACHINE_ARCH} >$@ 80d30492b3Sespie 81*ad977213Sespie.PHONY: t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 regress 82d30492b3Sespie 83*ad977213SespieCLEANFILES+=t1.out z.a a.a a.b goodfile phony t15file 84d30492b3Sespie 858267faadSart.include <bsd.regress.mk> 86