1BD-BADARGS(1) General Commands Manual BD-BADARGS(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 BBdd--bbaaddaarrggss - display block with bad arguments 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 trailing -offset: 8 9 is ignored 10 double -compact and -offset: 11 last wins 12 no type: 13 14 displayed text 15 double type: 16 ragged unfilled 17 unfilled 18 ragged 19 file /dev/null: 20 21 ragged offset indent 22 trailing -file: 23 24 ragged offset indent 25 missing -file argument: 26 27 ragged offset indent 28 no argument whatsoever: no argument 29 30OpenBSD July 4, 2017 OpenBSD 31